Page 1: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

I am well into the collating stage of this project now, as I move through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes that will be in the script will be a1-2 pages each, setting up each scene before the delivery of the dialogue. Tomorrow (Monday) I will be looking at a possible venue for this work to be exhibited in.

I am pleasantly reminded of how heated their relationship was, well I use the word relationship loosely, as they were more like warships, that had a number of cold-wars

A  Divine  Idea  -­‐  1/9/12  

I've  considered  this  idea  for  sometime,  as  I  read  through  Bette  and  Joan,  The  Divine  Feud  -­‐  Shaun  Considine,  to  understand  further  the  relationship  that  is  the  famous  background  behind  Whatever  Happened  to  Baby  Jane  (1962).  I  have  discovered  a  wealth  of  bitchy  quotes  that  at  thrown  back  and  forth  at  both  actresses.  My  initial  idea  was  to  produce  a  series  of  models,  but  that  has  never  really  been  fleshed  out.  There  has  never  really  been  another  relationship  like  this.  I  feel  that  a  script  form  of  work  should  be  produced,  taking  the  people  back  to  the  form  from  which  they  both  responded  to  in  their  work.  I  can't  wait  to  get  my  teeth  into  this  idea.  Until  then  I  have  to  finish  this  great  and  entertaining  read.  


Page 2: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

I  haven't  done  as  much  as  I  wanted  today;  still  Baby  Jane  is  a  massive  subject  to  cover.  Plus  I  have  to  add  in  all  the  breaks  for  the  side  comments  to  come  in.    I  should  be  finished  with  Baby  Jane  and  making  my  way  to  Davis  and  Crawford's  work  on  Hush…Hush  Sweet  Charlotte  (1964)  and  beyond  until  Crawford's  death.  

The  first  draft  is  coming  along  well.  There  is  a  great  structure;  the  quotes  are  working  for  themselves  as  I  hoped  they  would.  I  may  change  the  setting  of  the  conversation  slightly  as  Inside  

the  Actors  Studio  was  before  the  time  of  both  Bette  Davis  and  Joan  Crawford.    If  it  were  set  in  heaven  (if  they  both  ended  up  there  according  to  Davis)  it  would  allow  for  a  more  believable  setting.  

I  feel  the  first  draft  should  be  done  by  the  end  of  the  week,  then  I  can  tweak,  start  to  add  whatever  else  is  need  to  a  working  script.  Even  if  it’s  not  going  to  be  film,  it  has  

Things  are  really  moving  now.  I  have  stopped  collecting  the  quotes  now,  they  are  in  the  bag.  I  have  bought  a  book  to  help  structure  the  script  now.  For  the  moment  I  have  placed  the  two  actresses  in  Inside  the  Actors  Studio.  This  would  never  really  have  happened,  as  by  the  time  the  show  first  aired,  they  were  both  dead.  I  see  it  as  for  now  a  good  platform  for  them  both  to  appear  on.  I  may  change  James  Lipton's  name  in  a  later  draft.  

I  have  to  rely  on  a  suspension  of  belief  and  flashbacks  for  the  script  to  really  work.  I  will  be  placing  ad  breaks  to  allow  for  behind  the  scenes  comments  to  surface  that  

I  did  a  late  night  quote  hunt  last  night,  and  found  heaps  more  quotes  which  will  be  a  fitting  conclusion  to  the  piece,  some  even  fitting  in  different  times  of  their  careers.  I'll  

definitely  have  one  more  quote  hunting  session  soon  then  I  can  move  onto  structure,  I  may  even  be  tempted  to  look  at  the  paper  used  to  print  the  script  onto.  

I  spent  a  good  portion  of  yesterday  working  through  the  Baby  Jane  period  up  to  the  Charlotte  period;  it's  rich  in  quotes  and  events  around  their  lives  and  the  filming.  I  think  a  one  or  two  more  quote  hunting  sessions  will  be  needed  until  I  get  to  the  next  stage  of  organising  the  quotes  into  a  workable  narrative.  

I  passed  the  halfway  point  last  night  during  my  second  quote  hunting  session,  onto  the  rich  detail  that  is  during  the  filming  of  Whatever  Happened  to  Baby  Jane  (1962).  Second  time  around,  even  when  I  am  skim  reading  it's  still  an  entertaining  

and  eye  opening  read.  Thanks  Shaun  Considine  for  making  the  book  available  to  film  lovers.  







Page 3: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

I'm  taking  a  sideways  move  into  the  visual  for  a  while  seeing  how  the  piece  would  look  as  caption.  I  have  decided  to  work  from  photographs,  working  on  top  of  them,  before  adding  a  caption  or  quote.  These  may  sum  up  a  moment  in  their  lives  when  careers  crossed.  Or  even  if  I  find  enough  photographs  to  have  them  sitting  together  with  Lipton.  I'm  not  sure  yet.  

Things  are  going  well,  with  the  first  draft  completed  and  a  few  helpful  readers  I  should  be  able  to  make  a  start  on  the  next  draft  next  week.  If  you  have  a  copy  of  the  script  please  can  I  have  your  thoughts  on  the  first  draft  by  12/11/12  please  so  I  can  make  a  start?  Thanks  again  to  

those  who  have  kindly  offered  to  give  up  their  time.  I  look  forward  to  your  replies.  

