Page 1: Balance   Healing Astrology and Chinese Medicine


We'll never be free of diseases throughout the life of humanity! The human being is a being Bio Psycho Social

Environmental inheriting genetic potential of their background and the diseases evolve with man evolution.

Likes it or not accept, the scientists and journalists from around the world, millenary sciences have much to

offer as statistics of human potential and are true precious jewels as Body and Mind model. The Millenary

Sciences are perfect too much to be overlooked as a source of self-knowledge.

Our human nature responds to three basic factors: Life, Consciousness and body, and we cannot separate

them to understand how they affect our health and our balance throughout the life. An obvious fact is that

imbalances and diseases when they appear, reflect years in advance and body wear and mind.

Astrology and Chinese medicine are consistent and complementary to explain how we are, what potential

statistics we have and how they will affect our Vocation, Food and finally the Health. While the Model of Chinese

Medicine translates the functioning of the body, Astrology explains how the mind and body relate dynamically


But how to extract this knowledge? This is a subject still little studied by scientists who reject millennia of

debugging and records in natural language. This is the purpose of this explanatory document. YinYang Law

and the Law of the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine provide the basis for understanding the Body Human.

The Five Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal represent Five Pairs of Organs: Kidneys/Bladder,

Liver/Gall Bladder, Heart /Small Intestine, Stomach / Spleen Pancreas and Lung /Large Intestine.

The food orientation, according to the Chinese principles take into account the constitutional profile of the

patient: skinny, fat, strong, weak and the basic characteristics of each food: plant parts (roots, seeds, leaves,

fruits), or of animals, physicochemical properties and season the food is generated by nature.

The food analysis is based on the existence of bitter tastes, sweet, salty, acid (sour) and Picante. Each flavor

offers to organs substance necessary for its growth and controls its operation reducing growth functional of

another organ. It is possible to combat excessive fear through a diet of spicy food and treat a rabid

temperament person or an acute case of anger with a diet of acid food.

Page 2: Balance   Healing Astrology and Chinese Medicine

Likewise, one could treat a deep melancholy of a patient depressive with one sweet diet. Candy produces joy

and reduce sadness, but in large excess, however, these foods make very depressed people and may be

cause of diabetes.

But how could we understand “fullness and emptiness" of certain functional element that is pairs of organs.

Astrology explains how the mind consumes energy of organs for the dynamic operation of Being Human. There

are twelve colors, representing the Astrological Signs. The astrological signs are Ecliptic pieces by which circles

the earth around the sun. They are Immutable periods during 365/12 days of the year and NOTHING has to do

with stars.

The designs of stars are only illustrative paintings of the signs ancients designed at the stars, an ancient

pictograph. Therefore, each set of two signs represent a Chinese Medicine element except element Earth

(center) which is represented by four signs.

The signs are the body's energy sources for the mind Archetypal and to color the dynamic activity of the planets.

The colors are sources of energy and are linked to body Physicist. Are finite and exhaustible energy reservoirs

connected to body organs and all systems.

But what is the symbolic function of the planets in the human mind? The planets are dynamic entities that can

be understood as a complete individual in his stage at the time of birth. The Mind front plan is represented by

Essence (Sun), the censorious (Saturn) and the Encourager (Jupiter). The central plan is exercised by the

conquer (Mars), the Communication (Mercury), the affectivity (Venus) and what is important (Moon). In the

background plan is Innovator (Uranus), the Illusionist (Neptune) and Universal Tuning (Pluto). Thus, the planets

exert their preferences mental driven by the energies of signs (body parts).

Is more complex to understand that the planets (mental dynamic functions) will change its strength functional

conforms the sign that sustains them. There are four stages of intensity of the planets in the signs and we can

make an analogy with situations of people's lives.

A sick person is contained in the bed space (exile), a person who is restricted to his home (fall), a person who

normally works (regency) and a person who practices a sport (exaltation). There are four dynamic levels of

mental activity due to the energy that feeds them.

We have seen, as Body and Mind are interconnected through Astrology models in conjunction with the

principles of Chinese medicine. Studies of the potential generated by the position of the planets in the signs in

the date of birth will indicate which elements functionally (body organs) are more exercised and exhausted at

course of life.

Promote the balance would replace the loss and take what's left. It is used in Chinese medicine the terms

"Fullness" and "empty" to represent the states of the elements and a law determines how the treatment will be.

There are few Treatment possibilities and all of them involve the person rebalancing at three levels: The food

level, we must indicate the flavors that should be prioritized and those who should be reduced. In Attitudinal

level, we need to indicate the actions that could collaborate to promote such recovery like as resting or exercise.

In Vocational level we give help in the discovery of potential talent and guide the values of the person scale for

the promotion of your balance life.

Over the past few years I have been proving the Millenary models and many texts have been write with the

purpose of clarifying the preciousness of Millenary Science for Healing and Rebalance these three levels

mentioned above.

This information can be found under a reduced form this links below. Articles on Millenary Science and

correlations in recent years can be found on these slide share links in the sections of presentations or


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