
(DSENG 11)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Special English


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

1. (a) Answer any TWO of the following each in 200 words : (20)

(i) Write an essay on the Celtic influence on old English.

(ii) Attempt an essay on the different divisions in the history of English language.

(iii) Describe the dialectical diversity of middle English and the rise of standard English.

(iv) Attempt a paragraph on any TWO of the following :

(1) Prudery

(2) Polarisation

(3) Metanalysis

(4) Syncopation.

Read the following passages (b) and (c) carefully and answer the questions that

follow. Your answer should be complete. They will be evaluated by the correctness of your language

and relevant matter. (10 + 10 = 20)

(b) The novelist and human rights Activist, Arundhati Roy has been awarded the 2004 Sydney

Peace Prize for her work in the social campaigns and her advocacy of non-violence. ��Arundhati Roy is a

distinguished world citizen. She is an outstanding communicator who writes with great clarity and

grace. At a time of terrible disregard for human life, we need to hear from citizens like Arundhati

Roy��, the director of the Sydney Peace foundation, Prof. Stuart Reer said :

Mrs. Roy, who wrote the 1999 Booker Prize winning��. The God of small things�� will deliver

the city of Sydney Peace prize lecturer in Sydney on November 3rd and thereafter received the prize

at a separate ceremony.

(i) Who was awarded Sydney peace prize and what was her contribution?

(ii) What are the skills the person spoken of in the extract passage?

(iii) What does Prof. Rees say about her?

(iv) Who won the Booker Prize and in which year she got it?

(v) When will she receive the prize?

(c) My mother twisted through and through groaning on a mat.

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My father, sceptic, rationalist, trying every curse and blessing, powder, mixture herb and

hybrid. He even poured a little paraffin upon the bitten toe and put a match to it.

I watched the flame feeding on my mother

I watched the holy man perform his rites.

To tame the poison with an incantation

After twenty hours

It lost its sting

My mother only said

Thank God the scorpion picked on me and spared my children,

(i) Why was the mother groaning on a mat?

(ii) What did the writer's father do to the bitten toe?

(iii) How did the priest try to alleviate the Pain?

(iv) How long did it take to rid the mother of her Pain?

(v) What aspect of the mother is revealed in view of what she said?

2. (a) Answer any ONE of the following in 200 words : (10)

(i) Attempt a critical appreciation of the poem ��The Red, Red Rose��.

(ii) Examine the Divine element in the Ballad �A Ballad of Father gilligan�.

(iii) Consider the thematic concerns of Shelley's ��Ode to the West Wind��.

(b) Answer any ONE of the following : (10)

(i) Wordsworth awareness of the remote past is very striking in the sonnets��. Explain

with reference to the sonnet ��Scorn not the sonnet��.

(ii) What do you think is the reason for the popularity of Grey's Elegy?

(iii) Comment on the character of the Duke in Browning's poem ��My Last Duchess��.

3. Answer any TWO in about 200 words :(10 + 10 = 20)

(a) Write a note on the plot construction in ��A Marriage Proposal��.

(b) Narrate the story of ��Mother's Day�� in your own words.

(c) Attempt an estimate of Harrel Mitchel as a playwright with particular reference to ��The

Best Laid Plans��.

(d) Write about the role of �Chorus� in the drama.

4. Answer any TWO of the following in 200 words :(10 + 10 = 20)

(a) Attempt an estimate of O'Henry as a playwright with particular reference to �The


(b) What are the techniques of narration used in fiction?

(c) Write a note on action and atmosphere depicted by Edgar Allan Poe in the short story �The

Gift of the Magi�.

(d) Comment on the significance of the title ��Tell tale Heart��.


(DTEL 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part I � Telugu


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

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1. ÉMìü�¨ 糧éÅËÌ­ JMæü§é°Mìü Éç³�糧éÆæÿ¦ �é� èþµÆ>ÅË$ Æ>Äæý$�yìþ : (8)

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2. ÉMìü�¨ Ðé°Ì­ ""A'' ¿êVæü� èþ$�yìþ Æðÿ�yìþsìýMìü, ""B'' ¿êVæü� èþ$�yìþ Æðÿ�yìþsìýMìü çÜ�§æþÆæÿÂçÜíßý� èþ ÐéÅQÅË$ Æ>Äæý$�yìþ : (4 3 = 12)


(a) ""ç³�¯é²Ððþ�² èþÆæÿMæüÉÉ�éÄæý$� C� ç³�É� èþ@''

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(d) C¨ Äñý$�§æþ$ �þ VæüË$Y óþÆÿ$$§æþ®Ææÿ �þ.


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(a) §æþ$çÙÅ��èþ$yæþ$ °�yæþ$ MöË$Ðèþ�Ì­ ÔèýN�� èþË èþ$ °Æ>MæüÇ�_ èþ Ñ«§æþÐðþ$sìýt¨?


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(a) Væü$Ææÿgêyæþ ÐéÆæÿ$ �ñþÍÄæý$gôýíÜ èþ §óþÔèý¿æýMìü¢° � ñþËç³�yìþ.


(b) ""Éç³»­«§æþÐèþ$$''Ì­ Æ>Äæý$É´ùË$ Éç³Mæüsìý�_ èþ ¿êÐéË èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ� èþ�yìþ.


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5. ÉMìü�¨ Ðé°Ì­ Æðÿ�yìþsìýMìü çÜÐèþ�«§é¯éË$ Æ>Äæý$�yìþ :

(2 10 = 20)

(a) "M>Ìê¡� èþ ÐèþÅN¢Ë$' èþÐèþË ¯éÐèþ$ÝëÆæÿ¦Mæü� èþ èþ$ õ³ÆöP èþ�yìþ.

(b) Mæü� çÙ~Ðèþ$�Ç¢ ´ëÉ� èþ_É� èþ}ý V>Ñ�^èþ�yìþ.

(c) "M>Ìê¡� èþ ÐèþÅN¢Ë$' èþÐèþËÌ­ ÐèþÅN¢Ë Éç³ÐèþÆæÿ¢ èþò³� »êËÅ iÑ�èþ É糿êÐèþÐðþ$sìýt§ø �ñþÍÄæý$gôýÄæý$�yìþ.

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6. (a) ÉMìü�¨ Ðé°Ì­ AÆÿ$$¨�sìý° Ñyæþ©íÜ çÜ� «¨M>Æ>ÅË èþ$ Æ>Äæý$�yìþ : (5 2 = 10)

(i) A�º$Ææÿ$à èþ èþ

(ii) A¿æýÅ�f èþÐèþ$$

(iii) HÍ^èþ$a

(iv) A� èþ¢°Ó

(v) Gr$çÜ�yæþ

(vi) Mæü�´ëÄæý$� èþ¢

(vii) A�� èþË$õÜíÜ

(viii) � èþÆæÿâôý�æü}ý

(ix) Ñ$ èþ²N°Mìü

(x) ÑÐèþ$Ì­§æþMæüÐèþ$$Ë$.

(b) ÉMìü�¨ Ðé°Ì­ AÆÿ$$¨�sìýMìü ÑÉVæüçßýÐéM>ÅË$ Æ>íÜ çÜÐèþ�çÜ ¯éÐèþ�Ë èþ$ � ñþËç³�yìþ : (5 2 = 10)

(i) Äæý$Ô­°«¨

(ii) � èþ´ù«§æþ èþ$Ë$

(iii) ç³�}êÅ^éÆæÿ$yæþ$

(iv) ¡ÉÐèþ�ôþfÐèþ$$

(v) f èþÐèþ�§æþ$ÅË$

(vi) ÑÚë§æþÆøçÙÐèþ$$Ë$

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(viii) ¯éË$Y Ðèþ$�ËË$

(ix) Ðèþ èþgê�æü$yæþ$

(x) ´ëyìþç³�rË$.


(DSAN 1 (NR))


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part I � Sanskrit


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

This paper may be answered in English or Telugu or Sanskrit.

While writing in Sanskrit, gariaDevan script should be used.

1. (a) XeaWñ` amÁ`{ àOmZm§ pñWqV dU©`V$&

Describe the favourable condition that had existed in King Dasaratha�s rule.