The  first  draft  is  complete,  I  have  sent  a  kind  volunteer  to  have  a  read  through  to  see  how  it  flows,  then  I  will  go  from  there  with  feedback.  I  am  still  looking  for  more  volunteers  to  have  a  read  through.  Please  do  get  in  touch.  

The  Script  has  just  under  30  scenes,  some  short,  some  long  that  build  up  the  pace  and  intensity  of  the  relationship,  finishing  with  Lipton’s  famous  last  questions.  I  have  left  the  audience  Q&A  out  as  they  are  not  a  part  of  my  piece,  which  gives  the  audience  who  reads  the  script  time  themselves  to  ask  questions  which  may  or  may  not  be  answered.  

I'm  onto  the  final  stretch  of  the  first  draft,  moving  straight  into  Charlotte  and  even  placing  the  conversation  after  both  their  deaths.  So  it’s  possible  to  have  a  silver  screen  version  of  

Inside  the  Actors  Studio,  where  the  ghosts  of  those  we  have  since  lost  are  brought  back  to  talk  to  Mr  Lipton.    





Page 4: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

I  have  produced  a  few  more  drawings  today;  I  am  starting  to  get  a  feel  for  where  this  project  might  go.  The  script  will  be  used  loosely,  moving  away  from  direct  quotes  to  lines  that  I  feel  are  appropriate  

for  them  both.  I  will  draw  out  the  conversation  and  use  visual  flashbacks  using  the  photographs  as  my  starting  point.  I  have  begun  to  alter  images  and  drawing  more  of  them  that  were  left  out.  Such  as,  placing  an  Oscar  into  Crawford's  


Page 5: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

For  the  moment  I  am  staying  with  Inside  the  Actors  Studio  idea,  so  I  have  drawn  over  a  few  images,  focusing  on  the  angles,  James  Lipton  and  the  chairs,  if  both  Bette  Davis  and  Joan  Crawford  are  to  sit  in  them.  

Drawing  from  the  Actors  Studio  -­‐  11/11/12  

Page 6: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

As  I  briefly  shared  earlier  I  have  finally  brought  all  the  sketched  elements  together  now  for  the  first  time,  so  Joan  Crawford  and  Bette  Davis  sit  with  James  Lipton.    I  will  have  to  maintain  the  same  design  for  the  final  piece  when  it’s  

Looking  at  a  few  of  these  I  know  some  of  them  need  to  be  slightly  reworked,  but  the  general  feel  is  now  there  with  them.  

Staying  with  the  two  ladies  mainly  today  before  I  bring  

both  Inside  the  Actors  Studio  with  James  Lipton.  It's  going  to  be  all  about  find  the  right  poses  to  manipulate,  before  using  the  others  as  flashbacks.  


Also  I  am  half  way  through  re-­‐working  the  script,  as  I  can't  use  quotes  as  I  once  thought.  I  will  be  using  them  to  inspire  the  tone  of  the  work,  as  without  them  in  any  for  the  work  is  without  it's  heart.  


Page 7: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

The  second  draft  of  the  script  element  is  now  complete.  I  have  similar  sections,  taken  a  few  out.  The  next  stage  is  to  find  images  that  fit  with  the  text,  especially  the  flashbacks  and  appropriate  Bette  and  Joan  sitting  poses  for  the  main  images  where  they  are  brought  together.  

I've  been  focusing  on  the  text  elements  of  the  work  today  Finishing  off  the  Baby  Jane  era  and  wrapping  up  the  day  with  the  Oscar  scandal  that  lead  to  Davis  loosing  out  after  Crawford  

apparently  campaigned  against  her.  I  have  noticed  that  the  conversation  is  moving  away  from  James  Lipton  who  acts  as  a  mediator.  I  need  to  bring  him  back  in  somewhat,  or  just  let  him  fade  out  as  they  continue  to  squabble  amongst  themselves.  He  acts  as  the  interviewer  allowing  us  to  hear  about  the  apparent  feud.  



Page 8: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

I  have  been  working  on  a  few  more  captions  today.  Making  5  so  far,  I'm  not  sure  how  many  are  needed,  but  they  are  taking  their  own  direction.  Finding  that  I  have  collected  images,  yet  use  another  one  that  takes  the  narrative  in  a  new  direction.  

I  have  completed  the  first  caption  of  the  Bette  and  Joan  project  for  my  upcoming  solo.    The  composition  will  stay  in  tact;  Small  things  may  change  before  it’s  complete.  

The  First  Caption  –  22/11/12  

More  Captions  –  23/11/12  

Page 9: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

After  spending  time  correcting  yesterdays  captions,  I  have  produced  a  few  more  captions.  I  am  well  into  the  meaty  content  of  the  feud.  My  second  draft  script  is  proving  helpful  as  a  starting  point  instead  of  being  prescriptive  allowing  for  more  creative  responses  to  emerge  instead.  

