
1 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r



Created by Gay Miller

2 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r


This is a lesson plan that I used for the TEAM evaluation process last year with a fifth grade class. I

cut out some state specific information to make it more user-friendly. Planning a single lesson for

the TEAM evaluation takes hours, so I hope that you will be able to use at least parts of the lesson.

The clipart on the cover is from My Cute Graphics

The remainder of the clipart is Microsoft.

If you enjoyed this lesson please head over to my Teachers Pay Teachers store and rate it.

Thank you,

Gay Miller

3 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Vocabulary for Word Wall

P persuade

I inform

E entertain

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SF share feelings

SE share


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D describe

C communication

R report

6 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r


I need four volunteers to stand in the front of the room and share something with the class in 30 seconds or less

based on a topic I give you.

Share something that happened to you today.

Convince the class to do their homework.

Teach something.

Tell a joke.


What was the purpose of each?

Essential Question

How does thinking about the author's purpose deepen your understanding of the material?


Every time you write whether it is a letter, e-mail, short story, poem, recipe, note, instructions, or even a

website article you should have a purpose in mind. Maybe you are writing a research paper and your

purpose is to report. If you are writing about your summer vacation your purpose might be to share an

experience you had with someone. People write for different purposes. Some include to entertain, to

inform, to share experiences, to persuade, and to report. You will learn about each of these.

Media is any way you can send out messages that will reach large numbers of people. The first form of

media was the newspaper. Television, radio, computers, video games, movies, and music are a few of

the ways information reaches large numbers of people today.

Sometimes the messages sent to the public are to communicate. Other times the purpose is to

entertain or pass on information. At other times the purpose may be to persuade a person into thinking

a certain way.

Every time an author writes, he or she has a purpose in mind. Writers usually write to persuade, inform,

entertain, share feelings, or describe. Understanding an author’s purpose will help you interpret the

information you read.

Authors may have more than one purpose for writing. The author’s purpose may be stated plainly or

readers may have to use reasoning skills to figure out the purpose.

7 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

The Lesson

On pages 8-9 you will find the author’s purpose organizer with illustrations. (I used this for the struggling

readers.) On pages 10-11 you will find the same organizer minus the illustrations. I began author’s purpose with

eight mini lessons. Each day we would discuss the meaning, list examples, and the students would draw an

illustration on the flap of their organizers. Fact sheets for each purpose may be found on pages 12-19.

8 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Persuade means to try to convince someone to

think the same way you do. If readers changed the way they thought about a topic or issue, one of the author’s purposes may have been to persuade.

advertisements, newspaper editorials, junk mail,

posters, speeches, bumper stickers, billboards, commercials

Inform means to give someone information about

something. If students learn while they are reading, one of the author’s purposes may have been to inform.

encyclopedias, school newsletters, instructions,

pamphlets from health clinics, maps, timelines, schedules, charts, graphs

Entertain means to amuse someone. If readers enjoyed what they read, one of the author’s purposes may have been to entertain.

fictional stories, comics, poems, jokes, riddles

Share feelings means to tell the reader what you are thinking. Personal thoughts are told.

journals, diaries, letters

9 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Describe means to paint a picture in the reader’s

mind with words. Imagery is used to tell how something smells, tastes, sounds, feels, and looks.

travel brochure, wanted posters, most novels

contain this type of passage

Report is an account prepared for the benefit of

others, especially one that provides information obtained through investigation.

news reports, book reviews, research papers, list

of information such as a medical report or police report

Sharing experiences means to tell the reader about something that has happened to you.

autobiographies, narratives

When you communicate you tell others your thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.

cell phones, e-mail, signs with directions, call outs from Mountain City Elementary, morning announcements, bulletin boards

10 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Persuade means to try to convince someone to

think the same way you do.


advertisements, newspaper editorials, junk mail, posters, editorials, campaign speeches, bumper stickers, billboards, commercials

Inform means to give someone information about



news reports, research papers, encyclopedias, school newsletters, instructions, pamphlets from health clinics, maps, timelines, schedules, charts, graphs

Entertain means to amuse someone.

