Page 1: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 1 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Behaviour for Learning Policy

This policy was approved and ratified by the Full Governing Board of

Cox Green School

on 16th October 2018

Version Authorisation Approval Date Effective Date Next Review

1 Full Governing Body 3/12/14 3/12/14 July 2015

1.2 Full Governing Body 20/10/15 20/10/15 July 2016

1.3 Full Governing Body 1/12/15 1/12/15 July 2016

1.4 Full Governing Body 7/6/16 7/6/16 June 2019

1.5 Full Governing Body 27/6/17 27/6/17 June 2020

1.5 Full Governing Body 16/10/18 16/10/18 Oct 2021

Page 2: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 2 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Key Principles

Our motto ‘Committed to Achievement’ embodies our belief that collaboration, aspiration and

commitment, will enable all of our students to succeed at school and beyond.

Cox Green School is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for the development of individuals so that they are morally, socially and academically equipped to take their place as responsible citizens in society. Key Requirements/Legal Duties This policy responds to the requirements of the Education Act 2011, the Education and Inspections Act, 2006, and Independent Schools Standards Regulations 2014. This includes the requirement that all schools, academies and free schools must have a behaviour policy which is available to all parents and prospective parents. The school acknowledges its legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 and in respect of students with SEN, as outlined in the Code of Practice 2014. Introduction This policy aims to provide staff, parent/carers and students with clearly understood guidelines and potential strategies that may be used to promote positive behaviour and to support students in taking responsibility for their behaviour choices. We do however recognise the need for a degree of flexibility when faced with behavioural diversity in school and accept that a ‘one size fits all’ approach will not be sufficient. Good behaviour systems are apparent when all staff are consistent in their management of students and work well together to support each other. The policy also recognises the diversity of behaviour management styles used by teachers and the differences of behaviour challenges that can be presented by students. Behaviour is never somebody else’s responsibility. Aims

The key aims of this policy are:

To have the highest expectations of student behaviour in order to ensure that all students make outstanding progress and achieve their full potential;

To create an atmosphere where achievement is respected and valued by all; To establish good working relationships and encourage mutual respect amongst all

members of the school community; To secure an environment where effective teaching and learning is able to take place; To identify levels of behaviour and to ensure rewards and sanctions are fairly

apportioned according to the behaviours demonstrated; To work with parents and students to encourage good behaviour and to establish good

patterns of behaviour where there are difficulties;

Page 3: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 3 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Expectations from staff and students Our expectations are set out in our Home School Agreement policy. Please refer to separately. Positive reinforcement and rewards

The school recognises the power of making explicit the desired standards of behaviour for learning and

of positively reinforcing high standards of learning and co-operative behaviours. This has both an

impact on teaching and has a motivational role in helping students to realise that good behaviour is


These rewards and positive reinforcements include:

Verbal praise; Written comment on work/in book/planner; Positive Points; Praise Postcards; Telephone call to parents; Positive letter home; Display of work; Mention in assembly; Motivational rewards/prizes; Special awards at Achievement Assemblies; Reward trips.

By these means the school seeks to motivate students, create a positive learning environment, raise

student self- esteem, provide systems which can be used by all staff and contribute to raising levels of


Uniform, behaviour around the building and out of lessons Students are expected to behave in a manner which respects themselves and others. This applies to the use of language, to the way in which students act and behave and to the manner in which they respond, all of which should demonstrate courtesy, good manners and consideration. This includes courtesy and consideration towards fellow students, staff and visitors. This also includes face-to-face interactions and any other form of communication, for example online. High standards of presentation are required at all times when wearing the school uniform. Whenever the school uniform is worn, it must be complete and not mixed with non-uniform clothing. This includes when travelling to and from the school, at which times the uniform must be worn. Positive behaviours are expected including setting high standards in terms of appearance and moving around the school site in a manner which is orderly and respects the health and safety of others.

Page 4: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 4 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Behaviour in lessons All students are expected to display behaviours which show a respect for their own learning and the learning of others. This includes arriving for lessons (including exams) on time and being equipped for learning, and ensuring their work is presented to a high standard. In class students are required to demonstrate positive learning attitudes and to allow others to learn free from disruption. In line with the school’s belief in positive reinforcement, students who display positive learning behaviours should receive praise and recognition. Students displaying adverse behaviours will be corrected in line with the school’s range of disciplinary sanctions. Types of behaviours which place a student at risk of exclusion may include poor learning behaviours for example a lack of effort, a lack of work, off task behaviours which interrupt the learning of others and demonstrating challenge or a lack of co-operation. Failure to complete homework will result in the student attending a compulsory homework clinic/DT so their learning can be supported or detention.

