  • 1

    The Common Basilisk (Basiliscus basiliscus ) is a lizard found in Central and South American rainforests near rivers and streams. The basilisk eats insects, flowers, and small vertebrates. This lizard is also known as the Jesus Christ Lizard for its ability to run on the surface of water.

    When startled, the Common Basilisk escapes by speeding to the nearest edge of water—and continues sprinting. The lizard runs on only its hind legs in an erect position, holding its arms to its sides. Its feet are large and equipped with flaps of skin along the toes; when moving quickly, the lizard can cross a surface of water before sinking. On water it runs an average speed of 8.4 km/h (or 5.2 mph), which is just a little slower than its speed on land. 

    Question: How is it possible that this lizard can run on water?

    Welcome! Warm Up Monday, October 15, 2012

     Basilisk Lizard

  • 2

    AP Biology1. Warm  Up2. Quiz3. Finish Compound Building Activity  P24. Chapter 5 Lecture Continue 

    AnnouncementDue: Friday, October 19, Week 8 Assignments.

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

    Thalidomide was a drug used to treat morning sickness. Sadly, it also lead to the body converting one enantomer to another causing birth defects.

  • 6

  • 7

    Chapter 4 Notes: Isomers and Funconal GroupsIII. Funconal Groups ‐ regions of organic molecules most commonly involved in 

    chemical reacons  ( Know Table 4.1)

    A.  Hydroxyl: ____________________________________________________________

    Example:  Ethanol

    B.  Carbonyl: ____________________________________________________________

    Example:  Acetone

    C.  Carboxyl: _____________________________________________________________

    Example:  Acec Acid

    D.  Amino: ______________________________________________________________

    Example:  Methylamine

    E.  Sulydryl: ___________________________________________________________

    Example:  Ethanethiol

    F.  Phosphate: ___________________________________________________________

    Example: Glycerol phosphate

  • 8

  • 9

    How life began video.

    Answer the following questions:

    1. How did life begin?

    2. Why is understanding chemistry important to the origin of life?

    3. Identify the two things needed for life?

    NOVA Video


    P4 Review

  • 10


  • 11

    Finish Compounds Activity 

    Build the aspirin molecule. What functional groups are on the aspirin molecule?


    Plant extracts, including willow bark and spiraea, of which salicylic acid was the active ingredient, had been known to help alleviate headaches, pains, and fevers since antiquity. The father of modern medicine, hippocrates, who lived sometime between 460 BC and 377 BC, left historical records describing the use of powder made from the bark and leaves of the willow tree to help these symptoms.

  • 12

    Chapter 5 Notes: The Structure and Funcon of Macromolecules

    I.  _____________ (means “many parts”)

    A. Giant macromolecules…______________________________________________

    B. 2 monomers are linked when 1 water molecules is removed= 

    condensaon synthesis or  ______________________________________________

    *Energy and enzymes are also required.

    C. Polymers are disassembled when water is added = __________________________

    *Energy and enzymes are also required.

