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Better Education for All Children: The Annual Fiscal Analysis of

A Virginia Educational Improvement Tax Credit

By Christian N. Braunlich

Vice President, Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy

Foreword by Dr. Howard Fuller

Chairman, Black Alliance for Educational Options

February 2008

Updated With Most Recent Fiscal Data Available

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Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy The Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy is a non-partisan research and education organization devoted to improving the lives of the people in Virginia. The Institute was organized in 1996, and was the only state and local government focused public policy foundation in Virginia based on a philosophy of limited government, free enterprise and individual responsibility. It is a “solutions tank” seeking better ways to accomplish the policies and programs currently being undertaken by state and local government – always based on the Institute’s underlying philosophy. The first study was published in February 1997. The work of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy is geared toward educating our political, business and community leadership about the issues facing our society here in Virginia. The Institute offers suggested solutions to these problems in a non-partisan manner. The Thomas Jefferson Institute is a fully approved foundation by the Internal Revenue Service. It is designated a 501 ( c ) 3 organization and contributions are tax-deductible under the law. Individuals, corporations, associations and foundations are invited to contribute to the Thomas Jefferson Institute and participate in our programs. For more information on the programs and publications of the Thomas Jefferson Institute, please contact:

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This study, Better Education for All Children, is published by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy. This study does not necessarily reflect the views of the Thomas Jefferson Institute or its Board of Directors. Nothing in this study should be construed as an attempt to hinder or aid any legislation.

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Better Education for All Children Forward

Parent choice already exists in America – unless you are poor. Affluent families have choice because they can move to different neighborhoods or

communities, send their children to private schools or supplement education with tutors and enrichment programs. Lower-income and working-class families are typically trapped with one option by virtue of their zip code – and most often that is a poorly-performing school.

This annual Fiscal Analysis update outlines one cost-effective solution to the challenge of

increasing educational opportunity for all Virginians. It proposes an educational tax credit that could be used by sponsoring non-profit groups providing scholarships to students without alternatives.

Most importantly, this paper demonstrates why such a tax credit would not hurt the

state’s treasury … and not be a drain on local school districts. It would, in fact, leave more money available for education throughout Virginia while still providing choices for parents who currently do not have it.

This is not a radical idea. Eleven states and the District of Columbia have enacted 19 parent choice programs.

More than 135,000 students use publicly-financed school choice to find the best educational options. Another 540,000 families in Illinois, Minnesota and Iowa use personal tax credits or deductions to make educational alternatives more affordable. Scholarships for students with disabilities are providing new hope for kids in Florida, Ohio, Utah, Georgia, and Arizona.

Demand for such scholarships far outstrips supply. Parents are demanding better for their

children – not because they are “anti-public schools,” but because they want quality schools, both public and private, for their children. They understand that our children are our most precious gift from God, and it is our responsibility to love them, nurture them, protect them, and ensure that they are properly educated.

More than 30 years ago, I was a community organizer involved with dedicated and

committed people who were trying to change the power arrangements in Durham N.C.. I worked with low income and working class parents who were striving to get more control over their lives. They wanted to be able to exercise more of the advantages of living in a democratic society. Today, I am still fighting that same battle via the struggle for parent choice. One of the arguments that opponents use to forestall the creation of these programs is, “If we let these poor parents out, it will destroy the system.” But I have heard those arguments before many times in so may different venues over the years, and I have to ask: Is education about the system, or is it about the parents and the children? Without a good education, the next generation has no real chance to engage in the practice of freedom: the process of transforming their, and our, world. We owe it to them to provide the best we’ve got … and the Virginia Educational Improvement Act is an important path to the best. Howard Fuller Chair, Black Alliance for Educational Options February 2008

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Better Education for All Children A Virginia Educational Improvement Tax Credit

Executive Summary In the debate over parental choice in Virginia, many questions remain unanswered. What would be the fiscal effects of a parental choice package, both at the state and local level? Where else in the United States has parental choice been used, and what forms has it taken? What would be the best path to choice in Virginia? What are the unique obstacles to parental choice in Virginia, and what historical challenges have made choice an emotional issue among many black Virginians? What has been the academic impact of parental choice in other states – both for the students who choose to leave the public schools and for those who choose to remain in public schools? In January 2005, the Thomas Jefferson Institute reviewed these issues, offering answers and proposing a means by which parental choice might successfully help at-risk students in the Old Dominion. This paper updates that study with new data for the third year. In The View From Other States, we briefly review the differences between vouchers and tax credits explaining why a tax credit system is preferable in Virginia. We then explore the tax credit systems existing in six other states. Historical Perspectives in the Old Dominion examines how tuition grants were used a half-century ago to block integration in Virginia. We also underscore the differences between the race-based choice of the ‘50s and ‘60s, and contrast it with the freedom-based choice used to assist at-risk, mostly minority, children around the country today. In Help for Students, we explore the impact of more than a half-dozen parental choice programs, reviewing studies demonstrating positive effects on public and private schoolchildren. Finally, in A Virginia Educational Improvement Tax Credit Proposal we suggest a prototype tax credit and outline the impact such a proposal would have on a per-pupil basis. Because the composition of per-pupil funding varies so greatly in Virginia from school division to school division, we demonstrate the impact on both state and local expenditures. Our conclusions: An Educational Improvement Tax Credit program would work best in Virginia, avoiding legal obstacles inherent in a voucher system. A Virginia program should focus on high poverty students, not only because these are the students most in need of alternatives, but because such a focus would eliminate concerns about the “re-segregation of Virginia’s schools.” While the results are not uniform, where parental choice has been utilized it has had a positive effect on the academic performance of students who exercise choice as well as improving the education of children who remain in the public schools. And finally, we conclude that an Educational Improvement Tax Credit as we outline would have no effect on state funding of education. The effect on local school system finances would generally have a positive impact on available funds at the local level.

The Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy is appreciative of the support from Verizon Virginia, which enabled us to research, publish and distribute this study.

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The View from Other States

Forms of parental choice exist in all or portions of eleven states. These include state-funded voucher programs for high poverty students, long-time tuition programs in Vermont and Maine (where, for nearly 150 years, public money has been used to send students to private schools), and tuition tax credit plans offering tax credits for parents or companies to underwrite further options for students. However, a generalized voucher plan – whereby the state offers a direct voucher to parents for use in the school of their choice – is less likely to be successful in Virginia because of the state’s status as a “Blaine Amendment” state. In 1875, Congressman James G. Blaine (R-ME) authored an amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibiting the use of public money at “sectarian” schools. Although narrowly defeated in the U.S. Senate, individual states began passing similar amendments into their state constitutions as a direct result of the Nativist, anti-Catholic bigotry that ran strong through American politics in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Thirty-six states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico currently have such language. The Virginia State Constitution contains such prohibitive language. Although the federal constitutionality of the “Blaine Amendment” is likely to be challenged, such a challenge will take time working its way through the federal court system to the U.S. Supreme Court. In addition, Virginia’s Constitution includes “compelled support” provisions dating back to the colonial era with the intention of preventing state government from compelling individuals to financially support or attend a church designated by the state. The existence of the “Blaine Amendment” and “compelled support” language in the Virginia Constitution makes passage of a voucher plan less likely. Vouchers are also considered suspect by many parental choice supporters, fearing they will lead to increasing state and/or federal involvement and mandates in school curricula and instructional methodology. As a consequence, the likely path to parental choice in Virginia is the use of tax credits. A tax credit or deduction does not involve the use of funds already collected by the state, and instead offers a tax benefit directly to the individual or corporation offering educational funding. Seven states – Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island – offer some form of tax deduction or credit, several signed into law or expanded under Democratic Governors as well as Republicans. A brief description of those programs is important to provide background for any discussion regarding Virginia’s options. Arizona: Under the Arizona plan, all students are eligible to receive scholarships from approved Student Tuitioning Organizations (STOs). The number of students served is limited only by the amount of funding that flows into the program. Begun in 1998, individual taxpayer donors to STOs may claim a dollar-for-dollar refund up to $500; married couples may claim up to $1,000. An additional $250 may be claimed for contributing to a public school foundation. The individual STOs define which students are eligible (within certain non-discrimination guidelines), and also decide the amount of support to each student. The level of aid is typically between half and 80 percent of private school tuition. There is no income cap for recipients, and individual taxpayers may not make a contribution to an STO for his/her/their own child. In school year 2005-06, 22,252 students received scholarships averaging $1,372 each. 2