Staff will follow the non-negotiable classroom routines for each lesson as set out below.

Class routines:

• Teachers should greet pupils at the door to chivvy them along into lessons. Students should put their coat on the back of the chair. Their planner, equipment and exercise book should be immediately placed on their desk.

• Students should date/ title/ big question in books and complete the DO NOW task as soon as they enter the room. The DO NOW task needs to be time bound so that pupils realise that there is a clear focus for completing the activity.

• Staff check that all equipment is on the desk as students complete the activity. Names should be noted of those without equipment and this should be recorded on SIMS

• Depending on the nature of the DO NOW task, it can be either self or peer marked. Not all marks need to be collected in, but students should be aware that there is an expected pass mark for DO NOW tasks where the mark is collected in and a resit required for those who do not achieve it.

• When a student is late they will come into the classroom, find their seat and begin to complete the work. The planner is open on the desk so the teacher can write the 20 minute DT in during the lesson. If they have a note hand to the teacher in silence on the way in.

• Students should take books home to complete homework. If taken home and not brought

back in the student will be sanctioned with a 20 minute DT the next day. If they present with the work done to the required standard the member of staff can choose to let them go. Positive points will be awarded for being organised and equipped.

• The teacher will pick out the positives throughout the lesson and award accordingly. • Positive points will be issued for following the school expectations as well as for going

above and beyond in their lessons.

Page 5: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 5 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Dependent on the student’s age, the nature of the offence and the severity of the behaviour, the

school may use a range of strategies to correct student behaviour. The range of sanctions will include:

Verbal warning; Written warnings; 20 minute, break-time detention; (-1 behaviour point) Longer length detention (45 (-2 behaviour point) and 90 min (-3 behaviour point)), after

school, Removal to a partner classroom by Learning Walk; (-4 behaviour points) Regular reporting and behavioural monitoring, Note to the parent in the planner; Extra work or repeating unsatisfactory work until it meets the required standard; Loss of free time; Removal from the lesson to work under supervision elsewhere; Disciplinary letters to parents; School based community service or imposition of a task – such as picking up litter or weeding

school grounds; tidying a classroom; helping clear up a dining hall after meal times; or removing graffiti;

Governor Disciplinary Panels; Internal Exclusion (-5 behaviour points); Internal Exclusion at another school (-7 behaviour points); Fixed Term exclusion (-10 behaviour points); * Permanent Exclusion. * All sanctions recorded on the school’s management information system will be counted

against the positive points issued. The resulting “conduct points” will determine any rewards.

(* In line with the school Exclusion Policy)

This list is not intended to be exhaustive but serves as illustration of sanctions used.


What the law allows:

Teachers have a power to impose detentions outside school hours and parental consent is not

required for detentions. School staff should not issue a detention where they know that doing so

would compromise a child’s safety. When ensuring that a detention outside school hours is

reasonable, staff issuing the detention should consider:

Whether the detention is likely to put the student at risk

Whether the student has known caring responsibilities which mean the detention is


Page 6: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 6 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Whether the parents ought to be informed of the detention (this will depend on the

circumstances, it may not be necessary for a short after school detention, where a child can

get home safely)

Whether suitable travel arrangements can be made by the parent for the student. It does not

matter if making these arrangements are inconvenient for the parent.

Parents and carers should be advised that in line with changes resulting from the Education Act, 2011,

schools nationally are no longer required to give 24 hours’ notice of longer length detentions.

At Cox Green however, we will endeavour to give parents 24 hour notice for detentions over 10

minutes. The school will make every reasonable attempt to inform parents by a variety of means

including email, text or telephone call. Ultimately, however, it is the student’s responsibility to behave

appropriately and not the school’s responsibility to make contact about the detention.

Parents are requested to check their child’s student planner on a daily basis, which is where the majority

of detentions will be recorded by the student. Ultimately, if a student has received a detention it is their

responsibility to inform their parents/carers and for this behaviour to be discussed at home. A text

message will be sent home to parents once a week with their child’s detentions for that week.

