Page 1: Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1903-11-19 [p 2]. · PDF filemat pipe and allready to ... on your boys suit Then go-o Dulin McLeod at Mad Isonville A Philadelphia syndicate

I r i





The last Notice

Taxpayers of Earlingtoihave been publicly and privately notified that the CityTax is now due Please cal

at office andsettleJESSE




i If you want to buy or sellfarming land or city property

s it will pay you to see the hus-

tling3r real estate people WC McLeod Co tf

Thanksgiving turkeys atWalden Eades

Some one in the city of Evansvillesent one of Enrlln tons popular la-

dies a plaster cast of the celebratesi Happy Hooligan last week

The best and tenderest thamoney can buy is the kind of

meat I keep J W Iglehart

Miss Ellen Whalen was painfullyburned by the explosion of a Roch-ester lamp chimney one night lastweek

Ox Brand fertilizer foi

wheat Dont buy anyotherWe have it Our prices areright Bourland Moore-

Madisonvlllei Ky

A heavy thunder storm struck thissection Monday night

Just received a bran newcrop open kettle New Orleansmolasses at Walden Eades

The best selection of boysclothing ever brought to Madisonville at-


Ladles of the C V MP8 rember that Monday is the regular meet ¬

ing day and dont fail to be on handSelah

Linblium stove boards atBourland Moores Madison

ville We put them downgot and 100 Our pricesare always right

Get your Christmas gro ¬

ceries from Walden Eades

P O Duffy who until a shorttime since was an employe of the L

N has moved his family toPaducah where he has secured em ¬

ployment on the 1 C railroad

If you want good meat callon J W Iglehart next to JnoX Taylors drug store

The latest the market afifords in the way of groceriesat Walden Eades

Walter Miller who has been firingin the yard at this place for some-time has accepted a position on theSouthern

125 up for meat cuttersAll guaranteed to do goodwork or money cheerfully re ¬



c A slight wreck occurred at thenew mine switch between Earlington and Barnsloy Monday afternoon

J W Iglehart has gone intothe meat business andwishesto notify his friends that hewill keep on hand at all timesfl supply of the best meat themarket affords

Who Bachelors Club will give anentertainment at Temple Theatre inA snort while that will be worth see


For sick headacho try Chamber ¬

lains Stomach and Liver Tabletsthey will ward off the attack if ta

i BernardfirugSnBOn Moroons X TaylorE Islington




Rev Abbi pastor of the GraceEpiscopal church of Hbpklnsvillepreached an interesting sermon atthe Southern Methodist churchTuesday night to an appreciativeaudience

Coles Hot Blast heating

stoves will save onethird of

your fuel Call and see thenat Finley Plains Madisonville Ky-

Arthur Goebel is announced bjfriends as a candidate for Congressin the Sixth district to succeed Congressman D LIOn Gooch

We repair your stoves putnew ones up in your roommat pipe and allready tobuilda fire Tell us whatyou want we do the rest Ourprices are rightB-





Miss Mattie Graves and Miss MaryWard noted temperance lecturerswill lecture at the Christian churchat this place Thursday night Nov19 Everyone cordially Invited toattend

You cannot afford to miss TheBachelors Club to be given atTemple Theatre some time thismonth

Have your tried M B Longs saltrising light bread It is good

Guns shells hunting coatsleggings at Finley PlainsMadisonville Ky

Mrs Basil W Duke of Louisvillehas been honored by being chosenfirst vice president of the Daughtersof the Confederacy

Butcher knives at 25ctsEveryone guaranteed Tryone BOURLAND MOORE-


Dont forget the Bon Ton Bakerymakes old fashion salt rising lightbread

Louisville Ky Nov 1IJudgeGordon in common pleas court tolay decided in the case of two paintlead houses against an insurancecompany that standard time shouldbe considered official by reason ofusage

Do you want to save moneyon your boys suit Then go-

o Dulin McLeod at MadIsonville

A Philadelphia syndicate has pur-


several thousand acres ofand in Boyle county near Perryille and will establish an angora

goat farm The goats are to be usedto clear large areas of sprouts andhrubs

We sell cook stoves everylay Majestic ranges everyveek Get our prices beforeyou buy-

iourland Moore Madisonville

The Professors Love Storywhich Harry Beresford will presentat Mortons Theatre on Dec 2 isjust a bright light agreeable com-

edy of the day and hour with aaugh every minute a tear or twomough tension to make you respect

yourself for your feelings and suseptlblllty pretty women lovelytresses quick action crisp dialoguemd above all presented by a com> any of efficient players The stag-


environments we are told willbe particularly realistic and note ¬

worthy As Prof Goodwillio thevenial forgetful old scientist whofalls in love without knowing it Mr3eresford is said to give us a char-acterization that really stamps hiswork with the mark of genius

