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Introduction:English Language continues to be the important language that dominates the communication of the

world. The rapid globalization and the extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that affect many aspects of our live should motivate us to master the language. The mastery of the English Language would not only help us to deal effectively internationally, gain knowledge but also to assist getting new ideas for continuous development.Objective:In conjunction with the needs to master English Language as a crucial language in the age of ICT,

It is hoped that the modules planned will be 1) able to generate students interest in learning the language through interesting activities.

2) able to develop good values and virtues3) able to promote logical, creative and divergent thinking skills4) able to motivate students in self-development

5) able to help teachers as a guide and reference during the co-curricular and recreational activities.WeekTopicContentActivityMaterial/ Remark

1Registration1.Registration of new members

2.Annual General Meeting1. Electing New Committee Members

2The Tongue Twisting Contest

1.Some suitable Tongue Twisters that are commonly found and used.

1. Can be carried-out among individual or groups.2. Each group sends in 2 representatives

3. Each contestant is given a list of Tongue Twister and has to read it for three times as fast as possible.4. Initially, teacher in charge is the judge where judging can be based on Pronunciation and Articulation, Fluency and Speed and Presentation. 1. The amount of Tongue Twister given to the contestants depends on the teacher.2. Mark allocation is based on the teachers creativity.

3Tell Me A Moral Story1. Any moral story that is suitable to the level of the students.

1. Can be a group activity.2. Each group has to create or take a story from any media with a moral lesson.

3. 4-5 figurines are prepared by the groups to represent some characters in the story.

4. Each group has to tell/ present the story using the figurines as visual aids while some persons dramatize it.

Note:1. Teacher has to provide the following materials:

Cardboards/Stiff cards


Colouring materials

Blue Tack

An audio tape with some soft background music if possible.

2. This activity can be turned into a contest where some token can be given to the winners.

4The Creative and Ethical Thinking1. A Problem Situation

1. It can be a contest.2. Students are divided into groups (depends on the number of the club members)

3. A Problem Situation is presented to all the groups

4. Each group studies the problem and discusses, then answers the questions posed within the time limit.

5. At the end of the time given, the representative of each group shall present his views/answers. (4 to 5 minutes is given)

6. The group that can give the best views/answers within the time limit will be considered as the winner.1. If it is a contest, teachers can prepare 3 questions where each question will 2. bring 20 marks and 40 marks can be awarded to the presentation.3. WH Questions are recommended for this activity.

5Tell About My ModelsAny Suitable and Simple Model Constructed by the studentsSuggested Models:






-Masks1. It can be a contest, groups or individual activity.2. Students are given any specific model to construct.

3. Students present the model made. If it is a competition, time limit should be given to construct and present the model. If it is a group contest, marks should be given based on (a) teamwork and cooperation (b) originality and creativity and (c) overall look 1. Preparation: Teacher should prepare the materials need to make the models

Teacher should determine the form of language to be used to present the models made. (Present Tense for describing and Past Tense for reporting)

6Name The PicturesA list which contain pictures of animals, objects, actions, persons, places and etc.1. This activity can be carried-out as a competition for individual or groups.

2. Each individual or groups is given a form containing certain number of drawing/pictures and the task is to guess the word corresponding to each drawing/pictures

3. A time limit is given to answer.

4. All answer lists are collected to be marked

5. The individual or group that has the most correct answers will be considered the winner.

1. Before the activity is carried out, teacher has to prepare the list of drawing/pictures. (At least 30 pictures)2. Make sure that the list is enough for all the



3.Teacher can

improvise the activity whether

to do it orally or

in written form.

7The Best Joke WinsSuitable Jokes that are available 1. It can be an individual or group competition.2. Each contestant or group makes a draw from the pool of jokes then reads or cracks the joke chosen as best as possible3. The person who has read the joke fantastically will be the winner.

1. Teacher has to prepare several jokes and each joke is put in an envelope.2. If possible select 3 students to be the judge.

(Note: Teacher can improvise the steps for groups according to suitability.)

8Guess The Music CompetitionSuitable songs or tune taken from an excerpt.1. It can be an individual or group activity.

2. Teacher selects a person or several persons who can hum or sing excerpt from varieties of songs.

3. Students guess the name of the tunes or songs.4. the groups points will be deducted if a member guesses wrongly5. The individual or group that scores the highest points will be the winner.1. Songs can be taken from the popular albums.2. If possible, teacher plays the tune once so that the participants can get the gist of the songs.

9Know The Lyrics CompetitionA complete popular song/s taken from popular albums.1. Students are divided into several groups.2. Teacher plays the song and asks the students to listen to it carefully.

3. Teacher distributes the incomplete words of the songs and asks the students to complete them by listening to the song again

4. Teacher then displays the full lyrics of the songs

5. The group that is able to fill in the correct lyrics wins the competition.

5. Students sing the songs together.1. Before carrying out the activity, teacher should prepare the necessary materials to ensure the activity can run smoothly.

10Song Writing CompetitionAny suitable song that is pertaining to the theme given example the theme of caring and love1. It can be an individual or groups competition.