    D. Analogy: ____________________________________________________________ 


    II. Carbohydrates: _______________________________________________________________

    A. Funcons:

    1. _____________ for cellular work

    2. Raw material for synthesis of other small organic molecules

    3. _____________  component of cells

    B. Types:

    1.  _______saccharides

    a) Shape‐Rings

    b) Example‐ Glucose  

    2.  ____Disaccharides‐ 2 Mono’s

    Example‐ Sucrose

    3.  _______ saccharides‐ Many Mono’s

    a)  Storage of glucose

    1. __________‐ Plants store as granules in ________

    2. __________‐ Animals store in _________________

    b)  Building Materials

    1. _________‐ Makes up tough __________________

    2. _________‐ Makes up _______________________

  • 13

  • 14

  • 15

  • 16

  • 17

  • 18

  • 19

  • 20

  • 21

    Building More Molecules

    Building Compounds Labs 20

    Glycine: NH2CH2COOH

    Acetone: (CH3)2CO

    Aspirin: C9H8O4 

  • 22

    Lab Groups

    Group 1 Group 5

    Lynn M Chaffee Julia L Mazur

    Matthew O Close Kendra S Pardy

    Rose B Conlon Elise K Ran

    Group 2 Group 6

    David A Faust Alison M Reichert

    Benjamin Z Freedman Jessica B Shanahan

    Maureen M Greason Gregory T Shea

    Nathaniel F Greason

    Group 3 Group 7

    Brett R Green Anna C Teiche

    Julia R Griffiths Dain S Weisner

    Natassja E Haught Nicholas P Williams

    Samuel P Kallas

    Group 4

    Bailey R List

    JulianaFrancin OMa

    Jacob F Martin

    Period 2 Groups

  • 23

    Group 1 Group 5

    Joe M Bartsch Tiffany P Lee

    Carissa S Block Andreas W Loleas

    Madison J Bolejack Riley K McCormickDekker

    Group 2 Group 6

    Leah J Bouillon Maia A McNett

    Michael R Chaffee Ena T Nimb

    Reed H Dolese Max B Schardein

    Kyra M Easley

    Group 3 Group 7

    Eman A Faqihi Ryann E Shor

    Joshua D Feikes Ivy B Terry

    Christina Goessman Georgia M Wellman

    Jeremy D Greer

    Group 4

    Tess M Haskin

    Trevor N Heater

    Connor G Juckniess

    Aubrey M Kollodge

    Lab GroupsPeriod 4 Groups

  • 24

    Carbohydrate ActivityGlucose



  • 25


    Exit QuestionsWhat type of bond links to sugar monomers?A. Alkane linkageB. Double bondC. Hydrolysis bondD. Glycosidic linkage 

    Week 8 Assignments due Friday, October 19

  • Attachments

    Web Quest Mental Health.doc



    Web Quest: Mental Health


    Welcome to this Web Quest! A Web Quest is a fun and exciting way of learning how to evaluate and apply information on the Internet. You will be challenged to think critically about what you are learning and why it is important. As a part of this Web Quest, you will create a news story to educate others about a specific mental health topic. By the end of this Web Quest, you should become more aware of ways to treat mental illness.

    What first comes to mind when you hear the word mentally ill? Who do you see as someone who suffers from mental illness? What are the signs and symptoms one should be aware of if mentally ill? There are so many misconceptions about mental illness, for example, “she’s crazy”. When you hear about a teen who attempts suicide, what do you think of first? Why did he/she want to kill him or herself? Why do we always blame the victim? After thinking about these questions, click on "Tasks."


    You and one co-worker are one of ten teams assigned to the top story for MTV news. MTV will choose the most creative story regarding identification of mental illness. Your team is responsible for researching current statistics, identification of the disorder, signs and symptoms and current methods of treatment. The two of you will research and create an informative PowerPoint presentation that includes a minimum of five slides. This presentation is a part of your proposal that you will give to the producers of MTV news.

    Throughout your task, keep in mind the target audience of MTV. You are expected to keep the presentation creative while being sensitive you this subject matter. This assignment is an opportunity not only for a huge promotion from MTV, but it is also a chance for you to educate the many viewers of MTV. There is one catch; you have only three days before air time. To get started, review the process.


    MTV believes it is important to include four steps in developing a good news presentation. The first three steps guide you to find relevant information that will grab the viewer’s attention as well as educate them on identification of a specific mental illness. In the final step, each team will present their newscast story to a panel. This presentation will be the deciding factor of which group story will be broadcasted on air.

    Now you are ready for your first step. Good Luck!!

    1. TITLE PAGE: Your first step is to create a title page using PowerPoint. Title this presentation according to the mental health topic you have been assigned to research. Be sure to include the names of each team member. Your second page should provide a brief summary of your mental illness. All slides should be written using your own words and not cut and pasted from a copyrighted document.

    2. Facts: Next, look carefully at the sites below. After reviewing these websites, your job is to choose three to five statistics that you find most important for MTV viewers to know. MTV also requires that each statistic comes from a different source. Included in these statistics should be at least one statistic on frequency and prevalence and one dealing with the hereditary factors. Include these statistics in your document under the sub-heading "facts."

    3. SYMPTOMS: Next, design a new slide that defines and give examples, in your own words, of your specific mental illness. Use the websites below to help you.

    4. MTV likes their journalists to be able to relate to their viewers. You must prove to the producers that you can relate by developing three scenarios of your own that are most likely to occur in a high school or college setting. Include these scenarios in your document following numbers one through five.