W A Herren of Finchwrites I wish to report that Foleys-Klaney Cure has cured a terriblecase of kidney and bladder troublethat two doctors had given Up1I

Sold by Jno X Taylor

That Bachelors Club that therehas been so much talk about willako place at Temple Theatre on the

right of Nov 20 If you want to seesomething ridiculously and irresist ¬

ibly ludicrous dont fail to attend

We have heating stoves forchurches school housesstores and residences Ourprices are rightB-



Daleys Honey and TilthM lull O thfcoufh


AIi 1f 3I f

Editor C C Pare one of tho bestnewspaper men in the state is ill ofappendicitis at Glasgow where hehad gone for a visit Mr Pares pa-

per is the Franklin Favorite

Salt rising light bread at M BLongs

Manager McGary has secured the I

great and popular attraction of theseason Human Hearts for nextmonth

Coal oil heating stoves thebest in the land at FinleyPlains Madisonville Ky

TheBachelors Club will give theirentertainment at Temple Theatre onFriday night Nov 20 Dont forgetthe date and dont forget to comeThey guarantee it to be the mostlaughable play that ever came downthe pike

We have a fresh car of saltStick to us and we will stickto you Our prices are rightBourland Moore Madisonvillc Ky

The Court of Appeals by JudgeNunn has decided that Y M C Aproperty in Kentucky is exemptfrom taxation as it is a religious or ¬


Dulin McLeod of Madisonville while in New Yorkbought 100 boys suits and 50boys overcoats under priceand are selling them the sameway

The cold wave struck Earliugtonalright

You Know What You are Taking

When you take Groves TastelesChill Tonic because tho formula isplainly printed on every bottle show-ing


that it is simply Iron and Qui ¬

nine in a tasteless form No cureno paVe60c

Coal is in demand just at present

If you want a cooking orheatingstove you can find itFinley Plains Madison ¬

ville Ky

Dont fall to see the BachelorsClub at Temple Theatre tomorrow


Grabow of Chicago is at thoPorter Installment companys placeof business in Madisonville thisweek doing art work in the sowingline The public is invited to calland inspect this display of fine sew ¬

ingThisis the time to buy

pocket knives and razors wehave something special tooffer you Our prices areright Bourland Moore-

Madisonville Ky

Human Hearts that touchingplay of home life will be here next

monthDulinMcLeod of Madi ¬

sonville have just what youwant in a boys suit or over ¬


The prospects are for two weddingsduring the holidays

Our prices on cooking andheatingstoves would surpriseyou as well as the completeline Bourland Moore-

Madisonville Ky

Charlie Webb is repairing andadding to his house This lookssuspicious


To Mr and Mrs R L Dexter ofthis place a baby girl Sunday after ¬

noon Nov 15thr

Produce Wanted

I want your dried apples peachesand sheep hides and all kinds ofcountry produce Highest cashprice paid for same Will sell youbarrel salt wholesale and retal atlowest prices Call to see me oppo ¬

site the postofflce at Foleys Cainrialto shop Madisonvillo Ky


Several people in Earlington hadquail on toast this week and the re ¬

mainder had hog and hominy


I wish to say to the public that Ihave bought the blacksmith shopfrom F H Fox and will retain MrYinson as shoeing smith Hoone of the best of his profession I

therefore I guarantee every JobBring your saddle and harnesshorses We can please you



E PERSONALS aMr W D Cayoness wont to Daw-

son Thursday to do some work atArcadia hotel at that place

Mrs Mollie Whalen and MrsDouglass OBrien were in the city ofMadisonvillo Thursday shopping-

Mr G Warfleld Sypert of Mad ¬

isonvillo was here Thursday on

businessMissHoward of Madisouvillo

visited friends here lastThursdayMiss Luoilo Crenshaw who has

been visiting friends in Hopkinsvlllo and vicinity for several weeksreturned home last week

Miss Katherine Robinson a charm ¬

ing young lady of this place leftMonday for Bowling Green whereshe will attend Potter College

Miss Lelia Rider a sweet and pret ¬

ty young lady and compositor on theDawson Oriole was in the city Sat ¬

urday and paid TIlE BEE force apleasant call Miss Rider visitedMrs John Brlnkley of this city

Mr S O Murphy editor of theSpringfield Tenn Herald accom¬

panied by his wife and children andhis fatherinlaw Mr W Allen allof Springfield visited the family ofMr T J Featherston a few dayslast week returning home on 51

SaturdayMrsMagenhcimer and Mrs

Chas Lacey of the Daniel Boonomine near Nortonville were heroSaturday shopping

Miss Elizabeth Victory a popularyoung ladof this city is visitingfriends in Louisville this week