Examples fictional stories, comics, poems, jokes, riddles

Sharing feelings means to tell the reader what you are thinking.

Examples journals, diaries, letters

11 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Describe means to paint a picture in the reader’s

mind with words. Imagery is used to tell how something smells, tastes, sounds, feels, and looks.


travel brochures, wanted posters, most novels contain descriptive passages

Report is an account prepared for the benefit of

others, especially one that provides information obtained through investigation.

news reports, book reviews, research papers, list

of information such as a medical report or police report

Sharing experiences means to tell the reader about something that has happened to you.

autobiographies, narratives

When you communicate you tell others your thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.

cell phones, e-mail, signs with directions, call outs from Mountain City Elementary, morning announcements, bulletin boards

12 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

P (persuade)

Persuade means to try to convince someone to think the same way you do. If readers changed the way they

thought about a topic or issue, one of the author’s purposes may have been to persuade.

For example

An advertisement might want you to buy something.

You might write a letter to persuade a friend to come spend the weekend with you.

You might write a speech to persuade your community to start a neighborhood watch program.


advertisements, newspaper editorials, junk mail, posters, campaign speeches, bumper stickers, billboards,


13 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

I (inform)

Inform means to give someone information about something. If students learn while they are reading, one of

the author’s purposes may have been to inform.

For example

A newspaper might give you information about a health issue.

A website might give you information about a movie, band, or something you are interested in.

A handout from school might give you information about an upcoming event.


encyclopedias, school newsletters, instructions, pamphlets from health clinics, maps, timelines, schedules,

charts, graphs

14 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

E (entertain)

Entertain means to amuse someone.

If readers enjoyed what they read, one of the author’s purposes may have been to entertain.


fictional stories, comics, poems, jokes, riddles

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S (share feelings)

Sharing feelings means to tell the reader what you are thinking. Personal thoughts are told.


journals, diaries, letters

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S (share experiences)

Sharing experiences means to tell the reader about something that has happened to you.


autobiographies, narratives

17 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

D (describe)

Describe means to paint a picture in the reader’s mind with words. Imagery is used to tell how something smells,

tastes, sounds, feels, and looks. You will find many adjectives and adverbs in descriptive writing.

For example

A novel might want you to imagine a character in your mind’s eye.

A travel brochure may want you to “see” the country being described.


travel brochures, wanted posters, most novels contain descriptive passages

18 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

R (report)

A report is an account prepared for the benefit of others, especially one that provides information obtained

through investigation.

For example

Crime Scene Investors write reports of their findings of the crime scene.

Doctors write medical reports about a patient’s checkup.

Students write reports in the form of research papers.


news reports, book reviews, research papers, list of information such as a medical report or police report

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C (communicate)

Communication is the telling of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.


cell phones, e-mail, signs with directions, call outs from Mountain City Elementary, morning announcements,

bulletin boards

20 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

The Lesson

Small Group Activity

Printable response cards for this activity may be found on pages 21-23

Match author’s purpose (yellow) to

Definition (green) to

List of Examples (orange)

21 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

This means to try to convince someone to think the same way you do. If readers changed the way they thought about a topic or issue, one of the author’s purposes may have been this.

This means to give someone information about something. If students learn while they are reading, one of the author’s purposes may have been this.

This means to amuse someone. If readers enjoyed what they read, one of the author’s purposes may have been this.

This means to tell the reader what you are thinking. Personal thoughts are told.

This means to paint a picture in the reader’s mind with words. Imagery is used to tell how something smells, tastes, sounds, feels, and looks.

This is an account prepared for the benefit of others, especially one that provides information obtained through investigation.

This is the telling of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.

This means to tell the reader about something that has happened to you.

