Page 1: Basic Instructions to get Yacy up and running (With Pics)

1. Search YaCy Click YaCy- The Peer to Peer Search Engine Home link

Page 2: Basic Instructions to get Yacy up and running (With Pics)

2. Download your version to suite OS.

Page 3: Basic Instructions to get Yacy up and running (With Pics)

3. Save anywhere.

4. Desktop will do fine.

Page 4: Basic Instructions to get Yacy up and running (With Pics)

5. Wait for Download to complete.

6. Run YaCy download.

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7. Setup screen click next.

8. Click I Agree.

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9. Click Next.

10. Change Destination Folder to C:\Yacy or where you would like to have it installed.

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11. Instillation progress.

12. Instillation finished.

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13. Double click ICON to start YaCy and Wait.

14. Well done there is its search page, go ahead and see what it brings up.

15. To add your content to the YaCy network you have to Crawl the pages you like.

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16. After clicking Administration from search page you may set a personal peer name.

17. You may have to manually open the port on your router to become a senior peer.

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18. To do a basic crawl of a website you like to lookup click Load Web Pages Crawler and enter a URL, Not what you type into google every day. Set Documents to about 500 for a trial run then Click Start New Search.

19. The crawl monitor will start working to crawl the website.

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20. Yacy lists all the links it is finding.

21. When Yacy completes hit the blue Search Interface button and check your results.

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22. The results of the search just performed.

Thanks for reading.

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