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The Dark Knight Rises

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What is a film campaign?

A film campaign is advertisement scheme made by the company which made the film. The purpose of a film campaign is to advertise the film and entice the public to watch the film

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Director: Christopher NolanRelease date: 20 July 2012Plot summary: When Batman finds out that bane , a former member of the League of assassins , plans to bring Gotham to its knees. The Dark Knight is given no other option but to return Gotham after an eight years absence to stop him.

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Elements of film campaign

Elements of film campaign






T.V Adverts



/social networks

Online marketing

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Teaser poster #1

A key tool used by organisation when making a film campaign is a teaser poster. The teaser poster on the left is a teaser poster for the film ‘The dark knight rises’

The poster follows the mono theme usually used in batman movie campaigns which is black background with white font. The iconic symbol in the middle is the batman signal which gives away that this film is apart of the Batman sequel

The purpose of the poster is to tease the audience give them a brief amount of information about the film. Furthermore it gives the audience a rough idea of when the film will be coming out. Furthermore gives the audience a website for the film where the can support the campaign. This teaser poster also leaves clues. As we can see the city looks destroyed. This tells the audience that city is under some form of trouble and by putting Batman symbol in the middle and clear reveals that Batman is the saviour. This tease their audience even more.

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Teaser poster #2This is a later released teaser poster for dark knight rises. This poster is released closer to the films release date we know this due to the release date on the bottom.

Similarly, to the of teaser poster I spoke about before the organisation followed the same mono themed poster. The poster is mostly black and white which emphasises The Batman’s iconic gold belt. The poster portrays the Batman using dark colours he is usual associated with this reinforce the protagonist power.

The purpose of the poster is still to tease like the first teaser poster I spoke about. However, this poster teases its audience whilst giving away more information. Such as when the film is released and showing the batman. Due to the poster not revealing who is playing the man behind the mask teases the audience. This poster leaves a clue. At the top the poster the word ‘rise’ is used and at the bottom of the poster ‘the legend ends’ is shown this is ironic and may suggest that batman may be rising to the rescue for the last time and may be the last film of the batman sequel.

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Full theatrical poster

This is a full theatrical poster which is key tool in film campaign. The full theatrical poster is for the film ‘The Dark knight rises‘.

The poster follows the same mono and gloomy theme as the teaser posters I have spoken about. The rain makes the poster look very similar to the second teaser poster I spoke about. Also the damaged building is similarly to the damage city In the first teaser poster I spoke about. this suggest that campaign have chosen to follow the same theme throughout the campaign.

The purpose of the poster is to give the audience more information about the film . This is shown through the list of actors on the top of the poster. The use of billing blocks. The films release date also being shown. Also the name of the film and the protagonist being shown. This poster also leaves a clue. The crack around the Batman logo suggest that in the film batman may I have got seriously damaged.

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Public advertisements

Another successful vital method used In a film campaign is public advertisement. This is when the organisation put up posters , both teaser and full theatrical poster around the public and advertises the campaign. By doing so the public awareness of the campaign is raised, this means more people know about the campaign and that more people are likely to support the campaign and see the film. Furthermore it give the campaign’s audience more information of the film. Such as when the film is going to be released.

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Magazine cover #1 The next film campaign element I will talking about is magazine cover. Magazine cover advertises the campaign and give the campaign's audience and the public a small insight of the film. The film on the magazine cover on the left is ‘The dark knight rises’ . This is a magazine produce by the company Empire.

Similarly , to the posters I have spoken about the campaign decided to continue following the dark and mono theme image. This is shown through the black background and the tittle of the film ( main cover line) be written in white font. The fact that the batman logo is place on the top left corner and that batman head is cover some of the magazine’s masthead suggest that image on the cover is important and that ‘The dark knight rises’ is the magazines main focus. The banner of the magazine is also related to the film this emphasises the films significance within the magazine.

Due to the film being on the cover of the magazine suggest that the film is a huge blockbuster and is going to be a hit. This is because empire is one of the world’s leading film magazine and for the film to be on the cover of an Empire magazine is a huge deal.

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The magazine cover on the left is a magazine produce from Total film magazine. The film on cover is ‘The dark knight rises’.

This magazine used dark colours however contrasts slightly from the other magazine and poster used in the campaign. This magazine emphasises the batman’s gold belt by the frequent use of gold. The fact gold is a colour that represent greatness emphasises how good the block buster. The pug looks like Batman’s trade mark bat signal this emphasises that this magazine is mostly about the film. Even the puff ‘ the ultimate batman issue’ is based on the film.

Total film is also one of the world’s leading magazine the film magazine this emphasises what a major block buster the film is going to be. Furthermore the fact that we are told the ultimate batman issue suggest that not only the cover is aimed at the film. However the magazine.

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Teaser trailer

Teaser trailer is another key tool when it comes to film campaign. They are released around the same time as a teaser poster and is released before the film is released.

In this teaser trailer they decided to continue with the dark, gloomy mono theme which have been using through the campaign. By doing so the continue to reinforce how Batman will always be associated with dark colour. By doing this the film campaign emphasises the protagonist superiority.

The purpose of teaser trailers are similar to the purpose of teaser poster which is to tease its audience by not giving away too much information.

Link for teaser trailer:

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Link for the full theatrical trailer below:

A full theatrical trailer is another key tool when it comes to film campaign. They are released, after the teaser trailer is produced closer to the time the film is released.

In the full theatrical trailer the campaign chose to continued using the dark and gloomy theme this is shown through the trailer. By doing so the campaign continue to reinforce how Batman will always be associated with dark colour. Furthermore I allows the audience to know what type of theme the campaign are trying to portray.

The purpose of a full theatrical trailer is to allow the campaign give more information. By doing this the campaign are able to evokes their audience into watching the film.

Full theatrical trailer

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