
Bell ringer• Using the information you learned about your

explorer write a short obituary for him. It should be 2-3 sentences and summarize his life and adventures.

• For example (George Washington)• Here lies George Washington founding

father and first president of the United States. Dedicated to the creation of a free country.


Motivation/ Regions Explored

• Find sea route to Asia.

• Sailed around southern tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope)

Challenges/ Accomplishments

• Opened up trade between Arab in India and Europe.

• Got gold, spice, and cloth.

• Portugal became powerful as a result.

Impact on Natives• Killed African hunters.

• Murdered innocent Arabs and often tortured them.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

Motivation/ Regions Explored

• Set out to discover a new ocean (Pacific)

• Explored through Panama

Challenges/ Accomplishments

• Pacific Ocean discovered

• More land to Spain, wealth, and brought more explorers to the region.

Impact on Natives• Took natives as slaves to

help him search for gold.

• Turned natives against each other and many were tortured and killed.

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

Motivation/ Regions Explored

• Settle California and gain more wealth for Spain.

Challenges/ Accomplishments

• Spain continued to expand and spread Catholicism.

• Dies trying to help soldiers under attack by natives

Impact on Natives• Many experienced beatings,

torture, and execution.

• Natives were nice until learned they were being overtaken by Cabrillo.

• Forced to work on Spanish farms.

Ferdinand Magellan

Motivation/ Regions Explored

• Explore Pacific and spread Catholicism

Challenges/ Accomplishments

• Started with 5 ships and 275 crew ended 1 ship 35 crew.

• Proved world was round and Pacific was huge.

• 1st to circumnavigate.

Impact on Natives• Many natives refused to

convert were tortured.

• Tricked natives into selling gold and jewels.

Francisco Pizzaro

Motivation/ Regions Explored

• Explore South America for land and himself.

• Ran into Inca Empire.

Challenges/ Accomplishments

• Gained more land and wealth for Spain.

• Killed by his soldiers for hardships they faced.

Impact on Natives• Inca empire, culture, and way

of life was destroyed.

• Disease killed many of them.

Francis Xavier

Motivation/ Regions Explored

• Catholic missionary for the Jesuits. Spread Christianity.

• Missionary to Asia.

Challenges/ Accomplishments

• Convert and spread Christianity. Baptized 10,000 alone.

Impact on Natives• In India many Jesuits were


• Many resistant to convert

• Laws were put into place to stop the spread of christianity.

Hernan Cortes

Motivation/ Regions Explored

• Explore South America for new Spanish colonies.

• Explored Mexico.

Challenges/ Accomplishments

• Gained new territory in Mexico.

• Exported valuable goods.

• Spain grew in power.

Impact on Natives• Destroyed the Aztec empire

from disease and superior weapons.

John Cabot

Motivation/ Regions Explored

• Northern more faster route to Asia.

• Discovered parts of Canada.

Challenges/ Accomplishments

• Gave rights to England to set up colonies in North America gained natural resources.

Impact on Natives• Didn’t come into contact with

any Native Americans.

Christopher Columbus

Motivation/ Regions Explored

• Find quick sea route to Asia.

• Landed in San Salvador (thinking it India)

Challenges/ Accomplishments

• Natural resources to be brought back to Spain.

• Promised gold but couldn’t deliver.

Impact on Natives• Natives were friendly to them.

• Enslaved and forced to mine for gold. Tortured and killed.

• Population Arawak and Taino started at 300,000. 50 yrs later 500.

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