Page 1: Baptist Church Planters: Timothy Ministry

Timothy Ministry



Page 2: Baptist Church Planters: Timothy Ministry


Student Timothy Ministry

Who is Baptist Church Planters (BCP)?...............................................................................................1

Understanding the Timothy Program....................................................................................................2

The Two-fold Arm of the Timothy Program........................................................................................3

Specific Benefits of each Program..........................................................................................................4

The Role of the Church Planter...............................................................................................................5

The Role of the Timothy............................................................................................................................6

Steps to Take to Become a Timohy.........................................................................................................7

Chart of Disciplines to be Experiencd..............................................................................................8-9


Page 3: Baptist Church Planters: Timothy Ministry

Who is Baptist Church Planters (BCP)?

• We are a church planting ministry with a heart for North America and North American churches. Our mission is to plant Baptist churches in as many ethnic communities as possible.

• We are literal and dispensational in our hermeneutic with a high regard for God’s holiness. We rest in the sovereignty of God and seek to proclaim His greatness and the salvation offered through Jesus Christ.

• Our governing Council is composed of pastors, missionaries and laymen. Churches that contribute to either missionaries or the mission are given the opportunity to elect the pastors. Missionaries elect missionaries and the governing Council appoints laymen. Our purpose is always to work closely with our supporting local churches.

• We believe in interdependent fellowships, thus we participate with those who hold to a like-minded doctrinal statement and practices. We believe that unity in service and fellowship must be based on doctrinal agreement.

Visit our website for detailed information-


Page 4: Baptist Church Planters: Timothy Ministry

Understanding the Timothy Program

In Acts 16, Paul the Apostle/Missionary took a young man, Timothy, under his wing for training. He left him only after a time of training and mentoring, but always continuedcommunication and visits.

In like manner, the Timothy Program of BCP is designed to fulfill this biblical model. The young man or woman comes beside a veteran or experienced missionary. After gaining wisdom and maturity by observing the church planter, it is expected that the Timothy havea greater understanding of the Lord’s will for his or her life.

It has been said gaining experience is the “greatest teacher.” With this thought in mind, the Timothy Program is a means of learning, hands on and on site, what it is to serve in the ministry of church planting.


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Understanding the Timothy Program

The Timothy program has both an internship and an apprentice classification. Note the differences in the following chart.

Internship Apprenticeship

Short term- usually 8-10 weeks. Minimum of two years.

Prerequisite: Must fill out a short application and have the approval of the intern’s home church, BCP administration, and intern’s school.

Prerequisite: Must join BCP’s Timothy Apprentice Program and attend a Candidate Class.

Purpose: To receive a clearer understand-ing of church planting and be exposed to ministry life. There will be opportunity for minimal preaching, teaching, discipleship, evangelism and administration.

Purpose: To receive in-depth training and experience in church planting. There will be opportunities in preaching, teaching, evangelism, counseling, youth work, general administration, and discipleship.

Reporting: Report from the church planter following the ministry experience will be sent to the intern’s school.

Reporting: Field director will periodically visit with the church planter and the Timothy to determine progress.

Essay about the intern’s experience will be required following the internship.

Provide a report each year to BCP and the sending church regarding your progress.

Raise support for internship costs. Seek employment.

All other requirements of the intern’s school will be coordinated between the school and the church planter.

Determine whether church planting is God’s will for your future.

Give thanks to those who supported your ministry experience.

Start raising full-time support.


The Two-fold Arm of the Timothy Program

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Specific Benefits of Each Program


The Bible teaches that a novice should not be installed in ministry until proven. The internship program allows a short period of time to do the following:

• Gives the intern an overall “close-up look” at ministry life.

• Gives the intern an opportunity to participate in the actual day-to-day work of ministry.

• Gives the intern an opportunity to evaluate and be evaluated as a minister of the gospel, hopefully to sharpen his or her skills.


The apprenticeship program allows for an extended ministry experience. BCP recommends not less than two years and not more than five years. This program provides an opportunity for the following:

• Ample time to gain a clear understanding of ministry.

• Experience in the whole scope of ministry, such as administration, preaching, counseling, evangelism, and general pastoral duties. • Ample time to determine his or her abilities as it relates to their ministry in the Lord’s work. Through this extended ministry experience, both the apprentice and the veteran missionary will begin to visualize what God has for the Timothy in future ministry. Some will be pastors, other lead church planters, others will be valuable associates. It is best to learn your strengths early in ministry.

• Ample opportunity for gaining credibility in the ecclesiastical world. This credibility will be extremely valuable when seeking support as a missionary.


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The Role of the Church Planter

The Lead Church Planter

The lead church planter should look at the Timothy (intern or apprentice) as an associate or partner in ministry. This person is learning but not to be looked on as a student. The lead church planter is not necessarily an instructor but a mentor by example. The Timothy is learning by watching and doing, not by instruction alone.

The Lead Church Planters should:

• Determine a means to help the intern/apprentice meet the church people as soon as possible and with as much depth as possible.

• Instruct the church to call the Timothy Apprentice “Pastor ,” and the intern, “Brother .”

