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Anacapa Yacht Club Mainsheet

Volume 2011 Issue 11 November 2011

  Commodores Report:                 RANDY ALCORN

Ahoy All, I have to say we have been having an absolutely beautiful Fall so far. It has been a little foggy and overcast, but it has been just as sunny and beautiful as well. Lots of sailing to be had. The month once again has been very busy. Our boats are still sailing competitively and recreationally while east coast and the great lakes have been taken off the water due to winter weather systems. Personally, I think the next 3 months are Southern California’s best sailing months. I mean that for our power boaters as well. The weather is wonderful, you get sun shinny days and cooler nights. But the pictures you take are clear, crew members are still wearing shorts, sometimes T-shirts and often have the snow on the mountains in the background. I love this time of year. I know the Santa Anna’s can keep you in the harbor. But they normally last a few days then we have absolute wonderful weather afterwards. The other nice part of this time of year, or at least for us who don’t have the time our semi retired and retired friends do, is we have more Holidays which allow us to spend more time on the water as well. I look forward to that. I have missed all the cruising events this year. I am so glad Joe keeps getting more and more boaters out there. I look forward to the next one. I missed the last one due to the loss of friends. I kept thinking they would understand since they knew me, but, it is not them that need the support. The ones they leave behind. I would like to mention the Care Givers, Sail a Thon. Helene Golemon and Dave Gourney spent the day with me on another absolutely beautiful day on the water. We had a fun time running up to Ventura and sailing around the course. Thanks Helene and Dave. This event supports the home bound, they provide transportation and help run errands for the sick, elderly or disabled. Andy Killian keeps It a fun event with lots of raffle prizes. I hope to see more of our club boats out there next weekend. The club with the most Participants gets to keep the Ugly Fish Trophy for the Year. Currently PBYC has won it more than any other club. Maybe next year…

Helene at the Helm Dave, “what a nice day on the water”

Commodore’s Report


0BVice Commodore’s Report 4 Cruising News

6 Sponsors Page


Calendar 10

Birthdays 11

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For those of you that missed the Halloween party, Trish went out of her way to make sure it was something to be proud of. She bought all kinds of goodies and little decorations. This year we shared our party with a neighbor club, they said they had a lack of attendance, but there was as many of their members as ours. The RSVPs were 13 PBYC and 15 AYC, we had more people show up and John Thawley spun albums for the evening. We had a party drink called the brain; it was peach schnapps, baileys and grenadine. The baileys floated in the peach schnapps and looked kinda like a brain floating there. It was different, plenty of people liked it, some didn’t. Wouldn’t you know in all the rush to get things ready, we left the cameras at home, so I hope Gary posts some pictures of the evening? We had awards for best Costume; which Gary Goodman (headless horseman, I think), Cutest; Trish (Alice in Wonderland), Scariest; Mike Taylor (scary…), News Worthy; Richard and Paula Sharpe (wall street bankers), Best Couple; Joe and Joanne once again ran away with the prize. We had so many witch costumes, we at the last moment gave a prize for the best Witch and Cindy Mathieu from PBYC won hands down over the rest. This is also the beginning of Whale Season; we just missed the Southerly Migration of the Blue Whales. They pass thru in September, then the Hump Backs normally come down around now and we should start to see the California Grey Whales in December. This lasts thru March, but, I have traveled south for the Ensenada Race with many Whales over the years. We even had one rubbing the keel all night one year. I bring all this up because we threw an impromptu Whale Watching Cruise together. I thought it was going to be just Alcyone and Out Patient, but as I walked down the dock. I saw Joe and Joanne getting Hubba Hubba ready, they decided to blow off waxing the boat for the beautiful day the was presenting itself. And what a beautiful day it was.

Alcyone at Arch Rock Hubba Hubba

The cruise home

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I hope all is well and look forward to seeing everyone around the docks, at the club or on the water.

Randy Alcorn 2011 Commodore

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VViiccee  CCoommmmooddoorreess  RReeppoorrtt:: BILL BRAYTON

