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*Degrees of Success/Failure (Optional)

Success: The effect or intention of the roll went as planned: the sword struck the soldier’s chest;

the lie was convincing; the fingers found the pouch on the belt, the ancient scroll was deciphered

Success, But: The intention took place but an unforeseen, unwanted complication also occurred:

You ran past the guard but his partner might have saw you; you cut through the armor but your

blade is now wedged in it; you survived the fall from the balcony but landed in a cesspit; you

survived the poison attempt but are incapacitated for days; you climbed the cliff but it took twice

as long.

Success, And:

2d6 Result

2-3 Failure, And

4-7 Failure

8 Failure, But

9 Success, But

10-11 Success

12+ Success, And

2d10 Result

1-2 Failure, And

3-9 Failure

10-11 Failure, But

12-13 Success, But

14-18 Success19-20 Success, And


1. Actor/Performer

2. Alchemist/Scientist

3. Assassin/Slayer

4. Bandit/Marauder

5. Barbarian/Savage

6. Beast Master/Animal -Trainer

7. Craftsman/Tradesman*8. Dancer/Acrobat

9. Duelist/Swashbuckler

10. Farmer/Herder

11. Gladiator/Pit-Fighter

12. Hunter/Tracker

13. Mercenary/Warrior

14. Minstrel/Poet/Bard

15. Merchant/Trader

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16. Nomad/Raider

17. Noble/Courtier

18. Physician/Healer

19. Pirate/Corsair

20. Priest/Cultist/Shaman

21. Prostitute/Courtesan22. Sailor/Mariner

23. Scribe/Scholar

24. Slave/Prisoner

25. Soldier/Guard

26. Sorcerer/Magician

27. Thief/Rogue

28. Torturer/Executioner

29. Vagabond/Beggar

30. Worker/Laborer

*Choose: artist, architect, bronze-smith, cobbler, glassworker, leatherworker, mason, potter,

sculptor, tanner, etc.


Normally items and services included in the description can be obtained without issue, however

when the players have been living off their wealth for some time, or perhaps when a particularly

rare or expensive item or service is sought, a roll may be required to see if they maintain their

Wealth Level.

Make a task resolution roll adding the current Wealth Level (Merchants, Nobles and the like may

add their careers to the roll to simulate lines of credit, prestige, monetary savvy, etc.) vs. how

rare/expensive the item or service is. If the roll succeeds, the transaction is successful and no loss of Wealth Level occurs. If it fails then the Wealth level is lowered one level. On a Calamitous



wealth is lost and the character is now

Deep in Debt . On a Mighty Success, they gain a

little more in the bargain, or have some kind of good luck imparted than originally expected.

Note: the items/services purchased must be under the purview of the type indicated by the wealth

level and not above it, or else they lose all their wealth on the item in question and are reduced to

0: Empty Purse. They still roll normally but only to see if they avoid being in Deep Debt .

-1: Deep in Debt

You need to pay off some bills and fast! Lawyers, tax collectors and leg breakers are hounding

you daily.

0: Empty Purse

You don't have two coins to rub together. You don't know where your next meal is coming from.

You'll need to do some sort of work soon else you'll starve to death.

1: A Full Purse (10-90 Drachma)

This is the petty sort of stuff a lucky thief or thrifty workman might have. For our heroes it will

allow one person to live comfortably for a week, or perhaps stretch as far as a month. You can

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buy common goods and equipment, maybe repair your gear or buy a questionable treasure map at

the bazaar. Blowing it on a few ‘rounds for the house’ may gain you a friend that will give you a

clue to some real treasure. A magician or alchemist will be able to replenish some of their more

important common items.

2: Bag of Gold (100-900 Drachma)This is the sort of thing that raises eyebrows but once the drinks start flowing, most people are

content with your temporary windfall. Petty thieves may try to take a share of your good fortune.

Wenches and debauchery are the order of the day, and several days thereafter. A person could

buy all new gear and add a few extras besides. A mount and harness is easily obtainable. A

wagon and draft animal could be bought and maybe a driver to handle it. Alchemists and

magicians can get those special consumable items that are common to their trade.

