  • Nicholas Lenz !09/18/14!Ballet 3 !Prof. Mary Robare !!!!1. At the age of ten I wanted to do it all! I told my mom that I wanted to be a bus

    driver in the morning, a lifeguard/ doctor during the day, and THEN be an actor at night. I was pretty adventurous haha! Theatre has brought me happiness in ways that I could not begin to put into words. I decided that it was my dream to be a performer when I realized that nothing else made me happier. !

    2. The biggest performing arts inspirations in my life are my very first instructors, Tony and Renata Marino. They built the studio I was raised in (Stage Right! School for the Performing Arts and Professional Theatre Company) from the ground up starting with only 10 students and now having over 250 enrolled n their program. They bring truth and life to theatre, shmacting or half-assing anything, whether it be dance or voice was unacceptable. they always used to tell us, To know your best, you must work to your best ability. and that statement has carried me through to where I am today. I attribute my understanding of my body and what I am capable of to them. !

    3. To maintain the extensive years of training Ive already had and to improve upon my technique.!

    4. It has always been my thought that Ballet is the Latin of dance. meaning, once you learn ballet you can apply that technique to any style of dance, of course the movements may look different but the majority of the vocabulary and execution are the same. Much like once you learn the latin language you can understand all of the romantic languages. So, I hope to use ballet to solidify my foundation so that when I move on to different types and styles of dance in the future I can have my technique and understanding. !

    5. A. Something that Ive been learned this far is that I need to see to understand. Although I am extremely auditory when it comes to learning music, it seems that I need to see to understand for Ballet. !

    B. Again, I absolutely feel that learning how I learn is extremely beneficial to my future training. ! C.The specificity of my movement and how accurate it is to the movement given by the choreographer. ! D. Giving myself over to the dance and the music instead of thinking about if im doing it right or being in my head. Allowing myself to be a dancer.

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