2. Participants can compose the song based on some popular songs

3. The song must be related with the theme given.4. After the given time limit, the song written must be sung by the contestants

5. Contestant with the best song wins the competition.

6. The winning song is then sung together.1. Teacher is advised to give some guides by playing some tunes before the students write the song.

11, 12What I Have Explored1. Objects in the identified areas.2. Appropriate sentence structures

1. This is a group activity where the participants are

divided into several groups.2. Teacher asks the groups to be at their respective area which has been determined by the teacher.

3. The participants explore the area and identify as many objects as they can see.

4. A time limit is given

5. After the time limit, the participants have to present what they have explored using the correct sentence structures.

6. The group that completes the task in the time limit and present excellently will be the winner.1. Before the activity is carried-out, teacher has to determine several areas in the school to run the activity.2. Students are given clear instructions before carrying-out their activity.

3. Marks rewarded are based on the teachers own perception.

13 , 14My Language Garden1. Name of the plants and trees found in the garden.1. This can be a whole year activity where the club members have to create their own language garden.2. The members have to work in group where they have to name the trees and plants according to their common and scientific names.

3. They also have to write description of the plants and trees using the correct form of language.4. The garden that is the most informative will be the winner.1. This activity can be started at the beginning of the year.2. Teacher has to identify the area which can be turned into a language garden.

3. Teacher guides the students throughout the activity.

15What Do I Mean contest1. Suitable messages and can be acted by the students.2. Each message should not exceed 10 words.1. It is a group activity

2. Each group has to select a star who is going to act the message given by the chairperson ( a student can be appointed for this post) 3. Each star has to act the message/s given and other

group members have to guess what the star is going to convey by writing it/them in a piece of paper.

4. The paper will be collected and identify by a penal of judge ( 2 or 3 students can be appointed as the judges)

1. Before the activity, teacher has to prepare several suitable messages to the level of the students.2. The messages must not exceed 10 words.

3. Teacher has to train the chairperson and the judges as well as a time keeper.

4. Teacher has to give a time limit for the acting and answering ( depends on suitability)

5. Teacher has to explain to the contestants that each correct word will be given 1 point.

16Be A Counsellor A problem solving activity to solve the common problem among teenagers 1. Teachers distributes newspaper cuttings which contain the common problems faced by teenagers.

2. Members read the problems and try to solve them by writing the solutions within the time limit 3. Teacher distributes actual solutions taken from the newspaper which is given by the

counselor.4. Students who come out with the best solution will become the winner.

1. Teacher must prepare newspaper cuttings which contain teenagers problem.2. The problems chosen

should not involve any sensitive issues.

3. The problems can be taken from the Newspaper or magazines

17.Who Am I?Famous celebrities Local and International1. Members are divided into groups.2. Teacher will distribute information on famous personalities.

3. Members must read the information and try to guess who the personalities are.

4. The group that can get the correct answer will win.1. Teacher must prepare handouts which contain information of famous personalities.2. Not time limit is set.

3. The first group to get the answer will win.

18.Karaoke CompetitionSongs those are suitable.1. Members choose their favourite songs.2. They sing the chosen song.

3. Members who can sing with the correct tune will become the winner.

1. Teacher must prepare a karaoke set.

2. A team of judgesis chosen among the English Language teachers.

3.Prizes should be prepared for the winners.

19, 20English ShopItems such as Shampoo, toothpaste, soap and etc..1. Members are divided into groups.2. Each group must choose the items to be sold in their shop.

3. The buying and selling activities must be conducted in English. 1. Teacher must allocate certain areas in the English Corner for each group.2. Members must

bring the used items to be sold.

3. Items must have price tags.

21.Whats My LineCommon Occupations1. This activity can be carried-out individually or in group.2. Several students are selected to act out in silence each of the occupation in the cards given.3. The other students have to guess the

miming. The answers have to be written on a piece

of paper .It is then collected for assessment by the teacher or selected

students 4. Time limit is given and the answers must be submitted when the time is due.1. Teacher has to prepare several cards with contain the common occupation found in the students surrounding.2. Teacher stresses that

students have to

write the occupation from the miming by the students.

3. Teacher awards point to correct response.

22My Bulletin1. Newsletter2. Latest Information

3. Cartoon Strips

4. Language Exercises

5. Creative Columns1. Students gather contents for the Bulletin from club members or other students.2. Students edit the contents before publishing them

3. Students sell the Bulletin to all the students.1. Teacher guides the students on bulletin production such as choosing appropriate materials for the Bulletin.2. The number of issues of the Bulletin is up to the teachers decision.

23What They Had Said1. Wise Sayings2. Proverbs

3. Idioms

4. Figurative Expression 1. Students collect as many as they

can the wise

sayings, proverbs, idiomatic and figurative expressions from different sources.2. Students write the materials on manila cards

3. Students display the materials at strategic locations in the school compound.1. Teacher provides the necessary materials such as manila cards, glues and etc.2. Teacher guides the students to choose the suitable items to be displayed.




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