(b) odXwíZrVm¡ àoV[moXVmoZ [pÊS>VbjUmoZ oZd¥UwV$&

Explain the characteristics of the learned person according to viduraniti.

2. (a) dXwZm H¥$Vm§ oedoZÝXm§ odeX`V$&

Describe the abuse made by Brahmacarin towards Siva.


(b) MVwa� eeH$� BoV [mR²>`^mJñ` H$Wm§ obIV$&

Write the story of MVwa� eeH$�

3. (a) amOdmhZH¥$Vm_² oÛOm{[H¥$qV odd¥UwV$&

Explain the favour made by hanaavaRaj to the Brahmin.


(b) _¥Vm{�mrdZ§ Zm_m{[m»`mZ§ obIV$&

Write the story of ��Mritojjivana��.

4. MËdmna gàH$aU_² ì`m»`mV$&

Answer any FOUR with reference to the context. (4 5 = 20)

(a) AmË_mW} [¥oWdr§ Ë`O{V²$&

(b) _Zm{aYmZm_JoVZ©odÚV{$&

(c) `Wm [wañVmÝ_ZwZm _mZd{ÝÐ{U Yr_Vm$&

(d) o_̧ Û{oï> ohZpñV M$&

(e) _Zrofo^� gmá[XrZ _wÀ`V{$&

(f) ñd[pÝV V¥ám Úw_Urod©Vám�$&

(g) Apñ_Z² H$mZZ{ XyarH¥$VH$b�m{ dgmo_$&

(h) Obo_d g_wÐewH$Vm¡ _wH²$Vm§ gyV{ [`m{Xñ`$&&

5. íbm{H$Û`§ Am§½b^mf`m¨ dm AmÝY«^mf`m§ dm AZwdXV$&

Translate any TWO into English or Telugu. (2 32

1 = 7)

(a) AH$m_mZ² H$m_`oV `� H$m_`mZmZ² [naË`O{V²

]bdÝV§ M `m{ Û{oï> V_mhþ_y©T>M{Vg_²$&

(b) gd} ZeíM Zm`©íM Y_©erbm� gwg§d¥Vm�

CoXVm� erbd¥Îmmä`m§ _hf©` Bdm_bm�$&

(c) ñdH$_©oZaVm oZË`§ ]«m÷Um odoOV{pÝÐ`m�$&

XmZmÜ``ZerbmíM g§`VmíM àoVJ«h{$&&

(d) V§ drú` d{[`w_Vr gagm�`oï>

oZ©j{[Um` [X_wX²ÜÑV_wÛhÝVr$&

_mJm©Mbì`oVH$amHw$obV{d ogÝYw�

e¡bmoYamOVZ`m Z `Wm¡ Z VñWm¡$&

6. Ì`mUm§ BVadMZ{fw ê$[moU obIV$& (a) Write the forms of any THREE in other numbers of the given person.

(3 2 = 6)

(i) gÝVw (ii) dÝX{

(iii) b^{aZ² (iv)ñWmñ`og

(v) AJÀN>Z² (vi) AobI_²

(b) MVwUmª VÎmoÛ^oº$fw ê$[moU obIV$&

Write the forms of any FOUR in the given case. (4 2 = 8)

(i) ËdV² (ii) X{dm` (iii) \$b{fw (iv) Jwéo^�

(v) _m§Vna (vi) _YwZm

(vii) dmnafw (viii) ZÚ¡$&

(c) MËdmna gÝYÎm$&

Combine any FOUR. (4 2 = 8)

(i) am_� + hpñV (ii) H$o[ + B©e�

(iii) gV² + oMV² (iv) H$od� + O`oV

(v) Z + B`§ (vi) VÌ + Ed (vii) AoX + EH$� (viii) oÌ[wa + AÝVH$�

(d) Ì`mUm§ odJ«hdm·`moZ obIV$& (3 2 = 6)

Write vigrahavakyas of any THREE.

(i) odÚmYZ_² (ii) H¥$îUg[©�

(iii) AY_©� (iv)amO[wéf�

(v) erVm{îU_² (vi) dra[wéf�


(DICS 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)


Time : One and a half-hours Maximum : 50 marks

SECTION A � (2 13 = 26 marks)

Answer any TWO questions in this Section, each in about 60 lines.

1. Discuss the Unity and Diversity of Indian Culture.

¿êÆæÿ�èþ§óþÔèý çÜ� çÜP­��ÌZ VæüË HMæü�èþÓ�, À¯èþ²�èþÓÐèþ$$˯èþ$ ^èþÇa� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

2. Examine the emergence of Buddhism and Jainism in India.

¿êÆæÿ�èþ§óþÔèýÐèþ$$ÌZ BÑÆæÿÂÑ�_¯èþ »o§æþ®, gñýO¯èþ Ðèþ$�èþÐèþ$$˯èþ$ ç³È�ìü� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

3. Describe the cultural conditions under the Satavahanas.

Ýë�èþÐéçßý¯èþ$Ë M>ËÐèþ$$¯ésìý Ýë� çÜP­��Mæü ç³Çíܦ�èþ$˯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

4. Mention growth and development of Bhakti Movement.

¿æýMìü¢ E§æþÅÐèþ$Ðèþ$$ ò³Ææÿ$Væü$§æþË, AÀÐèþ� «§æþ$ªË¯èþ$ õ³ÆöP¯èþ$Ðèþ$$.

5. Write a note on Social Reform Movements.

Ýë� í�$Mæü çÜ� çÜPÆæÿ×Z§æþÅÐèþ*Ëò³O JMæü ÐéÅçÜÐèþ$$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

6. Examine the role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian Freedom struggle.

¿êÆæÿ�èþ ÝëÓ� èþ�{�ø§æþÅÐèþ$�ÌZ Ðèþ$à�èþÃV>� «¨ ´ë{�èþ¯èþ$ ç³È�ìü� ç³#Ðèþ$$

SECTION B � (3 4 = 12 marks)

Write short notes on any THREE of the following in about 20 lines each.

7. Vedic culture.

Ðóþ§æþ çÜ� çÜP­��.

8. Gandhara art.

V>� «§éÆæÿ Mæüâæý.

9. Asokan Inscriptions.

AÔZMæü$° ÔéçܯèþÐèþ$$Ë$.

10. Sufism.


11. Administration of Sher Shah.

õÙÆ>Û ç³Ç´ë˯é Ñ«§é¯èþÐèþ$$

12. Western Education.


13. Struggle against caste.

Mæü$Ë ÐèþÅ�ÆóÿMæü ´ùÆ>rÐèþ$$.

14. Satyagraha.


SECTION C � (12 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

15. Fill up the blanks :

Rêä˯èþ$ ç³NÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$ :

(a) Dharma Mahamatras were appointed by �������.

«§æþÆæÿÃÐèþ$àÐèþ*{�èþ$Ë èþ$ °Äæý$Ñ$�_ èþ Æ>k ����������.

(b) During the Mauryan period, the lands cultivated by the State are known

as �������.

Ðèþ�Ææÿ$ÅË M>Ë�ÌZ {糿æý$�èþÓ� ÝëVæü$^óþõÜ ¿æý*Ðèþ$$Ë èþ$ �������� A�sêÆæÿ$.

(c) The capital city of Sailendras in Sumatra is known as �������.

çÜÐèþ${�èþÌZ ÔðýOÌôý�{§æþ$Ë Æ>f«§é°° �������� A�sêÆæÿ$.

(d) ������� wrote Vandemataram song.

Ðèþ�§óþÐèþ*�èþÆæÿ� X�èþ Ææÿ èþÆÿ$$�èþ ��������.

16. Choose the correct answer :

çÜÇÄñý$O èþ çÜÐèþ*«§é èþÐèþ$$ èþ$ Væü$Ç¢� èþ$Ðèþ$$ :

(a) Mantras and Tantras are mentioned in

(i) Rig Veda (ii) Upanishad

(iii) Atharvana Veda (iv) Yajur Veda.

