Page 1: Best Motivational Speaker Asia, Kevin Abdulrahman Shares His Thought On Challenges


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of life

Page 2: Best Motivational Speaker Asia, Kevin Abdulrahman Shares His Thought On Challenges

Kevin AbdulrahmanThe Man Inspiring Millions, as he is known around

the globe, Kevin Abdulrahman is a sought after

Motivational and Inspirational Speaker who will

be writing regularly for OBTAINER WORLDWIDE

from now on. Kevin Abdulrahman is regularly in-

vited by the most varied companies to speak to,

train and conduct workshops with Direct Selling

Teams across five continents.

He is the Author of a series of books which are used

by leading Direct Selling Teams as part of their fun-

damental Development, Learning and Mind Training

to create a form of Leadership that is much needed

especially in Today’s Testing Times: “Leadership

from within.” The OBTAINER Editorial Team is very

pleased to be able to welcome Kevin Abdulrahman to

our circle of columnists.

In my first book “Winning the Game of Life” I talked about playing a vid-eo game. However, unlike most video games, this one lacked any challeng-es. You could simply play the game through from start to finish without being challenged.

I want you to think how you would feel

if you played a game where you were

not challenged? It’s fair to say that the

chances are very high that you would

get bored very quickly and lose interest

in the game.

The reason you actually play a game

(and others do so in the first place) is

because of the challenges you face on

screen. To make it through the game,

you might have to jump, side step, take

a tumble, do whatever it takes to get to

the next level.

When I speak at conferences, every

single attendee raises their hand for

the simple fact that they are either fac-

ing challenges today, or have done so at

some point in their life.

Which means that life is not just pick-

ing on you alone.

Life is a game, and it’s no different from

a video game. We are all regularly faced

with challenges in life.

From what I have seen, I believe that

Winners face even more challenges

than most people do. However, Win-

ners understand that challenges are re-

quired ingredients to win.

In fact, the truth is, if you are not fac-

ing challenges, then chances are you’re

operating well below your true capa-


What about if you choose to resign and

be at the complete mercy of the chal-

lenges you face? What if you continue

to do what most people are currently


Well, you won’t stand a chance at win-


I would like to suggest that it’s not the

challenges that define you.

Some challenges arise as a result of

poor choices you’ve made in the past,

whilst others are at times, out of your

control. Nevertheless, you must learn

to understand that a challenge, no mat-

ter how severe, is simply part of any

game you choose to play in life.

It’s a REQUIRED ingredient of the

game. You use challenges to get stron-

ger and move forward. What I’m talk-

ing about is an Attitude – a choice you

make on how to view challenges in your


Successful people and Winners are not

shaped by the challenges they face, but

more so, by how they choose to face

their challenges.

When faced with a challenge, you need

to push through it, over it, to the side

of it. You do whatever you have to do,

to get to the other side. As difficult as it

may seem, or as hard as it may feel to

recognize this fact, an event will always

have two sides to it, just like a coin.

Take a large organization such as

Google as an example.

Do you think they let challenges hold

them back?

Do you think they bring everything to

a complete halt because they are faced

with a crisis?

No, they continue to push forward,

fine-tuning and working on their chal-

lenges along the way.

It’s important to note that Winners still

keep their eyes locked on their vision,

and therefore are constantly moving

forward as opposed to many who are

taking the “sit and wait” approach.




Part of theGame


Page 3: Best Motivational Speaker Asia, Kevin Abdulrahman Shares His Thought On Challenges

How you deal with

challenges will determine whether you

make the cut. It will determine whether

you rise and inherently, whether you

win or not. For it’s not what you are hit

with, but how you deal with being hit.

It’s not how hard you are hit, but how

hard you can hit back. It’s not your size

in the fight that matters, but the size

of the fight in You that will ultimately

determine whether they will stand a

chance at winning.

What I share with my students is to re-

member this phrase when faced with

challenges - “When the winning get’s

tough, the tough FIGHT back.”

Welcome challenges into your world.

Welcome challenges from your compe-

tition. The challenges you face will help

expand your thinking. It will help you

grow stronger. Life is tough, and life

is challenging. Life is full of ups and

downs. That’s the way life is. Most peo-

ple moan about it, because they don’t

realize that everything they desire lies

on the other side of the challenges they


The same holds true for you and your

life’s results.

Everything you desire is on the other

side of the challenges, which you learn

and choose to overcome.

Everyday will bring you the opportuni-

ty to give up. But why today?Hang on

in there. Most people give up on their

dreams, goals and ventures too soon.

You won’t get a gold medal for quitting.

And you certainly won’t win, or get

your desired results by quitting.

Failure is never true failure unless you


We all know that Quitters Never Win

and Winners Never Quit.

Time never stops for anyone, so those

who choose to quit are the ones who

will be in the same place five years from

now. Don’t let that be you.

Quitting in the face of challenges is not

the answer. It’s not Your Answer.

Develop a tough skin.

Learn to be resilient.

Hang on to your dreams

You will have things go against you and

when you do, simply smile at them.

Remember, Winners are not those

who are fortunate enough not to have

experienced challenges, in fact they

probably do so more than most people.

Winners simply choose to do and think

differently when faced with challenges.

They see beyond the challenges.

Winners know that if they want some-

thing, they have to go and get it. Win-

ners know that the prize is worth fight-

ing for. Challenges in the game of life

are what they have to face, play with

and win over to get to the other side

and enjoy their goals and dreams.

Keep on telling yourself that the chal-

lenges you face (and will overcome)

will make for a great story when shar-

ing your success with others, with your

kids and with your grandkids.

When you get called onto the podium

as an esteemed member of society,

someone who has inspired others to

achieve greatness through their ac-

tions to be the best that they can be,

you will be able to talk about what you

faced and how you chose to deal with


Think of what a great story that would


Get Excited!

Challenges are part of the game.

Always Remember - Your Persistence

Must Outlast the Resistance

Have a Winning Month.

Kevin Abdulrahman is internally rec-

ognised as The Man Inspiring Millions.

He is regularly ranked by his attendees

as The Best Motivational, Inspirational

and Leadership Speaker in Asia, the

Middle East and the Indian Subconti-

nent. You can contact him by visiting

his website www.BestMotivational-

Receive Kevin Abdulrahman’s free

book “What Ever You’re Into” by going



Enter the code “vision” to receive your

full free e-copy courtesy of Kevin Ab-

dulrahman and Obtainer Magazine.

“When the winning get’s tough, the

tough FIGHT back.”


International Author, Inspirational Speaker on Motivation and Leadership. The Authority in the fi eld of Mind Nutrition.

“No one needs to give you permission to be Great. You hold that Authority”

Kevin Abdulrahman

If you want an engaging speaker to connect with the Audience of Today, then You Will Want to have The Man Inspiring Millions at your next event.

Book Kevin Abdulrahman for your next company and group conference by contacting his management team through

Page 4: Best Motivational Speaker Asia, Kevin Abdulrahman Shares His Thought On Challenges

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