Wet Weds have been over for a month now and while the middle of the week has been slow our weekends around the club have been choc o block full of action. The first Saturday was Oktoberfest. Tina Brayton set out the brats and sauerkraut along with genuine German potato salad. German beer was the drink of the night and a good time was had by all. The second weekend Doug and Kalin Dodge set out chicken picata for the club and oh boy was it good. That same weekend the first of our fall series races had a great turn out of 18 boats. I am sure there will be more reports on these and other races elsewhere in this mainsheet. The third weekend of the month Jerry Roth stepped up when Charlotte wasn’t feeling well to handle their annual Italian dinner night at the club. Good job Jerry! Also that weekend was an AYC cruise to Pelican anchorage. This was a well attended cruise with 5 boats participating in the overnight cruise. Read my description of our trip later in this article. The fourth weekend of the month brought our annual Halloween party. Last year we took our party to PBYC and it was an awesome evening for all those that made the trip. This year PBYC brought their party to the AYC clubhouse. Due to a work convention, the wife and I were unable to attend this event and from what we have heard it went really well. The food was awesome and John Thawley kept the folks out on the dance floor. Pelican Anchorage Our Porpoise had never anchored at Pelicans before this weekend so both Tina and I were excited about this trip. We left very early on Saturday to get a jump on the boats that were headed across the channel. The morning was clear and crisp; the seas were flat all the way across the channel. After we arrived and found a suitable place to drop the hook that when the real fun started. Remember that Pelicans is a place for a bow and a stern hook. Tina and I much prefer just one hook because, well, it’s easy. The issue we had this day was when we anchored bow and stern we set the boat into the wind which was blowing into the anchorage from the south. After looking at the way the boats were settling in and watching the wind start to come in out of the west we knew it was time to get the stern hook moved so we would be pointed in the proper direction. What ensued was a bit of a stern anchor dance. Of course folks were watching (read that being entertained) from their boats each making sure that we did not cross anchors with each other. It took a while and we got Our Porpoise settled in nicely. Cadenza lifted their bow anchor to move a bit further out and soon they settled in as well. The next time you see Jay and Terri at the club ask them about this stern anchor dance. Good Times. We noticed a large trawler flying the Santa Barbara Yacht Club burgee. A couple of guys were cruising around the anchorage informed us that 7 boats from SBYC were racing across the channel and would be here later. It was really cool to watch these boats ghost into the anchorage and cross the finish line. Sundowners and munchies were on Hubba Hubba that evening after a hike up onto the island. After a wonderful night on the hook in a flat anchorage the AYC dinghy ride was on. We took 5 dinghies around the point into two harbors. I have never been here before and the natural arch there is simply an amazing

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place to behold. Pictures you may see of this beautiful location simply do not do the place justice. This is a must see the next time you are at Pelicans. We all got the dinghies put away (except Puff On who was staying another day) and got ready for the channel crossing. The day was clear and the wind had begun to build. We motored out about a 1/2mile out of the anchorage, raised the sails and shut the motor off. It was one of those crossings that sailors dream about. Flat seas and good breeze was the order of the way. We even saw a pod of Risso’s dolphin about six miles of the coast. These are larger than what we see most of the time and have a longer dorsal fin. This was a very cool sighting on a beautiful day. A huge thanks to Joe Underwood for organizing this trip. I would like to say thank you here to all the support of the club members. As incoming Commodore of AYC I intend to represent AYC with pride and dignity. Upcoming ODs for the month of November are: 11-4 Darland 11-11 Alcorn/Castanon 11-18 Fajardo 11-24 club closed for Thanksgiving weekend Special events East Coast Meets West Coast Maine Lobster Dinner 11-4 Check out the flyer in your inbox. Save the Date! January 21, 2012 We are proud to announce the Commodores Ball will be at the Pierpont Inn once again this year. Details to follow. If you have any questions about how to do things around the club feel free to email me at [email protected] It’s a pleasure working with each and every one of you. Sea you at the club or on the water, Bill Brayton

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CCrruuiissiinngg  NNeewwss::                                   JJooee  UUnnddeerrwwoooodd

Ahoy Cruisers, We have had a great cruising year with an aggressive cruising calendar that has taken us to many of Santa Cruz Islands best anchorages. I would like to thank all of you who have made the cruising such a big success this year. We have had some memorable times out at the Islands, Joanne and I have had the great pleasure getting to know some of you better. Our last Scheduled cruise of 2011 was out to the beautiful Pelicans Cove anchorage on Santa Cruz Island we had 5 club boats out and 2 boats from VSC join us in the anchorage. As we all got settled into our anchored positions (ask Jay about this) we set off exploring the location of the old hotel atop the bluff over looking Pelican cove, what a great view of the anchorage from that position, after our hike we got back to the boat to start getting ready for the Ice breaker social. Everyone started to arrive at the boat at about 5 O’clock and we filled Huba Huba full of friends, as the night went on the stars filled the sky as only can been seen at the islands, as the party settled down our friends headed back to there own boats where gentle motion at the anchorage rocked us to sleep as if we were at the dock. The next morning after breakfast we all got together for a dinghy ride to look at the cave around the west point of the anchorage and see the blow hole that would shoot out a gentle mist into the air. All in all a great weekend trip out to the Island with great weather the whole time. As we prepared to head back to the main land we were lucky enough to have the wind come up to about 15 knots for an outstanding sail home for the end to a perfect weekend cruise... Joanne and I our looking forward to the 2012 cruising year with many more good times at the Islands. So stay tuned for the 2012 Cruising Calendar....

