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    BY IRC 112:2011 & IRC 21:2000










    Roll No: 12011D2002



    HYDERABAD500 085, A.P, INDIA

  • 8/11/2019 Ay Project



    ENGINEERING(AUTONOMOUS) Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500 085.


    This is to certify that the dissertation work entitled COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RCC T-

    BEAM BRIDGE BY IRC 112 :2011 &IRC 21:2000being submitted by Mr. A V PRANAY

    KUMAR REDDY, Regd.No.12011D2002in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the



    record of bonafide work carried out by him under my guidance and supervision.

    Mr. A V PRANAY KUMAR REDDYhas worked on this project for a

    period of two semester and in my opinion this thesis attains the standard requirements for the

    award of Masters Degree. The results embodied in this dissertation have not been submitted to

    any other University or Institution for the award of any Degree or Diploma.

    Project Guide Head of the Department

    Mrs.P. Srilakshmi Dr.K.M. Lakshmana Rao

    Assoc.Professor in Civil Engineering Dept., Professor in Transportation Engg.

    Dept. of Civil Engineering, Head of the Department,JNTUH College of Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering,JNTUH

    Hyderabad. Hyderabad

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    I, the undersigned A V PRANAY KUMAR REDDY bearing Regd. No: 12011D2002

    here by certify that the project entitled COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RCC T-BEAM

    BRIDGE BY IRC 112 :2011 &IRC 21:2000 which is being submitted to the Jawaharlal

    Technological university Hyderabad,in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

    the Degree of Master of Technology in Structural Engineering,Department of civil

    engineering, is a bonafide work carried out by me and the results embodied in this Project report

    have not been reproduced or copied from any source. The results embodied in this Project report

    have not been submitted to any other university or Institute for the award of any Degree or



    Regd. No: 12011D2002

    JNTUCE, Kukatpally,

    Hyderabad- 500 085.

    PLACE : Hyderabad

    DATE :

  • 8/11/2019 Ay Project




    1.1 GENERAL

    Bridge construction has been one of the important engagements of mankind from the earliest

    days and today. It has achieved a world-wide level of importance. Bridges are one of the most

    challenging of all civil engineering works. The numbers and sizes of bridges have continuously

    increased in the last fifty years. Man's increasing mobility through railway and motorized

    transport has caused such complex forms of bridges to be built, which has seemed unrealistic

    earlier. To cope up with this demand, tremendous efforts all over the world in the form of activeresearch in analysis, design and construction of bridges is continuing.


    A bridge is a structure which maintains the communications such as the road and railway traffic

    and other moving loads over an obstacle, namely a channel, a road, a railway or a valley. The

    structure is termed as a "Bridge" when it carries road and railway traffic or a pipe line over a

    channel or a valley and an over bridge" when it carries the traffic or pipe line over a

    communication system like roads or railways. A viaduct is also a bridge constructed over a

    busy locality to carry the vehicular traffic over the area keeping the activities of the area below

    the is duct uninterrupted.

    1.2Components of a bridge:-

    The main parts of a bridge structure are as below:

    a) Decking Consisting of a slab, girders, trusses etc.

    b) Bearings for the decking

    c) Abutments and piers

    d) Foundations for abutments and piers.

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    e) River training works, like revetment for slopes at abutments,aprons at bed level,etc.

    f) Approaches to the bridge to connect the bridge proper to the roads on either side and

    g) Hand rails, guard stones etc.

    The components above the level of bearings are grouped as superstructure,while the parts below

    the bearing level are classed as sub- structure.

    1.3 Structural forms of bridge decks:-

    A bridge may be classified in many ways depending up on its function,

    material of construction, form or type of superstructure, plan geometry, support conditions or

    span. They are:

    1) Form of construction or type of deck

    2) Plan- geometry or plan form

    3) Support conditions

    Over the years, a number of methods of analysis of bridge superstructures have been evolved and

    are being used.Courbon's method, Hendry Jaeger method and Morice and Little methods are

    some of the methods which have been in use since long, and are still popular, as they are found

    to be easy, amenable to design graphs and also reasonably accurate for bridge decks of simple

    configurations. But these methods are being gradually replaced where computer facilities are

    available or more accurate analysis is desired or the cross section and/or layouts of the bridge

    decks are complex.

    Following the advent of digital computers, computer-aided methods like Finite Element, Finite

    Difference, Finite Strip have been developed and are in use to analyse intricate forms of skew,

    curved, bifurcated and arbitrary shapes of bridges having usual support conditions and cross

    sections. But these methods are highly numerical and always carry a heavy cost-penalty.

