Page 1: Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols Transcript.pdf · motivational speaker and powerful advocate of personal empowerment. She is

Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Janet: Welcome everyone. My name is Janet Attwood and I’m the cover editor for Healthy Wealthy nWise Magazine and co-author of the Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Destiny.

If you’re joining us for the first time, this is the Healthy Wealthy nWise Passion Series where twice a month we interview someone who has been incredibly successful at living their passions so you can learn how to discover your passions and live your own personal destiny. Tonight’s interview will appear as the cover story on Healthy Wealthy nWise at in July.

Passion and purpose are intimately tied together. Your passions are the clues to your purpose in life. About purpose, my dear friend and star of The Secret Marci Shimoff in her upcoming book, Happy For No Reason, says, “When people are deeply happy, they bring a sense of purpose with them wherever they go, whatever circumstances they’re in. So if they’re changing the oil in the car, they bring a sense of purpose even to that.”

Our guest tonight has brought a sense of purpose to everything she does. One of the starts of The Secret, Lisa Nichols is a dynamic, international motivational speaker and powerful advocate of personal empowerment. She is the founder and CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit LLC.

Lisa’s company has transformed the lives of over 60,000 teens, prevented over 1,800 suicides, reunited thousands of teens with their parents, and influenced more than 987 teen dropouts to return to school.

Despite being labeled “one of the worst writers” by her English teacher, she’s landed two major book-publishing deals with the best selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series. She’s appeared as a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show, an expert life coach on NBC’s hit show Starting Over and on Larry King Live among many others.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Her highly sought-after no-hold-barred messages are delivered with powerful intensity as she connects through her candid conversational style with employees of major corporations, members of empowerment groups, entrepreneurs, small business owners, educators, teens, and anyone who has the pleasure to attend one of her many standing-room-only presentations.

Lisa has been recognized for her work and dedication nationally and abroad. She has received the 2006 Rising Star Award, the 2003 Trail Blazers Entrepreneur award, Lego Land Heart of Learning Award, Emotional Literacy Award, and November 20th has been proclaimed Motivating the Teen Spirit Day by the Mayor of Henderson, Nevada. We are thrilled and we’re so honored to have you with us tonight, Lisa. Thank you so much for joining us.

Lisa: Thank you for having me. It’s my pleasure and honor to be here with you.

Janet: Honey, we are just so excited. I am also honoured to introduce my co-host who is another giant in the field of teen empowerment and education. Bobbie DePorter is president of the Quantum Learning Network and co-found SuperCamp®, a learning and life-skills youth program that has changed the lives of over 45,000 students from the U.S., Latin America, Asia, and Europe.

SuperCamp® success led to Quantum Learning School programs now with 30,000 Quantum Learning trained teachers impacting over two million children. Bobbie is an early pioneer in accelerated learning and author of more than a dozen books published in seven languages.

You can learn more about Bobbie’s program by going to Bobbie, thank you so much for being with us tonight.

Bobbie: Thank you Janet.

Janet: Now I’ll turn it over to you and I’m sure you can do QLN a lot better than me. That’s a real hard one, you know, Quantum Learning Network. I couldn’t do that one right. Anyway, I am so excited that both of you are with us, so thank you.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Bobbie: Thank you. Lisa, I’m so pleased to be invited to be your co-host tonight. I thought, “How perfect” when they asked me. I do remember teh very, very first time I met you.

Lisa: Many years ago.

Bobbie: You remember that, too. I can see you sitting there. I was just so inspired by your presence because you’re just so real. I kept thinking this is somebody who people really want to listen to and be with. I thought, “Me included.” That’s right where I was and I’m so pleased to now know you over the years. I always go back to that moment sitting there together. I’m really glad to be here with you.

Lisa: You know what, Bobbie that moment is like a milestone in my life because when I first met you, I had dreamed it in my head. It was my passion. It was synergy and my energy and I hadn’t yet manifested into the world.

Now, looking at it a few years later and it’s here and it’s out and it’s been birthed. When I think of you and when I talk to you, you were a staple in my life from when I was just birthing the dream, the passion in my life, which is teaching teens how to fall more in love with themselves.

Bobbie: So here we are. Let’s get started. Lisa, how did your passions, the things that you care about most deeply, how did they lead you to the work that you’re doing today?

Lisa: I love that question. My passion is for healing and helping people to turn their breakdowns into breakthroughs and helping people to turn a test in their life into a testimony. I’m even more focused inn passions working with our children, working with teens.

My passion is working with teens because I really needed a lot of support when I was a teen. I wore a really great smile and I was a social butterfly and yet, I had some areas in my life I really needed some help with. I needed some help with learning how to be emotionally literate, emotionally healthy.

As I grew up, I remember saying, “God, if You show me how to get through these darkest hours in my life then I promise You I’ll spend the rest of my days teaching others how to do the same, with the focus on

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

teens, if You would just help me.” I just developed this organic passion for working with teens and people to really reach for their best and reach through their junk, over their issues and around their fears and really reach into their greatness.

I have to tell you that in my life today all I do is what I was born to do: my passion, which is to teach people to do those things I just mentioned. It has really impacted my life in such a profound way because it’s taught me possibility more than anything.

Bobbie: It’s about those breakthroughs and you being so authentic with your own, and then when you’re teaching others, they just get that so much from you that you want so much for them to get it as well.

Lisa: Yes. I believe because I’m a product of the work. I didn’t study as much as many of my wonderful colleagues and friends have done. Much of my lessons came from living the work. My passion is from a very core place. I know like I know like I know. You’re probably heard that before.

I’m a product. I believe that God has all made us special, however, there’s no sprinkle of fairy dust that came with me, there’s no magic that comes with me. There’s just a core passion that, no matter what, I have the opportunity and the right to move forward, to forge forward, to play big, to play “gi-normous.” I believe that so I live it. I think I’m always on fire because I am a product of the belief.

Bobbie: They call that “earning the right to speak,” too.

Lisa: I like that.

Bobbie: You’ve earned it.

Lisa: Why, thank you very much.

Bobbie: Yes. Would you share with our listeners the story of how you began to make your passions into your profession? It’s one thing to be so passionate about it and you’ve lived it and you had that passion to give it to others. What is the story behind how that actually became your profession?

