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Noemi BrownJose Carlos QueenMaria Socorro LunaJesus Alejandro De La Cruz


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Table of Contents

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By: Maria Socorro Luna

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Small & SweetSmall and Sweet.

My Little Girl so small and sweet, Those tiny hands and tiny feet.

Everyday I watch you grow, You teach me everything I know.

Such a joy to be around, Every smile and every sound.

Number one you will stay, Each and every single day.

You changed my life in such good ways,''Thank You'' is all that I can say.

I love to watch you sleep at night,Cuddled warm and wrapped up tight.

As I blink the time it flies, It breaks my heart to see you cry.I gave you life, so proud to say,

I'll love you more with every day.My little Girl so small and sweet,

For you my heart, It beats and beats.-Maria Socorro Luna

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How Love and Caring Makes Your Baby Smart

When you show your love to your baby by hugging, kissing, coddling and making her feel secure and being cared for, you are helping to develop her brain.  You are also making her grow to be socially well-adjusted.  Yet there was a time when child care “experts” and grandparents would advise that the best way to treat your baby is to let her cry so she can learn to be tough, leave her alone so she can be independent, and not respond to her signals because it would spoil her.  Studies including that by Harlow in the 1950’s  and the more recent one by Kim Bard of University of Portsmouth in England have proven these advices to be wrong.  Their experiments with chimps have shown that those that are deprived of attachment turn out to be “nutty” and intellectually inferior to those who were given motherly love. The human baby is the most socially influenced creature on earth.  When your baby is born, her brain is the least “hard-wired”, the most flexible, and requires to be shaped by experience.   Your baby’s earliest

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How Love and Caring Makes Your Baby Smart (continued)

requires to be shaped by experience.   Your baby’s earliest experiences with you, the parent, shape what is to become of her as an adult.   It is as a baby that she learns about how to feel and handle her feelings – and this affects her later behavior and thinking capabilities. For a baby, having a flexible brain is important because it needs to be “shaped” by inputs of other humans in order to survive in her particular culture.  Shaping a brain that is needed to survive in the culture of Africa is different to that of China, for example. A study done in the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo using brain images reveals that a mother’s love physically affects the volume of her baby’s hippocampus. Children of nurturing mothers had hippocampus volumes 10 percent larger than those whose mothers are not nurturing. Hippocampus is the brain region important for learning, memory and stress responses.

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A Neglected or Unloved BabyA neglected or unloved baby can lead to mental problems as an

adult:• The absence of a mother or a caregiver who notices her

feelings increases the level of the stress hormone cortical.  This over reactive stress response might lead to emotional insecurity and chronic depression.

• Neglecting your baby might also result in a low level of norepinephrine which can cause her to be unable to adapt, not learning from mistakes.

• When a baby has an unhappy early relationship, it may be hard for her to experience pleasure and reward in later life.  This is due to having developed fewer dopamine and opiate receptors in the brain (Martin 1997; Lagercrantz and Herlenius 2001).

• When a baby does not get attention, she may learn to be helpless.  This will lead to withdrawal and depression as an adult.

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Ways to Show Love to Your Baby

Here are the ways to show love to your baby:• Handle her a lot, interact with her, establish eye contact and

communicate with your eyes.  Make her feel secure and that you are always there when she needs you.

• Be sensitive to your baby’s changing mood and states, and respond to these.

• Teach your baby to differentiate range of feelings like anger, annoyance and irritation by engaging in baby talk and mirroring her feelings so she can learn about what she is going through.

• Be patient with your baby when she is crying.  Do not shout at her, let alone hurt her.  Be calm and reassure her that everything is okay.

• Breastfeed. This is one activity where baby feels at peace and loved.  This activity soothes the mother too.

• Lovingly play with your baby.• If you have to put your kid in childcare, make sure that the

caregiver really pays attention to the child.  It is the kind of care that counts more than who gives the caring.

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Elisha's Birth Story: A Dad's Point of View

By Elisha CooperThere's a head sticking out of my best friend. This is insane. Anybody who says this moment is the most precious wonderful thing in the world is delusional. This isn't a miracle, it's assault. I'd call 911 but we're already in a hospital.I didn't know it would be like this, not even the day before. After Elise's water broke in the morning we went for a walk. Elise's belly was poking out from her small body like a melon. We hiked up in the hills and looked out at the San Francisco Bay shimmering in the distance. In the afternoon we drove to the hospital and were given a room with a view of the Oakland hills, and backless gowns. This was nice, I thought.We walked the halls kicking a ball of tinfoil in an improvised game of soccer. As Elise's contractions increased we stopped playing soccer and just did laps, my arm on her waist. We'd pass the door with the male doctor inside reading O, The Magazine and Elise would not say much and a minute later when we passed the same door (the doctor a few pages further along in O) another contraction would hit, right on time.

