  • Awakening Your Observer

    The Metaphysical Formula for Complete Inner Mastery

    First Published by Tropic of Freedom Learning (pty) Ltd. September 2018

    Copyright Tropic of Freedom Learning (pty) Ltd. 2018 | Johannesburg South Africa

    No part of this book may be reproduced without the express written consent of the authors.

    If you are going to copy, copy it right.


    Neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional medical services. If medical or

    psychological or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

    Authors’ Note:

    The process outlined in this short ‘Free’ ebook is drawn from a technique that we learnt more than two decades

    ago. The process was refined over a period of fifty years of metaphysical teaching by our friend and teacher,

    Patrick Desplace. We have taken his teaching and refined it further for the world of tomorrow.

    In no way do we claim ownership of this particular technique. It can be found in the mystical teachings of most

    esoteric or metaphysical schools that are worth their salt. We have simply chosen to share it with you, as it is the

    foundation process for complete inner-mastery. No matter what your creed, culture or religious beliefs, the

    Observer Exercise has the potential to set you free completely from the shackles of your own mental prison and

    to free you from external dogma, allowing you to be the incredibly powerful human (Hu-God; Man-Mankind of

    the gender female and the gender male) you were destined to be.

    Share this book with whomever you see fit. But most importantly, go through the process. Often change is

    simple, but we choose rather to put it off or avoid it because it seems too simple. The world today is full of

    information. But few are the people who take the time to sift the information, act on it and turn it into

    knowledge. The change only happens when you are prepared to embark on the journey towards knowledge. At

    the end of the journey, instead of knowledge we often find something far greater…wisdom. We have become the

    person who has the attitudes, the beliefs and abilities we seek, because we dared to take the steps to get there,

    and that can never be taken from us.

    If you enjoy this process why not enrol for your Degree in Practical Metaphysic click here

  • Index

    You Are Your Answer 1

    Introduction 3

    Are Your Thoughts Your Own? 7

    Ever Tried Mind Control? 11

    Being King Canute 13

    The Observer Effect in Science 15

    Awakening Your Observer 17

    Opening Your Mind’s Eye 19

    21 is the Magic Number 22

    Bonus Technique for Optimum Success 23

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    Take the Next Step to Total Self Mastery

    You Are Your Answer

    Before getting down to the theory and exercises contained in this book, we want to share a

    very powerful little story with you. This story perfectly sums up the irrefutable truth. You are It.

    You are capable of incredible, glorious things. There is nothing wrong with you that cannot be

    healed by that which is right with you. We want you to become your own light, your own

    teacher, your own inspiration.

    To do that you just need to remember – “All the answers are within you…”

    The Human Conundrum

    A Story About Creation & Humanity

    Cupid, reclined idly on his little throne, watching the commotion around him. The Earth had

    finally been finished and Human Kind was about to be set free upon the planet. But the gods

    had one final problem to solve before setting their creation in motion.

    The problem was, where to hide the ultimate truth, the soul’s essence. Where would they hide

    their power from Humanity? Cupid, god of love, was getting bored of the discussion, but he sat

    through it, grudgingly listening to his elders.

    Zeus, the god of the heavens and all things, rumbled: “Why not hide it in the furthest reaches

    of outer space? Humanity would never think to search there.” The other gods and goddesses

    thought it was a good idea. But, Cupid pointed out that Humanity was very resourceful and

    would one day build a craft that would fly to the furthest reaches of the galaxies, finding this

    magical essence of the gods.

    The Olympians thought for a while longer. Then Poseidon, the god of the seas, said: “Why not

    hide it at the bottom of the ocean, in the deepest darkest place under the sea?” All the gods

    were in agreement that the ocean was a good idea, but Cupid objected. He said that Humanity

    would eventually be able to navigate the depths and find this treasured power.

    Again, there was silence, until Demeter, the goddess of the Earth, said: “Why not hide it within

    the Earth? In the centre of the Earth, in its very heart.” Cupid’s response was almost immediate

    - Humanity would eventually find its way down through the molten heart of the earth.

    Hephaestus, the god of fire and forge, eventual said: “Well what of fire? Surely they’ll never be

    able to find it there?” But the response from Cupid came that somehow, Humanity would find a

    way to distil fire and find the essence of all things.

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    Take the Next Step to Total Self Mastery

    Finally, in exasperation, the gods turned to Cupid and said that seeing as he seemed to know

    Humanity so well he could work out where to hide it. In fact, they suspected he already knew

    where he would hide it and asked what his plan was.

    Cupid smiled up at his elders and said: “I would hide it in the very last place that Human

    beings would think to look.”

    The older gods start getting impatient. They wanted to know where this deeply secret place

    was that none of them had thought of.

    Cupid pointed into his chest and said: “The last place Humanity will ever look, when it comes

    to their power and their god like essence…is inside themselves.”

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    Take the Next Step to Total Self Mastery


    About twenty years ago Melissa and I set out on a journey, one that would eventually bring us

    together, but at the time neither of us knew that the other existed.

