Page 1: Auto recovery save of graphic narrative health and safety handout

Health and Safety Issue How can you prevent it?Having a bad back from sitting in the same place and same position for a long time. Regularly having breaks and changing position, also understanding the

importance of good posture is a key to working with computers.

If you’re working with computers, it is very easy for wires to come loose, causing a hazard.

Having regular checks to make sure all the wires are in place and are not a danger to anyone. If you do happen to see a out-of-place wire, be sure to put in back in to place immediately.

If you’re spending a lot of time doing work on the computer, it is quite common to get headaches/eye pains as well as uncomfortable back pains.

Having 10-minute breaks every 45 minutes can massively reduce the chances of eyestrain, along with doing stretches for about 5 minutes every 1-2 hours to prevent back and/or neck problems.

In most cases, noise is very common in the office/working space. This noise can vary from the sound of the equipment to fans and air conditioning. You may not think these small noises have an effect on you but it can cause lack of concentration, possibly becoming a source of stress.

One of the ways noise can be reduced is installing sound absorbing partitions and acoustic ceiling tiles. Another way is providing padding under the machines/equipment making the sound muffled or relocating, replacing, repairing or moving the noisy machinery away from where people are working.

When doing computing work, more then likely you will be using a mouse for long periods of time.

As with using a keyboard, take regular breaks. Also, alternate mouse usage between both hands, this will help share the workload. Try using keyboard shortcuts instead of constantly using the mouse.

Including the Health and Safety legislation will improve your grade

Page 2: Auto recovery save of graphic narrative health and safety handout

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