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Jesus Alejandro De La CruzJesus Alejandro De La Cruz

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Thank You DaughterThank you daughter for the gift you gave to meThank you daughter for the gift you gave to me

A happier grandfather there never will beA happier grandfather there never will be

This beautiful little girl, so tiny, so smallThis beautiful little girl, so tiny, so smallBrought joy to my life, smiles to us all.Brought joy to my life, smiles to us all.

I see you in her face and her eye's so blueI see you in her face and her eye's so blueThis little girl is a carbon copy of youThis little girl is a carbon copy of you

And just like you, she will grow O so fastAnd just like you, she will grow O so fastThese precious moments you know wont lastThese precious moments you know wont last

Cherish every second, every minute, every dayCherish every second, every minute, every dayYou'll be astounded by how fast time fly’s awayYou'll be astounded by how fast time fly’s away

I know a wonderful mother you will surely beI know a wonderful mother you will surely beAs wonderful as the daughter you have been to meAs wonderful as the daughter you have been to me

There are no words on earth or up aboveThere are no words on earth or up aboveThat for you and Keelin can express my LoveThat for you and Keelin can express my Love

Love DadLove Dad-Jesus Alejandro De La Cruz-Jesus Alejandro De La Cruz

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Using Music to Help Your Baby Sleep

Parents will try just about anything, at times, to help baby sleep. The fact of the matter is that any parent can tell you that they’ve had some trouble, at least occasionally, with a baby that doesn’t seem to want to go down for the night. He can become fussy, as he is too tired to stay awake but doesn’t want to go to sleep and miss anything.One of the most effective techniques that parents have used in the past to help get baby to sleep is by using music. Music is known for it’s soothing properties, not only for babies but for moms and dads that are stressed out by sleepless nights, as well. Even the idea of the lullaby is based on the fact that people have been able to use music to soothe babies for centuries.Of course, like adults, every baby is a little bit different when it comes to their musical tastes. Some babies are more picky than others, and some are more likely to be stimulated than soothed by certain types of music.

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Using Music to Help Your Baby Sleep continue…

If you want to use music to help baby sleep, here are some steps to go through:Try music with a steady beat at a slow tempo first. Play it when your baby is trying to go to sleep, but is being fussy.Pick music that has a simple, consistent and even repetitive melody. Most classical music falls into this category, as does quite a bit of light jazz.Don’t play the volume so loud that it keeps baby awake. Make it loud enough to get and hold your baby’s attention, but not enough to make her more excited.Try a variety of musical styles. If your baby doesn’t respond to one type of music, try another type of music the following night.Consider playing music every night at bedtime, even if he isn’t having trouble sleeping. This will help your baby to associate the music with sleep.

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Continue…Make sure you follow some basic safety guidelines. Don’t put headphones on a sleeping baby, and if you’re using a baby monitor make sure the music doesn’t drown out your ability to hear if your baby were to start crying.

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Wheels up – Heels up!My colleague Nell Minow tells the story of her cousin, newly moved to Chicago and pregnant with her second child. The doctor assured her that she would not be delivering soon and it was fine for her husband to leave for a three day trip to London. As she and her toddler watched the plane take off from O’Hare, she went into labor. She called the only person she knew in Chicago, her brother-in-law, to pick up the toddler and drive her to the hospital and between contractions she called the airline to try to find someone who could get a message to her husband. Halfway across the Atlantic, he was handed a message from the captain. The airline was great — as soon as he got to Heathrow they put him on a return flight. Halfway across the Atlantic for the second time in 8 hours, he received another note from the captain, this time with a small bottle of champagne. It said, “It’s a boy.” The next time she got pregnant, he did not leave her side.

