Page 1: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community



Program Guide

© Katie Madden |

Page 2: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

Hey Mama —Breastfeeding and postpartum recovery and motherhood are hard work. But the dialogue surrounding these experiences is more often characterized by suffering: nipple damage, milk supply panic, sleep deprivation. Punishing pumping schedules, late night internet searches, desperate hunts for a care provider who will “get it” and provide meaningful help.

It’s too common for women to walk away from breastfeeding and early motherhood with feelings of inadequacy or guilt or trauma – and it has been my soul’s mission to help the women I work with recognize that while this suffering is common, it is far from normal. It is unnecessary and unacceptable.

There is an important difference between working hard and suffering.

At Balanced Breastfeeding, we believe in hard work and we reject the notion that motherhood requires any level of suffering.

We believe that mothers and babies deserve better.

I have designed the Seasonal Balanced Breastfeeding Cohorts to accomplish the delicate task of holding space for the hard work you’ll put in throughout your breastfeeding journey and minimizing the suffering that comes in the early weeks of motherhood.

Together with myself and a group of women who give birth from March - May 2020, you’ll complete the Newborn Mamas Care Plan outlined in this program guide. The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community support and ongoing care through the first four months of your baby’s life.

From there, you’ll have the option to add on additional care plans for the remainder of your breastfeeding journey with the Working Pumping Mamas Support add-on and Marathon Mamas Support add-on. And at every phase of this journey – from two weeks to two years and beyond – you’ll have access to kind and compassionate weaning support. Because weaning is an important choice and part of your breastfeeding experience, and it does not mean you’re out of the club.

If you feel called to explore this opportunity to create a safe, realistic, and kind postpartum experience for yourself, I am so excited for you to read more about how the journey will unfold.

With Love,

A Note From Katie...

Page 3: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

Comprehensive, Community-Based Support For New Mothers With The Intention To Breastfeed

Prenatal Preparation (Third Trimester)

• How To Feed Your Newborn Workshop During this workshop, we lay the foundation for a realistic approach to breastfeeding by teaching you and your support partner the basics of how to breastfeed, pump, and bottle feed your newborn baby. Both in-person and virtual options are available.

• Prenatal Assessment Consulation At this hour-long private appointment, Katie will walk you through a physical and emotional assessment, identify if you have one or more breastfeeding risk factors, and create a post-natal care plan specific to your individual and family needs.

Early Intervention (Birth - 2 weeks)

• Birth and Follow-Up Consultations In the week after you give birth, Katie will schedule you for your first postpartum private appointment to conduct a full feeding assess-ment for both you and your baby. You’ll dis-cuss any issues or necessary follow-up care, and create a customized action plan for the next week. One week later, you’ll return for a second feeding assessment and check-in. Katie will review the action items from your previous appointment, and make a long-term care plan with specific group recommendations based on your individual circumstances.

Exclusive Pumping Group: This group is for any mom who is exclusively pumping breastmilk for her baby – whether you’re still working toward the goal of latching or you’ve made the decision to become an Exclusive Pumper full time.

Newborn Mamas: This group is specifical-ly for Mamas with babies 2-12 weeks. The group is feeding neutral (breastfeeding, for-mula feeding, it is all discussed here), and it is where we sit together and talk to heal, con-nect, learn, and grow.

Hybrid Feeding Group: Breastmilk + Formu-la by necessity = Hybrid Feeding. This group is for breastfeeding mothers who need to sup-plement with formula due to a low milk supply. It is for any mom who are now, or have ever known the struggle of “not making enough” and confusing that for “not being enough” of a mother for this baby.

Ongoing Care and Community Support (3 weeks - 4 months)

• 14 Support Groups – Choose one or more weekly community groups to attend, up to 14 total sessions.

Newborn Mamas Care Plan

Page 4: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

Ongoing Care and Community Support (Continued)

• 10 Therapy Groups – Choose one or more weekly specialty groups to attend, up to 10 total sessions.

Mood Group: The group where we talk about the big FEELS. This a therapeutic group that you can attend with a referral or your own accord. A therapist and Katie lead discussion about how to promote mental well-being while managing symptoms of anxiety and or mood disorder such as depression or obsessive compulsive disorder.

Baby Therapy Group: Your baby needs to practice some really important things with their mouth and body so that they can do other really important things down the road. Things like eating, crawling, walking, and talking (no biggie). This therapy group is help-ful for all babies, but is particularly important for any babies that have:

• Tongue and/or lip tie (released or not)• Oral motor dysfunction (tight, clampy,

weak, disorganized)• Asymmetry of the head, face or body• A distaste for tummy time• A preference for one side over another

(head tip)

Group Feed: This group is for those who have already completed their two feeding assessments with with Katie, and have iden-tified one of the following needs:

• Infant weight gain monitoring• Milk transfer measurement in ml with

pre/post weighs• Latch & position check• Nipple assessment• Frenectomy wound checks• Breast drainage assessment

Together with 5-7 other women and their babies, you will complete a weighted feed guided by Katie as well as a group discus-sion about weekly progress, ongoing ques-tions, and next steps.have a solution.