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Arizona’s law requires STOs to provide the state with data including the total number and amount of contributions received, number and names of children awarded scholarships and the dollar amount of those scholarships. Starting in the 2007-08 School Year, companies will receive a dollar for dollar corporate tax credit, but this new program has a total state-wide cap of $5 million in credits. Scholarships funded by corporate donations are capped at $4,200 in grades K-8 and $5,500 in grades 9-12 (with a $100 per year automatic increase). To be eligible students must have family incomes below 185 percent of the federal poverty level ($37,553 for a family of four) and must have previously attended a public school or be entering kindergarten. This income limit does not apply to the other tax credit scholarship program described above. Florida: Florida has had the most robust number of parental choice options, including state-funded “Opportunity Scholarship” vouchers for children in failing schools (A+ program) and for Special Education students (McKay Scholarships), as well as a choice program for pre-school youngsters. The Florida Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship Program began operation in 2002. In return for donating to Scholarship Funding Organizations (SFOs), corporations may receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit off their corporate income tax. SFOs provide scholarships of up to $3,500 for low-income students to attend the private or religious school of their choice. A transportation scholarship is valued at up to $500. Corporations may donate up to 75 percent of the tax they owe. However, contributions are capped at $5 million to any single SFO. The state-wide cap on total corporate contributions is $88 million. About 14,084 children were expected to use these scholarships in 2005-06. To be eligible, students must be from families earning less than 185 percent of poverty, or $38,203 for a family of four. Scholarship Funding Organizations must be a recognized non-profit granting scholarships to low-income students; must register with and be approved by the Florida Department of Education; disburse 100% of funds for scholarships and conduct an annual outside audit. Private and religious schools participating in the program must complete detailed application, including questions ranging from the number of teachers to food safety inspections. Illinois: The Illinois tuition tax credit program, which began operating in 2000, provides an individual 25 percent tax credit for expenditures above $250, up to a maximum of $500 per family, for approved education expenses at any private or public school. These expenses may include tuition, books and lab fees. The credit cannot reduce an individual’s tax burden to less than zero.

All students are eligible to benefit when their parents invest in eligible education expenses, provided that the taxpaying parent has proof of expenses. Over 194,000 taxpayers took the credit in 2003, and slightly more than eight percent of eligible students participate. Iowa: Iowa offers families a personal tax credit, refunding 25 percent of educational expenses up to a maximum refund of $250. These expenses may include tuition and textbook expenses for 3

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subjects commonly taught in public schools, as well as extracurricular activities such as athletics, music, or driver’s education. Expenses in connection with religious teachings or worship, through programs in for-profit schools, or for schools not complying with civil rights laws are excluded. More than 171,000 families participate. More than half of the tax credit dollars go to families earning less than $50,000 per year, and the average claim was $83. In 2006, Iowa enacted a tax credit on personal income taxes for donations to School Tuition Organizations. The credit is pegged at 65 cents for each dollar donated, and there is a state-wide cap of $5 million per year. The amount of credits each STO may grant is limited by its a share of the state-wide cap, as determined by the enrollment at the schools it serves. In order to receive a scholarship each student’s family income may not exceed 300 percent of federal poverty guidelines. Minnesota: Minnesota offers both a tax credit (begun in 1997) and a tax deduction (in 1995), depending upon the income level of the taxpayer. All students are eligible, and the tax benefit may be taken when the taxpayer invests in approved education expenses for a child, including books, tutors licensed by the state, and academic after-school programs. Those eligible for the tax deduction may also deduct tuition fees at private schools. Taxpayers earning less than $37,500 per year may claim a tax credit of 75 percent for their non-tuition education expenses, up to a $1,000 credit for each child. This credit begins to phase out for taxpayers earning above $33,500, at which point the maximum credit is reduced one dollar for every four dollars of earned income. Above $37,500, families with more than two children may add $2,000 to the income ceiling for each child in the family after the first two. Some 58,500 families claim the credit. Taxpayers not eligible for a tax credit may receive a 100 percent tax deduction of up to $1,625 per child in grades K-6 and $2,500 for a child in grades 7-12. It is estimated that 222,000 families take some part of the tax deduction. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program began operation in 2001. The program provides corporations a tax credit of 90 cents on the dollar for two years of contributions to Scholarship Organizations (SOs) offering scholarships for eligible children to attend public, private or religious schools; or for contributions to Educational Improvement Organizations (EIOs) that support innovative programs in public schools. Single year donations receive a 75 percent tax credit. The tax credit is capped at 75 percent of a corporate tax obligation, up to $200,000 (or 90 percent if they make a two-year contribution commitment). In total, the program is capped at $35.9 million for scholarships each year and $18 million for educational improvements. These caps have regularly risen each year, under both Republican and Democratic leadership. Credits are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, as determined by the state, until the annual cap is met. Last year, there was a waiting list of 213 companies wanting to make a donation to an EIO and 298 companies wanting to make a donation to an STO Eligible students are defined as those in families with an income $50,000 or less per family. Allowances are made for each additional child, and household income excludes non-salary income such as disability, workers or unemployment compensation, public assistance, etc.


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During the 2006-07 school year, more than 33,000 students received scholarships. Since 2001, more than 2200 companies have donated more than of $127 million: $84 million for SOs and $43 million for EIOs. Fifty-seven percent of participating companies have given less than $10,000. Rhode Island:

In 2006, Rhode Island enacted a credit on corporate income taxes for donations to Scholarship Organizations supporting private school scholarships. The program was set to go into operation in the 2007-08 school year.

The law is similar to Pennsylvania’s, providing for a tax credit of 75 percent of the

corporate contribution; 90 percent if they donate for two consecutive years and the second donation is at least 80 percent of the first year’s donation. The program is capped state-wide at $1 million, and a corporation can receive a maximum of $100,000 in credits each year. Surplus donations may not be carried forward to generate future tax credits.

Eligible students must have family incomes at or below 250 percent of poverty (or about

$51,625 in school year 2007-08).

Legal Challenges: Opponents of parental choice frequently cite “legal issues” in arguing against legislative

enactment of choice measures. It is important to note that no tax credit program has ever been successfully challenged in the courts, including constitutional challenges.

Indeed, tax credit programs in Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island have never

been challenged at all. The Minnesota program was challenged inn the early 1980s, but in 1983 the U.S.

Supreme Court ruled in favor of the tax deduction program. In 1999, Illinois’ program was challenged in two separate suits by the Illinois Federation

of Teachers and the People for the American Way. The suits charged that the program violated the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and clauses of the Illinois state constitution, which includes both a Blaine Amendment and a Compelled Support clause (see p. 2 for an explanation of these). In 2000, Illinois appellate courts upheld the constitutionality of the law inn both cases and under both the state and federal constitutions. The Illinois Supreme Court refused to grant an appeal of those decisions.