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Jesus Alejandro De La CruzJesus Alejandro De La CruzAdsAds




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Jose Carlos Queen

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A Star Fallen From The SkyA star fell

From the clear blue skyAs the rest of the world

Watched it go byAnd with that star

Came a giftWhich can only be

Heaven-sentA beautiful angel

With eyes of brownWho turned our world

Up-side-downHer laughter makes

The darkest day brightI sit and watch

Her sleep at nightSo peaceful and calm

Not a care in the worldA heaven-sent angel

Our baby girl -Jose Carlos Queen

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As a new parent, it’s easy to worry. It seems like every time your little one takes a tiny gasp, horrible images run through your mind of your baby suffocating and suffering long term problems because of it. At night, when you’re listening for your baby to breathe, it can seem like a few seconds are the same as several hours. You stare intently over at the crib or at the baby monitor for any sign that your baby is OK. By the time you get halfway out of bed, however, she takes another breath and you’re relieved.Really, checking your baby’s breathing is something you can and should do as often as you feel the need. If you feel the need to check your baby’s breath every few minutes, go for it. That compulsive need to make sure he’s all right is completely normal, and a natural part of being a parent to a small baby.You do need to realize that babies go through different sleep stages. Some stages are deep, still and quiet. Others are more active, noisy and snuffly. As the night passes, your baby will breathe louder and then softer, depending on what stage she’s in.

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Checking on baby’s BreathingContinue…

It’s really all right if you want to make an extra trip into your baby’s bedroom to make sure he’s all right. Some parents still do this, long after their babies have become toddlers. It’s normal and natural to want to check on your kids to make sure they’re asleep.You don’t need to constantly check your child’s breathing, to be sure. But there’s no harm in getting up and checking. After all, it’s likely that you’re going to stay awake once you’re up, at least until you know she’s all right. Checking on her will give you a little bit of peace of mind, which should help you settle back down and get some rest yourself.

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My love will feed your soul, just not your belly.

My editor, Nancy French, adopted a baby from Ethiopia (just like J.Lo’s character in the movie!) Among other things, before the new parents could take their daughter home, they had to get the fourteen-month-old to eat. Nancy had trouble with this. She adored her little girl so much, she would sit next to her and hold her hand, trying to coax her to eat. Finally, after being completely flummoxed over being the only mom who couldn’t get her kid to eat, the orphanage worker — no doubt rolling her eyes — took her from Nancy to “wash her hands.”  When she brought her back to the new mom, she patted her hand away and motioned that they eat with their hands. Nancy had been holding her eating hand, preventing the poor child from getting any food into her mouth! (They did finally let Nancy take the girl home, probably still rolling their eyes.)

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Noemi Brown

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Sweet DreamsSweet Dreams my darling, the day is

done.The moon is here to say goodnight to the

sun.Gather your blankets and climb into bed.Close your eyes and lay down your head.

Rest for now with peaceful dreams,Of twinkling stars and shining moon

beams.Sweet dreams my

darling, sweet dreams my love,

Sweet dreams my precious gift from

above.-Noemi Brown

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Having a Baby - What to Find Out FirstWhen you first find out that you are Mom is pregnant and that

the two of you are going to be new parents, the first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a great family doctor. Make sure that he or she is one that you trust, and one that has a plenty of experience with prenatal care. Once you have found your doctor, you are going to want to do some research and learn as much as you can about the right eating habits and type of diet that will allow you to experience an easy pregnancy, and make sure that you have a healthy baby. As the old saying goes, you are "eating for two" so it is important that make sure that you are eating right for your baby too. A proper diet will make sure that you are getting all the essential nutrients. This means eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, and making sure that you are drinking plenty of water and milk and getting enough physical activity as well. Once you are practicing the right eating and lifestyle habits, then you are going to want to take some time and do your own research about having your first baby. Make sure to ask your doctor as many questions as you can think of.

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Having a Baby - What to Find Out First

continue...It is also a good idea to sit down with your partner and read and learn about everything that you will be experiencing. After all, this is going to be a very exciting and confusing time since this will be your first child.We much more fortunate than are parents, because the greatest information source we have today, the internet, wasn't available to help them learn about their first baby. Make sure to use this resource to find out as much information as you can about having your first baby. If you take the time up front to learn about having your first baby, you can minimize the amount of surprises that will come up in the nine months before the baby's birth. You will also learn how to respond to the different situations that will occur during this time. Again, I can't stress enough how important it is to learn everything you can about having a baby, especially if this will be your first baby boy or girl

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“Hello, sir or madam, do you have time to take a quick political survey? NO!”

Allison went into labor with her first child on Thanksgiving. Her excited family gathered to celebrate doubly – a holiday and a new baby! Every time the phone rang at the family homestead, her brother-in-law insisted on firing up the camcorder and pulling out a bottle of champagne to catch footage of the news and subsequent celebration. But every time the phone rang, it was some boring relative or other unrelated call. Boring! Out came the camcorder, back went the camcorder. Over and over. When the call finally came announcing little Ezra, the family was in bed and the camcorder put away. Figures.

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