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Lisa: I just have to tell you that I tried many other professions before. I had this calling on me. I had this energy and this calling to be a speaker at first. I have to tell you that I believe there’s a big difference between a speaker and a facilitator. At first, I was called to be a speaker to inspire people.

I have to tell you that when I first felt the tug in my core, “Oh, I want to be a speaker!” my fear storms rolled up. I said, “No, wait, wait, I can’t be a speaker. I got a “D” in Speech.” I’m going to be honest with you. I tied what I could do to my past and so for five years I felt like God – I call him God, you call Him whatever you choose. I have a tendency to bring God into everything because He’s been so remarkable in my life. But God kept saying, “I want you to teach and inspire people.” I kept saying, “How am I supposed to do that?”

I don’t know if any of the people listening have ever questioned a calling or a purpose or a passion inside you because everything didn’t seem crystal clear. I said, “How am I supposed to do that? I don’t know who to speak to or where to speak.” Yet I just had this core passion to speak and inspire people, and yet, honestly, I had this fear-storm going along on with it, like “What do I do? Where do I go?”

God kept calling me to inspire people and I kept saying, “God, could You call me back later? I’m making a six-figure income. I have benefits. I have insurance. I have a three-year-old child.” It came to a point, Bobbie, where the core of my passion burning to be a speaker began to scream so loudly that it was uncomfortable for me to ignore it.

As amazing as that was, I was living a very comfortable life as a consultant in Los Angeles, you know, I have security and benefits. But my passion was to travel the world and inspire people and encourage people. I tried to actually ignore it for a while because I didn’t know exactly how to shape it. I didn’t know about this world called Entrepreneurialism and if that came with benefits or if that came with some form of security.

I finally began to work on my fears some. What happens if I don’t do it right? Oh, I get to do it again. What happens if I make mistakes and fall down? Oh, I get to get up. What happens if I don’t know how to do a budget? Oh, I get to ask for help. I literally had to go through, Bobbie,

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

everything that I was afraid of and dismiss that so that I took all the power away from the fear.

Then I began to walk forward. I began to go to some of the most brilliant minds in marketing and investors and in capital raising and I began to just become a student. You have to know I was a “C” average in school. I was the one who, when I got a “C,” instead of getting frustrated, I did the happy-dance. I wasn’t the student who was exceptional. I was the student who really, really tried hard and she probably ended up with a “C.”

I immediately went into studying what it means to be a speaker, studying what it means to be a facilitator, studying what it means to be an entrepreneur. I went out and started doing it for free. I started teaching teens how to fall madly in love with themselves and how to make integrity-based decisions for free, so that I could see if what I thought would work would really work for them. As a matter of fact, when I first met you, I was doing it for free still.

Over the years I built my credibility up until I earned the right to have a fee. I delivered the results. I made sure that the work with teens and adults worked no matter what community they’re in. Affluent or disadvantaged, whether it was a Christian community or Buddhist community, whether it was an African-American community or a Latino community or a white community. I made sure I crossed all boundaries. I just kept trucking and never put my head up. I literally built my own career as a speaker and as a facilitator. Now I live the life I love and I love the life I live.

Bobbie: You really listened to it. One is you knew your passion and then you listened to it. I was wondering if you had some words for the listeners out there when you talk about the line and I’m seeing the line there and it’s this passion that you have and then the fear. It seems like you were so focused on what you wanted, your passion and what you wanted in that profession and then you listened to it and manifested it.

Lisa: Yes. Here’s the thing. We get to, each and every one of us on this call, we get to define what it looks like and feels like for us to be joyful, to be happy, to live in our passion. What I did was defined what felt good for me and what I needed to do to move forward in that.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

So many people said, “Lisa, you want to teach teens? Like teens between 12 and 18? You want to teach them how to be emotionally literate, emotionally healthy? What are you talking about?” Every time I said it, the hair on the back of my neck would stand up, “Yes, I do. I absolutely do.” I didn’t allow anyone else to define my passion, to define my purpose.

It felt good the first time I did it, Bobbie. It felt so good. It felt so right. You know when you’re in your passion. You know when you’re on purpose because it feels so right. It feels so good. I just kept on following that feeling, Bobbie. I just kept doing what felt good.

I didn’t know what I wanted to be until I was 26-years-old because I kept trying different things. Believe it or not, I was in accounting for seven years and I don’t know about any of you, but I need to stay away from numbers. But I tried it. I had to try it. I tried this and I tried that.

When I got in front of a room and began to make people feel good about themselves, it felt good. I knew I was on point. There’s an internal barometer, there’s an internal compass to all of us. What I’m doing now is just more of what makes me feel good. Now it’s evolved to teens, women, entrepreneurs. Those are my three areas, my three niches. I love working with those three bodies of people. It feels really good.

Bobbie: Once you felt that, I heard you say, “No going back.” You’re hooked.

Lisa: No, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t let it go. Guess what? I didn’t allow the money to just be the single factor of my success. I had more days where we were eating a really skinny dinner than the hearty buffets that I enjoy today. Mind you, this whole time I was a single mom. I had a three-year-old son by the time I truly stepped out on faith and said, “Okay, God, I want to live my passion. I want to do my dream.”

I was responsible. I put money away. I saved enough so that I could give myself two years just focusing on my passion to make it happen. I gave myself a two-year window to make something happen. In those two years, I was able to raise $532,000 that was investor dollars because I learned how to raise capital. I had no idea how to raise capital.

I wanted to teach teens how to love themselves and teach women and teach entrepreneurs so much that I was willing to go and do the

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

uncomfortable. Asking for money and doing investor meetings – ick! That was not what impressed me. I knew that as a responsible CEO and if I were going to give, I would tell people, “I want this company to outlive me. I want this company to be around for your children’s children.”

The best thing I can do is learn every aspect of the business so I can build a strong foundation so we can teach teens how to fall madly in love with themselves and how to make integrity-based decisions until the cows come home.