    Grillage Analogy is probably one of the most popular computer-aided methods for analyzing

    bridge decks. The method consists of representing the actual decking system of the bridge by an

    equivalent grillage of beams. The dispersed bending and torsional stiffness of the decking system

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    are assumed, for the purpose of analysis, to be concentrated in these beams. The stiffnesses of

    the beams are chosen so that the prototype bridge deck and the equivalent grillage of beams are

    subjected to identical deformations under loading. The actual deck loading is replaced by an

    equivalent nodal loading. The method is applicable to bridge decks with simple as well as

    complex configurations with almost the same ease and confidence. The method is easy to

    comprehend and use. The analysis is relatively inexpensive and has been proved to be reliably

    accurate for a wide variety of bridges. The grillage representation helps in giving the designer a

    feel of the structural behavior of the bridge and the manner in which loading is distributed and

    eventually taken to the supports.

    As the present topic is Concerned essentially with the analysis of highway bridge decks and

    hence the main factors which govern and influence the choice of analytical technique, tio be

    discussed, are only identified.

    1.3.1Although there is a wide choice in classification but the description will be limited to only

    those types of bridges which can be gainfully handled by employing the method of grillage


    (1) Form of construction

    Broadly the forms of construction can be divided into(1) Slab Decks

    (a) Solid slab deck

    (b) Voided slab deck

    (c) Pseudo slab deck

    (2) Slab on girder deck

    (a) T beam

    (b) I beam

    (3) Box girder bridges

    (a) Single box girder

    (b) Multi-cell box girder

    (c) Singlecell trapezoidal box girder

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    1.3.1(a) Slab decks:-

    The slab deck behaves like a flat plate, which is a structural continuum for

    transferring moments, shears and torsion in all directions in the plane of the plate. Based on

    support conditions the slab deforms. Normally in a bridge deck two sides will be supported On

    bearings over piers and the remaining two sides will be either free or stiffened by edge beams

    corresponding to elastic supports.

    The slab deforms locally in the form of a dish causing two dimensional moments, which share

    the load from the deck. The deformation is a function of the stiffness of the slab in the

    corresponding direction. Concrete slab decks are normally used for span upto 10m. For higher

    spans the required thickness of the slab becomes large and accordingly the self weight becomes


    A Slab is isotropic when its stiffness is the same in all directions in the plane of the slab.It is

    orthotropic when the stiffnesses are different in two directions at right angles.

    Slab decks can conviently be analysed using the computer grillage analysis.

    Solid slab

    1.3.2 Slabon-Girders Bridge:-

    Slab on girders bridges are by far the most commonly adopted type in the span range

    of 10 to 50 m. The majority of beam and slab decks have number of beams spanning

    longitudinally between abutments with a thin slab spanning transversely across the top. T beam

    bridges are one of the most common examples under this category and are very popular because

    of their simple geometry, low fabrication cost, easy erection or casting and smaller dead loads.

    Usually I section or T section is used for the beam. But T section is found to be more efficient. T

    beams are economical where depth of section is not a controlling factor from

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    Head room coosiderations.The T beam bridge superstructure may consist of either girders and

    slab or girders, slab and diaphragms at the supports or girders, slab, intermediate cross beams

    and diaphragms. However. T-beam bridge with cross beam extending into and cast

    monolithically with the deck slab is found to be more efficient and is recommended for adoption.

    Simply supported RC T beam is normally adopted for spans upto 25m, Span depth ratio is

    generally kept as 12 and 15 for continuous spans. Higher ratios are possible but riding qualities

    are affected by creep characteristics of concrete. The girders spacing h, may vary justified by

    comparing the cost of corresponding slab thickness. The usual range of spacing h is between 2 to

    3m for these bridges. The stem width, *b', is about 300 mm. This stem or web is increased to B

    at the bottom, forming a bulb to accommodate a large number of reinforcement bars there. This

    B may be kept between 500 to 625 mm. The stem width is increased to B in the end region to

    take care of large shears occurring there.

    1.3.3 Box-Girder bridge

    Now a days, single or multi cell reinforced and pre-stressed concrete box girder bridge have

    been widely used as economic and aesthetic solutions for over crossing, under crossing,

    separation structures and viaducts found in todays modern highway systems. The main

    advantage of this type of bridges lies in the high torsional rigidity available because of closed

    box section and convenience in varying the depth along the span.

    In the span range of 20-30m, cast in situ multi cell reinforced concrete box girder bridges

    are used. The span depth ratio of RC box girder bridges is generally adopted as 16 for simple

    spans and 18 for continuous spans.


    Plan Geometry or Plan Forms:-

    The horizontal and vertical alignments of a bridge are governed by the

    Geometrics of highway,roadway or channel it crosses.A bridge may be either be right or

    skew,straight or curved or any combination thereof.

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    1.4Support Configurations:-

    The simple supports are common with slab bridges or with slab-on-girders

    bridges of smaller spans. Cantilever and Balanced cantilever bridges are constructed for span

    range of 35 to 60 m having T-beam or box-girder as their cross-section. Fully continuous bridges

    are advantageous for spans over 35m and are suitable with pre-stressed concrete girders.

    Further, the bridge may be placed on rigid supports or flexible (yielding)

    supports. The conventional plate, rocker or rocker-cum-roller bearings provide rigid supports.

    However, the recent trend is to favour elastomeric bearings. This provides yielding supports.

