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Baby Hand Knit Beanies

There are a wonderful variety of beanies available to knit for little ones these days. For countries

where the climate is more temperate, there are thinner knits which just hug the babies heads, and

for countries where the temperatures are more extreme, there are wonderful knits that cover the

ears of the babies too. Beanies are wonderful additions to babies’ wardrobes; they are practical and

can complement many winter outfits. I wish my daughter Ciara had worn more of them, as I believe

a warm head is a warm body. She also looks just adorable in them. Our only problem is she figured

out straight away how to take them off and this became a game to her, and as a result, she never

wore them.

One of the ladies in my mother’s knitting and sewing circles knitted a bright pink and very simple

beanie for Ciara that looks absolutely gorgeous on her as you can see in her picture. She has been

kind enough to give me a copy of this pattern to share with you all.

Mock Cable Baby Hat Knitting Pattern

Designed by Bonnie Brann

This hat fits newborns up to age 6 months


18 sts = 4” over pattern st with large needles


Size 6 US (4mm) straight needles

Size 8 US (5mm) straight needles

Worsted weight yarn


Row 2: K2 *P3

Using smaller needles, CO 72 sts.

Row 1: P2 *K3, P2; rep from * to end of row.

Row 2: K2, *P1, yo, P1, K2; rep from * to end of row.

Row 3: *P2, K3; rep from * , end P2

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Row 4: *K2, P3; rep from *, end K2

Repeat Rows 1-4 unit work measures 7-7.5 inches (18cm), ending with Row 1 completed.

Decrease Crown:

Row 1 (WS): *K2, P2; rep from * to end of row

Row 2: *P2tog, K2tog; rep from * to end of row

Row 3: *K1, P1; rep from *, end K1

Row 4: *K2tog; rep from *, end K1

Row 5: Purl

Row 6: *K2 tog; rep from * to end of row

Cut yarn leaving long tail. Thread through tapestry needle and pull through rem sts on needle; draw

together. Sew seam. Add pom pom if desired.

Ciara and her gorgeous hot pink beanie!

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