Mr J Y Montague was in Madisonyillo Friday night Inst

Miss Ellen and Kate Whalen twoof Earllngtons popular and attract-ive


young lacnes wore in Madison ¬

villo one day last week shoppingMisses Mayme and Myrtle Sisk of

Victoria were the guests of friendshero Sunday

Mr Joseph Hibbs of the Grape-vine

¬ I

neighborhood was hero Satur-day


on businessBryan Hopper left for Rochester

on Green river Saturday for a fewIdays of hunting and fishing

Mrs Callie Bennett of BremenKy is visiting friends here thisweekMrs

Sammie Crutchfield of thiscity was in Madisonville Fridayvisiting friends

Mr and Mrs Rom Salmon of Ilsley spent Sunday in Mad isonvillo

Dr E T Almon and family ofMortons Gap who have been visit ¬

ing in Oklahoma for some time re ¬

turned home last week

Mrs Long of Madisonville washero Sunday visiting relatives

Mrs Geo Hooser left for Howellthis week to join her husband whowill run out of thatplace on through

freightMrMrs Ed L Adams have

returned from their bridal trip andare now located at MadlsonyflleI

Mrs Black of New Jersey andher daughter Miss Emily Black ofLouisville are visiting Mrs Paul MMoore this week

Misses Pauline Davis CarrieMajors and Maggie Fenwick were inMadisonvillo shopping one day this

weekMrChesterfield Charles Cox was

in Madisonville Sunday

Grover Long attended the homotalent entertainment at Madison ¬

villo Tuesday night


Owing to my removal toNashville I have concluded tosell my property on Farrenavenue For price and par-


call on J M VictoryMRS JULIA MCGRATH

The residence of Jas Laffoon ofthe St Charles neighborhood re ¬

cently erected at a considerable costwas destroyed by fire last night to ¬

ether with contents

For Sale

One fancy harness horse black 8

years old 15j hands thigh in fine fixgentle has lots of style and nicestepper well worth 200 Will sellcheap For particulars address PO box 87 Earlington Ky

The nest Liniment

Chamborlafns Pain Balm is con ¬

sidered tho best liniment on themarket write Post Bliss of Geor-gia


Vt No other liniment will heala cut or bruise so promptly Noother affords such quick relief fromsoIlame back and pains in the chestGive this liniment a trial and youwill never wish to be without it

For sale by tat Bernard Drug Storen B T Robinson Mor


r 1r kJ J


IU 0 yl E= = ==== ==Wrfqqqq q qqqqq iiSr= s P3R99




Lr J-r GOODSE IIII The St Bernard r1J DrugStore

IHas recently added to its stock an elegant line o-

fp Christmas Goods JW1

CONSISTING OFwa Bisque FiguresISetsi WI

Sets tP 3Q Jr Shaving SetspManicure Sets lj

Inlaid with Pearl 1ffii

And the hitndsomest line ofII BISQUE ES111IJ

other ware over brought to this city Any ofISOAndwould make suitable presents for a frieud1i

Themd JI-i


IetI1I1I1I1I1tll Eil1 1gLu1 is21 EVERYTHING NEWt f


ot Get Your

Goods81 II

Pay for Themi i

AfterwardIaVI 1J1 1FURNITURE

It 17Such as Quartered and Plain Oak Sultos Rock ¬

of ers Diners Extension and Center Tables Fold-ing


Beds and Hall Trees In fact we keepeYer found in a first class furni ¬

I conhlbutfngIaso doing and trading with us you make no

4mistake Yours topleasewr4eI PORTER INSTALLMENT 126 S MAIN STREETfIt


tvlfifiiifiiififi999 I


WEST BADEN SPRINBSIn the highlands of Indiana a two hour ride fromLouisville there flow wonderful healing waters thatyoud spend hundreds of dollars to enjoy if theywere in Europe-

A recent visitor from Philadelphia who formerlyi

went to Carlsbad every year said I do not seewhy anyone goes to Europe for medicinal watersThe water is as beneficial and the scenery andsurrounding country the air and the opportuni ¬

ties for recreation are better the hotels and allaccommodations are much finer at French LickWest Baden Springsnnd this gentleman is anative of Switzerland

The splendidly wooded hills with the cool invigor-ating


air of these highlands where one can enjoyrambles in the depths of the forest or rides and t

drives among the numerous bridle paths and road ¬

ways afford pleasure for those who desire rest andquiet while at the splendid casinos one can haveall the entertainment and social pleasures possible 1at tho most fashionable resorts


ON THE MONON ROUTEF-or booklets telling all about the watersHotel Rates and full Information write

E H BACON District Passenger Agent Louisville Ky



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