Todays  Captions    -­‐  24/11/12  

Page 10: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

The  last  of  the  flashback  captions  have  been  completed,  less  than  I  first  thought.  I  will  be  moving  onto  images  that  illustrate  points  that  were  raised,  which  will  have  pieces  of  text  to  accompany  them.  I  feel  that  through  all  of  this  work  another  piece  to  explore  is  that  of  behind  the  scenes  photographs,  using  the  same  medium,  and  

Last  of  the  flashback  captions  –  26/11/12  

Page 11: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

Only  four  backstage  captions  so  far,  

Backstage  captions  –  28/11/12  

Page 12: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

I  have  done  the  majority  of  the  conversation  captions  for  the  piece  now;  I  only  have  two  more  to  do,  which  should  be  done  by  Wednesday.  Some  draw  literally  from  new  source  material  or  from  pieces  I  

Conversation  captions  1  –  2/12/12  

Page 13: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

I'm  doing  really  well  to  balance  two  projects  with  this  reaching  the  layout  stage  now,  having  written  the  3rd  draft  with  the  captions/sketches  in  place.  I  will  then  use  the  floor  plan  I  was  kindly  given  of  the  venue  to  decide  what  is  to  go  where  and  to  get  a  flow  going  in  the  room  before  I  go  to  the  next  stage.  

Last  of  the  conversation  captions  3/12/12  I  have  finished  the  remaining  conversation  captions  now.  I  may  alter  the  font  so  they  can  be  better  placed  into  the  script.  I'll  be  getting  to  work  on  the  Inside  the  Actors  Studio  sketches,  although  the  script  maybe  enough  to  bring  them  together.  The  script  

may  instead  act  as  a  transcript  of  the  special  episode.  I  may  instead  create  a  collage  of  dead  actors  with  James  Lipton  to  add  more  depth.  Then  its  down  to  tweaking  and  layout  of  the  piece  which  may  take  a  week  or  so  to  sort  out  before  I  send  it  all  off  to  be  printed  and  framed.  


Page 14: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes

I  have  finished  editing  all  the  images  so  they  are  all  have  the  same  font  and  size.  I  may  alter  them  if  I  feel  some  are  too  big  

for  the  work.  Also  the  fourth  and  hopefully  final  draft  of  the  transcript  has  been  completed,  and  ready  for  printing  later  this  week  to  start  composing  the  boards  to  then  later  be  framed.  I  noticed  a  few  tweaks  needed  to  be  made  for  flow  and  viewer  understanding.  I  can't  wait  to  see  it  come  together  as  I  print  off  all  the  elements.  

I have all but three sketches to edit before the fun of composing the work on mountboard's begins. Some will be larger than others which is alright as the main content will be found in the Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962) and Hush…Hush Sweet Charlotte (1964) when both Bette Davis and Joan Crawford actually worked together, producing the most work for me to respond to, the rest can be seen as build up.

Before any printing of text can begin - the transcript must be altered to appear as genuine as possible, to feel authentic as a document that brought/brings these two actresses

It  feels  like  a  while  since  I  spent  time  on  this  piece,  which  is  drawing  to  a  close,  however  there  are  plenty  of  things  to  explore  later  on  once  it's  complete  and  on  show.  Now  onto  

todays  events.  I  have  been  ordering  mountboard's  and  looking  into  framing  which  will  be  made  at  the  end  of  the  year.  Leaving  me  to  make  the  final  edits  of  the  drawings,  changing  the  size  of  the  images  to  be  the  width  of  A4,  replacing  the  font  and  having  a  uniform  size.  I  have  decided  to  have  the  font  at  a  higher  size  to  stand  out  from  the  body  of  the  text  which  will  run  through  out  the  piece.  




Page 15: Bette and Joan - · through the book for the second time, before the book (Bette & Joan: The Divine Feud by Shaun Considine) falls to bits. I can see that the scenes


The  hard  work  is  now  over,  I  will  be  taking  the  work  in  to  be  framed  tomorrow.  Now  I  can  sit  back  and  relax,  enjoying  the  festive  period.  I  have  ideas  of  where  to  go  next  with  my  work.  I  hope  next  year  is  as  if  

not  more  successful  than  this  creatively.  

I  have  spent  most  of  the  day  set  at  with  printouts  of  the  finished  work,  carefully  fixing  the  work  to  mounboards  ready  to  be  framed  soon  after.  Hopefully  taking  them  to  the  framers  on  Saturday  or  even  Monday,  failing  that  late  next  week.  Keeping  the  work  in  its  sections,  I  am  onto  the  Hush...Hush  Sweet  Charlotte  (1964)  period  before  rounding  off  with  the  final  questions.  



Acknowledgements  I  would  like  to  thank  the  Author  Shaun  Considine  for  inspiring  me  to  bring  together  both  Bette  Davis  and  Joan  Crawford  into  this  work.  Amy  Christer  and  everyone  at  the  YCentre,  Leicester  in  their  help  and  support  in  allowing  the  show  to  take  place.  West  End  Galleries,  Leicester  for  the  framing  of  the  work.  Without  your  input  throughout  the  creative  process  of  this  work  would  not  be  possible.  

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