Monitoring, Support and Intervention

Through the pastoral and guidance systems the school has staff whose role it is to support student

welfare and well-being. This includes helping to make explicit the school’s expectations, to reinforce

positive learning attitudes, to apply disciplinary sanctions and to monitor behaviours which give rise to


The school accepts that for a wide variety of reasons some students require additional support in

order to learn and display positive learning behaviours. For these students the school will draw on a

range of support interventions in order to support and re-track behaviours.

Strategies may include consideration of curriculum need, additional learning support, and identification of Special Educational Need, additional internal provision, placement on a personal support programme and use of external expertise, Counselling, Educational Psychologist, and other available outreach programmes or referrals to external agencies

Behaviour Outside School

Students who breach the school’s Behaviour for Learning Policy whilst on school business such as trips

and journeys, sports fixtures or a work-experience placement may be dealt with in the same manner

as if the incident had taken place at the school.

For incidents that take place outside the school and not on school business, this policy may still have

effect if there is a clear link between that behaviour and maintaining good behaviour and discipline

among the student body as a whole. This may include behaviour in the immediate vicinity of the

school or on a journey to and from the school. Other relevant factors include whether the student is

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COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 7 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

wearing school uniform or is in some other way identifiable as a student at the school and whether the

behaviours could adversely affect the reputation of the school.

For acts of aggression or which threaten the health and safety of others, or Social Media concerns the

school may involve the police. Equally, if the school considers that the behaviour might be linked to a

young person suffering, or likely to suffer significant harm, safeguarding procedures may be applied.

Page 8: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 8 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Malicious Accusations against School Staff

The school recognises that there may be occasions when a student may need to raise issues about the actions of a member of staff and has procedures for dealing with concerns. However, where the allegation may be one of malicious intent or fabrication, the school will give due regard to the most appropriate disciplinary sanction, which may include temporary or permanent exclusion, as well as referral to the police if there are grounds for believing a criminal offence may have been committed. The school will also take seriously inappropriate use of technologies including mobile and social networking sites which are targeted at members of staff or other students. (In line with the school Equalities and Anti Bullying policies) Active Involvement of Parents/Carers The school believes strongly in the power of working in close co-operation with parents and of the rights and desirability of parents being actively involved in the education of their child. The school will therefore seek to involve parents/carers actively on behaviour for learning issues. Approaches may include:

Telephone calls; Meetings; Letters; Supporting students on reports; Home School Agreement; Request to attend re-integration meetings; Student Planners which allow for two way communication; Invitations to agency meetings; Follow up & routine communication; Home visits. Referrals to the home-school agreement and parental requirement to support the

school with its behaviour and reward policy. Parents/carers are welcome to approach the school for informal or formal discussions about their child’s education. However, parents/carers should be aware that due to teaching commitments it may take up to 48 hours for teaching staff to respond to requests. Communication of policy This policy is available on the school website and accessible to all parents and staff. If a hard copy of the policy is required then the Main Office should be contacted at the school and a copy will be sent. Evidence of implementation Governors will receive regularly reports from the People and External Relations Committee to ensure the appropriate implementation of the policy. In addition, during governors visiting morning Governors will conduct student voice activities. Review of policy This policy shall be reviewed every 3 years by the Full Governing Board.

Page 9: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 9 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Appendix 1 Behaviour for Learning - Operational Information for Staff Internal use only.

At Cox Green School we recognise achievement in its broadest sense and reward academic attainment,

progress, behaviour, effort and personal and social development.

Our emphasis at Cox Green School is to recognise good work and behaviour by actively seeking to praise

and reward students wherever possible. Rewarding students and therefore positively reinforcing

‘wanted’ behaviour is our most powerful tool.

Students will be rewarded in assemblies each week and more formally in celebratory assemblies at the end of each half term. Staff will issue Positive Points to each student, each lesson who meets the school’s basic expectations for lessons; for good work, homework, progress or effort in the classroom. In addition, it may be appropriate also to issue points for the following reasons:

Showing respectful behaviour to others;

Resolving conflict and recognising difference;

Demonstrating a kind and caring attitude to others;

Improved effort, behaviour or progress;

Excellent attendance or punctuality, including weekly green arrows;

Improved attendance or punctuality;

Good standard of uniform / manners;

Contribution to the wider community;

After school club or revision attendance.

Positive points are to be allocated by the teacher of each lesson/session directly in the SIMS system. NB: any rewards are based on the number of Positive points – the number of behaviour points = the number of credit points. The number of “Credit points” determines any reward. Additional strategies for promoting good behaviours are outlined in Appendix 2 of school behaviour policy. Classroom Procedures for Staff to ensure Good Behaviour in Lessons

Coats should not be worn inside the classroom.