Bobbie: I love it. Right at the beginning, I heard you say the word “Yes” and all that you have created out of that is just amazing. You also had so many excuses back then. You talked about how you could have, that you had a child. There are so many people who I hear from who feel stuck at that time. Do you have some words about feeling stuck and you have this passion. What’s that courage to cross that line?

Lisa: I appreciate you asking that. In the last, I think, 90 days I’ve probably been interviewed over 200 times because of that wonderful project called The Secret. People often ask, “What did you learn about The Secret?” I just have to say that, and this answers your question, that in my world, I didn’t know it to be the Law of Attraction. In my world, Bobbie it was the Law of No Matter What. Literally.

I’m writing a book now. Guess what the title is: No Matter What. To be honest with everyone, I didn’t study the Law of attraction. I didn’t study Quantum physics. I didn’t study Metaphysics. I didn’t study any of that. In my world, growing up in south central Los Angeles, living between the Harlem Crypt Thirties and the Rolling Sixties, and those are not cheerleading squads, you guys. Living between gangs and being considered academically challenged, living across the street from the police station and going to bed to sirens and waking up to sirens, all I could hold on to was my personal law called No Matter What.

I believe when you live by the law No Matter What, it doesn’t matter. The circumstances don’t matter because the rule outlives the circumstance, No Matter What. No matter how many times I got backed down, I knew I had the birthright to get back up. No matter how many poor choices I made, I

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

knew that I had the right to make a new choice. I knew that I would be forgiven.

No matter how many times I played small, I knew, in the very next minute, I get to make a new choice and play big, play huge, play “gi-normous.” I tell a lot of people in my workshops that the only difference between you and I is I’ve said “yes” a few more times. We all have the opportunity to play big. We all have the opportunity to love unconditionally. We all have the opportunity to forgive quicker, to apologize sooner, to love harder, to play longer, to cry more freely. We all have that opportunity.

We simply choose to say either “no” or “yes.” Bobbie, I know what saying “no” felt like. I said “no” for years, living small, thinking that someone who looked like me with mocha skin and full lips and round hips that I wouldn’t be allowed to inspire millions, especially millions that may not look like me. I never knew that world. All I did one day was say, “What if?” What if we live our lives like “what if?” I’m going to say “yes” just in case the “what if?” is possible. That’s really what I’ve done.

I had a lot of excuses and reasons to stop, but those were also opportunities to say “yes”. Those were also opportunities to build my resiliency muscle, to build my fearless muscle, to build my unwavering “like I know, like I know, like I know” muscle. Those were also opportunities and some opportunities come wrapped in a little sandpaper.

Bobbie: You are certainly playing it big. When I see you, I see you just stepping into the life. You don’t step back. You see things and opportunities and things that need to be done and you just step right into it. All these big things have been happening, and through that I know that being invited to be part of The Secret. The movie is so big and such a phenomenon. It’s all over. How did the movie first enter your life? How did you get that connection?

Lisa: We would think now that as huge as it is there would have to be some huge strategic plan or alliance, but I think it was some really great people like Chris and Janet who just followed the opportunity to share this vision with the world.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

What I love about The Secret is that the intention has always been so pure, which is why it’s doing so well because it wasn’t created to make millions. It was created to inspire millions. When Rhonda shared her vision, she was so precious because I was still learning. I’m always learning. I’m still learning about the Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics.

I’m just a girl from Los Angeles. Sometimes I’m in these circles of my amazing friends and I understand every third word, but I’m writing them all down so I can put them together later. I can really be inside studying myself.

I’m in this group of highly evolved transformational leaders. I’m the new kid on the block and I’m just saying, “Listen, I’ve been with teens for the last 12 years. There’s a whole other language with teens.” So I’m learning this language of my transformational colleagues. Rhonda comes in and she has transformational language blended with her Australian accent and I think, “Now I get every fifth word.”

I love her energy. I love what she’s talking about. That’s an idea. I understand it and I like it. I really like it. So I said “yes.” I didn’t quite know what I was saying “yes” to other than what I understood the part where she said, “I want to help humanity.” She kept saying that: “I want to help humanity. I want to give a contribution to people.” I thought, “I got that. I can do that. I can do that.”

I didn’t know all the ways that we were going to play it. I had no idea how it was going to be marketed. I had no idea what the strategy was. But she came through endorsements of some very dear friends, Chris and Janet. She was endorsed by some people who I respect the most. Her intentions were good. I really felt her heart. I’m very intuitive and I go by how I feel around you. I don’t care what your resume says. I could care less who else says you’re phenomenal. At the end of the day how I fell when I’m in your space.

Her energy was really, really good. She was one of those people who I just hugged as soon as I met her. I said “yes,” and then I sat down. When I sat down, I still wasn’t clear what I was sitting down for, but I thought let me just be present with her. She’ll ask the question and I’ll give her the

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

answer. If there’s some value, maybe she’ll use it later. Who knows? But I gave it with good intention.

That’s what came out of that. We just had a great conversation. Before it was over, the makeup lady was crying and I’m crying and we’re all having a good time because we connected heart to heart. That’s what happened. Then next thing I know, this amazing, phenomenal, top-of-the-line, first-class DVD is produced. We’re looking at the premier and I’m saying, “Whoa. Wow. This is awesome.”

You have to know that I love The Secret not as a teacher necessarily, but I love The Secret as a student. I love it as a student. I love it as a reminder, as a way to deposit into my spirit. My son loves it. May family loves it. I was really just blessed to be one of the people who they felt could contribute something.

For me, because I teach teens, I come from a very layperson. I need to simplify it. I need it in the simplest form. I believe that I added that angle to the DVD as well for those who are just learning the language and those who are younger. So I was happy to contribute to that.

Bobbie: It’s captivating watching as you said that pure space in it comes from. You being so aware of yourself then you have the opportunity to just really connect on a heart space, as you say with it, and with the intention of it being to help humanity, just having that vision that people can connect their heart to it. What a phenomenon it’s been. Oh, my goodness.

Lisa: Yes, it has.

Bobbie: You talked about your law of No Matter What. In The Secret, they talk about the Law of Attraction. How do you connect those? What’s the Law of Attraction? How does it play a role in your life?

