
Presented by: Maxwellhouse

Welcome members of the board of education here at the School

of Pwnography. I am your current Guild Treasurer Maxwellhouse

and this is going to be a detailed presentation of information on

our Bank Policies and a simplified understanding of our looting

system of EPGP Lootmaster.

Table of Contents:•Bank Policies: 3 - 8

•Growing our bank: 9

•Bank Sale: 10

•EPGP Lootmaster: 11-20

Dedication and Reviewed By: Shaazz (cause he’s awesome)

I tend to be a anal person when it comes down to my organization of the

guild bank that I manage. Trust me there will be plenty of me complaining

in vent and in gchat when things are put in the wrong place.

So going forth this will be a guide for officers and even members to be able

to easily find the things they need rather than having to look at every page

for something.

In order for this to be as easy as possible we need to follow a guideline, it

will make us an efficient well fueled machine.

I have spent many hours organizing banks between my own

personal and guild banks. I am a fickle person when it comes to

things being in order.

So for the next section I am going to break down all of the four

tabs that we currently have. Don’t worry as we expand I will

update everyone with the new tabs and what I expect to see in


Break down of our tabs:Tab One (Bobbles)

Tab Two (Chanting)

Tab Three (Mats)

Tab Four (Raiding Needs )

Cost for 5th Tab2500g

The Bobblez TabThis is the pretty shiny tab, in every

bank I have designed there is always

a gem/ore/elemental items

because their pretty. Don’t question

me, I am awesome for this.

•Gems/Processed Gems


•Jewel Crafting mats.

•Any form of elemental end game

item (i.e: eternal fire and primal fire

would both go here)

I do request that items on this page are stored with similar items. Please do not put eternals in with ore and keep things that are alike together

The Chanting Tab:This is the tab dedicated to enchanting materials and scrolls of enchants. Since enchanting is such a required raiding material it has an entirely full page dedicated to it.

•Enchanting Mats

•Items to be DE’d

•Enchanting recipes

•Scrolls of enchants/blank scrolls

I do request that items on this page are stored with similar items. I want to see dust with dust and shards with shards. Respectively as you can see in an order in which the items are needed leveling and small and large shards together with their respective partner. All items to be DE’d are stored at the far end of the bank, as well as all recipes and scrolls will be here as well.

The Mats Tab:This is the tab where you will find materials for alchemy, leatherworking and tailoring as well as items needed for engineering/BS as well as the recipes for these items


•Cloth/bolts/tailor needs


•Engineer/BS/inscription items


I do request that items on this page are stored with similar items. Please do not have mats for alchemy in with leather and cloth and bolts. Bolts and cloth will be in separate rows next to each other, as well as bags will be stored here.

The Raiding Needs Tab:This is the tab that will store items needed for raids as well as cooking materials and cooked food.

•Spices/meat/cooking needs

•Cooked foods


•Raid needed items

•BOE epics that are current end game item level

I do request that items on this page are stored with similar items. I do not want to see foods that are uncooked with cooked foods, or flasks in with spices. Also I do liked to keep things in an order in which they are needed level wise as well as types of things together, like meat and haunches and fish are stored with similar items.

Every great guild has a great bank that is always being donated to and having members who need the items being donated.

Officer Information:•Items in GBank are sold at a guild reduced price of 30% of AH price•Those prices are either seen by an Officer after deposit to Gbank for the item•OR is given to the officer and item is transferred. Regardless the pricing and deposit (regardless of it being before or after the transaction) is the responsibility of the officer handling it.•If Treasurer (i.e- Me.) is on it can be handled with them first, only if Treasurer is away/busy/offline will an officer handle the dirty work.•If it is a BOE piece the officers will have to council with either the GM or the Treasurer, or 3 or more officers must feel it should be done•Remember the more tabs we get the more organization we will have. There are seven tabs currently available for purchase.

Depositing in the Gbank makesYour treasurer happy…

It will also make all of us happy.

Depending on the volume the bank receives from members while they are leveling and the space we have , the Treasurer will hold a guild sale.

This event will happen on a WEEKEND. (Saturday/Sunday)

This is done ONLY by the Treasurer or an appointed treasurer officer (who has been officially

promoted by the treasurer or GM)

It will most likely be the treasurer because I have the auctionator add on, which will be a requirement to be a treasurer officer.

A guild sale will be followed after the Treasurer tried to sell the item to online members before the time of the sale

If no one needs it, the item will be put onto the auction house and the profits will be put into the guild bank.

Image of the auctionator add on in use for sales

At first EPGP Loot Master can seem

overly complicated and not worth the

time. However when explained and the

proper add on is used, it becomes a fair

and essential tool in looting needs.

In this guide:

•Overview of how EPGP works

•How to use the add on as a

raider wanting to get gear

•How to award EP to players

•How to be the loot master and use the add on.

•Officer Only: EPGP loot council

EPGP is a simple system that makes looting in a raid very fair.

First you earn Experience Points (or EP) for every time you kill a boss. There is also other ways to accumulate EP which can be but no limited to…

•Being online and on time for raid/ stand by mode

•Raid wipes that are leading to progression

•Crafting things useful to guildies/raiding (i.e: flasks/enchant scrolls)

•And other reasons that can be justified.

