
Modern America: Conservatism and the future

BellringerWhat was the Bay of Pigs invasion?What does Containment refer to?USAs attempts under Kennedy to get rid of the communist government in Cuba under Fidel CastroAttempts by the US to stop the spread of Communism during the Cold War (1945-1991)BellringerWhat was the theory behind Reaganomics? During the Gilded Age what was the economic policy followed by the government? What was the problem with it? If businesses get tax cuts, they will use those savings to hire new employees, thereby jump starting the American economyLaissez Faire. Businesses took advantage of American workers, leading to long hours, low wages and dangerous working conditionsModern America:Conservatism and the future

ReviewRonald Reagan, a former actor, ran a campaign based on New Beginnings. The idea was that America would get a new beginning out of the chaos of Nixon, Ford and Carter. took office after Jimmy Carter and during the Iran Hostage Crisis. On his inauguration day Iran let the hostages go free.

Ronald ReaganReagan argued for conservation in government and the economy, and wanted to reduce big government. Reagan argued that inflation was caused by the big government. Reagan declared: In the present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.ConservationTo save, in this case, to reduce government spending and influences

New FederalismReagan followed the lead of his Eisenhower and Nixon and pushed for New Federalism, a policy where funding for some social welfare programs would be turned over to the states. In this way, the governments costs and influence would be reduced.

Balanced BudgetReagan tried to balance the Federal budget by cutting social welfare programs and even making cuts to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). However, despite these efforts, the Federal Deficit continued to grow.

Supply Side Reaganomics To improve the economy, Reagan believed that giving tax cuts to businesses and the rich would be best. The businesses would then re-invest that money into the company and hire more workers, which would increase the amount of goods and services. He argued these tax cuts would not raise the national debt.

Critics say that the tax cuts are invested by the business to make more money, but not for hiring more workers.

Star WarsReagan supported cuts in all parts of the budget except the military. Instead, Reagan pushed for more spending to develop and build missiles, ships and bombers. Billions also went into building the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). This massive satellite shield was meant to intercept and destroy incoming Soviet missiles.

Farming bailoutIn the 1980s, farmers experienced an economic crisis similar to the Great Depression. Worldwide recession made it impossible to sell surplus foods, and many farmers were then unable to pay back loans. To fix the crisis the government paid farmers to NOT plant millions of acres. The hope was that by reducing supply the prices would rise, but that didnt happen. Instead, the Federal Deficit rose. Immigration 1986To reduce the number of undocumented workers living in the US, Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986. This law did not solve the problem of the thousands of illegal immigrants who enter the US every year and work in sweatshops factories, live in substandard housing and are paid low wages.

Reagans Foreign PolicyReagan adopted a tough stance against the Evil Empire (Soviet Union) and its crack down of Polish Solidarity, an independent labor party. The Soviet Union imposed martial law to end the Solidarity movement, and the US responded with economic sanctions (punishments).

Central AmericaThe unstable economies throughout Latin America were susceptible to communist influences according to Reagan. To prevent the spread of Communism in Latin America, Reagan asked Congress for money to help prevent communism. He also approved limited military interventions:

El Salvador: military advisers sent to back anti-communist forces during their civil war. Nicaragua: 1979 Marxist (father of communism) guerrillas known as Sandinistas overthrew the anticommunist dictator Somoza. The Sandinistas had accepted aid from both Cuba and the Soviet Union, so the CIA gave aid to the rebel Contras. When Congress found out they cancelled all aid NicaraguaGrenada: to prevent a communist takeover in 1983, Reagan authorized a short lived US invasion which prevented the communist takeover.

Does this author think Americas role in Central America was wise and just? How do you know (JUSTIFY)?Reagan and BushDuring reelection, Reagan chose a new VP, George Bush. Together they defeated the democratic nominee Walter Mondale. Reagan became the first president since Eisenhower to serve 2 full terms in office.

