
By MetalgearBy WarriorKing849

BD noSTaLgia FanFiC #9 | 2

ninjago: Tales of The serpenTine

Warning: The following is non-profit fan-based storytelling. Ninjago and all related characters are the property of the Lego company. Cobra, and any other Ocs created by fans are, well, created by fans. Any Ocs created by me are mine. Any real life thing mentioned in this stories, like Beethoven’s fifth symphony and X-Men 2 belong to their proper owners. This concept is based on Badboylover 24’s Year of the Snakes One-shots. Please, support the official release.

BD noSTaLgia FanFiC #9 | 3

ninjago: Tales of The serpenTine

ChapTer 1pyThor’S SeCreT

Through the silence of night burst a colorful collection of notes played in melody. Music cut through the air like a dagger, Beethoven’s fifth symphony to be precise. Ah how beautiful the orchestra sounded, every single instrument merged in glorious har-mony. However, the majesty of the song was completely lost to Skales. The serpentine general sat in the general’s building in the center of the city of Ouroborus watching or rather trying to watch X-men: 2. Skales, and the other general: Fangtom, Skalidor, and Acidicus, covered their ears trying to prevent the blaring music from permanently destroying their hearing.

“What is Pythor even doing up there anyway?” Skales shouted Fangtom.

“He said something about finishing his masterpiece.” Fangtom yelled back. “Well no masterpiece is worth all this racket!” Skalidor scoffed.

“Under different circumstances, I would be inclined to argue with you about Beetho-ven not being racket but even I think this is too much.” Acidicus stated. As if to rein-force this statement, another blast of music assaulted the serpentine generals.

“Ya know,” Skales began. “I want to see what this masterpiece looks like.”

“You mean see if it’s worth all this?” Fangtom asked intrigued.

“Well I would never dare invade our leader’s privacy.” Acidicus said. “But hypothet-ically speaking, how would we go about this endeavor?”

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“So here’s what I’m thinking,” Skales explained. “We wait until Pythor finally goes to sleep, we sneak into his study…”

“And take a look at this masterpiece.” Skalidor finished.

So the four generals waited for Pythor to finally finish. Though it took three hours and many a harsh slap to keep Skalidor awake, finally the music died down. After a few minutes making sure that Pythor had left, Skales reached under the mat at the foot of the door and plucked the key.

“ Hurry up already!” Acidicus urged as Skales turned the key. The generals opened the door and looked around. Spotting a large music bow, Fangtom said. “Well there’s the culprit behind our suffering.”

“True,” Skales agreed. “But we are here to discover the motive.” Skalidor, Fangtom and Acidicus watched in building curiosity as Skales booted up Pythor’s PC. Finally, Skales entered Pythor’s Microsoft words processor and opened a suspicious looking file named, My Magnum Opus. The Serpentine gave one long look at the writing before letting out a aggravated sigh.

“We suffered all that for Pythor’s My Little Pony fan fiction!” Skalidor exclaimed.

“Who’s there?” Came Pythor’s voice. As quick as an arrow, the four serpentine hid in any dark corner. Light seeped into the room as Pythor opened the door. Pythor looked at the computer curiously. If he had not been so groggy he would have realized some-one had seen his “Magnum Opus.” Instead, the Snake King merely thought that he had forgotten to shut his computer off and then did so.


Skales narrowly dogged a falling stalactite. The time had come, the prophecy had been fulfilled. The Golden Master had come. And every single Serpentine in their new home knew it.

“We need more reinforcements on the doors.” Fangtom yelled. A couple of Serpen-tine obeyed the general but most of them continued to sit in dark coroners cowering though Skales really could not blame them. It was the end of the world. Skales noticed a soft pat on his shoulder and turned to see his beloved wife, Selma. He followed her over into a dark corner of the caves. As soon as Skales was sure that they were out of earshot, he asked. “How is Junior? Is he okay?”

“ Yes,” Selma responded. “He is kinda shaken up but he’s trying to keep the other snakelings distracted.”

“How?” Skales inquired.

“Well ya know organizing little teams to help with well I don’t know but it’s helping.” Selma repiled.

“Good,” Skales said. “Then why did you call me over?”

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“It’s just I was wondering…” Selma faltered.

“Go on.” Skales urged.

“What about the humans?” Selma asked.

Skales gave her a confused look but before he could respond a deep, threatening voice broke in.

“ And what about the humans?” Skales and Selma simultaneously turned to face Co-bra. Skales considered the hyponobrai commander. Cobra, ever the war-monger, kept a cavalry saber in its scabbard. He was one of the few serpentine who wore clothes. These clothes were a pair of black gloves, a blue clothe pauldron, and a blue clothe kama or battle skirt. Finally, Cobra’s physical features made him easily recognizable among a crowd, a nasty scar over his left eye, two cobra head designs imprinted on his hood, and a long white strip running along his spine ending in a triangle in the center of his eyes.

“The humans have only ever treated us with hatred and fear.” Cobra spat. “We tried to warn them of their impending doom but they respond by imprisoning us underground.”

“Well maybe we should have tried to warn them in ways other then conquest.” Selma argued.

“It is the serpentine way.” Cobra countered.

“Both of you please.” Skales interrupted. “I..I’m not sure.”

“The humans have wrought what they deserve.” Cobra growled.

“They may have,” Selma began. “But if we were out there and the humans were in here wouldn’t we want them to let us in?”

Skales took his wife’s words into account. The humans may have imprisoned the ser-pentine but perhaps the humans were only defending themselves. Skales made his way to the center of the caves calling all of the serpentine together.

“Attention please, I’m am going to go out there and see if I can save any of the humans.” Skales announced. “If anyone wishes to help me, then they can join me. Fangtom will be in charge until I return.” Skales’ words were meet with a great deal of yelling.

“Why should we help them?” One Fangpyre questioned.

“They imprisoned us and now you want to help them?” Questioned a Venomari.

“Are you insane?” Called a Constrictai.

“Listen to me!” Skales yelled above the chorus of arguments. “If we are trying to change our ways then this is the best way, by showing our compassion to our enemies.” Most of the yelling died down with that. As Skales approached the door, Selma ap-proached.

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“Please be careful.” Selma whispered.

“I will.” Skales promised. When he reached the door he turned to see that three or four other serpentine had join him.

“Thank you. Now all we have to do is find any humans we can and try to convince them to join us down here.” Skales explained briefly. He took a long breath and then opened the door.

A Companion

Laura Sheppard hefted her ax and swung down on the block of wood in front of her. The wood split into two neat pieces of wood. With one hand she collected the two piec-es, while with the other she wiped beats of sweat from her brow. Laura looked at the pile of wood she had collected and sighed.

“It’s not much but it’ll last me the week.” She announced to herself. Great now I’m talking to myself. Laura swept the pieces of wood into a potato bag she had brought and began to walk back to her home. Just as Laura reached her house rain began to pour from the cloud-ridden skies. Laura lived in a large house in the middle of the woods. Her “estate” was rather old so it lacked electricity, central heating, and any form of internet connection. Though it did have running water. Upon opening the door, Laura placed the bag on the floor and saw that she had missed what very little amount of mail she did receive. Laura glanced over the letters quickly. Three bills and a letter from her father, who lived in New Alcicne City. Laura was about to open the letter when a sound emanating from her basement grabbed her attention. Thinking quickly she ran through the possibilities of what was in her basement and why. Soon she arrived to the conclusion that a stray animal like a fox had wandered into the basement where she kept her frozen foods in an icebox. Laura stood up, grabbed a gun from her mantel, and proceeded to walk downstairs. When she reached the bottom, Laura saw no fox, but a snake, a very big, almost human looking snake colored white with purple patterns. Lau-ra recognized it by a newspaper clipping her father had sent. The article was about large humanoid snakes terrorizing people. Raising the weapon, Larua made herself know by saying. “Don’t move a muscle.” The Snake turned shoot.

“Please, don’t shoot me.” The snake pled. “I don’t mean you any harm, I-I didn’t know that anyone even lived here.”

“What is your name?” Laura growled.

The snake took a few minutes before nervously responding. “Well I.. um I don’t ac-tually know.”

“You expect me to believe that?” Laura threatened.

“You have a gun pointed to my head, if I know my name I would tell you.” The snake countered. That made sense to Laura so she lowered her weapon before asking. “Al-right, what are you doing here?”

“All that I can remember is waking up in this forest and wandering around.” The

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snake began. “And when I found this place I thought that it was abandoned and I could take shelter from the rain.” Laura took a closer look at the snake and realized that he was starving. She thought for a moment before asking. “Are you hungry?”

“Um, yes actually.” The snake answered. A few minutes later, Laura and the snake were seated at the table with blows of stew. Laura considered telling him that the stew was made of roasted badger but she seriously doubted that he cared. As the snake ea-gerly devoured the food Laura decided to learn more about her new guest.

“So you don’t know who you are?” Laura asked.

“No.” The snake replied.

“What bout a place to stay?” Laura continued. The snake looked at her and then the ground and then back at her before saying. “Well-I was thinking about living here before I knew that you lived here.” Laura nodded and then looked away as the snake continued to eat. Well I could use some help around here. Laura thought.

“ Well, you could stay.” Laura began. “But you’ll have to work in order to stay.”

“Anything.” The snake said vehemently.

“Alright, there are guest bedrooms in the hall to your left.” Laura said before reaching up to grab a book. She handed it to the snake saying. “And here are some options.”

“Options for what?” The snake asked.

“Your name.” Laura said.

Well guys, here it is my first chapter. So I’ll try to be better on scheduling but with the holidays coming up I cannot make any promises. Bye the way, any prompts or Ocs I am completely open to, not all may be used but if they are good, then expect to see them.

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ChapTer 2a name

Laura looked in to see her serpentine tenant pouring over the book of names that she had given him earlier. Three hours had come and gone but apparently the snake had not chosen a name. Perhaps he needs some help Laura thought to herself before entering.

“Hey, how’s it going?” Laura asked. The snake nearly jumped out of his chair at Lau-ra’s words. After catching his breath, the snake apologized.

“Sorry you.. you frightened me.” Laura began to say something but then stopped her-self. Instead she repeated her early question.

“Well,” The snake began. “I can’t really find anything that I like.”

“Do you need any help.” Laura offered.

“If you don’t mind.” The snake replied.

“Alright,” Laura said opening the book to a random page. She scanned the book be-fore saying.

“I like Michel.” The snake was about to agree when he heard a strange voice whisper into his head. P

“Actually, I think more of a name starting with P.” The snake said.

“Okay,” Laura turned the pages to the P section. “Peabody, Paul, Peter, Percival, Philip,”

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“Percival.” The snake announced.

“ Well, Percival.” Laura said. “The guest rooms are actually in a separate building that’s connected to the main house through the door on the left. I just finished changing the sheets so you can make your self at home.”

“Thank you. Thank you very much.” Percival said.

The Funeral ( Requested by BadBoyLover24)

Skales, Selma, and Skales Jr. stood among a crowd of humans. They were the only snakes that attended the funeral for the nindroid that had saved ninjago from the Over-lord. Skales knew that none of the humans wanted them there. In all actuality they wouldn’t even be here if not for the fact that Skales had saved Cyrus Borg during the Overlord’s attack. Due to the bravery of himself and the other snakes that had joined him, the humans were beginning to allow peace negotiations between the two races. However, Skales saw that Kai and some other humans giving his family dirty looks. But that did not really matter, he was here to give tribute to the person who had saved the world. The three serpentine stepped up to the statue of Zane. Skales Jr. placed a bouquet of white roses that Selma had crafted on the feet of the statue. The family then turned to leave. As they turned, Skales looked back to the statue and whispered.

“Thank you.”


Blanketed in shadows, Luna looked up at the full moon. To any normal passerby, the moon seemed to be a cold distant rock in space. But to Luna, the moon was her closest friend. The only thing that had shed any light during her imprisonment by Organiza- Luna cut her thoughts off. She didn’t want to think about that time. Instead she looked at the large vessel quietly resting in the dock. Luna took a deep breath before she van-ished in a puff of smoke. The Hypnobrai reappeared in the cargo hold of the ship. Luna quickly began to gather essentials. Bread, bottled water, a few pieces of pre-cooked meat, anything that could last her through the week. Luna hated doing this but she didn’t really think that she could survive anyway else.

“Who’s there?” Came a voice. Luna took to the shadows. She was grateful that she was wearing a black cloak. The apparent owner of the ship stepped forward to look around. Luna decided now was a good time to leave and vanished in another puff of smoke. She decided not to eat any of her spoils and sleep on a pile of newspaper.

The next morning, Luna awoke to a sharp poking. She looked up to see a human wearing a brown overcoat, a brown green trimmed trilby hat, and glasses. Luna was about to teleport but then he pulled a gun on her.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.” He said rather cockily.

“What do you want?” Luna growled.

“Well, I saw you on my security cameras and came to tell you that the stuff you stole

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expired three weeks ago.” He replied. Luna took in a sharp gasp before looking at the food she stole. Indeed the food was caked in mold. Luna mentally scolded herself be-fore asking.

“Well if this stuff isn’t any good then why did you hunt me down.”

“Well, seeing as you’re on the skinnier side, I’m thinking that you haven’t eaten that well in a while.” The human explained.

“And?” Luna asked.

“And I was wondering if you would want to come back and have an actual meal.” He continued.

“How do I know that this isn’t some cruel trick?” Luna asked. The human just shrugged. Luna weighed her options before agreeing to follow. As the two walked, Luna noticed that this human was on the chubbier side. When they arrived, Luna saw a full meal laid out on the table. The human nodded his head, and Luna proceeded to devour the food. After a few minutes, Luna heard a voice ask the human. “Hey Lewis is this the snake that stole the garbage?”

Luna looked up to see a girl of about thirteen ascending a flight of stairs.

“Yeah.” Lewis replied. “Speaking of which, what’s your name?”

“Luna.” the serpentine replied.

“Oh Hi, I’m Lewis and this is Guinevere.” He said motioning to the girl.

“Is she your daughter?” Luna asked cautiously.

“No.” Guinevere scoffed. “He just adopted me.”

“Yeah, I was sailing past the Artimus strait and she was a castaway.” Lewis explained. “Ah, memories.”

“So are you going to ask her?” Guinevere inquired.

“Oh yeah.” Lewis nodded. “So do you have a place to stay?”

“If I had a place to stay to you really think I would steal from people?” Luna almost yelled.

“Well that answers that.” Guinevere snarked.

“So I was wondering since you apparently don’t have a home if you wanted to live here?” Lewis offered. Luna gave him a confused look.

“Well, Guinevere and I, we explore Ninjago but there’s only two of us to run the ship so a third hand would be welcome.” Lewis elaborated.

“Why do you explore?” Luna asked. “What are you looking for?” Lewis’ eyes filled with wonder as he replied.

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“Legend, the great treasures of old. Everything from the mask of the King of Worms to Destiny Island.” Luna nearly coughed out her food.

“Your looking for Destiny Island, the Destiny Island.” Luna asked shocked. “But it’s only a legend, a myth.”

“Oh trust me I’ll find it.” Lewis replied assuredly.

“Look,” Guinevere interrupted. “You can either stay with us and have a roof over your head and three square meals or you can go back to stealing to survive.”

Luna considered the offer. Anything was better then living on the street. Besides, she always wanted to find Destiny Island as a child.

“Alright, deal.” Luna agreed.

“Okay, Guinevere you can help Luna get settled in while I start us up.” Lewis an-nounced.

I DON’T OWN Destiny Island or the King of Worms they belong to their respective owners.

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ChapTer 3mySTeriouS hero

Pythor and the other generals sat comfortably on a giant sofa as they recounted their war stories. Skales was just finishing to tale of the first time he took command of an army.

“So there’s me with three hundred soldiers trying to hold this mountain pass.” Sud-denly Mezmo, the Hypnobrai soldier, brust through the door panting.

“S-Sirs there’s.. there’s a situation.” Mezmo gasped.

“What?” Asked Acidicus.

“Yeah, we were getting to the good part.” Skalidor complained.