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Historical Perspectives in the Old Dominion

Virginia, like other southern states that resisted court-ordered desegregation efforts, faces particular challenges inherent in any choice-based education proposal. These challenges stem from memories of race-based tuition grants enacted by the General Assembly and used by white Virginia officials to deny black students a public school education. The story of those actions is instructive in understanding the emotional opposition of many black Virginia leaders to school choice, and also important in underscoring the differences between the 1950/60’s-era choice programs and those advocated in the 21st century. Opposition to Brown v. Board of Education was led by Virginia’s elected leaders, most notably U.S. Senator Harry Byrd (D-VA). Byrd persuaded 101 of 128 southern congressmen to sign the “Southern Manifesto,” arguing that the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown was contrary to established principles of federal law. 1 Virginia was also among the first to enact a state version of the “Southern Manifesto” and in 1956 approved a tuition grant statute designed to circumvent the Court’s decision in Brown.2 Tuition grants were originally restricted to private schools and used by white parents to send their children to all-white private academies after local officials attempted to close the public schools, rather than desegregate. Following court decisions prohibiting such public school closures, the General Assembly made the tuition grants available for use at public schools in neighboring school divisions, as well.3 While most local school systems complied with court decisions, Prince Edward County did not. Instead, the county closed all public schools to both white and black students from 1959 to 1964. The tuition grant was then utilized at white-only private academies opened during those five years.4 The only other alternative for the formal education of black children was to send them to another county. While a handful of white children did not enroll in the academies, more than two-thirds of black children were denied any formal education during this time. Those that received formal education usually did so only by sneaking over county borders to other school systems or by being sent out of the county to live with relatives. The U.S. Supreme Court intervened in 1964 in Griffin v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, ruling that closing public schools and providing public funds for the all-white academies violated the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.5 The tuition grant law itself was left unscathed. Not until 1969 did a federal district court in Griffin v. State Board of Education rule that Virginia’s tuition grant law violated the equal protection clause because of its racist use to circumvent Brown.6 This 13-year battle for the education of their children is seared into the souls of black Virginians who understandably oppose any hint of reviving a mechanism that sounds suspiciously similar. During the 1950/60s private schools had simply become an all-white alternative for those seeking to circumvent integration, and the voucher programs of that period constituted state financing of racial discrimination.


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But there are clear differences between the race-based choice of the ‘50s and ‘60s and the freedom-based parental choice movement of the 21st century, and these differences must be understood. Primary among them is intent: During the 13-year history of tuition grants in Virginia, federal courts repeatedly determined that they violated the federal equal protection clause. Over the 16 years that the Milwaukee voucher program has been in place, for example, such a determination has never once been made.7

Race-based school choice plans were developed specifically to prevent integration and maintain segregation. Indeed, in his chapter on race-based school choice for Educational Freedom in Urban America, Gerard Robinson makes the point that eligibility for the ‘50’s/’60s era tuition grant was triggered only by a school closing and only students who had been in a public school were eligible. Virginia Code required closing any public school that became integrated either through court order or voluntary action. In fact, the Governor was authorized to assign a student to another public school when “mixing of White and Colored children constitutes a clear and present danger.”8 Current freedom-based school choice plans are not predicated upon the closing of a public school, and race as a criterion for determining eligibility is prohibited. In states where school choice has been provided, parents of all colors and backgrounds are able to enroll their children into any school they wish.

In fact, in a Fordham Law Review article, Goodwin Liu and William Taylor argue that the major obstacle to desegregation “has been the continued link between school attendance and place of residence,” 9 and that “school choice can and should be used to promote desegregation”10 when targeted towards low income students. The old ‘50s-era grant program was enacted before the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Race-based criteria is specifically prohibited today. Every current school choice program prohibits private schools from discrimination contrary to the guidelines of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The programs put in place throughout the country – whether voucher programs in Cleveland, Milwaukee and Florida or tuition tax credits in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Florida – contain strong anti-discrimination language. Given the history in the Old Dominion, the concerns of black Virginians are understandable. But those concerns will not become reality because of federal law and the vigilance and motivations of those fostering parental choice in the 21st century.


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Help for Students

The bottom line in any education debate should be the effect on students. Often lost in the debate over school choice are answers to three simple questions: Does it help students? Does it provide positive opportunities for students who leave the public school system? And what is the impact on those students who choose to remain within the public school system? Here’s what the research shows – In Cleveland, Ohio, families with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level are given priority for vouchers valued at up to the lower of $2,700 or the cost of private school tuition (families with higher incomes are eligible only if state funds are available). Between the fall of 1996 and the spring of 1998, a Harvard University study found that children using vouchers to attend the two “Hope Charter Schools” experienced a seven percentile point increase in reading and a 15 percentile point increase in math.11 The most recent report conducted by the Indiana University Center for Evaluation found “there is some evidence of a pattern of slightly greater annual achievement growth among students who have used a scholarship continuously since kindergarten.”12 In addition, a report by the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy comparing scholarship students with both public school students who applied for scholarships and failed to receive them and non-applicants, found that “Sixth grade scholarship students who had been in (the program) since kindergarten outperformed both public school comparison groups in language and social studies.” These students also outperformed non-applicants in science.13 In Florida, the A+ Opportunity Scholarship Program of $4,537 for students in grades K-3 and $3,370 for children in grades 4-8 is available to any student attending a public school that is given an “F” grade for two years in any four-year period.14 In existence since 1999, a 2001 state-sponsored study found that schools most at risk of being “voucherized” (in other words, about to have vouchers offered to their students) “achieved test scores gains more than twice as large as those achieved by other schools.” A 2003 study demonstrated that low-performing schools “already facing competition from vouchers showed the greatest improvements … improving by 9.3 scale score points on the FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) math test, 10.1 points on the FCAT reading test, and 5.1 percentile points on the SAT-9 math test.”14 The threat of having vouchers offered to their students helped spur at-risk schools and school districts to take effective action ensuring greater educational achievement for students in the public schools.

ear, increased reading specialists, one-on-one tutoring programs and greater use of phonics.15


als, and ose with the lowest initial test scores – than the federal No Child Left Behind Act.16

A study by Washington reporter Carol Innerst found that the threat of vouchers drove Florida’s lowest-performing schools to enact innovative programs, such as an extended school y And a 2005 paper by Harvard Professors Martin West and Paul Peterson concludedthe Florida A+ Opportunity Scholarship program has a greater positive impact on student performance – particularly for black students, students eligible for free and reduced meth Also in Florida, the McKay Scholarship program offers vouchers to students with disabilities whose parents are unhappy with their assigned public school. The voucher is equal tothe lesser of either the amount of funding a student would have generated at the public school or


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m an 5.1 students per class in public schools to 12.8 students per class in “McKay



eiving all the services required under federal law vs. those in public schools 0.2 percent).17

e than


s Hammons in his study on Vermont schools, which have had a voucher

rogram since 1869.18


posed to competition increased math scores 7.1 percentile oints between 1999 and 2002.”22

90 and

them ols they chose; and individual schools controlling 95 percent of their operating



high schools (41 percent) where students are more likely to have an advantaged ackground.24

s s

the cost of the private school’s tuition and fees. Now serving more than 16,000 students, a 2003 Manhattan Institute study found that class size dropped dramatically for these students, froaverage of 2S

