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Automated testsFacts and myths

/ Wojciech Sznapka @sznapka

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An introductionI work in software industry for about 9 yearsCare a lot about robust and testable architecturesLoves software craftsmanship, sophisticated architectures, Big Dataand ice hockey

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Test DrivenDevelopment

What is this?

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Add a test

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Write an implementation

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Refactor code

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What'simportant here?

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... to have tests

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You won’t go to hell if you’llwrite a test after declaring an

interface or prototyping aclass ...

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... but you’ll surely end up inhell, if there won’t be a test


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Myths aboutautomated tests

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Boss doesn't payfor automated tests

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It's a myth!A 2005 study found that using TDD meant writingmore tests and, in turn, programmers who wrote

more tests tended to be more productiveby American Scientists

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But this ain't that hard ...class RomanConverter{ protected $conversions = [ 1000 => 'M', 900 => 'CM', 500 => 'D', 400 => 'CD', 100 => 'C', 90 => 'XC', 50 => 'L', 40 => 'XL', 10 => 'X', 9 => 'IX', 5 => 'V', 4 => 'IV', 1 => 'I'];

public function convert($inArabic) { if (!is_numeric($inArabic)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('I convert numerics'); } if ($inArabic <= 0) { return ''; } list ($arabic, $roman) = $this->conversionFactorFor($inArabic);

return $roman . $this->convert($inArabic - $arabic); }

protected function conversionFactorFor($inArabic) { foreach ($this->conversions as $arabic => $roman) { if ($arabic <= $inArabic) { return [$arabic, $roman]; } } }}

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... start from obvious thingsclass RomanConverterTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ public function testEmpty() { $this->assertEquals('', (new RomanConverter)->convert('')); }}

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... provide some meat ...class RomanConverterTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ /** @dataProvider provideTestData */ public function testConversions($arabic, $roman) { $converter = new RomanConverter(); $this->assertEquals($roman, $converter->convert($arabic)); }

public function provideTestData() { return array[ [3497, 'MMMCDXCVII'], [1, 'I'], [2, 'II'], [6, 'VI'], [9, 'IX'], [40, 'XL'], [45, 'XLV'], [90, 'XC'], [100, 'C'], [400, 'CD'] ]; }}

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... test edge casesclass RomanConverterTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ /** @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException */ public function testEmpty() { (new RomanConverter)->convert('wtf I am passing here')); }}

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Help yourself with tests generationphpunit-skelgen --test RomanConverter

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... or using Symfony'sXSolveUnitSkelgenBundle

./app/console xsolve:skelgen:test Acme/ExampleBundle/Service/.

./app/console xsolve:skelgen:test Acme/*/Controller/*

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We are buildingtoo complicated

systemfor an automated tests

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TDD forces you to writecleaner code

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It's easier to test smaller unitsof code

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so you write smaller classeswhich are less coupledand that makes your system more stableand open for an extension in the future

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Your Object Oriented designbecomes S.O.L.I.D. compilant

and this is awesome!

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You will of course tacklecostly dependencies

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Use PHPUnit's mockframework or Mockery

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Fake it till you make itclass MockedTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ public function testNonExistingValueObjects() { $configuration = \Mockery::mock('\ConfigurationValueObject', [ 'getUrl' => '', 'getFormat' => 'xml']); $this->assertEquals('xml', $configuration->getFormat()); // OK }}

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Mock thingsthat can't be tested quickly or non-

reproducableclass MockedTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ public function testApiCalls() { $buzzMock= \Mockery::mock('\Buzz\Browser'); $buzzMock->shouldReceive('get') ->andReturn('<response><mood>Awesomity</mood></response>');

// this also is wise solution, to write xml fixtures in file // $buzzMock->shouldReceive('get')->once() // ->andReturn(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures.xml'));

$api = new \ApiConsumer($buzzMock); $api->assertEquals('Awesomity', $api->getCurrentMood()); // OK }}

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Expect declared behaviorsclass MockedTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ public function testExpectationsDeclarations() { $buzzMock= \Mockery::mock('\Buzz\Browser'); $buzzMock->shouldReceive('get') ->andReturn('<response><mood>Awesomity</mood></response>');

$loggerMock = \Mockery::mock('\Monolog\Logger'); // we just want to be sure that Logger::info was called only once $loggerMock->shouldReceive('info')->once();

$api = new \ApiConsumer($buzzMock, $loggerMock); $api->assertEquals('Awesomity', $api->getCurrentMood()); // OK }}

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Be prepared for failuresand check if you prepared for unexpected situations

class MockedTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ /** @expectedException \MyExceptionWrapper */ public function testFailedConnection() { $buzzMock= \Mockery::mock('\Buzz\Browser'); $buzzMock->shouldReceive('get') ->andThrow('\Buzz\Exception\ClientException');

$loggerMock = \Mockery::mock('\Monolog\Logger'); $loggerMock->shouldReceive('info')->never(); $loggerMock->shouldReceive('err')->once();

(new \ApiConsumer($buzzMock, $loggerMock))->getCurrentMood(); }}

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We providingAPI for external

consumersit can't be tested...

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Use Symfony's WebTestCaseto test your API

I call it integration tests

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Call your API and check if itreturns prepared data

class ExpenditureControllerTest extends WebTestCase{ use IsolatedTestsTrait; // it resets test environment

public function testGetListInJson() { $client = static::createClient(); $client->request('GET', '/expenditures.json'); $json = json_decode($client->getResponse()->getContent());

$this->assertTrue($client->getResponse()->isSuccessful()); $this->assertCount(80, $json); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( new \DateTime($json[79]->created_at), new \DateTime($json[0]->created_at)); }}

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Use fixtures and resetenvironment

IsolatedTestsTrait should do the trick

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Steps required to effectivelyrun in isolation

1. configure PDO SQLite in file2. create database3. drop schema4. load fixtres5. copy database as a backup6. copy database from backup for every test7. delete database backup after test suite

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frequentlywe can't keep up with unit


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Use behavioralapproach

Behat in PHP

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Describe features as scenariosIt will be readable for: business, developers and machines

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Perfectly fits into Agileprocess

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Simple exampleFeature: look for a job In order to find cool job As an aspiring programmer I need to be able to list job offers

Scenario: list offers for PL version Given I am on "/" Then I should see "Dołącz do teamu" And click "Dołącz do teamu" Then I should be on "/kariera" And I should see "PHP Senior Developer (Gliwice)"

Scenario: no offers for EN site Given I am on "/en" Then I should not see "Dołącz do teamu" And I should not see an "#join-us" element

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Our tests areslow!

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This could be true ...

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Always use in-memory sqlitedatabase

Or create clean sqlite database and copyit for every test

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Group your testsUse PHPUnit's @group or Behat's @tag

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Create "smoke tests" groupsThose should be fast test, which ensures your system is most likely


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Slower tests should run duringnight

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It gives you confidenceabout changes and your code

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Team is able to rapidlyexperiment with code

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TDD enforces betterObject Oriented design

Smaller units of code and lower coupling always leads to betterunderstanding of the codebase by future devs

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End user experiences betterquality

lower 500 error ratio in the production

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Happier users↓

more $$$ in future

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Setting up an workingenvironment for automated

testsis timely costly at the begining, but it pays off in the future

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System without any kind ofautomated tests

has big potential to be a big ball of mud

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Good coverage can be easilyachieved with

mix of unit, functional and behavioral tests

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You need to build andcultivate

TDD culture in your surrounding

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Feedback is much appreciated

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Twitter: @sznapkaGitHub: @wowo

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