    These are preferred because of their low height and low cost and require practically no

    maintenance. Also, they are easy to replace. These bearings can cope up with complex

    deformations of skew and curved geometry.



    The aim of this project work is simply to know which method requires

    more materials when all other factors such as length and width of the bridge as well as other

    difficulties arise during the construction of bridge are assumed to be same for both Working

    stress method and Limit state method.

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    3.1 Introduction:

    The loading has profound effect upon the design, construction and eventually upon the cost of

    any bridge of a give span. Besides carrying their own weight, the decks are designed for certain

    loadings imposed partly by the vehicles and the users and partly by the nature. In order to

    maintain uniformity in design, loading standards have been laid down for the guidance of

    engineer. Different countries, including India, have their own loading standards.

    In India, these standards for Railway bridges are formulated by the Research Design and

    Standards Organization (RDSO) of the Indian Railways. For highway bridges, Indian Road

    Congress (IRC), a statutory body formed by the Government of India under the Ministry of

    Surface Transport, prepares the Codes of Practices(5). These codes are compiled faithfully in

    the design of bridges. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), a body responsible for the

    "Standardization" in the country, also brings out specifications for bridges. But the

    specifications laid down by IRC supersede those of the BIS, wherever at variance.

    2.2 Loading requirements:

    The deck of the highway bridge has to support moving loads in the form of vehicles, men and

    materials and transmit their effects to the foundation. It has also to support and carry the self

    weight of its various components. The structure is also subjected to vibrations under moving

    loads giving rise to what is known as impact loading. The details of some other loads and forces

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    such as earthquake, wind etc., which also become important in some cases could be referred

    from the Codes of Practice. Only the important loads to be used in the analysis of decks are

    briefly described here.

    2.3 Dead Loads:

    The bridge superstructure is to be analysed for its self weight and dead loads imposed on it as

    well. The dead loads imposed on the bridge consist of permanent load such as that of wearing

    coat, kerb, parapets stationary etc. The dead load can be estimated fairly accurately during

    design and can be controlled during construction and service.As a guidein estimating the dead

    loads the unit weight of materials may be assumed as given in IRC :6-2000.

    2.4 Live Loads:

    The main loading on highway bridges is due to the vehicles moving on it,which are transient and hence

    difficult to estimate accurately and the designs has very little control over them once the bridge is

    opened to traffic. In order to analyse the bridge for these moving loads,IRC code recommends certain

    standard hypothetical loading systems. The bridge is then designed for the maximum response values

    under these standard loads.

    The live loads usually consist of a set of wheel loads which are patch loads due to tyre contact area.

    These patch loads may be treated as point loads acting at the centre of the contact area. The

    simplification is found to be acceptable in the analysis.

    Accordingly to Indian Roads Congress classification, the main live loads for road bridges can be put into

    the following four types.

    I) IRC Class A Loading Single Lane and Two Lanes:

    Single lane Class A loading is a train load of eight axles of two wheels each thus having sixteen wheels in

    total. The total load of the train is 55.4 tonnes. The nose to tail length of the train is 20.3 m and the

    distance between the first and the last axle is 18.8 m. The minimum clear longitudinal distance between

    two successive trains is 18.5m. The minimum center line distance of the wheel line from the edge of the

    kerb works out to 400mm. The configuration of the loads as well as the portion of each wheel is given in*******

    Class A two lanes loading consists of two Class A-Single lane trains placed side by side at specified

    minimum clearance. Class A loading is adopted on all permanent bridges and culverts to be constructed

    on State and National Highways

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    ii) Class B Loading:

    The Class B loading is identical to Class A loading as far as positions of axles are concerned but the

    magnitude of axle loads is 60% of the corresponding loads in Class A Vehicles (Figs. 2.1 a, b). This loading

    is intended for temporary structures, timber bridges and bridges in specified areas.

    iii) IRC Class AA Loading:

    This loading is to be adopted within certain municipal limits, in certain existing or contemplated

    industrial areas, in other specified areas. and along certain specified highways.

    The loading is an alternate loading and one train of Class AA vehicle is to be considered for every two

    lanes of Class A loading. It consists of either a tracked vehicle of 70 tonnes or a two axle wheeled vehicle

    of 40 tonnes.

    Detailed dimensions, kerb distances etc., arc given in ******* Bridges designed for Class AA loading

    should also be checked for equivalent lanes of Class A loading since under certain conditions, heavier

    stresses are obtained under such equivalent Class A loading. The nose to tail spacing between two

    successive vehicles is specified as 90m. For each standard vehicle as train, all the axles of a unit of

    vehicles shall be considered as acting simultaneously in a position causing maximum stresses.

    iv)Class 70 R Loading:

    This is the revised version of Class AA loading and consists of tracked and wheel loadings. The minimum

    clearance between the road face of the kerb and the outer edge of the track or wheel is same as for

    Class AA loading. The spacing between successive vehicles is 30m this spacing is measured from the rear

    most point of ground contact of the leading vehicle to the forward most point of ground contact of the

    following vehicle.

