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1850 1857 1859

Social Darwinism

•This theory came from Charles Darwin's book called “On the Origin of Species”. It was published in 1859. This book explained the process of natural selection, it enabled the best to surivive. This book was used by many other professors.

Fredrick Law Olmsted

• Landscape architects that was in charge of forming urban parks. He helped draw up a plan for “Greenward”, which in now Central Park in NYC.

Bessemer Process

•Developed by the British manufacturers. It developed injecting air into molten iron to remove the carbon and other impurities. It became widely used to produce steel.

Timeline of 1850 – 1910By: Bethany Whichello

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1862 1862 1864

Credit Mobilier

•A French banking company. One of the most important financial institutions in the world during the 19th century. It credited vast debts and gave out loans. During the Great Depression a lot of the loans were audited.


•A group of people that took advantage of the Homestead Act. They were African Americans who moved from the post – reconstruction South to Kansas.

Homestead Act

•Congress passed this act. It offered 160 acres of land free to any citizen or extended citizen who was head of the household. From 1862 – 1900, up to 600,000 families took advantage of the governments offer.

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1867 1867 1867

Oliver Hudson Kelly

•Started the patrons of Husbandry. This was an organization for farmers, it became known as the grange. It was for isolated farm families.

George Westinghouse

•American entrepreneur and engineer. He developed the railway air brake. Also he was a pioneer of the electrical industry. He believed in an alternating current while opposing Edison's direct current.


•A minor political party that believed in more money supply, also they believed in both gold and silver. Another definition for greenbacks would be a slang term given to U.S. currency.

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1868 1869 1870

John D. Rockefeller

•American industrialist and philosophist. He was founder of the Standard oil company. It dominated over all of the oil companies of that time. His money had a major impact on education and scientific research. As the importance of kerosene and oil grew so did his wealth. He soon became worth1 billion dollars and was the richest man in America.

Gilded Age

•Period following the civil war . This term was coined by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner in a book called “The Gilded Age”, a tale of today. The book satirized what they believed to be an era of serious social problems hidden by a thin layer of gold.

Tammany Hall

•It was the most powerful Democratic political machine. It was led by a man named Boss Tweed. He led a group of corrupt politicians in defrauding the town. A total of 10 million dollars went into their pockets.

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1870 1874 1876

Great Plains

•The grassland extending through the west – central portion of the U.S. . The federal government designated this entire area as an enormous reservation for the Native American people

George A, Custer

•He announced the black hills had gold, this started a huge gold rush, which put a lot of uprising pressure on the Native Americans living in the area. He led a battle against the Sioux in 1876 called the Battle of Little Bighorn

Jacob Riis

•Danish American social reformer, journalist, and social documentary photographer. The impoverished people were the biggest subjects of his photography and prolific writing. He also discovered the flash.

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1876 1876 1876

Little Bighorn

•Also called “Custer's Last Stand”, or “Battle of Greasy Grass”. It was between the Cheyenne, Lakota, Arapaho Indians, and Custer's 7th cavalry. The Battle was June 25th and 26th. Custer's men were outflanked and all 700 men and Custer himself were killed.

Sitting Bull

•One of the major leaders of the Native American people called the Sioux. The government tried to force him to sign the treaty of fort Laramie. Though some of the other chiefs did sitting bull held his ground. He never signed the treaty.


•Created by Alexander G. Bell and Thomas Watson. It opened up tons of new jobs for women in office settings. Also the way of communicating would be forever changed.

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1876 1876 1877

Dawes Act

•Congress passed this act. It aimed to “Americanize” the Native Americans. This act broke up reservations and gave some of the reservation land to each individual native. 160 acres to each household and 80 to the unmarried person. The rest would be sold to other settlers. Any money that was left over would be given to the Natives to buy farm implements.

Alexander G. Bell

•Bell worked with another man named Thomas Watson to invent the Telephone. It created easier office work and new jobs for women. The typewriter was also invented at the same time.

Thomas A. Edison

•Became a pioneer on the new industrial frontier when he established the worlds first research lab in Menlo Park, NJ. He perfected what we know as the Incandescent light bulb.

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1877 1877 1877


•Texas longhorns were hearded on an open range. They were a sturdy short – tempered breed. They were accustomed to dry grasslands of Southern Spain, and used for food. During the 1849 gold rush they were popular.

Chief Joseph

•Nez Perce Indian chief. He succeeded his father chief Tuekakas. He negotiated with the federal government to let his people stay on their land. In 1877 the government reversed their policy on the Indians.