Then there is Gear Points (or GP) which is an amount that is added every time you gain a piece of gear (minus the required off spec) This is a number that is calculated based on Blizzard’s base gear score and type (i.e: weapons are higher in gear score than say a pair of gloves.)

•GP is only added to a character after they gain a piece of gear, unless it is the required off spec.

•Keep in mind that neither EP or GP are removed when getting an item, just added

•There is a decay of EP that is 10% weekly, which keep players from storing EP and never gaining GP and thus gaining a higher priority.

The there is a players priority, which is found from the players allotted experience point divided by the players gear points. So it breaks down to : ep/gp= priority

The next slides will provide examples of this system as well as a break down for standby mode.

Now to show how it would be used in raid. We will use examples Raider 1 and Raider 2. Raider 1 has an ep/gp score of 4680/964 and Raider 2 has a ep/gp score of 3525/351 and they were both going for a healing head piece. Raider 2 has a 10% priority and Raider 1 has a priority of 4%. The piece would go to Raider 2.

The system rewards the raiders who are actively online and raiding and also keeps a constant member to become more geared than others based on being there more. There are other benefits such as when a player is new to the raiding group they will have a good chance to get gear starting with a gp of only 100.

Image: Is a default config window to show the loot master window.

You are going to type /lm config. This is if you are at any time you are a master looter.Please look at the images to know how to have your config set, please and thank you.

To access this window you would type the command


•This is to only be done by the loot master of the group

or the treasurer/treasurer officer. Notice there is a ‘Log’

option as well, meaning I see all activity and I will demote/gkick over it…trust me.

•This officer or treasurer will instantly become the loot

master even if they aren’t the group leader.

You would hit the button Mass EP award, which will

pop up a window that looks like the second image. It

has the options for all the different raids and the option

for other (for heroics or misc. rewards.) and a place for

you to put in the value of the award.

•If you are in a group or raid it will default issue the EP to

the members in the raid and or on the standby list.

•You can also issue points to a single player by right

clicking their name in the EPGP loot window and

awarding them EP.

•To be on the standby list you will follow the directions

issued in guild chat when the loot master awards EP to

the raid.

•Members will have to send a response every time

there is a new award, as it resets to keep players from

receiving EP when no longer online

•Stand by is for members that are online and willing to

raid if needed if a member has to leave.

Notice another tool to the Master Looter is the announce loot .You hit these to announce it to the group, and have the window also starts a macro that you will spam in the raid group.

The response is where the Looter will see what the members have rolled and then look at the priority and gear of players and can conduct Loot Council in another channel if need be (explained in another slide)

You of course will take priority into account for the members who roll Main Spec first, then Off Spec, and then Minor Upgrade. Minor Upgrade compared to massive Off Spec upgrade for someone, a Loot Council will be conducted.

When the item has been rolled for you are going to see them

all listed in the loot window (show on previous slides) It will show the players EP/GP/PR/Roll, the roll is used when they have the

same priority, It also shows what item level/gp value of the

player’s currently equipped item (which you can hover over

and see the item the player has with chants and gems)

The Master Looter will go the raid boss that needs to be looted

and when they right click the loot, it will instantly enact the

EPGP loot master add on.

Gear Points are awarded ONLY when you receive gear from a raid.

•Gear Points are NOT awarded when a player receives the required off spec gear. (A player should not be penalized for something that is helping the guild progress)

•When you are loot master you will reward the piece by right clicking the winning player’s named and awarding for Main Spec(which because this is a default mode it cannot distribute the loot because it is my Soul bound Gear, but you get the point.

•If there is 2 options for GP amount when you click you decide if the piece should receive less or more, typically this is for weapons. I always guide with it being higher since it is a weapon which is a hard piece to obtain.

Image: The GP values on the loot

master config screen (notice the

Gp value is the value that

blizzard state it should be worth,

but there is an option to do 550

GP instead) This is received from

right clicking on the winning


This is only used if there is a need to give a player a piece of gear when the priorities are very close or the same and it is a bigger upgrade for the player who is very slimly under the other and or are the same.

The officers will go into another officer only channel and discuss what should be done with the loot. If an officer in the raid council and is part of the loot council for gain they will sit out and can choose to grab someone else in the group in their place to even it out, (same applies if they are BOTH officers)

Members of the roll can choose to motion for a loot council if they feel that they should receive the piece over someone else, officers can choose to based on the situation to conduct a loot council, where that player will be pulled aside by the officers, listen to their case and then remove them from the channel and discuss the loot and if they should give the player the loot.

Loot council will not be conducted normally, and do not be offended if you are denied a council, it isn’t because we don’t like you.

This is the window that raiders are going to see after the loot master issues the loot for rolls. There are 5 options to choose, the ones you will use most will be the main spec, off spec and pass. We do not use the greed as we will have an appointed DE’r in the group who will make enchanting mats for the guild bank.

There is also a timer to make sure it is a timely process as well as it shows the item that you can compare with your own.In the top right corner shows your current item level you have equipped and the value of GP it is worth. You can also attach a message by hitting the circle next to the timer to add a personal note of why you want the item (does not mean you will get it, but you might make someone laugh.)

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