    70R loading, as before, weights 70 tonnes. The track dimensions are slightly different than those of Class

    AA track loading. For design purposes, wherever required, each strip loading could be idealized into a

    suitable number of point loads say 8 or 10.

    70 R Wheel loading is of two types:-

    1. 70R Bogie loading weighing 40 tonnes through two axles each weighing 20 tonnes.

    2. 70R train loading weighing 100 tonnes through seven axles, one axle of 8 tonnes, two axles of 12

    tonnes each and four axles of 17 tonnes each.

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    An axle may have four or eight wheels on it. There are two, four wheel arrangements and one, eight

    wheel arrangement leading to three alternate wheel arrangements termed as col. '1', col. 'm', col. 'n'

    arrangements. All axles will have the same arrangement of wheels at a time and all wheels on an axle

    will have equal loads. The two alternate four wheel arrangement namely col. '1', col. 'm' are given in

    figs. 2.3 (a), (b), (c).

    2.5 Impact loads

    Another major loading on the bridge superstructure is due to vibrations caused when the vehicle is

    moving over the bridge. The theoretical estimation of this load is quite complex as it depends upon a

    variety of factors such as roughness of the surface, spring system of the vehicle, condition of expansion

    joints at the entry of the bridge etc.

    The IRC code however, recommends definite values of impact factors for the vehicles for simplifying the

    analysis. The value of impact load is expressed as percentage of the live load, depending upon the

    material used in the construction of deck of the bridge, type of loading and the bridge span.The

    percentage can be calculated using suitable formulae or could be directly read from fig given page no.

    23 of IRC:6-2000.

    The impact fraction shall be determined from the following equations which are applicable for spans

    between 3 m and 45 m.

    i) Impact factor fraction for reinforced concrete bridge =

    ii) Impact factor fraction for steel bridges =

    Where L, is length in metres of the span.

    2.6 Foot way, Kerb, Railing and Parapet Live Loads:

    The following provisions have been made for footpath, kerb, railing and parapet live loadings in

    IRC :6-2000.


    For all parts of bridge floors accessible only to pedestrians and animals and for all footways

    the loading shall be taken as 400 Kg/m2, where crowd loads are likely to occur such as on

    bridges located near towns which are either centres of pilgrimage or where large

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    congregational fairs are held seasonally, the intensity of footway loading be increased from

    400 kg/m2 to 500 kg,/m2.


    Kerbs, 0.6 in or more in width, shall be designed for the above loads and for a local lateral

    force of 750 kg per metre, applied horizontally at the top or the kerb. If the kerb width is

    less than 0.6 in, no live load may be necessary in addition to the lateral load specified above.

    The horizontal force need not be considered in the design of the main structural members

    of the bridge.


    In bridges designed for IRC vehicular loadings, the members supporting the footways shall

    be designed for the following live load per square metre of footway area, the loaded length

    of footway taken in each case being such as to produce the worst effects on the member

    under construction.


    For effective span of 7.5 m or less, 400 kg/m2 or 500 kg/m2as the ease may be as per (i)



    For effective spans of over 7.5 m but not exceeding 30 m, the into-v4y or load shall be

    determined according to the equation.

    P =P'[ ]

    c) For effective spans of over 30 m, the intensity of load shall be determined according to

    the equation.

    P = [P1-260+ ][ ]

    P = The live load in Kg/m2.

    L = The effective span of the main girder in m.

    W = width of the footway in m.


    Each part of the footway shall be capable of carrying a wheel load of 4 tonnes, which

    shall be deemed to include impact, distributed over a contact area, 300 mm in diameter, the

    permissible working stresses shall be increased by 25% to meet his provision.


    The railings or parapets shall be designed to resist a lateral horizontal force and a vertical

    force each of 150 kg/m applied simultaneously at the top of the railing or parapet. These

    forces need not be considered in the design of the main structural members if footpaths are

    provided, the effect of these forces shall be considered in the design of the structural

    system supporting the railings and the footpath upto the face of the footpath kerb only.

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    Method of grillage Analysis

    4.1 Introduction:-

    In recent years, the Grillage Analogy Method,which is a computer-oriented technique,is increasingly

    being used in the analysis and design of bridges.The method is also suitable in cases where bridge

    exhibits complicating features such as heavy skew,edge stiffening and isolated supports.The use of

    computer facilities the investigation of several load cases in shortest possible time.The method is

    versatile in nature and the contribution of kerb beams and the effect of differential sinking of girder

    endsover yielding bearings (such as neoprene bearing) can also be taken into account abd large

    variety of bridge decks can be analysed with sufficient practical accuracy.Further more,the grillagerepresentationis conducive to give the designer a feel for the structural behavior of the bridge and

    the manner in which the bridge loadings are distributed and eventually taken to the supports.

    This method of analysis, based on stiffness matrix approach,was made amenable to computer

    programming by Lightfoot and Sawko. West made recommendations backed by carefully conducted

    experiments on the use of grillage analogy. Gibb developed a general computer program for grillage

    analysis of bridge decks using direct stiffness approach that takes into account the shear deformation

    also,Martin then followed by Sawko derived stiffness matrix for curved beams and proclaimed a

    computer program for a grillagefor the analysis of decks, curved in plan.

