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Bachelor Declaration

Bachelor Declarationby Christianj

This is my command - to spread this Declaration to all MGTOW and never surrender it to outsiders for they have no knowledge or wisdom in living well and free forever.

We, like several other friends, live the bachelor lifestyle where we live the way we want without anyone telling us what to do. There is no wife or girlfriend to nag us OR drag us into doing something we don't want to do. No kids to support. Probably not even a pet (well maybe a dog or a great car). Let's face it: we are part of the growing mainstream demographic of the American/Western culture that has been created because of the women's liberation movement. When it used to be where the man would work and the woman would stay at home, take care of the kids, and do the domestic chores is no more. Women, now however, are entitled to their liberation and can now join the men at the workplace should they choose to do so. But since the women are no longer obligated to provide the childcaring and taking care of the home, men are no longer obligated to marry women or provide for them. Women can do whatever they want according to their deepest desires because right now it's the start of a new beginning of when women are in charge and the men don't care.

But "you men can't live without us, women" the ladies exclaim. Truth is, "no, we don't." We, the great men of this world, are living proof that we don't have to have a 'significant other' in our lives. All the money we make is our decision to spend on whatever we want rather than burn our hard-earned cash on mindless, stupid, trivial items such as shoes, handbags, and clothes we don't have to have or even NEED. If women want to spend it on those items then go ahead, use your friggin' money! Just leave us and our wallets alone! Go! Shoo! We would rather instead spend our money on appreciating assets and items that will give us experiences and pleasures in life. What experiences and pleasures you ask? Well, some of us men like to go smoke cigars, discuss politics and economics, talk about which stocks and bonds that could increase in value, go hunting, go fishing, go scuba diving, learn another language, etc. We develop ourselves as human beings to become more knowledgeable about the world like people from other countries do. Go ask any European, "who are the presidents/leaders of their governments in neighboring countries" and a majority can answer that question. If we asked an American female, who is the prime minister of Mexico and the president of Canada? The usual response would be "I don't know." First of all, Mexico doesn't have a prime minister. It's a President and his name is Felipe Calderon (2006) and Canada doesn't have a president, it's a prime minister and his name is Stephen Harper (2006). It's all about knowing outside of the 'mainstream women pop culture' that we're going to be experts in, not about what Tom Cruise had for breakfast, if the colors of the shoes match the jackets, or whether to contemplate about buying jewelry.

We live in this niche of the American system as forever bachelors, single by choice, the truly free of the free. We understand that marriage in the Western World is a losing battle since the divorce rate hovers around 70-80% and not the media propagated figure of 50% (certain states like California don't publish their divorce rates because they are too embarassed to publish 80+% rates and also, not taken into account, are the vast numbers of couples who are separated but not formally divorced). Still don't believe me? Fine, go ask any divorced man if marriage was worth it and he'll quickly respond with a big, fat "HELL NO!" Why does he says no? That's because in this society of "me, me, me" and feminism, women are being taught to think for themselves what's "best for me" and not for the family or group. So as a result, women initiate 90% of the divorces with the courts deciding in her favor which result in men being taken to the cleaners. This type of thinking will also make us men follow the same mentality as women, "it's all about me!" No ring! No wife! No kids! I can do anything I want to do in life! My life, woman! Not yours! I'm free! Yay!

Typical stories about divorced men usually goes like this (and there ain't no happy ending):All of his money is gone including future wages. His once confident mentality is gone. His youth, the best days of his life, are also gone in a matter of seconds. He's been financially raped. He dies alone and poor wondering how did this all happen when HE didn't commit any crime!

Yet, no one reports this in the media because it's biased against men. "It's for the children, it's for child support," women shoot back. You honestly believe that you need thousands and thousands of dollars to support a child?

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Sometimes that figure can go up to be in the millions of dollars in the case of celebrities and rich people. I think women just want all that money to destroy men and easily justify in purchasing shoes, clothes, new cars, jewelry, etc. all in the pursuit of material wealth despite having children to look after. Besides, it's usually the women who file the divorce papers or even cheats to break up a marriage. Sure, there's some bad men but that's because young women blindly pursue these bad guys in their youth. What ends up is that the woman wisens up (or gets tired of it aka her clock starts to tick loudly), has some bastards, and looks for a sucker aka nice guy to support her and her kids via divorce or wage slave. Sorry, but most men don't want to get into that part of your life. Your worst days of your life.

Maybe we dwindled into the divorce part too much and we'll get into the relationship part instead. We bachelors stay single because we like to live alone and go out to meet with friends and create new experiences. Did you get that part clearly, women? WE LIKE TO LIVE ALONE! We like the fact we can do anything we want and not to have to deal with that girlfriend crap.