“Look out the window.” Mezmo said after catching his breath. The generals looked out the window to see a massive army of strange creatures. These creatures were jet black humanoids crawling on all fours, with strange antenna flowing from the back from their heads. Pythor immediately took command of the situation.

“ Mezmo, run back into the city and order everyone to arm themselves.” Pythor or-dered. Mezmo let out a sigh but did as he was told. A few minutes later, the army had formed a defensive line in front of the city. Then Fangtom noticed something.

“Um, Pythor is he one of ours?” Fangtom asked pointing to a cloaked figure standing in front of the dark army. The generals looked at the figure.

“Hey are you crazy, you can’t take on that entire army.” Skales shouted. The figure

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ignored Skales. Then two blades appeared in the figure’s hands. These blades were un-like any the serpentine had ever seen, they looked more like giant keys then weapons.

“What does he think he’s doing?” Acidcus asked. The figure charged straight into the army of dark creatures. The serpentine watched in awe as the cloaked figure began cutting into the dark army. Wave upon wave of these creatures threw themselves at the figure only to be cut down. Finally, the last of the creatures was defeated. Pythor rushed forward to thank their mysterious savior but he vanished in a flask of light.

“Who was that?” Pythor asked to no one in particular. Meanwhile on the top of a rock outcropping, the mysterious figure removed his hood to reveal a human boy with blonde hair.

“Well Roxas, you’ve done it again.” He congratulated himself.

Faster Then the Speed of Thought

Acidcus walked through the crowd of snakes trying to get to Skalidor’s room. The Constrictai general had asked for Acidicus, though he did not know why. Upon entering the room, Acidicus saw Skalidor sitting on a table holding what looked like a wooden hammer.

“’Bout time you got here.” Skalidor said sitting up.

“So why exactly am I here?” Acidicus asked.

“ So ya know that cute Constrictai, Fangara? I was thinking I could get her attention by getting her a Christmas gift.” Skalidor explained. Acidicus gave Skalidor’s gift a curious look before saying.

“Um. No offense but I really don’t a wooden hammer is really all that useful.”

“This isn’t a hammer it’s a stapler.” Skalidor retorted. “ It even has a safety function, see.” Skalidor raised the staple hammer and prepared to strike himself. Wait a minite. Acidicus thought the safety- Before he could even finish the thought Skalidor let out a cry of pain.

“I stapled myself!” Skalidor exclaimed.

“You did that before I could even finish thinking.” Acidicus mused seemingly obliv-ious to Skalidor. “ You’re faster than the speed of thought.”

“Acidicus! Help.” Skalidor snapped Acidicus back into the world of reality.

“Oh, right. I’ll go get some bandages.” Acidicus said.


Skales slithered through the medical lab. He knew that his wife likes to hand out first aid supplies for the holidays. Though he did not see her.

“Well, look who’s standing under the mistle toe.” Came Selma’s voice from a corner.

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Skales looked up.

“So, I am.” He smiled as the two embraced.

“Merry Christmas darling.” Selma said.

“You too dear.” Skales cooed. The husband and wife were about to kiss when Acidi-cus walked in.

“Um. I-I um was just um. Ya see Skalidor stapled himself with a Christmas gift faster then the speed of thought and I needed some of um. Those things you put on bleed-ing things.” Acidicus blurted out. Skales and Selma exchanged confused looks. Selma handed Acidicus a package of band aids.

“Thanks and Merry Christmas.” Acidicus said. After leaving the room he then mut-tered to himself. “Why does this stuff happen to me?”

Okay See you guys after the holidays! P.S. SSA I do see your ideas. Two Thumbs up!

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ChapTer 4opinionS

“That was the worst movie I’ve ever seen!” Skales declared as the Serpentine gener-als left the theater. They had just seen the new live-action Maleficent movie, and not everyone had liked it.

“I cannot believe that they actually butchered Sleeping Beauty.” Skales complained.

“Well I never watched Sleeping Beauty so I don’t really hate it.” Acidicus interjected.

“Awe, come on man, it wasn’t that bad.” Fangtom argued. “I really liked the changes they made. I think it explains a lot of Maleficent’s character, and the additions were neat like Diablo being human and..”

“The fairies?” Skales cut in. After a brief moment, Fangtom conceded.

“Okay they were pretty terrible.”

“Don’t you feel like your childhood was ripped apart?” Skales asked the other gen-erals.

“I thought it was good!” Fangtom declared.

“It was fine.” Skalidor replied disinterested. Skalidor just slurped the soda ignoring Skales.

“Alright I guest you all have a right to your own opinions’.” Skales said. After a few minutes however, Skales was right back at it.

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“I mean she doesn’t even turn into the awesome dragon from the original.” Skales muttered.

“Diablo does that.” Fangtom pointed out.

“He’s the sidekick!” Skales nearly screamed as they rounded a corner. “Seriously, the whole movie plays out like a bad fan fiction.”

“Well we should know, we’re in one.” Skalidor said finishing the soda.

“Wait, we’re what?” Acidicus asked baffled.


Luna had just finished moving into her new room when Lewis’ voice bellowed from the top deck. Sighing, she teleported up to the top deck. She arrived startling Lewis, who immediately jumped into Guinevere’s arms. Luna gave Lewis a curious glance before apologizing.

“Rule number one: use the stairs.” Lewis panted as he got to his own two feet.

“Alrig- wait what?” Luna asked doing a double-take.

“Well if your going to be on my ship there are a few rules.” Lewis explained. Luna let out a growl before agreeing. “Fine, what are your stupid rule.”

“Rule number two: I’m the captain, so I’m in charge.” Lewis said with an air of au-thority. “Rule number three: no insulting Space Warrior.”

“Oh you’re a Spacie.” Luna muttered.

“ You get used to it.” Guinevere whispered.

“And number four:” Lewis announced. “all crew members must comply with the dress code.” Luna was actually glad to get a change of clothes, anything to get out of the black cloak she was currently wearing. So she followed Lewis below deck and into a storage room. Luna looked at the mess of clothes lying around before coming to the conclusion.

“Your pirates.” Luna declared.

“No we’re not.” Lewis shot back annoyed.

“Yes you are.” Luna snarked holding up an exact copy of Jack Sparrow’s hat. “Every-thing here is pirate garb.”

“It was…all I could afford.” Lewis said leaning toward Guinevere. “Hey Gwen help me out here.” Guinevere stepped away saying.

“I’m going to stay neutral in this.”

“I mean really, you steal things, live on a boat, and you dress like pirates.” Luna ranted.

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“I don’t steal things, I find them and then sell them.” Lewis argued.

“Stuff that isn’t yours.” Luna snapped.

“Well the people who own the stuff are dead anyway.” Lewis replied off-handedly.

“Whatever.” Luna scoffed before noticing a very nice looking scarf. Lewis followed her gaze.

“Oh yeah everything here is pirate stuff.” Lewis smirked. This comment earned a giggle from Guinevere.

“Well,.. Just because it’s pirate stuff doesn’t mean that its bad pirate stuff.” Luna stut-tered in her defense.

A Friend in Need

A young Hyponbrai ran through the streets of the Hyponbrai tomb. He ran with a large bundle under his arm. Almost there he thought.

“Hey Tanca where ya going!” Called a mocking voice. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! Tanca mentally screamed frantically. Tanca started to pick up the pace but suddenly tripped over a garbage basket. The young serpentine looked up to see, Slithraa, the general’s son, and a few other serpentine standing over him.

“What ya got?” Slithraa spat.

“Nothing.” Tanca lied desperately. One of Slithraa’s friends, a chubby one at that, reached under Tanca’s arm and pulled out a large goose.

“Hey, would ya look at this.” The serpentine drooled.

“Please my mother is sick, my sister is starving, I need this.” Tanca begged.

“Yeah well food is short and I’m the general’s son so I need it more than a gold freak.” Slithraa growled. Tanca subconscious tried to cover his golden scales. Born with them, as his sister was born with pink scales, the two were outcasts. However, Tanca was not going to let this stop him from living. Slithraa tried to grab the goose from his chubby friend but Tanca struck out with his foot causing the goose to role away. The gold-scaled hypnobrie, got to his feet, and chased after his meal. Slithraa growled and chased after Tanca. Finally, Tanca caught up to the fowl but he had run right into a dead end.

“Give. Me. The. Goose.” Slithraa roared. Tanca backed slowly away only to hit the wall. Tanca saw three of Slithraa’s friends grab rocks and heavy looking sticks. They’re going to kill me Tanca thought. However, as Slithraa approached, a strange sounding voice called out from above.

“Hey quick question um doesn’t the General have a personal store house?”

The group looked up to see a young Hyponbrai standing on a roof top. “Hey you kid, grab this.” He hollered throwing down a rope. Tanca grabbed the rope as Slithraa threw a rock at him. Tanca’s mysterious savior quickly pulled on the rope and lifted the

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golden-colored serpentine up to the rooftops. As Tanca reached the top, he panted his thanks to the stranger.“Thank you so much!”

“Hey no problem.” His savior replied looking over Tanca’s shoulder. “Always help people, name’s Romero and are they following us?” Tanca looked down to see Slithraa and his pals following the rope up. “Probably should have thought of that.” Romero observed. “Well let’s get running.”

“Just cut the rope!” Tanca exclaimed.

“I don’t think that I can cut metal with my pocket knife.” Romero replied pointing to the metal chain that Tanca had climbed up. “So yeah I think it would be in our best interest to run.” The two serpentine immediately began running across the rooftops pursued by Slithraa and his friends. Finally, the two reached a massive gap.

“What do we do?” Tanca asked frantically.

“I don’t bloody know, I didn’t think this far ahead.” Romero replied glancing back at their pursuers.

“We jump.” Tanca suggested.

“Ohh. Um. Yeah, me and heights, we had a falling out, as in I don’t like falling, so yeah you go ahead.” Romero said nervously.

“Come on! Do you really think that you can fight them?” Tanca argued impatiently. Romero looked back and forth between Sithraa’s approaching posse and the large gap.

“Oh. All right, but if we die I’m blaming you.” Romero said. Tanca took in a deep breath and then took a running leap. For what seemed an eternity for the young serpen-tine, he flew through the air before finally reaching the other roof. Tanca looked back to see Romero starting to jump. Tanca held his breath as Romero made his jump. Before Tanca could blink, Romero hit the ground next to Tanca. “Well that wasn’t so bad.” Romero panted.

“Come on, let’s keep running.” Tanca suggested. The two ran across the roof tops until they looked back to see that they had lost their pursuers.

“Well we lost them.” Romero said assuredly.

“Thank you, I owe you.” Tanca vowed.

“Um would that include possibly, oh, I don’t know, maybe staying with your family, because I don’t have a home.” Romero blurted out. Tanca looked at Romero surprised before saying.

“I’d have to ask my mother but if she says yes then you could stay.” Tanca replied.

“Thank you!” Romero exclaimed. “I promise you won’t regret this.”

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ChapTer 5 pyThor’S LamenT

Pythor looked around the anacondrai tomb. Everyone was dead, but he wished it was him. The young boy looked around at the surrounding bodies. Humans, this is all their fault. I wish they were dead. Pythor thought angrily. Pythor was only fifteen by human standards and his only meal was the corpses of his family. Pythor had to do something when the cannibalism had first started. At first everyone was disgusted, but as the food supplies ran lower the people had become more desperate. Soon, serpentine were kill-ing one another left and right. Some would just disappear, others would be killed right on the spot. His family tried to protect him but even his father, the general, was killed.

“So much death.” Pythor whimpered. “Why me, Why me?” Pythor looked at a chalk carving on the wall. The carving featured a crude image of his family. Pythor remem-bered drawing this when he first arrived in the tomb.

“Destati.” Came a dark voice. Pythor looked up to see a figure clothed in a brown cloak. He appeared to be hunchbacked, and Pythor couldn’t see any of his features.

“Who are you?” Pythor asked frightened.

“Destati.” The figure repeated.

“Please don’t eat me.” Pythor begged, backing away.

“Destati.” Once again the figure spoke. This figure had a strange feeling about him, as if he could suck away everything good and joyful. Like no light had ever pierced the darkness inside his cloak. Pythor felt as though the shadows inside the cloak might

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envelope him at any moment.

“Destati.” The figure said getting closer to Pythor.

“What does that mean? I don’t understand!” Pythor cried desperately.

“He who knows nothing, can understand nothing.” The figure reached inside the darkness of his cloak and pulled out a book. The book was labeled Legends of the Serpentine.

“Destati. Awaken.” The figure said throwing the book on the ground. The book opened to a page on the Great Devourer. Pythor looked at the book then looked up to see the figure gone. Pythor then looked at the book and began to read.


Tanca, and Romero stood outside a door waiting. Romero paced nervously.

“You don’t have to be nervous, I’m sure that my mother will let you stay after Selma explains how you helped.” Tanca reassured his new friend.

“I don’t know mate, this wouldn’t be the first time someone’s kicked me out.” Rome-ro fretted. Both of the serpentine looked as Tanca’s sister, as a pink hypobrai closed the door quietly. She motioned for the three of them to go to the small room that served as the kitchen.

“How’s Mom?” Tanca asked.

“Better thanks to the food.” Selma replied.

“And um.. What did your mum say about me?” Romero asked.

“ She said that there isn’t much room and another mouth to feed would make things harder.” Selma said solemnly, then added cheerfully. “But if you lend a hand around here then we could use the extra help.”

“YES!” Romero exclaimed jumping almost to the ceiling. “I promise I’ll do anything you want, Mr. Helpful, that’s me, just say the word and I’ll be there.” Selma and Tanca could barely suppress there laughter. After a moment, Selma asked.

“So Romero why don’t you have a home?”

“Well, might have something to do with the fact that I can’t actually hypnotize any-one.” Romero said his excitement fading. “Never really knew my mum or da, they just kinda were never there, I was raised in an orphanage until they kicked me out cause of that.”

“I’m so sorry.” Selma consoled putting a hand on his shoulder.

“That’s it, you were treated like that because you can’t hypnotize.” Tanca growled. “That’s just disgraceful.”

“Well, I got you guys now so it’s not so bad.” Romero shrugged. “Not to be intrusive

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but since I spilled my story what about you two?” Tanca and Selma exchanged glances before turning back to their new friend.

“Our mother fell in love with a Serpentine from another tribe.” Tanca began.

“A Constricita.” Selma clarified.

“Eventually, they decided to leave their tribes to be together but then the humans im-prisoned the tribes underground as you know and she had to raise us by herself.” Tanca explained.

“So you’re actual cross-breeds.” Romero marveled. “Well, a Hypobrai that can’t hyp-notize and two cross-breeds, I guess us weirdos have to stick together.”

“Yeah,” Tanca laughed dejectedly. “a house of freaks.

“But friends.” Selma interjected.

“Yeah, we got each other.” Romero agreed. “And that what matters.”

Taco Burrito

Acidicus and Fangtom were standing in the line of a hot dog stand.

“Well, human food.” Acidicus gulped. “This should be an experience.”

“Ah come on, it couldn’t be that bad.” Fangtom said. “Hey, where’s Skalidor?”

“Oh, he’s trying a taco stand.” Acidicus replied. “In fact there he is now.” Fangtom looked to see Skalidor approaching the two other generals. Skalidor was hunched over and looked sick.

“Are you okay?” Acidicus asked looking at Skalidor.

“I don’t think so.” Skaidor said burping. “Ohhhhhh, that taco burrito did not go down too well.”

“Aren’t tacos and burritos two different foods.” Fangtom asked. But before he could get an answer, Skalidor muttered something to himself and then burped fire. Both Fang-tom and Acidicus jumped back and so did the other humans in line.

“They can breath fire now!” A human shouted before running away in panic.

“I need to use the bathroom.” Skalidor muttered before running away. Acidicus and Fangtom exchanged worried glances before deciding to skip the human food.

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ChapTer 6FaTher CaviL

Skales slithered nervously in the apartment that he and his family had managed to get when the humans and serpentine had merged. Skales Jr. had come down with a strange sickness that was causing him great pain. Acidicus had said that it was a human disease that the boy had not grown an immunity to due to living underground. The Venomari general was working on a cure but it was taking time.