    Method of Grillage Analogy

    The grillage analogy method can be applied to the bridge decks exhibiting complicated features such

    as heavy skew, edge stiffening, deep haunches over supports,continuous and isolated supports etc.,

    with ease. The method is versatile, in that ,the contributions of kerb beams and footpaths and the

    effect of differential sinking of girder ends over yielding supports such in the case of neoprene bearing

    can be taken into account.Further it is easy for an engineer to visualize and prepare the data for a

    grillage. Also,the grillage analysis programs are more generally available and can be run on personal

    computers. The method has proved to the reliably accurate for a wide varietyof bridge decks.

    The method consists of 'converting the bridge deck structure into a network of rigidly connected

    beams at discrete node i.e. idealizing the bridge by an equivalent grillage.

    The deformations at the two ends of a beam element are related to the bending and to moments

    through their bending and torsional stiffnesses. The load deformation relationship at the two ends of

    a skeletal element with reference to the member axis is expressed in terms of its stiffness

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    property.This relationship which is expressed with reference to the member coordinate axis, is then

    transferred to the structure or global axis using transformation matrix, so that the equilibrium

    condition that exist at each node in the structure can be satisfied.

    These moments are written in terms of the end-deformations employing slope-deflection

    and torsional rotation-moment equations. The shear force in the beam is also related to the bendingmoment at the two ends of the beam and can again be written in terms of the end-deformations of

    the beam. The shear and moment in all the beam elements meeting at a node and fixed end reactions,

    if any, at the node, are summed-up and three basic statical equilibrium equations at each node

    namely Fz= 0,Mz= 0 and My= 0 are satisfied.

    The bridge structure is very stiff in the horizontal plane due to the presence of decking

    slab. The transitional displacements along the two horizontal axes and rotation about the vertical axis

    will be negligible and may be ignored in the analysis. Thus a skeletal structure will have three degrees

    of freedom at each node i.e., freedom of vertical displacement and freedom of rotations about two

    mutually perpendicular axes in the horizontal plane. In general, a grillage with n nodes will have 3ndegrees of freedom or 3n nodal deformations and 3n equilibrium equations relating to these.

    All span loadings are converted into equivalent nodal loads by computing the fixed end

    forces and transferring them to global axes. A set of simultaneous equations are obtained in the

    process and their solutions result in the evaluation of the nodal displacements in the structure. The

    member forces including the bending and the torsional moments can then be determined by back

    substitution in the slope deflection and torsional rotation moment equations.

    When a bridge deck is analysed by the method Grillage Analogy, there are essentially

    five steps to be followed for obtaining design responses:

    (i) Idealisation of physical deck into equivalent grillage


    Evaluation of equivalent elastic inertias of members of grillage

    (iii) Application and transfer of loads to various nodes of grillage


    Determination of force responses and design envelopes


    Interpretation of results.

    Bridges are frequently designed with their decks skew to the supports, tapered or curved

    in plan. The behavior and rigorous analysis are significantly complicated by the shapes and support

    conditions but their effects on grillage analysis are of inconvenience rather than theoretical


    3.2 Idealization of Physical deck into equivalent Grillage:-

    The method of grillage analysis involves the idealization of the bridge deck

    as a plane grillage of discrete inter-connected beams. This is the first important step to be taken by

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    the designer and needs utmost care and understanding of the structural behavior of the bridge decks.

    It is difficult to make precise general rules for choosing a grillage mesh and much depends upon the

    nature of the deck to be analysed, its support conditions, accuracy required, quantum of computing

    facility available etc., and only a set of guidelines can be suggested for setting grid lines. It may be

    noted that such idealization of the deck is not without pitfalls and the grid lines adopted in one case

    may not be efficient in another similar case and the experience and judgment of the designer will

    always play a major role.

    3.2.1 General Guidelines for Grillage Lay-out:-

    Some basic guidelines regarding the location, direction, number, spacing etc. of the

    longitudinal and transverse grid lines forming the idealized grillage mesh, are given bellow. But each

    type of deck has its own special features and may need some particular arrangements for setting

    idealized grid lines and therefore has been discussed separately also.

    (a) Location and Direction of Grid lines

    In the longitudinal direction, these should be along the centre line of girders, longitudinal webs or

    edge beams, wherever these are present. Where isolated bearings are adopted, the grid lines are also

    to be chosen along the lines joining the centers of bearings. In the transverse direction, the grid lines

    are to be adopted, one at each ends connecting the centers of bearings and along the centre lines of

    transverse beams, wherever these exist. Ordinarily the Grid lines should coincide with the centre of

    the sections but some shift is permissible, if this simplifies the grid layout.

    (b) Number and Spacing of Grid Lines

    Wherever possible, an odd number of longitudinal and transverse grid lines are to

    be adopted. The minimum number of longitudinal grid lines may be three and the minimum number

    of transverse grid lines per span may be five.