Lisa: I get that I’ve been operating it long before I even knew I was operating it. There was a time where I wasn’t operating it to give me the best results. I really realized that. I realized that it’s powerful, that it’s real, that it’s Bible-based. Proverbs say, “So a man thinketh, he is.” Matthew says, “What you ask for in prayer, and you believe, it will be so.” It is the oldest conversation. And yes, it’s right in front of our faces.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

I’m excited to understand about the Law of Attraction for me because it keeps me in the driver’s seat in my own life. I cannot stand the idea of the fact that I’m in the passenger seat of my live, or I’m in the backseat of my life. There have been some times I’ve been in the trunk of my life. I haven’t been driving my outcomes.

What the Law of Attraction has done for me in my life is it reminds me, like Oprah said, “I knew it all the time. I just wasn’t calling it that.” I’ve always known it. What this has done is it has created a community where I can have a conversation, a title that I can put on it. So as my son and I are talking, we can use a language that we both understand. It has been phenomenal for me.

What I’m excited about is that I get to revisit in my book all the times I was using the Law of Attraction, not knowing it was the Law of Attraction, thinking it was the Law of No Matter What. Sometimes I was using the Law of Attraction to my own detriment. I’d like to reveal that as well. I’d like to reveal that, even as a teacher, I’m still learning. I get to look back and say, “That’s what that was. You mean the relations that I was in that weren’t working? They weren’t all their fault? You mean there’s a role that I played in that?

What’s exciting about that for me, even though there’s a sour taste of ownership to it, there’s also a sweet taste of creation. I get to create all the next phenomenal relationships in my life, with family, with friends, with significant others. I also have more power in that as well.

Bobbie: There’s no victim in it.

Lisa: No victim whatsoever.

Bobbie: No. The word of putting it out and being responsible, that we are responsible and how powerful with our thoughts. I notice when I listen to people now that when people come from that place and there’s just every intention in the words that they say. I hear it in your voice. Everything is about you’re creating it with your words, with your intentions, with your thoughts. You just create it out there.

Lisa: Absolutely.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Bobbie: What would you say is the relationship between the Law of Attraction and one’s passion?

Lisa: Wow. I think your passion puts everything in quick-drive to come toward you. Your core passion is where it all begins. It’s the organic place that what you’re creating in your life will start. If you’re passionate about being in love and loving others, then you’ll find love sure enough everywhere the Law of Attraction is operating because your core passion is love.

I’m passionate about helping people to turn their breakdowns into breakthroughs and teaching people how to just leap beyond wherever they’ve ever been. You cannot imagine how many things come to me that are in alignment with that.

This weekend I’m on my way too South Africa. Our friends from South Africa are on the phone. I’m going to South Africa to talk about living The Secret. My natural gut core passion is healing and bringing people together. I believe I was going to South Africa for Living The Secret tour and speaking over about 11 days or 14 different events. I saw an email last week that said, “Lisa Nichols will be coming to South Africa to help heal our cultural wounds from the past.” I had no idea that that was the relationship they had to me coming.

But because it’s my passion, the Law of Attraction will draw it to me from all over the place whether it’s conscious or it’s unconscious. Your passion is the mechanism by which all your energy is emitted from. It’s that radar inside you that sends out the little circle waves and it goes out into the universe. It says, “Draw back to me.”

No matter where I am, teens migrate to me, in South Africa, in Jamaica, in Hawaii and in Australia. They just come to me because they’re my passion. I don’t ever have to say it. They just show up and hang around.

Bobbie: You’re speaking your passion, part of it being so connected with to the people. You’re so in tune to them that you’re speaking what they need to hear or want to hear. You’re just connected in that way. It’s so beautiful because anywhere you go in the world, you look at the people and I know your empathy and being with them, getting in their world and who they are

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

and then, when you open your mouth, what comes out is just that connection and what’s going to serve them in that way.

Lisa: We get to build bridges from my heart to your heart, from my soul to your soul, from my core passion to your core passion. We get to find our likeness. We get to celebrate with our likeness. We get to dance inside our likenesses. We get to love, laugh, and cry inside our likenesses. We get to honor and respect our differences.

Bobbie, there’s a likeness in everyone. I don’t care it if’s a man who doesn’t speak English. I’ve never seen him. He’s never seen me. We both want love. We both want our children to be joyful. At the end of our live, we both want to say, “I did my best.” I don’t care where we come from, how much different we are, there are some likenesses.

I believe when we run to those likenesses and we celebrate our common denominators and we respect our differences, we now have a community that’s so broad. We now have a society. Our human society gets to play together. There are no boundaries.

Bobbie: The more we know about each other spending time together, too, there’s that connection. When people are willing to just be themselves, just be themselves and then spend time together, that’s where those hearts connect. You hear about their passions and we get along with everyone when we come from that place.

Lisa: Not only spend time with me, but peel back some layers and show me the you. Show me the “you” you. Show me the part that others may not see. Play with me a little bit in your heart space. Tell me what you’re excited about. Tell me what your passions are. Tell me the hurdle that you’re getting over. Tell me the speed bump that you don’t want to turn into a stop sign in your life right now, that you’re really working through right now. Tell me about it. Tell me as a child what did you love the most? What did you want the most? Give me more of you.

One of the things that I do, and Bobbie, I appreciate you for recognizing it, I work to give you as much of me as possible. I believe that if I give you more of me, then that’s more that you can celebrate with me. I invite you inside that share to give me more of you. Then we truly have intimacy.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

I think intimacy is not about an experience between two people. I believe intimacy really starts off with “into-me-I see”. When I see into me and I’m comfortable with who I see, then I can invite you to see into me as well and then we get to see into each other. That’s a true connection.

Bobbie: Wow. You know that just listening to each other, my mind went to about four months ago or whenever it was where we had an opportunity just to spend time together sharing, me and you.

Lisa: Yes, we did. We did.

Bobbie: It’s so beautiful just to spend time with somebody and have somebody really listening to you. Your heart does open up and you feel so respected just to remember sharing that with you. I just value that time so much. It meant a lot to me to do that.

Lisa: Thank you.

Bobbie: You’re travelling around and speaking so many places. I did catch you on Oprah which was fun to watch you.