    We started on this journey because we both took a look at the life that most of our friends and

    family were settling for and decided that we wanted something different. How we would find it

    was not clear at all. But we stuck to our intent and have discovered a world filled with magic,

    adventure and wonder.

    John’s Story

    By the time I was eighteen I had watched my mother pass away from cancer; I had moved out

    of home and declared a tenuous peace with my family; I had achieved everything I was

    supposed to achieve at school, with extras, and yet I felt empty; and, I knew that most of the

    other over-achievers felt the same way, even if they wouldn’t admit it.

    I wanted something far more from life than what was being presented to me. But I didn’t know

    how to get it. One day I asked from the very core of my being: “Is this it? There has to be

    something more to life, but how do I find it?”

    When you ask the Universe for something…duck.

    Within a few months of finishing high school I met a man who, for all intents and purposes,

    was a sorcerer, metaphysician, magi, whatever your word for a magical holy man is, that’s the

    word for him.

    He presented himself to me in a dream about six months before I met him for the first time in

    person. Needless to say, when I finally did meet him in-the-flesh that was the clincher for me

    in terms of the “More to Life” road sign I had been looking for.

    To cut a long story short, I enrolled in a course that was called Practical Modern Metaphysics

    (contact us to find out where and when you can attend). It had everything in it I was looking

    for, and a whole lot more. The entire purpose of the course was to assist people to step into

    their personal power, to no longer need a guru or a teacher to tell them what to do. The course

    gave us all the tools required to become completely self-reliant spiritually, mentally,

    emotionally and physically.

    The course was being run by a young apprentice of the man who created the programme,

    Patrick. But on the third session of the course Patrick happened to be visiting from Australia.

    So, I got to class early. I couldn’t wait to meet the man who had created a system that had, in

    the space of two weeks, turned my life around in an incredibly powerful way.[email protected]?subject=Practical%20Modern%20Metaphysics%20Enquiry

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    Take the Next Step to Total Self Mastery

    I arrived at the course venue and locked-up my bicycle. Then I ran up the steps to the

    entrance. There, under the veranda I saw a guy with longish white hair, in a cotton shirt,

    wearing a bolo tie, casually smoking a cigarette. I stepped up onto the veranda and looked into

    his eyes. They were very dark, almost an obsidian black, and as I looked into his face I realised

    that he had been in a dream I had had several months before.

    But I had never met him before!

    Here was this man who had appeared in a dream I had had relating directly to my personal

    power. Obviously, that encounter sent shivers up and down my spine. And, because of that

    event, and a number of other very clear encounters with the inexplicable, I knew that I was on

    the right track. I was about to begin living an extraordinary life in an ordinary way and an

    ordinary life in an extraordinary way.

    Melissa has her own story, and if you ever work with us on one of our seminars you can ask

    her to tell you her story. You can also ask me in more detail about the dream I had. I know you

    want more details.

    But right now, let’s look at why we are telling you all this in the first place. The answer is this:

    “You have all the answers, you just need to look inside.”

    Yes, you read that right: “You have all the answers, you just need to look inside.”

    This was the first thing we learnt that really changed our lives, and we learnt it by working

    through The Observer technique outlined later in this book.

    The key to changing your life for the better is to become aware of the fact that you need to

    look inside yourself. You have to see the thoughts that are not always on track with your

    aspirations so you can change them.

    We are not just talking about positive thinking. Positive thinking is a band-aid solution. It

    doesn’t treat the deep inner programming and conditioning of your mind. There are certain

    patterns that repeat, deep under the surface, that positive thinking will not stop. As Don Juan

    says, in one of the Carlos Castaneda books: “The best way to think is not to think at all.”

    When we awaken our inner eye, we begin to quieten the constant mind chatter, and we are able

    to start finding the deeper, pure thoughts that come from somewhere beyond the surface

    survival thinking; corrupted ego driven obsessions; and, the programmed thoughts of the

    tainted collective ego subconscious.

    Of course, some would say that that is impossible. You may even be thinking that right now: “I

    can’t stop my mind chatter. No ways. My thoughts are a part of me, and they NEVER STOP.”

    But are they?

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    Before we explore that, here are few little guidelines. As metaphysicians we are not interested

    in rules. Rules imply that you are unable to govern yourself, that you have no free will and

    need to be told what to do. That is the very opposite of what we are doing here. We believe you

    always have a choice. That is part of what makes you human.

    However, to get the maximum benefit out of what is offered in this book we give you the

    following guidelines:

    1. Keep an open mind, and if you read something you do not agree with then open a BS

    Deferred Folder in your mind. But don’t just leave it in the BS Differed Folder, go and

    check it out. If it is a task, practice it and see what happens. If nothing happens, fine,

    then stamp it Bullshit and leave it at that. But if something does happen, then why not

    explore it a bit more before reactively tossing it on the belief scrap heap.