22 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

advertisements, newspaper editorials, junk mail, posters, campaign speeches, bumper stickers, billboards, commercials

encyclopedias, school newsletters, instructions, pamphlets from health clinics, maps, timelines, schedules, charts, graphs

fictional stories, comics, poems, jokes, riddles

journals, diaries, letters

autobiographies, narratives

travel brochure, wanted posters, most novels contain this type of passage

news reports, book reviews, research papers, list of information such as a medical report or police report

cell phones, e-mail, signs with directions, call outs from Mountain City Elementary, morning announcements, bulletin boards

23 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

to entertain

to inform

to share experiences

to persuade

to report

to communicate

to share feelings

to describe

24 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Oral Practice

Use response cards to tell the author’s purpose.

1. a sales ad wanting you to purchase a motorcycle

2. the list of movies showing in your town and the times

3. comic strips

4. diary entry

5. a television commercial for toothpaste

6. a letter to the editor explaining the need to recycle more

7. a research paper about George Washington

8. The young girl happily dug her toes in the warm, moist sand as she watched two sea gulls dip into the

beautiful, blue waves. The rolling waves shimmered as the bright, midday sun gleamed brightly on the


9. an e-mail to tell your friend to meet you at 8:00

10. bus schedule

11. a fairy tale

12. fire safety brochure

13. Excerpt from Hatchet

Then a wild crashing sound, ripping of metal, and the plane rolled to the right and blew through the

trees, out over the water and down, down to slam into the lake, skip once on water as hard as concrete,

water that tore the windshield out and shattered the side windows, water that drove him back into the

seat. Somebody was screaming, screaming as the plane drove down into the water. Someone screamed

tight animal screams of fear and pain and he did not know that it was his sound, that he roared against

the water that took him and the plane still deeper, down into the water. He saw nothing but sensed

blue, cold blue-green, and he raked at the seatbelt catch, tore his nails loose on one hand. He ripped at

it until it released and somehow - the water trying to kill him, to end him - somehow he pulled himself

out of the shattered front window and clawed up into the blue, felt something hold him back, felt his

windbreaker tear and he was free. Tearing free. Ripping free.

14. I loved Grandfather Mountain! We went as a church trip. It was fun and I saw new things I have never

seen. We're going back next year for sure. Lots more are going and looking forward to it. Christina

15. MICE FOR SALE:: We have a large selection of mice for sale this week.. . .

16. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky. When he was seven he moved to Indiana. He

attended a real school for only one year. Abe taught himself to read and write. By the age of 17 Abe was

working for local farmers. Around 1830 his family moved to Illinois. Abe was a good speaker. In 1834 he

decided to get into politics. He ran for the Illinois State Legislature and won. Abe then became a lawyer

while he was in the state legislature. He opened his own law office. Abe ran against Stephen Douglas for

Senator and lost. Two years later he ran against Douglas again for President and won.

17. A policeman’s formal written notes about evidence found at a crime scene

18. Weather forecaster on the television telling you to take your umbrella because it will be rainy

25 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Written Practice

1. ______________________ a poster about a community walk-a-thon for charity

2. ______________________ appointment card from the dentist

3. ______________________ A message on Twitter exclaiming your what you thought about President Obama’s speech

4. ______________________ an advertisement for Coca-Cola

5. ______________________ a book report

6. ______________________ share the road sign

7. ______________________ a post card from your friend from Hawaii

8. ______________________ Sally Paige’s amazing Wrinkle Remover cream will make you look younger in thirty days or less. . . .

9. ______________________ knock-knock jokes

10. ______________________ an e-mail that tells a friend you are going to be late

11. ______________________ step by step recipe

26 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Writing Activity ~ Explanation of Project

I have taken the topic of school buses and written two or three examples for each of the following:






I want you to judge the examples to determine which example for each is the best.


1. The Johnson County School System is retiring six school buses. You may purchase one of

these buses for just $1000. The buses are wonderful for church youth groups or clubs to

take large groups on outings. Just imagine the fun you could have on one of these buses.