3: A Chest of Treasure (1,000-9,000 Drachma)

Robbers and tax collectors tend to take notice of this amount of cash. So do folks in need of

successful adventures. This kind of cash is sure evidence that you can get the job done, just sleep

with one eye open. You could rent a villa for a month and stock it with supplies for you and your

friends, perhaps a party several times during the month is in order. You could also rent a private

boat and the crew to sail it or, buy your own craft...but who would man the thing? Hiring a wagon

and the teamsters to handle it is a good idea.

Magicians and alchemists will be able to outfit a decent ritual chamber or laboratory.

4: A Hoard of Loot (10,000-90,000 Drachma)

Someone has been piling things up for a while and it is just unfair. The nobles themselves will sit

up and take notice when you spread this sort of wealth around. Whether they will be impressed,

insulted or threatened by it is uncertain. Now that you have liberated it you can buy that small

galley and hire a few hands, not that they will be exactly trustworthy but if you can keep the pay

coming they should be all right. Alchemists and magicians will have an easy time paying for the

rare items they consume during their mysterious practices.

5: King’s Ransom (100,000+ Drachma)

Enough to be kings yourselves, for a while. Hiring professional craftsmen or mercenary soldiers

is possible. Outfitting a long term expedition or buying a grant of land from the ruling sovereign,

are real possibilities. Purchasing a keep, tower, palace, library etc. are also feasible. Keeping

these things is another problem, however.


Characters may earn Advance Points from gaining treasure and spending it lavishly as per the

rulebook or they may opt instead to choose a specific path or two for the saga. These are optional

of course, and if a character wishes to pursue their own motivations then AP can be given for those instead.

In order for a player to receive an experience award for a character following a path, doing so

must involve risk, loss or harm to the character.

Paths that require a subject must have a

reasonably specific subject ("my brother" or "the guild of thieves").

Path of the Barbarian

* 1 AP: Defy local law or custom.

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* 2 AP: Overthrow a local law or custom.

Path of Bloody Knives

* 1 AP: Defeat a threat by killing someone, or several someones.

* 2 AP: Slay a man or beast mightier than you.

Path of the Conqueror * 1 AP: Increase in power or prominence.

* 2 AP: Rise to a position of significant leadership.

Path of the Deceiver

* 1 AP: Deceive another character.

* 2 AP: Deceive another character against substantial evidence.

Path of the Devoted

When you choose this path, pick someone or something your character devotes themselves to.

* 1 AP: Protect something other than yourself.

* 2 AP: Risk your life to protect something other than yourself.

Path of the First Footstep * 1 AP: Find a place that has never been found before, abandoned for a long time, or kept concealed.

* 2 AP: Find a place that has never been found before, abandoned for a long time, or kept concealed, and

find a great treasure there.

Path of Giving Hands

* 1 AP: Help someone who cannot help themselves.

* 2 AP: Save someone from a threat as bad, or worse, than death.

Path of Jeweled Thrones

* 1 AP: Obtain great wealth over the course of an adventure.

* 2 AP: Spend your wealth in extravagant fashion.

Path of Lamentation

* 1 AP: Commemorate something or someone great and lost.

* 2 AP: Leave a glorious monument to someone or something great and lost.

Path of the Legendary

* 1 AP: Do something extraordinary which spreads your reputation.

* 2 AP: Risk death or worse to spread your reputation.

Path of the Night-Thief

* 1 AP: Take something valuable which does not belong to you.

* 2 AP: Risk your life or something greater to take something which does not belong to you.

Path of Promises Kept When you choose this path, pick a specific vow for your character to make.

* 1 AP: The vow is kept.

* 2 AP: The vow is kept in the face of death or worse.

Path of the Rat

* 1 AP: Escape danger by running from it.

* 2 AP: Escape danger by running from it and endangering another character.

Path of the Snake

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*1 AP: Obtain a position of power or influence by undermining a rival.

* 2 AP: Obtain a position or influence by secretly eliminating, ruining, or humiliating a rival.

Path of Undying Hate

When you choose this path, pick someone or something your character hate above all others.

* 1 AP: Inconvenience the subject of your hatred.

* 2 AP: Seriously hurt the subject of your hatred.


Fame refers to exploits, adventures, feats, etc. and how well they (and you) are known, spoken of,

and or recognized.

Accumulated Advancement Points

01: Talk of the month

02-03: Local phenomenon

04-08: Famous in a city

09-15: Famous in a few cities

16-18: Famous in the region

19-24: Famous across the sea, beyond the mountains, or throughout the desert

25-33: Name is known in many cities, though rumors and misattributions abound

34-42: Has come to the attention of a kingdom or small empire.