Ðèþ$�{�èþ�èþ�{�éË$ {ç³Ýë¢Ñ� èþºyìþ èþ¨

(i) º$VóüÓ§æþÐèþ$$ (ii) Eç³°çÙ�èþ$¢

(iii) A£æþÆæÿÓ×ý Ðóþ§æþÐèþ$$ (iv) Äæý$kÆóÿÓ§æþÐèþ$$

(b) ��Surya Siddhanta�� was written by

(i) Varaha Mihira (ii) Charaka

(iii) Brahma Gupta (iv) Aryabhatt.

çÜ*ÆæÿÅ íܧé®��èþÐèþ$ èþ$ {Væü�£æþ Ææÿ^èþÆÿ$$�èþ

(i) ÐèþÆ>çßý Ñ$íßýÆæÿ$yæþ$ (ii) ^èþÆæÿMæü$yæþ$

(iii) {ºçßýà Væü$ç³#¢yæþ$ (iv) BÆæÿÅ¿æýr$t

(c) The Pallava King who assumed the titles ��Vatapikonda�� and Mahamalla was

(i) Narasimhavarma I (ii) Mahendravarma I

(iii) Maravarma (iv) None of these.

��Ðé�éí³ Mö�yæþ��, ��Ðèþ$àÐèþ$ËÏ�� A èþ$ ¼Ææÿ$§æþ$Ë$ Ðèþíßý�_ èþ ç³ËÏÐèþÆ>k

(i) Ððþ$$§æþsìý èþÆæÿíÜ�çßý ÐèþÆæÿà (ii) Ððþ$$§æþsìý Ðèþ$õßý�{§æþÐèþÆæÿÃ

(iii) Ðèþ*ÆæÿÐèþÆæÿà (iv) ÒÆðÿÐèþÆæÿ* M>§æþ$.

(d) Who started Home Rule Movement in Maharashtra?

(i) Annie Besant (ii) Tilak

(iii) N. Subrahmanya Aiyar (iv) Wadia.

Ðèþ$àÆ>çÙ�ÌZ çßZ�Ææÿ*Ë$ Ðèþ#§æþÅÐèþ$Ðèþ$$ èþ$ {´ëÆæÿ�À�_ èþ§ðþÐèþÆæÿ$?

(i) B°¼òÜ�s�ý (ii) �ËM�ü

(iii) G �þ. çÜ${ºÐèþ$×ýÅ AÄæý$ÅÆ�ÿ (iv) ÐéyìþÄæý$.

17. Match the following :


(a) Megasthanese (i) Ashoka

(b) Nimbarka (ii) Samudragupta

(c) Domingo Paes (iii) Vedanta Parijata


(d) Allahabad Pillar (iv) Atchyutaraya


(v) Indica

(vi) Krishnadevaraya

(vii) Pulakesin II

{Mìü�¨ Ðé°° f�èþç³Ææÿ èþ$Ðèþ$$ :

(a) Ððþ$V>çÜ¢±çÜ$ (i) AÔZMæü$yæþ$

(b) °�»êÆæÿ$Pyæþ$ (ii) çÜÐèþ$${§æþVæü$ç³#¢yæþ$

(c) yöÑ$�Vö õ³Äæý$ �Ü (iii) Ðóþ§é��èþ´ëÇgê� èþ ÝûÆæÿ¿æýÐèþ$$

(d) AËà»ê§æþ$ (iv) A èþ$Å�èþÆ>Äæý$Ë$

çÜ¢�¿æý ÔéÔèý èþÐèþ$$

(v) C�yìþMæü

(vi) Mæü�çÙ~§óþÐèþÆ>Äæý$$Ë$

(vii) Æðÿ�yæþÐèþ ç³#ËMóüÕ


(DBMAT 11)/(DSMAT 11)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Mathematics


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A � (8 × 5 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Each question carries 5 marks.

1. Solve : 0143532 dyyxdxyx ° Ý뫨� èþ�yìþ.

2. Solve : 0652

pp ° Ý뫨�^èþ�yìþ.

3. Solve : xexyD

221 ° Ý뫨�^èþ�yìþ.

4. Solve : yx






° Ý뫨�^èþ�yìþ.

5. Solve : 19mod2516 x ° Ý뫨�^èþ�yìþ.

6. Prove that a group G is abelian if and only if 222baab for any two elements Gba , .

G G¼ÍÄæý$¯ �þ çÜÐèþ$*çßý� M>Ðèþyé°Mìü, HÐðþO é Æðÿ�yæþ$ Ðèþ$*ËM>Ë$ Gba , Mìü 222baab M>Ðèþyæþ� BÐèþÔèýÅMæü ç³Æ>Åç³¢

°Äæý$Ðèþ$Ðèþ$° °Ææÿ*í³�^èþ�yìþ.

7. Find fgrad at the point 2,1,1 where 222zxyyxf .

222zxyyxf {ç³Ðóþ$Äæý*°Mìü 2,1,1 ¼�§æþ$Ðèþ# Ðèþ§æþª fgrad ¯èþ$ Mæü¯èþ$MøP�yìþ.

8. If kxjziyF , then evaluate


rdF , where C is the circle ,122 yx 0z .

kxjziyF AÆÿ$$�óþ, Ðèþ��èþ¢� C : ,122 yx 0z AÆÿ$$¯èþç³�yæþ$


rdF ¯èþ$ Væü×ý èþ� óþÄæý$�yìþ.

SECTION B � (4 × 15 = 60 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Each question carries 15 marks.

9. (a) (i) When do we say that a homogeneous differential equation of first order an exact

differential? If 0 NdyMdx is a homogeneous equation and ,0 NyMx then prove

that NyMx

1 is an integrating factor of 0 NdyMdx .

JMæü HMæüç³ÇÐèþ*×ý çÜÐèþ$ç�*�èþ AÐèþMæü˯èþ çÜÒ$MæüÆæÿ×ý� Gç³�yæþ$ Äæý$§éÆæÿ¦ AÐèþMæüË° A�sê�? 0 NdyMdx ,

,0 NyMx JMæü çÜÐèþ$ç�*�èþ AÐèþMæüË èþ çÜÒ$MæüÆæÿ×ý� AÆÿ$$�óþ 0 NdyMdx Mìü NyMx

1 çÜÐèþ*MæüË èþ

Væü$×ýMæü� A° °Ææÿ*í³� èþ�yìþ.

(ii) Solve : ydx


32 ¯èþ$ Ý뫨� èþ�yìþ.


(b) (i) Solve : 0cos2sin22

dyxydxxy ¯èþ$ Ý뫨� èþ�yìþ.

(ii) Solve : 322 pypxy èþ$ Ý뫨� èþ�yìþ.

10. (a) (i) Solve xyD cosec12

by the method of variation of parameters.

xyD cosec12

¯èþ$ ç³Æ>Ñ$�èþ$Ë Ñ^èþÆæÿ×ý� (Ðèþ*Ææÿ$µ) 糧æþ®� §éÓÆ> Ý뫨�^èþ�yìþ.

(ii) Solve : xeyDDx


èþ$ Ý뫨� èþ�yìþ.


(b) (i) Solve ;34 tyxdt

dx t


dy 52 ˯èþ$ Ý뫨� èþ�yìþ.

(ii) Solve 3



22 xydx



ydx ¯èþ$ Ý뫨�^èþ�yìþ.

11. (a) (i) Solve the set of congruences 4mod1x , 3mod0x and 7mod5x .

4mod1x , 3mod0x Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ 7mod5x çÜÐèþ$ÔóýçÙMæü�èþ˯èþ$ (congruence)


(ii) State and prove the Lagranges theorem for the finite groups.

ç³ÇÑ$�èþ çÜÐèþ$*àËMæü$ Ìñý{V>�g�ýþ íܧé®��é°² {ç³Ðèþ_�_, §é°° °Ææÿ*í³�^èþ�yìþ.


(b) (i) Prove that every homomorphic image of a group G is isomorphic to some quotient

group of G.

çÜÐèþ$*çßý� G Äñý$$MæüP {ç³�çÜÐèþ$Ææÿ*ç³�é {ç³�¼�º�, G ÌZ° H§ø JMæü Ðèþ#Å�èþµ¯èþ² çÜÐèþ$*à°Mìü

�èþ$ËÅÆæÿ*ç³Ðèþ$Ðèþ#�èþ$�§æþ° °Ææÿ*í³�^èþ�yìþ.