2. Would you like to buy a school bus? You could take it camping. I like to go camping. One

time I went to Watauga Lake and camped out. I went fishing. You could go too if you buy

this school bus.


1. School buses look different from other kinds of buses. They are yellow. They have a sign that

tells cars to stop and let the children get off to go home. Thousands of school buses drive

kids to school every day.

2. Approximately 480,000 yellow school buses carry 25 million children to and from school

every weekday. Over half of the country's student population is transported by school bus.

School buses are yellow because yellow gets your attention faster than any other color.

People notice yellow objects first.


1. It was the first day of school, after summer vacation and time for Sam to pick up the

children in his school bus and take them home again.

After he had made the complete run that afternoon, one little boy remained on the bus.

Thinking he had simply missed his stop, Sam started driving slowly back through the

neighborhood and asked him to be sure to let him know if any of the houses or people

looked familiar. The boy sat in his seat contentedly and shook his head whenever Sam asked

him if he recognized a person or place.

After the second unsuccessful tour of the area, Sam started back to the school to ask for his

27 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

address. When they arrived, the child got off the bus and started walking away.

"Wait!" Sam called. "We have to go inside and find out where you live."

"I live right there," the boy said, pointing to a house across the street.

"I just always wanted to ride in a school bus."

2. Once upon a time when Sally was in kindergarten she rode the school bus. She rode the

school bus in first grade too. Sally hated riding the school bus. One time she cried and didn’t

want to get on the bus. Her mom took her to school.

3. The other day on the bus, the kids were telling knock-knock jokes. One little boy was getting

a little crazy with it so I said, "Knock Knock."

He said, "Who's there?"

I said, "Police."

He said, "Police who?"

I said, "Police sit down in your seat and be quiet."

He thought this was funny and obeyed.


1. It is yellow. It is dirty and needs to be washed. It goes fast down the road. It stops to pick of kids.

The wheels are black and go round and round. I ride on a bus to school. Do you like to ride on a


2. The big, yellow school bus bounced, let out a cough, and groaned as it rambled down the gravel

road. The outside was covered with a film of dust from its daily journey. Hundreds of tiny hand

prints covered the exterior. Messages like, “Wash me,” and “I heart you,” blanketed its exterior.

Even with all its dirt and stinky smells I loved that old bus.

Share Experience OR Share Feelings

1. I ride the bus to school every day. Sometimes I sit next to my friend Michael. He makes me

laugh. I get home about 4:00.

2. On the last day of my first year at school, I was lost; I was sad. I wouldn't get to ride the bus

again until September. . . ..until second grade. . . . .an eternity.

When Mr. Jones stopped the bus at my house, I started down the steps. Then turned

around, ran back up, kissed him on the cheek, and ran back down again. I could hear the

sound of that whole bus full of cool high-schoolers roaring with laughter.

28 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Group Writing Activity

Now you are going to have your turn to write about a chosen topic. You will write using one of the following :




Share Feeling or Share Experiences


In a moment you will move into groups according to your color. Take paper, a pencil, and your organizer


You will draw a number from the group leader. The student who draws number 1 may choose first from

one of the five author purposes listed:




Share Feeling


Number 2 will choose next, and so on until each member of the group has a different purpose. The group

recorder will write down everyone’s choice.

You will have 20 minutes to write one paragraph about your topic based on the author’s purpose you

have chosen.

Everyone in the group is to write his/her own paragraph; however, group members must help each

other with ideas, spelling, proofreading, etc.

Your writing topic is doughnuts. Yes, you will be able to eat these after we finish the lesson.

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Doughnut Paragraphs for Recorder

To describe ________________________________________

To inform ________________________________________

To persuade ________________________________________

To entertain ________________________________________

To share feeling or share an experience _____________________________

30 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Doughnut Facts

Dunkin' Donuts – largest - 6,000 stores in 30 countries world-wide!