43-48: A legend well-known throughout an empire or continent

49+: Mythic-figure, rival to heroes of myth and legend.

After a few (1d6) months reputation goes down 1-2 points.

Another, far simpler way of measuring fame is by the number of Sagas completed. These would

accumulate and be used as a bonus or penalty to Appeal rolls in certain situations, such as seeking

an audience with a king, gathering mercenaries for a rag-tag army, receiving proper hospitality,

recruiting followers for a cult, seeking patronage.



Arrows Penetrate Armor: When using ranged weapons such as a Bow or thrown

weapon like a Javelin or Throwing Axe, armor is reduced one category. So for instance

successfully shooting an arrow into a warrior with Heavy (1d6) protection reduces it to

Medium (1d6-1) for damage reduction purposes.

Attack and Parry: The player needs to announce this option at the beginning of the round. He

can make one attack and one parry in the same round, but both attempts are at -2. He does notneed to have a weapon/shield in his other hand to attempt this maneuver, though if he does the

penalties are only -1.

Cleave: If the hero does enough damage to kill an enemy classed as Rabble, he may choose to

attack another at a -1 penalty to attack. If he also does enough damage to dispatch this one, he

may attack an additional one at -2 and so on. The number of times the hero may attack is limited

by his highest combat-career’s level.

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Defensive Fighting:

Subtract points from Melee and add to Defense on a 1:1 basis. The max

amount of points he may add to his Defense is based on the character’s Combat Career level.


A character does nothing else in the round but evade attacks directed at them. Heroes get

a +2 to Defense but can’t perform any other action this round.

Disarm* (or other Stunts):

Sometimes heroes use unorthodox techniques in battle such as

disarming a gladiator wielding two blades, feinting an attack and striking the opponent from his

blindside, rolling into a melee and slashing at the unarmored legs of a soldier, kicking the savage

off a short ledge to fall onto the swarming horde, or swinging from a rope and cleaving the

enemy’s skull. In cases such as these the hero is attempting to either perform a particular “stunt”

such as disarming, a knockback, or a trip, or is trying to use his expertise in combat to deal more


In these cases make a Task roll, adding any appropriate combat-career and modify the roll by the

enemy’s own combat career (if any). (*If attempting a Disarm instead, opponent rolls an opposed

attack roll + Combat-Career to prevent it). If successful, the stunt occurs, or the hero has the

combat career added to damage (this can only be used a number of times equal to Career level in

a single combat). If failed, the stunt fails and no damage occurs. Only an attack roll is required to

perform a stunt on Rabble, with an additional stunt roll required only for when adding extra

damage from careers. *Consider making Disarm a Might Success option.


When fighting with two-weapons a -1 penalty is subtracted from your attack roll

but you gain a bonus die to damage (keeping the high die as the damage) adding Strength and

boons (if any) as normal.

Offensive Fighting:

Subtract points from Defense and add to Melee on a 1:1 basis. The max

amount of points he may add to his Melee is based on the character’s highest Combat Career.

Parry: Before an opponent attacks you, on your turn, you may declare that will you parry the

blow (giving up your chance at attack). You roll Melee + Agility and compare it to the

opponent’s roll. If the result is equal or above his roll you parry the attack. If you plan to attack

and parry, you must declare so at the beginning of the round (see above).

Power-Strike: The attacker gives up accuracy in exchange for a more powerful blow. Subtract

points from Melee and add to Damage on a 1:1 basis. The max amount of points he may subtract

and add is based on his Combat Career.

Reflexive Parry (optional):

When a duel is taking place between a Hero and a Villain (or even a Named NPC) each is allowed to make a free Parry per round. These reflexive parries may be

limited if the GM wishes by the highest rank in a combat career per battle. For instance, a Hero

who has 2 ranks in Barbarian may use his reflexive parries twice in that particular combat. After

that he may attack and parry in one round incurring the penalties as per the normal rules.

Splinter Sword or Shield: If a Hero is a hit by an opponent’s attack he may opt to sacrifice his

weapon or shield, destroying it in the process but soaking 1d6 damage from the blow (or

receiving no damage if a Hero Point is spent).

