  • 7/30/2019 Batch Mode Porcessing



    SavingA/R & A/P Documents as Drafts sending a daily alert to an approver user to review drafts and poto the G/L.A separate alert can be sent for every type of document (separate alert for draft A/R Invoices, A/P Invoices,

    Incoming Payment, outgoing Payments, etc), or alternatively you can set one alert for all documents types.

    In the example below, every A/P Invoice will be saved as draft by user1.

    A daily alert will be sent to user 2 to review drafts and add them to the system.

    Step1: Saving the query below. The query displays all Draft A/P Invoices yet to be posted.

    SELECT T0.DocEntry, T0.DocNum as 'Draft A/P Invoice No.', T0.NumAtCard as 'Vendor Inv.No.', T0.DocDateT0.DocDueDate as 'Due Date', T0.CardCode, T0.CardName, T0.DocTotal, T0.Comments FROM ODRF T0

    WHERE T0.ObjType =18 and T0.DocStatus ='O'

    ObjType 18 = A/P InvoicesDocStatus O = open draft (C = closed draft, meaning already posted as a real document)

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    Step2: Link the query to an alert scheduled once a dayGo to Administration module Alert Management Ctrl+A to switch to add mode

    Select query

    saved in stepActivate alert

    Set frequency

    & Time

    Select user to receive

    the alert

    The alert will be triggered according to the frequency set in the alert management and will look like this:

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    drill down to the draft document by clicking on the navigation arro

    If approved add from here

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    1. Use the query below if you would like to setup one alert for all A/R & A/P documents drafts. The query is

    sorted by document type and displays only open drafts

    SELECT T0.DocEntry, T0.ObjType, T0.DocNum, T0.DocDate, T0.DocDueDate, T0.CardCode, T0.CardName,

    T0.DocTotal, T0.CreateDate, T0.Comments, T1.U_NAME FROM ODRF T0 INNER JOIN OUSR T1 ON

    T0.UserSign = T1.internal_k WHERE T0.DocStatus = 'O' ORDER BY T0.ObjType

    A/R Invoice


    Sales Order

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    Drafts PaymentsDrafts Payments (Incoming & Outgoing) are saved in different tables in the database then draft A/P & A/R


    Use the query below to create an alert for Draft Incoming & Outgoing Payments

    SELECT T0.DocType as 'DraftType', T0.DocNum as 'Deaft No.', T0.DocDate, T0.CardCode as 'BP Code',T0.CardName as 'BP Name', T0.DocTotal, T0.CashSum, T0.CheckSum, T0.TrsfrSum, T0.CreditSum,

    T1.U_NAME FROM OPDF T0 inner join OUSR T1 on t0.usersign=t1.internal_k WHERE T0.Canceled = 'N'

    S = Outgoing Payment

    C = Incoming Payments

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    Reviewing all drafts without waiting for the alert to popup:

    Sales - A/R module Document Draft for A/R, A/P and Inventory documents

    Banking module Payments Drafts Report

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    Draft Journal Entries (Journal Vouchers)

    Add a new voucher to create a new batch of draft Journal Entries

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    When finished adding all entries to this draft voucher, click on Close then Update

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    The approver user can then review all entries in the draft voucher.

    Journal Entries in open Journal Vouchers can be modified.

    After edits to the voucher have been completed, the user clicks on the Post Voucher to post the transactions to thG/L.

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    Status will be changed to Closed and entries will be posted to the G/L.

    Each Journal Entry entered to a Journal Vouchers is posted to the G/L as a separate Journal Entry.

    If a correction needs to be made after posting, correct it like you correct any other wrong Journal Entry (reverse

    entry and post a new one, or post a new entry for the difference)

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    1. Creating Posting Templates for every type of Journal Entry will speed the process of entering Journals.The screen shots below demonstrate a template for Payment to Vendors and then how to use this template in a

    Journal Voucher

    Tab to choose template

    Type in the paid amount and tab

    1. Ctrl + Tab to select vendor

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    2. Creating an Alert for un posted Journal Vouchers. Create a user alert linked to the query below

    SELECT T0.BatchNum, T0.Status, T0.NumOfTrans, T0.DateID, T0.LocTotal, T0.MemoID, T0.UserSign FROM

    OBTD T0 WHERE T0.Status ='O'

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    The alert will be triggered according to the frequency set in the alert management and will look like this:

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    Draft Payment Run

    The Payment Run can also be saved temporarily without posting to the G/L for someone elses reviewing andexecution at a later time.

    The Payment Wizard (Payment Run) can be prepared by one user and be saved in a Save Selection Criteria andExit mode or as Recommended.

    Then the approver can load the saved wizard, review it and makes edits if necessary. Once the edits are complete,

    he can execute the payment run for creating checks and posting to the G/L.

    Saving options copied from the Online Help file:

    Field Activity/Description

    Save Selection

    Criteria and


    Select to save the criteria defined in the Wizard and exit. The next timeyou display the saved Wizard data, the recommendation report is

    created according to these criteria.

    Mark as


    and Exit

    Select to save both the selection criteria and the recommendation

    report. You can display the report later.

    Execute Select to save the recommendation report and execute it. Later, the

    report is displayed in the view-only mode.

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    Option 2: Activating an Approval Procedure for every added document (A/R and/or A/P)

    In the example below, when ever user1 (Sophie) is adding an A/R Invoice, A/R Credit Memo, A/P Invoice, A/P

    Credit Memo, the document will be saved in Draft mode and an approval request will be sent to user 2 (Thomas)

    * CFO = Thomas Cruise

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    * CFO = Thomas Cruis

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    In this scenario, every time user 1 adds any of the mentioned above documents, a request for approval will popup

    User 2, the approver, will receive an alert for every attempt to add a document

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