

Boothstown Medical Centre & Patient Participation Group Tel: 01942 483 828

involving 'Patient Matters' everyone

Cancelling appointments has a positive effect on appointment availability The Practice has been monitoring the number of patients who have not attended their appointment (DNAs) for a long time. The results for the last 6 months show a significant decrease in the number who have not cancelled and all these months show figures under 100. This is excellent news as it means that there are more appointments available for other patients who may need to be seen at short notice. Well done ! We think that this good news is due to our text messaging service and our target is to bring down the red line in the chart opposite even further.

Just a few tweaks - Please remember to cancel your first appointment if you manage to see the Doctor or Nurse sooner. The Practice has a policy of one health issue per 10 minute appointment. If you should need to discuss more than one issue, please book a double appointment at the time of booking. Please be punctual & adjust your travel arrangements as necessary depending on the traffic.

The Practice has been working on their New Patient Registration Pack in order to include the requirements for the Primary Care Medical Standards. The PPG has also been involved in making suggestions to go towards the development of a New Patient Welcome Pack, for which work is in progress.

This will be available from Reception.

Two new flat screens now installed. The waiting room has had two new flat screens installed: one replacing the existing screen and the other will be placed at the top end of the waiting room. The screens will display the same information and will inform patients when the clinicians are ready for them to be called. Watch out for information about Practice / PPG events -

We would like everyone to take an interest in some small way.



or Cancel








No of DNAs over the last 6 months

New Patient Welcome Pack from

Remember - Health is everyone's business! Monitoring appointments has been useful and the Practice is currently involved

in a large piece of work about Patient Accessibility. Now Summer is here the Practice have found that often there are appointments left at the end of the day. This means that there may well be seasonal demands for appointments slots and it's a good time to think forward to the Autumn and Winter and prepare ourselves and our families for those ailments that pop up in such annoying ways. I'm thinking of colds and flu etc.

So, this time of the year is really useful - it gives us the opportunity to think responsibly about how we would self-care in different situations when it is appropriate to do so. Taking up the flu jab by patients whose health is already compromised is a good example. The end result would mean the release of appointments for people who really need them throughout the year.

Extended Hours Hub News Tyldesley (Intrahealth) and Bridgewater Medical Centre are the nearest Hubs to the Practice. Monday – Friday: 6.30 – 7.30pm (all hubs) Saturday: 10 - 3.30pm (all hubs) Sunday: 10 – 3.30pm (only Pemberton open on the Sunday)

The Service telephone number is 01942 482848.

Regular support in the Practice

Do you look after someone? Then, this is of interest to you. Stephanie is the Practice Carers' Champion who liaises with Pat Millward, (GP Liaison) at Wigan & Leigh Carers' Centre. Stephanie is working on developing her role and has collated the quotes for our booklet 'Insights into Good Health - How do we think, feel & act?', by identifying how mental health, physical health, caring and healthy lifestyles are interlinked.

Harry Unsworth from Age Uk comes into the Practice on a monthly basis on Wednesday mornings: 10 August, 7 September, 12 October, 9 November, 7 December 2016. 9.30am - 11.30pm.

Following on from a meeting with the Practice Nurses, Ruth from Inspiring

Healthy Lifestyles will develop her support in the Practice enabling patients

referred by the clinical staff FOR EXERCISE to be seen by her and by appointment

rather than them having to travel to be seen. This replaces the drop-in sessions.

Referral appointments for Exercise available locally at the Practice

If you wish to make an appointment to see Ann Tinsley, the Practice

Community Link Worker kindly ask any of the Practice Staff including

the receptionists, and they will refer you. Ann attends the Practice on

Wednesday mornings.

Our Lived Experiences Event ..... the links between mental health,

long term conditions, caring & healthy lifestyles was held on 23 March 2016 in the 'community space' - St John's Church Lounge & the Church itself. The organisations in the blue box below attended and guests from Think Ahead Community Stroke Group, Beating Bowel Cancer & Leigh Arthritis Care Support Group told their 'stories' about their experiences with interactive Q & A sessions.

Dr Omar Kowlessar, Senior Clinical Psychologist and Lead for Long Term Conditions at 5 Boroughs Partnership led an interactive session with a quiz and informed the audience that self-referral to 5 Boroughs Partnership was available with the opportunity for people to attend the Community Rooms at Tesco Leigh and become involved in a self-help group for stress, anxiety and depression.