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Demoralizing, insulting, toying with your opponent, etc. can cause them to lose their composure

and become sloppy in a fight. Roll Appeal + Combat Career vs. Opponent’s Combat Career (if

any) + 9. If successful choose to impart a -2 penalty to Opponent’s Attack, Damage,



for the next round or attack.


The attacker throws caution to the wind and attacks in a frenzy. He can roll a

bonus die for either damage


initiative. The attacker's Defense score drops to '0' for this round.

If his Defense is already at '0', he becomes Easy (+1) for others to hit.

New Mighty Success Options:

Disarm: Your opponent’s weapon is flung 1d6 feet away, or you take it from them!

Knockdown: You can knock down any opponent that is your size or up to 2 sizes larger. Your

opponent loses his/its next action.

Sunder: You destroy your opponent’s held weapon or shield.

Bloody Slash/Crushing Blow: You add +6 to the damage caused

Carnage: You may make another attack immediately following this one. It can be against the

same or a different opponent. No further Hero Points can be spent on this second attack though.

Disarm: If your opponent is wielding a weapon, you can disarm your opponent, rather than cause

any damage

Knockdown: You can knock down any opponent that is less than or equal to your size or up to

one size larger and he/it is thrown back several paces too (not good if near a cliffledge!). If under attack whilst regaining your feet, you take a flaw on your next action.

Precision Strike: You can hit your enemy in a specific location with the intention of maiming

them and affecting their capabilities. You cause damage as normal but Precision Strike also

allows you to give your opponent a flaw to specific Task Rolls - mostly you’d want to affect their

Attack Rolls, but this isn’t absolutely necessary - a stab through the eyeball would apply a flaw to

any Task Roll that involves your opponent’s vision, for example (which may or may not include

Attack Rolls). Some other options would be to specify a strike point to chop off a tentacle or

stinger, slice open a section of thick hide to create a weak point (reducing the creature’s

protection rating to the next lower one). Some effects will need to be worked out with the GM at

the time, but should be similar to the above.

Rabble Slayer: If fighting rabble, the damage result becomes the number of opponents taken out

of the fight. They aren’t necessarily dead, but they are certainly not coming back any time soon.


Type Bonus

Helm +1

Bracers +1

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Greaves +1

Battle Harness +1

Leather Vest +1

Light-Corselet +1

Hide +2

Heavy Corselet +2Ring Mail +2

Chain Shirt +2

Scale Shirt +2

Linothorax +2

Chain Hauberk +3

Lamellar Cuirass +3

Breastplate +3

Shield +1 Defense against one opponent (or two opponents if Large Shield)

At default, Protection is variable as indicated by die type and modifier. However the static value

in the parenthesis or the bonus total maybe chosen for the Protection value instead, but choosing

to do so gives the opposing attacker a bonus to attack (representing the defender giving up some

maneuvering and dodging in exchange for consistent protection). Note: max Protection value is 6.

Static Protection Penalties

Very Light: 1d3-1 (1)





Light: 1d6-2 (2); Max Def 3

Helm+ Greaves/Bracers


Battle Harness + Helm

Leather Vest +Helm

Light Corselet + Helm

Medium: 1d6-1 (3); -1 Agility, Max Def 3

Heavy Corselet + Helm

Ring mail + Helm

Chain/Scale Shirt + HelmLinothorax/Laminated Armor +Helm

Studded/Boiled Leather +Helm

Heavy: 1d6 (4); -1 Agility, Max Def 2

Breastplate + Helm

Chain Hauberk + Helm

Scale Cuirass (Lamellar) + Helm

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Very heavy: 1d6+1 (5); -2 Agility, Max Def 1

Chain Hauberk + Bracers + Greaves + Helm

Scale Cuirass + Helm + Bracers + Greaves

*Or Scale-Panoply

Breastplate + Greaves + Bracers + Helm

*or Bronze Panoply


All aliens, demons, monsters, and supernatural creatures have a Terror rating. The rating is the

difficulty modifier for MIND rolls called Fear checks which the Heroes need in order to keep

their composure. Careers are occasionally useful for Fear checks against giant animals and the

like, but they do not apply for totally alien beings and strange, unexplainable phenomena on the

edge of sanity.

If the check is failed then the character either flees from the creature (wherever the player wishes)

as far he can or suffers -1 to all Task Resolution rolls. Every subsequent round he gets an

additional -1 penalty to all actions (up to -3) until he flees or succeeds at a Fear Check.