    The ratio of spacing of transverse grid lines to those of longitudinal grid lines may be chosen between

    1.0 and 2.0. The ratio should also, ordinarily, reflect the span-width of the bridge.Thus, for a short

    span and wide bridge, it should be close to 1.0 and for long span and narrow bridge ,this ratio may be

    closer to 2.0.

    Grid lines are usually uniformly placed, but their spacings can be varied, if the situation so demands.

    For example, closer transverse grid lines should be adopted near a continuous support as the

    longitudinal moment gradient is steep at such locations.

    It may be noted that with an increase in number of grid lines, the accuracy of computation increases,

    but the effort involved is also more and soon it becomes a case 'of diminishing return. In a contiguous

    girder bridge, more than one longitudinal physical beam can be represented by one grid line. For slab

    bridges, the grid lines need not be closer than two to three times the depth of slab.

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    3.3 Grillage idealization of slab on girder bridges:-

    The idealization of beam and slab bridge by an assembly of interconnected

    beams seems to confirm more readily to engineering judgment than for slab bridges. The T and I

    beams are by far the most commonly adopted type of bridge decks, consisting of longitudinal girders

    at definite spacing connected by top slab, with or without transverse cross beams. Usually, thediaphragms connecting the longitudinal girders are provided at the supports.In longer spans

    intermediate cross girders are also provided.

    The logical choice of longitudinal grid lines for T-Beam or I Beam decks are to make them coincident

    with the centre lines of physical girders and the longitudinal members are given the properties of the

    girder plus associated portions of the Slab,which they represent. Additional grid lines between

    physical girders may also be set in order to improve the accuracy of the result. Edge grid lines may be

    provided at the edges of the deck or at suitable distance from the edge. For bridge with footpaths

    ,one extra longitudinal grid along the centre line of each foot path slab is provided. The above

    procedure for choosing longitudinal grid lines is applicable to both right and skew decks.

    3.4 Evaluation of equivalent elastic properties:-

    After the actual bridge structure is simulated into equivalent grillage, consisting of

    longitudinal and transverse grid lines meeting at discrete nodes,the second important step in grillage

    analogy method is to assign appropriate elastic properties i.e. flexural and torsional stiffnesses to

    each member of the grillage so idealized. This needs the computation equivalent flexural moment of

    inertia I and torsional inertia J for the members of the grillage mesh. This is accomplished by

    considering isolated sections of the deck as if they are individual beams and the inertias are calculatedfor each section.

    3.5 Flexural and Torsion inertias of Grillage Analysis for slab on girder decks:-

    Slab-on-Girders bridge decks consist of a number of beams spanning

    longitudinally between abutments with a thin slab spanning transversely across the top. T-beam

    bridges are the common examples under this category. When such I or T-beams bend, the flanges are

    subjected to flexural stresses. An element of the flange away from the rib or stem of the beam has

    less stress than the one directly over the rib due to shearing deformations of the flange. Sheardeformation relieves some amount of compressive stress in more distant elements. This phenomenon

    is known as shear lag.

    For the purpose of calculation of flexural and torsional inertias, the effective width of

    slab, to function as the compression flange of T-beam or L-beam, is needed. A rigorous analysis for its

    determination is extremely complex and in absence of more accurate procedure for its evaluation, IRC

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    recommendations are followed. IRC: 21-2000 recommends that the effective width of the slab should

    be the least of the following:

    I . In case of T-beams

    (i) One-fourth the effective span of the beam

    (ii) The distance between the centers of the ribs of the beams

    (iii) The breadth of the rib plus twelve times the thickness of the slab

    2. In case of L-beams

    (i) One-tenth the effective span of the beam

    (ii) The breadth of the rib plus one-half the clear distance between he ribs

    (iii) The breadth of the rib plus six times the thickness of slab

    The flexural inertia of each grillage member is calculated about its centroid.

    Often the centroids of interior and edge member sections are located at different levels.The effect of

    this is ignored as the error involved is insignificant.

    Once the effective width of slab acting with the beam is decided, the deck is

    conceptually divided into number of T or L-beams as the case may be. Some portion of the slab may

    be left over between the flanges of adjacent beams in either directions. In the longitudinal direction,

    it is sufficient to consider the effective flange width of T,L or composite sections, in order to account

    for the effects of shear lag and ignore the left over slab should be considered by introducing

    additional grid lines at the centre of each left over slab portion.

    The section properties of grid lines representing the slab may be calculated as:

    I = bd3 and J = bd3

    If the construction materials have different properties in the longitudinal and

    transverse directions, care must be taken to apply correction for this. For example ,in a reinforced

    concrete slab on pre-stressed concrete beams or on steel beams, the inertia of the beam element (I or

    J) is multiple by the ratio of modulus of elasticities of beams Eb and Es materials to convert it into the

    inertia of slab material.