• 3-Month Consultation In this fourth and final private appointment with Katie, you’ll discuss the plan for your last month as a Newborn Mama. You’ll review all that you’ve accomplished and look forward to the adjustments that need to be made as you return to work, resume household and family schedules, or continue to work toward your next breastfeeding goals.

Page 5: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

• Prenatal Prep and Newborn Mamas Online Curriculum We know that the first two weeks are the hardest, so that is why there is day by day support. This support will follow the path of “what’s normal” so that you know very quickly when what you are experiencing falls outside of the “normal” and know exactly how to react. This is where the comprehensive and easy to use database in this program is critical. Have a problem? We have a solution. I promise. In this program, you will be guided step-by-step through:

• How to get a comfortable latch and what to do if you can’t get a comfortable latch (including how to manage nipple and breast pain)

• How to know baby is getting enough and what to do if baby isn’t getting enough (including how to strategically supplement without ruining breastfeeding)

• How to involve your partner, even when he/she can’t breastfeed for you (and how to teach him/her to give a bottle!)

• What to do in the early months of breast-feeding to prepare for your return to work

Comprehensive Evidence-Based Online Resources (Lifetime Access)

• How to know what kind of milk supply you have (too much, too little, or just right) and what your milk supply means for how you breastfeed

• Strategies to incorporate breastfeeding into your everyday life as you gain the confi-dence to leave the house, breastfeed in public, and establish a new routine

• How to take good care of yourself in the midst of one of the hardest and most re-warding journeys you will ever experience: breastfeeding.

• Balanced Breastfeeding Mamas Facebook Community Connect to the full community of Balanced Breastfeeding moms, past and present. The group is designed to provide support, create a sense of community, and build friendship among pregnant women and mothers.

• Spring 2020 Cohort Facebook Community Start building your Wolf Pack and connect with the other mother’s enrolled in the Spring 2020 Newborn Mamas program.

Page 6: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

For Mothers Who Make The Decision To Wean At Any Point During The NBM Program

What If I Choose To Wean?

Stopping breastfeeding is always a choice.

The thing about lactating is that once you get it started you can almost never “just stop.” Stopping the biological process takes days or weeks. That realization can be really scary. It can feel like you are trapped.

But it is important for you to know that choosing to stop breastfeeding is always an option.

Throughout the Newborn Mamas program we will have check-in points. These are points throughout the breastfeeding process when we will ask you to pause and take stock. We take a step back and look at the whole picture:

• How are your breasts lactating? Are they filling and draining well? Have you devel-oped any infections? Do you get persistent plugged ducts?

• How are your nipples? Are they healing?• How is your baby gaining and growing?

• How is your mental health?• How is your relationship with your partner?• Are you heading back to work?• What goals have you achieved? What goals are you still hoping to achieve?• Above all, are you ready to keep going or do you want to explore the option of

choosing to stop?

Most women re-up for another week or month of breastfeeding during this conversa-tion. Others choose to stop. If you are at a point where you would like to explore the option of choosing to stop breastfeeding during your program, you will have personal-ized guidance from Katie on how to do so in a way that is safe, realistic, and kind. And most importantly, you will continue to have access to feeding neutral ongoing care and community support.

Ongoing Care and Community Support

• What Breastfeeding Taught Me Workshop Take some time to really think about what your breastfeeding experience or ex-periences have taught you? Many of us faced and survived some of the scariest, darkest, moments of our lives when we were breastfeeding. Many of us discovered a strength we didn’t know we possessed. It would be a shame to not take some time to really honor the gift breastfeeding gave you. To think on it, write about it, then own it. Live from those lessons from here on out. Let’s do that together.

Page 7: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

Ongoing Care and Community Support (Continued)

• Support Groups – Choose to continue attending one or more of these weekly support groups and therapy groups that are feeding neutral.

Newborn Mamas: Not only is this group feed-ing neutral, but more importantly it is the heart of your seasonal cohort community. No matter what point you make the decision to wean, the message of this group is clear: You belong here.

Breastfeeding Loss Group: For mamas who stopped breastfeeding sooner than they’d hoped, and who want to talk about the big feels that go along with that loss of an ideal experience. Maybe if we share some stories we can loosen up the grief a little so it doesn’t feel so hard to think about. Plus, the room is full of women who feed their babies 100% without breastmilk.

Mood Group: The group where we talk about the big FEELS. This a therapeutic group that you can attend with a referral or your own accord. A therapist and Katie lead discussion about how to promote mental well-being while managing symptoms of anxiety and or mood disorder such as depression or obsessive compulsive disorder.

