Page 1: Ayurvedic Herbs - Herbs for Kapha


This herb is a dried form of ginger commonly available all over the world. It is predominantly cultivated in countries having hot and moist climate including most of the asian countries. It helps in pacification of kapha dosha. This drug is consumed in powdered form. It is used as a household remedy for conditions like cough, cold, fever etc. A pinch of this herb if taken regularly with warm milk or tea can help in maintaining kapha in normal limits.

Page 2: Ayurvedic Herbs - Herbs for Kapha


This ayurvedic herb is a spice which is commonly available in our kitchen. It is called as black pepper in English and is cultivated throughout the world. The hot potency of this herb helps in liquification of kapha dosha. It is indicated in conditions like asthma where kapha dosha has blocked the respiratory system. Being hot it triggers pitta dosha and improves digestion as well. It is known to have certain anti-helmintic properties which can destroy worms. Patients having asthma, willing to have curd, rice or fruits can add into it a pinch of this herb to stop their kapha to aggravate. Being extremely hot this herb should be taken judiciously under medical advice only.

Page 3: Ayurvedic Herbs - Herbs for Kapha


This is a commonly found kitchen spice available all over. The powdered rhizome of this herb is medically used. This herb reduces the levels of kapha dosha in the body. It has been indicated as one of the best drug in ayurvedic texts for treating diabetes. It is also used commonly for faster wound healing, blood purifier, anti allergic, expectorant etc .It is known to improve complexion and is indicated in almost all skin disorders.

Page 4: Ayurvedic Herbs - Herbs for Kapha


This herb called as mint in English is commonly used as a flavoring agent and for garnishing purposes. It contains a volatile oil that is found to have menthol. The oil is used externally for local application in conditions of pain. This herb is useful for pacification of kapha. It is used in all the disorders of digestive system like loss of appetite, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, worms etc.

Page 5: Ayurvedic Herbs - Herbs for Kapha


It is a commonly called as long pepper in English and is found as a creeper that grows mostly in warmer regions. It is a good pacifier of kapha dosha. Its main action is on the respiratory tract and is used in disease like tuberculosis, asthma etc. It has the capacity to liquify all the mucous in the respiratory tract and is used in conditions like cough, cold etc. It is also used for igniting the digestive fire in various gastric disorders. In ayurvedic texts this herb is advised to be taken regularly for management of spleen enlargement.

Page 6: Ayurvedic Herbs - Herbs for Kapha


This herb is abundantly found in Northern India. It has been known to posses many properties and is indicated in almost all the disorders. In ayurvedic texts this herb is mentioned as Rasayana. Its main action is on the gastrointestinal system and is used extensively for disorders like diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, ulcers, piles etc. It is an important component of the ayurvedic formulation called triphala which is the combination of 3 herbs and used in anemia, obesity, worms and eye disorders as well. .

Page 7: Ayurvedic Herbs - Herbs for Kapha


Ajmoda is commonly known as celery in English and is found as a kitchen spice and as garnishing agent widely in Asian and European countries. It has the properties to pacify the kapha dosha. It is used as an anti- spasmodic, for abdominal discomfort, pain, flatulence, indigestion etc. Ajmoda also contains a volatile oil used for relieving pain in disorders like gout, arthritis etc. it relieves the spasm in the respiratory tract and relieves astma, bronchitis and other such conditions.

Page 8: Ayurvedic Herbs - Herbs for Kapha


Commonly called as clove in English, this herb is used as a spice and is available all across the world. It pacifes the kapha dosha. The flower buds of lavanga contain a volatile oil which has a strong smell and is used to relieve pain in tooth, ear, joints etc. it is also known to be as an expectorant and is used in treatment of respiratory tract infections. It is usually added in food as it prevents infection, indigestion, flatulence etc.

Page 9: Ayurvedic Herbs - Herbs for Kapha


It is found in the south western part of India along the coast line. It is commonly known as Cinnamon in English. Cinnamon is used as a kitchen spice for flavouring purpose. It is used for pacification of kapha dosha. Twak if chewed helps to control bad breath, dental caries, toothache and nausea. It is used widely in management of couch, cold, anorexia and indigestion. The bark contains essential oil which is known to have anti-fungal and anti=bacterial properties.

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