(ii) Let nm, be any two relatively prime positive integers. Then prove that

nmnm , .

nm, Ë$ Æðÿ�yæþ$ Ýëõ³�æü {糫§é¯èþ «§æþ¯é� èþÃMæü ç³NÆæÿ~çÜ�QÅË$ A¯èþ$Mö�§é� Aç³�yæþ$ nmnm ,

A° °Ææÿ*í³�^èþ�yìþ.

12. (a) (i) Find the directional derivative of zxyzxyf in the direction of the vector

kji 22 at 0,2,1 .

kji 22 ¨ÔèýÌZ 0,2,1 Ðèþ§æþª zxyzxyf Äñý$$MæüP §ðþOÕMæü Ðèþ#Å�èþµ¯èþ²Ðèþ$$¯èþ$ Mæü èþ$MøP�yìþ.

(ii) State and prove Gauss divergence theorem.

Vú �Ü Aç³çÜÆæÿ×ý íܧé®��é°² {ç³Ðèþ_�_, §é°° °Ææÿ*í³� èþ�yìþ.


(b) (i) Verify Green�s theorem for


dyxyydxyx 648322 where C is the boundary of

the region bounded by ,0x 0y and 1 yx .

,0x 0y , 1 yx ^óþ ç³Çº§æþ®Ððþ$O¯èþ {糧óþÔèýÐèþ$$ Äñý$$MæüP çÜÇçßý§æþ$ªË èþ$ C çÜ*_çÜ$¢�sôý


dyxyydxyx 648322 ¯èþMæü$ {X¯ �þÞ íܧé®��èþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ çÜÇ^èþ*yæþ�yìþ.

(ii) If F is a differentiable vector point function, then prove that Fcurlcurl



F JMæü AÐèþMæü˱Äæý$ çܨÔ> ¼�§æþ$ {ç³Ðóþ$Äæý$� AÆÿ$$�óþ, Aç³�yæþ$ Fcurlcurl FFdivgrad2 A°



(DHIS 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � History


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A � (2 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following.

1. Examine salient features of Vedic Civilisation.

Ðóþ§æþM>Ë� ¯éVæüÇMæü�èþ Ðèþ$$QÅ Ë�æü×êË èþ$ ç³ÇÖÍ�^èþ�yìþ.

2. Estimate the greatness of Ashoka.

AÔZMæü$° Vöç³µ�èþ¯èþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ A�^èþ¯é ÐóþÄæý$�yìþ.

3. Give an account of Chola Administration.

^øâæý$Ë ç³Ç´ë˯èþ¯èþ$ Væü$Ç�_ {ÐéÄæý$�yìþ.

4. Write about the reforms introduced by Mohammad Bin Tughlaq.

Ðèþ$çßýÐèþ$ç�þ ½¯ �þ �èþ$VæüÏM�ü {ç³ÐóþÔèýò³sìýt èþ çÜ� çÜPÆæÿ×ý˯èþ$ Væü*Ça {ÐéÄæý$�yìþ.

PART B � (3 15 = 45 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following.

5. Examine influence of geography on Indian History.

¿êÆæÿ�èþ§óþÔèý èþÇ{�èþò³O ¿oVøãMæü ç³Çíܦ�èþ$Ë {糿êÐèþ� ç³ÇÖÍ�^èþ�yìþ.

6. Give an account of Alexander�s invasion and its effects.

AÌñýV>j�yæþÆ�ÿ §æþ�yæþÄæý*{�èþ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ §é° ç�Í�éË$ Væü*Ça {ÐéÄæý$�yìþ.

7. Write about socio, economic, political and religious conditions under Satavahana rule.

Ôé�èþÐéçßý¯èþ ´ë˯èþÌZ° Ýë� í�$Mæü, BǦMæü, Æ>fMîüÄæý$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ Ðèþ$�èþ ç³Çíܦ�èþ$˯èþ$ Væü*Ça {ÐéÄæý$�yìþ.

8. Give an account of India�s cultural contacts with Southeast Asia.

BVóü²Äæý*íÜÄæý*�ø ¿êÆæÿ�èþ Ýë� çÜP­��Mæü çÜ�º� «§é˯èþ$ Væü*Ça {ÐéÄæý$�yìþ.

9. Write about the Bhakti movement in India.

¿êÆæÿ�èþ§óþÔèý�ÌZ ¿æýMìü¢ Ðèþ#§æþÅÐèþ$� Væü*Ça {ÐéÄæý$�yìþ.

10. Examine the glory of vijayanagara under Srikrishna Devaraya.

{ÖMæü� çÙ~§óþÐèþÆ>Äæý$Ë M>Ë�ÌZ ÑfÄæý$¯èþVæüÆæÿ ÐðþO¿æýÐèþ� ç³ÇÖÍ�^èþ�yìþ.

PART C � (3 5 = 15 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following.

11. (a) Harappa Town Planning.

çßýÆæÿ´ëµ ¯èþVæüÆæÿ °Æ>Ã×ý�.

(b) Vardhamana Mahavira.

ÐèþÆæÿ¦Ðèþ*¯èþ Ðèþ$àÒÆæÿ$yæþ$.

(c) Kanishka.


(d) Yuan Chuwang.

Äæý$$Ðé¯ �þ ^èþ$Ðé�V�ü.

(e) Battles of Tarain.

�èþÆæÿÆÿ$$¯ �þ Äæý$$§é®Ë$.

(f) Balban.

»ê˾¯ �þ.




(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Statistics


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A � (4 20 = 80 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

1. (a) The following table gives the distribution of daily travelling allowance to salesmen in a

company. Compute the Karl Pearson coefficient of skewness and comment on its value.

Travelling allowance(in Rs.) No. of Salesmen

100�120 14

120�140 16

140�160 20

160�180 18

180�200 15

200�220 7

220�240 6

240�260 4

(b) (i) Define the order of classes, class frequencies and ultimate class frequencies.

(ii) What do you mean by independence of attributes? Give a criterion of independence for

attributes A and B.

(iii) Examine the consistency and adequacy of the following data to determine the

frequencies of the remaining positive and ultimate classes

000,10N , 1087A , 286B , 877C , 281CA , 78AB , 86C ,

57ABC .

2. (a) State and prove the Baye�s theorem.

(b) The probability that three political parties ZYX ,, to win the 2009 election is in the ratio 1

: 2 : 3 respectively. The probability that X introduces total prohibition in the state if elected

is 2

1. The probability that Y introduces total prohibition if selected is


1 and the probability

that Z introduce prohibition if selected is 4

3. Find the probability that there will be total

prohibition in the state after elections 2009.

3. (a) Given the probability function :

x : 0 1 2 3

xp : 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1

let XXY 22 , Find

(i) the probability function of Y

(ii) the mean and variance of Y.

(b) If the cumulative distribution function of a continuous random variable X is xf , find the

cumulative distribution function of

(i) aXY and

(ii) 2XY .

4. (a) State and prove the Chebychev�s inequality.

(b) Define t , the characteristic function of a random variable. Find the density function xf

corresponding to the characteristic function defined by

t = t1 , if 1t

= 0, if 1t .

5. (a) Define binomial distribution. Obtain its moment generating function and hence deduce

that the sum of the two independent binomial variates is a binomial variate.

(b) A coffee consumer claims that he can distinguish between a cup of instant coffee and a cup

of filter coffee 75% of the time. It is agreed that his claim will be accepted if he correctly

identifies atleast 5 of the 6 cups. Find the probability of having his claim being

(i) accepted and

(ii) rejected, when he does have the ability he claims.

6. (a) State and prove the reproductive property of Poisson distribution. Show that the mean and

variance of the Poisson distribution are equal.

(b) A car hire firm has two cars which it hires out day by day. The number of demands for a

car on each day is distributed as a Poisson distribution with mean 1.5. Calculate the

proportion of days on which

(i) there is no demand

(ii) the demand is refused.

7. (a) Derive normal distribution as a limiting form of binomial distribution.

(b) Marks obtained by a number of students in statistics are assumed to be approximately

normal with mean 65 and variance 25. If 3 students are taken at random from this set, find

the probability that exactly 2 of them will have marks over 70.

8. (a) Define exponential distribution. Obtain its moment generating function. Show that

exponential distribution lacks memory.