Lisa: That was really fun. I enjoyed Oprah. To answer the question everyone has, she is as fabulous in person and during the commercial break as she is on screen. She’s very, very consistent. I couldn’t even tell when the cameras weren’t rolling or when they were rolling because she was in conversation the whole time.

It was really an experience. There was one of those moments where I sat there and said, “No matter what. No matter what.” Because I felt like I had had a conversation with Oprah years ago. She just didn’t know what the conversation was about. I had already seen myself there. I didn’t know what the topic would be. I thought it would be about teens or about women. Lo and behold, it’s about The Secret, which is a perfectly wonderful topic.

When I sat there, I just said, “We all have a right that, if I can make it to this seat, then we all have right. There are no “but, what ifs.” There are no “but, what ifs.” We all get to kiss, hug and pray inside of bliss.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Bobbie: I was watching your face during the show, too. What’s going on inside side of Lisa right now? The part I loved the most was right towards the end when they showed your Vision Board. That was unbelievable. You see it up there and then the cameras focused right in the middle where it says, “Lisa tells all on Oprah.” I want to hear you talk about it because I wondering and watching you. What did it really feel like to have your dream realized like that in that moment? What was going through your head? Tell us all of it.

Lisa: From the moment I walked in, you have to know that her entire staff had all seen The Secret. They are beyond being politically correct to us. They were grateful that we were all there. As I’m walking through the door and every little moment, from the moment they put Lisa Nichols name-badge on it and around the edge it had Harpo Inc. Every little thing was just so huge to me. I go into the Green Room and I’m saying, “I’m in the Green Room at the Oprah Winfrey Show. Wow. I’m in the Green Room.”

You have to know that I made the Vision Board up not six months earlier. I had just made the Vision Board in 2006 while I was in Jamaica. I’m sitting in the Green Room thinking, “This is real. I can check this off. This is absolutely real.” They’re putting my makeup on. It was a very surreal moment. In my head, I was filled with gratitude. I kept thanking God. “Thank you, universe. Thank you, God. Thank you. Thank you.”

When I went on stage, I walked out before Oprah did and the audience said, “Oh, that’s her. That’s her. That’s Lisa Nichols from The Secret. That’s reverend Beckwith from The Secret.” You can hear them mumbling all of our names. There was overwhelming gratitude, again. By the time I had sat down, before the show even started, people were looking at me with these big eye and big hearts and sending me love.

I started bawling before the show even started airing. The makeup artist runs out because she apparently was watching me. I had my own makeup artist at the Oprah Show. You have your own makeup artist. She’s watching me on camera and runs out. She says, “You’re messing up mu job, girl!” She fixed my face up and then Oprah walked out.

As I sat there and I watched and when we went to the first commercial break and they invited the teachers up on stage, Oprah literally jumped

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

out of her seat started clapping her hands really fast and saying, “The teachers are coming! The teachers are coming! The teachers are coming!” I was saying in my head, “I’m the teacher! I’m the teacher! I’m the teacher.”

There was this moment that I felt like a little girl. I felt like, “God, you set us right.” You see, what I realized and I want everyone on this call to realize is that the universe is waiting for you to get the clue that everything you absolutely wand and desire can be yours. It’s not going to come to you if you’re sitting on the couch saying, “I sure want bliss and joy.” You have to get up.

At the moment, I felt overwhelmed with all the times I got up. No matter how many times I wanted to just stay there, laying down saying, “God, this is so hard! No one gets my dream. No one shares my vision. I ran out of money again. I ran out of time again. I ran out of energy again.” With all that conversation, I kept getting up.

Sitting there, Bobbie, Looking at my vision Board on the screen, I was overwhelmed to tears, as you probably saw. I’m still feeling tearful even now I feel overwhelmed. I kept saying “You kept getting up, baby. You kept getting up.” I was so proud of the story that only I know about how many times I wanted to say, “I’m not going to get there.” And yet I said, “Nope! I’m going to get there.”

Having that Vision Board on there – and by the way, you have to remember that it didn’t just say, “Lisa appears on the Oprah Show.” It said, “Lisa tells all.” What you guys may not know is that, in the third segment in the show, they names that the Lisa Nichols Segment because it had all my background on me. They flew out to Los Angeles and they said they were going to tape three hours. They taped seven hours and 45 minutes of footage on me. So, literally, I had told them everything by the time those tapes got rolling.

That’s how accurate the universe is. That it didn’t say, “Lisa appeared,” it said, “Lisa tells all.” They didn’t play the whole clip, but literally, out of all the teachers I’m the one that they said, “Can you tell us your life story?” It was so confirming. We all need confirmations.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

This call for someone is a confirmation and that for me was a confirmation. That the distance between Oprah and I, you and Oprah, Oprah and each person on this call, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi, the distance between any of them and us is simply our choices.

Bobbie: You said the word, “proud.” What came up listening to it because when good things come in our lives, we have a choice to think, “Am I think feeling proud?” and just sitting there and letting it all come in, or do I think, possibly, “I don’t deserve this,” or “Why am I sitting on the stage?” Talk about that.

Lisa: I’ll be honest with each of you on the line. I’m not going to have this hunky-dory, peachy-cream story all the time. “It’s all been great since the very beginning. I got up one day and said I wanted to speak and I’ve been speaking ever since.” Oh, no.

I believe some people choose careers and some people are called to a career. When I was called to speak, I fought it at first because I didn’t see anyone who looked like me. I didn’t see any African-American women speaking the way God was telling me I should be speaking. I was nervous. I didn’t know. I got a “D” in Speech last time I took Speech. My speech teacher told me I should get a desk job.

I had these fear-storms. I had these worthy conversations. “Am I worthy? I made so many mistakes. I made so many poor choices.” I began to doubt myself. I started out doubting myself more and then I began to really look at and ask people, and this is a great exercise to do. I asked people who believed in me to tell me what they saw in me. There are some days, many days, where the people in my circle saw things in me that I wasn’t seeing in myself yet, Bobbie.

I would go to people like you and I would go to people like Chris or people like Janet who loved me and I would say, “Tell me what you see in me.” They would be the helium in my balloon. It brings tears to my eyes now because there were so many days I doubted myself as a speaker. I doubted myself as a facilitator for teens.