Students to enter the learning space quickly and quietly when a member of staff is present. Students are welcomed to the lesson at the door; uniform is checked and the teacher’s ownership of classroom space is established.

The register should be completed whilst students are engaged in the “do now” activity.

Register must be completed during the first 15 minutes of the lesson.

During the dismissal students return any learning materials back to where they belong; they

pack away their own learning equipment and wait for the teacher to dismiss. Dismissal should

be a few students at a time.

Praise should be used in a structured way so as to provide support to all students. Students

must be encouraged to understand what they can do to receive praise.

Rules and expectations in the classroom should be made explicitly clear and constantly and

consistently reinforced. The teacher is responsible for managing behaviour in the classroom.

Page 10: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 10 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

SIMS Achievement types Points

A1 Meeting Expectations (Uniform, Punctuality, Equipment) 1

A1 Outstanding Classwork/Progress 1

A1 Outstanding Homework 1

A1 Outstanding Behaviour 1

A1 Outstanding Contribution to Community 1

A1 Subject Prize Nomination 1

A1 Outstanding Contribution to Lesson 1

A3 Leadership 3

A5 Extra Curricular 5

Tutor Entry Custom

Behaviour Responsibilities: Behaviour concerns in the classroom should be escalated as below:

Teacher Deputy Learning Leader/Learning Leader

Senior Leader (Line management responsibility for the subject area)

Disciplinary matters relating to a subject area must be managed within that subject area. Behaviour concerns outside the classroom, at break, lunchtime or after/before school or tutor time should be escalated as below:


SAFE Manager

Key Stage Leader Senior Leader The adult originally involved in the incident should complete a Student Incident Report form outlining the incident and their involvement in it. This should be logged on SIMs. Accumulation of Sanctions: When a student is presenting concerns across three or more subjects, or accumulates 3 or more DTs, the Leaders supported by the SAFE Manager will manage support and interventions which will be discussed at Laser meeting and at Tutor Link meetings. A Personal Support Plan may be implemented and reviewed weekly. For reports types please refer to the Appendicies in the school behaviour policy. Positive Reports Subject or Pastoral Report: Any member of staff may place a student on a positive report for a period of up to two weeks. The aim of the report is for the student to achieve positive comments from staff. Negative remarks cannot be written; the box should remain blank if a positive comment cannot be written. Students should report to the member of staff managing the report at the end of each day; parents are expected to sign the report each evening.

Page 11: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 11 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Page 12: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 12 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.


The first two warnings are issued in the lesson

A third warning means that a behaviour incident is then logged on sims – Level 1 - (this does not mean a detention is issued).

There are 3 levels of behaviour in total

Level 2 - 20min detentions should be held on the same day at first break within the department(s) and are a result of behaviour displayed in the level 2 category.

o If a student fails to attend a 20-minute detention the name of the student should be shared with the LL so that the incident is escalated to a level 3 after school detention.

o The learning leader should speak to the student to reinforce the expectation as soon as possible.

o The HOY/FT should also be informed to ensure the information can be written in the student planner/ communicated to the student and parent.

45min detentions will be held on the Monday, Tuesday or Friday – the next available day - if the break time detention is missed, or if the head of department feels the detention has not been completed properly, or the incident is a level 3 incident. Parents will receive a text message informing them of the detention 24 hours in advance ie if the detention is on Monday the text should be sent on Friday etc. Staff must ensure that any detentions for the next day are set by 2.15pm so that the information can be collated and a text sent.

90min detentions will be held on Fridays if a 45min detention has been missed, or if the teacher running the 45min detention feels it has not been completed properly, or the behaviour is one of those identified in the Level 4 category.

The teacher issuing the detention should report to the detention on the day of the detention and must engage in a conversation with the student to secure restorative justice or reconciliation. This should be supported by their Learning Leader if issued by a subject teacher or their Head of Year if issued by a tutor.