In U.S. - over 4,400 locations - across 36 states

Winchell's House of Donuts – created largest

doughnut - weighed 5000 pounds and stood 95 feet in diameter

In U.S. - more than 10 billion donuts made every year

National Donut Day - celebrated - first Friday in


1917 - Salvation Army female volunteers -

prepared thousands of fresh donuts to the homesick soldiers that served in France during

World War I

Louisville - donut capital of the U.S.

America’s favorite donut flavor –glazed, next chocolate, powdered sugar and plain

31 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Words Describing Doughnuts














soft, crispy doughnut

sweet chocolate icing spread out evenly over the top

sweet creamy custard filling on the inside

cinnamon powder




still warm










sugar coated



32 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Student Examples from Our Writing Project

Persuade by Patience Dunkin Donuts has some fabulous chocolate doughnuts. Come on down. For only $1.00 you get

two doughnuts of your choice. You might even get one for free. Michael Jordan said, “They are

great!” Come on down today.

Entertain by Ryan Have you ever seen Chicago covered with bits of doughnuts? I have. Here’s what happened. I was

walking out of the Trump Building with my friend Ty. All of a sudden a missile flew by my head. I

ran as fast as a Lamborghini to hide behind a parked car. I peeked around the car to see a

doughnut trunk. Out of the back of the truck was the cannon that had shot the missile. The army

and marines drove towards the doughnut truck. A small group of marines aimed their gun barrel at

the doughnut truck and shot a missile. Pieces of donuts flew everywhere.

Describe by Cassie I was jubilant to go to Krispie Kreme to have my birthday party. Just thinking about the doughnuts

made my stomach growl. When I walked into the shop, the delicious smell made me anxious to

gobble them up. As I looked into the case, I saw millions of doughnuts. Some were yellow with

lemon jelly inside. Others were chocolate with multicolored sprinkles. Glazed, strawberry, cake

style, and twisted doughnuts made my mouth water. After an hour of contemplating, I chose

strawberry. As I inhaled the luscious scent, I couldn’t think straight. The sticky, squishy icing

smeared all over my fingers as I put it to my mouth. It was the most wonderful thing I have ever

tasted. Donuts rule!

Inform by Christina Norris

Americans love doughnuts so much that they have created a special day to remember doughnuts.

National Donut Day is celebrated the first Friday in June.

A lot of people eat doughnuts. Dunkin Donuts is the largest doughnut chain with 6,000 stores in 30

countries world-wide. In the U.S. over 4,400 Dunkin Donut stores are located across 36 states.

American’s favorite flavor of doughnut is glazed. Other popular flavors include chocolate, powdered

sugar, and plain.

Persuade by James Eat at Dunkin Donuts. They are really fantastic. Biting into a donut is better than playing with a

Transformer. For a limited time they are only 39 for $17.99. For an extra $5.00 you will get five

more doughnuts. That is 44 donuts for $22.99. That is all! Come on by and get yourself some


33 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Share Experience by Emma I loved going to Ginny’s Doughnut Shop every morning for breakfast. Just walking in the shop

made me feel like a rainbow of happiness. I loved the chocolate or raspberry filled the best. When I

would bite into the doughnuts my mouth would water. The warm and tasty feeling was better than

skateboarding. The taste was golden in my mouth.

Describe by Kaitlin The hot, yummy, delicious donuts melt in your mouth! Some are spotted with sprinkles and

whipped cream. You can also eat soft, gooey glazed or melt in your mouth chocolate. The smell is

like being in a room full of butterscotch candles! When you take a bite, you feel like you are in


Entertain by Ty I walked into the Krispie Kreme Doughnut store looking for fantastic, chocolate doughnut filled with

cream. I bought ten. I sat down to gobble them up. I could smell fresh, tasty treat. My mouth went

crazy. As I took a bite the cream squirted in my nose. When I looked up with my nose full of

cream, you won’t believe who I saw, Sarah, my girlfriend. I was so embarrassed I left Krispie

Kreme without eating my doughnuts.