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    3.5 Evaluation and Application of Loads:-

    The bridge is mainly subjected to vertical loads comprising dead, live and impact

    loads. Grillage analysis requires these loads on the bridge superstructure, are to be evaluated into

    equivalent loads appropriately distributed to the nodes of the grillage.

    a) Dead load

    The deck of a bridge is subjected to dead loads comprising of its self weight and

    weights due to wearing coat, parapet, kerb etc. which are of permanent stationary nature. The dead

    loads act on the deck in the form of distributed load. These dead loads are customarily considered to

    be borne by the longitudinal grid members only giving rise to distributed loads on them. This

    distributed load on a longitudinal grid member is idealized into equivalent nodal loads. This is

    specially required to be done when the distributed load is non-uniform. On the other hand, if the self

    load is uniform all along the length of the longitudinal grid line then it is not necessary to find the

    equivalent nodal load and instead it can be handled as a uniformly distributed load (u.d.I.) itself.

    Further, if the dead load is u.d.l. but its centre is non coincident with the longitudinal grid line then it

    is substituted by a vertical u.d.l. together with a torsional u.d.l.

    The self weight of cross-beams and diaphragms needs further

    considerations. These beams, located at specific intervals, are actually small discrete loads on the

    longitudinal girders. However, for simplicity of computation, the total weight of all the cross-beams

    per span should be calculated and equally divided in the form of distributed loads to various

    longitudinal members of the grillage. The dead weight of railings, kerbs, footpaths etc. is lumped on

    the edge longitudinal grid lines.

    b) Live Load

    The mains live loading on highway bridges is of the vehicles moving on it. The details of these loading

    is given in IRC :6-2000 code. The vehicular live loads consist of a set of wheel loads. These are

    distributed over small areas of contacts of wheels and form patch loads. These patch loads are treated

    as concentrated loads acting at the centres of contact areas. This is a conservative assumption and is

    made to facilitate the analysis. The effect of this assumption the result is very small and does not

    make any appreciable change in the design.

    The wheel loads of the vehicle will be either in the panels formed by the longitudinal and transverse

    grid lines, or on the nodes. The wheel loads falling in the panels are to be transferred to the

    surrounding nodes of the panels to facilitate the analysis.

    To obtain the maximum response resultants for the design, different positions of each type of loading

    system are to be tried on the bridge deck. For this purpose, the wheel loads of a vehicular loading

    system are placed on the bridge and moved longitudinally and transversely in small steps to occupy a

    large number of different positions on the deck. The largest force response is obtained at each node.

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    c)Impact Load

    Another major loading on the bridge superstructure is due to the

    vibrations caused when the vehicle is moving over the bridge. This is considered through impact

    loading. IRC gives impact load as a percentage of live load. As per IRC 6-2000, impact load varies with

    type of live loading, span length of the bridge and whether it is steel or a concrete bridge. The impactload can be calculated using formulae or could be directly read from read to use graphical plot (Fig '5'

    of IRC 6-2000). The impact load, so evaluated, is directly added to the corresponding live load.


    When longitudinal and transverse members of the grillage form panels and the grillage is therefore

    divided into number of such panels. All the wheels of the vehicular loading system may not come

    directly on the nodes of the grid but usually majority of the wheels fall inside the panels.These wheel

    loads acting on the panels are to be transferred to the contiguous nodes forming the panel,before the

    grid is analysed by the grillage analogy .Therefore,it is essential to identify the panels of the idealized

    grillage deck in which a particular wheel load is lying.


    The grillage analysis requires that loads be transferred to the corresponding nodes in the form of

    equivalent loads. These equivalent nodal loads can be computed using any one of the following two



    Simple statical approach where the load is apportioned in the form of equivalent

    vertical shear assuming that the panel between contiguous grillage elements is simply

    supported along its boundary.

    (ii) Another approach is where the equivalent load consists of vertical shear and

    moments assuming that the panel between the contiguous grillage elements is clamped at

    its edges.

    Although the first approach is simpler, the neglect of fixed end moments will lead to some

    error. The neglect of fixed end moments in the longitudinal direction does not usually give rise to any

    significant error but their neglect in transverse direction can result in some inaccuracy in transverse


    The second approach, where the loads arc distributed in the form of vertical shear and moments, is

    more tedious but theoretically superior, As the computer is invariably used in the analysis of grillage,

    this tediousness may not be considered an impediment to its use. However, both the approaches are

    in practice and if the grillage mesh size is small, the results given by both will be close. But if the mesh

    size is coarse, only the second approach is recommended.

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    After the loads are transferred to the nodes of the grillage in the form of equivalent

    forces, the grillage may now be analysed to determine nodal deformations and member forces.

    Analysis of Grillage

    Direct stiffness method is an effective tool in analyzing the grillage on a computer. As mentioned

    earlier, there are three possible displacements at each joint of the grillage. These, for a grid in X-Y

    plane, are joint rotations about X and Y axes and joint translation in Z-direction, normal to X-Y plane.

    The displacements in its own plane and rotation about Z-axis are small and are ignored. The analysis

    of grillage by the stiffness method involves the following steps.