Detentions once issued cannot be removed for good behaviour

Page 13: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 13 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Table showing levels of behaviour


Positive point to be issued to each student each lesson and

registration time, if they have met the basics

Level 1

Log of incident

Level 2

20min break time


Level 3

45min after school detention

Level 4

90min SLT


Being obedient and showing teachers respect even when you are cross or upset

Arriving to lessons on time

Co-operating with other students at all times, especially when you have been asked to work in a group

Listening to others and respecting the views and ideas of other people

Saying thank you

Talking in a quiet voice and not making too much noise

Being trusted to listen to the advice that teachers give you so you can improve your work and act on this by completing student response to the best of your ability

Doing as you have been instructed for the task or activity and not wandering around the classroom

Working hard, doing your best and achieving the highest standard you can

Doing your home learning by the deadline set

Making the right choice, especially when others are making the wrong choice

Speaking politely

Settling down immediately in class, taking off outdoor

Calling out

Chewing gum

Loading a non-relevant website in lessons

Wearing incorrect jewellery

Planner not signed

No planner

No exercise book/lesson materials

Any actions from ‘log of incident’ column that are repeated twice then fall into this category

Putting on make up

Answering back/shouting

Not listening to the teacher

Eating in class

Writing on desks

Jumping the lunchtime queue

Being late for assembly

Defacing planners

Late to lesson


Not attending 20min break detention

Persistently not handing in home learning (persistent in this column means 3 or more times)

Persistently jumping lunch queue

Persistently chewing gum

Persistent refusal to hand over jewellery

Persistently flouting uniform rules

Poor punctuality

Persistently answering back

Persistently late to assembly

Persistently chatting in class

Persistently late to lessons

Persistently forgetting to bring correct equipment to lessons

Persistently on non-relevant

4th detention of the week?

Direct verbal abuse to staff and students



Dangerous behaviour in school


Using mobile phone

No show to 45min detention

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COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 14 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

clothing and putting planner, books and equipment on desk

Following instructions on first request

Interacting quietly with others

Valuing and appreciating good work done by others

Listening carefully to the teacher

Keeping hands, feet and objects to yourself

Knowing how to behave when others are being silly

Wearing all school uniform in a proper manner

Arriving with all books and equipment that you need

Not handing in homework

Forgetting to bring correct equipment to lessons

Incorrect uniform

Phone out

Refusal to hand over jewellery

No PE kit

Inadequate work

Head on desk

Out of class without note


Swearing in conversation and not directed at anyone

Damage of a student’s property

Persistent inadequate work

Page 15: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 15 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

SIMS Behaviour Types

SIMS Behaviour Types Points

BFL Learning Walk 4

BFL Internal exclusion 5

BFL Fixed term transfer 7

BFL Fixed term exclusion 10

L1 Calling out 0

L1 Chewing gum 0

L1 Loading a non-relevant website in lessons 0

L1 Wearing incorrect jewellery 0

L1 Planner not signed 0

L1 No planner 0

L1 No exercise book/lesson materials 0

L1 Confiscation of an item 0

L2 L1 repeated twice 1

L2 L2 Refusal to follow one way system 1

L2 L2 Putting on make up 1

L2 L2 Answering back/shouting 1

L2 L2 Not listening to the teacher 1

L2 L2 Eating in class 1

L2 L2 Writing on desks 1

L2 L2 Jumping in the lunchtime queue 1

L2 L2 late to lesson /form 1

L2 L2 Late to form

L2 L2 Defacing planners 1

L2 L2 Chatting 1

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Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 16 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

L2 L2 Not handing in homework 1

L2 L2 Repeatedly forgetting to bring correct equipment to lessons 1

L2 L2 Repeated incorrect uniform 1

L2 Phone out 1

L2 Refusal to hand over jewellery 1

L2 No PE Kit 1

L2 Inadequate work 1

L2 Head on desk 1

L2 Out of class without note 1

L2 Refusal to start a lesson task 1

L2 Refusal to follow seating plan 1

L2 Littering 1

L2 Crowding a fight 1

L2 Being in a prohibited location at breaktime 1

L3 Not attending 20 min break DT 2

L3 Persistently not handing in homework 2

L3 Persistently jumping lunch queue 2

L3 Persistently chewing gum 2

L3 Persistent refusal to hand over jewellery 2

L3 Persistently flaunting uniform rules 2

L3 Poor punctuality 2

L3 Perisistently answering back 2

L3 Persistently late to assembly 2

L3 Persistently chatting in class 2

L3 Persistently late to lessons 2

L3 Persistently forgetting to bring correct equipment to lessons 2

L3 Persistently on non-relevant websites 2

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COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 17 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

L3 Swearing in conversation 2

L3 Damage of a student's property 2

L3 Persistent inadequate work 2

L3 Refusal to follow staff instructions 2

L4 Direct verbal abuse to staff and students 3

L4 Swearing 3

L4 Bullying 3

L4 Dangerous behaviour in school 3

L4 Truancy 3

L4 Using mobile phone 3

L4 Insulting a member of staff 3

L4 Intimidation/aggression towards a member of staff 3

Page 18: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Cox Green · Positive reinforcement and rewards The school recognises the power of making explicit

COX GREEN SCHOOL Behaviour for Learning Policy V1.6

Ratified: Oct 18 Review: Oct 2021 Page 18 of 25 Cox Green School: A company limited by guarantee; Registered in England, Company Number 07831255, Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 3AX.