In addition, McKay schools outperformed public schools on measures of accountabilitfor services provided. Almost three times the number of participants (86 percent) in McKay schools report rec(3 In Maine, where vouchers have been in existence since 1873 and are used by mor11,000 students, a study by Dr. Christopher Hammons, of Houston Baptist University in Houston, Texas found that – even when taking into account per-pupil spending, poverty and other factors – standardized test scores increase as competition among high schools for dollars increase. To purchase the same gain in test scores achieved by competition, by increasing per-pupil spending, would cost an additional $909 per pupil. These same conclusionwere also drawn by Dr.p In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, students whose family income does not exceed 175 percent othe federal poverty level are eligible to receive a voucher worth up to $5,783 or the cost of the private school – whichever is lower. There have been seven state-sponsored evaluations of theprogram, and three additional studies conducted by researchers from Harvard and Princeton. State studies sponsored by University of Wisconsin Professor John Witte did not find test score gains but noted, “Choice can be a useful tool to aid families and educators in inner city and poor communities.”19 Harvard researchers found that students in the program for four years achieve again of 11 percentile points in math and six percentile points in reading.20 Princeton researchersfound that students in the program for four years achieve a gain of eight percentile on the math portion of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.21 Harvard Professor Caroline Hoxby concluded that performance improved faster at public schools where many students could receive vouchers, noting that “public schools most exp The Milwaukee choice program has also driven other improvements. Between 192001, the drop-out rate in public schools declined by 37 percent, real spending per-pupil increased by nearly 35 percent, and test scores increased in 12 of 15 categories. Part of theseimprovements resulted from reforms instigated by school choice: Teaching vacancies filled without regard to seniority; education dollars “strapped to the backs” of students, followingto the schob Finally, a September 2004 Manhattan Institute study demonstrated that choice students Milwaukee graduate high school at much higher rates (64 percent) than students in traditional public schools (36 percent). More importantly, those graduation rates are higher than those at selective publicb In Arizona, Dr. Matthew Ladner of the Goldwater Institute, examined test score data from Pima County elementary schools, comparing schools from areas of high competitiveneswhere there were significant alternative options in charter schools, and private and religiou

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s of schools facing competition ere more than 13 times greater than the comparison group.25


a 5.9 percentile point gain in ath and a 6.5 percentile point gain in reading after one year.28

e high-poverty district outperform 5 percent of Texas school districts in achievement gains.29


rime-ridden traditional DC public school system an important consideration for their future.30

ion r school and those who choose to remain in their traditional public schools

ave benefited.

schools with schools were there were few alternatives. After controlling for other factors including poverty and ethnicity, teacher experience and education, and student-teacher ratio, theevidence demonstrated that – when faced with competition – schools in Tucson improved tacademic outcomes at a significantly faster rate than schools not facing competition. The evidence demonstrates that Tucson-area public schools facing competition gained an averagfour national percentile points on Stanford 9 Reading scores, compared with less than one national percentile point for schools not facing competition. Overall, the gains of the schoolsfacing competition were 5.4 times larger than those not facing competition, and in math, the gains were twice as large. In the Language Arts exam, the gainw Privately-sponsored scholarships are in existence throughout the United States, and are more heavily concentrated where a tax credit (as opposed to tax deduction) exists. Whereare heavily concentrated, their results have been similar. In New York City, a Harvard University study found that, after three years, black students with privately funded vouchers scored 9.2 National Percentile Rank (NPR) points higher than their public school peers on IowaTest of Basic Skills composite tests.26 In Dayton, Ohio, researchers found that after two yearsblack students had a gain of 6.5 percentile points on standardized tests.27 In Charlotte, North Carolina, students receiving a privately-funded voucher achievedm In Edgewood, Texas, where schoolchildren were offered a scholarship to the school of their choice, the privately funded voucher program helped th8 Not all reports are necessarily quantitative. In Washington, DC, the Opportunity Scholarship Program offering parents federal vouchers to place their children in private schools was analyzed by Georgetown University researchers Patrick Wolf, Thomas Stewart and StepheCornman. The report determined that “higher academic standards, improved safety, increased discipline, greater parental involvement and access to a religious and values-based environment were among the top reasons why parents express satisfaction” with the school choice program. While the program is too young to determine academic differences, the fact that children were safer when attending something other than the cis While parental choice remains a sufficiently limited option to prevent any uniform conclusions, it is clear that where choice has been offered, both students who exercise the optto choose anotheh

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A Virginia Educational Improvement Tax Credit Proposal

Opponents of school choice consistently argue that giving poor students the right to choose a better school would “use public money for private schools” and would “hurt public schools by cutting their funding.” Any successful school choice proposal must necessarily rebut these concerns and must also address the fears of those who believe such a choice proposal would “re-segregate Virginia’s schools.” Over the last several years, numerous choice proposals have been introduced in the General Assembly but not until 2005, when the House of Delegates approved a tax credit scholarship bill sponsored by Delegate Chris Saxman, had any choice legislation made significant progress. That 2005 bill died in the Senate Finance Committee, and Saxman reintroduced a similar bill, HB 1294, in 2006. That bill also passed the House of Delegates – this time with the support of two Black Caucus members, Delegates Algie Howell and Onzlee Ware. A third member, Caucus Chairman Dwight Jones, did not vote. In 2007, the bill again passed the House and was defeated in the Senate. The structure proposed in this paper seeks to continue “moving the ball forward” on the parental choice issue while simultaneously rebutting the frightening and false claims made by choice opponents. This proposal consolidates a number of ideas and is largely based on the successful corporate tax credit used in Pennsylvania as well as HB 1294.

This paper does not comment upon, or attempt to analyze any components providing tax credit assistance to upper income parents. Our analysis is aimed solely at the issue of expanding educational opportunities to students who heretofore have had none. Such an expansion should include the following components – • It should offer a tax credit to companies for donations to a Scholarship Organization

providing scholarships for eligible children to attend the school of their choice. The scholarships must be large enough to make a difference in a family’s ability to choose a school. The tax credit should be large enough to offer encouragement to the donor to take action while not so large as to damage the state treasury. Given Virginia’s relatively low tax rate, a tax deduction provides only minimal tax benefits, so a larger tax credit is needed to maximize the incentive for participation. For the purposes of this proposal, we propose a scholarship equal to the level of state funding for each student in the school division in which he or she resides and a 90 percent tax credit for corporate donations to Scholarship Organizations.

A tax credit also avoids such obstacles as Virginia’s Blaine Amendment, as well as conservative opposition to private school acceptance of state funds and the likely mandates and requirements that could accompany such funds.

• It should target its resources towards those most in need, and those least able to exercise

choice. For the purpose of this proposal and for an easily-defined benchmark, we suggest defining eligible students as those who are currently enrolled in a public school and are eligible for “Free or Reduced Meals” in public schools. This means a student from a family at or below 185% of poverty level (or $38,203 for a family of four) could receive such


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scholarships. In school year 2006-2007, more than 392,000 Virginia students – or 33.3 percent of all students – would have been eligible to receive scholarships.31

While such a limitation will be offensive to some school choice purists, it ensures that a Virginia choice proposal will not lead to the “re-segregation of Virginia schools.” Furthermore, by targeting high poverty students, the proposal also targets the population educators say is among the hardest to educate, eliminating the argument that school choice will “cream” the best student away from public schools.

• The total state-wide tax credits should be capped, at least in the early years. Both Florida and

Pennsylvania did so, although Pennsylvania has regularly raised its cap to accommodate demand. We suggest a cap of $30 million – slightly less than Pennsylvania’s state-wide cap of $35.9 million and far below that of Florida ($88 million). Typically, state economic fiscal analysts will score this as a $30 million “loss” to the treasury. However, as we shall see, this proposal results in neither a “loss” nor a “gain” to the state treasury.

Most choice proposals are capped in the early years in order to manage both demand and capacity. Although, as we shall see, an Educational Improvement Tax Credit does not “drain the treasury,” placing a cap on the total amount of the tax credit will lance the inevitable “cost” argument until fiscal experience makes the point moot.

• An Educational Improvement Tax Credit proposal must ensure that both the funding

organizations and the non-public schools are legitimate. In the case of the funding organizations, they must be a charitable 501(c)(3) organization authorized to provide scholarships, may retain no more than 10 percent of their receipts for overhead expenses, and should submit an annual audit to the appropriate state agencies. In the case of receiving schools, they must comply with federal anti-discrimination provisions (including race and national origin) and meet all state and local health and safety regulations.