UOctober 15/16, 2011 Pelican cove Cruise

Wizard: Skip & Terry Danielson Our Porpoise: Bill & Tina Brayton Cadenza: Jay & Terri Chattaway Puff On: Crosby & Laura Swartz Huba Huba: Joe and Joanne

Email: [email protected] Best regards, Joe Underwood: Anacapa Yacht Club Staff Commodore / Cruise Director

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Our Cruising Director

PUff On & Huba Huba

One who needs no introduction....

Nice day for a dingy ride

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Skip & Terry's Wizard

Jay & Terri's Cadenza

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Our Sponsors            Don Lehman 

USponsor’s Page

UAnchors Way Marine Centers Hello Anacapa Yacht Clubbers! My name is Andy Killion and I am the owner of Anchors Way Marine Centers. Many of you may already know me but in case you can’t place the face; I am the red, round, tomato faced, smoking, husky physique, sometimes grumpy, sometimes happy boat yard guy in the Dickie’s shorts you may have seen wondering around the yard in Channel Islands. What you may not know about me is that I am a California Maritime Academy graduate and that I hold an unlimited tonnage license with the USCG. I am a native Venturan who has actually finished writing his first book. “How to Fail in Business, while trying really hard” encapsulates what it takes to own a small business during a recession. Ask about next time you call or come in because I will need to cover printing costs somehow. In case you are wondering, I did not run away from my yard in Ventura and no, I didn’t get millions of dollars for it either. I actually couldn’t have been more fortunate than to meet the family that is now operating the Ventura facility. They are wonderful people and are excited to become a part of our boating community. Our crew at our Channel Islands facility is awesome. Many of

you already know Danery N., our smiling and active equipment operator. He is the first and the last person you see when visiting our facility. I joke with him that since he has been here for 24 years that we may need to change the name of the yard to “Danery’s”. Alonso L. is our quiet but very professional LP and gelcoat painter. I recruited him straight out of the Oxnard Community College Auto Tech program. He is awesome with a spray gun. Luchio V. is our best bottom painter. Each of his jobs is treated like a masterpiece. I have never met a more conscientious worker. Many of you already know Dave T., our resident office “dude.” He is the one you need to talk with regarding estimates and scheduling. Dave is great and happens to be our webmaster as well. Barbara is our newest addition and she is getting to know our store, pricing and helps with customers calls. Barbara happens to be my step mom too. Michael is the big helpful dude who is there for you when you need a ladder or help carrying items to and fro. Be careful with Michael as he is an expert rugby player and I certainly wouldn’t want to get on his bad side. Mike is terrific. Last but certainly not least, my wife Tina is “in charge” of everything else. We have two children Jack and Carly who are busy with school now but occasionally get

dragged down to the boat yard for clean up detail or storm watch. Our site as many of you know is under construction. I played golf with the big guy himself (FB) last week and rest assured, the project will be completed. Watch out because when it is done it is going to be one hell of a marine center complete with marina, retail, day sail storage and boat yard. Last but certainly not least, we will have new piers to drive our new 55 ton travelift on. We will be able to go up to 75’ in length, 20’ in beam and 55 tons. I am excited about our future.

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Anchors Way Marine Centers is a full service facility. We are an authorized Yanmar, Vetus,Westerbeke and Universal dealer. Even if you don’t own a Catalina sailboat, our skill sets are here for you to take use of, so don’t be shy and forgive our dust because we are open for business Monday thru Friday 830-1500. Feel free to drop by for a cup of coffee or just visit us on the web at HUwww.anchorswaymarine.comUH. You can catch my blog their too under “As the Prop Turns”. AWMCI 3615 S. Victoria Ave. 805-985-6775.

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November 2011 Anacapa Yacht Club Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

11 -- AAllll SSaaiinnttss DDaayy 22 3 44 LLoobbsstteerr FFeeeedd!! DDaarrllaanndd

55 AAnnaaccaappaa ccuupp rreeggaattttaa ((SSmmaallll bbooaattss))

6 Daylight Savings Time Ends

77 88 --EElleeccttiioonn DDaayy

99 1100 1111 FFrriiddaayy SSoocciiaall AAllccoorrnn//CCaassttaannoonn

1122 -- TTwwoo HHaarrbboorrss ffaallll sseerriieess

1133 1144 1155 1166 1177 1188 FFrriiddaayy SSoocciiaall FFaajjaarrddoo

1199 -- TTwwoo HHaarrbboorrss FFaallll SSeerriieess ##22 PPBBYYCC//AAYYCC

2200 -- TTGGIISS sseerriieess ##66 2211 2222 2233 24 - Thanksgiving

2255 CClluubb DDaarrkk 2266

2277 2288 2299 3300 1 22 33 -- CChhrriissttmmaass PPaarrttyy PPoottlluucckk!!

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JJoohhnn KKooeesstteerr 1111//99 LLaauurraa SSwwaarrttzz 1111//1188 EEllyyssee WWeeiissss 1111//3300

Did we miss your birthday? E-mail us at [email protected]

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