Share Experience by Rheshana We went to the Krispie Kreme and ordered some delectable, crispy donuts. One was chocolate with

moist cream. Another was blue with white and pink sprinkles. It tasted sugary. I put my finger in

the middle and pulled it out with chocolate. It was sticky but delicious. It was so yummy; I gobbled

it down. I thought I had eaten all the donuts. Then I spotted another one. It was covered with

powdered sugar. When I bit into it, chocolate poured on my lips. Going to Krispie Kreme was even

more fun than feeding the horses.

Inform by Ian Did you know that billions of donuts are made every year? Here are the top loving donut cities:

Cincinnati, Ohio; Roanoke, Virginia; Knoxville, Tennessee; and Indianapolis, Indiana. Hostess uses

over 10 million pounds of powdered sugar every year. More than 168 million pounds of chocolate is

produced for doughnuts. Dunkin Donuts has over 1700 locations in 29 countries and over 6,000

stores in 30 countries worldwide.

Share Experience by Dustin My class had doughnuts to celebrate Halloween. When I looked at the donuts, my mouth started to

water. They looked delicious with the sprinkles on top. When I picked one up, it was sticky and

sugary. I slowly took a tasty bite that melted in my mouth. Soon my face was covered with

chocolate icing. I loved the Halloween festival, but before long I bouncing off the walls from the

chocolate and sugar.

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Share Experience by Maddie On a cool, sunny day my mom brought home chocolate donuts. I was asleep, but I woke up from

the smell. I was so excited than when I ran downstairs, I slipped and hit the ground. I got up, ran

to the donuts, and I tried to grab one. My mom slapped my hand and said, “No! These are for your

father.” I started lying down on the floor and I yelled, “Why? Why? The humility!”

Persuade by Kristina You are persuaded to buy donuts when you are watching a TV commercial like this one.

Go to Krispie Kreme for a fantastic doughnut. They have the yummiest and moist donuts in the

whole world. For just $1.00 you can get four delicious, chocolaty, marvelous treats. Come on

down, and I’ll see you there.

Share Experience by Michael I went to Dustin’s birthday party, and we ate sticky, messy donuts. The delicious looking

doughnuts made me want to gobble them down. Picking one up, made my hands messy. I shoved

one in my mouth, but icing splatter on my face. I looked like the donut monster.

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Venn diagram. List the eight different author’s purposes in the correct locations on the diagram. (NOTE: This is a part of the Tennessee Standards.)









All Three




36 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Answer Keys

Oral Practice

1. P (persuade) a sales ad wanting you to purchase a motorcycle

2. I (inform) the list of movies showing in your town and the times

3. E (entertain) comic strips

4. S F (share feelings) Dear Diary,

5. P (persuade) a television commercial for toothpaste

6. P (persuade) a letter to the editor explaining the need to recycle more

7. I (inform)or R (report) a research paper about George Washington

8. D (describe) Myrtle Beach

9. C (communication) an e-mail

10. I (inform) bus schedule

11. E (entertain) a fairy tale

12. I (inform) OR C (communication) fire safety brochure

13. D (describe)OR E (entertain) Excerpt from Hatchet

14. SE (share experiences) Grandfather Mountain

15. I (inform) Abraham Lincoln report

16. P(persuade) mice for sale

17. R (report) policeman’s notes

18. C (communication) Weather forecaster

Written Practice

1. I (inform) OR P (persuade) a poster about a community walk-a-thon for charity

2. I (inform) appointment card from the dentist

3. S F (share feelings) Twitter

4. P (persuade) an advertisement for Coca-Cola

5. R (report) a book report

6. C (communication) Share the road sign

7. S E (share experiences) a post card from your friend from Hawaii

8. P (persuade) Wrinkle Remover cream ad

9. E (entertain) Knock-knock jokes

10. C (communication) an e-mail that tells a friend you are going to be late

11. I (inform) step by step recipe

37 | P a g e C r e a t e d b y G a y M i l l e r

Writing Share Feelings


Literature Share Experiences


Media Communicate




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