    1. Formulation of Stiffness Matrix

    2.Formulation of Load Vectors

    3.Identification of Support Conditions

    4. Solution of simultaneous Equations

    5. Determination of Nodal and Member Deformations and Forces

    Force Responses

    As discussed above, the solution of equations yields nodal deformations i.e.

    deflection,slope and rotation at each end of the member. The shear force for a member,the bending

    moments at the two ends of the member, the torsional moment in a member and reactions at the

    supported nodes are the usual output. However, these outputs can be modified and more details are

    possible. Ordinarily the output is obtained for various longitudinal and transverse positions of different

    types of live loading. Invariably the output obtained is very large. Scanning this output, for a grillage of

    even moderate size, is a problem. Therefore, to reduce the output data,only the critical values of the

    force responses need to be retained.

    For the design of any bridge structure we need the envelope diagrams of various responses

    on it. The envelope diagrams are the response diagrams drawn along the longitudinal grid lines with thelargest values of responses picked up under live load. This may be achieved for a particular live load by

    moving it over the deck in small increments both longitudinally and transversely and for each of the load

    positions, the deck is analysed. When the load moves from one position to the next position, the

    responses are again obtained for this new position of load and these values are compared with the

    previous values. The larger values of each force responses like shear force, bending moment and

    torsional moment for each grid member are required along with the corresponding load position,

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    deleting the smaller values. The process is repeated till the whole length and breadth of the bridge is

    covered by the live load.

    The load position for each critical value is given through the coordinates of the left

    most wheel of the leading axle. This information of load position could be used for positioning the live

    load on the deck and carrying out a manual check if so desired.

    The number of movements of loads in longitudinal and transverse directions will

    depend upon the factors like span, carriageway width, type of live loading, extent of accuracy desired,

    available computer time, etc. However, as a preliminary guidance, the movements of loads in

    increments equal to about 1 /15th

    of span length or half the size of the mesh in longitudinal direction is


    The initial and final positions of the live loading on the deck should be so chosen that no critical

    response is missed out. The initial and final positions of wheels in longitudinal direction (Xminand Xmax)

    and in transverse direction (Yminand Ymax).

    3.9 Design Envelopes

    In order to design a bridge for IRC loading, it is not sufficient to analyse the grillage for any one type of

    live load only and obtain response envelope diagrams for it. The maximum responses due to one

    particular type of live load may not be critical at all the points on the deck and it has to be scanned for

    other types of live loads also to obtain the largest design responses.

    To achieve this each live load system is moved longitudinally and transversely in small increments to

    cover the entire deck. The grillage is analysed for each of these positions and the maximum values of

    responses are retained along with the corresponding load positions; the maximum response results of

    various types of live loads are compared with each other and the highest values along with their load

    positions and type of loading are retained giving an overall envelope diagram for each response



    The output or the result obtained from the analysts of grillage consists of vertical

    deflections and X and Y rotations of each node. shear force and torsional moment of each beam

    element,bending moments at the two ends of each beam element and reactions at each support.

    The output or the result obtained from the analysis of grillage consists of vertical deflections and X

    and Y rotations of each node, shear force and torsional moment of each beam element, bending

    moments at the two ends of each beam element and reactions at each support.

    The above results are to be judiciously used while designing a bridge deck. Since the deck has been

    initially idealized as a grillage and the analysis has been performed on the idealized grid, the results

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    may sometimes need modifications and proper interpretations before they are finally used in design.

    Some of the important interpretations of the Output and its modifications due to the local effects for

    slab bridges and slab-beam bridges are discussed below.

    3.10.1 Slab Bridges

    The computer output for deformations like deflection and rotation and force responses like bending

    moment, shear force and torsional moment are to be thoroughly examined and judiciously

    interpreted in slab bridges. Modifications in the output results are made, if necessary, due to local

    effects which are not considered earlier in the grillage analysis and the modified responses are to be

    used in the design for better accuracy. Some of the significant observations pertaining a to force

    responses for slab bridges are discussed here.

    The slabs are designed on the basis of per unit force response. The computer gives

    response for the width which is represented by a particular grillage member. Hence, these responses

    should be converted into per unit width before these values are considered for design.

    Only one value of the shear force for a member of the grillage is obtained from the

    output and the same may be used in as such. Similarly, maximum reactions printed, are taken a

    design values for reaction at supported nodes.

    In reinforced concrete bridges, the direction of reinforcement may not always coincide with the

    direction of principal moment. This is more so with skew slab bridges. In such a case, it should be

    ensured that reinforcement component in the direction of each principal moment is adequate.

    3.10.2 Slab-on-Girders Bridges

    In beam and slab decks also, the stepping of moments in members on either side of a node occur. Thedifference in bending moments in two adjacent members meeting at a node will generally be large in

    exterior girders. Where all the members meeting at the node are physical beams, the actual values of

    bending moment output from the program should be used. If' at a node there are no physical beams in

    the other direction and the grid beam elements represent a slab, the bending moments on either side of

    the node should he averaged as there is no real beam of any significant torsional strength

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