(b) Suppose that the length of a shower on a tropical island has an exponential distribution

with parameter 2 , time being measured in minutes. Find the probability that a shower

will last more than 3 minutes. If it has already lasted for 2 minutes, what is the probability

that it will last for atleast one more minute.

SECTION B � (10 2 = 20 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

9. Explain very briefly the following

(a) Dispersion and skewness.

(b) Independence and Association of attributes.

(c) Distinction between exclusive and independent events ; Addition theorem of probability.

(d) Booles inequality.

(e) Chebyschev�s inequality and application.

(f) Weak law of large numbers.

(g) Central limit theorem and its importance.

(h) Mean and variance of hyper geometric distribution.

(i) Characteristic function of rectangular distribution.

(j) Multicollinearity.


(DPOL 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Political Science


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A � (2 × 15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following.

1. Define Political Science. Explain its relationship with History and Economics.

Æ>f±� ÔéÝë�°² °ÆæÿÓ_�_, ^èþÇ{�èþ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ AÆæÿ¦ ÔéçÜ ���ø VæüË çÜ�º� «§é°² ÑÐèþÇ�^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

2. Explain the Evolutionary theory of the origin of the state.

ç³Ç×êÐèþ*�èþÃMæü Æ>gêÅÐèþ�èþÆæÿ×ý íܧé®��é°² ÑÐèþÇ�ç³#Ðèþ$$.

3. Discuss the various theories of Rights.

çßýMæü$PËMæü$ çÜ�º� «¨�_ èþ ÑÑ«§æþ íܧé®��éË èþ$ ^èþÇa�ç³#Ðèþ$$.

4. Critically examine the theory of Separation of powers.

A«¨M>Ææÿ ç³�«§æþMæüPÆæÿ×ý íܧé®��é°² ÑÐèþ$Ææÿدé� èþÃMæüÐèþ$$V> ç³ÇÖÍ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

5. Discuss the features, merits and demerits of presidential form of government.

A«§æþÅ�æü�èþÆæÿà {糿æý$�èþÓ� Ë�æü×êË$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ Væü$×ý§øÚëË$ ^èþÇa� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

SECTION B � (3 × 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following.

6. Discuss Modern approaches to the study of Political Science.

Æ>f±� ÔéçÜ� A«§æþÅÄæý$ èþ�ÌZ B«§æþ$°Mæü 糧æþ®�èþ$Ë èþ$ èþÇa� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

7. Explain the characteristics of Sovereignty.

ÝëÆæÿÓ¿oÐèþ*«¨M>Ææÿ Ë�æü×êË èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

8. Explain the relationship between liberty and Equality.

õÜÓ^èþe Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ çÜÐèþ* èþ�èþÓÐèþ$$Ë Ðèþ$«§æþÅVæüË çÜ�º� «§é°² ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

9. Discuss the merits and demerits of Unitary State.

HMæü Móü�{§æþ Æ>gêÅ�ÌZ° Væü$×ý §øÚëË èþ$ ^èþÇa�ç³#Ðèþ$$.

10. Examine the functions of Legislature and discuss the reasons for its decline.

ÔéçÜ èþ çÜ¿æý Äñý$$MæüP Ñ«§æþ$Ë èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ�_ §é° �îü×ý�èþMæü$ VæüË M>Ææÿ×êË èþ$ �ðþË$µÐèþ$$.

11. Explain the advantages of Democracy.

{ç³gêÝëÓÐèþ$Å�ÌZ° çÜ$Væü$×êË èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ� èþ$Ðèþ$$.

12. What is Public Opinion? What are the Agencies to promote Public Opinion?

{ç³gêÀ{´ëÄæý$� A èþV> óþÑ$? {ç³gêÀ{´ëÄæý*°² ò³�´÷�¨�^èþ$ Ý뫧æþ¯é ÌôýÑ$?

SECTION C � (3 × 5 = 15 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following.

13. (a) State - Government.

Æ>fÅÐèþ$$ & {糿æý$�èþÓÐèþ$$.

(b) Social contract theory.

ÝëÐèþ*hMæü Jyæþ�ºyìþMæü íܧé®��èþÐèþ$$.

(c) Pluralistic theory of Sovereignty.

ºçßý$�èþÓ ÝëÆæÿÓ¿oÐèþ*«¨M>Ææÿ íܧé¦�� èþÐèþ$$.

(d) Parliamentary form of government.

´ëÆæÿÏÐðþ$�rÈ {糿æý$�èþÓ Ñ«§é èþÐèþ$$.

(e) Rule of Law.

çÜÐèþ$¯éÅÄæý$ ´ëË èþ.

(f) Defects of unicameral system.

HMæü ÔéçÜ èþ çÜ¿æý ÐèþÅÐèþçܦÌZ° ÌZ´ëË$.

(g) Merits of two-party system.

Æðÿ�yæþ$ ´ëÈtË ç³§æþ®�ÌZ° çÜ$Væü$× Ðèþ$$Ë$.

SECTION D � (25 marks)

14. (a) Answer the following in 1 or 2 sentences : (10 2 = 20)

(i) Natural law


(ii) Referendum.

{ç³gê°Ææÿ~Äæý$ õÜMæüÆæÿ×ý.

(iii) Collective Responsibility of the cabinet.

Ðèþ$�{� ÐèþÆæÿY çÜÑ$íÙx »ê«§æþÅ�èþ.

(iv) Equity as a source of Law.

ÔéçÜ èþ B«§éÆæÿ�V> çÜÐèþ$�é¿êÐèþÐèþ$$.

(v) Hobbes state of Nature.

´ëMæü��Mæü ÐèþÅÐèþçܦ Äñý$yæþË à»�ýÞ AÀ{´ëÄæý$�.

(vi) Secular state.

ÌoMìüMæü Æ>fÅÐèþ$$.

(vii) Moral Rights.

ðþO�Mæü çßýMæü$PË$.

(viii) Delegated legislation.

§æþ�èþ¢ Ôéçܯ髨M>ÆæÿÐèþ$$.

(ix) Limited monarchy.

ç³ÇÑ$�èþ Æ>fÇMæüÐèþ$$.

(x) Proportional Representation.

ðþOçÙµ� ¢Mæü {´ë�°«§æþŠ糧æþ®�.

(b) Answer the following in 1 or 2 words : (5 1 = 5)

(i) Who said that ��Political Science begins and ends with the State��?

''Æ>f±� ÔéçÜ �Ðèþ$$ Æ>fÅÐèþ$$�ø {´ëÆæÿ�¿æýÐðþ$O Æ>fÅÐèþ$$�ø A�� èþÐèþ$$'' A° GÐèþÆæÿ$ ðþ´ëµÆæÿ$?

(ii) Who is the author of the book ��The Grammer of Politics��?

��The Grammer of Politics�� A óþ {Væü�£é°² GÐèþÆæÿ$ Ææÿ_�^éÆæÿ$?

(iii) According to whom �Law is the command of sovereign�?

"ÝëÆæÿÓ¿oÐèþ$$° Bfq Äôý$ ÔéçÜ èþÐèþ$$'' A° GÐèþÆæÿ$ ^ðþ´ëµÆæÿ$?

(iv) H.J. Loski supported which theory of sovereignty?

Gr$Ðèþ�sìý ÝëÆæÿÓ¿oÐèþ$�èþÓ íܧé®��é°² H.J. Loski ºËç³Ç^éÆæÿ$?

(v) In which type of government the Executive is responsible to legislature?

H {糿æý$�èþÓ Ñ«§é èþ�ÌZ M>ÆæÿÅ°Æ>ÓçßýMæü ÐèþÆæÿYÐèþ$$ ÔéçÜ èþ çÜ¿æýMæü$ »ê«§æþÅ�èþ Ðèþíßý� èþ$ èþ$?


(DBCA 11)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Computer Applications


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A � (3 20 = 60 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

1. Explain the block diagram of a computer. What are the characteristics of a computer?

2. Explain the input and output devices five each. Describe the kinds of RAM.

3. What is the relationship between software and hardware? Write in detail about the categories of

programming languages.