Baby Therapy Group: Your baby needs to practice some really important things with their mouth and body so that they can do other really important things down the road. Things like eating, crawling, walking, and talking (no biggie). This therapy group is helpful for all babies, but is particularly important for any babies that have:

• Tongue and/or lip tie (released or not)• Oral motor dysfunction (tight, clampy,

weak, disorganized)• Asymmetry of the head, face or body• A distaste for tummy time• A preference for one side over another

(head tip)

Page 8: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

Working Pumping Moms Support

For Mothers Who Intend To Pump Milk For Their Babies While Working Outside The Home

Before Returning To Work

• Back To Workshop You’re getting ready to do something hard, Mama; leaving your brand new baby with a trusted caregiver and getting back to business is no easy task. In the Back To Workshop, we’ll help you start to unpack those big emotions as well as review the skills that can help you adapt your breast-feeding relationship to your work life.

Ongoing Care and Community Support

• Back To Work Consultation (After Returning) During this private appointment, you’ll discuss how things are going in your first four weeks back to work, identify what areas of your routine need adjustment, and create a long-term plan for pumping success.

• 10 Support Groups – Choose one or more weekly community groups to attend, up to 10 total sessions.

Working Pumping Mamas Support Group: Select Saturday mornings Katie hosts water & coffee hour at The Clubhouse for Working Pumping Mamas (or working, not pumping moms). We talk about topics all related to why being a working mom is really hard and why being a working pumping mom is really fuck-ing hard. We will also discuss why working moms are an extra special level of crazy and how to know when that crazy needs therapy. General and open discussion about why we are all badasses is encouraged, as is venting.

Hybrid Feeding Group: Breastmilk + Formu-la by necessity = Hybrid Feeding. This group is for breastfeeding mothers who need to sup-plement with formula due to a low milk supply. It is for any mom who currently or has ever known the struggle of “not making enough” and has confused that for “not being enough” of a mother for this baby.

Exclusive Pumping Group: This group is for any mom who is exclusively pumping breast-milk for her baby; whether you’re still working toward the goal of latching or you’ve made the decision to become an Exclusive Pumper full time, you belong here.

Page 9: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

Comprehensive Online Resources (Lifetime Access)

• Working Pumping Mamas Online Curriculum At the end of this program, you will:

• Know exactly how much milk you need to store in your freezer (and how to collect that milk when your baby is nursing all the time!)

• Understand how your breastfed baby should be bottle-fed and how to communicate these instructions to your childcare provider

• Feel confident in keeping track of your milk supply and how to respond if your supply dips• Understand how to nourish and encourage a direct breastfeeding relationship when you

and your baby are together• Take the necessary steps to avoid burnout and overwhelm• Connect with hundreds of other Working Pumping Mamas just like you and combat the

isolation and stress that can accompany being a working mama• Step back into work clear about why you are working and trusting that your baby is in

safe hands• Actively involve your partner or support person in the back-to-work process so you have

a teammate!

• Working Pumping Mamas FB Community The group is designed to provide support, create a sense of community, and build friend-ship among working pumping mothers. Use this space to share successes and fears about returning to work!

Page 10: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

For Mothers Who Breastfeed Their Babies Beyond 4 Months

Marathon Moms Support

Ongoing Care

• What’s Next Workshop This 90-minute workshop will give you the opportunity to ex-plore your options as you enter into the second half of breast-feeding. You will leave with a customized plan for yourself and your unique breastfeeding relationship and the confidence that you have concrete steps in place to achieve your next breastfeeding goal.

• Weaning Workshop Your weaning experience deserves as much time, attention, and effort as early breastfeeding. In the Weaning Workshop, we will create a safe, supportive space not only to reflect on and celebrate your breastfeeding journey, but also to acknowl-edge the sadness that can accompany this transition. We’ll also explore how to determine the best time to wean, what to do if baby disagrees, and the gentlest, most effective strate-gies for when you’re ready.

• What Breastfeeding Taught Me Workshop Take some time to really think about what your breastfeeding experience or experiences have taught you. Many of us faced and survived some of the scariest, darkest moments of our lives when we were breastfeeding. Many of us discovered a strength we didn’t know we possessed. It would be a shame to not take some time to really honor the gift breastfeeding gave you--to think on it, write about it, then own it. Live from those lessons from here on out. Let’s do that together.

• 3 Consultations: 5 months, 9 months, and Weaning During these private appointments, Katie will check in with you to assess the following topics based on your individual needs:

• Planning - What’s coming up that you need help planning for?

• Adjustments - Where are you struggling to find balance?• Troubleshooting - What’s not working? Let’s fix it. • Weaning - Feelings, strategy, whatever you need to consid-

er around the phase of weaning. • Post-weaning reflection - Let’s talk about that amazing

breastfeeding journey you once took, no matter how long ago it was.