    5. REFLECTIVE PAPER: Using Microsoft Word, each group member will write a two page reflection summarizing what they learned about their mental health topic. This is an individual task and should not be done as a group. What are the most important aspects of your topic that all teens should be aware of concerning this illness? Include in this reflection your thoughts about what alarmed you the most and reasons certain statistics might be so high. And finally, how can someone suffering from this mental illness seek help? When you have completed your two page document, you are ready for you final presentation.


    BEGINNERBelow 60%



    Document Proposal

    Document was incomplete. Statistics and reaction showed little thought. Contained grammatical and spelling errors throughout. Instructions were not followed and/or not all resources were used.

    Document portrayed adequately. Instructions were followed, but lacking relevancy and /or information. Little thought was put into document. Grammar and spelling errors were minimal. Student used most, but not all, resources.

    Document was clear and directions followed concisely. Clear thought was put into it. Proper grammar and spelling was used throughout. Student used every resource appropriately.

    Presentation News Cast

    Presentation lacked clear format and organization. It was dry and uninteresting. Student did not display sensitivity to topic.

    Presentation displayed adequate format. It was Interesting but not directed towards audience. Organization was adequate but not creative. Student displayed some sensitivity towards topic.

    Presentation was very clear and precise. It was creative and appropriate for audience. Student appeared well organized with all information used. Individual also displayed much sensitivity towards topic.

    Use of Document in Presentation

    Document was not used well in presentation. Student used few facts from document and/or irrelevant facts.

    Presentation involved most, but not all of document. Facts were not put together clearly.

    All facts were used well in presentation. Facts were relevant and used at appropriate times.


    Not everyone participated in presentation.

    Everyone participated in presentation, but not equally.

    There was equal participation among all group members in presentation.


    Congratulations! You have just completed the mental health Web Quest. You and your group members should now be ready to present your PowerPoint to the class. MTV thanks you!!

    Through this Web Quest, you have learned many important things:- The prevalence of mental health in the United States.- That mental health can affect anyone at any time in one’s life.- There are many different forms of mental illness and most are treatable.- Ways to seek help and live normal lives.

    The subject matter of mental health does not end with identification. It is only the first step, so ask yourself:How can I use this knowledge to help others seek professional care if needed?

    Although MTV had good intentions with this news story, they still have many shows that desensitize the significance of mental illness. Can you think of some examples?

    Remember, anyone can suffer from a mental illness! Learn more about it by checking out the links in the reference page. Make a difference. You could start by writing MTV and express to them your feeling about how they depict mental illness.


    November 23rd: Assigned Web Quest group and begin researching your topic.

    November 24-27: No Homework

    November 28th: Research topic in computer lab and finalize information. Homework will be required if you did not finish obtaining the information to satisfy the Web Quest requirements.

    November 30th: Meet with your group in class to determine the layout of your PowerPoint slides.

    Design your slides and get your presentation ready for a run through on Friday, Dec. 2nd.

    December 2nd: Bring your PowerPoint presentation to class on a floppy or a CD. You will use a laptop with box light to present.


    SMART Notebook

    Page 1: Oct 15-9:19 PMPage 2: Aug 18-9:11 AMPage 3: Oct 11-4:14 PMPage 4: Oct 11-4:11 PMPage 5: Oct 11-4:11 PMPage 6: Oct 11-4:09 PMPage 7: Oct 12-7:20 AMPage 8: Oct 11-4:14 PMPage 9: Oct 11-6:23 PMPage 10: Oct 14-12:31 PMPage 11: Oct 8-3:56 PMPage 12: Oct 11-7:31 AMPage 13: Oct 11-9:39 PMPage 14: Oct 11-9:41 PMPage 15: Oct 11-9:41 PMPage 16: Oct 11-9:42 PMPage 17: Oct 11-9:48 PMPage 18: Oct 11-9:49 PMPage 19: Oct 11-9:50 PMPage 20: Oct 11-9:50 PMPage 21: Oct 4-9:26 PMPage 22: Aug 29-5:00 PMPage 23: Aug 28-9:35 PMPage 24: Oct 11-7:31 AMPage 25: Aug 29-4:43 PMAttachments Page 1

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