    2. Create quality time to practice. The World today is obsessed with quantity, people don’t

    really care about quality anymore. Most want longer life with very little concern about

    the quality of that life. We are not sure about you, but we would rather have a short life

    filled with incredible, quality experiences instead of a hundred years barely living

    beyond survival. So, when we refer to quality time, we mean make quality time for

    yourself to practice. Quality is essential, quantity is irrelevant.

    3. Go Thrrrrrough the Prrrrrrocess - Go through the process laid out in this book. It is

    very, very, very simple. Patrick once said to us, “This process is so simple and so

    powerful that your ego will do whatever it takes to stop you by convincing you it is too

    simple for it to have any affect. Are you going to let your ego get in the way of your

    happiness, again?” The technique we are offering you is simple, so you can integrate it

    immediately into your life. But don’t be fooled by its simplicity.

    4. Don’t skip ahead. We know, we live in a world of digital info, reading is so passé. But

    there is a method in our madness, read through the whole book so you have context

    before jumping straight to the exercise. It’s only a couple of pages and you get access

    to the Inner Harmony Fast-Track.

    5. Lastly, Share. You will find our contact details in the book. If you want to ask questions

    or just share your experiences with us as you go through the process you are more than

    welcome to get in touch. In fact, we encourage you to do so, because your process and

    what you observe may very well help other people to go through this process even more


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    Now that we’ve gotten the guidelines out of the way, let’s jump in and take a look at how many

    of your thoughts are really your own.

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    Are Your Thoughts Your Own?

    In the movie, Inception, Christopher Nolan exposes two very powerful concepts about the

    planting of thoughts.

    The first is the simple surface planting of a thought when Leonardo De Caprio’s character tells

    Ken Watanabe’s character: “Don’t think of a pink elephant.” Immediately the only thing anyone

    can think of is the pink elephant. This is because the subconscious mind does not

    acknowledge negatives.

    Furthermore, when you tell someone not to do something, immediately the part of them that is

    connected to their free will wants to do the opposite. This is regularly used against us in the

    media and by governments. When we rebel against an idea we are very often more powerfully

    controlled by that idea than the sheeple that just go with the flow, following unquestioningly.

    The other, revelation, is more to do with Leonardo and his team going into a young

    businessman’s mind to plant an idea deep in his subconscious. Once the protection

    mechanisms of the young businessman’s attitudes and beliefs are circumnavigated it’s pretty

    easy for the team to plant the idea, which then grows from a seed in his subconscious into a

    conscious thought, which the businessman thinks is his own.

    The movie works with analogy and has a strong science fiction element, however, what it

    exposes is how easy it is to actually plant ideas.

    We have had ideas planted in our minds from the very moment we were born. In fact, some

    would argue that, based on cellular memory, the minute we are conceived, thoughts, beliefs

    and attitudes begin to imprint on us in the womb. That means we are being programmed

    before we can even look at, discern and weed out negative thoughts and ideas that may

    restrict our life potential, simply because of hereditary thoughts impacting on a cellular level.

    Regardless of whether you believe the above, it is a fact that a baby has a completely

    untouched subconscious and an undeveloped conscious mind, which means it cannot filter out

    negative patterns of thought. A baby’s mind is like a sponge, it is busy absorbing everything

    around it. Every comment, behaviour, attitude, belief is impacting on the baby, helping to form

    its mind, based on the information the adults around it are burning into its subconscious.

    As a baby matures, changing from infant to toddler to child and finally into an adolescent, the

    conscious mind crystalizes according to the programming of the subconscious.

    This is done by parents and the family group. Then the cultural group based on nation,

    religion etc. Then by teachers and educators. And, the most effective group of all, the peer


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    Consider this, in a Western context the idea of Father Christmas is a major aspect of a child’s

    world. However, once a single child in a peer group has worked out Father Christmas doesn’t

    exist, you can be sure every one of that child’s little friends will stop believing in Santa within a

    few weeks of the bad news, or face alienation.

    So, how many of your thoughts are your own? As opposed to doctrine from your religious

    background, the private beliefs of your parents, the moral code of your culture, the influence

    of your schooling and the way your friends see the world.

    How much of what you think is right or wrong is based on your religious and cultural

    backgrounds? What are your attitudes towards sex and marriage? What do you think is the best

    profession? What do you think about making money? Who should you vote for? Which God is

    the right God?

    Most of these things, which we spend a lot of time and energy attempting to conform to, are

    actually not even our own. Our worries about the right career, the right neighbourhood,

    finding a so-called soulmate, making enough money, what kind of behaviour is right or wrong,

    which political party is right and so on, is primarily informed by a system outside of ourselves.

    That system then convinces the subconscious mind to adhere to its specific limiting beliefs.

    And, the subconscious, which is very much concerned with helping you survive, does its job

    perfectly by taking all those limiting beliefs on, so you can survive in consensus society.