“Skales, dear, please stop pacing your making me feel worse.” Selma requested.

“Sorry, it just.. it feels like only yesterday we brought him into the world and now we might lose him.” Skales explained sitting down next to his wife.

“Acidicus is trying to work on something.” Selma replied trying to consol her hus-band. A painful moan came from Junior’s room, causing Selma to let out a small sob. Skales held her close, hoping that somehow he could do something to relieve his son’s pain.

“Maybe we should take him to a priest.” Selma suggested tearfully. Skales thought about it for a moment before agreeing. There was a church only a block away. So Sel-ma helped Junior out of his bed and the snake family started on its way. A few minutes later the three entered the dimly lit church. Skales and Selma looked around until they spotted a slightly hunched-over man in his late sixties routing around in the poor box. The man noticed the three and quickly said.

“I was um. Counting the donations.”

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“Are you the priest?” Selma asked.

“Unfortunately.” The man muttered before extending a hand. “Father Cavil.”

“I’m Skales and this is my wife and son.” Skales replied. “Listen my son is very sick and we were hoping if you could help.”

“Oh, I understand.” Father Cavil said nodding his head. “To get to the hospital go down three blocks and then turn-”

“No, we already saw a doctor.” Selma interrupted. “ We want your advice.”

“Go back to the hospital.” Cavil shot back.

“Well, can’t you do something?” Skales implored.

“Like what? Do you realize that it’s ten o’clock? I don’t know if you know, this but I have to sleep too.” Cavil said uncaringly. “ And furthermore I’m not a doctor.”

“We don’t want medical help, we want spiritual help.” Selma almost yelled. “Absolve his sins, pray for him something.” Cavil put his hand over his eyes for a minute, mut-tering to himself. “Oh crap, you’re one of those spiritual types.”

Selma and Skales exchanged confused glances before Cavil asked.

“If I do something will you leave?”

“Yes!” The two parents exclaimed at once. Cavil growled before pulling out a small book labeled, An Idiot’s Guide to the Priesthood. After flipping through a few pages, Cavil began.

“Oh spinjitzu master, bringer of light, will you please cure this boy?” At that moment, Acidicus burst through the door holding a vial of green liquid.

“I did it!” He exclaimed. “ Here take him back to my lab so I can inject it.” As the serpentine hurried out the door, Cavil remarked.

“Well, that was fast.”

The First Day

Percival snored quietly in the spare room in Laura’s house. He slept quietly and peacefully almost like a baby until Laura’s voice broke through the web of sleep like a battering ram.

“Rise and shine!” Laura shouted through a microphone. “I knew I should have kept this.” After Percival flopped on the ground like a fish for a few minutes, he asked.

“Laura, what are you doing? It’s the crack of dawn, I don’t even think the sun is out.”

“That’s how things work here.” Laura replied putting down the microphone. “I, and now you, wake up at the crack of dawn and work until dusk. It’s the only way to kept things running.” Percival opened his mouth to object but remembered he was a guest,

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and a tenant, so he had to do what she said.

“Okay, so what do you want me to do?” Percival asked pulling himself up.

“Chop wood for the fire.” Laura responded walking into another room. When she came back, Laura was holding a large two sided ax. She practically shoved it into his hands. She then reached into a cabinet and pulled out a large rifle.

“Wh-what’s that for?” Percival asked frightened by the large weapon.

“Hunting.” Laura said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world before walking out the door calling back.

Percival blinked a moment trying to process everything that had happened. Then, he proceeded to walk out the door. After looking around, he saw a medium sized, older-looking tree. He shrugged before swinging the ax, which promptly flew out of his hands. Percival growled to himself before walking over and picking up the ax and swinging again. This time the ax found it’s mark, leaving a cut in the tree. Percival let himself grin at his success and then swung again. A larger cut appeared though a piece of wood hit Percival in the nose. Percival toiled at this tree for three hours. The work was grueling and his hands started getting blisters, but he kept going until the tree final-ly fell. Then, the real work began. The tree needed to be cut into small enough pieces to be put into Laura’s fireplace. So the snake chopped into the large timber. This took him the whole day. When Laura finally came back dragging a large deer, she found a large pill of wood inside of the door and Percival slumped into a chair quietly snoring. Laura smiled. Maybe this was a good idea.


A small snake-ling walked into his father’s study. His father occasionally muttered something in his sleep but other then that he was fast asleep, probably due to the bottle in his hand. Even so, the snake-ling tiptoed to the desk hardly daring to breath. Then, he saw what he wanted, a ceremonial dagger. The sheath was encrusted with dull blue diamonds and ivory pearls. The snake-ling then tiptoed out of the study and ran into his room where he stepped onto his bed and pulled out his favorite book Of War and Glory, a Soldier’s Story. The Snake-ling’s father had written the book and read it to him when he was younger. The story always reminded the Snake-ling of his family before the tribes had been imprisoned. How friendly his mother was, how awe-inspiring his father was. The snake-ling unsheathed the blade and admired it. He loved the feel and weight. The blade gave him a sense of responsibility and character. The feeling that he would make everything right.

Meanwhile, two young Hyponbrai were walking outside.

“Hey, you think that the kid who lives there would like to play?” One asked.

“Nay, he hasn’t come out since his mother left.” The other replied.

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ChapTer 7SeConD ChanCe

(Six monThS aFTer CoBra)The hyponbrai named Serteth sat in a metal chair in the medical center, his head

cupped in his hands. What can I do? What should I do? Do I tell him? Of course I shouldn’t but what do I say? These thoughts flew through his mind like missiles. The doctor had confirmed that he was a dead snake slithering a few minutes ago. It felt like a life time. Serteth did not have much time left in the world. His pride was crushed, his wife was gone, and he was practically destitute. The only thing he really cared anymore about was his son, Cobra. But how could he provide for the child’s future. Serteth tried to think back on his fond memories of Cobra but could not find any. The only thing Serteth could think of was reading to his son, but that was from his autobiography. I’ve been a horrible father. The Hyponbrai realized with a start. Serteth then knew what he had to do.

Cobra was sitting in his room reading about one of his father’s greatest battles. The snake-ling loved all of the details in the descriptions. He was about to turn the page when his father burst through the door.

“Cobra! My boy!” Serteth exclaimed picking the boy up in his arms and lifting him about.

“Father, are you okay?” Cobra asked surprised. Cobra suspected that his father was intoxicated, again.

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“Yes, yes.” Serteth replied happily. He put Cobra down before running out and prac-tically jumping down the stairs. “Come on, get out on your best coat, we’re going out.”

“Where are we going?” Cobra asked baffled by his father.

“Anywhere! Everywhere! It’s time you and I had some time together!” Serteth ex-claimed. It could be the last time. He thought solemnly.

First Meeting

Selma, Tanca, and Romero walked through the crowded market of the Hyponbrai tomb. Their mother(adopted in Romero’s case but anyway) had gotten better but still needed the children to get supplies for her while she made their dinner of goose stew. So the three children had divided up the tasks. Tanca headed to the bakery for a loaf of bread, while Romero was tasked with buying a new clock. That left Selma with getting some bowls for the stew. So she entered the utensil shop and began looking around. Soon her eyes landed on a fine set of bowls. They were made of fine china and had very nice snake patterns on the edges.

“Um how much are they?” Selma asked the shopkeeper. He grunted before reaching up and checking the price.

“54 Sherek.” He barked back. To most people this was a bargain, but that was more money then Selma or Tanca had ever seen in their lives. Selma let out a disappointed sigh and continued to look around. However, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Selma turned around to see a snake-ling around her age holding the bowls.

“Here you look like you need these.” He said. Selma gasped.

“Thank you!”

“Well, if can’t even afford 54 Sherek, you must be dirt poor.” The snake-ling said before realizing what he had said. “Um not be mean I’m just saying..I, um, that didn’t come out right.” Selma felt slighty offended but kept it to herself.

“Well thank you anyway, I’m Selma.” Selma introduced herself.

“Skales.” The snake-ling replied smiling. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by an adult calling his name.

“That’s my father. I’ve got to run, but see you later maybe.” Skales excused himself, running out the door. Selma decided to meet up with the others. As she walked to the meeting point, she could not help but think about that snake’s kindness. She finally spotted Romero and Tanca waiting for her. When she approached, Tanca noticed the impressive bowls and asked.

“Who did you get those?”

“A very nice snake bought them for me.” Selma explained. “He said his name was Skales.”

“Oh That’s the second-in-command’s son.” Romero said dismissively before poking

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the clock remarked. “I think this thing is slow.

“The Second-in-command’s son!” Tanca and Selma exclaimed at the same time.

Meanwhile, Skales’s mother was chopping a carrot when her son and husband walked through the door.

“How were your travels?” She asked turning her head to see Skales.

“Kinda boring.” Skales answered. “Though I did meet someone interesting, she had pink skales.”

“Was she nice?” His mother asked.

“Very.” Skales replied before walking up the steps.

Major Generals and all that

Skales, Selma, and the other generals were standing in an alley way.

“Do we really have to do this?” Skales muttered.

“Yes dear it’s for a good cause.” Selma replied. “Now make sure you know your lines.” The serpentine were doing an adaptation of The Pirates of Pezance as a fund-raiser for peace efforts between the humans and serpentine.

“Okay I’m ready for my close up.” Acidicus said arrogantly, he was fully dressed as Major General Stanly and taking his role very seriously.

“Um. It’s a play there are no cameras.” Fangtom pointed out.

“Whatever. Just get in your places I’ve been waiting all day to do this scene.” Acidi-cus said glancing over the script. “Okay, I’m ready.”

“Okay and cut! Er, um… action.” Skalidor shouted.

“We’re all standing right here.” Selma pointed out.

Acidicus cleared his throat importantly before beginning.

I am the very model of a modern major general

I’ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I know the kings of England and I quote the fights historical

From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical,

I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical

I understand equations both the simple and quadratical

About binomal theorem I’m deal-

Before Acidicus could finish a boot flew through the air and landed right in his mouth.

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The poor general flew on the ground and began trying to cough it out. As Skalidor and Fangtom tried to dislodge the boot, Skales and Selma looked up to see a very angry Father Cavil poking his head out of a rectory window.

“Will you keep it down I’m trying to sleep?” Cavil shouted infuriated.

“It’s four in the afternoon!” Skales yelled back.

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Chapter 8Mysterious DreaMs

Percival crawled into his bed after a hard day’s work. Punching the pillow a few times before laying his head on it, Percival welcomed the sweet embrace of sleep. For a time, Percival dreamed of chasing a white rabbit around Laura’s garden. He did not know why he was chasing the rabbit but who really knows why one does anything in a dream. However, when Percival grabbed the rabbit he noticed that the scales on his hands were purple not white like they were in the day. Percival then looked down at his chest and found that his scales were purple all over his body. At first he though that because it was a dream they were different and no other reason. Then Percival noticed that he could feel the rabbit’s fur rubbing against his hands. But if this is a dream how is that possible? Percival thought. Percival pet the rabbit and it tried to kick itself free from his grasp. Maybe I’m awake, but why are my scales purple then? Percival wondered put-ting the rabbit down. The serpentine decided that the only way to know for certain was to go into Laura’s house and see if she was awake. Percival slithered through the garden and reached for the doorknob. When he pulled the door open, Percival found himself standing not in Laura’s kitchen but on a clear, bridge. Percival looked down and saw a black abyss. The darkness of the abyss seemed to move like the ocean waves eternally restless. Percival was both horrified by the abyss and mystified by it. Eventually, he managed to look upward and saw a blinding light emanating from where Laura’s ceil-ing should be. The light was confusing but magnificent and comforting. Percival also had trouble looking away from the light but decided to check his surroundings and try to find Laura. However, as Percival looked around, there did not seem to be anything other then the clear bridge that he stood on. Then he saw a single stained glass window to his left. Percival turned to look at it. The window featured a snake that looked almost exactly like himself in his new scales.

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“Fascinating isn’t it?” Came a dark voice. Percival turned to see a hunched figure in a brown cloak. Percival could not make out any features of the figure under the cloak but he had a presence of fear about him. As the figure approached, Percival began to feel as if he had see this figure before but he could not remember from where

“The anatomy of the heart, so, so complex.” The Dark figure continued. He walked over to the window and looked up at it. “And to think this is only a tiny portion of it.” Percival looked on the see the clear path going on farther and farther through the door that would have lead to the living room of Laura’s house.

“Who are you and where am I?” Percival asked backing away from the brown robed figure.

“I have no name, not yet.” The figure replied. “However, I know why I’m here, unlike you.”

“Why are you here then?” Percival inquired.

“To return your heart to from whence it came.” The mysterious stranger approached Percival slowly edging him closer to the edge of the bridge. “Darkness.” Without any warning, Percival was pushed off the bridge and began free falling toward the sea of darkness. Percival closed his eyes waiting for his landing but it never came. Percival slowly open his eyes and realized that he was back in Laura’s house. The snake looked at his hand which was outstretched and saw it had returned to it’s proper color. Percival was about to scream for joy until he noticed that he was holding a knife in his out-stretched hand. A knife delicately hovering above Laura’s chest. Realizing that he was in her room and apparently about to kill her, Percival gasped in horror before silently running down the stairs. He threw the knife into the kitchen and then closed his door locking it. Percival spent the rest of the night wide awake with that dream constantly replaying in his mind.

The Vow ( 2 months after Second Chance)

Skales walked through the town market, the snow on the ground stuck to his feet but the snake-ling ignored it. He was rather hoping that he would meet that pink-scaled serpentine again, she seemed nice. As Skales walked past an alley, he looked in to see a young snake about his age lying on the ground There was blood on his arm, chest, and right eye. Skales hurried into the alley and looked over the snake-ling. Skales’ mother had given him basic first aid training so he checked the young serpentine’s pulse. Still alive Skales thought relieved before it occurred to him to call his parents. He did so but then noticed a knife in the snake-ling’s hand. The knife too was covered in blood. Did he cut himself accidentally? Skales wondered. Then he noticed a piece of paper in the snake-ling’s hand. Skales removed the paper carefully. He unfurled it and saw illustrations of patterns on the paper. Skales did a double take when he realized that the patterns matched the cuts on the snake-ling. The one on the snake-ling’s arm matched the image of the mark of relentless wraith, the one on his chest warrior morning, and the scar on his eye unyielding hatred.

“Skales, what happened?” Cried Skales’s father.

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“I-I found him, I don’t know for sure what happened.” Skales explained.

“I’m going to get a doctor.” Skales’ mother declared before running back out of the alley. Skales’ father leaned closer to the snake-ling and checked his pulse.

“Father, I found this.” Skales said handing the piece of paper to his father. Skales’ Father’s eyes widened when he saw the paper. He recognized these marks. They were ancient marks of a blood vow. In olden day, a serpentine warrior would make these marks on his body as a solemn vow, in this case, judging by the marks, revenge. They were illegalized hundreds of years ago and then forgotten to time. Most people didn’t even know what a blood vow was.

“Father, what are we going to do with him?” Skales asked concerned. “Do you know where he lives?”

“No, we’ll just have to take care of him until he can return to his family.” Skales’ Fa-ther said, then he noticed the knife in the snake-ling’s hand. It was a ceremonial knife given to Serteth, a respected general who had died two weeks ago. He has no family Skales’ Father realized just before his wife arrived with a doctor.

Acting(based off a scene from Hot Fuzz). Acidicus and Skalidor were walking through new ninjago city, Skalidor reading part of a newspaper while Acidicus did the cross-word section. As the Venemari general threw the finished crossword in the garbage, a voice whispered to them. “Hey you two.” Skalidor and Acidicus turned to see Father Cavil sticking his head out a door.

“Hey you’re that guy who threw a boot at me.” Acidicus growled recognizing the priest.

“Yeah, now come on and get in here.” Cavil beckoned. “I have a, um…. situation.”

“I think we should help.” Skalidor said putting the newspaper under his arm. “I mean he is a priest.”