Here's a story for all you women wondering why HE doesn't call after the first date:

I went on a date once and I thoroughly analyzed her on what she talked about and what her body language was like. I was so glad when that date was over because that analysis took a lot of mind power out of me. My rational mind found out she threw too many red flags to get involved with. What's a red flag you ask? These are indicators telling me that a relationship with her would never, EVER work out short-term or long-term. I'll tell you two big red flags I remembered about her: ONE, she talked about her ex-boyfriend and I simply don't give a crap about that "point in her life," not to mention how times she banged a bad ass bastard. I know in the future, I'll be compared to HIM who I don't know or care about so why did she bring it up? I don't know and I don't care. TWO, I asked her if she wanted to have a beer with me and she said she can't have alcohol because she's on anti-depressant medicine. Wait a minute... did she really say that? Oh yeah, she did. Any girl on drugs always rings a big fat bell indicating that she has major psychotic problems.

So rather than analyze every girl that comes my way even if she is perfect, we just don't want to bother with women at all. Yeah, we're horny guys alright so if we need to get laid, we'll just go out and get a hooker because she's cheaper and a professional at it. She'll also think that I'm a sex god and many women like her want us. Oh, by the way, she's also cheaper than a girlfriend or wife. How's that so? Take a look at this equation:

Take all the money you've spent on a girlfriend/wife divided by the times she's given you an orgasm will always be higher than the amount it takes to spend the night with a prostitute. For example, that date story mentioned earlier, how much did he spent his hard earned cash on transportation, dinner, and entertainment for that 2, 3 hours? $150. Did he get laid? Nope. Got the Friend Zone treatment. And how much does an hour with a smokin' hot hooker cost? $100, seriously.

We have to say that we fully believe in prostitution because it's like a romantic love story but without all that BS headache. We only have to spend an hour or two (or the whole night should we choose) rather than spend 24/7 with a fatass, unloyal, complaining PMS girlfriend/wife.

And if anyone wants to mock prostitution, just compare the so-called 'numbers game' of how many people you've slept with. Chances are the guy who bought prostitutes slept with more women than the insulters. Usually the other guy stays silent:

I remember talking with a former jock from my alma mater who made fun of me for 'not getting any, lately.' He boasted how he had 2 ex-girlfriends and one girlfriend right now that he's screwing. Nevermind, that the current girlfriend is fat and old, but it was the look at his face that made my day when I told him confidently that "I think I had over 20 girls in 3 years or was it just last year and that is no BS." Years after graduating high school... and to think how funny it is that we switched statuses, roles - that I'm now an alpha male and he's... nothing.

"But not all women are like that! Women are loving, loyal, and caring, too!" women want to exclaim. True, it's very true that some women are in fact amazing but they are, how should we say it, 'in very, very short supply.' What can We say? The majority of us want a younger, loyal, pleasant stay-at-home wife who cooks, cleans, raises kids, is a whore in the bedroom, is flexible and won't change the husband in anyway. Yes, yes, we know that some men may have a taste

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for other types but what we described is the ideal girl most guys would fully appreciate to have. We're sure there's a lot of women who would call us a caveman or barbarian expecting a homemaker and denying her chance at making the money with a career but let's face it - that's why we're not getting married at all. It's our way or no way. We're going to do the reversal on women themselves by, "expecting to have everything." She has to be PERFECT in every way otherwise marriage will never be considered.

Sure, we're human like anyone else and it's very possible that some of us have fallen in love before like this guy here...

Actually, one perfect woman did exist in my life, in high school. She was beautiful, had the best looks, gorgeous long hair, great personality to go with, innocent, and best of all - she knew me! Unfortunately, she passed away - she's now a thug gangster girl who is now ugly, does drugs, has two bastards by five men, and is actively looking for a sucker to support her and the kids. She's alive but in my mind, she passed away long ago that I'm still holding out for her, in being loyal to her, in respect to her youth. That's what I tell all women that I had a woman but she passed away and in the end she'll be waiting.... that's when I laugh secretly.

Like we said, we really don't think the most perfect woman in the world exists because in several years later she's no longer the "fairest of them all." Women age quickly, that is a fact of life. Women are like cars: every several years you have to replace them with a new one otherwise you'll spend a lot of time, energy, and money on maintaining one. Bah, screw that. We'd rather replace the aging BMW with a new one with leather seats, that new car smell, better gas mileage, and of course - 0 miles on the odometer! Whoo hoo! Yeah, we think a lot of us guys will stay a bachelor our whole lives listening to the cliche shame and blame tactics of "you're not manly," "you probably can't satisfy a woman," "you must be single, sad, and lonely," etc. I can already hear myself laughing the entire time listening to all the insults as I cruise away in my brand, spanking-new Lexus.

Just listen to all that dribble out there as we do our own thing such as vacationing at tropical white-sand beaches and possibly looking for a great young foreign girl to have a great time with:

"You're not a man unless you have a woman!""Aren't you going to settle down soon?""You must have a small dick that can't please women!"

Look at the pathetic insults. They're all the same.


Just this once, we'll imagine that one sane man of us will consider marrying a woman:

Yeah, I'd love to get married to a great girl. Here's my expectations...She'll always loyally support me while I quit my job and play videogames all day and night and I STILL get laid at night when she comes home from work! If she doesn't "give it up" and/or becomes fat and ugly, then I'm entitled to go get a hooker then. Also, in the event of a divorce, I get half of her assets and paid alimony for life.