Accumulation of Sanctions: When a student is presenting concerns across three or more subjects, or accumulates 3 or more DTs, the Leaders supported by the SAFE Manager will manage support and interventions which will be discussed at Laser meeting and at Tutor Link meetings. A Personal Support Plan may be implemented and reviewed weekly. Reports See Appendicies Positive Reports Subject or Pastoral Report Any member of staff may place a student on a positive report for a period of up to two weeks. The aim of the report is for the student to achieve positive comments from staff. Negative remarks cannot be written, the box should remain blank if a positive comment cannot be written. Students should report to the member of staff managing the report at the end of each day; parents are expected to sign the report each evening. Behaviour Reports Behaviour reports are useful for daily monitoring of work, behaviour, homework or attendance. Satisfactory progress on behaviour reports should lead to praise; unsatisfactory progress should lead to further sanctions. A student should not remain on report for more than two weeks. Reports should be placed on the teacher’s desk as the student enters the room and collected at the end of the lesson. Students will not be perfect on report but the idea is to support improvement. Report Escalation Teacher/Tutor Green report Learning Leader/Key Stage Leader/SAFE Manager Amber report Senior Leader Red Report

Parents/carers may be informed before a student is placed on report and they should be asked to check and sign the report each evening. The student should give the report to the teacher at the beginning of the lesson and collect it at the end. Failure on the report may result in escalation to the next level. Lost reports, failure to report at the end of the day should automatically result in a 20 minute detention. On Call/Learning Walks to Support Teaching and Behaviour During lessons a member of staff may complete a learning walk or be On Call. The principles of the On Call Process are:

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To support staff in their daily work with students; To visit classrooms to reward positive learning and behaviour; To share good teaching practice; To share positive work and achievements of students.

There may be occasions when the member of staff on call will be required to diffuse, support or reconcile situations. The ultimate aim is to give students time to calm themselves and then return to their class or partner classroom. If the situation cannot be immediately managed the student should be removed from the classroom to a Partner Room and then the Exclusion Room if behaviour does not improve. The Learning Leader will follow up on the incident at the end of the lesson. Red Cards Students at times may be issued with a red card for a short and agreed period of time. Red cards should be used by a student proactively before an incident escalates. Staff should encourage students who have red cards to use them. When a student wants to use a red card, learning walk should be called who will then supervise the student for 5-10mins before putting them back into the classroom. Any student found to be misusing their card will lose it. The Exclusion Room The Exclusion Room has three functions:

Support for a student who has failed to cooperate with a Partner Room referral. In this instance the student may remain in the Exclusion Room for the duration of the lesson completing work set by the teacher.

Support for a student in an emergency situation, where immediate removal from the classroom is required. In this instance, the student may remain in the Exclusion Room for the duration of the lesson or until the matter has been successfully resolved. The student may complete work set by the teacher.

Internal Exclusions Only the Deputy Headteacher/s and the Headteacher can agree an internal exclusion. Once the decision to internally exclude the student has been made, the parent should be telephoned and the details of the concern shared by the SAFE Manager or Learning Leader. The internal exclusion will take place as soon as possible after the incident. Students may complete the exclusion in the Exclusion Room. They will complete work provided by their teacher. Students will be required to be in attendance from 9am – 4.00pm. Students completing an internal exclusion will have a different break and lunchtime from the rest of the school. Hard and fast rules about the type of incident and the number of day’s exclusion are generally not advisable because each situation and student requires a personal approach. Before the student returns to class following an internal exclusion a parental meeting must take place. Fixed Term Transfers, Fixed term and Permanent external exclusions Please refer to the Exclusion Policy

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APPENDIX 2: STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR The following strategies may be used by Staff:

Respect each other; Listen to each other; Treat everyone as an individual; Separate the problem from the person – never criticise the person, only the

inappropriate behaviour; Take the initiative:

Greet and acknowledge; Speak and be spoken to; Smile and respond; Communicate; Be proactive in raising the self-esteem of others;

De-escalate incidents and seek to reconcile; Spread rumours or hearsay;

Staff should try to avoid the following:

Do not overreact; address the problem calmly and confidently challenging low level behaviour in a way which least interferes with the flow of the lesson

Make sure students understand the boundaries, ‘when you do this … then this will happen’.