Acidicus groaned but the two entered the rectory reception hall.

“Look, I have a problem.” Cavil began. “A friend of mine sent me tickets to see Ro-meo and Juliet.”

“How is that a problem?” Acidicus asked.

“Well, I hate that play.” Cavil muttered back.

“How can you hate Romeo and Juliet?” Acidicus asked shocked.

“And, um, what does that have to do with us?” Skalidor pointed out.

“Look I can’t say no because then I look like a jerk, so I was wondering if you two would come with me, ease my suffering.” Cavil explained.

“Um, sure but why us?” Skalidor inquired.

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“Actually, I’ve been doing that for the last forty-five minutes.” Cavil replied. “Any-way please, please you have to help me, I have to do this every year. I even bought extra tickets, already.” Acidicus weighed his options, I get to see one of Shakespeare’s classic plays for free and I’m helping a priest in the process.

“Alright, we’ll do it.” Acidicus declared. “This is going to be great!”

Three hours later. This is torture. Acidicus groaned mentally. They were in the front row of seats and thus fully exposed to the horror of this play. The play itself was fine but the acting was atrocious.

“A dateless bargain to an engrossing death.” The actor playing Romeo nearly shouted throwing his arms about like an idiot, not only dropping the poison but also knocking over part of the stage. So here were Acidicus’ and Skalidor’s mouths agape in pure shock at the butchery of William Shakespeare’s play, while Father Cavil checked his guidebook to the priesthood to see if it was in fact a sin to get drunk.

“Here’s to my love.” Romeo declared before drinking the poison and then proceeding to throw himself around the stage “dieing” before finally falling on the floor. At this Juliet awoke, and the true horror began.

“Poison…I see, hath been his timeless end.” Juliet said almost robotically. She hardly even looked at the dead body of her lover instead right back toward the back of the stage. Acidicus followed her gaze and saw cue cards.

“Haply some poison…dost hang on them.” Juliet struggled before leaning in to kiss Romeo’s dead body. And then not only did the actor return the kiss despite the fact he was suppose to be dead but the two kissed for a solid minute. Then Juliet pulled out a prop dagger and stabbed herself and the curtains fell.

“Well at least-” Before Acidicus could even finish the curtains reopened to see the entire cast, which consisted of four “actors”, dancing around the stage to “Lovefool” for another solid minute before the play finally ended. As the play ended and the audi-ence went to the refreshment center Acidicus groaned. “That was hands down the worst thing I have ever seen in my life.”

“O come on, I thought that the love story of a Vulcan and an overemotional Saturday morning cartoon was very entertaining.” Skalidor said. At this Cavil arched an eyebrow at Skalidor before Acidicus explained. “Skalidor, they were supposed to be acting like real people.”

“Oh.. I knew that, I was just making fun of them… I’m going to get something to drink.” Skalidor declared before ordering three drinks for them.

“I mean they completely butchered the balcony scene.” Acidicus grumbled.

“When was that? Because I fell asleep during most of the middle.” Skalidor asked.

“Not that I blame you.” Cavil groaned before taking a sip of his drink.

“I feel bad for you, who keeps sending you those tickets anyway.” Acidicus inquired.

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“The leading couple. See they fell in love filming the movie adaptation and I’m the guy who held the wedding service, so every year on their wedding anniversary they send me tickets.” Cavil explained. “And since I have a reputation to uphold, I have to go and see this every year.”

“They’re married?” Skalidor scoffed.

“Actually, I can see that.” Acidicus said taking a sip of his own drink.

“Really, them?” Skalidor asked.

“Yeah, we just sat through three hours of so called acting and the only convincing part was the kiss.” Acidicus replied firmly.

Final note: the first one-shot is not meant to be an accurate portrayal of a person’s heart( by that I mean soul.) I’ve never actually been inside one nor am I a great theo-logian who understands the anatomy of the soul. I just write fan fiction and this is my stylized version of it.

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ChapTer 9LoST Son

Cobra’s eyes faded in and out of the darkness of sleep. Memories of the ritual flashed through his mind. The vows of revenge, hatred and mourning echoed through in his ears. Then, his mind flashed to his current location. He was not in his home and his right eye was covered by a patch. Cobra tried to get up slowly but felt a hand push him down.

“Try to rest.” Said a calming voice. Cobra looked up to see Guilda, the wife of the second-in-command. “You.. were hurt very badly, we found you in an alley.”

“Don’t try to lie to me, I know what I did.” Cobra scoffed weakly. Guilda looked taken aback at Cobra’s defiant response, but then took in a deep breath before asking.

“My son is about your age and he gets lonely so I was wondering if he could sit with you?” Cobra looked as if he were about to say something but closed his mouth and nodded his head. Guilda nodded her head and then left the room. Soon, a young snake around Cobra’s age entered. He sat down and took a moment to compose himself be-fore introducing himself.

“I’m Skales, I found you in the alley. Do you not remember your name? I mean your eye was cut, so, did you suffer any brain damage?”

“I know who I am.” Cobra replied simply.

“Which is?” Skales prodded.

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“Cobra.” The other snake said. Skales waited a moment before asking.

“Do you have any friends?”

“Not a one.” Cobra muttered half closing his eye.

“Why not? You don’t seem very scary or shy.” Skales said intrigued.

“I don’t care for friends, I am perfectly capable of caring for myself.” Cobra muttered closing his eye. “It’s not like anyone actually cares about me.”

“You’re family, they must care about you.” Skales said shocked.

“I have no family.” Cobra growled.

Hydra’s Plan

Cobra chuckled to himself as another serpentine was tossed over the side by Gara-madon. He had personally bribed most of the serpentine to give Garamadon bad ideas and delay his plans of defeating the ninja. Cobra’s reasoning was that the longer Gara-madon waited to defeat the ninja the more time Cobra had to overthrow this disgusting human scum and return the serpentine to their rightful place.

“You could make a giant ham sandwich.” One serpentine suggested.

“Over the side!” Garamadon yelled in response. Another Hyponbrai named Vergat walked over to Cobra and whispered.

“I can’t believe you actually paid someone to say something as stupid as that.”

“Actually, I didn’t bribe that one.” Cobra clarified. Vergat arched an eye scale but turned his attention to Garamadon who looked like he was about to explode with fury.

“Doesn’t anyone have any ideas that don’t sound like a six-year old came up with them? You’re all idiots!” Garamadon shouted. This caused a murmur of resentment to pass through the assembled serpentine. Excellent, that’s right Garamadon, you filthy worm, make them hate you. Cobra thought with delight. However, a voice interrupted the anger of the serpentine.

“My liege, if I may, I have a plan that will allow you to crush your enemies.”

“Who said that?” Garamadon asked.

“I, your highness.” With that, an Anacondrai appeared from nowhere. At first, both Cobra and Garamadon thought it was Pythor but then noticed that this anacondrai had the blue/gold scales of a Hyponbrai.

“Who and what are you?” Garamadon asked taken aback.

“I am Hydra.” The strange serpentine said simply. “My mother was a Hyponbrai but my father was an anacondrai, you know sorted love affairs and all that.”

Garamadon hesitated a moment before asking.

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“Well what is your plan?”

“Simple: we attack that ninja while they are in the city. Since your son is inexperi-enced and a great tactical advantage to our enemy, they wouldn’t dare deploy him on the field. While our enemy is distracted, I will lead a small task force and take the boy hostage. With the boy out of the way, you can use the mega weapon to destroy Ninjago City.” Hydra explained before turning to the other serpentine and declaring. “Then we will rule the surface world!”

At this, the other serpentine gave their voices in a shout of approval. Only Cobra remained silent. But mentally he was howling in fury. That idiot, does he think that we will allow one of the human vermin to rule us. If that boy is captured and the ninja destroyed before I can get rid of Garamadon then everything will be ruined. The ser-pentine will continue to be slaves!

“Excellent plan, Hydra, we’ll put it to use immediately.” Garamadon said triumphant-ly. Cobra barely suppressed a growl of rage at this. He had to stop this and soon.

Traverse Town

Luna, Lewis and Genevieve disembarked Lewis’ ship and began walking down a harbor. They were visiting Traverse Town. a relatively unknown island town where Lewis got supplies.

“You’re gonna love it here.” Lewis said. “This place has great hat stores, and great coat stores and um…well, that’s all that really matters. Right?”

“I don’t think we can eat hats.” Luna replied dismissively.

“Whatever, okay division of labor. Genevieve you take care of food, Luna you get those life jackets you claim are oh, so important and I’ll um…run some personal er-rands.” Lewis announced clapping his hands together.

“Buy more hats.” Genevieve said between coughing. Luna rolled her eyes before taking money from Lewis and walking away from the others. She continued toward the supplies when she noticed a dark figure in an alley. Luna looked at the strange figure.

“Hello?” She called. Suddenly it disappeared into the ground. For a moment, Luna thought she had imagined it when a dark four legged figure with yellow eyes and black antenna appeared in front of Luna. She looked at the creature with horror. Luna’s mind flashed back to her capture. Not one of you! Luna thought frantically. The creature began to approach her when an arrow flew past her head and landed in its head. With that, the creature disappeared. Luna looked back to see a white cloaked figure holding a bow similar in appearance to a snowflake. Luna looked back to see an arrow made entirely of ice in the place where the creature was. She picked up the arrow and yelled.

“You, are you part of the Organization?”

“Hardly.” The cloaked figure replied.

“Then, explain what one of those things was doing here.” Luna shot back.

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“It’s called an invasion.” The figure replied. “Those things are going to eat up this entire island.” Instantly, Luna thought of Lewis and Genevieve; they didn’t know what was going on. I have to warn them Luna thought before preparing to teleport to Lewis.

“Wait,” the figure called. “Listen, I need to get these people of this island. That ship that you used to arrive here, how many people can it fit?” Luna turned to face the figure saying.

“Most of them I think, I have to warn my friends and the other people on the island.” The figure threw something to Luna. She snatched it out of the air and realized it was a dagger made of ice, like his arrows.

“I’m coming with.” The figure said loading an arrow into his bow. Luna considered him briefly before asking.

“What’s your name?”

“Cyrus.” The figure replied.

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ChapTer 10The invaSion

oF TraverSe ToWn“To be or not to be?” Lewis wondered aloud holding a black fedora and a brown tribly

hat in each hand. Suddenly Luna and someone wearing a white cloak appeared from a puff of smoke. Lewis jumped back in surprise.

“Luna, I thought I told you not to do that, and who’s mister white cloak?” Lewis growled in anger. Luna responded by grabbing his shoulders and pulling him up to her face.

“Lewis there’s no time to explain, where’s Guinevere?” Luna asked in a panic.

“What, what’s going on?” Lewis inquired baffled. At this a scream emerged from one of the aisles, a person ran from the aisle only to be pounced on by a strange black crea-ture. The creature raised it’s claws to strike into the person but received an arrow from Luna’s mysterious friend. The creature faded into blackness but soon others began to emerge from the ground.

“What are those?” Lewis screamed.

“They’re called heartless.” Cyrus snapped before reaching into his cloak and pulling out a cutlass made of ice. “Here use this to defend yourself.”

“I’m not a pirate!” Lewis growled, however one of the heartless launched itself at

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Lewis. He jumped back before stabbing the creature with the ice blade. Soon, the others began attacking. Cyrus launched arrow after arrow at the creatures. Any that got too close were chopped down by Lewis and Luna. After a few moments, Cyrus announced.

“These things will just keep coming; we need to leave, now.” Lewis and Cyrus grabbed Luna’s arm and she teleported them from the building. When they arrived outside, they found that the heartless were everywhere, chasing people through streets and alleys.

“Crap,” Cyrus cursed under his breath. “Alright here’s the plan, you, pirate, get back to your ship and get it ready to evacuate these people. Snake, come with me and we’ll escort people to the ship.” Lewis opened his mouth to object to being called a pirate, but now was not the best time. The sailor(pirate) rushed through the crowds of heartless swinging his blade as he went. Meanwhile, Cyrus and Luna began fighting through the swarms of heartless trying to get to people. They didn’t manage to save many people, but the ones they did were teleported back to Lewis’ ship by Luna. After Luna and Cyrus appeared on Lewis’ ship with a fourth group of people, Lewis called asking.

“Is that everyone?”

“Everyone we could save.” Cyrus said.

“Wait,” Luna objected. “What about Guinevere?” Lewis’ eye widened in horror.

Guinevere threw herself through a window running from the strange creature pursuing her. She looked around and saw she was in an antique store. Then, she noticed a person walking through the store, paying no mind to the creatures that were surrounding them. He was wearing a black cloak, but the hood was not over his head so Guinevere could make out his features. The man had black hair, with grey streaks tied into a pony tail, and a nasty scar on his right cheek with an eye patch over his right eye.

“What are you doing, get down.” Guinevere whispered urgently. The man looked at her and gave a dismissive snort. He continued walking before halting in front of an an-cient looking shield. Suddenly, a large crossbow like weapon appeared in his hand and he raised it to point at the shield.

“This had better be what the boss wants.” He muttered before the shield exploded in a ball of fire. Guinevere looked up and expected the shield to be entirely gone. However, a piece remained. This piece did not look like the rest of the shield and mysteriously floated in place.

“So you’re fractal number twelve.” He said impressed with himself. He began walk-ing toward the door when Guinevere called out.

“Wait, please don’t leave me.” The scared man looked back at her then looked at the creatures following her.

“Well boys, don’t be rude, escort the lady.” The man said with mock politeness. With that the creatures disappeared into the ground and then reappeared in front of Guinev-ere.

“Guinevere!” Lewis called desperately. “Where are you!”

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“Guinevere!” Luna added her voice to Lewis’ frantic calling. As Luna, Lewis and Cyrus looked around, they noticed a man in a black cloak walking out of an antique shop. Cyrus growled in fury.

“Xigbar.” The man stopped and turned to see them.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Frosty the snowman, been a long time kid.” Xigbar sneered.

“Where are they?” Cyrus snapped raising his ice bow in fury. “Where are Roxie and the others? Tell me!” Xigbar snorted a laugh.

“You think you can threaten me with that thing?” He taunted. Then one of his large cross bow weapons appeared in his right arm. He raised it and fired at Cyrus saying. “Now this is a real weapon.” Cyrus took a shoot directly in the chest. It flung him back a few feet. When he landed, his hood fell back revealing that he was a boy of about sixteen with short white hair and blue eyes.

“Cyrus!” Luna called in concern. Lewis snarled raising the fractal saber that Cyrus had given him.

“Where’s Guinevere?”

Xigbar rolled his one good eye.

“So many ‘where is this person’ or ‘that person.’” Xigbar considered a minute. “Was she about thirteen, kinda on the shorter side?” Lewis nodded his head.

“Oh she’s in there.” Xigbar said nodding to the antique shop. Then he raised his cross-bow and fired into the shop. “Though if I were you, I’d get in there quickly.” Luna re-acted immediately. She teleported into the shop and began searching through the smoke infested building. After a few minutes, she saw Guinevere lying on her face. Luna ran over to her and teleported back to Lewis and Cyrus who she then teleported to the ship.

The Taking

Lloyd sighed in frustration. The ninja had received word that the serpentine were attacking so, of course, he was left behind.

“I never get to do anything.” Lloyd lamented to himself. “At this rate I’ll never fight any bad guys.”

“Don’t be so sure.” Hissed a voice from the shadows. Lloyd spun around to see a blue anacondrai holding two katanas, pointed right at the green ninja’s neck.

“Pythor?” Lloyd asked tentatively.

“Not even close.” The anacondrai smirked. He raised his blades and struck down at Lloyd with the hilt of his swords. Lloyd rolled to the side and began running from the serpentine.

“Pathetic runt, you cannot escape!” Hydra yelled after him. Lloyd dashed into Dareth’s weapons cabinet. He grabbed two shurikens and flung them at Hydra. The cross-breed

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simply whacked them away with his blades. Lloyd held a mace barely able to hold its weight and swung wildly at Hydra. The serpentine laughed sadistically.