Dementia Buddies gave a slide show and talk about their devices - wristbands etc - that help to locate a person by bringing up contact details on a mobile phone. Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles, Wigan & Leigh Carers' Centre and Age UK were all available to answer questions. There was a resource table, sticky notes interactive boards and a 'Tea Shop' style cafe.

Following on from this event the Practice and PPG are in the process of producing a booklet,

'Insights into Good Health'

"How do we think, feel & act?" that we are going to have professionally printed. This is about the links between mental health and long term conditions, caring and healthy lifestyles and includes a directory of local support organisations that we have made contact with. The Practice and the PPG subgroup have worked together and have met regularly to discuss the content and presentation of this booklet and we hope that you will find it both interesting and a useful reference resource. We are grateful for the assistance given by the Communications Manager and Patient and Public Involvement Officer at Wigan Borough Clinical Commissioning Group in its production.

The booklet will be available shortly for our patients and we would be grateful for any constructive feedback that you are able to give us. An Easy Read / Large Font Version is being developed.


We encourage our patients to participate in the bowel cancer screening for over 60s programme and also the breast and cervical cancer services that are available.




Welcoming guests

'Lived Experiences' 23 March 2016

Wigan & Leigh Breathe Easy Group Meet 3rd Monday of the month at

Leigh Miners Welfare Club, Twist Lane, Leigh, WN7 4EF.

Contact: Teresa Garland - 01942 273820

Following on from our long standing liaison with Public Health we are supporting St John's Church and

their 'Places of Welcome' scheme by arranging Dementia Friends, CPR & Defibrillators Training, Cancer

Awareness sessions for people from local groups: Coffee Mornings, Women's Fellowship and Cameo and

everyone else is welcome too! These have been arranged for Monday, 12 September 2016 - Dementia

Friends with Dementia Buddies and Hope View Sensory Farm, 24 October 2016 - CPR & Defibrillator

Training, 21 November2016 - Cancer Awareness. All starting at 1.30pm. If you would like to attend

any of these sessions please let Reception know. Everyone is welcome.


We were fortunate enough to have two speakers at our last PPG meeting on 9 June 2016. Paula Slevin, Advanced Practitioner in Personality Disorder (Strategy Lead) at 5 Boroughs Partnership gave an interesting talk about Personality Disorders, a topic that many people are not happy to talk about. We discussed the issue of how we could begin to unravel this subject and Paula kindly sent us an article below that I hope you will find interesting.

Paula explained that until recent years Personality Disorder was often seen as a diagnosis of exclusion both within mental health services and the wider multi agency system. There are a number of definitions of Personality Disorder but the DOH 2011 definition as it describes it as: ”Any disorder in which an individual ‘s personal characteristics cause regular and long term problems in the way they cope with life and interact with other people and in their ability to respond emotionally”. In order to be diagnosed with a personality disorder these characteristics need to be identified as: 1.Persistent-consistent over time starting in early adulthood 2.Pervasive-effects all aspects of persons life e.g. work, friendships , relationships 3.Problematic-problems coping with life, interactions with others & their ability to respond emotionally. Personality Disorder is not an illness you catch or are born with but is a way of being that develops in childhood and early teenage years, in the same way as personality is developed . Paula Slevin, Lindamere Unit, Leigh Infirmary. Tel: 01942 264722 E: [email protected]

Our second speaker was Carol Sankey, Executive Manager, Think Ahead Community Stroke Group. Carol informed the Group that Think Ahead would like to develop a Practice Stroke Champion and asked if there were any Boothstown patients or staff that may like to fulfil this role. Information gained by attending Think Ahead's Self-Care for Stroke Programme would be really useful. The Stroke Champion would then be the contact for newly diagnosed patients and their carers. If you are interested (we can have more than one Stroke Champion) kindly let Reception know your contact details.






Our PPG meetings are held approximately every 6 weeks and all patients are invited either to

attend or let us know if they have an issue that they would like us to discuss so that we can improve patient outcomes.

Our subgroup planning, event and evaluation meetings have been held in the 'community space' at St

John's Church on a regular basis since June 2015 and we are grateful for this opportunity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Our collaborative group has involved Mosley Common Children's Centre and following organisational changes this has become a satellite Community Hub under Atherton Start Well Centre. The Practice and PPG are now organising meetings with Atherton Start Well Centre and the Health Visitor to plan ahead and involve young mums and families in our activities. We hope they will come along to our Liver Health Day - please see below.

