Page 1: Bay Views - Frankston East Primary School · 2014-12-10 · Xmas Stall The PFA have organised a Christmas stall to be held on Monday December 15th here at the school. Gifts will be

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Bay Views Newsletter

Phone: 03 9789 9552 Fax: 03 9789 0134

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10th December, 2014

Coming Events

Term 4 2014 Thur. 11/12 School Council Meeting Fri. 12/12 Year 6 Graduation Tue. 16/12 Parent Helper’s Morning Tea Wed. 17/12 Carols Night Thur. 18/12 Whole School Bowling Fri. 19/12 End of Term Lunch Students dismissed at 2:30pm Term 1 2015 Thur. 22/1 Book sales day Wed. 28/1 Teachers resume Thur. 29/1 Students resume

Are you leaving Frankston East Primary School at the end of 2014?

NAME: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. GRADE: ………………….

PARENT SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Please let the office know by returning this slip. Thank you

Dear Parents & Friends,

Year 6/7 Transition Yesterday our Year 6 students visited their secondary school for the day and undertook a number of exciting activities throughout the day. The feedback from the kids this morning has been that they enjoyed their day. One of the things they did notice was that in some cases their Year 7 cohort will be the same size as our entire school! Choc top day Our Choc Top day returned today and was enjoyed by a number of students throughout the school. Many thanks to Janet Chambers and the PFA for arranging this. Graduation This Friday our Year 6 students will be attending their Graduation Ceremony that will be held in the school hall. They have been practising over the term and are really looking forward to the day. This is always a great day and the kids have a great time. The day wouldn’t happen without the organisation of Mr O’Shannassy, Mrs Schumacher and Mrs Smith and the support of the parents who undertake all the jobs running in the background. We hope our Year 6 students enjoy their day on Friday. If anyone is able to help the PFA with the food for Graduation, please contact Janet Chambers through the school office. Xmas Stall The PFA have organised a Christmas stall to be held on Monday December 15th here at the school. Gifts will be available for students to purchase on the day. There is more information that can be found in this newsletter. If anyone is able to help out with the stall, please contact Janet Chambers through the school office. Helper’s Morning Tea As a thank you to all our Parent Helpers within the school, the

staff will be providing morning tea for them on Tuesday December 16th. Invitations have been sent home with information on this gathering. Carols and BBQ Our Annual Christmas Carols event will be held on Wednesday the 17th of December here at the school. The PFA have organised a sausage sizzle. They will begin selling sausages at 530pm and stop at approximately 645pm. The concert will commence at 7pm and we expect to finish just after 8pm. The kids have all been working hard during music sessions and in their classrooms preparing their items. We would like to see all children dressed in their Christmas gear for the night unless there is a special costume for an individual organised by their class teacher. Trash and Treasure Mrs Stanszus has organised a Christmas Trash and Treasure Stall to be held on Wednesday the 17th of December during the day. The kids will have an opportunity to visit the stall and make purchases at various times during the day.

Page 2: Bay Views - Frankston East Primary School · 2014-12-10 · Xmas Stall The PFA have organised a Christmas stall to be held on Monday December 15th here at the school. Gifts will be

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Bay Views Newsletter

Phone: 03 9789 9552 Fax: 03 9789 0134

Email: [email protected] Web:

Monday 15th December

P/1M—Sajaad A.—For being a great listener in class. P/1S—Patricia R.—For being a delightful student all year.

1/2W—Erin M.—For always being a delight to have in the classroom.

2/3H—Mellony M.—For excellent improvement in all areas of the curriculum. 3/4B—Riley O.—For an outstanding effort on controlling his behaviour. 3/4S—Bonnie T.—For working really hard in class to complete her tasks.

5/6O—Julia L.—For her ‘outstanding’ hard work throughout 2014.

5/6S—Keanu M.—For some fantastic comprehension work on Reading Eggs.

Student Attendance

last week

Percentage of students at school


Percentage of students on time


Bowling Our annual trip to the AMF Bowling Centre in Karingal is approaching quickly. We will be attending in two sessions on Thursday the 18th of December where the kids will go with their buddies. The kids always have a great time at this whole school activity. This year we have managed to secure some funding to support the Bowling Day and because of this there will be no charge to students and all costs will be covered by the school. All that is required is that you return a completed permission form prior to the event. End of term lunch Friday the 19th of December is the final day of term and the PFA will be cooking hotdogs for the End of Term Lunch. Orders should be returned as soon as possible so we can purchase the food. Early dismissal Just a quick reminder that as Friday the 19th is the last day of term, school will finish at 230pm. Students will be dismissed from their classrooms at this time. Final Assembly Our final school assembly will be held at 9am in the school hall. We will have a number of presentations to make on the day and this will be a longer than usual assembly. We will be making presentations to: The prep students for completing their first year of school Students who have had 100% attendance in Term 4 Students who have had 100% attendance for the entire

year The students involved in the Junior School Council Finally, this is also an opportunity to say farewell to our Year 6 students. We hope you can join us for our final assembly for 2014. Until next time,

Brian McFall (Principal)

3D Brain Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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Page 3: Bay Views - Frankston East Primary School · 2014-12-10 · Xmas Stall The PFA have organised a Christmas stall to be held on Monday December 15th here at the school. Gifts will be

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Bay Views Newsletter

Phone: 03 9789 9552 Fax: 03 9789 0134

Email: [email protected] Web:


This is the last week of our parenting articles taken from Parentingideas for 2014. I hope these articles have given you some useful tips on how to handle issues that may arise with your children and that they have helped you to further strengthen you relationship with them in a positive manner.