“ No wonder they keep you here.” With that he kicked the mace from Lloyd’s hands and batted him across the cheek, knocking him unconscious.

“Garamadon will be pleased.” Hydra grinned. The serpentine was so pleased with his work that he hardly noticed he was being followed.

“Alright you duplicitous traitor, prepare for your reckoning.” Cobra whispered to himself as he pulled out his father’s knife and began to trace the marks of the blood vows he had taken so long ago.


Father Cavil muttered to himself as he finished locking the front door of the church. Cavil began walking toward the back door to leave when he heard an unfortunately familiar sound: snoring. Not another hobo He thought angrily. He walked to the third aisle of pews and found no hobo, but Jay, master of lightning, slumped on the kneeler. Cavil grunted before giving the ninja a light kick.

“This is a church not a bus station, go sleep somewhere else.” Cavil said. Jay took a moment to get oriented before he realized where he was.

“Sorry, I just- I’ve been having some problems and I though I could come here, may-be it would help. I must have fallen asleep.” Jay explained.

“Yeah, well time to leave.” Cavil said briskly hoping that Jay wouldn’t start explain-ing why he had come.

“See, my problem is,” Jay began before being interrupted by a groan from Cavil. The priest sat down next to the ninja and motioned from him to continue. “Well, I’m in love.”

“Who isn’t.” Cavil interjected.

“Anyway, I’m in love, here name is Nya. She’s cute, smart, funny and everything I’ve ever wanted.” Jay continued. “So we started seeing one another, and I was happy. We did everything together.”

“So what happened?” Cavil asked desperately resisting the urge to look at his watch.

“Well, she-she fell in love with someone else.” Jay screamed almost crying.

“So you broke up?” Cavil questioned after making sure his ear was not bleeding.

“Yes, no, I don’t know. She says she loves both of us and can’t decide.” Jay explained drying his eye. Cavil looked at the blue ninja for a minute. Then he stood up.

“Alright come with me.” He said.

“Where are we going?” Jay asked as Cavil pulled on a green trench coat and brown wide-brimmed hat. The priest refused to answer, simply walking out the door. Jay wait-

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ed a minute before following Cavil. The two walked down the street for a few blocks before Cavil stopped.

“Look in that window.” He said pointing to a window across the street. Jay did and saw Skales and Selma sitting together watching Love amongst the Dragons.

“Yeah so what?” Jay asked.

“So what? Look at them, Skales is the king of the serpentine, but he lives in a dirty, low rent apartment. Selma’s married to the general of her tribe but she regularly gets stuff thrown at her because she’s a serpentine. But look at them, they’re happy, more than just happy.” Cavil said. “They’re happy because they’re together. Each of them is with the person they love the most. The person who completes them. And no matter what happens, they’ll always know happiness because they loved each other, fully and truly. So if this person cannot love you truly, fully, without any reservation, then I sug-gest that you break off you’re relationship and let her see who she loves.”

Jay thought for a moment.

“But I love her.” He said. Cavil let out a sigh.

“Look kid, maybe you do, but you have to ask the question: could you and her truly love one another like those two do.” With that the priest, turned around and began walking back to his church leaving Jay with his thoughts.

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ChapTer 11CoBra vS hyDra

“Please, let me go.” Lloyd pleaded as Hydra dragged the boy across a muddy field.

“Quite runt.” Hydra spat back. Garmadon had better reward me for this He inwardly scowled. Hydra had to drag this heavy load through a muddy field for three hours to get him to the rendezvous site. Soon, the boy had awoken and started whining unceasingly and it was raining on top of everything.

“You’ll see, my friends will catch you and when they do.” Lloyd threatened. Hydra let out an irritated sigh before pulling the boy close to his face and growling.

“Once I get you to you’re father their won’t be any friends to save you, so shut your mouth.” Hydra began to drag the boy when a voice spilt the night air. It spoke in a harsh, almost painful dialect. Lloyd could not understand the words and neither could his captor.

“In nomine simulacra viro,”

Then from the shadows emerged a figure cloaked by the blackness of night. He had a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. On his right arm, chest, and over his right eye blood was pouring out in torrents, giving him a red glow. Hydra took a moment before realizing who it was.

“Cobra, glad to see you, help with this baggage will you?” Hydra offered amiably. Cobra just walked closer muttering those strange words.

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“Tristita enim mortuus patres.”

Hydra began to back off from the hypobrai.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you stupid or deaf? And what are you muttering?” Hy-dra asked irritated by the serpentine’s behavior.

“ Absque timore peccati odium per hunc vota lacero.” Cobra whispered to himself. Then he raised his Calvary saber and charged toward Hydra like a possessed being. Hydra barely had time to draw his own blades. Cobra swung like a madman, practically throwing the blade at the cross-bred.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you mad?” Hydra shouted nearly dogging a cleaving strike from his enemy. Cobra just powered through Hydra’s shouts and managed to slash his left arm. Hydra let out a gasp of pain before growling.

“That’s it, the gloves are off.” Hydra charged toward Cobra with murder in his eyes. The cross-bred swung his right blade at Cobra’s head and his left tried to stab the Hypo-nbrai in the chest. Now it was Cobra on the defensive as Hydra struck at him with con-trolled fury. Hydra used more tactics in his attacks then Cobra, drawing away his guard to try and finish him off. Cobra realized that no amount of swordsmanship could win this fight. Time to play dirty Cobra smirked to himself before stabbing his father’s knife into Hydra’s leg. Hydra let out a cry of pain but this was interrupted by Cobra brutally shoving his knee into Hydra’s chest. Hydra roared in anger. Striking with pure hatred taking control, Hydra managed to stab Cobra in the left shoulder. Cobra, weakened by the blow, started to back of as Hydra advanced. Good Cobra thought maliciously. He suddenly let loose a volley of attacks with his saber. Hydra blocked most of them but was backing away. Cobra advanced clashing swords with Hydra’s left Katana. The two blades stayed matched until Cobra managed to remove the weapon. Hydra now had one sword left. Hydra decided now was the time to use his own dirty tactics. The cross-bred immediately disappeared into thin air. Cobra threw his head back and forth trying to find Hydra. Then, Cobra felt a sharp pain as Hydra slashed his blade across Cobra’s back. Cobra fell onto his knees reeling in pain. Hydra raised his blade to finish off Cobra but the Hyponbrai saw his father’s dagger lying in the mud and, thinking quickly, stabs the dagger into Hydra’s leg. Before Hydra could react, Cobra punched him right in the face, knocking the cross-bred unconscious. Cobra turned and walked toward Lloyd’s bound form.

“Please help me!” Lloyd called. Cobra raised his cavalry saber and hacked into the ropes.

“Thanks, I guess not all serpentine are that bad.” Lloyd said with a smile. Before he could continue, Cobra took his blade and gave Lloyd a meaningful scar across his check.

“Shut it, maggot!” Cobra growled.

“I don’t understand, you saved me.” Lloyd exclaimed in confusion.

“I hate humans more than anything. Do you actually think I saved you of your own

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merit, scum? Nothing, not the most beautiful woman, the purest food, and largest jew-els, nothing in this world would give me greater pleasure then to rip your throat open with my bear hands and wallow in your blood. I would happily wade through the fields of mud and thorns and fire just to have the pleasure of strangling the life out of just one of your friends. I would suffer a thousand arrows and ten thousand blades straight through my heart if only to plunge one of those blades into a human heart. “ Cobra spat. “I would burn away all the world in fire and brimstone to eradicate your race. I’d cover all the world in darkness just to erase any FRAGMENT of humanity.”

“Y-Your insane.” Lloyd whispered in fear.

“Maybe so, but I welcome madness if it gives my hatred drive.” Cobra smiled. He leaned toward Lloyd and put the saber to his neck. “Luckily for you, I have other matters to deal with, so run along. Run back to your pathetic vermin friends and leave me to my own matters.” Lloyd was off like a shot, leaving Cobra alone with Hydra’s unconscious form.

“Now what to do with you?” Cobra wondered to himself.

Organization XIII

The first sensation to hit Cyrus was a heavy throbbing pain on his chest. The sixteen year old put his hand on his chest and felt a bandage covering his waist. His touch generated immediate pain but he ignored it, deciding to get up. He looked around and saw Luna, and her pirate friend sitting next to a bed. Lying in the bed was their friend, Guinevere.

“I don’t get it, why won’t she wake up?” Lewis fumed his voice filled with concern.

“Because, she can’t.” Cyrus answered. Luna and Lewis turned to see their mysterious friend.

“You sure you’re okay to be standing?” Luna asked.

“I’ll be fine.” Cyrus said only to be forced into a seat when he was over whelmed by a wave of pain. After taking a few breathes to calm himself, Cyrus continued to explain Guinevere’s condition.

“She’s perfectly fine physically, but she won’t wake up because there’s nothing inside her.”

“What does that mean?” Lewis questioned.

“Her heart, her soul, it’s been trapped in a state of darkness. So, her body remains asleep because her heart can’t make it do anything.” Cyrus elaborated.

“How is that possible?” Luna asked.

“Those things, the heartless, that’s what they do, they force people’s heart into dark-ness, it’s how they procreate.” Cyrus grunted from the pain and Luna put a steadying hand on his shoulder.

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“I’ve heard legends about people’s darkness taking physical form but it seemed im-possible.” Lewis said putting a hand on his chin.

“It was a legend, until Organization XIII found some way of making it possible.” Cyrus replied.

“Organization XIII, who are they?” Lewis asked.

“Ask your friend.” Cyrus said gesturing to Luna. Lewis gave her a quizzical look.

“I-I was taken from my family by the Organization when I was twelve.” Luna sighed. “They said something about me possessing powers over shadows and they wanted to use them. Eventually, I escaped but only after years of torture.”

“So that’s why you can teleport.” Lewis realized. “You must be able to travel through shadows to any place that you want. Oh my gosh, you have elemental powers!”

Luna looked taken aback at this but, when she thought about Lewis’ proposal, it made sense. After a few moments, Lewis asked Cyrus.

“Can we save Guinevere?”

“Yes, but you would have to destroy her heartless to do so.” Cyrus replied.

“How are we supposed to tell her heartless from any other?” Luna asked.

“You can’t, heartless have no true heart so they’re basically savage animals.” Cyrus explained. “They exist only to create more heartless and destroy anything else.”

“Then, who was the guy that almost killed Guinevere?” Lewis questioned.

“His name is Xigbar. He’s a member of the organization.” Cyrus clarified. “The or-ganization probably found out a way to control the heartless, and are using them as an army.”

“For what purpose?” Luna asked. Cyrus responded with a shrug.

“Nothing good probably. All I know is that they have some kind of plan involving the heartless and something called the X-blade.”

“How do you know?” Luna asked. Cyrus took in a long breath.

“I-I’ve had my dealings with the Organization.”

“What dealings?” Lewis asked.

“They took my sister and my only friends away from me.” Cyrus almost shouted. Touchy Luna thought.

“Well, we all have our dealings with this Organization.” Lewis said looking at Cyrus. “They turned Guinevere into one of those heartless thing, they ruined Luna’s life, and they kidnapped your friends.”

“And?” Luna questioned sensing Lewis had something up his sleeve.

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“So, we all have reason to stop them!” Lewis announced. “Think about it, the three of us against those people trying to stop whatever their plan is and save our friends.” Cyrus and Luna gave his proposal some thought.

“Awwww, come on.” Lewis said putting his hand out palm down. “Team?”

First, Luna and then Cyrus out their hands on his.

“Right,” Lewis said excited. “Cyrus where do you think they went? We have evil to stop and adventures to have!”

“You’re excited.” Luna observed.

“Why shouldn’t I be?” Lewis replied. “It’s an adventure, a quest to rights wrongs! I’ve always wanted to do something like this!”

“Please tell me he’s not always like this.” Cyrus muttered.

“All the time.” Luna said with a smile on her face.

Xigbar muttered to himself as he threw the fragment that he had found in the antique shop back and forth between his hands. Stopping in front of a large door, he pushed it open to reveal a large circular room. The floor of the room was jet black in color but with streaks of white light tracing from the center of the room to the walls where they formed strange symbols. These symbols looked like drawings of hearts with shades emerging from the top. In the center of the room, a large throne sat. The floor around the throne was glowing with the same light as the images on the wall. Seated on the throne was a figure wearing the same cloak as Xigbar. His eyes were a deep yet listless amber-orange. His long messy hair was a dull sliver. The only part of his tan skin that showed was his face, as the rest of his body was covered in the cloak.

“Here ya go boss.” Xigbar said haphazardly throwing the piece of metal in his hand to the dark figure.

“Excellent. The pieces are finally coming together.” The figure replied. His voice had an emotionless and flat tone.

“Hey that kid, Cyrus, he’s back.” Xigbar said turning to leave. “Probably been fol-lowin us. Idiot still wants his friends back an’ now he’s got buddies to help.”

“So, the tenacious fools set in motion their own downfall.” Xigbar’s superior reflect-ed as his face contorted into a horrible emotionless parody of a smile.


Skales and Cobra walked through the market. Skales’ family had adopted Cobra after the death of his father, so the two serpentine spent a good deal of time together. Cobra was resistant to the idea of a new family, to say the least. The snake-ling was never rude or mean, but he seemed almost constantly depressed. Furthermore, Cobra treated his guardians more as friends then a family. He always addressed Skales’ father by his position in the government rather then by name. Skales’ parent’s were concerned about

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him, but Skales quite liked having Cobra around even if he refused to be called brother. He didn’t really have many close friends. His thoughts returned to the pink scaled ser-pentine. Wonder if I’ll ever see her again Skales wondered. As the two turned a corner, Skales noticed the pink scaled serpentine walking past.

“Hey.” Skales yelled waving his arms trying to be noticed. Selma turned her head and instantly recognized him.

“Skales,” She said. “It’s so nice to see you again. Who’s your friend?”

“This is Cobra, he’s a friend of mine.” Skales replied careful not to call Cobra his brother. Cobra gave Selma as friendly a smile as he could muster.

“How’s it going?” Skales asked as he and Cobra walked in step with Selma.

“Fine.” Selma replied. She looked as if she were going to say something else but then took in a gasp when looking at a clock for sale.

“Oh, sorry but I have to get back home.” Selma said suddenly.

“Um, why?” Skales asked confused.

“Oh my birthday party, I don’t want to keep my family waiting.” Selma explained. Skales started to say something but she was gone before anything came out of his mouth.

“Well, come on.” Cobra said. “That party your father is throwing for the general is soon.”

“We have to get her something.” Skales replied with determination. “Come on.”

Cobra let out a defeated sigh but followed his surrogate brother.

Tanca let out a happy laugh as Selma practically knocked him over in a hug. They had just finished dinner and he had given her a silk scarf.

“Oh it’s nothing.” Tanca said gasping for breath. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and turned to face Romero as he pulled out a box of his own. Before the adoptee could hand over the box, a rapping at the door interrupted them.

“Get that please, Tanca.” Selma’s mother said dismissively. Tanca rushed down the stairs and opened the door. The open door revealed two serpentine around his age. One of them had a box in his hand and a smile on his face, while the other looked nervously around as if he were expected somewhere else.

“Here this is for your sister, sorry we can’t stay but tell her it’s from Skales.” The first snake-ling said. With that the other snake-ling grabbed the formers arm and practically dragged him away into the night. Tanca’s gaze followed them until they were out of sight. Then he looked at the box and went back inside. How did he know? He thought as he went up the stairs. Before entering the room, Tanca’s curiosity took control and he peeked into the box. Inside sat a beautiful pearl necklace.

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ChapTer 12CaviL’S Bane

Fangtom took in a deep breath. Okay here we go He thought before starting the exer-cise video. Before he could start the opening stretches, he heard a pounding on his door.

“Please, Please, let me in, I’m begging you! Please!” Screamed a frantic voice from outside. Fangtom thought for a moment before opening the door to reveal a desperate looking Father Cavil. The priest rushed into the apartment and slammed the door.

“Quick man, or snake, get the keys.” Cavil said holding out a trembling hand. Fang-tom complied and Cavil quickly locked the door. He let out a sigh of relief.