    True thought, the kind of thought that comes from deep within us does not concern itself with

    any form of limitation. Our true thoughts sit beneath this surface jumble of limiting belief, far

    beyond the control of the consensus society programming. True thought starts within, from

    deep inner silence.

    We would like to suggest that 80% of what you think are your thoughts are not your own

    thoughts. What we are interested in is helping you find that 20% which relates to your truth,

    your uniqueness and which is vital to your evolution and living the life of your dreams. We

    want to help you open your inner mind’s eye.

    The Monkeys

    A quick story to clarify what we mean by a pure thought. At some point you may have heard of

    the Hundredth Monkey Effect.

    The story goes that a bunch of monkeys, being observed on a set of tropical islands, went

    through a profound change, based on a pure inspired thought. The monkeys’ diet consisted

    mainly of the roots of a particular plant, a bit like a potato. But, at some point, one of the

    monkeys began washing her potatoes before eating them.

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    Take the Next Step to Total Self Mastery

    Suddenly, most of the monkeys on her island were doing the same thing. Now that seems

    logical, if you see someone doing something clever often you will imitate them. But…it didn’t

    stop there.

    Within a few weeks most of the monkeys on the surrounding islands started doing the same

    thing, they also started washing their potatoes.


    It wasn’t that a bunch of the monkeys from the first island built a canoe and rowed to each of

    their neighbours and said: “Hey guys, you gotta wash your potatoes. They taste much better

    and you’ll have less grit in your gums.”

    No. Through consciousness this idea spread. Now that is the power of a pure thought.

    The Multiple Discovery Theory

    There is now a theory called Multiple Discovery Theory which tries to account for this

    phenomenon in humans. In the fields of science, technology and art, it has been noticed that

    similar ideas, inventions and hypotheses are discovered, seemingly, instantaneously and

    independently by different people hundreds of miles apart.

    This has occasionally resulted in two or three people winning the Nobel Prize for the same

    invention or discovery, even though they were working completely independently of each other

    and with no knowledge that the other people existed, let alone that they were in the same field

    of study or exploration.

    Tony Robbins, Master Life and Business Coach, has said that if you look at every single adult

    on the planet, every one of us has had an idea, a pure idea that could have made us millions.

    The difference between those who have made millions and those that have not?

    The one group looked inside, trusted their inner eye and acted on that idea. The rest forgot

    about it or thought it was impossible.

    Pure Thought is Fair Game

    That brings us to another interesting pattern with pure inspired thoughts. Have you noticed

    that sometimes you’ve had a great idea to solve some kind of problem? That idea may even

    have been a great idea for a business. But then you forgot about it, only to see someone else

    implement that idea a couple of days, weeks or months later?

    The funny thing about pure thoughts is that once you bring that thought from your

    unconscious, through the subconscious, and into your everyday waking conscious mind, it is

    now in the mass collective consciousness. You are the custodian of that thought, but if you do

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    not act on it, it becomes fair game. Anyone else, who may feel better equipped to manifest it,

    can take it and run with it, especially if it is vital to the evolution of humanity as a whole.

    But we all have a major impediment to get over before we can start unlocking that deep inner

    thought - Our intellect and the limitations of the subconscious. For you to get to have a pure

    inspired thought, you first need to take charge of your mind chatter.

    So how do you control your thoughts?

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    Ever Tried Mind Control?

    Have you ever tried mind control on yourself or on someone else?

    What happened?

    Were you immediately successful at trying to force your inner dialogue to think in the way you

    wanted it to think?

    Did your thoughts come quietly like an innocent person who’s been falsely accused?


    Did your thoughts fight tooth-and-nail, like it was the final shootout at a major bank heist,

    screaming: “You’ll never take me alive!!!”

    We would put fair money on the fact that if you have tried some kind of mind control

    technique, like positive thinking, you probably had to invest a hell of a lot of energy in trying

    to force your thoughts to change.

    In fact, trying to resist a thought or an idea by rebelling against it, or trying to push it out of

    your mind, often makes that thought or idea even stronger. That’s because you are feeding it

    energy (your emotions) and you are trying to negate it. Remember the pink elephant.

    By trying to deny the existence of something we often re-enforce it because of the effort with

    which we attempt to destroy or wipe that idea out, especially if it is a resilient idea or belief.

    Not to mention the subconscious doesn’t acknowledge negatives. So, you can’t say to your

    subconscious “I will not smoke today.” It will not see or hear the not.

    Generally, real mind control techniques are ineffective when it comes to the average person.

    You have to want to have your mind controlled. Most of us don’t respond well to being

    controlled by other people. Our mind, as far as we are concerned, is our sanctuary, no one can

    tell us what to think. And, our subconscious, like in the movie Inception, will see most direct

    mind-control attempts as a threat and neutralise them.

    So, the idea of us having our thoughts controlled is a bit silly. However, remember what we

    mentioned about the baby earlier? The baby’s mind is wide open, so you don’t need to use

    crazy sci-fi ninja techniques to control anyone’s mind. All you have to do is get them young

    enough and get them to believe whatever it is you want them to believe and your work is done.