4. Explain the interface between the computer and communication equipment.

5. Explain the features of spreadsheet package.

6. Discuss the beneficial effects of computers on society.

PART B � (5 6 = 30 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

7. Explain the classification of computers.

8. Describe the categories of systems package.

9. Explain the salient features of a presentation software package.

10. Explain the mailmerge feature.

11. Distinguish between LAN and WAN.

12. Explain parallel and serial transmission.

13. How the computers have changed the way of bank operations?

PART C � (5 2 = 10 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

14. What is meant by a �hybrid computer�?

15. What are the factors that determine the processor speed?

16. Give any four applications of bar code.

17. List the functions of operating system.

18. What is �spell check� feature?

19. What are the types of presentation graphics?

20. What is WWW? What is its purpose?


(DECO 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Economics


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A � (2 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following.

1. Define elasticity of demand and explain the methods of measuring elasticity of demand.

yìþÐèþ*�y�þ ÐéÅMø^èþ�éÓ°² °ÆæÿÓ_�_, §é°° MöË$^èþ$ 糧æþ®�èþ$˯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

2. Explain the equilibrium price and output determination under monopolistic competition.

HMæü ÝëÓÐèþ$Åç³# ´ùsîýÌZ çÜÐèþ$�úËÅ «§æþÆæÿ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ E�èþµ�¢ °Ææÿ~Äæý*°² ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

3. Explain how an interaction between multiplier and accelerator produces cyclical fluctuations in


Væü$×ýMæü, ÐóþVæü�èþÓÆæÿ×ýË$ JMæü §é°ò³O JMæüsìý ç³°^óþÄæý$yæþ� HÑ«§æþ�V> B§éÄæý$�ÌZ ^èþ{MîüÄæý$ AíܦÆæÿ�éÓË$ MæüÍW�^èþ$¯ø

ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

4. Distinguish between demand pull and cost push inflation. Enumerate the consequences of inflation.

yìþÐèþ*�y�þ {õ³Ç�èþ ÐèþÅÄæý$ {õ³Ç�èþ {§æþÐøÅ˾×ýÐèþ$$Ë Ðèþ$«§æþÅ Ñ¿ôý¨�_, {§æþÐøÅ˾×ýÐèþ$$ Äñý$$MæüP ç³Ç×êÐèþ*Ë èþ$ õ³ÆöP¯èþ$Ðèþ$$.

PART B � (3 15 = 45 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following.

5. Distinguish between micro economics and macro economics.

çÜ*Mæü� AÆæÿ¦ÔéçÜ�Ðèþ$$, çÜ*¦Ë AÆæÿ¦ÔéçÜ�Ðèþ$$Ë Ðèþ$«§æþÅ Ñ¿ôý¨�^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

6. Explain the law of variable proportions.

^èþÆ> èþ$´ë�èþ çÜ*{�èþÐèþ$$ èþ$ Væü$Ç�_ ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

7. Explain different methods of estimating national income.

gê¡Äæý*§éÄæý*°² A�^èþ¯éÐóþÄæý$$ ÑÑ«§æþ 糧æþ®�èþ$˯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

8. Discuss the relevance of Keynesian theory to the developing economies.

AÀÐèþ�¨® ^ðþ�§æþ$�èþ$¯èþ² BǦMæü ÐèþÅÐèþçܦËMæü$ Mîü¯ �þÞ íܧéª��èþç³# ÐèþÇ¢� ç³#¯èþ$ Væü$Ç�_ èþÇa� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

9. Explain price determination under monopoly.

HMæüÝëÓÐèþ$Å Ðèþ*ÆðÿPs �ýÌZ «§æþÆæÿ °Ææÿ~Äæý*°² ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

10. Elucidate the methods of credit creation by commercial banks.

Ðé×ìýfÅ »êÅ�Mæü$Ë$ ç³Ææÿç³�° çÜ� íÙt�^óþ 糧æþ®�èþ$˯èþ$ Væü$Ç�_ ÑÔèý©MæüÇ�^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

PART C � (3 5 = 15 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following.

11. Kinky demand curve.

Mìü�Mîü yìþÐèþ*�y �þ ÆóÿQ.

12. Properties of indifference curves.

E§éïܯèþ�é Ðèþ{MæüÆóÿQË Ë�æü×êË$.

13. Supply curves.

çÜç³ÏÆÿ$$ ÆóÿQË$.

14. Marginal efficiency of capital.

E´ë��èþ Ðèþ$*Ë«§æþ¯èþ ÝëÐèþ$Ææÿ¦ÅÐèþ$$.

15. RBI classification of money.

BÆ�ÿ.¼.I. {§æþÐèþÅ ÐèþÈYMæüÆæÿ×ý.

16. Phillips curve.

í�Í �³Þ Ðèþ{MæüÆóÿQ.

(DPAD 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Public Administration


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A � (2 15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following.

1. Define Public Administration and explain its Nature or characteristics.

{糿æý$�èþÓ ´ë˯éÔ>Ý �ë°² °ÆæÿÓ_�_ §é° çÜÓ¿êÐèþÐèþ$$ Ìôý§é Ë�æü×êË èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

2. Critically examine the classical theory of Luther Gullick and Urwick.

Ë*£æþÆ�ÿ VæüÍÏM�ü Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ FÇÓM�ü {ç³�´ë¨�_ èþ Ýë�{糧éÄæý$ íܧé®��é°² ÑÐèþ$Ææÿدé� èþÃMæü�V> ç³ÈÖÍ�ç³#Ðèþ$$.

3. Explain Weidner�s views on Development Administration.

{ç³Væü� ´ëË èþ ò³O Òyæþ²Æ �ÿ ¿êÐéË èþ$ �ðþË$ç³#Ðèþ$$.

4. What is �co-ordination�? What are the different techniques of securing co-ordination?

çÜÐèþ$ èþÓÄæý$Ðèþ$$ A èþV> óþÑ$? çÜÐèþ$ èþÓÄæý*°² Ý뫨� óþ ÑÑ«§æþ 糧æþ®�èþ$ÌôýÑ?

5. ��Communication is the blood stream of Administrative Organisation�� � Discuss.

��{ç³ÝëÆ>Ë$ ´ë˯é ÐèþÅÐèþçܦÌZ ÆæÿMæü¢{ÐèþÐéçßý� Ìê�sìý�¨�� ^èþÇa� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

SECTION B � (3 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following.

6. Discuss the contribution of Woodrow Wilson to the discipline of Public Administration.

{糿æý$�èþÓ ´ë˯éÔ>Ý �ë°Mìü E{yøÑËÞ �þ ^óþíÜ èþ Mæü�íÙ° ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

7. Explain the Human Relations Approach of Elton Mayo.

GËt �þ Ðóþ$Äñý* {ç³�´ë¨�_ èþ Ðèþ* èþÐèþ çÜ�º�«§éË «§æþ�Mæüµ£é°² ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

8. Explain the importance of Public Administration in a developing society.

AÀÐèþ�¨® ^ðþ�§æþ$�èþ$ èþ² çÜÐèþ*f�ÌZ {糿æý$�èþÓ´ëË èþ {´ëÐèþ$$QÅ�èþ èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

9. Discuss Rensis Likert�s systems of Management.

Æðÿ°Þ �Ü ÍMæüÆ�ÿt{ç³�´ë¨�_ èþ °ÆæÿÓçßý×ê 糧æþ®�èþ$Ë èþ$ èþÇa� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

10. What is Span of control? Explain the factors which determine the Span of control.

°Äæý$�{�èþ×êÐèþ«¨ A èþV> óþÑ$? °Äæý$�{�èþ×êÐèþ«¨° {糿êÑ� èþ� ^óþÄæý$$ M>ÆæÿM>Ë èþ$ õ³ÆöP èþ$Ðèþ$$.

11. Discuss the functions of �Line� and �Staff� agencies.

�ÌñýO �þ� Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ �Ýët ��� Hgñý±ÞË Ñ«§æþ$Ë èþ$ ^èþÇa�ç³#Ðèþ$$.

12. What is centralisation? What are its merits and demerits?

Móü�{©MæüÆæÿ×ý A èþV> óþÑ$? Móü�{©MæüÆæÿ×ýÌZ° Væü$×ý §øÚëË èþ$ � ðþË$µÐèþ$$.