• Have weekly meetings to include the Timothy in the planning and activities of the church.

• Involve the Timothy in all the services of the church.

• Set times for the Timothy to meet the requirements as outlined in the chart of disciplines.

• Be cognizant of the needs of the Timothy, but is not responsible for the Timothy’s financial needs.

• Do not expect the Timothy to do ministry that the lead church planter does not or will not do. The Timothy is not an underling, but a partner.

• Evaluate the progress of the Timothy including the field director’s input.


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The Role of the Timothy

Intern or Apprentice should:

• Keep in contact with the lead church planter while planning for the ministry experience.

• Arrive ready for ministry, mentally and physically.

• Accept the responsibilities the lead church planter assigns.

• Ask for help if needed.

• Make every effort to “step forward” when in a crowd.

• Make yourself available to people.

• Purpose to evangelize on your own. Don’t wait for the lead church planter to schedule evangelism.

• Remember to not use your liberty for anything but service to the people you are assigned.

• Fulfill all reporting assignments given.


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Steps to Take to Become a Timothy


1. Make application to Baptist Church Planters.

2. Once accepted, Baptist Church Planters’ administration will seek to pair the Timothy with the veteran missionary most suited to the Timothy. Many issues will come into play, such as location, experience, personality, and style of ministry.

3. Send letters to churches, family, and friends to raise the needed support for the program.

4. Move to the location at the appointed time.

5. Complete the required reports after the ministry experience.


1. Make application to Baptist Church Planters.

2. Attend Candidate School and be approved by the Council.

3. Once accepted, Baptist Church Planters’ administrators will give the Timothy exposure to lead church planters most compatible to the Timothy. Many issues will come into play, such as location, experience, personality, and style of ministry. Both the lead church planter and the Timothy will be given opportunity to determine if it is God’s will to partner. The invitation to the Timothy will come through the lead church planter.

4. Raise as much support as possible after being approved by the Baptist Church Planters’ Council.

5. Once approved, the Timothy will move to the location and start ministry.

6. Any personal problems will be referred to the field directors.


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Chart of Disciplines



Endeavor to make ten evangelism contacts each



Counseling Discipleship Preaching

Teach a class, if possible

Sit in with the lead church planter in counseling

Make yourself aware of the

church’s discipleship


Preach at two main services during your

ministry (minimum)

Endeavor to make two calls a

week, canvassing


Be a major participant in VBS or similar


Acquaint yourself with the church planter’s

views on counseling

Disciple at least two people of

different spiritual levels

Present a devotional at two different events

As directed make hospital visits “on

your own” and pray with the sick

Review with the church planter the church’s approach

to education

If given the opportunity, coun-sel someone. Then

review with the lead church planter

Develop your own discipleship philosophy

Preach in three venues outside

the church, such as camp, jail,

nursing home, etc.

During your ministry time, endeavor to

present the gospel to five people

Acquaint yourself with the

children’s program

Attend funerals and weddings

with the church planter

Develop a “one year preaching calendar” and share with the church planter

Develop discipleship

material for two different spiritual


Visit a nursing home and make

contact with patients

Prepare a curriculum you would suggest

for adults

Administrative duties should be experienced throughout the internship to include office work, maintenance projects, technical issues, etc. The Timothy should when possible attend Deacon’s meetings and other leadership meetings. Office hours should be established with the lead church planter.


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Chart of Disciplines Chart of Disciplines - Cont.

Internship Apprenticeship


Make scheduled calls

on visitors


Counseling Discipleship Preaching

Be part of the Christian Education

process for a year

Sit in with the lead churchplanter on counseling

Determine the material you

will use

Schedule with the lead church planter specific times to preach

Do cold calling


Help with VBS. Organize the program, if


Develop your system of counsel-

ing, share with the church planter

your approach

Establish discipleship

classes with new believers

Do one series during each year

Teach an evangelism class

Instruct in teacher training class

Attend funerals with

the lead church planter

Disciple some older believers

Preach two special day messages

Make regular calls at hospitals and nursing homes

Help in the children’s program

Have a planned program for counseling

Develop a one-year preaching calendar

Work with the lead church planter on a

five year plan for discipleship for the whole congregation

Determine a place to frequent for the

purpose of meeting unsaved

Create a five-year adult curriculum for evaluation by the lead church


Some of this will be done with the lead church planter and other parts alone. Not all will be done at the same time and not necessarily in the order listed.

Plan to attend training classes on


Develop your philosophy of

discipleship out of these experiences

Preach evangelistic messages in

places other than your training



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The lead church planter will send an evaluation to the college where the intern attends. The evaluation from the lead church planter will follow the chart of responsibilities. A copy will go to Baptist Church Planters to be filed. If any school wants more evaluation information, it is the responsibility of the school to let the church planter know before the internship starts.


The field director will observe both the lead church planter and the apprentice throughout the ministry experience.

Contact Information:

Mail Address: 36830 Royalton RoadGrafton, OH 44044

Phone: 440.748.1677 Fax: 440.748.1837

Email: [email protected]



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