    That’s why we spend the first eighteen to twenty-one years of our lives in programming and

    conditioning institutions. You see, repetition is key with the subconscious. Then it is easy to

    control us either through what we believe is right, or by making us rebel against what we think

    is wrong, what we get offended by.

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    But now, how do we change the thoughts that you have in there? How do you take control of

    your thoughts? Especially if you can’t force them to change (well you can try, but it takes a lot

    of energy and a lot of repetition, over and over and over again, fighting often what is a losing


    We’d like to suggest that instead of trying to control your thoughts through sheer force and

    domination, you need to do the complete opposite. Give up control.

    Yes, you need to let go of your need to control.

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    Being King Canute

    The story of King Canute is a great one and often a misunderstood one.

    King Canute is supposed to have been an Anglo-Saxon or Gaulish king of very high regard. His

    courtiers loved him dearly. But, as is always the case with courtiers, they felt the need to

    suck-up. King Canute eventually got fed up with all the rubbish his courtiers kept saying about

    him because they wanted him to like them. The last straw was a foolish courtier who tried to

    use blatantly ludicrous flattery.

    This courtier told Canute that he was such a great king he could even command the ebb and

    flow of the tides. That was it for old Canute. He commanded his entire court out onto the

    beach and requested that his throne be placed at the midway point between low and high tide.

    This was done at low tide, just as the tide was turning.

    Canute then had all his courtiers stand next to his throne as he shouted at the sea, telling the

    waves to stop. Demanding that the tide turn back. No matter how grand his demands or

    orders, no matter whether he threatened or begged, the tide kept coming in.

    Finally, surrounded by sea water up to their knees, as the waves finally reached the high tide

    mark, Canute called off the experiment. He told his courtiers that there were certain things

    best left up to the Divine. That, for all his own greatness, he was still only human, he was not


    In this instance Canute realised that he could not control the sea. He wanted his courtiers to

    realise that certain things are best not to try to control. One of those things is your inner


    Your thoughts are like an ocean, you cannot control them. Trying to insert positive thinking by

    force into a sea of negative thoughts will maybe create a tiny little island. But to keep that little

    island above the surface of the waves you will have to keep re-enforcing it with sandbags,

    dredging the sand, laying concrete and rust-proof structures. That takes a hell of a lot of

    effort, and the minute you stop the sea will eventually reclaim its lost ground.

    You cannot change your thoughts by controlling them.

    You have to become like King Canute. First acknowledge that trying to control your thoughts is

    not possible. Once you accept that, you can stop the inner battle that is wasting your life force

    and energy, keeping you in deep inner conflict.

    Once you accept that that flow of thoughts is there, then you can start Observing them and

    begin looking at how to channel that energy in a constructive way.

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    If we stick with the analogy of the sea, maybe you could look at creating salt pans for

    commerce, maybe you could come up with ways to use the force of the ocean to generate

    hydro-electric power, you could create desalination plants to transform the salty water into

    fresh water for irrigation and so on.

    But to do all of this, something is required of you, you need to be able to step back and simply

    open your inner eye and observe. Observe the currents, the tides and the actions of the ocean.

    Let’s look at what science has to say about the power of the Observer.

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    The Observer Effect in Science

    Before discussing this idea in depth, let’s look at how quantum theory sees the so-called

    Observer Effect.

    Science Daily Article – published February 27, 1998

    Quantum Theory Demonstrated: Observation Affects Reality

    Source: Weizmann Institute of Science


    One of the most bizarre premises of quantum theory, which has long

    fascinated philosophers and physicists alike, states that by the very act of

    watching, the observer affects the observed reality.

    See the Full Article

    In short, what the scientists at the Weizman Institute of Science concluded is something that

    physicist, Werner Heisenberg, called the Observer Effect. They noted that when observing a

    quantum process, the very act of the conscious mind being focused on the experiment will

    change the outcome of the experiment.

    To take a simple example: For anything to be observed, even on the quantum level, light is

    required so you can see what is going on. In a very simplistic explanation light is one of our

    smallest measurable quanta of energy. So, to view a particle or wave in physics we need to

    bombard it with small particles of energy – light. But by doing that we actually change the

    particle or the wave we are observing.

    That’s in quantum physics, what about in human behavioural sciences?

    Taken from Wikipedia for simplicity of explanation.

    The Hawthorne Effect

    The Hawthorne effect (also referred to as the observer effect[1][2]) is a type of

    reactivity in which individuals modify an aspect of their behavior in response to

    their awareness of being observed.

    For a full technical analysis of the approach you can go to Harvard Business School’s review of

    the idea and process – Click Here

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    You would think that this statement, which is now part of basic management psychology and

    planning, would be common sense. We all know that there is a subtle change in our internal

    state the minute we know we are being watched by someone.

