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Back Stage Look At MSA!By: Amber Seward

Msa worth while!Msa is worth the while when you pass and go to the next grade with your friends instead of behind I know some of you dont like the teachers and they just want you to good and pass so they dont have to see you in there class next year.

How to feel!I know when you think of msa you think man what if I dont do good what if I mess up dont worry your going to feel really good when you pass like your on fire you can do anything so dont worry about messing up worry about doing your hardest and Ill help you get ready.

BCR HELP!If you remember these three letters A,C,E then youll get a three on the reading msa bcrs A Answer the question and make sure your answering the right question and your on topic. C cite and give text details remember you can go back to the text for support and to back up your response. E explain use what you know from your brain to tie it all together ill give you examples but remember to go back and check and ask your self does this make sense will the reader know what I am talking about?

A Good Bcr! Here is how to get a three on your bcrs. You answer the question your on topic the reader can understand what your saying and you give detail from the text and your brain and you go back and reread the Bcr remember you go to the question and under line or circle things to help you answer the question and get a three go for it.

A BAD Bcr!Here is how not to get a three on your bcrs, you dont answer the question your off topic you dont go back and reread you dont under line and circle things in the question you dont go back to the text for support Or use anything from your brain to help support your answer then you wont get a three on you bcrs.

Multiple Choice sr Vocabulary!When you do the multiple choice SR you repeat the sentence using each word in the sentence then cross off in your mind the ones you now that dont make sense and after you do that mark the one that does make sense and move on to the next one dont spend to much time on anyone question you will be timed just skip it and go back to it when your finished the rest and when have extra time.

What to do before the test!Here are some tips that will help you before the test as you sit there waiting in the classroom for the test to be handed out go back and review as much as you remember about what the teacher told you because msa is just review of everything you learned there is nothing on the msa you haven't learned remember to get a good night sleep and eat a good breakfast and dont worry about messing up worry about doing your best and you'll breeze through the msa and youll feel good when its over so GOOD LUCK!!!!.


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