SECTION C � (3 5 = 15 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following.

13. (a) Legal � rational authority.

¯éÅÄæý$ õßý�èþ$º§æþ® A«¨M>ÆæÿÐèþ$$.

(b) Theory �Y�.

Y íܧé®��èþÐèþ$$.

(c) Managerial view.

°ÆæÿÓçßý×ý §æþ�Mæüµ«§æþÐèþ$$.

(d) Prismatic Society.

´ëÆæÿ§æþÆæÿØ°Mæü çÜÐèþ*fÐèþ$$.

(e) Advantages of planning.

{ç³×êäMæüÆæÿ×ý {ç³Äñý*f¯éË$.

(f) Need for �division of work�.

� ç³° Ñ¿æýf èþ� BÐèþÔèýÅMæü�èþMæü$ VæüË M>Ææÿ×êË$.

(g) Public Relations.

´ûÆæÿ çÜ�º� «§éË$.

SECTION D � (25 marks)

14. (a) Answer the following in 1 or 2 sentences : (10 2 = 20)

(i) Unity of command.

Bgêq HMæü�èþÓÐèþ$$.

(ii) CLECT.


(iii) Charismatic Authority.

BMæüÇÛ�èþ A«¨M>Ææÿ�.

(iv) Through proper channel.

E_�èþ Ðèþ*ÆæÿY� §éÓÆ>.

(v) Territorial Decentralisation.

{´ë§óþÕMæü ÑMóü�{©MæüÆæÿ×ý.

(vi) Trait Theory.

Væü$×êË íܧé®�� èþÐèþ$$.

(vii) Physical palnning.

¿o�Mæü {ç³×êäMîüMæüÆæÿ×ý.

(viii) Comparative Administration.

� èþ$˯é�èþÃMæü ´ëË èþ.

(ix) Herbert Simon.

òßýÆæÿ¾Æ�ÿt òÜOÐèþ$ �þ.

(x) Abraham Maslow.

A{ºçßý� Ðèþ*ÝùÏ.

(b) Answer the following in 1 or 2 words : (5 1 = 5)

(i) Who Coined the Word �POSDCORB�?

�POSDCORB� A óþ 糧鰲 GÐèþÆæÿ$ ´÷�§æþ$ç³Ç^éÆæÿ$?

(ii) Who advocated first the separation of politics and Administration?

Æ>fMîüÄæý*Ë$, ´ëË èþ èþ$ Ððþ$$§æþrÝëÇV> GÐè Ææÿ$ ÐóþÆæÿ$^óþíܯéÆæÿ$?

(iii) The words �Line� and �Staff � are borrowed from which organisaton?

�ÌñýO �þ� Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ �Ýët ��� A óþ糧éË èþ$ H ÐèþÅÐèþçܦ èþ$�_ ïÜÓMæüÇ� èþºyìþ èþÑ.

(iv) Who supported �Dual Supervision� theory?

�§æþÓ�§æþ ç³ÆæÿÅÐóþ�æü×ý� íܧé®��é°² GÐèþÆæÿ$ ºËç³Ç_¯éÆæÿ$?

(v) Who formulated legal � rational model of Bureaucracy?

¯éÅÄæý$ õßý� èþ$º§æþ® E§øÅVæüÝëÓÐèþ$Åü èþÐèþ$*¯é èþ$ GÐèþÆæÿ$ {ç³�´ë¨�_¯éÆæÿ$?

(DSTEL 11)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Special Telugu


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

çÜÐèþ*«§é¯éË$ ÐéÅÐèþàÇMæü�ÌZ V>°, {V>�¤Mæü�ÌZ V>° Æ>Äæý$Ðèþ^èþ$a.

1. {Mìü�¨ Ðé°ÌZ JMæü 糧éÅ°Mìü çÜÐèþ${VæüÐéÅQÅ Æ>Äæý$�yìþ : (12)

(a) ÝëÆæÿÝëÓ§æþ¯èþ¶ {»ê×ýç³� èþMæüÐèþ$$ �èþ� çÙ~�»êíÜ çÜ��èþÆæÿµ×ý

èþ*ÃÇ�»Z èþíܶ{§æþ$�_ ´÷�Vðüyæþ$ ¿æýÐèþ èþ$Ã�§æþ�º$ «§éÆøçÙ~Ñ$�

´ëÆæÿ�{VøÍ í³Ôé_±§æþ$ Mæü�ýMæü$rÏ�© ¯èþ§æþÝë¢ËM>�

�éÆ>��èþ Ææÿ² ­�Mæü´ëË Mæü$�yæþ ÑVæüâæý¯ðþOÃÆóÿÄæý$Ðèþ$$�{§éVðü§æþ¯ �þ.

(b) Æ>gêÆ>¦�èþ$Ææÿ$yðþO èþ^ø ¯ðþ èþr «§æþÆæÿÃ�º$�yæþ$ ¯óþÆóÿ� ¯é

¯égê� {MìüÄæý$ÌôýÆæÿµyæþ$ �þ çÜ$QÐèþ$$ Ðèþ* èþÅ {Ôóý×ìý MðürϺ$¾Ææÿ*

´ëiÐéãMìü ¯óþ¨ ¨Mæü$P «§æþ��± ¿æýMæü$¢Ì �ý ¿æýÐèþ�鵧æþ±

Æóÿf�º$Ì �ý ¿æýhÆÿ$$��èþ$Æóÿ �ðþ�ýVæü$¯èþ¯ �þ {ÖM>âæýçßýïÜ¢ÔèýÓÆ>.

2. (a) E§æþ�Mæü$° Ðèþ��é¢��é°² ÑÐèþÇ�^èþ�yìþ. (12)


(b) BÐèþ$$Mæü¢Ðèþ*Ëŧæþ M>ÐèþÅ {´ëÔèýÝë¢üÅ°² ÑÔèý©MæüÇ�^èþ�yìþ.

3. (a) ��Ðèþ*�èþ�X�éË$�� M>ÐèþÅ�ÌZ ¯éÄæý$° ÐéÇ ÑÚë§æþ ¿êÐéË èþ$ �ðþËç³�yìþ. (12)


(b) Mæü$�§æþ$Ç¢ �¯èþVæüÆæÿ�ÌZ Ðé èþ�¯èþ$ ÐèþÇ~�_¯èþ Ñ«§é¯é°² ç³ÇÖÍ�^èþ�yìþ.

4. (a) (i) »êË^èþ�{§æþ$° ç³Æ>{MæüÐèþ*°² ÐèþÇ~�^èþ�yìþ. (12)


(ii) IMæüÐèþ$�èþÅ� Ðèþ˯èþ Ìê¿ê˯èþ$ �ðþËç³�yìþ.

(b) (i) °VæüÐèþ$ ÔèýÆæÿà ÝëÄæý$$gêÅ°² ´÷�¨¯èþ Ñ«§æþÐðþ$sìýt§ø õ³ÆöP¯èþ�yìþ. (12)


(ii) � ç³Ç^èþÄæý$�� ÐéÅçÜ� B«§éÆæÿ�V> Væü$Ææÿgêyæþ ÝëÐèþ$Æ>¦Å°² ÑÐèþÇ�^èþ�yìþ.

5. {Mìü�¨ Ðé°ÌZ ¯éÍY�sìýMìü çÜ�§æþÆæÿÂçÜíßý�èþ ÐéÅQÅ Æ>Äæý$�yìþ : (4 5 =


(a) çÜ$Ææÿ�ìü�èþÐèþ$$Væü gôýíÜ ^èþ¯èþ$Ðèþ$$ÆæÿÑ °¿æý �óþgê

(b) C°² ¨¯èþ�º$ ÌôýË Ðèþ$çÜÍ� ^ðþç³#Ðèþ*

(c) AÐèþ$��èþÐðþ$O èþ èþ$¶ fÐèþ#Ë gê�èþůèþ² çÜÐèþ$Ððþ$

(d) AÐèþ$ÃÄæý$¯èþ$ Ðèþ*rMðüO¯èþ AÆæÿ¦Ððþ$Ã�ý$�Væü

(e) í³ÇMìüÐé°Mìü ÐóþÆÿ$$ ^éÐèþ#Ë° �ðþËç³�yìþ

(f) ÑÔèýÓÐé×ìý Vö��èþ$ÌZ Mö�èþ¢ iÆæÿ ç³Ë$Mæü$�ø�¨

(g) AÐèþçÜÆæÿ� Ìôý¯èþç³�yæþyìþW�óþ Aç³�Ë$ çÜ$Ë$Ðèþ#V> ËÀ�_¯èþr$Ï

(h) BM>Ôèý� B�æü×ê¯èþ _ÍÏ ç³yæþ$�èþ$�¨

6. (a) Mìü�¨ Ðé°ÌZ Æðÿ�yìþ�sìý° Ýù§éçßýÆæÿ×ý�V> ÑÐèþÇ�^èþ�yìþ : (2 3 = 6)

(i) çÜÓÆæÿÄæý$�

(ii) çÜ�Äæý$$M>¢�æüÆæÿÄæý$�

(iii) GMæüPsìýÄæý$�

(iv) ´ùÍMæüÄæý$�.