• Finally, any legislation should ensure that the schools are doing the job. Receiving schools

should either be accredited by a private accreditation organization or be required to administer an annual assessment in both reading and math for each grade available.

In the alternative, the State Department of Education, with the concurrence of the State Board of Education, could develop a longitudinal analysis similar to that which is planned for the Washington, DC choice program. Such an analysis could evaluate academic performance, retention rates, dropout rates, graduation and college admission rates of students in the program compared with a similar cohort not in the program.


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Educational Improvement Tax Credits: No Lost Funding for Public Schools

What will an Educational Improvement Tax Credit “cost” state taxpayers? Opponents of school choice argue that a tax credit will decrease revenues to the State Treasury, thereby reducing the funds available for public schools. But supporters of school choice make the point that if a child leaves the public schools the costs associated with that child also leave, resulting in no net loss to the State Treasury. Education spending in Virginia is divided between state, local, and federal contributions. Local funding is dependent upon decisions made by the local School Board and the local governing authority (Board of Supervisors or City Council). State funding includes both per-pupil funding based upon staffing requirements and then computed through the state’s Local Composite Index (which is, in turn, based upon a locality’s “ability to pay”), categorical funding, and a revenue stream from sales taxes that is based upon school-age population (including private and home-schooled students). Federal funding includes federal impact aid in areas with a high concentration of federal personnel and federal property, as well as aid based upon school age population and numbers living in poverty rather than public school enrollment numbers. The state funding formula is notoriously complex. The major portion of the Standards of Quality formula is refereed to as Basic Aid and is meant to cover most of the operational expenses required to educate a typical student. To determine the Basic Aid associated with each student in a school division, the maximum number of teachers the state will fund for each grade level in each division is calculated, based on the Average Daily Membership (ADM) and pre-determined guidelines for the minimum and maximum number of students per type of teacher. The average salary for each type of position is then multiplied by the number of positions required by an average Basic Aid dollar amount per ADM, known as the Basic Aid PPA. In other words, the number of students determines the total allowable personnel costs. This number is then divided by the number of students to get an average. This average is then multiplied by the forecasted number of students the division will have in the next year to determine total funding, and this funding is then calculated for each school division using the Local Composite Index (LCI). The LCi is calculated for each school division and reflects a combination of its property wealth relative to the state, its retail sales relative to the state and its income relative to the state. These three components are meant to reflect a division’s local ability to pay, although income cannot be taxed by county governments. The LCI is capped at 0.8, meaning the local division must provide 80 percent of the funds required by the state funding formulas. Six of the state’s 136 school divisions are at this level. The division with the lowest LCI is Lee County, at 0.1769. As a consequence, per pupil expenditures can vary tremendously from school division to school division. In our prototype Educational Improvement Tax Credit, each scholarship given to a student is limited by the amount of per-pupil state aid spent by the state in the student’s school division (not including any sales tax funding stream). As an example, if the state spends $2,700 per pupil in a school division, the amount of the private scholarship for students residing in that school division is limited to $2,700. Funding streams from the local contribution, the state sales tax and federal aid remain with the local school division.


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The state thus “saves” $2,700 it doesn’t have to spend on that student. This is offset by

the tax credit given to corporations for donating to a scholarship organization. In this example, the tax credit comes to roughly $2,700. This is calculated as follows: Because the scholarship organization can use 10% of its revenues for administrative overhead, it takes $3,000 in tax-credited donations to obtain the revenue for one $2,700 scholarship. As a consequence, the true cost of a $2,700 scholarship is $3,000. A 90 percent tax credit on a $3,000 donation consequently comes to $2,700 in foregone tax revenue – the same as the amount withheld from the local school division.

State aid per pupil ranges from as little as $1,204 in Fairfax City to as much as $5,870 in Lee County. In our prototype, a student using a scholarship to leave Fairfax City Public Schools would receive only $1,419, but a similar student in Lee County would receive nearly $6,000.

An important question is whether there will be enough scholarships large enough to make

a difference in the decisions of parents and to help students find educational alternatives. The most successful scholarships offer up to $3,500 per student. Some, like Cleveland, offer between $2,700 and $3,000. Some private scholarships offer as little as $1,000. How many Virginia school divisions will fall into those different ranges?

Number of School

Divisions Range of Available

Scholarships 93 Greater than $3,500 18 $3,000 to $3,499 7 $2,500 to $2,999 5 $2,000 to $2,499 7 $1,500 to $1,999 6 $1,000 to $1,500

Many of these scholarships may be too small to affect the decision-making of some

parents, and clearly a thousand dollars won’t underwrite the tuition at Andover. Yet, a 2002 study by the Clare Boothe Luce Institute suggested that a significant number of Richmond area neighborhood-based private schools offering a safe educational environment have tuition rates as inexpensive as $2,500.

Additionally, the privately-funded CHOICES scholarship program, operating in Virginia

and offering $1,000 scholarships to help parents make educational decisions for their children, reports that even a relatively small level of funding can make a significant impact in the financial decisions of relatively low income families.

An Educational Improvement Tax Credit will help those students who choose an alternative educational environment that better addresses their learning needs. More importantly, it will not hurt the state’s ability to fund public schools elsewhere.


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Educational Improvement Tax Credits: Generally Positive Results for Local School Systems

Determining savings or losses at the local level is more complex. Local per-pupil school

expenditures include both fixed costs (such as transportation or building operating costs, debt service, certain administrative costs, etc.) that remain if a limited number of students leave a school system, and variable costs (such as teacher salaries and supplies) that rise or fall based on the number of students in a classroom. Whether a school division is financially helped or hurt by departing students depends upon the relationship between those fixed costs remaining and the variable costs that disappear.

Even variable costs can fluctuate wildly. For example: Because of class size limitations,

a single fourth grade student leaving a school with two 20-student classes will have a limited impact. However, because the state “caps” 4th grade classrooms at 35 children, a fourth grade student leaving a school with two 18-student classes would potentially save the school division the cost of a second teacher or possibly even the need to rent a trailer for additional classroom space.

Because no formula exists in Virginia for determining the proportion of fixed vs. variable

costs, we considered a surrogate devised in 1995 by the University of Texas at Austin’s Dr. Chrys Dougherty and researcher Stephen L. Becker (MBA, University of Texas) that used data supplied by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The pair examined the average incremental increase in total cost at each individual school when enrollment increased by one student, calculating from that the fixed and variable costs for elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. The variable cost ranged from 82 percent of per pupil cost in an elementary school located in a small school division to 94 percent in a middle school located in a large school division.32 In addition, a 2004 econometric study by Dr. Cotton Lindsay, of Clemson University, concluded that the marginal (or variable) classroom cost of educating a student in South Carolina was in excess of 90 percent. Dr. Cotton re-affirmed his conclusions in 2005 after examining three years worth of data. However, his studies did not incorporate central district office expenses.33

We also examined the recent experience of several Virginia school divisions that had seen student membership rise or fall and the budgetary effects the school system imputed to those membership changes. The variable costs ranged from the mid-seventies to, most recently, 91 percent of the per-pupil costs in Fairfax County when the school division there adjusted its projected enrollment downward.34

These figures struck us as overly optimistic, however. In a small school division or a

small school – as are most Virginia schools – the variable costs were likely to be much lower. To obtain a more accurate picture, we consulted the Virginia Department of Education

Superintendents Annual Report. Table 13 of that report offers a breakdown of disbursements by school division and by category. Some categories (Adult Education, Facilities, Debt Service, Pupil Transportation, Administration) are composed nearly totally of fixed costs. Others (School Food Services, Attendance and Health Services, Technology teachers, Summer School) have a small component of variable costs. The category of Instruction (representing expenditures for


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classroom instruction, guidance services, social work, books, instructional improvements, etc.) has a high percentage of variable costs.