“What’s all this about?” Fangtom asked baffled by Cavil’s behavior. Cavil opened his mouth to explain but was interrupted by a shout outside.

“Jon, where are you?”

Cavil quickly rushed over to the window and took in a sharp breath of horror.

“She’s right outside! Why, why me?” Cavil lamented twisting his hands.

“What’s going on? Who’s she?” Fangtom exclaimed.

“The bane of my existence. Punishment sent from on high to atone for my sins: Hel-en!” Cavil pontificated before pointing to the window. Fangtom looked out the window to see a blonde woman, roughly around 48 years old, trouncing around with flowers and a box of chocolate.

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“Come on Jonathan, your true love is waiting.” She said with an edge of desperation in her voice.

“Your name is Jonathan?” Fangtom asked.

“Hey, would you want people calling you Father Jon.” Cavil retorted. Fangtom took a moment before asking.

“So what’s her deal?”

“Her name’s Helen Tailor, I first met her 27 years ago.” Cavil explained. “She was getting married, but she seemed kinda nervous, so I gave her some instruction on the duties of marriage and all that fun stuff. Anyway, the wedding day finally came, but when I asked her to say her vows, she declared her undying love for me in front of the entire church. Not only did I get a black eye from the groom but I got kicked out of the one parish I actually liked. Ever since she has been stalking me. She won’t leave me alone!”

“Have you tried talking to her?” Fangtom asked.

“Have you tried talking to a brick wall?” Cavil shot back. At that moment, Helen looked in the direction of Fangtom’s window and Cavil immediately pulled the curtains shut.

“ Please, you have to help. Let me crash here for a couple of hours, that should get her to look somewhere else.” Cavil begged throwing himself at Fangtom’s feet, or tail rather. Fangtom nodded his head slowly and Cavil let out a sigh of relief.

Hydra’s Choice

Images flashed before Hydra’s mind. Kidnapping that pathetic boy, dragging him through the mud. Then, Cobra appearing from the shadows like an angel of death mut-tering satanic chants, and the brutal fight which Cobra had won. Wait Cobra won. Then where am I? Hydra thought. His eyes shot open and he realized he was in a dark room tied to a chair. The only light came from a crude fire. Hydra looked straight ahead to see Cobra sitting in the chair opposite the hybrid.

“Well, about time you awoke.” Cobra muttered.

“What is this? Where am I?” Hydra shouted in frustration. “Where’s that brat?”

“Whimpering to his ninja friends no doubt.” Cobra said getting up. Cobra walked toward the fire and bent down. As the pure hyponbrai started poking the fire, Hydra began running through his options. He could not start yelling at Cobra like an idiot, and Garamadon probably had no way of finding him. I actually have to reason with this madman. Hydra realized to his disgust.

“Why did you set him free?” Hydra asked trying to sound genuinely curious and not filled with hatred.

“If the boy is still away from his father, then Garamadon won’t lift a finger to really

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try to kill the ninja.” Cobra replied dismissively. “And if Garamadon is to preoccupied trying to get his son, then I have more time to slit his throat in his sleep.”

“And you want Garamadon dead, because?” Hydra pushed.

“He’s human.” Cobra spat. “He has no right to rule us after all the pain that his race caused us.”

“He seems to share our goals.” Hydra said.

“He seems to- I don’t care, I wouldn’t care even if he personally killed his own son just to try to atone for the sins of his fathers.” Cobra growled mockingly.

“I don’t see what that really has to do with much. You could kill him before or after we defeat the ninja.” Hydra offered. “My plan was to get on his good side, snuggle up to the king of the world and wait.”

“Wait! People like you disgust me, you dishonor your race.” Cobra sneered grabbing a protruding part of the fire. “You act against the memory of your ancestors by helping that tyrant. I know that as I fight against our oppressors, my father smiles upon me. For I bring the mighty blade of vengeance against the enemy that destroyed his life.”

“Really, I thought that was your mother.” Hydra said without thinking. The second these words left his mouth, Hydra knew he had made a horrible mistake. Something inside Cobra seemed to snap; before he was in control, calm. Now Cobra’s guise of cool collection shattered. Cobra let out a growl of fury. He pulled out his saber with his left hand and pulled out a piece of metal from the fire. Cobra, seething with rage, put the blade to Hydra’s throat and brought the piece of metal to within inches of Hydra’s left eye.

“How dare you! You venomous rat, you who aid the enemy, dare to insult my mother! she was one hundred times the snake you are!.. She would-she’d never le-.” Cobra tem-porarily froze in place. After a few moments of silence, he spoke with renewed vigor.

“You have two options traitor. You must be punished for your treason. Your options are death or eternal service.” Hydra looked from Cobra’s sword to the piece of flaming metal near his eye. Hydra realized that the piece of metal was actually a branding iron with the design of Cobra’s blood vow of unyielding hatred. Hydra thought a moment before responding.

“I’ll take the vows.” What followed for Hydra was an orgy of suffering.

The Silver Guardian

“Please, you can’t do this!” Screamed a roughly sixteen year old snake. She threw her arms wildly trying to free herself from the grasp of the hyponbrai soldier currently dragging her across the town square.

“She’s my only child!” Screamed the girl’s mother. The soldiers ignored the panicked screams of the woman as one of them turned to face the crowd that was forming to witness the spectacle. Many of the people in the crowd started shouting at the soldiers.

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The leader pulled out a scroll and, unfurling it, cleared his throat before speaking.

“This girl has been accused of grand theft by the son of the general.” The soldier be-gan ignoring the sympathetic cries of the bystanders. “Due to food rations, this crime must be treated with the utmost severity.”

“I didn’t do anything!” The girl cried. “It’s a lie, please.”

“Isn’t that the girl that the general’s son tried to court?” Whispered one of the by-standers to another.

“I Hear it went badly.” Replied another before his eyes widened in horror. “That’s why she’s being arrested.” He said. The rumor spread across the crowd like wild fire and their shouts of protest increased.

“We have official orders from the general himself.” The leader announced waving the paper about frantically.

“You have no right!” Screamed one of the people. The leader grunted before drawing his sword. The other soldiers did the same causing the crowd to back down.

“Anyone who tries to stop us will be considered an enemy of the general.” The leader announced. This document gives us-” The leader was interrupted by a small knife hit-ting the scroll and sending it flying into the wall.

“ ‘Sheath your bright swords, roughians. The evening dew will rust them.’ “ Called a defiant voice. The soldiers and crowd looked up to see a serpentine standing on the roof of a house. This snake wore a scarlet cloak covering shining silver armor. His face was covered with a battle mask and a red widely brimmed hat. Before anyone could react, the masked stranger launched himself from the parapets and into the middle of the court yard. The figure unsheathed a gleaming sword of his own and raised it to face the soldiers.

“Medaling fool, how dare you.” The leader growled.

“This medaling fool prefers The Silver Guardian as address.” The mysterious snake replied with a mock bow.

The leader advanced toward the vigilante raising his sword to strike. The Silver Guardian side stepped the charging leader reaching out a foot to trip him. The other sol-diers then attacked the masked stranger. One of them hefted a large ax and tried to bring it down on the vigilante, who responded by cutting the wood in half. A second soldier swung at the masked hero. The mysterious snake met the blade with his own. The Sil-ver Guardian drew closer to his combatant and grabbed his wrist. With a firm shove, the vigilante disarmed the soldier. The Silver Guardian grabbed the blade and threw it out of arm’s reach.“Come now friends, surely the general’s elite can muster more.” The Silver Guardian taunted. The leader pulled himself off the ground and swung his sword at the vigilante. The Silver Guardian parried two strikes from the leader before striking back, easily disarming him. The Silver Guardian raised his blade to the leader’s face.

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“The keys for this poor maiden’s hands.” He said nodding his head to the awestruck captive. The leader dropped the keys into the hands of the Silver Guardian, who tossed them to the imprisoned girl.

“Thank you.” Breathed the girl’s mother. The Silver Guardian prepared to respond but then noticed that the second soldier had called for reinforcements.

“Party is such sweet sorrow, however I must bid you farewell.” The Silver Guard-ian said. With that he dashed into the crowd, who parted to let him pass. The soldiers chased him desperately. Finally, the vigilante turned a corner. The soldiers also turned the corner only to find a steep drop.

“Where did he go?” Fumed one of their number.

“Well he couldn’t have jumped. Could he?” Said a second one.

“I think the better question is who was that.” A third announced.

Who do you think? Anyway this last one shot is based of one of the scenes from Ro-meo X Juliet Act I: If They did not Meet. Actually, the quote set apart by ‘what ever these things are called’ is directly taken from the English dub. That series is awesome.

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ChapTer 13rememBering

Skales and Selma sat happily in each other’s embrace as they watched Skales Jr. run about in the park.

“Ah youth. Do you remember it?” Skales sighed.

“Yeah, everything was a game back then; you, me, Cobra…” Selma trailed of.

“Your brothers.” Skales said realizing the nerve he had struck. He hesitated a moment before saying.

“You shouldn’t feel guilty about what happened.” Skales comforted. “I mean, you were doing what you thought was right.”

“And now?” Selma asked. Neither of the two spoke for a moment.

“How’s Cobra doing anyway?” Selma inquired changing the subject.

“It’s hard to tell.” Skales replied. “I mean he’s not really an easy person to understand, even when he was young. Sometimes he seems content to sulk, other times I swear he’s going to rip someone’s head off.”

This captured a giggle from Skales’ wife.

“Well, at least he has you.” She said.

“Not like he ever tries to reach out.” Skales muttered. “I don’t know, maybe it’s me.

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Maybe I’m not the right person to try to talk to him or something.”

“Don’t say that.” Selma chided him. “You’ve known him longer then anyone, be-sides, Cobra’s an odd snake. It’s not like he didn’t spend most of his time with his own company anyway.”

“Thanks.” Skales smiled.

Unbeknownst to the couple, the very snake they spoke of was watching from a dis-tance.

“I envy you Skales.” Cobra muttered to himself. “Your family is the one treasure I cannot know.” Is this really worth it? Cobra wondered to himself. Then his mind flashed back to his blood vows. Of course it is. Cobra thought before standing up. Co-bra gave one final glance toward his adopted brother before walking away.

The Park Security Force(approximately ten or so minutes after Remembering)

While Skales and Selma continued to talk, Skales Jr. continued to run about, poking in the underbrush. As he looked around, he saw a blue violet with a purple twinge. Junior thought of his mother and decided that this would make a nice gift. He reached into the bush and pulled the flower free of its roots. He got up only to see a man in a dark suit, dark pants, dark tie, and dark sunglasses. Meanwhile, Skales and Selma had drifted off to another topic when they heard their son emit a cry of distress. They looked up to see their son in handcuffs being pulled by a man who looked like a member of the secret service walking dramatically through a group of black crows that happened to be standing in the field.

“What’s going on?” Skales asked as the man approached.

“This boy is under arrest.” The man replied in a condescending voice .

“You can’t arrest him, and on what charge?” Selma demanded baffled.

“I am agent H. W. Smith, officer and administrator of national park security and I am placing this boy under arrest for murder in the first degree.” The man explained flashing a badge.

“Murder, what murder?” Skales asked.

“What murder? This ten year old child just murdered this tulip.” Agent Smith said showing the flower in question.

“That’s a violet.” Selma corrected.

“Whatever.” Smith snapped.

“You can’t arrest my son for picking a flower.” Skales protested.

“This is your son?” Smith questioned.

“Yes, I’m Skales, king of the serpentine, and this is my son your arresting.” Skales shot back angrily.

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“Oh, I see Mister Les, you think that because you’re a king that rules don’t apply to you.” Smith scoffed.

“Mr. Les, is-is that some kind of insult?” Skales asked.

“Look, I’m sure that Junior didn’t mean any harm.” Selma offered.

“I just wanted to get you a gift.” Skales Jr. said. Smith looked from mother to son before pulling out another pair of handcuffs

“Madam, I’m going to have to arrest you as an addition to the murder, please come quietly.” Smith announced.

“You can’t arrest my family for picking a flower.” Skales declared. “What is wrong with you?”

“What is wrong with me is that I understand the system.” Smith began. “You see, this park represents security, and my purpose is to defend this security.”

Three hours of mindlessly pretentious pontificating later.

“So you see, if the security of this park falls apart due to rabble rousers like your son, then all of society will fall into chaos and anarchy. I am the agent of order, who’s single purpose is to protect that order.” Smith finished. Then, he looked around.

“Oh my crap, they’re gone.” Smith said in amazement. “How did they do that? Where did they go?” Smith looked around for a few minutes before realizing that they had left.

“Very well, Mr. Les, you have made yourself a very dangerous enemy.” Smith an-nounced. He put the violet in a small baggy labeled “evidence” which contained a bot-tle cap, a broken Ipod, a soda can, some toe nail clippings, and a dead bird. Smith then pulled out a massive book, the size of a phone book, labeled List of Threats to Public Security. Smith then took out a pen and flipped to the back of the book. After writing down the names’ of the “culprits.” Smith said to himself.

“Well Mr. Les and family, or should I say public enemies 128,647, 128,648, and 128,649, if you think you can get away with this, you are mistaken. I’ll be watching you.” Smith was then distracted by the sound of teenagers giggling. Smith looked over to see two teens spraying graffiti on a wall.

“So my mission to defend order continues.” Smith announced before pulling out a pistol. Rather, what he thought was a pistol but was actually a paintball gun that the police had given him to make sure he didn’t kill anyone.


To return your heart to whence it came. Darkness. The horrible words of the mys-terious stranger echoed throughout Percival’s mind. What did they mean? His heart belonging to darkness? What did that mean. He couldn’t have meant himself…unless. Dread crept through Percival as a dark thought shot through his mind. What if I’m some kind of monster or evil creature? What if my heart does belong to darkness?

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No! I can’t think like that Percival mentally screamed. But aren’t I some kind of snake thing anyway. Another part of the poor snake pointed out. Maybe I should ask Laura. Percival thought. But what if she knows something I don’t want to know. Maybe she knows that I’m a dark creature of some kind.

“And why should you fear the dark?” Came the voice from his dream.

“No, where are you? What are you?” Percival shouted in fear.

“Percival, are you okay.” Came Laura’s voice.

“Um, fine, just a dream.” Percival said back realizing that it was morning.

“Why is the door locked?” Laura asked trying the door knob.

“No reason, I’ll get it.” Percival said pulling himself out of bed. He hoped that the day’s work would take his mind off the dark dream.

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ChapTer 14CLueS

Luna bent over and began picking through the debris of the antique store. She, Lew-is, and Cyrus had returned to Traverse Town in order to find any clues as to Xigbar’s location. So far, they had not been successful, though Lewis was quite pleased to dis-cover that the fedora he had considered buying had survived. Cyrus let out a growl of frustration.

“Are you sure that Xigbar didn’t leave any clues as to his destination?” He asked Lewis.

“Nope, dude just opened some kinda portal and walked into it.” Lewis replied.

“Well, maybe if we knew why the organization even came here in the first place, then we would have an idea of where they are.” Luna suggested.

“Maybe the only reason they came here was to make more of those heartless things.” Lewis countered.

“No, I’ve seen how the organization works. The only time that any of the actual mem-bers come out of hiding is to accomplish some goal.” Cyrus said.

“What could the organization want here?” Luna wondered out loud. Then an idea hit Luna. She remembered one of the skills the organization had wanted her to learn when she was being kept prisoner. They had said something about seeing through shadows. Luna closed her eyes and started to focus.

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“Um.. What is she doing?” Cyrus asked noticing Luna suddenly friezing up.

“I have no idea.” Lewis replied looking at his serpentine companion with worry. Luna wished that they would stop talking but she could not break her concentration to explain, so she ignored them. Instead, her mind flashed back to her time in the or-ganization. She could hear the cocky voice which she could now attribute to Xigbar prodding her into seeing through the shadows. Luna focused all of her energy on that one thought. See through shadows. Suddenly, Luna’s eyes turned a dark purple. Cyrus jumped back in surprise.