(b) {Mìü�¨ Ðé°ÌZ Æðÿ�yìþ�sìý° Ýù§éçßýÆæÿ×ý�V> �ðþËç³�yìþ : (2 2 = 4)

(i) çÜ$MæüÆæÿ{´ëçÜ

(ii) §æþ$çÙPÆæÿ{´ëçÜ

(iii) A��èþÅ{´ëçÜ

(iv) {�{´ëçÜ.

(c) {Mìü�¨ Ðé°ÌZ Æðÿ�yìþ�sìýMìü Ë�æüüÅË�æü×ý çÜÐèþ$¯èþÓÄæý$� ^óþÄæý$�yìþ : (2 5 = 10)

(i) Ææÿ*ç³Mæü

(ii) EÌôýÏQ

(iii) ÔóýÏçÙ

(iv) A¯èþ${´ëçÜ.


(DSOC 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Sociology


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define sociology and discuss its nature and scope.

çÜÐèþ*fÔ>Ý �ë°² °ÆæÿÓ_�_, çÜÐèþ*fÔ>{çÜ¢ çÜÓ¿êÐé°², ç³Ç«¨° ^èþÇa� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

2. Define Human Society and explain the characteristics of human society.

Ðèþ*¯èþÐèþ çÜÐèþ*gê°² °ÆæÿÓ_�_, Ðèþ*¯èþÐèþ çÜÐèþ*f Ë�æü×ê˯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ�ç³#Ðèþ$$.

3. Explain the agencies of socialization.

Ýë� í�$MîüMæüÆæÿ×ý Hf±Þ˯èþ$ �ðþË$ç³#Ðèþ$$.

4. Distinguish between primary and secondary groups.

{´ë£æþÑ$Mæü çÜÐèþ$*çßýÐèþ$$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ Vú×ý çÜÐèþ$*çßýÐèþ$$Ë Ðèþ$«§æþÅ �óþyé˯èþ$ �ðþË$ç³#Ðèþ$$.

5. Explain the causes for social disorganisation.

ÝëÐèþ*hMæü AÐèþÅÐèþÝë¦ç³¯èþMæü$ M>Ææÿ×êË$ ç³È�ìü� ç³#Ðèþ$$.

6. Differentiate between rural and urban communities.

{V>Ò$×ý Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ èþVæüÆæÿ çÜÐèþ$$§éÄæý*Ë Ðèþ$«§æþÅVæüË ÐèþÅ�éÅÝë˯èþ$ �ðþË$ç³#Ðèþ$$.

7. Define Social Interaction and discuss its processes.

ÝëÐèþ*hMæü ç³ÆæÿçܵÆæÿ èþÆæÿůèþ$ °ÆæÿÓ_�_, §é° {ç³{MìüÄæý$˯èþ$ ^èþÇa�^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

8. Examine Social selection and Social Heritage.

ÝëÐèþ*hMæü G� í³Mæü Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ ÝëÐèþ*hMæü ÐéÆæÿçÜ�éÓË èþ$ ç³ÇÖÍ�^èþ�yìþ.

9. Describe the nature of social stratification in India.

¿êÆæÿ�èþ§óþÔèý�ÌZ ÝëÐèþ*hMæü çÜ¢ÈMæüÆæÿ×ý Äñý$$MæüP çÜÓ¿êÐé°² ÐèþÇ~�^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

10. Write short notes on any TWO of the following :

(a) Sociology and Psychology.

(b) Socialisation.

(c) Status.

(d) Social Control.

{Mìü�¨ Ðé°ÌZ HÐóþ° Æðÿ�yìþ�sìýMìü Ëç�$$sîýMæüË$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

(a) çÜÐèþ*fÔ>{çÜ¢Ðèþ$$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ Ðèþ$¯øÑgêq¯èþ Ô>{çÜÐèþ$$.

(b) Ýë�í�$MîüMæüÆæÿ×ý.

(c) çßZ§é.

(d) Ýë�í�$Mæü °Äæý$�{�èþ×ý.


(DSENG 11)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II � Special English


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

1. (a) Answer any TWO of the following each in 200 words. (20)

(i) Attempt an essay on the Scandinavian influence on English.

(ii) What are the characteristic features of Old English?

(iii) Write a paragraph each on TWO of the following :

(1) Euphernism

(2) Popular misunderstanding

(3) Back-formation

(4) Syncopation.

(iv) Discuss briefly three divisions in the history of English Literature.

Read the following passages (b) and (c) carefully and answer the questions that follow. Your

answer should be complete. They will be evaluated by the correctness of your language and

relevant matter. (10 + 10 = 20)

(b) The bank clerk ends by becoming the best citizen of the world. He does not break the law. He

pays his rents and his dog licence and his motor licence and he even pays his income tax. He

has the pleasure of watching his customers juggling with their consciousness, and at the

same trying he keep himself from being involved. He is honest to fault; fussily honest, his

wife thinks. He is scrupulously truthful at first from policy, then from habit, while as for

secrecy, compared with the bank manager, the sphinx is a chatter box. You might safely

confide a murder to him. He would take steps to prevent loss to his bank in the event of your

being hanged; but with this exception, would divulge nothing that might contribute to your


(i) Why does the author mention the sphinx?

(ii) How does the bank clerk become the best citizen?

(iii) Which is the word in the passage that means ��make known��?

(iv) To what extent is he honest?

(v) Why does he refer to your being hanged?

(c) The old priest, Peter Gilligan

was weary, night and day,

nor half his flock were in their beds

or under green sods lay.

Once, while he nodded on a chair,

At the moth hour of eve,

Another poor man sent for him,

And he began to grieve.

(i) To which literary genre this poem belongs?

(ii) Whom does ��half his flock�� refer to?

(iii) What was the reason for the grief of Gilligan?

(iv) Who is the author of this passage?

(v) What is the meaning of ��the moth hour of eve��?

2. (a) Answer any ONE of the following in 200 words : (10)

(i) What is the central theme of Shelley�s ��Ode to the West Wind��?

(ii) Do you consider ��My Last Duchess�� as one of the best dramatic monologues of Robert

Browning? Explain.

(iii) ��Wordsworth�s awareness of the remote past is very striking in the sonnets��. Explain

with reference to the sonnet ��Scorn not the Sonnet��.

(b) Answer any ONE of the following : (10)

(i) Describe the ballad qualities in �The Ballad of Father Gilligan�.

(ii) Attempt critical appreciation of ��A Red, Red Rose��.

(iii) Elegy written in the country churchyard is a perfect elegy. Explain.

3. Answer any TWO in about 200 words. (10 + 10 = 20)

(a) Attempt an essay on the element of Humour in ��A Marriage Proposal��.

(b) Describe the story of ��Mother�s Day�� in your own words.

(c) Write an essay on the merits and demerits of J.B. Priestly as a dramatist.

(d) Comment on the plot-construction of ��The Best Laid Plans��.

4. Answer any TWO of the following in 200 words. (20)

(a) Attempt an essay on point of view and setting used in fiction.

(b) Comment on the style/narrative technique used by O�Henry in the story ��The Gift of Magi��.

(c) Write a note on the prose-style of Khuswant Singh with particular reference to ��The


(d) Consider the significance of the title ��The Tell-Tale Heart��.


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