    Little children demonstrate this all the time. The way children behave when left to their own

    fantasy worlds is completely different to when they know an adult is in the same room. Even if

    it is just Mom doing the cooking while the child is playing in the kitchen. If Mom can see you,

    you may not talk out loud to your imaginary friends or to the toys. It’s basic common sense.

    But now, what has this got to do with your thoughts and opening your inner eye?

    Well what do you feel will happen when you start to observe your thoughts?

    We’d like to suggest that what happens in the outer world, whether it is in a relationship

    between a child and a parent, or whether it is the relationship between a physicist and her

    experiment, also holds true for the inner world of every human being.

    When you Observe your thoughts, you begin to Change your thoughts.

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    Awakening Your Observer

    Before we get down to activating this aspect of your consciousness and dissipating the control

    of your mind chatter, we want to clear something up.

    Often, conventional psychology and psychiatry gives us the impression that we are only

    supposed to have a single identity, a single personality. Now on a very deep, deep inner level

    this is true.

    But, without getting into a battle of semantics, what we would like to suggest here is that what

    that really relates to is your soul or your soul identity. That part deep within you that says:

    “I Am That I Am”. That is that part from which your pure thoughts and inspiration actually


    But on top of that we have a whole lot of identities, personalities and archetypes. Jungian

    psychology considers this in depth, especially the archetypal influences on our inner psyche

    and identities. Let’s look at this very quickly and simply.


    Let us say that you have a Lost Daughter/Son identity that you played as a child, particularly

    when you were dealing with your parents and something had upset you. You got a lot of

    attention playing this particular identity.

    But now you are in a relationship and you are feeling overwhelmed by the world and work. So,

    what do you do? Instead of being in your Adult Problem Solver identity, you go into the Lost

    Daughter/Son identity who wants to be protected from the world. But maybe your partner is

    also feeling overwhelmed so they also go into their Lost Daughter/Son identity.

    What do you think happens then?

    You would be correct if you think you will both feel misunderstood and not protected by each

    other, because your identities are not matching up.

    The Right Identity for the Right Occasion

    Part of being able to start matching up your inner identities and aligning them to your soul

    identity, and a successful life, is to activate this aspect of yourself called, for want of a better

    word, the Observer.

    The Observer is an intermediary that is able to assist you to shift your thoughts and your state,

    by putting you in direct contact with your deep inner-self, with your soul identity, so you can

    be truer to yourself in all aspects of your life.

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    It also removes and changes the energy fuelling your negative thoughts, so you can start

    focusing it on what you want, what inspires you, instead of constantly feeding the negative

    cycle of thoughts and beliefs.

    The Observer also gives you access to far greater resources then you would usually be

    accustomed to. By opening your mind’s eye and activating the Observer you begin to clear out

    the mind chatter of your outdated inner beliefs and attitudes, so you can start finding a win-

    win solution in all areas of your life.

    Now, win-win is not what most people think it is. Most people interpret win-win from their

    ego’s need to have vengeance or its need to feel pampered when hurt. The ego interpretation

    of win-win is usually based on the idea of compromise. And a person of true power never

    compromises. That is because a compromise is usually based on lose-lose. You lose a little bit,

    I lose a little bit, so we are not really happy, but we are happy because at least everyone else

    lost a little bit as well.

    Win-win is exactly what it means. It means everyone wins.

    An example, let’s say you are in a relationship with a partner who is having an affair. A win-

    win might be that you leave the relationship and find someone better, and leave your partner

    to be with the other person or people. Now, you might say: “But I want revenge or some kind

    of payback.”

    That’s a waste of energy.

    Being free of the undermining effects to your self-esteem that come from being in an

    unfaithful relationship is a far greater win than spending years of continued mistrust,

    vengeance, insecurity and low self-esteem in a putrid relationship.

    Let’s face it, if they are unfaithful to you it is likely their pattern of behaviour will continue. At

    some point they might confront that, but there is no guarantee, so you why not get out of

    there and focus on your own life.

    We’ve spoken enough about the theory, so let’s get down to the actual process.

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    Opening Your Mind’s Eye

    As with the definition from quantum physics, opening your mind’s eye and activating the

    Observer is like shining light on your thoughts. As you start to shine the light on your thoughts

    you become aware of the thoughts that no longer serve you. As the old saying goes:

    “80% of solving a problem comes from realising there is a problem.”

    By activating this aspect of your consciousness, which has been dormant, things begin to

    rearrange simply through a process of awareness and self-actualisation. This relinquishes the

    control the thoughts have on you, without you having to expend massive amounts of energy.

    The following process outlines how you activate the first phase of the Observer within yourself.

    The Process

    What you will need:

    1. A room where you can sit for 10 minutes, without interruption or distractions. In other

    words, a room with a door you can close. A room that will not have other people or

    animals passing through it while you are busy.