Vanderbilt Family

•Railroad family that became socially prominent in the first half of the 19th century. Cornelius Vanderbilt established this by the shipping and railroad business. His son continued this and became very wealthy. His descendants have built mansions across the country. Most have been sold or made into museums

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1877 1878 1878

Southern Alliance

•Industrial Union for white farmers. Believed in the same principles as the National Farmers Alliance

National Farmers Alliance

•Black and White movement and organization for American farmers. One of the goals was to adverse the affects of the crop – lien system for farmers after the Civil War. They supported transportation industry and income taxes.


•An overland transport of animals. Typically there was one cowboy on a drive of 250-300 cattle. A cook also drove the chuck wagon, and a wrangler cared for the horses.

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1878 1880 1881

Booker T. Washington

•Prominent African American educator. He believed racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to the society. He headed the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. They aimed to prepare African Americans to be well equipped for their society.

George Pullman

•American Inventor and industrialist. Known as the inventor of the Pullman sleeping car. Also he violently suppressed striking workers in the company town he created. He bought almost 4,000 acres of the Chicago railroad.

Colored Alliance

•Also called the Cooperative Union, consisting of African American farmers of the south. Believed in the same principles as National Alliance

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1881 1883 1886

Haymarket Affair

•This refers to the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration Tuesday May 4, 1886, Haymarket Square Chicago. It began ad a peaceful rally of workers striking for an 8-hour day. And unknown random person threw a dynamite bomb at police. It ended up in gunfire and chaos. Seven policemen, and four civilians were killed, and others were injured

Joseph Pulitzer

•Hungarian immigrant . He bought the New York World paper. It featured a large Sunday edition, comics, sports coverage, and women's news. It used sex, sin, and sensation to surpass his competitor William Randolph Hearst.


•Supported by many sympathizers. It was plan under which Native Americans would give up their beliefs and ways of life and adopt the white culture.

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1886 1887 1887


•Mostly built by prairie settlers. A lot of people built these. They were freestanding houses built by stacking blocks of prairie turf. In other words, it was a dugout, or a sod home. It kept warm in the winter and cool in the summer

Interstate Commerce Commission

•This was created by the interstate commerce act of 1887. The original purpose was to regulate railroads, ensure fair rates, and eliminate race discrimination. Also regulate common carriers such as interstate bus lines, and telephone companies. This agency was abolished in 1995

Samuel Gompers

•He led the Cigar Makers International Union to join with other unions. He called it the American Federations of Labor. He was the president of it. They focused on collective bargaining, or negotiation between representatives of labor and management to reach written agreements such as wages, hours, and working conditions.

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1888 1888 1888

Poll Tax

•An annual tax that had to be paid before you could vote. African Americans as well as Sharecroppers were most of the time to poor to pay. Therefore a lot of them didn’t get to vote.

George Eastman

•Developed a more convenient and alternate glass plate used in a camera. Now photographers could use flexible film covered in gelatin emulsions and send them to get processed. Also Eastman produced the Kodak camera. Purchase price was $25 and it included a 100 picture roll of film.


•A monetary system in which the government would give citizens either gold or silver in exchange for paper currency or checks.

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1888 1888 1889

Jane Adams

•Pioneer settlement worker. Founder of Hull House in Chicago. She was a public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in women's suffrage. She was a powerful leader of the progressive era. Also the first American woman to win the Nobel peace prize in 1931.

Jim Crow Laws

•Also known as segregation laws. They separated blacks whites in public and private facilities. They were named after a minstrel song.


•Southern states passed these laws to separate black and white people in public and private facilities. These laws came to be known as Jim Crow Laws after a minstrel song that ended in the words “ Jump, Jim Crow”

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1890 1890 1890


•Candidates used this advantage in office. It was the illegal use of political influence for personal gain. Politician's were able to get away with these shady dealings until 1890 when police officers were hired and fired by political bosses.

Melting Pot

•Many Americans thought of the U.S. as a melting pot, in other words a mixture of people of different cultures and races who blend together by abandoning their native languages and customs. A lot of immigrants did not want to change these things about themselves. This caused a lot of anti – immigrant reactions.

Transcontinental Railroad

•There were five transcontinental railroads. Railroad companies sold some land to farmers for two – ten dollars/per acre. This made the railroad companies extremely wealthy. The west and east rails were forever linked.

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1890 1891 1892

Ida B. Wells

•Born into slavery a little before the emancipation. She moved to Memphis to be a teacher and later was the editor of a local paper. March 9th, 1892 there was a crusade involving a racial injustice. Three black men, friends of wells were lynched. After this Wells worked to stop racial injustice and lynching.