After all, when I was 17, I was suicidal. Who am I to teach teens to come through that darkness? I was suicidal. Then I’d go to someone who I love

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

and they’d say “You are the best qualified to teach a troubled teen or teach a questioning teen or teach any teen because you came through that.”

When I was doubting myself as a mother, I’d go to my friends and I’d say, “Please, tell me what you think about me as a mom.” They would say, “Lisa, look at the quality time you spend with your son. Look at the things your son says about you. Look how much he wants to be around you and near you, how he constantly calls you his best friend to anyone listening.”

Then when my universe began to expand and my audiences got bigger and my audiences became diverse, I said, “Oh my God, can I speak and inspire this number of people?” I would then lean on the belief of what I knew inside my spirit that this was my calling and this was my purpose.

There’s always room for improvement, but I’m designed to do this work. I’m designed to do this. It would actually be more difficult for me, Bobbie, to not do what I’m doing. Really, I’m being obedient. This is my charge. Everyone has their charge. This is my charge. The best thing I can do with my life is live inside my charge because it will be more difficult to play small.

Some people listening right now know what I mean. If you’re not living inside of your “gi-normity,” you’re not living inside of the huge calling that has been put on your life, playing small is actually more painful than seeking courage to take that leap. I didn’t realize that. I thought it was scary to take the leap. Even though it’s scarier to take the leap sometimes, to live small feels like Godzilla living in an apartment building. It is really uncomfortable.

Bobbie: There’s no going back.

Lisa: And there’s no going back. Once you’ve outgrown a phase or you’ve outgrown a season, it will be so incredibly uncomfortable to try to go back into that small way of living. I did that for a long time. Today, I’m just saying yes and I just have to tell you and we’ll probably reveal some of this stuff before this call is over, there have been some pretty big things that I’ve been asked to say “yes” to. I have to tell you, just in recent weeks, I’ve been shaking in my shoes but I’ve been shaking while I say, “yes.”

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Bobbie: You stepped into it.

Lisa: i stepped into it. The Secret, I stepped into it. Motivating the Teen Spirit, I stepped into it. South Africa, I’m stepping into it. Canada, I stepped into it. This call. I mean there was a day I would say, “If I don’t see the people, how will I connect to them?” I’ve gotten used to saying hearts connect. Not necessarily just eyes, not just hands, but hearts connect.

Bobbie: You found your passion and you’re so aligned with it. I love when you just say it’s so big. You’re living big because you’re living your passion and it’s so real for you. It’s inspiring everyone around you. Thinking big and stepping into it.

I’m fascinated when you said the Vision Board, you had just done it six months ago because when I saw it I just pictured that you had probably made it ten years ago, and to find out how quickly that was manifested. You said you were in Jamaica when you were doing it. Why did you create the Vision Board in the first place? What was the value in all of it, not just for The Oprah Show?

Lisa: I think there’s a power when I see, for me, long before I saw it on The Secret, I thought, I would always put pictures up for things that I wanted. I had this picture of Queen Latifah because she’s my body size and she’s always battled weight. There was this beautiful picture of her on the front of Essence. I said I want to put that picture up because she inspired me to stay inside my health.

Then I saw another picture of a house by the water and I said I want a house. I started putting these little pictures all together and then I watched The Secret right before I went to Jamaica. I thought,, “Let me put them all together and put them on a board.” I called all my girlfriends up who I was going to Jamaica with and I said, “Everyone, bring your favorite magazines. I’m going to bring all the boards and we’re going to make Vision Boards.”

I sat in Jamaica and prayed over every area of my life as I put it on the board. I prayed over my son. My son was in the center of my board because I want him to stay in the center of my life. To my upper left was my house.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

A long time ago, Bobbie, I disconnected from my body. It began to morph into something I hadn’t authorized. I disconnected. Through my wonderful friend Scott and Dallas, who has a health retreat, I reconnected to my body. So that was important for me to see my vision.

In the lower left hand corner I wanted to look at my home environment. I wanted to live near the water. My lower right corner was my business. I wanted to be an info-preneur and give information and build my company and quantum leap my business success and increase my profits. Then in the top center to the right was the “Lisa tells all on The Oprah Show.” I had Marin Luther King beneath it and it said, “Not only am I a dreamer, but I’m of the dream.” In the upper right hand corner was the Love Corner that Oprah paid a little attention to and I tried to divert her off of.

Each one of those areas was important to me and I wanted to see them. I wanted to hold onto them. I wanted to be focused. I have to tell you that, since I created that board last year, the Oprah piece came to life; health wise I melted away 30 pounds; I feel more healthy and have more vitality that I’ve had for a long time; my income has almost doubled since then; the day before I went to The Oprah Show, I moved to a house four blocks from the beach. I’m not going to reveal the Love Corner just yet, but just know they’re all working.

Bobbie: You know what I’m thinking about is that your Vision Board, I take it, is not in front of you right at this moment.

Lisa: It’s not.

Bobbie: You completely not only described it but what the things looked like and where they were placed on your Vision Board.

Lisa: Absolutely. Because it comes from the heart and it’s not for anyone else. Like Oprah made a comment about Jamie Foxx in my Love Corner. What no one knows is that I’m not attracted to Jamie Foxx. But he represents a multi-talented man. No one else needs to understand that. That’s for me.

I know everything on my board. I know exactly where it is. I hold and pray for it. Then what I do is because you have to know that the three primary things in The Secret and Law of Attraction talks about Ask, Believe, and

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Receive. Believing is faith. Believing is unwavering faith. You don’t have to see a physical manifestation of it when you absolutely know it’s so.

When I pray over each one of them, I pray, “Thank you, God for providing this to me in Your version.” It’s really important to understand that there may be blessings that come to you in abundance. Blessings that come to you may not have taken on the exact same shape that you thought it should take on. That’s because God knows best. The universe knows best and how to bring it to you.

In my vision, I sat on Oprah’s couch. Do you guys know I had such a hard time releasing the fact that I was on a stool and I wasn’t on her couch? God was saying, “Lisa, you’re sitting next to Oprah. You’re on a stool. I didn’t have you on a couch.” Just know that some of the things that you ask for, God knows better than each one of us what’s best for us.