Boothstown Medical Centre & PPG Everyone is welcome to join in our hour long

Social Walks Suitable for beginners and those returning to exercise.

Walking for Health Accredited

Meet every Thursday at 10.30am outside St John's Church. Refreshments and toilet facilities afterwards in the Church Lounge community space.

Advance notice - A Health Day On 12 September, we will be offering members of the

public the chance to have liver screening to assess their risk of liver disease with A limited number of Fibroscans (non-invasive liver scans) will be available in the community space at St John's Church, Mosley Common, 2pm-8pm, supported by clinicians from The Royal Albert & Edward Infirmary (Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Trust), Healthy Routes and other local organisations.

To support people wanting to assess the health of their livers, the British Liver Trust has developed an online screener, that acts as an early warning system. The screener, that can be found on the campaign website at takes just 5 minutes to complete and helps people to understand if they are in danger of liver damage, giving encouragement to make any changes needed and approach their GP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Embrace Wigan & Leigh provides advocacy and support for families who have a

person with a disability in their life as well as individuals who themselves have disabilities. Embrace support people to receive a good life, retain independence, choice and control of their future. They provide a project (It's Better Together) that works not only with individual adults with disabilities but also with anyone who find themselves lonely and are isolated.

If you would like to know more about what other services Embrace provides please do not hesitate to contact them on Tel: 01942 233323. Website:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The PPG have visited the newly opened Hope View Sensory Farm in Astley. The aim is to enrich the lives of people living with dementia / Alzheimer's by for example, providing a social hub for carers and service users where they can relax, chat and swap information with like-minded people. Open Monday - Friday, 10am-12Noon or 1pm-3pm. Small charge for service user, Carers are free. E: [email protected]

‘Atherton Start Well Centre - Working together to make a difference

to children’s lives’

Primary Care Psychology Service (IAPT) Ashton, Leigh and Wigan are committed to improving adults with access to psychological therapies and to promote well-being throughout the communities they serve. Their Psychology Services:

Help patients to manage and recover from mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Understand and change currently unhelpful actions and patterns of thinking. Avoid long term mental health problems. Better understand how physical health problems impact on mental-well being and vice-versa.

What they can offer in Leigh, Ashton and Wigan: As part of their commitment to improve access to psychological therapies and to provide adult patients with a choice of interventions, they offer both individual and group based sessions. For example, they have recently introduced a rolling programme of a seven week group based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) course to help patients to manage their anxiety and depression. Thursdays, 10am-12pm, in the Community Rooms at Leigh Tesco.

They specialise in working with people who experience long-term physical problems like Stroke, Diabetes and Chronic Pain. Although they do not directly treat the long-term physical health condition(s), psychological therapy helps people to better manage their physical health problems by teaching them practical and scientifically proven techniques which improve mental health functioning.

They try to make the service convenient for patients by offering a choice of local clinics or surgeries and daytime and evening appointments. Likewise they try to tailor the individual needs of patients to the most appropriate therapy and offer a choice of evidence-based interventions, including CBT and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Accessing the Services: If you would like an appointment to discuss your particular psychological needs you can: 1. Go online and complete their online self-referral form

2. Speak to your GP or Health Professional 3. Call them on 01942 264630 if you live in the Leigh area or 01942 772115 if you live in the Wigan area.


Mosley Common in Bloom Scarecrow Festival Make a Super Scarecrow (favourite cartoon character, Superhero, Hollywood star, Pop Idol, TV Star, athlete

etc.) and display in your front garden to be judged and scored by the community.

Contact MCIB for an application form via:, Facebook, Twitter, Tel: 07765693500 or [email protected]

£50 1st prize! £30 - 2nd prize £20 - 3rd prize Complete & submit an application form & £2 entry fee by contacting MCIB as above to receive your

Registered Entry Number. Judging day will be Sat 30th July. The Community is called upon to do the judging & start and end point of the ‘judging trail’ will be Lindale Hall, where refreshments will be served from 10am.

Next Patient Participation Group (PPG) Meeting: 18 August 2016,12.30pm at the Surgery. Next Locality PPG TABA/UCL (Practices in Tyldesley, Astley, Boothstown, Atherton & Leigh/United Collaborative League) Meeting: Wednesday, 13 July 2016, 6pm-7.30pm, Bridgewater Medical Centre. Next Wigan Borough Clinical Commissioning Group Patients' Forum: Thursday, 11 August 2016, 6pm-8pm at Leigh Sports Centre.

Produced by: © Boothstown Medical Practice and PPG

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