Page 1: Automated system for environmental monitoring in the border zone of poland and ukraine

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Page 2: Automated system for environmental monitoring in the border zone of poland and ukraine


Ecological monitoring (environmental monitoring) - comprehensive observation of the state of the environment, including components of the environment, natural ecological systems, with the processes occurring in them, events, assessment and prognosis of environmental changes.

Title of project - Development and implementation of an automated system for environmental monitoring in the border zone of Poland and Ukraine (ASCEM).

Analytical monitoring equipment

Stationary equipment of monitoring system

Page 3: Automated system for environmental monitoring in the border zone of poland and ukraine

Localization Project (expandable): Poland (Podkarpackie, Lublin, Podlachian, Masovian Voivodeships, Warsaw), Ukraine (Lviv, Volyn regions, Kyiv).Project implementation period: from 2 to 4 years (term of implementation will be determined at the stage of development and harmonization of technical specifications).

Podkarpackie Voivodeship


Podlachian Voivodeship

Masovian Voivodeship

Lviv regionsVolyn region

Page 4: Automated system for environmental monitoring in the border zone of poland and ukraine

OBJECTIVES OF ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ASCEM Environmental monitoring in real time (water - Bug River, groundwater, air - organized

crossing points on the Polish-Ukrainian border (pollutants, radioactive materials and aerosols); routine selections for laboratory analysis of water samples and air and determination of pollution parameters followed by integrating the data to the upper level of the system);

Creating conditions for an objective assessment of the environment (forecasts and calculations);

Identification of negative factors or unfavorable ecological situation in the border zone; Providing objective information about the state of the environment of Polish, Ukrainian and

European authorities to support the population in the field of environmental protection and safety and security solutions;

Support and improvement of the management decisions of the above authorities; Preparation of qualified personnel in Poland and Ukraine for the implementation of

environmental monitoring in the border zone.

Stationary equipment of monitoring system

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River Bug

The length of the south-western border of Ukraine is 1391 km including 542 km is the border of Ukraine and Poland.

Basic water artery in the border zone is the river the Western Bug (Bug). River Bug belongs to the basin of the Baltic Sea.

Waters of the river use for potable supplies of Polish cities, including Warsaw (Zegrze Lake).

Bug River is the European Union's eastern border.

The border zone characterized by the presence of significant water resources, border crossings, industrial plants, sewage treatment plants, which are carried out and may carry out cross-border impact on the environment.

Border crossing Krakovets

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BASIS FOR DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM Directives of the European Union: Water Framework Directive; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Directive on ambient air quality and the Clean Air for Europe Programme;

The program cross-border cooperation between Poland, Belarus and Ukraine in 2014 – 2020;

National Environment Monitoring Programme of Poland in 2016-2020;

National legislation of Ukraine.

Establishment of the system will be preceded two important stages:

Investigation of the border zone in order to determine optimal monitoring points (transport communications, engineering communications, physical protection of equipment);

Preparation of Technical Specification for the system and its arangement with the relevant authorities (with clearly defined parameters that must be controlled by the system).

The system will have the possibility of possibility for integration of additional modules (subsystems) for the individual technical specifications (Terms of References).

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MILESTONES OF THE PROJECT Design of the ASCEM; Preparation of qualified personnel for operation of the system; Manufacturing, supply, assembly and commissioning of the system.

The system will be managed by a central unit with all peripheral modules for control and management both in automatic and manual mode.

Automated central module will include integrated subsystem consisting of workstations, servers, communication devices having the configuration of the central control of distributed workstations to change features, updates, analysis, processing and display of information.

Forecasting module of similar systems

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Target groups of the project: government authorities of Poland, Ukraine and the European Union, specialized organizations in the field of environmental protection.

Beneficiaries: Ministry of Environment of Poland, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.

Expected results:

Determination of objective factors impacting on the environment in the border zone; Optimization of the international system of information in the field of environmental protection; Reduction of social and psychological tensions of the population of Poland, Ukraine and the European

Union on the possible effects of environmentally hazardous facilities in Ukraine and Poland, placed in the border zone, on the state safety and the environment in the zone.

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