
Bellringer 9/17 Describe the characteristics of a chicken. 1 Bellringer 9/18 Why do we use scientific names? 2 3 UNIT 1 PART 2: CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING THINGS All living things are put into groups, or classified. They are organized. This makes them easier to study and easier to find. The branch of biology that deals with classifying and naming organisms is called taxonomy. Binomial Nomenclature ---2 name naming system Genus species Ex: Homo sapien The classification system also can show evolutionary patterns ---what species is related to another species Developed by Linnaeus 5 7 Major Groups for classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Only one type of organism is in a species. King Phillip Came Over For Group Scuba 8 Each kind of organism has a two word Latin name made up of its genus and species names. This is its scientific name and is always written in italics. Kingdom Animal Phylum Chordate Class Mammal Order Carnivora Primate Family Canine FelidaeHomidae Genus Canus FelisHomo species familiaruslupisdomesticussapiens Common DogWolfCatHuman The scientific name of a human is Homo sapiens. 1.) Monerans ---EX: Bacteria unicellular no organelles---prokaryotic asexual reproduction heterotrophic --cant make food must get it from others earliest life forms 2.) Protist unicellular have organelles---Eukaryotic asexual reproduction (some sexual ) some are animal-like, some are plant-like, and some are both EX: Ameba, paramecium, euglena 12 euglena paramecium diatoms 14 3.) Fungi multicellular ---mushroom unicellular---yeast Heterotrophic asexual Eukaryotic No chlorophyll so no photosynthesis. They do not make their own food. 16 4.) Plants Autotrophic----makes its own food unicellularalgae multicellular---trees, grass asexual and sexual Contains chlorophyll Multicellular, cells have cell walls 18 Bellringer 9/22 What is the genus of Canis lupus? 19 20 Mammals, insects, birds, sponges Can move on their own Multicellular, cells do not have cell walls Eukaryotic Must get food from the environment 21 22 23 24 Taxonomic Keys A tool used to identify organisms already classified. Most are dichotomous. That is, there are only two choices at each step that describe some characteristic of the organism. 25 Using the characteristics shown above, please make a dichotomous key for the 13 triangular critters at the left. Some characteristics may be used more than once. You may use their assigned numbers for names.

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