Once the character has encountered the creature, they do not have to roll another Fear check if

they come across it again.

Heroes can spend a Hero Point to grit their teeth, ignore their Fear Check, and fight back against

the Terror of the Unknown.


There is no true magic as an innate force within the “caster” that he draws upon. Most of

what the great majority of people call magic is actually the clever use of illusion, hypnotism,

weird inventions and mesmerism to capitalize on fear and superstition. True magic is an alien

force normally utterly outside the human domain, granted either by demons and other unnamable things, such as forbidden knowledge sealed in lost and ancient scrolls, or through potent artifacts

imbued with the cosmic taint of past ages.

Each time true magic is utilized the sorcerer irrevocably loses some humanity and sanity

in opening himself and becoming a vessel for unknown forces of the void. Many so-called

sorcerers are content with playing the magician and using charlatanry, parlor tricks, and their

deviousness to hold power over kings and their ignorant masses.

However there are those obsessed beyond the threshold of sanity, which desire more

power and knowledge than that which has been allotted for man, and seek every means to find

them. For these lost madmen, dead spirits may be raised for consultation in horrific places

shunned by normal folk, outsiders may be summoned and bargained with, and tomes made of

human skin, printed in the blood of infants and innocents, may be perused to find the clues for the rituals that lend untold power upon the sorcerer.

Spell Types and typical requirements:

1. You need 1 requisite per magnitude. So a 2nd magnitude spell requires 2 requisites

to work. A 3rd magnitude spell would have 3 requirements.

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2. Once passed the point of required requisites, you can pile on extra requisites.

Each extra requirement allows you to drop the cost by 1 AP or reduce the

difficulty level by 1.

A magician’s career level determines their knowledge and their sorcerous domain. These are the

type of spells he may cast. At 0 the Sorcerer is a neophyte and knows only 1 Domain. At Sorcerer 1 has knowledge of 2 domains, say Illusion and Curses. For every career rank above 1 the

Sorcerer gains knowledge of 1 domain, though he must take a flaw. This entails that the sorcerer

must find a way to acquire this knowledge and art, either from moldy and forgotten tomes, a

sorcerous master (who will exact a heavy price for this service), or through a dark pact with an

outsider or spirit.

Curses: Intimate Materials, Spoken Malediction, Intricate effigy, deadly promise, sacrifice

Charm/Domination: Maintain eye contact, enunciated commandment, suggestions,

Divination: Metaphysical link, diamond mirror, lotus-daze, concentrated focus, objects of power,

what dreams may come

Illusions: Source of light and shadow, suggestion, smoke and mirrors, talisman, hypnotize


Animal calls, ancestral link, symbols of the earth, sunlight or moonlight, consult the


Necromancy: Burial Ground, blood sacrifice, sacred stone, talisman of spiritual warding, life for

life, lost knowledge, relic

Physical: Manipulate present object/element, transformation of properties, rare materials,

Prestditigiation/Telepathy: Audience, concentration, meditation, object of focus

Summoning: Binding circle, True Name, blood for blood, ritual sacrifice, abysmal coordinates,

celestial alignment, artifact or object of power, contract,

Warding: glyphs and sigils, specific knowledge

Third Magnitude Casting Requirements

Casting Time: The spell will take at least 2d6 days of dancing, chanting, and bizarre observances

and rituals.

Group Ritual: The spell requires a group of acolytes to simultaneous prepare, incant, spill blood

and flesh, call on the Old Ones, etc. while the sorcerer casts his spell. For every extra acolyte

beyond the first, the sorcerer lowers the AP cost by 1. Alternatively he may choose to lower the

difficulty by 1 as well.

Backlash of the Void

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When attempting to cast magic, if a sorcerer rolls snake eyes (two 1s on the d6) then he has

momentarily caused a rift to open between worlds and the void manifests in the earthly plane

accordingly. Consult the following table depending on the magnitude of the spell.

Minor Void Manifestation – Magnitude 1 Spells

Roll Result


Witchery: You fuck up all food stuff in a 100ft radius. It goes bad and is

unusable. Now the poor village folk are going to starve... Actually you look

pretty good to eat.

11-20 Rupture : Blood spurts from your eyes, nose, and ears until you make a

successful Strength check. People run from you! Surely you have the plague!