Debt Peonage

•A system that bound laborers into slavery in order to work off a debt to the employer. Later on congress declared this a violation of the 13th amendment.

Grandfather Clause

•Several southern states added this clause to their constitution. It stated that even if a man failed the literacy test or could not afford the poll tax, he was still entitled to vote if he, his father, or his grandfather had been eligible to vote before Jan. 1st , 1867 or 1868.

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1829 1892 1892


•A Union worker who returns to the job without permission from the Union. Or it can be a non – Union employee who needs the work and is willing to put up with taunts, threats, and even striker violence. In short terms it is a strikebreaker who willingly crosses the picket line.

Ellis Island

•Immigration station in New York. 20% of all immigrants were detained there for a few days before being inspected. Only 2% weren't given entry. Normally the whole process around five days. The immigrants had to be medically examined, documents checked, they had to be able to work, had to have at least $25, and could have never been convicted of a felony.


•A supporter of populism. Populism is a physical philosophy urging social and political system change that favors “the people” over “the elite”. Or you could say they favored the common person over the wealthy business owners.

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1894 1894 1894

Civil Service

19th century. Government administration. They said those jobs should go to. The most qualified person reformers believed this.


•Since the beginning of the 19th century meant the giving of government jobs to people who helped a candidate get elected.

Eugene V. Debs

• He attempted to form an industrial Union called the “American Railway Union”. Most members were unskilled and semi skilled laborers, but some skilled engineers and fireman joined too. The new Union struck for higher wages and won. The membership rose all the way to 150,000 people.

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1894 1895 1895

Settlement Houses

•Reforms from a social gospel movement established these houses. They were community centers in slum neighborhoods that provided assistance to people in the area especially immigrants. A lot of settlement workers lived at these houses to learn first hand about problems caused by urbanization and then create solutions.


•19th century after the technological boom. It resulted in rapid urbanization. This meant growth of cities, mostly in regions of the Northeast and Midwest.

Pullman Strike

•Tweed Boss’s business started to fall off. Pullman cut wages and jobs while increasing working hours. He did this to lower costs and keep profits. The failure to lower his utility and rent led his workers to strike. It was a violent upheaval that was taken care of by federal troops.

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1895 1895 1896

William McKinley

•He was nominated by the Republican Party. He campaigned on his front porch. He got approximately 7 million votes and his opposer got 6.5 million. He carried the East. With the McKinley election population collapsed.

Political Machine

• A politically organized group that controlled the activities of a political party in a city. It also offered services to voters and businesses in exchange for political or financial support. After the civil war these gained control of local government in Baltimore, New York, San Francisco and a few other major cities.

Mark Twain

• His real name was Samuel Clemens. He was a novelist and humorist. He wrote many classics such as, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”.

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1896 1896 1899

Andrew Carnegie

•Came from Scotland to America when he was 12 years old. After 6 years he became a private secretary to the local superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad. When he gave orders to untangle two freight and passenger trains. He was rewarded by being able to buy stock. He soon received his first dividend. He became one of the second wealthiest men in the country. Today’s Carnegie Hall in NYC is named after him.

Plessy vs. Ferguson

•Legal case that tested the constitutionality of segregation. The supreme court ruled that separation of races in public accommodations was legal and did not violate the 14th amendment. It established the doctrine of “Separate but Equal”, which allowed states to maintain segregated facilities for blacks and whites as long as they provided equal service. It permitted legalized segregation for almost 60 years.

William Jennings Bryan

• Nominated by the Democratic party for president. He was a former Nebraska congressman. He had a difficult campaign due to the gold bug. He ended with 6.5 million votes.

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1903 1905 1910

Angel Island

•In San Francisco bay. It let in immigrants from Europe and Asia arriving on the East Coast. The immigrants entered around 1910-1940. They received very harsh procedures. They had to stay in filthy ramshackle buildings while they waited to be inspected. 50,000 Chinese immigrants entered here.

W.E.B. Dubois

•First African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard University. He founded the Niagara movement. It insisted that blacks should seek a liberal arts education so that the African American community would have well educated leaders.

Wilbur and Orville Wright

•The brothers were bicycle manufacturers from Dayton, Ohio. First they built a glider, then commissioned a four cylinder internal combustion engine, chose a propeller, and then designed a biplane with a 40’4” wingspan. Their first successful flight lasted 12 sec. and went up to 120 ft. It was on Dec. 17th, 1903 In Kitty Hawk, NC.

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Works Cited

• Google images•• U.S History Textbook

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