Additionally, given the fact that students choosing a private school under an Educational

Improvement Tax Credit program will be high poverty and also likely be over-represented with students requiring English language and special education services, we felt secure in using the self-reported “Instructional Costs” as a surrogate for variable costs in each school division. These are, in fact, the per-pupil costs most likely to disappear when a high-poverty, at-risk student leaves a public school system.

In computing the fiscal effects of an Educational Improvement Tax Credit on each school

division, we considered the current local contribution per pupil, the fixed costs that would remain in a school division, and the revenue from state retail sales and use tax.

Sales tax distribution is determined and distributed by school-age population within a

school division. Although the 2004 sales tax increase provided additional revenue for less wealthy school divisions, sales tax revenue continues to flow for each school-age child, whether that child is in public, private, religious schools or home-schooled. Thus, a school division continues to receive that revenue stream, even if a current student transfers to private school. The same is also true for much of the federal aid, in which districts are guaranteed to receive at least 85 percent of their prior-year allocation, even if the number of eligible students declines.

In short, for each child who would leave the school system, the local school division

would lose the state and potentially some federal dollars that child would normally bring. The local contribution and the sales tax remain in the school division, as do the fixed costs of education. The result was a formula for each school division that read –

(Local ) (Sales and ) (Fixed Costs ) (Money ) (Contribution ) + (Use Tax ) - (within total per ) = (Remaining ) (Per Pupil ) (Per Pupil ) (Pupil Expenditure) (Per Pupil )

As an example, the attached chart shows for Accomack County a Total Per Pupil Expenditure of $9,624, a local contribution of $2,478, a fixed percentage of student costs of 25.8%, and retail sales and use tax revenue per pupil of $1,021. Thus, the formula indicates –

$2,478 + $1,021 – (.258 x $9,624) = $1,016

In this case, the Accomack County School system, after paying for the fixed costs, would have $1,016 from state sales and local funding for each student who transferred to private sector schools – funds that would then be available to meet help other students in the public schools. In the case of four school divisions, it was impossible to accurately project these numbers, as these school divisions report most of their expenses through other school divisions acting as their fiscal agents: Bedford County, fiscal agent for Bedford City; Fairfax County, fiscal agent for Fairfax City; Greensville County, fiscal agent for Emporia; and Williamsburg, fiscal agent for James City County. The inability to disaggregate these funds made it impossible to determine the fixed vs. variable costs for those school divisions. Consequently, for three of those divisions we imputed the same percentage each as for their fiscal agent division. In the case of Williamsburg-James


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City County, the publicly-reported expenditures overlapped in too many areas and we were unable to project the fiscal results for those two school divisions. The fiscal effect of an Educational Improvement Tax Credit on local school divisions is less uniform than the effect on state funding. Of 134 school divisions for which we could make a determination, 46 would derive a net gain of more than $2,500 for each student who chooses to transfer (some as high as $9,118), 59 would have between $1,000 and $2,499 available for redirection to other uses; 18 would have between than $500 and $999; 11 would have less than $500. Of this latter category, five school divisions would actually lose money through an Educational Improvement Tax Credit. The five school divisions that lose money are among the smallest in the Commonwealth, with less than 14,000 students between them. They also are among those areas with the fewest number of available private schools and thus are least likely to see students migrate away from their systems. Even if all 15,000 students in these seven divisions were to leave their public schools, the net “loss” would be less than $2.2 million. The General Assembly could create a “hold harmless” provision to fund these schools for a period of time to accommodate any loss of funding. No claim is made that this is a perfect measure. Indeed, the amount of money left in a local school division if only one or two students choose to leave could be substantially more (if it eliminated the need for a teaching position) or less (if it made no staffing change) then the amount suggested here. However, since the high-poverty students who can make use of such tuition scholarships are also among the most expensive to educate, their departure from the school system is more likely to have a positive impact on a school system’s finances than the departure of an “average” or “high performing” student. It is clear, however, that a tuition scholarship will generally not have a negative effect on local school finances and is, indeed, more likely to have a positive effect. In the overwhelming majority of school divisions, funds will remain in the local division – even after paying for the fixed costs of a student’s education – available to redistribute for the education of other students.

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Fiscal Effects of a Virginia Educational Improvement Tax Credit

School Division Total Per Pupil


Local Contribution

Per Pupil

State Aid Per Pupil

State Sales Tax Per


Fixed cost Percentage in Division


Money Remaining Per Pupil

Accomack $9,624 $2,478 $4,854 $1,021 25.8 $1,016Albemarle 11,249 7,599 2,183 919 30.1 5,132Alleghany 9,724 3,528 4,703 812 31.1 1,316Amelia 8,047 2,237 4,193 886 28.1 862Amherst 8,474 2,715 4,123 907 27.3 1,309Appomattox 7,945 1,951 4,292 873 27.2 663Arlington 18,201 15,104 1,395 945 27.5 11,044Augusta 8,030 2,781 3,785 946 21.3 2,071Bath 12,441 9,056 1,544 892 29.7 6,253Bedford 7,864 2,971 3,433 861 22.4 2,071Bland 8,506 2,086 4,847 860 26.8 666Botetourt 8,856 3,788 3,684 954 25.0 2,528Brunswick 10,542 2,476 5,252 1,025 28.8 491Buchanan 9,636 2,633 4,763 843 27.5 826Buckingham 9,011 1,933 5,037 991 26.9 500Campbell 8,048 2,379 4,070 917 25.5 1,244Caroline 8,291 2,351 4,019 986 24.3 1,331Carroll 8,365 2,105 4,083 920 25.6 884Charles City 12,945 6,645 4,186 924 28.4 3,893Charlotte 8,435 1,586 5,114 809 32.2 -321Chesterfield 7,858 3,323 3,304 830 26.8 2,047Clarke 8,778 4,972 2,534 882 27.0 3,484Craig 8,121 2,167 4,197 1,001 26.7 1,000Culpeper 8,363 3,623 3,343 829 25.1 2,353Cumberland 10,117 2,545 4,584 1,030 36.1 -77Dickenson 9,261 2,519 4,716 824 30.9 481Dinwiddie 8,841 3,382 4,071 802 31.8 1,373Essex 9,005 3,599 3,625 947 26.1 2,196Fairfax 12,272 9,301 1,506 956 24.0 7,192Fauquier 9,546 6,154 2,032 963 22.6 4,960Floyd 8,214 2,653 3,985 899 24.9 1,507Fluvanna 7,956 3,179 3,637 744 20.3 2,308Franklin 8,518 3,054 3,695 933 26.4 1,738Frederick 9,394 4,599 3,525 831 24.7 3,110Giles 7,839 2,352 3,953 895 23.2 1,429Gloucester 8,726 3,368 3,833 966 26.5 2,022Goochland 9,285 6,632 1,318 868 26.4 5,049Grayson 8,479 1,680 4,607 951 26.3 401Greene 8,806 2,969 4,417 877 19.9 2,094Greensville 10,618 2,075 5,246 885 25.5 252Halifax 9,518 2,497 4,908 928 28.4 722Hanover 7,937 3,888 2,892 862 22.0 3,004Henrico 7,953 3,868 2,735 897 23.4 2,904

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School Division Total Per Pupil


