  • 7/24/2019 Banking Pathway Reson


    Banking Pathway: Reasoning QuizDirections (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions :

    word and num!er arrangement machine when given on in"ut line of words and num!ersrearranges them following a "articular rule in each ste". #he following is an illustration of

    in"ut and rearrangement.

    Input : talent 13 to 32 draw 92 when 35 immediate 42 85 arrived.Step I : to 92 talent 13 32 draw when 35 immediate 42 85 arrived.Step II: to 92 when 85 talent 13 32 draw 32 immediate 42 arrived.

    Step III: to 92 when 85 draw 42 talent 13 32 35 immediate arrived.Step IV: to 92 when 85 draw 42 talent 35 13 32 immediate arrived.Step V: to 92 when 85 draw 42 talent 35 arrived 32 13 immediate.Step VI: to 92 when 85 draw 42 talent 35 arrived 32 immediate 13.

    Ste" $% is the last ste" of the rearrangement. s "er the rules followed in the a!ove ste"s& findout in each of the following questions& the a""ro"riate ste"s for the in"ut given !elow.

    %n"ut: ' "ossi!ility ' chocolates * row 1+ other '* ,+ chisel season.

    1. hich of the following will !e the last ste" of the rearrangement 1) V2) IV3) VI4) VII5) VIII

    *. hich of the following would !e at si/th "osition from the right in ste" %$ 1) chisel2) season3) 384) 45) !one o" these

    . hich ste" num!er would !e the following out"ut

    row 82 other 72 season 64 8 possiilit! 38 "ho"olates 14 "hisel

    1) #te$ IV2) #te$ III3) #te$ V4) #te$ II

    5) !o such ste$ is $ossi%le

    +. %f in ste" $ 0row0 is related to 0*0 and 0other0 is related to 0,+0& 0season0 would !e related towhich of the following in the same "attern 1) 822) chisel3) 384) 145) !one o" these

    5. %f in the last ste" all the words get rearranged in al"ha!etical order. hich of the followingwords will remain its original "osition 1) $ossi%ility

    2) season3) chisel4) othe&

  • 7/24/2019 Banking Pathway Reson


    5) !one o" these

    Directions (Q. , 12): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions :

    In a "ertain "ode #environmental in$ormation is here# is written as %tu $a li" li% %here read &ivenimportant% is written as %pi sa ui" $a%' %awareness is ne"essaril! important% is written as %ui" hi li

    no% and %ne"essaril! &iven environmental (uestions% is written as %)o li" pi hi%.

    ,. hat is the code for 0information0 1) tu2) "a3) lic4) li5) 'an(t %e ete&*ine

    . hich of the following is the code for 0is necessarily read0 1) sa hi li2) sa "a hi3) no hi li

    4) $i hi li5) !one o" these

    '. hat does 0no0 stand for 1) is2) awa&eness3) necessa&ily4) i*$o&tant5) 'an(t %e ete&*ine

    3. hich of the following is re"resented !y the code 0fa "i lic0 1) he&e is gi+en2) in"o&*ation he&e gi+en

    3) he&e gi+en en+i&on*ental4) he&e &ea in"o&*ation5) !one o" these

    12. hich of the following may !e the "ossi!le code for 0here e/act awareness information0 1) uic no tu ,a2) no ,a -a "a3) no "a tu ,a4) no "a tu uic5) !one o" these

    .!#/0R#:he wo& an nu*%e& a&&ange*ent *achine &ea&&anges wo&s in inc&easing o&e& o" thei& lengths anin case the&e is a tie the wo&s a&e a&&ange acco&ing to the &e+e&se al$ha%etical o&e& !u*%e&sa&e &ea&&ange in escening o&e& in each ste$ the *achine &ea&&anges one wo& an one nu*%e&

    In$ut : 8 $ossi%ility 38 chocolates 2 &ow 14 othe& 82 4 chisel season#te$ I : &ow 82 8 $ossi%ility 38 chocolates 2 14 othe& 4 chisel season#te$ II: &ow 82 othe& 2 8 $ossi%ility 38 chocolates 14 4 chisel season#te$ III: &ow 82 othe& 2 season 4 8 $ossi%ility 38 chocolates 14 chisel#te$ IV: &ow 82 othe& 2 season 4 chisel 38 8 $ossi%ility chocolates 14#te$ V: &ow 82 othe& 2 season 4 chisel 38 chocolates 14 8 $ossi%ility#te$ VI: Row 82 the& 2 #eason 4 'hisel 38 'hocolates 14 Possi%ility 8

    1 32 1

  • 7/24/2019 Banking Pathway Reson


    3 24 35 5

    he&e 6 "ai*$o&tant 6 uic

    is 6 linecessa&ily 6 higi+en 6 $i&ea 6 saen+i&on*ental 6 lic,uestions 6 7oawa&eness 6 noin"o&*ation 6 tu

    1 18 2 3

    19 3

    Rea *o&e:htt$:www%anke&saaco*29159%anking6$athway6&easoning6,uiz;5ht*l

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