It may come to you shaped and morphed a little bit different. What you have to know is, as you Ask, Believe, Receive, also surrender and move on and know that it’s so. Know that it’s going to come to you in the best shape and form that’s suited for you. Your vision won’t look like my vision. We may have the same thing on our Vision Board and they’ll come to us in two totally different ways because we’re two totally different people. That’s important.

Bobbie: Yes. Other people can’t read each other’s vision or board or passion. It’s unique to each person and really checked into yourself.

Lisa: Exactly. My internal barometer is different than anyone else’s. It’s like our fingerprint. It’s like our day and night.

Bobbie: Yes. To bring this all together, in order too put the Law of Attraction in practice, what is the role of taking action? Would you say it’s enough to put your attention on the things you wish to attract or is it necessary to do something to attract these things? I know this was a big question on some of the talk shows so I think I know what you’re going to say, but I want to hear it from you.

Lisa: Bobbie, I love, love, love this question about action. I just have to tell you that, after I went on The Oprah Winfrey Show, in about 48 hours I received probably about somewhere between 17,000 and 19,000 emails, The

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

number one, not number one A or number one B, the number one question that everybody wanted to know was, “Okay, what’s next? What’s the action step?”

As a result of that, I put up a free newsletter, a free report on my website that literally gives four clear action steps that you can start doing tonight, that you can start doing today because everyone wanted to know what’s next. Everyone. Now I have over almost 38,000 people in my database still asking, “What’s next? What’s the action step?”

I appreciate you bringing this up because the project The Secret, and by the way please know the project is The Secret. The process is called the Law of Attraction. That’s the law, the Law of Attraction. When people say The Secret changed my life, they’re really giving too much energy to something that could be considered mystical because there’s nothing magic about action. Action is clear. You take action. You get results. You don’t take action. You don’t get results.

I want to de-mystify what happens. I just Ask, Believe, Receive. You better not just sit there. You’d better get up. If you noticed Jack Canfield, he put that %100,000 bill on the ceiling and he got the idea while he was in the shower, on his way to work. Even the guy who’s in the chair who’s driving in his imagination, he’s driving the car, he gets up and he sets the alarm on the chair as he’s on his way to get that car for real. You have to apply action.

The project The Secret simply is about raising your consciousness so you can understand the concept. We needed the whole 91 minutes to just shift some old thinking patterns. You need to repeatedly look at it to shift old thinking patterns. Guess what? Now it’s time for action.

Action has to be applied to all of that. The anecdote to despair is action. The prescription too joy, peace, bliss, and abundance is action. Action is the answer to anything that you want or anything that you want to eliminate. You have to get an action either way.

I appreciate you asking that question because I’m doing tours in Canada, in Hawaii, on the East Coast, on the West Coast, in South Africa, and everywhere I go, I have one title, Living The Secret. I do different things in

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

each workshop but everything is centered, Bobbie, around what are the action steps? What are the now things now?

Let me just give you a couple. This is the part that’s not sold with warm cookies and milk. I have to be perfectly honest with you. I’m willing to not always be popular with everyone in my space for the sake of being truthful. Before you hold on to what you want and what you want to get out of life and what you want the universe to send you, let me ask you to do something that’s not quite as comfortable, but very necessary, extremely valuable and there’s wonderful blessings on the other side of it.

Please know this. I want you to first ask, “What’s my current state of thinking? Where am I right now? How do I feel about what I’m doing right now? How do I feel? Everything you’re up to. All the things that you’re busy being, busy being, busy being, busy with. You have a feeling attached to those things. First, before you talk about what you want I want you to take inventory of how you feel currently. Really honestly, take inventory of how feel. Number one.” Some of this is in the free report that’s on my website, but I want to give you a couple things now.

I want to invite you to get in the mirror. Mirrors work all the time. I love the mirror because I get to get intimate with me. I get to look into my eyes. I don’t look at my skin, my hair. I don’t look at my lips. I don’t look at anything. I look into my eyes and I talk to Lisa. I want you to ask this question, “So what’s up for you right now?” I want you to answer that question. What’s up for you right now?” Then answer. Go down that whole list of everything that you’re busy being with and then I want you to check how you feel about it because that give you your starting point.

You have to know here you’re starting from. You have to find the dot that says, “I am here.” Then you can see where you want to go and how to get there. But first be fair to yourself. Start with the dot that says, “I am here.” So often we jump into where we want to get to and how we want to get there, but we didn’t talk about where we’re starting from so we don’t really know where the message can lead us to.

I want to invite the listeners, each one of you on the call to first say “What’s up for you right now?” Answer it. Then find out how do you feel

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

about the things that you’re up to. However you feel is perfect and wonderful and fine. It’s just so as long as you know it.

Bobbie: Telling the truth.

Lisa: Yes. Being real with yourself. That’s power. It’s not always peachy-cream and fuzzy, but there’s power in understanding exactly where you are in that moment.

Bobbie: I like that. Where the power is. That’s great. Lisa you and I both share a commitment to transforming lives of young people. I know how committed you are. I know myself. Will you tell us a little bit about your program, Motivating the Teen Spirit? I know I got to visit once and was very inspired myself. Can you share a few stories with our listeners of teens and what they go through in your program?

Lisa: We have what we call Interactive Experiential Learning. I’m a facilitator. I put them in exercises. I think the most powerful thing that happens when teens are in our workshop is that they hear what they’re saying about how they feel about what they’re up to. We don’t dictate to them what’s right for them, what’s wrong for them, what’s powerful. Mind you, we have many academically enriched teens come through, 4.5 G.P.A., leadership, and church programs.

I had a young woman who had a 4.5 G.P.A. She went to a school in La Jolla. Her dad was an attorney and her mom was a psychologist and she was the president and national spokesperson for the Kiwanis Club. She was a young white girl. Sitting next to her in the workshop was an African-American male who lived in foster-care, was on house arrest, had never met his father, and he had all these things going wrong. They were sitting next to each other.

