
BAVS Talk 2015

The Revival of History from Below in Victorian Studies

@HelenRogers19cLiverpool John Moores University

History Workshop movementcollective history outside the academy

community activism

QueenSpark Books

Remembering CenterpriseOn the Record

What’s Left?The linguistic and cultural turns

Return of narrative, people and agency

Recent books

Bridging the divideCrossover books

Digital Humanities/Open Archives Connected histories

• Old Bailey Online• Connected Histories• London Lives• Founders and Survivors• Digital Panopticon

• AHRC After Care project• ‘Whole life analysis’• (Zoe Alker, Pam Cox, Heather


• Telegraph, 15 April 2015

Blogging and public history@lesleyhulonce Workhouse Tales

social and interpersonal dynamics in institutions

@LauraMMair Victorian Ragged Schools

Recovering lives and agency from institutions

@Vicky_Holmes Victorian Domestic DangersWorking-class lives and sensibility:

material culture & emotional objects

@guywoolnough Victorian Policingusing bottom-up history to engage in

current policy debate & popular history

Social media &history from below

The Many Headed-Monster blog includes ‘History from Below’ series Summer 2014 and forthcoming series ‘Voices from Below’ Summer 2015

@MunicipalDreams Municipal DreamsHousing, History and Activism

@thegentleauthor Spitalfields Life

Aga Rais Mirza based onInterview from Everyday Muslims

From Spitalfields NippersEd. the Gentle Author, based on Horace Warner’s photographs

Museums, open archives& social media

The People’s History Museum, Salford Working Class Movement Library, Salford

Family & creative history

Mix-d Museum

Black Chronicles II by Autograph ABP

@Alison_Twells, Socks for the BoysUsing stories to convey analysis and interpretation

@JohnDHerson Divergent Pathstracing 200 Irish families in Staffordqualitative & quantitative analysis

@HelenRogers19c Conviction: stories from a nineteenth century prison

Intimate history: tracing individual agency & feeling through social networks, interactions & patterns of behaviour

community historyresearch & activism

Creating Our Future Histories working withAncoats Dispensary Trust to save & restore building as community hub

Students & History from Below3rd year module @ Liverpool John Moores University


Writing Lives ProjectCollaboration researchers, students & public

To create online archive & searchable database of working-class autobiographyCrowdsourcing: life-writing; transcription; data-entryCommunity blog, links & resourcesBurnett, Vincent & Mayall (eds) The Autobiography of the Working Class: An Annotated, Critical Bibliography 1790-1945 Minnie Frisby, born 1877 @ Writing Lives

Frisby, Minnie. ‘Memories’, Burnett Archive of Working Class Autobiography, University of Brunel Library, Special Collection, 1:250 researched by Billie-Gina Thomason

Project Team David Vincent, David Mayall, Helen Rogers, John Herson, Claire LynchPartners: Brunel University Special Collections Library, Working Class Movements Library

Students, public engagement & history from below

Writing Lives presenting at Unofficial Histories 2014

Cleo Chalk, John England & Victoria Hoffman, Unofficial Histories conference, University of Huddersfield 2014. UH is part of the History from Below International Network

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