  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    Factors affecting Distribution LossLoss dependence on Transformer Size

    Suppose demand: 20 KW

    Monthly energy sell : 4320 unit

    The minimum standard size transformer required is 2!"#

    Transformer $oss %ariation &ith transformer size


    *o $oad$oss(!W)

    'ated $oad$oss (!W)

    Monthly*o $oad+nergyloss(!Wh)

    Monthly$oad $oss(!Wh)

    Total +nergyloss (!Wh)

    ,er-entage+nergy $oss

    2 0./0 0.30 2.00 2.1 .1 2.3/

    0 0./ 0.0 /22.40 //.2 /33.2 3./0

    /00 0.30 0. 2/1.00 4.0 220.0 .//

    /10 0.44 /.30 3/1.0 2.3 3/.3 .40

    200 0.10 /.10 432.00 2.30 434.30 /0.0

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    Loss dependence on Load center Size

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    5eeder &ise po&er loss

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    $oss Summary

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    Loss dependence on Load pattern

    Suppose for the same load -enter &ithmonthly energy demand same as forpre%ious -ase i.e. Monthly energy sell :/2 unit

    6ut the all energy is7 consumed in 3 hours

    7 consumed in 6 hours

    7 consumed in 12 hours

    7 consumed in 24 hours

    $oss %ariation &ith demand pattern

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    LT loss scenario

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    Loss dependence on feeder unbalancing

    S-enario one all phase ha%e equal loading: 20 #

    S-enario one feeder loading7 ,hase ': /0 #

    7 ,hase 8: 20 #

    7 ,hase 6: 30 #

    S-enario three feeder loading7 ,hase ': /0 #

    7 ,hase 8: /0 #

    7 ,hase 6: 40 # 9f the loss in s-enario / is 1

    The loss in s-enario 2 is aout .

    The loss in s-enario 3 may e around /0

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    ;ther 5a-tors

    The loss also depends on -ondu-tor size

    7 Thi-! -ondu-tor: less loss

    7 Thin -ondu-tor: more loss

    7 +.g the loss &ith dog -ondu-tor is aout /

  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide



    Transformer should e appropriately installed tominimized transformer loss. 9t should not e o%ersized.

    The load -enter size should e as small as possile.The feeder should e -onfigured so that the -onsumers

    should e as -lose to the sour-e ( transformer). To redu-e the per-entage loss its required to in-reasethe other a-ti%ities than lighting only.#s far as possileminimize other use during pea! hours.

    While -onne-ting -onsumers to supply phase alan-ingshould e !eep in mind.

    Thi-! -ondu-tor -ause less loss ut high -ost-ompromise is done to sele-t appropriate -ondu-tor

  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    Distribution Transformer Size & Location

    In urban area go for maximum Transformer size and are

    usually higher due to high load density as far as the LT

    conductor capacities permits (No & size!

    In "ural the maximum size of LT is limited by #o$er

    Loss & %oltage drop (its recommended limit is around 'm! and Transformer size are usually smaller due to lo$

    density and load coincident beha%ior


    This choice is also reflected by the utilization )oltage

    le%el and the transformer %oltage ratio (The abo%e is for


  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    Location of transformer

    -s far as possible the Distribution transformer must be

    located at the center of gra%ity the Load center In rural areas some times a single transformer is used to

    ser%e ./* or more small %illages located in proximity

    In such case follo$ing theoretical approach may be used to

    locate approximate transformer location

    Ta'e a reference point on the x/ y coordinate/ The location

    0/ 1 is then find using/

  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    In the selection of LT line routethe follo$ing criteriashould be ta'en into consideration2

    3 The routing of the lines (radial length! has been made asshort as possible so as to minimize the %oltage drop andline loss

    3 The LT lines are mostly routed along the feasible roads/foot trail4hilly road so that

    The transportation of lines4construction materials to site is easier

    This also facilitates the maintenance of lines

    3 The line routing is done in such a $ay that maximum

    number of households could be co%ered3 -%oids placing poles in flooded or land 3 sliding areas

    3 5inimizes deforestation as much as possible

    3 5inimizes $idth of ri%er crossings

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    ,rimary >istriution 5eeder >esign

    ? @onfiguration

    The primary distriution system design

    in-ludes the routing and -ondu-tor sele-tion to

    ser%e the distriution transformers from

    Sustation. The optimization pro-edure usually used for

    -ondu-tor and routing sele-tion is one of the


    7 minimizing the length of -ondu-tor

    7 minimizing the -ost

    7 minimum po&er transfer and distan-e approa-h.

