
The need to help people with disabilities continues to grow - but Bethesda can’t do this work alone. Bethesda has always partnered with churches, families, volunteers and concerned Christians who are eager to share our commitment of service to and with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. This work can be difficult and costly. But this is central to Bethesda’s mission of Christ-centered service to help those with disabilities who are in need. Our services are never based on a family’s financial situation.

Bethesda needs your help to continue its mission and support people with disabilities. It is a ministry we cannot do alone. We need the help of your congregation to join us as we serve God by serving God’s people together.

We encourage all congregations to help promote and support Bethesda’s mission and ministry. Pray for us. Open your doors and hearts to people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Have a Bethesda Sunday and help your members focus their attention on the ministry of sharing Jesus’ good news with people who have disabilities.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Address: 600 Hoffmann Drive, Watertown, WI 53094 Call: 800-383-8743 or email: [email protected] Website: Facebook Videos: To download a video on Vimeo:   Password: 

Bethesda600 To view or download our devotional and disability awareness materials and other

resources: To purchase our devotional and catechetical materials:

Bethesda Lutheran Communities: A CASE FOR SUPPORTFebruary 2018

In April 1904, Bethesda first opened its doors to help people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, as a Christ-centered home and school. For over a century, concerned Christians across the country have understood the importance of Bethesda’s mission and have responded generously to assist with their prayers, volunteer time and financial support.

Bethesda’s focus has always been one of Christian service, responding to Jesus’ love and His commands to go and teach ALL nations (Matthew 28:19) and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark

12:31). As He has served us (John 13:14) and as we serve those in need, we are, in fact serving God Himself (Matthew 25:40).  As we reach out to help and support people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, we are using the gifts of service given to us (Romans 12:6), putting our faith into practice (James 2:18) and becoming doers of the Word (James 1:22).

In the past few years, we have converted from operating an institution to providing services in community-based settings. Today, Bethesda’s mission is carried out through a variety of programs at over 240 community-based locations in 13 states. We impact the lives of over 1600 people with disabilities each day, helping them live full, dignified lives in their own neighborhoods and communities.  Although the way in which Bethesda helps people with disabilities has changed over the years, our mission remains the same: To enhance the lives of people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the love of Christ. Our goal is to serve God in Christian love by supporting people with disabilities in their homes, places of employment, churches and communities. 

The reasons for these changes are fairly simple. Most people do not want their loved ones in an institution that might be hundreds of miles away, but prefer that they receive the help and services they need nearby. Think about it, would you prefer to live in an institution or in your own home near family and friends? In the past, people with disabilities were not given that choice. Today we give them a voice to help decide where they live and who supports them.


Christian Service: Our goal is to help and equip people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities to live a full life as independently as possible in a safe, Christ-centered home.

At a Cost: Bethesda’s mission is not an easy one nor is it glamorous, but it is very necessary. We strive to provide the highest quality of services for people with disabilities. Your help is needed now more than ever because we go above and beyond the basic necessities, including providing faith supports.

Working Together: Bethesda has a 18-person, nation-wide Religious Life Team, with the primary goal of providing faith supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They work with local congregations to help them find ways to reach out to and include people with disabilities in the life of their church. We do this together, by partnering with local pastors, congregations, volunteers, parents and families to ensure that people with disabilities across the country have a church home where they are accepted, nurtured in their faith and included in the life of the congregation.   

Bethesda’s Religious Life Team In Action:

Works with each person we support to develop a Faith Action Plan and to connect them to a local congregation of their choice.

Trains Bethesda staff to help build up the faith life of people with disabilities.

Produces religious materials for daily use in our programs and to share with families, volunteers and congregations like yours across the country.

o Our FREE disability awareness materials are available at

o Other Bethesda materials are available for purchase through Concordia Publishing House at (search using keyword “Bethesda”). This includes devotion and prayer books, our Building on the Rock Bible study and confirmation pieces, as well as the Wonderfully Made series for leaders, teachers, volunteers and families.

Our Religious Life Team can also assist you to recruit and train volunteers from your congregation, school or adult organization to help connect, build relationships and share the love of Christ with people who have disabilities in hundreds of Bethesda programs across the country.

We can help you develop and grow your ministry and outreach to include people of all abilities into the life of your congregation. Bethesda’s mission does not stop with the people with disabilities who call Bethesda their home.


Pray for us! We recognize that it is only by the grace of God that Bethesda has been able and will continue this mission to help people with disabilities.

Be a volunteer! There are so many opportunities to help: volunteer at a Bethesda Thrift Shop, event or program location, host a Bethesda service project, share a prayer or devotion or just spend time at the home of someone who has a disability. Note that there are things you can do to help even if you aren’t close to a Bethesda service location. Visit:

Make a gift! Or encourage others to make a donation. It is only with your continuing and generous support that we can continue to carry out this worthy mission. Visit:

Talk about us! Promote and share information about Bethesda’s ministry whenever possible with people you know in your family, church and community.

Be welcoming! Welcome people of all abilities into the life of your congregation.

Reach out! Share the love of Christ with people who have disabilities in your family or community. [email protected]

Employ! Look for ways in your community to employ people with disabilities.

Work for us!

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