Page 11: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

Community Support• 10 Support Groups – Choose one or more weekly community groups to attend, up to 10 total


Comprehensive Online Resources (Lifetime Access)• Marathon Mamas Online Curriculum

In this program, you will learn to:• Set realistic, short-term goals as you strive for your long-term breastfeeding goal• Integrate solid foods into your breastfeeding relationship• Manage annoying behaviors such as biting; pinching; distractibility; and short, frequent breast-

feeding requests• Learn basic Sign Language so you can communicate with your baby!• Stop pumping at 12 months; continue breastfeeding when together• Implement strategies to encourage more sleep for yourself and your baby• Refocus on taking care of yourself in mind, body, and spirit• Learn about the fun and frustration of nursing into the toddler years• Wean gracefully when you are ready

Big Babies Support Group: Once babies reach about four months, breastfeeding changes. Big Babies Support Group focuses on “big baby issues,” such as starting solids, biting, distractibility, handling criticism, and more.

Hybrid Feeding Group: Breastmilk + Formu-la by necessity = Hybrid Feeding. This group is for breastfeeding mothers who need to sup-plement with formula due to a low milk supply. It is for any mom who currently or has ever known the struggle of “not making enough” and has confused that for “not being enough” of a mother for this baby.

Exclusive Pumping Group: This group is for any mom who is exclusively pumping breast-milk for her baby; whether you’re still working toward the goal of latching or you’ve made the decision to become an Exclusive Pumper full time, you belong here.

Page 12: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

Your Investment

Please note that the Spring 2020 Cohort is limited in size and by due date. Putting down a deposit reserves your space in the program and allows us to plan our full schedule. Individual sessions for each support group, therapy group, and workshop will be limited to 14 attendees at a time. The cost of each package can be paid with HSA if you would prefer that option.

Spring 2020 Newborn MamasIncludes (Total A La Carte Value: $1,578):

• How To Feed Your Newborn Workshop

• Prenatal Consultation• Birth Consultation• Follow-Up Consultations• 14x Support Groups• 10x Therapy Groups• 3-Month Consultations• Prenatal Prep Online• Newborn Mamas Online• What Breastfeeding Taught Me


Package Price: $1,250

The Full Journey (Newborn Mamas + Both WPM and MM Add Ons)Total A La Carte Value: $2,806

Package Price: $2,000

In Your Balanced Breastfeeding Care Plan

Working Pumping Mamas Add-On*Includes (Total A La Carte Value: $439):

• Back To Workshop• Back To Work Consultation• 10 Support Groups• WPM Online

Package Price: $350

Marathon Mamas Add On*Includes (Total A La Carte Value: $789):

• What’s Next Workshop• Weaning Workshop• What BF Taught Me• 5 Month Consultation• 9 Month Consultation• Weaning Consultation• 10 Support Groups• MM Online

Package Price: $625

*Add Ons Can Be Purchased At Any Time (As Space Allows)

Ready to Join? Visit questions, contact [email protected] or 302-501-5224

Page 13: Balanced Breastfeeding · The plan emphasizes learning and prenatal preparation, followed up with early intervention during the crucial first two weeks of breastfeeding, and community

A La Carte PricingFor Individual Offerings

Private Consultations• Prenatal Appointment (1.5 hr) ........................................................................$100• First Postpartum Appointment (2 hr) ..............................................................$250• Follow-Up Postpartum Appointment (1.5 hr) ..................................................$150

Therapy GroupsIncludes:

• Mood Group• Baby Therapy Group• Group Feed

Per Session .............................................................................................................$50

Support GroupsIncludes:

• Newborn Mamas• Exclusive Pumping Group• Hybrid Feeding Group• Working Pumping Moms• Big Babies Group• Breastfeeding Loss Group• Katie Madden LIVE Online Group

Per Session .............................................................................................................$15

Workshops• How To Feed Your Newborn (Prenatal)..........................................................$50• Back To Workshop (1-2 Months Before Returning To Work)..........................$100• What’s Next (6 Months) ..................................................................................$50• Weaning Workshop (Before Weaning) ...........................................................$75• What Breastfeeding Taught Me (After Weaning) ............................................$50

Online Offerings• Prenatal Prep .................................................................................................$39• Newborn Mamas ............................................................................................$39• Working Pumping Mamas ..............................................................................$39• Marathon Mamas ...........................................................................................$39• PACKAGE: All Online Programs ....................................................................$99• Balanced Breastfeeding Facebook Community: With Any Purchase• Working Pumping Moms Facebook Community: With Back To Workshop Purchase

*Please note that program members will receive priority availability for all offerings. A la carte options are avail-able as space allows.

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