
1Name:___________________________ Date:____________________________

Axial Skeleton Lab Part A: The Skull Prelab: A human skull consists of 22 bones that (except for the lower jaw) are firmly interlocked alone sutures. Eight of these immovable bones make up the braincase, or cranium and thirteen more immovable bones and the mandible form the facial skeleton. Purpose: To examine the structure of the human skull and to identify the bones and major features of the skull. Materials: textbook, human skull (articulated), human skull (exploded), colored pencils Procedure:

1. Review the section entitled “Skull” in chapter 7 of “Hole’s” or “skull” in chapter 5 of Marieb.

2. As a review activity, label figures 1-4. Figure 1













2Figure 2

If the letter is not labeled as bone, label the particular feature of that bone.

A. _____________________________________ I. _____________________________________

B. _____________________________________ J. _____________________________________

C. _____________________________________ K _____________________________________

D. _____________________________________ L. _____________________________________

E. _____________________________________ M. _____________________________________

F. _____________________________________ N. _____________________________________

G. _____________________________________ O. _____________________________________

H. _____________________________________

3Figure 3

If the letter is not labeled as bone, label the particular feature of that bone.

A. _____________________________________ G. _____________________________________

B. _____________________________________ H. _____________________________________

C. _____________________________________ I _____________________________________

D. _____________________________________ J. _____________________________________

E. _____________________________________ K. _____________________________________

F. _____________________________________

4Figure 4

If the letter is not labeled as bone, label the particular feature of that bone.

A. _____________________________________ F. _____________________________________

B. _____________________________________ G. _____________________________________

C. _____________________________________ H. _____________________________________

D. _____________________________________ I _____________________________________

E. _____________________________________ J. _____________________________________

53. Examine the cranial bones of the articulated human skull and the exploded

skull. Locate the following bones and features in the lab specimens and, at the same time, palpate as many of these bones and features in your own skull as possible.

Frontal Bone Temporal Bone Parietal Bone Squamosal suture Coronal Suture External auditory meatus Occipital bone Mastoid process Lambdoidal suture Styloid process Foramen magnum Zygomatic process Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone Sella turcica Cribriform plate Maxilla bone Crista galli Palatine process Zygomatic bone Nasal bone Temporal process Vomer bone Mandible ramus mandibular condyle Mental foramen 4. Use colored pencils to differentiate the bones listed above in figures 1-4. Select

the same color to color the same bone in all figures. This should help you locate various bones that are shown in different views. You can check your work by referring to your text.

5. Complete the conclusion of this lab.

Conclusion: Part A Match the bones in column B with the features in column A. Place your letter in the space provided.

Column A Column B _______1. Forms saggital, conronal, squamosal and lambdoidal sutures a. Ethmoid bone

_______2. cribriform plate b. Frontal bone _______3. Crista galli c. Occipital bone _______4. External auditory meatus d. Parietal bone _______5. Foramen magnum e. Sphenoid bone _______6. Styloid process f. Temporal bone _______7. Mastoid process _______8. Occipital condyle _______9. Sella turcica _______10. zygomatic process

6Part B Complete the following statements.

1. The _________________________________________ suture joins the frontal bone to

the parietal bones.

2. The ________________________________________ suture joins the parietal bones to

the occipital bone.

3. ________________________________________ is a facial bone that contains a sinus.

Part C

Match the bones in column B with the characteristics in column A. Place the letter of your choice in the space provided.

Column A Column B

_______1. Forms the bridge of the nose a. Lacrimal bone

_______2. Only moveable bone in facial skeleton b. Mandible

_______3. contains the mental foramen c. Maxilla _______4. creates a prominence of cheek inferior and lateral to the eye d. Nasal bone

_______5. contains sockets of upper teeth e. Vomer bone _______6. forms anterior portion of zygomatic arch f. Zygomatic bone

_______7. forms anterior roof of mouth g. Palatine bone _______8. forms posterior roof of mouth _______9. scalelike part in medial wall of eyesocket

_______10. forms inferior portion of nasal septum

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