“Please tell me that’s not a normal thing for her.” Cyrus exclaimed. Luna looked around. When she saw Cyrus and Lewis, all she could see were black featureless out-lines of her friends. Luna then focused on last night. Then she could see the events of the previous night. Luna saw the featureless figure of Guinevere hurdle herself through the window. Then Luna witnessed Xigbar walk through the door and raise his weapon at a display case. Luna, having gathered the knowledge she needed, stopped concen-trating. Her eyes returned to their normal color and she stood up rubbing her head which was now throbbing.

“Um… Luna, what in the heck was that?” Lewis asked nervously. Luna just ignored him and walked over to where the display case had been. There were shattered pieces of glass strewn about the floor but no evidence of what had been there. Then something caught Luna’s eye. A small piece of metal laying under a piece of wood. She picked it up.

“Okay, seriously Luna, what the heck did you just do?” Lewis questioned frustrated. Luna turned to him and started to explain.

“ I used my powers to re-see everything that happened here. And most importantly what Xigbar was after.”

“And what was that?” Cyrus asked intrigued.

“Whatever was in this display case.” Luna replied. Lewis and Cyrus approached her and then Lewis looked at the piece of metal.

“Ancient Argonain shield, only 499.99.” He read to himself.

“What’s an Argonian?” Luna asked.

“The argonains were an ancient culture of mountain people. Actually the mountain where they lived is near here.” Lewis explained.

“Wait, if Xigbar came this far for this one shield, then he must have stopped in the mountain.” Cyrus realized. “The organization must have set up a base of operations there to look at the other shields, at least temporarily. If we hurry, we might catch up with him.”

“Then let’s be off.” Lewis declared dramatically. The three then exited the antique shop and began hurrying to the Argonian mountain.

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Here Comes the Man in Black

New Ninjago City police officers Manfredy and Johnson sat quietly at the opening desk shooting the breeze on the serpentine situation.

“Ya know, I still can believe that we’re letting those snakes off scott free after all the trouble that they caused.” Manfredy said.

“Hey, I don’t agree with it, but it’s what mayor Borg said.” Johnson replied. Before the two could continue the door was dramatically broken open. Through the swinging hinges of the broken door marched Agent Smith and a hand cuffed Fangtom.

“I didn’t do anything; you can’t arrest me!” Fangtom pleaded.

“Smith, what’s going on here?” Johnson asked as Smith dragged Fangtom to the desk.

“Mr. Tom here was caught loitering on the grass of a “do not stand on the grass” area.” Smith explained matter-of-factly.

“You can’t arrest me for that!” Fangtom howled. “And my name isn’t Tom, it’s Fang-tom.” The two police officers exchanged nervous glances before Manfredy spoke up.

“Um.. Smith good collar, but um.. We’ve been having reports of um.. Rodents in ...Miss Lilly’s Flower Shop. We need our best operative to take care of the situation; we’ll take care of this guy.”

“I’m on it.” Smith said before turning and re-breaking the door. The two police offi-cers sat still for a few moments.

“Go see if he’s gone.” Johnson whispered. Manfredy stood up and tiptoed past a baf-fled Fangtom and peered out a window.

“Okay, He’s going. He’s going. He stopped. He’s arresting a jaywalker. Okay he’s going. He’s going. He stopped. He bought a hot dog. He’s checking the cholesterol. Okay… now he’s arresting the hot dog guy. Okay, he’s going. And he’s gone.” Man-fredy announced. Johnson let out a sigh of relief before getting up and taking the hand cuffs off Fangtom.

“Sorry, about that Mr. Tom, but Agent Smith can be overactive sometimes.”

“Overactive. He just arrested me for standing on a no standing on the grass zone, who does that?” Fangtom explained.

“Yeah, Agent Smith just wants to make sure that everything is in order in the park.” Johnson said.

“Why don’t you just arrest him for disturbing the peace? In fact, what’s his problem anyway?” Fangtom exploded. Manfredy looked at Johnson, who nodded his head.

“Look, Agent Smith use to be part of the secret service for the mayor. He was an ex-cellent officer but he was kinda paranoid.” Marfredy explained.

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“How paranoid?” Fangtom asked.

“Well, he actually arrested the mayor himself for putting himself in danger to often.” Manfredy said.

“Not to mention half of the city.” Johnson added.

“So, he was fired. But he took it so badly that he almost killed himself a couple of times.” Manfredy continued.

“So we couldn’t let him do that, so the city decided to give him a job where he couldn’t do too much damage, cue the office of park security.” Johnson finished.

“So, you just let him run around arresting anyone he chooses?” Fangtom asked. The two police officers nodded their heads in union.

“Look, just try to stay on his good side and not break any minor laws and whatever you do, please don’t sue us. Okay see ya later.” Johnson said pushing Fangtom out the door before the serpentine could get out another word.


Selma figured the necklace currently warped around her neck with excited caution as if it might simply fade into non-existence. A week had passed since her sixteenth birthday and she still couldn’t believe that Skales had actually bothered to get her something. Romero poked his head into her room.

“Come on, Tanca’s gettin’ impatient, and you know what happens when he gets im-patient.” Romero said with a bright goofy simile. Then he noticed the necklace. “I see you’re wearing your secret admirer’s gift.”

“O come on, Romero, he’s not my secret admirer.” Selma replied jovially.

“Well, you’ve meet him all of twice and he gets you the one gift that manages to out-shine all of us.” Romero said.

“Is that jealously I detect?” Selma asked with a coy smile.

“What, me? No!” Romero exclaimed.

“The only reason he outshot us is because he’s rich. Now can we please go?” Came Tanca’s voice.

“Alright, alright, you bloody busy body.” Romero called back.

Skales knocked on Cobra’s door before entering. He found his adopted brother slouched on his bed reading a book of military strategy. Skales cleared his throat before asking.

“Hey Cobra, I was thinking of heading down to the market. Do you want to come?” Cobra looked up from his reading and thought for a moment before shrugging and standing up.

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“Alright, what do you want to do?” Cobra asked only half interested in Skales’ re-sponse.

“Well, Kalen has a new flavor of ice cream, called it sea-salt; thought it was worth a try.” Skales replied relieved that Cobra actually bothered to accept his offer.

“ Aren’t we a little old for that?” Cobra scoffed.

“Hey, you only live once, why not.” Skales replied.

“So what does that mean, salty sea flavor?” Tanca asked as the three walked through the market.

“Well, it means that it tastes like the sea.” Romero replied.

“Um. How would he know what the sea would taste like?” Selma asked.

“Maybe, he saw the sea before we were imprisoned.” Romero suggested.

“Kalen, really?” Cobra laughed. “He’s hardly older than either of us.”

“I don’t know.” Skales shrugged. “Do you think we’ll ever see what the sea looks like?”

“Of course we will.” Cobra declared. “Once we’re freed of this prison.”

“You mean if.” Skales countered.

“What do you mean ‘if’? We’re defiantly getting out of here.” Tanca said confidently.

“How can you be so sure?” Selma asked.

“Well, we have to get out. You just can’t give up hope.” Tanca replied.

“We’re not giving up hope, we’re just evaluating the situation as it is.” Romero chimed in.

“Pessimists.” Tanca muttered under his breath.

“We’re standing right here.” Selma reminded him.

“And we’ve just arrived.” Romero exclaimed excited. The three siblings walked to-ward the stand when a voice broke the air.

“Selma, is that you?” Selma and her brothers turned to see two serpentine around their age standing near the door.

“Skales!” Selma exclaimed in surprise.

“You’re wearing that necklace.” Skales said noticing his gift around her neck.

“Yes, um… thank you. It was very nice of you to think of me.” Selma replied.

“It was your birthday.” Skales replied.

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“So this is you’re secret admirer.” Romero said putting his arm on Selma’s shoulder and shooting Skales a friendly smile.

“Romero, I told you he isn’t.” Selma chided him. “These are my brothers Tanca and Romero.”

“Hello.” The two said simultaneously.

“This is Cobra, he’s my friend.” Skales said motioning to Cobra.

“Good day. So what are you doing out here?” Cobra asked.

“Oh, we were going to try some of Kalen’s new salt-sea ice cream.” Tanca said.

“Well, great minds think alike apparently.” Cobra mused.

“Really!” Romero exclaimed.

“Yeah, say, why don’t you come in with us?” Skales offered.

“What, and spoil our reputation as street rats?” Romero joked.

“If it’s no trouble, we’d love to.” Selma replied. And so the new friends entered Kalen’s shop.

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ChapTer 15Love TriangLeS anD

parK SeCuriTy oFFiCerSAcidicus and Father Cavil were walking in the Ninjago national park enjoying the

fresh air.

“So then Skalidor takes the stappler hammer and staples himself faster then I can finish thinking.” Acidicus said barely able to control his laughter.

“I’m not exactly sure what’s so funny about your friend stapling himself.” Cavil re-plied giving Acidicus a confused glance.

“Well um..” Acidicus was not able to make an excuse before a withering remark pierced the air.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Cavil.” Acidicus and Father Cavil turned to see Agent Smith standing next to the two, having appeared from nowhere. Cavil opened his arms and gave the park security officer an amiable smile.

“Smith, it’s been awhile.”

“You’re friends with this guy?” Acidicus asked Cavil. “Skales told me that he tried to arrest his family over picking a flower.”

“Are you kidding me? Me and Smith are old pals, right Smith.” Cavil said jovially.

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“Mr. Cavil, I don’t think that friends is an accurate descriptor for our relationship.” Smith said scowling. “The last time you managed to slip away from the long arm of jus-tice was by claiming that stealing a quarter that was lying on the street is not a crime.”

“It’s called having a sense of humor, Smith.” Cavil retorted before turning to Acidi-cus. “Yeah, Smithy here has tried to arrest me about thirty seven times.”

“Thirty-eight, and I told you that I don’t approve of you calling me Smithy.” Smith corrected. Cavil was about to say something when Smith raised a hand to silence him. The park security agent then proceeded to sniff the air like a dog before announcing.

“The order and security of this park is being disturbed. I must act!” Smith then pro-ceeded to pull out his gun(‘cough’ paintball gun) and began charging into the bushes. Acidicus and Cavil watched him go before Cavil said.

“Well, come on.” Cavil then began following Smith.

“Wait, where and why?” Acidicus questioned.

“Trust me, I’ve know Smith for fourteen years. This is gonna be good.” Cavil replied before continuing after Smith. Acidicus paused a moment before following Cavil. After pushing through a few branches, Acidicus and Cavil discovered an unfortunate Agent Smith holding Jay and Cole back from killing each other. Between them was a con-fused Nya sitting on a rather ugly green picnic blanket.

“This is my picnic.” Cole growled.

“Yeah, well she’s my girlfriend.” Jay shouted back. Acidicus looked from Cole to Jay.

“Um… what’s going on?” He asked in confusion.

“Kid, I thought I told you to deal with this in a mature way and not try to kill each other.” Cavil said to Jay with a disappointed frown.

“Please, I can explain.” Nya offered. “You see I was having a picnic with Cole and then Jay showed up and then the two started fighting.”

“So, Mr. Walker tried to kill Mr. Bucket because he’s your boyfriend?” Smith asked.

“Wait, Mr. Walker and Mr. Bucket, those are your last names?” Acidicus interjected.

“No, no. Actually, Jay’s my boyfriend.” Nya corrected. Smith glanced at the three baffled.

“Love triangle.” Cavil said.

“Oh, well, I’m going to have to take official statements from all of you.” Smith said officiously pulling out a note pad.

“Wait, us too just ‘cause we were just tagging along?” Acidicus asked concerned.

“Alright Miss… Y, I need all relevant information on your relationship with these men for my report.” Smith ordered.

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“Who’s Miss Y?” Nya asked.

“You: if he doesn’t know your last name he just cuts your first name in half to make it sound more official.” Cavil explained.

“Whatever!” Jay said breaking in. “Look buddy, you can’t really expect us to tell you all of our private information.”

“As an officer of the National Park Security force, I have that right.” Smith chal-lenged.

“The only officer.” Cavil added.

“Stay out of this, Mr. Cavil.” Smith warned. “Alright you three, I’m going to have to fine you all three thousand dollars each for disturbing the peace.”

“How does arguing over who’s girlfriend Nya is merit a fine of three thousand dol-lars?” Cole exclaimed furiously.

“No, the fine is for using that hideous picnic blanket.” Smith corrected pointing to the blanket.

The Masked Snake

Alura walked through the quite night air of the Hypnobrai tomb. The chill of the night bit at her scales like rabid hound dogs. She breathed a harsh breath which appeared as a white specter. Like him Alura thought. Three months had passed since the Silver Guardian had first appeared. Since then his legend had grown like wild fire. Every-one talked about this mysterious hero who would appear from nothing right wherever something wrong had occurred, and then disappear. Some believed that he was the ghost of some forgotten warrior, others that there were many snakes who dressed as this mysterious vigilante. “How else could he be in so many places at once” was their argument. Alura, however, was certain that it was only one person. After all, she had been the first person he had rescued. Three months ago when the personal goons of the general’s son tried to arrest her. Ever since he swooped in and saved her, she could not stop thinking about her enigmatic savior. Every night her mind repeated the images of the scarlet cloaked figure appearing to save her. His every scale covered in silver armor. His deep challenging voice calling out the violent soldiers for what they were. The thoughts gave her thrills.

“Help.” Came a desperate cry. Alura took in a sharp gasp at the sound. She ran for-ward a few feet until she came to an alleyway. She peaked around the corner to see an elderly serpentine being assaulted by a gang of roughians. He tried to throw a weak punch at one of them but was meet with an swift blow to the chest. Alura turned to leave not wanting to get involved but then she remember the Silver Guardian, who had helped her in her time of need. She looked down and saw a piece of wood lying forlorn on the ground. I have to do something Alura thought resolutely. She picked up the wood and marched into the alley.

“Hey, you leave him alone.” She said summoning all of her courage. The three turned

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to look at her.

“Well, look what we have here.” Said one of the serpentine with a smirk.

“Whatca doin’ lamb chops, don’t you know it’s dangerous to be out at night.” Taunted another. Alura started to back down. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea She thought three began approaching her.

“Well, what do we do with this one?” The third asked.

“I don’t know, but I think we’ll figure something out.” Muttered the first viciously. Alura backed away but they were getting closer when a voice broke the silence of the night.

“Verily, what does this vivacious fool view?” The three gangsters spun about to see a serpentine standing in front of the old snake. Alura immediately recognized the silver armor covering him from head to toe, the bright scarlet cloak and hat which broke the ghostly image of the armor, and the mask which kept the mysterious snake’s identity secret. It..It’s him. Alura though in shock.

“Perhaps, a group of vicious villains violently violating this virtuous victim with va-grant disregard for respect and honor. Furthermore, vehemently disregarding the noble efforts of such this very valiant vixen wielding a veneer of oak, you valedictorians of vice show naught but vile tongue and voracious manners. How simply.. Venomous.” The Silver Guardian spat. The three roughians stiffened in fear.

“In fact, T’was not but a fortnight ago that Lady Justice did show you your just pun-ishments. And I, myself, did teach you a lesson in swordplay as well.” The vigilante said putting a gloved hand to his chin as if in contemplation. “Perhaps, you did not gleam any knowledge from our lessons? Then, another session is in order.” With that the Silver Guardian pulled his blade from it’s sheath and raised it to eye level with the thugs. One of them pulled out a knife and swung it at the mysterious snake. He simply grabbed his hand and began twisting it.

“Come now, you’re form is simply disgraceful.” The Silver Guardian taunted before giving the snake a harsh kick in the chest. The vigilante threw him to his other friends.

“Perhaps, you would like a display? “ The Silver Guardian offered arrogantly. The vigilante swung his blade back and forth in a quick, precise manner in front of the snakes. With that display the thugs scattered and fled.

“Vermin.” The Silver Guardian cursed. He spun about and began to walk away before Alura called out.

“Wait, who are you?” She asked without thinking. The hero stopped and gave her a sideways glance.

“Quite the paradox.” The Silver Guardian muttered.