    2. No radio.

    3. No TV.

    4. No mobile / cellular phone.

    5. Absolute silence without distractions for 10 minutes.

    6. A comfortable chair with a good back support that you can sit in for 10 minutes.

    Remember we mentioned Quality earlier? This is what we mean. For this task to effectively

    open your mind’s eye you need to pay attention to quality. 10 minutes of quality time with

    yourself every day. Alone and in silence.

    Once you have sorted out your room, choose a time in the day when you know you will have

    minimal interference from family, partners, dogs, cats or other pets.

    Try and stick to doing your task at that time each day. Try not to make it just before bed, as

    you may fall asleep. Try slightly earlier in the evening or maybe first thing in the morning.

    If you have to do this task at work, the bathroom is the best choice. Go sit in the cubicle and

    do your ten minutes. Trying to do it in your office, in the boardroom, in the car or on public

    transport is not recommended. You open yourself up to all kinds of distractions.

    If you find you can’t do the task for longer then 2 to 5 minutes at a time, then plan

    accordingly. Maybe do 5 minutes in the morning and then 5 in the evening. Work out what

    works best for you, but always make sure you do a total of 10 minutes a day.

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    In the beginning do this task sitting down. Lying down may put you to sleep.

    To optimise the process, we recommend that you sit Magnetically.

    Sitting Magnetically means you sit comfortably with your feet flat on the ground and your

    knees gently bent at a 90-degree angle.

    Let your hands rest comfortably on your lap or let them rest by your side.

    Make sure neither your hands nor your feet are touching. This is to ensure the optimum

    natural flow of energy through your body.

    Then, make sure that your spine is nicely lengthened and straight. Don’t slouch and don’t sit

    like you are at attention. Simply imagine your crown is drifting up towards the sky, gently

    pulling your spine straight.

    An important note: Keep your eyes open for this whole process, it is a waking meditation, not a

    sleeping one. Stay awake and keep your eyes open. You can turn off the electric lights and

    light a candle to lower the stimulus in the room, but keep your eyes open throughout the


    To start, simply become aware of the flow of your thoughts.

    Allow that tide of thoughts to wash over you.

    Another note: Your thoughts may not flow – sometimes the part of you that has been running

    the inner chatter may pretend to go quiet, because it knows you are onto it. Be aware of that

    possibility. It is not that you are not thinking. A part of the mind is trying to be quiet, it is

    getting you to think about nothing, but thinking about nothing is still thinking about


    Regardless of whether the thoughts appear to be flowing or not, simply become aware of your

    thoughts. It’s like you are opening your eyes into your mind.

    Start to observe your thoughts, almost as if you were looking into the inner world of another

    person. Allow your thoughts to run, a bit like a slideshow of pictures on your computer or

    clouds being blown across a windy sky.

    Just simply watch the thoughts go by – “Oh there’s a thought, there’s another thought and

    another one, and another one.”

    Simply OBSERVE your thoughts.

    That’s all you do for ten minutes.

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    Now, if you find that you are getting wrapped up in a thought, maybe you are worried about

    something for work tomorrow or you are obsessing over a relationship thing or whatever, if

    you find yourself getting attached to the thought, STOP the exercise.

    Leave the exercise for a bit. Have a cup of coffee. Step outside for a bit. Do something else for

    a while. Then comeback to the task later in the day or evening. Always take a break if it gets

    too much, but always finish the task for the day. Make sure you complete the 10 minutes, even

    if it is broken up into instalments.

    Another thing with the observing process is to ensure that you do it Zinglessly.

    What does that mean? It means to observe your thoughts:

    • Without Analy-zzzing

    • Without Criticise–zzzzing

    • Without Intellectualise–zzzzing

    • Without Scrutinise–zzzzing

    • Without Rationalise–zzzzing

    • Without Judge -innng – yes there is no zing there, but it belongs with the zing words.

    • Basically, avoid any and all zzzzzzzing words.

    When you observe, the key is to do so with casual detachment. A sort of carefree feeling. And

    to do so zinglessly.

    There are no bad thoughts, there are only thoughts. Simply let them pass you by as you

    observe them. Like with emotions, there are no bad emotions. Anger, sadness, fear are part of

    our makeup, they are not negative. The only negative emotions that exist are the ones we

    refuse to feel, because we are scarred of them.

    The worst of the negative emotions, the ones we refuse to feel, are actually the deeper ones

    like love and happiness. If we do not allow ourselves to feel those feelings, eventually they rot

    within us. Do not try to stop any of your thoughts, just let them flow, zinglessly, no matter

    what they are.

    As you awaken your Observer, so your thoughts will begin to change, by becoming aware of

    the restrictive thoughts they can be gently discarded and your positive thoughts will become

    stronger and stronger.

    It takes a tiny bit of light to drive out a hell of a lot of darkness. It takes the slightest opening

    of your inner mind’s eye to start allowing inspired thoughts to drive away the conditioning of

    your mind, under the negative ego.

    But this isn’t a once-off exercise. You want to fully integrate this aspect of your consciousness

    into your daily life. So how do you achieve that? The answer is 21.