Local Contribution

Per Pupil

State Aid Per Pupil

State Retail Sales and Use Tax

Per Pupil

Percentage of Budget

that is Fixed Costs

Money Remaining Per Pupil

Henry 8,466 2,107 4,411 1,039 28.0 776Highland 12,311 5,338 5,125 947 23.7 3,367Isle of Wight 8,694 3,594 3,494 993 24.1 2,492James City ** 9,018 5,855 2,274 889 King George 7,478 2,662 3,572 774 25.2 1,551King & Queen 12,675 5,209 5,203 1,047 34.9 1,833King William 8,925 3,440 4,053 851 26.2 1,953Lancaster 10,049 6,244 1,996 939 24.6 4,711Lee 9,800 1,419 5,870 982 25.1 -59Loudoun 11,975 9,173 1,664 859 25.7 6,954Louisa 8,721 4,789 2,346 960 25.2 3,551Lunenberg 9,338 2,061 4,775 992 24.1 803Madison 8,804 3,582 3,640 969 29.1 1,989Mathews 8,436 3,534 3,435 870 25.8 2,228Mecklenburg 8,271 2,215 4,419 813 23.0 1,126Middlesex 8,785 4,156 2,942 945 29.0 2,553Montgomery 8,700 3,443 3,555 1,015 24.8 2,300Nelson 9,892 4,491 3,528 1,027 30.5 2,501New Kent 8,659 3,956 3,305 1,024 31.5 2,252Northampton 10,852 4,855 4,434 975 22.4 3,399Northumberland 9,119 4,609 2,473 941 24.0 3,361Nottoway 9,471 2,080 5,077 962 37.4 -500Orange 8,104 3,144 3,537 870 25.3 1,964Page 8,211 2,628 4,044 837 24.7 1,437Patrick 8,365 2,459 4,152 891 25.9 1,183Pittsylvania 7,722 1,668 4,325 929 26.5 551Powhatan 8,717 4,115 3,434 853 26.0 2,702Prince Edward 9,405 2,539 4,564 1,073 25.8 1,186Prince George 8,151 2,100 4,183 894 28.4 679Prince William 9,384 4,413 3,671 863 26.0 2,836Pulaski 8,201 2,525 3,941 925 31.6 858Rappahanock 10,437 6,749 1,991 1,075 24.2 5,298Richmond 8,760 3,041 4,223 822 25.9 1,594Roanoke 8,343 3,651 3,369 921 21.4 2,787Rockbridge 9,196 4,251 3,124 944 26.1 2,795Rockingham 8,617 3,460 3,547 990 23.0 2,468Russell 8,707 1,719 4,741 942 26.7 336Scott 8,417 1,579 5,107 852 28.9 -1Shenandoah 8,878 3,913 3,618 870 19.2 3,078Smyth 8,156 1,603 4,758 860 20.9 758Southampton 8,991 2,811 4,281 1,070 28.0 1,364Spotsylvania 8,282 3,691 3,321 870 24.1 2,565

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School Division Total Per

Pupil Expenditure

Local Contribution

Per Pupil

State Aid Per


State Retail Sales and Use Tax

Per Pupil

Fixed Cost Percentage in Division


Money Remaining Per Pupil

Stafford 8,496 3,801 3,437 876 23.4 2,689Surry 13,085 9,700 1,555 915 30.8 6,585Sussex 12,496 5,439 4,887 854 29.1 2,657Tazewell 7,899 1,579 4,481 920 22.6 714Warren 7,705 2,853 3,427 929 24.4 1,902Washington 8,360 2,899 3,785 839 25.2 1,631Westmoreland 8,564 2,739 3,781 961 29.3 1,191Wise 8,590 1,926 4,660 885 22.2 904Wythe 8,441 2,444 4,083 909 26.4 1,125York 8,528 3,250 3,338 818 27.2 1,748City Of: Alexandria 17,597 14,111 1,380 1,012 28.1 10,178Bristol 9,290 3,155 4,089 938 21.5 2,096Buena Vista 8,485 1,891 5,258 819 22.2 826Charlottesville 13,205 8,264 2,573 1,170 24.9 6,146Colonial Heights 9,743 5,518 2,967 871 22.5 4,197Covington 12,106 6,014 4,017 763 21.2 4,211Danville 8,954 2,563 4,156 1,031 21.6 1,660Falls Church 17,161 14,587 1,344 918 26.9 10,889Fredericksburg 11,594 6,811 1,884 927 24.3 4,921Galax 8,066 2,247 4,121 716 25.0 947Hampton 8,932 2,735 4,297 1,009 24.9 1,520Harrisonburg 10,307 5,227 3,263 818 20.9 3,891Hopewell 9,247 2,817 4,635 851 24.6 1,393Lynchburg 9,240 3,657 3,439 1,072 24.5 2,465Martinsville 9,627 2,935 4,255 1,011 28.9 1,164Newport News 9,317 2,982 4,198 1,045 26.7 1,539Norfolk 9,451 2,839 4,332 963 23.4 1,590Norton 9,188 2,572 4,499 882 22.1 1,423Petersburg 9,944 2,067 5,546 836 28.1 109Portsmouth 9,086 2,605 4,933 829 25.2 1,144Radford 8,539 3,128 4,085 764 23.7 1,866Richmond 12,219 5,915 3,723 1,119 25.5 3,918Roanoke 9,903 3,765 3,992 941 22.4 2,488Staunton 9,333 3,807 3,497 1,227 19.8 3,186Suffolk 8,616 3,031 3,812 981 23.7 1,970Virginia Beach 9,113 3,919 3,446 960 24.5 2,646Waynesboro 9,036 3,580 3,611 978 25.4 2,263Williamsburg** 15,256 7,138 1,603 940 Winchester 10,856 6,268 2,901 874 21.9 4,765Fairfax* 11,738 9,563 1,204 971 24.0 7,717Franklin 10,915 3,515 5,010 860 24.8 1,666Chesapeake 9,051 3,827 3,698 959 22.2 2,777Lexington 8,691 3,605 3,904 758 16.7 2,912

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School Division Total Per Pupil


Local Contribution

Per Pupil

State Aid Per


State Retail Sales and Use Tax

Per Pupil

Percentage of Budget

that is Fixed Costs

Money Remaining Per Pupil

Emporia* 7,684 2,525 4,275 884 25.5 1,450Salem 9,034 4,474 3,198 836 19.1 3,585Bedford* 7,119 2,369 3,927 823 22.4 1,597Poquoson 7,607 2,936 3,511 809 22.5 2,033Manassas 11,302 6,265 3,556 989 22.4 4,722Manassas Park 10,758 5,089 4,302 809 26.0 3,101Town of: Colonial Beach 10,240 2,357 5,172 697 20.8 924West Point 10,014 4,401 4,544 683 23.3 2,751 Sources: Tables 13 and 15, Superintendent’s Annual Report, 2005-2006, Virginia Department of Education. * -- Because other school divisions serve as their fiscal agents, “money remaining per pupil” is calculated for these school divisions using the fixed cost percentages of their fiscal agents: Fairfax County for Fairfax City, Greensville for Emporia, Bedford County for Bedford City. ** -- Because the publicly reported accounting for Williamsburg and James City County overlap in a number of areas, this report was unable to determine the fixed cost percentage of their budgets and therefore unable to determine the funds that would remain within the school system.

