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Best Career Options in Mass Communication

Mass communication is one such field, which has seen a steep rise since its start. As the world comes closer every day, the need to share and keep each other informed also increases. This has created a huge demand for jobs in this...

Pros and Cons of Media Consolidation

Media consolidation that is characterized by the takeover of small media companies by large multinational media conglomerates, is often the source of debate. Here are some pros and cons of the argument that will help you understand...

Page 2: Best Career Options in Mass Communication

Different Types of Mass Media

There are different types of mass media that we are accustomed to in this day and age. Whether it's children, young people, or adults, we've all had our share of media-related exposure everyday. Learn more about what comprises the...

Pros and Cons of Censorship

Censorship is prevalent in the modern society. It is a highly divisive issue. There are proponents who think that its use creates a balance in what ought to be said and written, while opponents criticize on the basis of the threat...

Negative Influences of Media

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How does the media affect our lives? Does it influence our thinking and behavior? What are the negative influences of media? Read on to find the answers.

Types of Print Media

Print media is a medium through which printed matter is disseminated to the audience. Here are some of the different types of print media.

Best Lifestyle Magazines

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In this article, a few of the top lifestyle magazines in the United States are described. Each of these magazines still has a large print circulation and shows no signs of giving up on hard copy printed magazines.

History of Mass Media

Mass media helps in connecting people and "brings the globe into our glance". Let us take a look into the history as well as origin of mass media, which is also popularly known as public media.

How Does the Media Affect our Culture

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The media is a gargantuan entity that presides over our daily decisions, our sense of the world, and exposes us to things we've never experienced. We'll take a look at how media affects our culture, in both its positive and...

Media Censorship: Why is Censorship Good

The media is a commanding entity that influences people of all ages, whether they're kids or grownups. Let's explore the reasons why media censorship should be exercised...

Impact of Media on Children

The impact of media on children has a leviathan influence on how they behave, think and analyze what's around them. Let's take a look at how the media plays a major role not just for adults but for kids as well...

Editor In Chief Responsibilities

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The job description of an editor in chief has always fascinated me, but this job comes with some hectic editorial responsibilities. The responsibilities include a good many things and this article aims at highlighting them. So if...

Types of Media

Learn about the different types of media, that make up the world of communication and information. Find out how these different mediums influence and play a substantial role in our day-to-day lives...

Is Media Responsible for the Increasing Crime Rate?

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It is believed that the great Plato had a question similar to this, he was worried whether the violence in plays will have a negative effect on people of his land. We cannot mitigate the influence of media on the society. Some...

What is Missing White Woman Syndrome?

What is depicted or shown on TV, radio and other media platforms can fascinate, disgust and influence us. As viewers and consumers in the media arena, we, the audience, can sometimes be blind to an obvious prejudice or bias, in...

Effects of Media Sensationalism

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For the common citizen media is known as a voice through which he/she can discuss their issues with the government. But past few years the voice of common people has changed and we are left wondering why is the voice not reflecting...

Effects of Media Violence on Society

The display of violent scenes and content through the media has become a big threat for society as a whole. This article aims at discussing the adverse effects of media violence on society.

Changes in the News Media

Deregulatory legislation and lightning-fast technological advancement have caused drastic changes in the way that broadcast outlets cover the news. Where once the news had to be, to some degree, important, today's news is, to a...

What is Media Convergence

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It is quite literally the convergence of media or in other words the confluence of different media through the use of technology. A simple example being that music player is a medium for listening to music but the convergence of...

Magazine Editor Job Description and Salary

The work of a magazine editor is not an easy task and requires boundless hard work. Let's get some insight into the magazine editor salary and see if it is worth the hard work that needs to be put in this career. Read ahead to know...

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Media Censorship Pros and Cons

The media is abuzz with debates about media censorship. What are the media censorship pros and cons that everyone keeps talking about? One glimpse at the article below will tell you that there are pertinent points, both for and...

Effects of Mass Media on Society

Mass media is an effective way of communicating with people living in different geographical regions of the world and engaged in different occupations. Mass media effects on society are phenomenal. Read on to know more...

Mass Media Influence

Mass media is one of the farthest reaching forms of communication and is fast changing the way we see, do and understand things. Here's an article on the influence of mass media.

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Editor Job Description

Editor job description depends upon the field he/she is working in, but on a basic level involves editing material and preparing it for presentation. Here is some information on the subject...

Pros and Cons of Mass Media

A life without the presence of mass media would seem improbable for many! Let's read about its pros and cons and its effect on a larger scale.

Types and Reasons of Media Bias

Media bias has certainly changed the way we look at the standards of journalism. Here is a presentation of the types and reasons of media bias.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Print Media

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Print media still has a strong foothold amongst readers although the Internet and television are still a popular medium. Let's read about the advantages and disadvantages of print media to understand the difference.

Different Types of Media Coverage

Media coverage has grown in leaps and bounds over the decades, bringing countries closer together and influencing viewers the world over in different aspects of everyday life.

The Importance of Public Opinion in Media

The public is what fuels the media's strength in the world, and without it we'd still be stuck in prehistoric times. It governs the workings of our society and gives way to change, when these opinions are voiced. Learn about the...

What are the Effects of Media

The media's effect on the people is evident and crucial in how each one uses it as part of their day-to-day routine. Learn about how the media effects us whether on a conscious level or not.

Positive Effects of the Media

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How does media affect us? Has it played a key role in changing our way of life? How has media affected our lifestyles and ways of thinking? To know more, take a look at the positive effects of media.

Media Copyright Infringement

What do we mean by media copyright infringement and how to ensure copyright protection? What's the procedure to claim your piece of work as your own? Read on to find out.

Media Planning

Media planning is today considered to be one of the most important parts of any promotional strategy. A lot of the success of the publicity campaign of both big and small businesses depends on this..

Boycotting Freedom

As calls for boycotts of literary works, television programs, and movies proliferate, the threat of censorship by an increasingly vocal few grows. More on that in this write-up...

Radio Communication

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Joseph Priestly rightly said that 'The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate'. Well, while sadly admitting that the same is very true, let's look at the various means to communicate using a radio.

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