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    $etAs -onsider fi%e different distriution transformers of same size and same

    numer of -ustomers are desired to e -onne-ted from the sustation

    through a radial distriution feeder of similar -ondu-tor. ;ut of pra-ti-ally

    feasile feeder layout options t&o are sho&n in 5ig.(a) ? ().




    7(a! 8ption9-

    . 'm

    . 'm

    . 'm

    . 'm

    . 'm




    7(b! 8ption9

    . 'm

    . 'm . 'm

    . 'm

    . 'm

    *ote that:7 The load to e ser%ed in oth the -ases same

    7 @ondu-tor length same

    6ut it -an e sho&n that the losses in option 7# is aout /. times

    greater than optionB6

  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    Suppose the transformer size at ea-h of the node is S !"#.

    Then the po&er flo& through the ran-hes -an e easily

    -omputed and is sho&n in 5ig. elo&.

    S4S -



    7(a! 8ption9-

    . 'm

    . 'm

    . 'm

    . 'm

    . 'm






    S4S -




    (b! 8ption9

    . 'm

    . 'm . 'm

    . 'm

    . 'm

    :S *S



  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    9t is to e noted that this differen-e in losses are only due

    to the fa-t that the ran-h po&er for the same load are

    signifi-antly different in t&o options.

    #lternati%ely it -an e said that the node po&ers ha%e to

    tra%el larger distan-e in optionB# than optionB6.

    Summarized in Tale elo&:

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    9t -an e sho&n that the -ondition for &hi-h po&er loss is

    minimum "oltage >rop is also minimum.

    #lso for the same -ase 'eliaility is also ma=imum Ta!e an e=ample &ith /00 -onsumers at ea-h node

    7 5ailure rate 0.04

    Node Tra%elingdistance


    #robable No ofconsumer notgetting supply4yr

    - 2 0.0

    4 0./1 /1

    6 1 0.24 24

    D 4 0./1 /1

    7 1 0.24 24

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  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    'ea-ti%e ,o&er 5lo&:

  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    &,, ')-,+ pf lag

    &,, ')-,+ pf lag

    &,, ')-,+ pf lag

    &,,, ')-


    SS -



  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    A!A S"#STAT$%& S!L!'T$%&

    Ser%i-e area


  • 7/23/2019 BE Distribution 3rd slide


    Sustation sitting

    -%ailability of land for the %arious necessary e>uipment of there>uired capacity and re>uired number of distribution feeders forthe identified ser%ice area of the substation

    The cost of land

    8pportunity for ?eeder geta$ay

    The cost of preparing the site (slope/ drainage/ underlying soil androc'!

    The cost of transporting material

    7sthetic re>uirements (fencing/ landscaping!

    -%ailable options for expanding the substation capacities/ additionof distribution feeder and extension of sub transmission line for thene$ substation that may come in future

    "ight of $ay for transportation of substation e>uipments

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    Ser%i-e #rea identifi-ation ? Sizing

    The expected substation ser%ice area has to be fixed asserting the


    The area $here the reach of the distribution feeder is acceptableThis is to assure that the entire load $ithin the ser%ice area isade>uately ser%ed (%oltage/ reliability!

    No e>uipment is o%er loaded considering the constraint in the plansuch as limitations on the size of transformers/ circuit brea'ers etc

    Distribution feeder costs and its losses are $ithin the acceptablelimit considering the social/ geographical/ political and othersimilar scenarios

    7xisting substations are utilized $here%er possible That is theareas that can be ser%ed by this proposed substation but at highercost or loss in comparison to the existing surrounding substation(s!ha%e to be discarded

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    Sele-tion of su transmission line route

    #ossibly a%oiding any crossing of proposed sub transmission lineroute $ith another high (**') and abo%e! or 5edium (')!%oltage line this increase the cost due to high to$er

    5inimizing the length of line

    "eliability of the system $ithin the acceptable limit

    5aintaining the %oltage profile and line loss (as from thepreliminary assessment! in the proposed and effected existing subtransmission line $ithin the standard limit

    8%erall in%estment and running cost to be minimum

    Nearest possible motor able road or ma=or trac's

    -%oiding of proposed alignment crossing through the rural4urbansettlements

    -%oiding of deforesting and long ri%er crossing

    5inimizing the Land ac>uisition problem

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