Breath of Chaos : A cold and unnatural gust of strong wind blows through the

area. This causes fires to extinguish, water to get ice crystals, small things (like

Halflings) to be blown over.

31-40 Chaos Surge : Your eyes change color, your teeth yellow, and your hair falls

out. This lasts for 1d3+1 days.


Chaos Saturation: You glow with a strange light. It is impossible to hide.

You are a great big flashlight and see perfectly, as do others, in the dark. This

lasts for 1d10 minutes.


Unnatural Aura: Animals within 100ft radius of you don’t just get spooked,

but go batshit crazy! They bite, they claw, they scratch, and go agro on your

ass! Dogs and cats live together! It’s mass hysteria!

61-70 Spirits : Ghostly voices fill the area. Glimpses of strange figures can be seen.

Normal folk in the area must make a Mind save or be driven insane.

71-80 Magical Shock : Magic blasts arcs through you and you take 1d6 points of


81-90 Magical Lancing

: Magical energy lances through your body. Reduce yourMagic skill by 1 for 2d6 minutes.


It’s a Monster!: You are driven insane, briefly, by the touch of magic and

think one of your compatriots is an evil, foul bastard. You attempt to attack

them and smite them from the earth for 1d6 rounds.

96-00 Unlucky: Roll on Major Void Manifestation Table instead.

Major Void Manifestation – Magnitude 2 Spells

Roll Result

1-10 Witch Eyes: Your pupils turn bright red. You can see people’s auras. This

lasts 1d4 days.11-20 Silenced: You lose the ability to speak for 2d6 rounds. Thank fuck.

21-30 Overload: You are overloaded by Magical Energy which explodes out of you,

throwing you back 3d6 feet. You are prone and stunned for 1 round.

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Hellborne Imp: A small Imp is awakened and summoned from the pit and will

attack you next round. Only you can see and fight this creature. Sucks to be



Chaos Foreseen: You catch a glimpse of Chaos and the great beyond and lose

1 Mind permanently. From this point on however you get a +2 to rolls on

Chaos Knowledge.


Magical Plague: Strange boils grow on your skin and burst in 1d3+1 rounds

causing 2d6 damage to you. Anyone in a 5 ft radius must make a Strength save

or have the same thing happen to them as well. Entire villages have been

wiped out this way. Way to go.

61-70 Aged: You must make a Strength save or age 3d6 years. If this puts you at the

70 year mark make another Con save or die while losing bladder control.

71-80 Braindead: Magic lances through your brain and fries it. Roll a Mind check or

lose one point of Mind permanently.


Demonic Possession: A fucking demon takes possession of you for 1 day.

During this time it does terrible stuff while wearing your body like a party suit.

You have no memory of this time and no control over your body. You wake

up in the morning with your various orifices sore and tender.


Are You My Mommy?: You are filled with visions of your past; you cry,

scream, and throw a hissy fit because your parents didn’t buy you ice cream or

love you. You run around doing this like a crazy person for 3d6 minutes or

until put down for nap time.

96-00 Trick of Fate: Roll on Catastrophic Void Manifestation table.

Catastrophic Void Manifestation – Magnitude 3 Spells

Roll Result

1-10 Wild Magic: Magic blasts out of you and eats the flesh of those within a 50

foot radius in the most gory and bloody fashion possible. All targets must

make a Strength save or take 3d6 damage. Way to be a mass murderer.

11-20 The Withering Eye: Your eyes become mummified, dry, and crumbly for 2d6

minutes. Any target that looks at you must make a Strength save or dry up into

a mummified husk. Don’t look in the mirror stupid.

21-30 Brainblank: Searing pain hits your brain and knocks you out for 2d6 minutes.

31-40 Chaos Critical: Magic blasts through your body creating a very ouchie effect.Roll 1d6+1 and double the damage.

41-50 Demonic Corruption: A Demon reaches into your mind and bestows you of a

vision of the Void. You lose 1d3 permanent Mind. After this event you gain

+2 on Chaos Knowledge.

51-60 Magical Feast: Strange Shadow Leeches appear from beyond and feast on the

magic of your body. No one else can see these disgusting slimy horrible little

bastards. Your Magic Skill is reduced to zero in a matter of seconds as you run

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around flailing your arms uselessly and screaming like a terrified child. You

cannot cast magic again for 1d6+1 days.