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1 Numan V. Bartley, The Rise of Massive Resistance: Race and Politics in the South during the 1950s (Baton Rouge, LA; Louisiana State University Press, 1997), p. 116. 2 Race Relations Law Reporter 3 (1958): 1241. 3 Race Relations Law Reporter 1 (1956): 1094 – 1096; Harrison v. day, 200 Va 439 (1959), and James v. Almond, 170 F. Supp. 331 (1959). 4 Allen v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, 198 F. Supp. 497 (1961). 5 377 U.S. 218, 225 (1964). 6 Griffin v. State Board of Education, 296 F. Supp. 1178, 1180, 1182 (1969). 7 Gerard Robinson, “Freedom of Choice: Brown, Vouchers, and the Philosophy of Language,” Educational Freedom in Urban America (Washington, DC; Cato Institute), p. 38. 8 Harrison v. Day, 200 Va. 439, 443 n.1 (1959). 9 Goodwin Liu and William L. Taylor, School Choice To Achieve Desegregation, (Fordham Law Review, Volume 74, Issue 2), April 3, 2006. 10 Ibid. 11 Paul E. Peterson, William G. Howell, and Jay P. Greene, An Evaluation of the Cleveland Voucher Program After Two Years, (Taubman Center on State and Local Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, and the Center for American Political Studies, Harvard University). 12 Kim Metcalf, An Evaluation of the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Grant Program, 1998-2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003, (Indiana University Center for Evaluation). 13 Jonathan Plucker, Patricia Muller, John Hansen, Russ Ravert and Matthew Makel, Evaluation of the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program: Technical Report 1998-2004 (Center for Evaluation and Education Policy, Indiana University, May 24, 2006). 14 Jay P. Greene, An Evaluation of the A-Plus Accountability and School Choice Program,” (Program on Educational Policy and Governance, Harvard University, February 2001), 14 Jay P. Greene, When Schools Compete: The Effects of Vouchers on Florida Public School Achievement, (The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, August 2003), 15 Carol Innerst, Competing to Win: How Florida’s A+ Plan Has Triggered Public School Reform, (Various Publishers, April 2000), 16 Martin R. West and Paul E. Peterson, The Efficacy of Choice Threats Within School Accountability Systems: Results from Legislatively Induced Experiments (presented before the Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society, University of Nottingham, March 23, 2005). 17 Jay P. Greene and Greg Forster, Vouchers for Special Education Students: An Evaluation of Florida’s McKay Scholarship Program, (The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, June 2003), 17 Ibid. 18 Christopher Hemmons, The Effects of Town Tuitioning in Vermont and Maine, (The Milton and Rose Friedman Foundation, 2002), 19 John F. Witte, First-Year Report: Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (Madison, WI: The Robert M. La Follette Institute of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991); John F. Witte, Andrea B. Bailey, and Christopher A. Thorn, Second-Year Report: Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, (Madison, WI: the Robert M. La Follette Institute of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992); John F. Witte, Andrea B. Bailey, and Christopher A. Thorn, Third-Year Report: Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, (Madison, WI: The Robert M. La Follette Institute of Public Affairs, university of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993); John F. Witte, Christopher A. Thorn, Kim M. Pritchard, and Michelle Clairborn, Fourth-Year Report: Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (Madison, WI: The Robert La Follette Institute of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994); John F. Witte, Troy D. Sterr, Chrisopher A. Thorn, Fifth-Year Report: Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (Madison, WI: The Robert La Follette Institute of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison,1995). 20 Jay P. Greene, Paul E. Peterson, and Jingtao Du, Effectiveness of School Choice, (Program on Educational Policy and Governance, Center for American Political Studies, Department of Government, Harvard University, March 1997). 21 Cecilia Elena Rouse, Schools and Student Achievement: More Evidence from the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, (Princeton University and National Bureau of Economic Research, December 1997).

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22 Caroline Hoxby, School Choice and School Productivity (Or, Could School Choice be a Tide That Lifts all Boats?), (National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 8873, August 2002). 23 All data from: MPS comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, MPS Accountability Reports, MPS Human Resources Department, and MPS Office of Research and Assessment. 24 Jay Greene, Graduation Rates for Choice and Public School Students in Milwaukee (Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, September 2004). 25 Matthew Ladner, Putting Arizona Education Reform to the Test: School Choice and Early Education Expansion (Goldwater Institute, February 6, 2007) 26 Daniel P. Mayer, Paul E. Peterson, David E. Myers, Christine Clark Tuttle, and William G. Howell, School Choice in New York City After Three Years: An Evaluation of the School Choice Scholarships Program, (Mathematic Policy Research, Inc. and the Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University, February 2002). 27 Martin R. West, Paul E. Peterson, and David E. Campbell, School Choice in Dayton, Ohio After Two Years: An Evaluation of the Parents Advancing Choice in Education Scholarship Program, (Program on Education Policy and Governance, Harvard University, August 2001). 28 Jay P. Green, The Effect of School Choice: An Evaluation of the Charlotte Children’s Scholarship Fund Program, (Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Civic Report No. 12, August 2000) 29 Jay P. Greene and Greg Forster, Rising to the Challenge: The Effect of School Choice on Public Schools in Milwaukee and San Antonio, (Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Civic Bulletin No. 27, October 2002) 30 Thomas Stewart, Patrick Wolf, and Stephen Cornman, Parent and Student Voices on the First Year of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program (School Choice Demonstration Project, Georgetown University, October 2005) 31 SY 2005-2006 Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program Eligibility Report, (Virginia Department of Education, School Nutrition Programs, October 2005). 32 Chrys Dougherty and Stephen Becker, An Analysis of Public-Private School Choice in Texas, (San Antonio: Texas Public Policy Foundation, 1995). 33 Cotton M. Lindsay, Fiscal Impact of the 2005 Universal Scholarship Tax Credit Proposal (BB&T Center for Economic Education and Policy Analysis, Clemson University, March 2005) 34 Fairfax County School Board, Final Budget Adoption, June 2004.

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About the Author

Chris Braunlich is vice president of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, Virginia’s premier non-partisan public policy foundation. He served eight years on the Fairfax County School Board, the nation’s 12th largest school system, where he was a strong advocate of educational accountability and research-based reading programs.

Mr. Braunlich has served as Chief of Staff to Congressman John LeBoutillier, Assistant

Vice President of Public Affairs for the National Association of Manufacturers, president of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, and vice president of the Center for Education Reform. His articles have appeared in dozens of publications, including The Washington Post, The Baltimore Sun, The Northern Virginia Journal, The Washington Times, and The Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star.

Mr. Braunlich may be reached by email at [email protected].

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Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy

Board of Directors Michael Thompson: Chairman and President: For over twenty years Mr. Thompson owned his own marketing company. He has been very active in national, state and local politics as well as a number of state and community organizations, commissions, and committees. Randal C. Teague: Secretary/Treasurer/Counsel: A Partner in the law firm of Vorys, Sater Seymour and Pease, Mr. Teague is a noted international attorney. John Alderson: President of the John Alderson Insurance Agency, he chaired the Reagan for President campaigns in Virginia. Warren Barry: Former State Senator, current Member of the Alcohol Beverage Control Board. William W. Beach: Director of the Center for Data Analysis and John M. Olin Senior Fellow in Economics at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. Sandra D. Bowen: Past Secretary of Administration for Governor Mark Warner and past Senior V. P. of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce. She served in major leadership positions for Governor Baliles and Robb. Stephen Cannon: Vice President and General Counsel, Circuit City Company James W. Dyke, Jr: Partner, McGuireWoods and former Secretary of Education for Governor Douglas Wilder. Eva S. Hardy: Senior Vice President for External Affairs and Corporate Communications, Dominion Resources Services, Inc. Robert L. Hartwell: President, Hartwell Capitol Consulting, Senior Consultant to American Systems, International. Alan I. Kirshner: Chairman and CEO of Markel Corporation. Jay Poole: Vice President for Agriculture Policy and Programs, Altria Joseph Ragan: Founder and President of Joe Ragan’s Coffee. John Rust: Former State Delegate and Partner, Rust and Rust law firm. John Ryan: Senior Counsel and Director of Government Affairs for Bristol Myers Squibb. Robert W. Shinn: President of Public Affairs, Capitol Results Todd A. Stottlemyer: CEO, ITS Services, Inc..

Dr. Robert F. Turner: Law professor at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville. Robert W. Woltz, Jr: President and CEO of Verizon-Virginia.

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