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About the Event The aim of this event is to identify the student with the traits of a

good manager. It also aims to find out how he demonstrates the skills, knowledge and

talents of a good manager. It further tests him on how he uses the strategies to solve the


Conditions/Rules for participants :

1) Number of participants for the event will only be 5 per college.

2) The Best Manager will be carried in 6 different rounds and those would be conducted in 1

days at regular intervals.

3) Participants with professional dress code are required.

4) Participants should bring their own laptops and internet connectivity (like data card) for the event.

5) Each participant should carry their updated resume and writing materials (stationery items)

6) Rules and details of specific rounds shall be disclosed on the spot.

7) Judges decisions are final.

The probable rounds for the best manager will be as follows :a) Presentation on the given case study, which will be common for all. Presentation time: 5-6


b) Numerical aptitude test.

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c) Rapid fire round (PsychometricTest).

d) Interpretation of the current business scenario of different companies.

e) Panel interview.

Rounds description : ROUND: A

a) Case Study Presentation: Participants will be given a time of 20 minutes to go through

the case and 30 minutes time to prepare the paper presentation with 150 words.

Individual presentations will have to be made in front of the jury. Presentation time will

be 5-6 minutes per individual.

b) Numerical and reasoning test: It will be conducted simultaneously for all the

participants. Its duration will be of 15 minutes. Basic mathematical & reasoning

concepts will be tested.

c) Rapid fire round: In this Participants will be tested on individual level regarding their

thought process, analyzing ability as well as stress management. . Its duration will be of

20 minutes.


d) Group Discussion:

Participants will be given real crisis situation of the companies and they will have to analyze the

problem and suggest the future course of action to the Board of Directors.

e) Panel Interview: Last but not the least a panel interview to check the ability of the

participant to crack the interview. . Its duration will be of 20 minutes.

Judgment Criteria : Each round would have individual marking criteria. Final result

would be of consolidated.

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Candidate Evaluation Form For case study Presentation

Rating Scale: 5. Outstanding4. Excellent-exceeds requirements

3. Competent—acceptable proficiency

2. Below Average—Does not meet requirements

1. Unable to determine or not applicable to this candidate


5 4 3 2 1

Presentation Skills: Overall assessment of candidate’s 20 min. presentation for organization and stand-up /facilitation skills.

Candidate’s Understanding of the Position:

Assess candidate’s knowledge of the position and its requirements.

Special Skill Set: Explore the candidate’s knowledge

Professional Impression:

Consider self-confidence, maturity, and presence to assess the candidate’s level of professionalism.


Analyze applicant’s ability to think and act independently, and goal orientation.

Interpersonal/Communication Skills:

Assess ability to express ideas and thoughts clearly, as well as experiences involving team settings and customer orientation.

**Written paper presentation score

TOTAL SCORE: Interviewer Name: …………………………


Signature: ……………………………….

Date : / / 2016 Place: IIPMB

Name: College / University:

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Assessment Sheet for Group Discussion

Date: - College / University: - Name: -

Sl No

Attribute MarksParticipant

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



2 Content/Style 10

3 Team Spirit 5

4 Body Language 10

5Communication Skills (Verbal)


6 Closure/Summary 5


Interviewer Name: …………………………


Signature: ……………………………….

Date : / / 2016 Place: IIPMB

Interviewer Name: …………………………


Signature : ……………………………….

Date : / / 2016 Place: IIPMB

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