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    21 is the Magic Number

    Yes, 21 is the magic number. Let’s take a look at why.

    First, we will refer you to the work of Maxwell Maltz called “Psycho-Cybernetics”. Maltz was a

    forefather of NLP. He was a plastic surgeon who realised that most people who came to his

    practice were not looking for cosmetic surgery, what they really wanted was a boost in self-

    confidence and self-esteem.

    Through observing this he came up with a process of assisting people to first boost their

    confidence and self-esteem mentally and emotionally. If, after improving their self-esteem and

    self-confidence, they still wanted the cosmetic surgery. he was then happy to oblige.

    What he discovered through this process was that it takes 21 days to create a hardwired new

    habit in the human mind and brain. The actual physiology of the brain changes if you do the

    same thing every day for twenty-one days, without skipping a day. So, it takes 21 days to

    create a new habit.

    Everyone has an Observer, but most have not activated it consciously and integrated it into

    their psyche. To do this is very simple and we strongly recommend that you go through the

    process of activating and integrating the Observer, as it is an invaluable part of your Self,

    assisting you to see reality beyond your filters and in as objective a manner as possible. This

    allows you to find true win-win solutions and to begin focusing more on living life instead of

    just simply surviving.

    The secret here is the 21 days it takes to create a new habit. So, if you are serious about taking

    charge of your life and want to get out of those negative inner thought patterns, simply

    practice the 10 minute Observer task every day for the next 21 days.

    That is 21 days consecutively, which means you cannot miss tomorrow and then do it twice the

    next day. No. You have to do the 10 minutes every day for 21 days without interruption. If you

    get to day 20 and then you miss day 21 because of a crisis at work or just because you forgot,

    you will have to start all over again.

    If you are serious about this inner awakening, 10 minutes every day for 21 days and it is set.

    That’s very little time required to set a habit and integrate an aspect of your consciousness

    that can totally transform your life. Why not make the commitment and see it through, all the

    way to the end?

    And if you use the unfair advantage we provide below, you can be sure that your life will never

    be the same again. Your mind’s eye will be open forever.

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    Bonus Technique for Optimum Success

    Here below you will find a link for a very unique relaxation process. This relaxation process is

    not a meditation. Some people often make that mistake, as they are not quite sure what

    meditation is.

    To meditate you don’t need to be sitting in the lotus position for hours and hours choking on

    overly perfumed incense.

    Meditation can be as simple as going for a walk in the forest, swimming, making dinner,

    shooting on the rifle-range, driving, jogging. In fact, anything that is a repetitive physical act

    that allows your mind to become quiet, is a meditation. That is why there is an entire school of

    Zen dedicated to things like swordsmanship or simply practicing kata - pure martial arts are

    meditative in nature.

    Simply put, the 10 minute Observer task eventually allows you to turn your entire life into a

    meditation, because it brings you into the present moment and stills the mental chatter.

    But to improve your ability to activate the Observer we strongly recommend you also work with

    this life changing relaxation exercise. It only takes about 40 minutes a day to practice, and

    after a week or so you will be able to do it without the voice-over guide. Then you can start

    doing it in as little as 20 to 30 minutes. For Melissa and I, we can get through it now in about 5

    minutes, but that’s because we have been practicing it for a while.

    Why does this track help you with your Observer?

    The Free Relaxation Audio Exercise assists you to enter a deeply relaxed state where your body

    is totally relaxed, but your mind is crystal clear. This is actually the natural state for a human

    being. When we are relaxed we have access to far greater resources. We can see issues and

    their solutions more clearly, without panicking or having an anxiety attack. To be relaxed is the

    natural state for any living creature, but this state is not normal at the moment for human

    beings, because of our lifestyle.

    What the relaxation exercise does is it takes you out of your normal state of fight or flight.

    Most of us are constantly in this state because of job deadlines, traffic, paying the bills and so

    on. We feel like we are constantly under attack. That’s not a conducive state for being still with

    yourself. The relaxation exercise gets you out of that fight or flight state and prepares the

    ground for you to do the Observer exercise far more effectively. It’s not a must, but if it’ll give

    you the unfair advantage, why not use it?

    If you want to start approaching life from a state of deep inner calm, we suggest downloading

    the relaxation audio and working with it for 21 days.

    Download the FREE Relaxation Audio Here

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    About the Authors

    Melissa Neuss

    Teacher, Healer & Reflexologist

    Melissa has spent most of her life exploring metaphysics and esoteric knowledge. She has an

    unbending intent on freedom and is deeply committed to the growth and continued

    development of everyone she meets and works with.

    Contact email: [email protected]

    John Gamble

    Teacher, Healer & Hypnotherapist

    John has spent most of his life seeking out and finding the truth. He does his very best to not

    take himself too seriously, which assists him to make it possible for people to overcome their

    own obstacles, finding deep and lasting happiness.

    Contact email: [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]


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