Making the Most of These Holidays Often family differences are contained during the year but spill over when normal routines cease over the holiday period. You don’t need an instruction manual to make the most of

the school holidays. After all, holidays are about kicking your feet up, relaxing and getting away from the usual routines. Right? But the holiday season can be stressful. For many parents the prospect of keeping children occupied for up to six weeks can be daunting. Kids who kept busy with school, after school activities and weekend sport suddenly have time on their hands and look to you to keep them busy. Christmas can also be a difficult and lonely time for some. Sole parents and step-parents usually experience particular challenges at this time of the year as family catch-ups cause conflict, and disputes can arise over who children spend their time with. Often family differences are contained during the year but spill over when normal routines cease over the holiday period. High maintenance children whose behaviour is bearable when they are at school can suddenly seem very challenging indeed when you spend 24/7 time with them. Here are some ways to help reduce tension over the festive season and make the holidays

enjoyable and fruitful for all. 1. Be creative with how festivities are organised. For instance, two or more Christmas dinners may be needed so everyone is included. If you are flexible with your arrangements as well as your thinking then the potentially tricky times will flow more easily. 2. Mix up the routines. The best part about holidays is the move away from the routines of school-life. Some kids feel comfortable with the routines of school-life and can feel a little lost until the new holiday routine kicks in. Be patient with these routine-junkies! Also make sure you begin adjusting the routine as a return to school comes closer so kids are prepared for going to bed and getting up at earlier times. 3. Mix ‘me’ time with ‘them’ time. Plan a mixture of outdoor activities or trips with quiet at-home activities where you can relax and recharge your own batteries. The holidays are chance to spend time as a family but you also need to take some time for yourself each day. It helps to let your kids know that you are having some timeout too. 4. Resist being your child’s home entertainment machine. Give children opportunities to keep themselves occupied or think of inexpensive, fun ways to keep themselves amused. “I’m bored” is an invitation for kids to keep themselves occupied rather than for you to keep them amused. 5. Team up with other families. Whether it is sharing celebrations with other families or just holidaying with friends, holidays offer the chance to broaden your child’s social circle. Create opportunities to spend time with other families preferably with children the same age as yours. Make sure you provide the three types of activities that children want with their parents – i.e. rituals and celebrations, including family mealtimes; one-on-one activities where you spend some time alone with each child; and unstructured, impromptu activities such as playing simple games, story-telling and walks around the neighbourhood. These are important relationship-building activities that bind families

Page 4: Bay Views - Frankston East Primary School · 2014-12-10 · Xmas Stall The PFA have organised a Christmas stall to be held on Monday December 15th here at the school. Gifts will be

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Bay Views Newsletter

Phone: 03 9789 9552 Fax: 03 9789 0134

Email: [email protected] Web:

Happy Birthday

Dec. 10th Jesse E. 5/6O

Dec. 11th Nathan M. 1/2W

Erin M. 1/2W

Dec. 14th Keanu M. 5/6S

Dec. 15th Paul D. 3/4B

Misty H. 5/6S

Dec. 17th Cathay Y. 3/4S

Dec. 23rd Cassidy E. 2/3H

Dec. 24th Ryan M. 3/4B

together and enable you to build up emotional collateral with kids as they move into adolescence. Over the school holidays you will be spending a lot of time with your child so it is the perfect time for you reflect on your relationship with your child and see if some of these ideas can be added to your parenting skills.

I wish all of you a Very Happy Christmas and New Year and I look forward to seeing you in 2015.

Barb Heeney – Student Wellbeing Manager

Art Room News

I would like to thank all the kind

families who have donated so

many useful items for the Art

Room this year. Everything that

has been given has been used by

our children in a variety of activi-

ties including construction, textiles, paper craft, paint-

ing and drawing.

Just a final request for next year – if you could donate

all your Christmas cards to the art room I would be

most appreciative. The cards are great for collage

work and creating murals and give the children valua-

ble ideas for design work.

Thanks again,

Barb Heeney

Christmas Stall

The P.F.A. are holding a Christmas Stall

on Monday 15th December. Gifts can

be purchased for 50c, $1.00, $2.00 &

$3.00. There are some great gifts that

the children can purchase for mum, dad,

brothers, sisters, cousins etc.

Thank You, P.F.A.

Page 5: Bay Views - Frankston East Primary School · 2014-12-10 · Xmas Stall The PFA have organised a Christmas stall to be held on Monday December 15th here at the school. Gifts will be

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Bay Views Newsletter

Phone: 03 9789 9552 Fax: 03 9789 0134

Email: [email protected] Web:

The operating hours are:

TUESDAY – 8:45 – 9:15am FRIDAY - 8:45 – 9:15am and

3:15 – 3:45pm

It is that time of year again where we ask you to help with donations for our Annual Christmas Raffle. We would appreciate it if you could send along your donation/s, they can be left at the school office. Thank You P.F.A.


On Wednesday 15th December (the last Wednesday of term) we will be holding our an-nual Christmas Trash ‘n’ Treasure stall. Items will be sold from 10c to $3.00 and can be used to help slash that Christmas family budget! In the past older children have bought items for younger cousins or siblings as presents for Christmas.

Any donations of toys, books, puzzles, teddies, dress-ups in good condition can be bought to the Science room beforehand.

All money raised goes to help children in coun-tries who are struggling with poverty through TEAR Australia Thank you Jill Stanszus & E.T. Reps



Please note that all Booklists are now over-

due. Please return them to school by

Friday 12th December.

Thank You

Office Staff

Page 6: Bay Views - Frankston East Primary School · 2014-12-10 · Xmas Stall The PFA have organised a Christmas stall to be held on Monday December 15th here at the school. Gifts will be

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Bay Views Newsletter

Phone: 03 9789 9552 Fax: 03 9789 0134

Email: [email protected] Web:

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