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Beginner’s Guide For Website Promotion

Do you own a website but do not know how to promote it? Most of the businesses today own a website not because they fancy the idea, but it has become a necessity today. You can easily be missed out in the competition if you do not own a website because every day the number of consumers that use the internet to find the products and the services they need is increasing exponentially. If you do not claim your space on the web right now, you will put your brand to serious disadvantage. The hitch however is that it is not enough that you own a website, it is even more important to make it successful through effective promotion. Here is a beginner’s guide to website promotion.

#1 Do not worry, not everyone that owns a website possesses technical knowledge or website promotion expertise. However, website promotion is no rocket science. You just need to be open and willing learn. You will of course need to work dedicatedly spending enough time in website promotion if you want your website to be successful.

#2 There are many website promotion strategies ranging from the simplest to the most complex. Start gradually with the simplest strategies.

#3 First learn about the various strategies that can be used for website promotion. Make a list of all the strategies. There are two ways of dealing with your website’s promotional needs. You can either promote your website all by yourself, hire a search engine marketing company to take care of everything on your behalf or use the services of search engine marketing companies to take care of complex search engine marketing strategies while you handled simple strategies yourself.

#4 The first strategy that you can try as a beginner is directory submissions. This is the simplest of all website promotion strategies but one of the proven techniques that is in use for more than a decade. Submitting your website to web directories has numerous benefits. Firstly, your website will get good online visibility as online directories attract traffic and your brand will be made easily accessible to your target customers. Secondly, you will be able to get natural back links for your website using this strategy. To start with the directory submission process, you should first compile a list of top web directories. Select only reputed directories so that your domain is always identified with good neighborhoods.

#5 If you have good writing skills you can start promoting your website through article submission sites. Even if you do not have good writing skills, you can hire experienced SEO writers at affordable price. They charge you based on the number of articles to be written. You can submit the articles, which are written either by you or by your writer to the article directories. With both directory submission and article submission, make sure that you make all the submissions manually. Before submitting your articles to the directories, try to read the submission guidelines and ensure that your articles are compliant with the editorial guidelines so that they are approved fast without any glitches. Here again, like directory submission, you will enjoy better online visibility, good visitors traffic and also natural backlinks. Search engines like Google consider backlinks to be one of the important ranking factors.

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#6 These days, it is hard to find someone that does not use the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Circles, LinkedIn, etc. You can extend your social media interests further to promote your brand. You will be able to tap the potential of your existing network of friends in the social media sites. Your existing friends circle in the social media sites will give your brand a good head start. You need to take aggressive efforts when you are trying to promote your brand in the social media sites. You need to remember that you are not doing it for fun but that you mean business.

#7 Start blogging; one blog post a day brings excellent traffic your way! You can use informal and lighthearted style in your blogs. You can take things one step further by promoting your blogs in the social bookmarking sites.

#8 Set aside some budget for paid traffic generation strategies as well. This however should be used as a supportive measure and not as a mainstream marketing strategy.

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