“What paradox?” Alura questioned inching closer.

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“Well to be frank, the paradox of a complete stranger asking a snake ,who has gone through every precaution to hid his identity, to suddenly reveal it.” He replied gesturing to his mask.

“Oh. But we’ve meet before.” Alura said. “Well, don’t you remember me?” The Guardian swept forward and came to within inches of Alura, almost scaring her out of her scales. He seemed to be studying her but she couldn’t tell behind his mask.

“Ah, Yes!” He spontaneously declared. “Lura something or another. The darling sweetheart of our beloved general’s son, or ‘was’ I should say.” Alura winced at the mention of her relationship with Slithraa but nodded her head.

“And as I recall, you became quite the damsel in distress for my introductory perfor-mance.” He continued. “Well, excellent to see you and fare-thee-well.” With that he turned to leave.

“B-But ..I ..wait.” Alura sputtered.

“Dear madam, why do you waste time? Can’t you see this poor man needs your help?” He said pointing to the elderly snake behind Alura. She looked at the old snake. He looked exhausted and sore. She looked up and found that the Silver Guardian had vanished. Alura looked around and then went over and helped the elderly snake to his feet.

The Argonia Mountains

Cyrus, Lewis and Luna stood in front of a large ancient door embedded in a great mountain. The door’s green paint had all but vanished. The lock was covered in rust and a few insects crawled in and out of the keyhole.

“Okay, how do we get in exactly?” Luna asked.

“Well, I have a packet of C4 back at the ship.” Lewis suggested. Luna and Cyrus gave him a baffled look.

“What? You never know when you need C4.” Lewis defended himself.

“Whatever.” Cyrus said. “Fortunately for you two, I’m an expert lock picker.” He leaned in and pulled out a knife and lock pick, when Luna snapped her figures and then grabbed her two companions and teleported them inside.

“I could have done it.” Cyrus growled.

“Well, I didn’t feel like waiting.” Luna replied as Lewis turned on a flashlight. What appeared in the darkness horrified them. Skeletons lay strewn about, covered in cob-webs. Many of them had arrows embedded in their armor.

“What happened here?” Luna asked.

“During the serpentine wars, the Argonaian mountain fortress was attacked by an army of hyponbrai led by the famous commander, Talon. The battle was brutal but the serpentine were victorious. They killed every last Argonian in the mountain.” Lewis

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explained. Cyrus stepped closer and looked intently at the skeletons.

“Wait a minute, Lewis wasn’t this one of the fiercest battles in the serpentine war?” Cyrus asked.

“Actually, the fiercest.” Lewis replied. “Why?”

“Well, why don’t any of these soldiers have shields? If I was about to face a deadly onslaught of serpentine, I would definitely have a shield.” Cyrus said. Lewis and Luna looked around to see that none of the dead soldiers had any shields.

“The organization must have gone through all of them just looking for that one.” Luna surmised.

“But why, why would one shield be so important?” Lewis wondered.

“I don’t know.” Cyrus admitted. “But if the organization wanted it this badly, it must be important.”

“But, I saw Xigbar raise his weapon at the shield, probably destroy it.” Luna contra-dicted.

“Maybe they needed it destroyed for some reason.” Lewis theorized.

“Regardless, Xigbar might still be here.” Cyrus said. “We’ll ask him when we catch him. Come on!” The three began walking through the caverns. As they traveled, more skeletons came into focus. Hundreds of dead humans and serpertine’s remains littered the floor. The further they went into the mountain the more complex the walk ways be-came. What was once a simple pathway transformed into a great bridge above a great cavern. When this bridge reconnected with the floor it joined many other pathways to form a massive labyrinth. Eventually, Cyrus turned to say something but then realized that Lewis was gone.

“Where did he go?” Cyrus exclaimed.

“Who?” Luna asked before turning around to find that her companion was gone.

“Lewis! Where is he?” Luna exclaimed shocked. “How could we have lost him?”

“Probably, back in that labyrinth. We have to find him.” Cyrus declared. “He could be anywhere down here.”

Meanwhile, Lewis stumbled through the darkness of the corridors.

“Guys!” Lewis shouted in desperation. He looked around the confusing corridors. Then, his flashlight gave out. At first, he began screaming for help but then he noticed a light emanating from one of the pathways. Lewis looked at the light nervously before going toward it. After endless wandering toward the light, he came to a large door. Lewis shoved it a few times before it gave in. He looked around and saw hundreds of shards of wood, no doubt from the shields the organization wanted so badly. Then, Lewis saw a small box lying on a table. Lewis walked forward and saw the box was labeled with various warnings.

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“Let’s see, highly dangerous, experimental, Organization XIII hands only; this thing is practically screaming steal me.” Lewis said to himself before reaching forward and opening the box. Luna and Cyrus walked back the way they had came, with Luna vi-sually retracing their steps. The two wandered through the passages until they came to the bridge.

“We must have missed where we lost him.” Luan muttered.

“Alright, let’s go back.” Cyrus said. However, he was interrupted by a cocky taunt.

“Well, well, well, kid. I didn’t expect to see you come this far after me.” Cyrus and Luna looked up to see Xigbar standing on a pathway above and to the far right. He raised his weapons.

“Too bad this place is gonna be your last stop.”

The second one shot is based of the opening scene from V for Vendetta.

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ChapTer 16BaTTLe in The CavernS

Before Luna or Cyrus could react, an explosion sent the two flying off of the bridge. Luna reached out and grabbed Cyrus’ hand as they fell and teleported to another walk-way. Cyrus opened his mouth to thank her but was cut short as another explosion rocked the walkway. The ground beneath Luna crumbled and she fell onto a lower bridge.

“Luna, are you okay?” Cyrus yelled down. As he leaned over to check on Luna, Xig-bar raised his weapon.

“Don’t turn your back on me, runt.” He muttered to himself. Luna caught Xigbar’s look and quickly teleported up to Cyrus and then teleported them both to another walk-way. Cyrus glance back and saw the same ground where he once stood obliterated. He pulled out his ice bow and aimed it at Xigbar. He fired an arrow but Xigbar jumped to the side.

“Close, but no cigar.” Xigbar taunted before firing both of his crossbows at Cyrus. Luna managed to teleport them to another walkway before the ground erupted in a massive fireball.

“I can’t keep teleporting us, we have to hit him with something.” Luna said as they arrived on another walkway.

“Just get me close enough to shoot him.” Cyrus growled back loading his bow. Xig-bar fired another shot at the two and Luna teleported them to a walkway closer to the

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organization member. Cyrus let his arrow fly and it hit Xigbar in his shoulder. He grunt-ed in pain, falling to one knee.

“Now!” Cyrus nearly screamed. Luna nodded her head before teleporting from one walkway to another trying to reach Xigbar’s walkway. The one eyed sharp shooter pulled the arrow from his shoulder and shot at his approaching foes. Each platform the two teleported to was soon destroyed by Xigbar. Xigbar destroyed the platforms they teleported to but not before they could teleport to another. Eventually, they reached his pathway. Before Xigbar could react, Cyrus fired a shot into Xigbar’s leg, disabling him. Luna grabbed a fractal saber and put it to Xigbar’s neck.

“Surrender now.” She commanded. “There’s nowhere for you to go, so you had better start talking.”

“Where are my friends?” Cyrus growled loading another arrow in his bow.

“Alright you runts, you wana play, let’s play.” He muttered in frustration. He knocked Luna’s blade from her hands. The organization member then ran to the edge of the pathway.

“Wait, Xigbar don’t.” Cyrus said realizing what Xigbar was doing.

“Sorry, kido but some secrets gotta stay secret.” He replied with a cocky smile. Be-fore Luna or Cyrus could say anything, Xigbar plunged off the edge of the cliff.

“H-he killed himself to stop us from finding out anything.” Luna said after a few moments of silence.

“Yeah, now I’ve lost my only lead to find my friends.” Cyrus lamented. The two turned to leave when a cocky voice broke the air.

“What, that’s the only reason you’re sad? I’m hurt.” The two turned around to see Xigbar not only alive but standing in midair.

“H-How is he doing that?” Luna asked astonished.

“Yeah, fact is you two, ol’ Xigbar here has been holding back this whole time.” Xigbar chuckled pointing an arrogant thumb at himself. “But now that you’ve ticked me off, I’m done playin’ nice guy.” Xigbar raised his weapons and aimed directly at the two. Luna grabbed Cyrus’ arm and teleported them to safety. When they arrived on another pathway, they looked up to see that the shots Xigbar had fired where following them.

“How-” Cyrus began but was cut off as one of the shots hit him, sending him flying back. He nearly flew off the pathway but pulled out an ice blade and stabbed it into the ground in front of him. Cyrus pulled himself up and looked to see Luna dodging Xigbar’s missiles left and right. Xigbar continued to fire at Luna or rather into the air from. From there, the shots somehow found their way to Luna. Cyrus loaded three ar-rows into his ice bow and fired at Xigbar. The Organization member fired three shots of his own to match Cyrus’ arrows. Luna looked behind her and found that Xigbar’s shots were still following her. She gritted her teeth and then came up with an idea. Luna

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charged toward the wall with the missiles following her. Then as she was about to hit the wall, she teleported to Cyrus’ location while the missiles hit the wall.

“Please, tell me you have a plan.” Luna muttered gasping for breath.

“I have an arrow that will freeze most of his body, but I don’t know how to hit him if he can match my shots.” Cyrus replied. Xigbar opened fire and destroyed the path-way the two were standing on. Luna teleported herself and Cyrus again. When the two looked around, they saw that they were standing on the last pathway.

“Well, well kid, looks like you’re outta luck.” Xigbar smirked raising his weapons to fire.

“Hey, jerk, how can somehow stand in mid-air!” Called a voice. Luna, Cyrus, and Xigbar all turned to Lewis standing in one of the openings where a pathway had begun. In his hand was what appeared to be a flintlock pistol. Luna and Cyrus exchanged con-fused looks but Xigbar’s eyes widened in horror.

“Where did you get that?” He sputtered.

“I found it. And considering that it was labeled highly dangerous I’m guessing that you don’t want to be shot by it.” Lewis responded before pulling back the cock and then pulling the trigger. The pistol then fired a large blast of red energy at Xigbar. The blast hit Xigbar with such power that he was thrown against the cave wall. Cyrus, realizing that this was his chance to trap Xigbar, fired an arrow. When the arrow hit Xigbar, it expanded and froze most of Xigbar’s body to the wall. He struggled to free himself but to no avail.

“Alright Xigbar let’s try again, where are my friends?” Cyrus growled.

“The Heartless, how did you create them?” Luna questioned. Xigbar glanced franti-cally from Luna to Cyrus, but when he looked to Lewis a cocky smile grew on his face. Luna followed his gaze and saw Lewis was being held by another person dressed in the garb of the organization. Like Xigbar, only his head could be seen. He had violet eyes and large flowing dreadlocks. He had a purple lance pointed right at Lewis’ neck.

“I thought you could handle this Xigbar.” The other organization member said.

“Aw, come on Xaldin, give a guy a chance.” Xigbar replied with a arrogant smile.

“Let him go.” Luna growled.

“Don’t say that! Really, have you ever seen The Dark Knight?” Lewis shouted back. Suddenly, two more of the lances that Xaldin was holding flew past his head and stabbed into the ice imprisoning Xigbar. The ice shattered and Xigbar walked out to-ward Xaldin.

“So what did the boss send you out here for ‘cause I’m guessing it wasn’t to help little ol’ me?” Xigbar asked as he reached the other organization member.

“There’s a situation.” Xaldin responded curtly. Xigbar thought for a moment before

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“Guess that means that you aren’t a good warden. Been a prison escape?” Cyrus’ eyes widened.

“Wait, what do you mean? What escape?” He asked frantically.

“None of you’re concern.” Xaldin snapped before turning to Xigbar. “Destroy this place; leave no trace of our presence.” Xigbar pulled a trigger from his cloak and pressed the top button. Thundering sounds began emerging from various parts of the mountain fortress.

“Not good.” Luna muttered to herself. Xaldin gave Lewis a light shove, pushing him off into the crevasse. Luna teleported to Lewis and then teleported him back to where she and Cyrus were standing.

“See ya kid.” Xigbar taunted as he and Xaldin disappeared into dark portals.

“Um, we have to leave now.” Lewis said as the cave walls began to collapse.

“Luna, please tell me you can teleport us out of here.” Cyrus begged.

“I… I don’t know. We’re hundreds of feet down; I don’t think I can teleport that far up.” Luna replied.

“Just try! This entire cave is falling apart.” Lewis commanded. Luna grabbed the hands of her friends and closed her eyes for a moment. The three appeared just outside the door to the Argonian cave. Luna clutched her head in pain taking long labored breathes.

“You okay?” Lewis asked.

“Been better.” Luna muttered. Cyrus stood off to the side wondering about what Xig-bar had said. Did Roxie and the others escape? He wondered.

The Letter

Skales switched of the lights in Skales Jr.’s room before turning and slithering toward his own room. Selma was waiting in their room reading some magazine article. Skales was about to enter when he heard a distinct thud. He looked around before slithering to the door where he thought the sound came from. He looked at the door and then noticed a small letter laying in the mail slot. He picked it up and began reading. After his eyes scanned the note he dropped it in surprise. It read:

Dear Snake-King,

Every sinner must pay his dues, the time must come for you to acknowledge what you’ve done. The sun must set for you and your family, for no action can go without a reaction.


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Your Angel of Death.


Percivil awoke sweat flowing down his cheeks. He looked around frantically. I’m still in my room, thank goodness. He thought relieved. Then he looked out the window and noticed that it was rather late in the morning. Usually Laura’s gotten me up by now. The thought invaded Percival’s mind that perhaps he had the dream last night and he had already killed Laura. For a moment, the idea tormented Percival. He envisioned what might have happened, using a knife on the one person he even knew. Then an un-familiar sound pierced the air: the calming melody of a flute. Percival breathed a sigh of relief and got up. He followed the sound to the back porch were Laura was sitting, playing her flute. Laura played a few notes before noticing Percival.

“Oh you’re awake, ‘bout time.” Laura smiled.

“Um. Why didn’t you wake me for work?” Percival asked.

“It’s my day off.” Laura replied casually. “I take one once every week. Gotta make sure ya don’t wear yourself out.” Percival nodded his head before taking a seat in the chair next to Laura.

“So, did you always play the flute?” Percival asked hoping to start a conversation.

“Not really, I only started learning when I moved out here.” Laura admitted. “I prob-ably sound really terrible.”

“It sounded nice to me.” Percival said. Laura gave him an appreciative nod.

“My brother gave me the flute, said that if I got lonely it would remind me of him.” Laura said rubbing a mindful hand on the flute.

“Is your brother a musician?” Percival asked intrigued.

“Actually, he’s a lawyer.” Laura chuckled. Then, it was Laura’s turn to ask a question.

“So, you don’t remember anything?” Laura asked.

“No, not my name, where I came from, not even any of my family.” Percival replied forlornly. “The first thing I remember is waking up in the forest.”

“Do you ever wonder where you came from?” Laura asked.

“Sometimes, but sometimes I think that maybe whoever I was, maybe I didn’t want to remember, that’s why I forgot.” Percival said.

“What makes you think that?” Laura inquired perplexed. Percival took in a deep breath.

“I-I’ve been having strange dreams, dreams that might have something to do with my memories, but I don’t want them to.” Percival said.

“Why not?” Laura pushed.

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“I don’t like what I see.” Percival said. Laura waited a few moments before saying.

“Well, you seem like an okay guy to me. How bad could they be?” Percival didn’t respond.

“Look, maybe you should try to remember. There could be something really worth remembering in that head of yours.” Laura suggested. Percival muttered.

“And if there isn’t?”

“Well, you have me and this place, I still expect you to pay you’re rent even if you remember that you’re a phyco-maniac or something.” Laura offered.

“Thank you.” Percival smiled. Maybe, I should try to remember. Then his mind flashed back to when he almost killed Laura. But are my memories worth it if I lose my only friend.

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Coming ouT Soon,...

The puniSher

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