The Great CommunicatorAs his second term began, Reagan earned the nickname Great Communicator because of his charm and persuasive talents. Reagan convinced the American people that it was best if the government further cut spending in all areas except social security and military defense. He also cut taxes for 60% of Americans, but many accused Reagan of favoring the rich. By the time Reagan left office, the wealth of America was more unevenly distributed than at any time since the end of WWII.

$150 Billion Trade Deficit Furthering the economic problem was the fact that the American Trade deficit at the beginning of Reagans second term had reached $150 Billion. Trade deficit means the US was buying (importing) $150 billion worth of goods more than it was selling (exporting). Trade was especially unequal with the Japanese, who supplied America with most of its technology goods.

Iran Contra AffairIn 1986 Americans learned that the American government had sold weapons to the Iranians to help free American hostages in the Middle East. However, the CIA then took the profits from the sales to help fund the Contras of Nicaragua. This action was in direct violation of Congress and the American mandate to never negotiate with terrorists. Investigations cleared the president of wrong doing.

Dtente ResumesDuring Reagans second term the Soviet Union changed leadership. Mikhail Gorbachev became the Soviet leader in 1985 and began instituting reforms. Gorbachev pushed for a renewal of Dtente and also created the new policies of Glasnost and Perestroika:

Glasnost: greater openness including political freedom in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

Perestroika: some free enterprise in the USSR to improve economy.

Arms reductionGorbachevs reforms brought about talks with the US and an agreement to eliminate short-range and medium-range land based missiles. The reduction began in 1987.

The end of the Cold WarThe Cold War lasted from 1945 (end of WWII) until 1991, when the Soviet Union officially collapsed. Causes-anticommunist movements gained force in satellite nations throughout Eastern Europe-Gorbachev encouraged more open policies

Results-free elections in Poland and Czechoslovakia-Berlin wall fell and East and West Germany are reunited-Soviet Union satellite buffer states broke free

Continuing issuesThough Reagan tried to deal with all sorts of foreign affairs, there were some that he failed to solve and that are still affecting America today. Terrorism: Terrorists continue to attack Americans and make threats against America. In 1985 an American was killed by Palestinians aboard a cruise ship and in 1988 a Pan Am Jet was bombed over Scotland. Today ISIS and other groups threaten American securityDrug Trade First lady Nancy Reagan launched the antidrug campaign Just Say No!, but drugs continue to grow. Recently heroin and Meth use have been surging in AmericaEnding Apartheid many Americans pushed America to use sanctions to stop South Africas racial apartheid system. In 1986 Congress over rode President Reagans veto to pass harsh economic sanctions on South Africa until Apartheid ended.

Reagan YearsReagan was an incredibly popular two term president who cut taxes, increased defense spending, negotiated a nuclear arms reduction agreement with the Soviets and helped end the Cold war. Reagan developed and pushed a trickle-down budget plan. Despite many attempts to reduce the budget it failed and both the federal an trade deficits increased under Reagan.

10:14ReviewThe trickle Down economic theory of President Herbert Hoover, and the supple side economic policies under President Ronald Reagan were based on the idea thatBalanced budgets are essential to economic successThe federal government needs to assume more responsibility for solving economic problemsEconomic growth depends on making increased amounts of capital available to businessesEconomic stability is the responsibility of federal monetary agenciesReviewAccording to the supply-side economics principles promoted by President Ronald Reagan, economic growth would occur when1. corporate business taxes were reduced2. Business was regulated by antitrust legislation3. Unemployment benefits were increased. 4. Investment in capital goods was decreasedReviewA primary reason for the increase in federal debt between 1980 and 1996 was The cost of sending US troops to BosniaInstability of the stock marketLower sales tax revenues collected by state governmentsHigh levels of spending by the federal governmentReviewA major goal of the Republic party since the 1980s and President Reagan has been toIncrease welfare benefitsIncrease the size of the federal workforceReduce defense spendingCut federal taxesReviewPresident Ronald Reagans supply side economic policy was successful in1. Increasing government spending on social programsLowering tax rates on personal and business incomeReducing defense spendingEnforcing stricter environmental regulations

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