61-70 Demonic Swarm: The ground opens up and a swarm of imps surge forward to

bring havoc and death to all. Roll a number of dice equal to your magic skill to

determine number of imps.

71-80 Demonic Contract: You feel a burning pain (and take 2d6 wounds) as astrange glowing rune burns into your skin. Should you collect 5 of these your

soul is forfeit and a demon gets to have its way with you in some horrible and

perverse manner. This brings back memories of prom.

81-90 I Don’t Know How to Tell You This… But…: You’re a monster. Yep!

Void corrupted you so badly you’ve transformed into a big stinky, hair, scaly

fucked up thing of nightmares.. Have fun being hit with sharp things and spit


91-95 Called to the Void: Space and time rip open and show you everything all at

once. It is too much to bear and you relinquish your body and soul to the void

and are sucked away… We know, much like the rest of your life, this isn’t

how you wanted to end up.

96-00 Unbelievably Fucked: There are no words for how bad this is.. Except roll


Catastrophic Summoning - If the sorcerer rolls snake eyes when summoning a demonic

or outer-cosmic entity, then extremely bad shit happens. Messing with the powers of the

cosmos does not go unnoticed by those beings long forgotten in space and time.

Generally casting powerful spells do little more than barely disturb these strange

creatures sleep. However every so often they stir and seek to destroy that which has

gained their ire. Roll on the Catastrophic Void Manifestation Table and roll a d6 and

consult below:

Roll 1d6-

1. The being is not interested in the movement of ants and goes back to sleep.

However a second catastrophic failure at a spell will immediately reawaken this

being and will immediately manifest at the casters location and destroy all within

in its grasp.

2. The creature stirs and moves in its sleep. An earthquake centered on the caster

and affects a 10 mile radius rocks the area.

3. The being is annoyed at the interruption and sends something fucking awful from

the void to kill the Sorcerer. A monstrosity of terrible description appearsimmediately and attacks the caster and all those nearby.

4. The creatures brief moment of consciousness causes the weather to be completely

opposite for the season. This lasts for 1d3 weeks.

5. The being perverts the caster who now becomes a devoted servant seeking to

bring his master into the world.

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6. Like swatting a gnat on the wall the creature simply wills the caster out of


Wilderness Movement

Each hex equals 12 miles across.

Overland (no road) on foot:1 hr = 1.5 miles

1 day = 12 miles/8 hrs (1 hex per day on foot/ 2 hexes mounted)

Roads, Easy terrain = 2x Rate (2 hexes on foot / 3 hexes on mount)

Arduous terrain = ½ Rate (1 hex every two days on foot/ 1 hex a day on mount)

Days are divided into 8 hours of travelling, 8 hours of sleep, 4 hours of rest/camp, and 4 hours of

preparing and eating food throughout the day

For every two hours of travel (or 3 miles) a rest stop of 1hr is required. Camp is optional, but at

least once a day is needed.

Horses travel double human speed (24 miles/ 2 hexes a day) if unencumbered by gear; if they are,

then they travel 18 miles/ 1.5 hexes a day.

Hexes: In every hex the players traverse roll two dice. One is to see if the keyed encounter (if

any) is found by the PCs. This occurs on a 5-6 on a d6. The other is to see if a random encounter

occurs (generally 1-2 on a d6 in the Wilderness and 1 on a d6 for Settled Areas).

Getting Lost:

Following a trail, road, river, landmark, or guide will generally ensure that the characters will not

get lost. However, if traversing trackless wastes and unknown, unmapped wilderness there is a

chance that the characters will lose their way. Roll a

Tricky (-1) Task Resolution check modified

by Mind and appropriate Careers (Hunter, Barbarian, Nomad, Vagabond, etc) to see if you get

lost, with each additional day lost incurring a -1 penalty. Certain types terrain of terrain are more

difficult, for instance, a desert, forest, or hills might be

Hard (-2) whilst dune-deserts, open sea

and lightless jungle may be considered Tough (-4).

If lost, roll a d10 and let the result tell you which direction they are actually going:

1 – Completely left of intended direction;

2,3,4 –Slightly to the left of intended direction;

5-6 – Intended direction;

7,8,9 – Slightly to the right of intended direction10 – Completely to the right of intended direction

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