Page 1: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down

BELL RINGER 10-6-141. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete

cell?a. 11b. 23c. 34d. 46

2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) is caused by what genetic event?

a. crossing-overb. Nondisjunctionc. Base pair substitutiond. Frame-shift location

3. The gene for red/green colorblindness in humans is recessive and primarily affects males. It must be located on

a. The X chromosomeb. The Y chromosomec. Both the X and Y chromosomed. Either the X or the Y chromosome

Page 2: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down

THIS WEEK… Monday – Finish presentations if needed, Quiz over

Genetic Disorder Presentations, DNA Technology Notes

Tuesday – DNA Technology Webquest in the computer lab (521)

Wednesday – GATTACA Thursday – Finish GATTACA if needed, Genetic

Technology articles Friday – ABC Book Self Evaluation (daily grade),

Introduction to Evolution and Organisms Unit – “Great Transformations” video

Page 3: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


SB2. Students will analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generations. f. Examine the use of DNA technology in

forensics, medicine, and agriculture.

Page 4: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


What is genetic engineering? How is genetic technology used in

agriculture, medicine, and forensics? What concerns are there regarding genetic


Page 5: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down

WHAT’S GENETIC ENGINEERING? Genetic Engineering – the deliberate alteration of

the genetic material (DNA) of an organism

Page 6: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


Humans have been altering plants and animals for 1,000s of years through selective breeding. Selective breeding - is the process by which

humans breed other animals and plants for particular traits. 

Genetic engineering involves changing the organisms on the cellular level. For example, transferring genes from one organism to another.

Page 7: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


Page 8: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down

RECOMBINANT DNA Recombinant DNA – DNA molecules that are

artificially created by combining DNA from different sources

Page 9: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down

TRANSGENIC ORGANISMS Organisms whose genetic characteristics have been

altered using the techniques of genetic engineering. Examples

Plants modified to be disease or pest resistant Manipulating genetics of lab animals to test on human

diseases Producing faster-growing livestock

Page 10: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down

GENE THERAPY Gene therapy – an experimental technique that

uses genes to treat or prevent disease. Some forms of gene therapy:

Inserting a normal gene to replace an abnormal one Swapping an abnormal gene for a normal one Repairing an abnormal gene

Page 11: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


Page 12: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down

GENE THERAPY AND CYSTIC FIBROSIS It has not been perfected yet. There are benefits

and risks. How does it work?

The defective gene is identified and is corrected with a normal gene

A vector is used to get the normal gene into the cells in the lungs

The healthy, normal gene inserts itself randomly in the DNA of the individual with cystic fibrosis This random insertion can be helpful as well as harmful

Page 13: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


method of isolating and making images of sequences of DNA

Can be used to solve crime and determine paternity.

Has its flaws

Page 14: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


Obtain a sample of DNA (tissue, saliva, blood, hair, etc.)

Step 2: Cut the DNA into fragments

using restriction enzymes Step 3:

Complete a gel electrophoresis

Step 4: Analyze the results of


Page 15: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


Page 16: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


It’s only as good as the DNA sample Degraded samples

(overheated, frozen and thawed repeatedly, old, etc)

Small samples Samples collected

postmortem Identical twins (don’t they

have the same DNA?!)

Page 17: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


Disease and pest resistant crops

Higher yield crops Crops with a longer

shelf life Faster growing

livestock Livestock with disease


Health concerns – is it safe to consume modified organisms?

Possible effects on DNA of humans who consume genetically modified organisms

What might happen if the modified organisms escape and mix with wild populations.

Ethical implications of manipulating genes in animals.


Page 18: B ELL R INGER 10-6-14 1. How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell? a. 11 b. 23 c. 34 d. 46 2. The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down


Salmon: Bananas:

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