So there! What girl would want "such a lazy-ass man like that?" Chivalry and supporting a woman is dead. Go support your own ass, woman. We're going our own way! Oh, and by the way, some of us have already had over 100+ women and in today's gangster/thug men's culture that should make them a man! Why settle?!! Haha!

Oh yes, in the future, should we ever reverse ourselves on the position of marriage, we'll go find the most pleasant, young foreign woman in the universe (which we highly doubt will happen...). And yeah, we did say foreign woman because the Western World's system is becoming highly unstable by the day. Despite what you might think of any Western World country being the safest country in the world - it is not, especially in the US! The US has the highest crime rate in the world along with teenage pregnancy, obesity, brain/mind problems, etc. The only good thing about the US is making money and what's what us bachelors are going to do, exploit the system by making our cash and get out to another country for 'the ultimate fun in the sun.'

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Everyone else is chasing that rat race dream of a job, career, wife, kids, big house, dog - well screw all that! we're going make my own way and give the finger to all those who chose the rat race, the dying institution of marriage, and get away from all those gold digging, leach women. The middle finger is also for all the wage slave men who blindly married (chained) themselves to a chain and ball.

Yeah, it would have been neat to be a father to kids of our own, but the thought of dealing with a nagging woman and hopeless, screwed up kids are totally unacceptable. Since technology and science get better all the time, we would rather choose cloning ourselves over the alternative any day. So to all the women in the science field who actually do real lab work, making cloning a better possiblitity every day, total thanks! Haha!

As bachelors, our goals are simply making money, developing ourselves as better human beings, and building a brotherhood that will last for ages. Having a significant other is totally over-rated and just know that success with a woman does not mean success in life. We all live alone and will die alone even if we did get married (women live longer than men on average). But we believe it is just far better for us to have each other as friends, brothers in arms where we can simply be men and not just become some single feeble-minded amoebas looking like we're rejects of society. Wrong! We reject society because society doesn't fit us in its screwed up system. Instead, we're out to silently exploit the system that we fully understand on how it works and utilize it for our gains. We will become rich in mind, soul, and also our pockets! We'll live the lifestyle that everyone would want to live except we have less problems because we made the right choices at a younger age and understood where it would take us to, paradise.

We now belong to a special niche where many others may have been forced into against their will. But those who join this special section of society do it by their own free will. I am talking about the Ghost Nation, groups of people that have fallen off of society's radar screen and no one has any idea that these people exist. Rather than intermingle with the rest of society by interacting with regular people by having a regular job, going to clubs/bars/parties, attend big-time social events, etc. we drift in and out without being noticed.

Being a Ghost is great for some because it means no interaction with women, period. No BS or headaches for this guy:

I remember some neighbors were gossiping about their friend, a 'hot girl,' and how she couldn't never find herself a decent man. Wanna know why I didn't go for her? Because every week I could hear through the thin walls of my apartment that she brought home a new guy to screw. I remember on the day I moved out she was pissed off because 'I didn't go out of my way to help her' like all men did after all that time I lived right next door. HAHA! Guess what, girlie? I don't care. I am a not a Captain-Save-A-Ho! I'm a Ghost. And no one recognizes Ghosts and those who freely became one, like it that way. And women like her complain, "where have the good men gone to?" That's easy. We CHOSE to disappear. You can screw all the guys you want but you don't have my body (or wallet). Our bodies, our decisions.

All the stuff above are the reasons why this world is going to hell and we as men are the best ones in position to save our own hides because we don't need 'special attention.' We actually hate attention and thank god that people think we're just regular Joe-Schmos on the street especially the women who think of us as "nothing." The few women who do get to know us, wow, they're going to want us especially when they turn 30. But their fate is the same as all others: to live unhappily single and eventually die alone. That's RIGHT - you wanted a career so you have it now! Even it's just a minimal wage job at the grocery store or working long hours at the office. And, HELL NO! we are not bailing you out either because even if you're beautiful, we've tuned out all women!

What can we say? we've learned my lessons about women throughout my life like this guy:

I'm a former nice guy who turned into an Alpha Male then turned into a ghost. "They" don't see me. If women ever found out what I do and how I carry myself - I'd be swarmed by tons of them. But I don't EVER want that! I mean I travel to see new places, I workout so I'm built and fit, I have money, I'm positive in my thinking, and I can analyze and philosophize about life. This thinking is my greatest asset and I utilize it into my own life which thus becomes my

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attitude and eventually my altitude, flying high above all others who are trapped in the matriachy as wage slaves. I do not pity them for they made that choice nor I do try to produce a solution for them because a 'massive one-size fits all cure' would not fit the millions, billions... many will not take the cure willingly until it is too late. Besides, why conjure a cure for their happiness when they cannot understand our way of life? Better hop on the train or get lost.

Hahahahaha. It's like what we'd said before - OUR WAY or NO WAY!

To fellow brothers in arms! We live the life! If you can that is... actually, YOU CAN!

Cheers to being single!

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