Use take up time. Ask a student to do something and then give them time to do it – don’t stand over them.

Never talk loudly or aggressively, calmly repeat instructions Avoid humiliating students Listen to the student’s point of view Clearly establish the facts Judge only when certain Do not be afraid to apologise if you are wrong Use punishments sparingly Never threaten anything you cannot follow through Follow up on issues that continue to arise – maintain a flow of action Establish and explain your routines and stick to them Use non-verbal cues to remind students of agreed conduct e.g. nods and gestures. Keep the focus on work and learning Where possible tactically ignore low-level attention seeking behaviour and follow up at

the end of the session Use praise and rewards to motivate students in a ratio of 3:1

In the classroom, staff should try to create and sustain a positive, supportive and secure environment. Well prepared, stimulating lessons generate good behaviour. You may:

Arrive before the class and begin on time, don’t allow latecomers to delay the start of the lesson

Be prepared for every lesson and tutor period

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Keep everyone occupied and interested Extend and motivate all students Mark work promptly and constructively Issue a positive point to each student, each lesson who meets basic expectations Reward what has been achieved and celebrate achievement Encourage a creative dialogue Speak positively to students and show an interest in them as individuals, both build

student confidence and self esteem Keep an attractive clean and tidy room with up to date display of student work Foster an environment in which risk taking and creativity is accepted

Do all you can to avoid:

Humiliating or embarrassing it breeds resentment Shouting it diminishes you Over-reacting the problems will grow Blanket punishments the innocent will resent them Punishment without facts resentment will grow Sarcasm it damages you and is unkind Threats only threaten what you can deliver Reprimanding in front of others students will play to the audience Threatening to call other staff it will undermine you

Do all you can to?

Use humour it build bridges Keep calm it reduces tension Listen it earns respect Be positive and build relationships Be consistent and fair Know your students as individuals, learn their names Apply rules and routines positively Work positively with parents and carers

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APPENDIX 3: DEALING WITH CONFRONTATIONAL AND AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR In all circumstances when dealing with difficult inappropriate behaviour try to:

Remain calm and unemotional; never lose control or appear to lose control; Avoid shouting.

Information about physical contact with a student or restraint of a student is outlined in the Reasonable Force Policy. APPENDIX 4: INVESTIGATING INCIDENTS Reports on the behaviour of the student or descriptions of incidents may ultimately have an audience wider than the school. Parents, Governors, outside agencies or appeals panels, may read them. It is therefore very important that the reports are written in an objective and professional way.

Make notes at the time of the incident but write a Student Incident Report to other students involved.

Avoid stating any personal expressions or opinions that may be misinterpreted by a reader. Keep what you say objective and professional. Do not make supposition or draw conclusion based on personal opinion.

Place the incident in the context of a wide spectrum of behaviours. Ensure you demonstrate your professional handling of the situation. Keep the information precise and to the point. Sign and date the report Enter the incident on SIMS and attach the Student Incident Report Form. If the incident requires escalation, alert the relevant member of staff in the

escalation ladder When investigating incidents of a serious nature, in particular where there is a question over what happened, students must be isolated from others involved to write their statements. They must not be allowed to communicate with each other. Students must be kept separately until they have been interviewed. Where necessary other staff should be involved to facilitate this process. Any incident involving bullying, racism, sexism, homophobia should in addition, be recorded in the appropriate log, and referred to a Senior Leader.

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Student Name:




Names of parents/carers/staff and students involved:

Purpose of meeting:

Agreed action points:



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Student Name:




Students Involved:



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NB: A log on SIMs will also suffice

STUDENT NAME:__________________ REG GROUP: ________ DATE:_________ TIME:________

Details of the Incident


If this incident requires logging for monitoring purposes please circle and forward to the SAFE Worker

Action taken by the member of staff:


Action taken by the Subject Leader/SAFE Worker/Deputy Achievement Leader/Achievement Leader:

Action taken by Senior Leader:

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