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Bad HamsterInspired by Nick Bruel’s

Bad KittyBy Anna Jakubik

Shirley Hills Primary School

Mound, Minnesota

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She wasn’t always a bad hamster.

Until the day her owner ran out of delicious food with nothing left but fruits and vegetables. So hamster decided to be bad hamster. A very, very, really, really bad hamster.

She …

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Annoyed my other hamster to death.

Blew up my computer.

Chewed up my stuffed animals.

Destroyed my room.

Examined my underwear.

Forced me to eat her food.

Gargled my mouthwash and spit it at me.

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Hammered my bed in half.

Installed a bomb in the basement.

Jostled the mailman to death.

Kicked my grandma.

Locked me out of the house.

Mocked the doorbell.

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Narrowed down the hallway.

Overheard my secrets and told everyone.

Pushed me in the pool.

Quacked like a duck all night.

Refused to take a bath.

Stunk up the whole room.

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Trampled over my toys.

Untied my shoes.

Vacuumed up my clothes.

Wrecked my dress.

X rayed my television.

Yanked the curtains down.

Zipped my mouth shut.

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But then …

“I’m back from the store with lots of good treats!”

So hamster decided to be good. Really, really, very, very good.

She …

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Arranged my room.

Brought me flowers.

Cleaned my clothes.

Dried my pants.

Edited my writing.

Found my glove.

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Glittered my card.

Harmonized my music.

Included love in her song.

Juggled balls like a circus act.

Kissed my grandma.

Laughed at my jokes.

Made me a pie.

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Nursed the baby.

Operated the stand.

Practiced poll dancing.

Quilted me a blanket.

Responded to messages.

Sang a lullaby.

Tied my shoes.

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Unlocked my dresser.

Vacuumed my rug.

Washed the dishes

X rayed a patient.

Yawned to sleep.

Zipped up my jacket.

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