In that workshop, I had them partner because they were next to each other. They both opened up. Both of them admitted at one point in the workshop that they had considered suicide. They had this amazing bond experience. I didn’t tell them that. They decided that they felt safe enough to share that.

At one point, the young girl turned to the young man and said, “I don’t know how I’m going to tell my mom about you, that I’ve befriended you.”

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

He turned to her and said, “I don’t know how I’m going to tell my home-boys about you.” These two young adults who lived worlds apart found their common ground. It wasn’t just around the suicide. Their common ground was “I feel alone sometimes.” Their common ground was “I want to be able to express myself better.” Their common ground was “I want to find my voice.”

The neat thing about our workshop is that teens are able to complete the sentence. I’m real big in saying, “I’m going to help you with the first part, but you have to find your own truth. I can’t give you your truth. I can only share with you my truth. Ideally, in my sharing my truth somewhere in you, you find your truth. My job in this workshop is to create a safe enough space for you to explore your truth.”

I get so excited when we have the opportunity to help a teen find his or her voice. All of a sudden, mom comes to graduation and then the daughter says, “Mom, I haven’t told you that I love you lately. But I want you to know I love you.” That’s Christmas in August. It’s Christmas in January. It’s Christmas in May.

As a teen, I smiled a lot, but I cried a lot in the darkest hours. I’m just committed to do our workshops. We have facilitators and we travel all over the country and we teach this work. Now we teach the work to adults because it’s emotional healthiness. Bobbie, we have to learn math. We have to learn science. We have to learn English. We have to learn geography. But nowhere in our society does it say that we have to learn how to deal with our feelings.

No where in society are we given a right of passage to learn how to deal with having a broken heart or how to deal with feeling betrayed or how to deal with being born in the skin we’re in or in the communities we’re in or how to be born to a family that ends up being broken or that was never together. It started off broken. How do we deal with those things? How do I manage that? I am a believer that stuffing it down is not the answer.

I’m passionate, again, about teaching people, not just teens, but people how to be emotionally literate; how to be emotionally healthy; how to be emotionally prosperous. We get to have other priorities in our lives. Can we be emotionally prosperous? I believe, Bobbie, that if I fill up my

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

emotional tank, if I fill up my tank, then I not only get to love you, Bobbie, and be with you from a half full tank or even a full tank, but I get to love you from my overflow. That feels good.

Bobbie: Yes. That felt good on this end. When you’re talking about it, there’s that expectation that somehow people are naturally just suppose to know these things. When they’re taught, it’s like, “Ah-ha! Why didn’t anybody tell me before? It makes such a difference in my life.”

Lisa: Where and when as a woman am I suppose to learn how to not make my future pay for my past? Where and when as a man am I suppose to learn how to open up an fully express what’s on my heart when you say we’re not suppose to do that? Where as a woman, where as a mother am I suppose to learn how to open up and say, “I’ve been raising my child on my own and I’m still okay and my son’s okay and he’s going to be okay even though his dad isn’t around.” Where do we learn how to make that okay?

Where do we learn how to work through those hiccups and those speed bumps and not make them a stop sign? Where do we go to learn? It’s just like we’re suppose to innately know. I’m sorry; I don’t want to leave my emotions to chance. I don’t want to leave my feelings to chance. I want to carve out a space and time in my life where someone helps me to develop these tools inside of me.

Bobbie: You’ve given us so much. What are the two or three things our listeners can do during the coming week to begin putting the principles you’ve been talking about to work in their own lives? What actions? You’ve talked so much about action. What are the two or three things that they can do?

Lisa: Number one, I would say that to be in action is to be in movement. Most people thinks that when they’re thinking about it a lot, that they’re in action. No. You’re in thought. Most people think when they’re talking about it, they’re in action. No. You’re in talk. You’re not in action. Make a clear distinction over the next several weeks when you are in action or when you’re in thought or when you’re in conversation.

Whenever you’re out of action, just move yourself back over to action. Don’t go overboard where you burn yourself out. Give yourself one action

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

step a day or one action step a week. Make sure your goals are palatable and digestible for you. Not my goals. I’m a crazy machine. Don’t take my schedule. By the same token, I know people who are even wilder than me. Don’t take on theirs. Find your rhythm and live inside your rhythm.

Number two, I would say, find an opportunity to be still with yourself. Look yourself in the eye. I don’t care if it’s a hand held mirror or in the bathroom. I do it right after I brush my teeth in the morning. I would say check in with yourself.

I have some things on the free report, but I want you to do a couple of other things. “What’s up for you right now?” which is the one I gave you earlier. Then I would love for you to do, this is really awesome, I want you to visualize. Sit down with someone and visualize if, five years from today, that you have already not only hit your goal but you surpassed your goal. You surpassed what it is you want to do right now today. You surpassed it.

How does that feel? Tell your partner. Tell your friend. Tell whomever it is you’re talking to. What are you wearing? Where are you living? Who are you touching? How is the world a different place because you’ve surpassed your goal? Whose life are you impacting? How are you impacting their lives? Speak to it as it’s already done.

I have this picture of me, Bobbie, that was created six years ago. It’s a picture of me on the cover of People Magazine. It’s a staged picture you get at a little amusement park. It’s really Oprah’s body, but I put my face on it. It says, “Lisa Nichols impacts the lives of a million teens.” You have to know that when I did that, Bobbie, I had impacted the lives of probably about 500 teens by then. Now we’re up to, as of last month, we’re up to now over 85,000 teens. We still have a ways to go, but I already saw it back then.

I would say that the action step over the next coming week is to begin to speak and visualize your dream as if it’s five years from today and it’s already happened. What does that feel like? That feeling tone will emit an energy out into the universe and that will create a greater sense of velocity and it’s coming back to you.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Make sure you’re in action. Check in with yourself about how you’re feeling about what you’re doing. In reality, when you say it doesn’t feel good, whenever I talk about this one topic, I feel overwhelmed. Know that that’s the energy of overwhelmed that you’re sending out to the universe. What action step can you take to shift the feeling tone that you have about what you’re up to? It’s all interconnected.

Bobbie: That’s great.

Lisa: Thank you.

Bobbie: Here’s one for you. Healthy Wealthy nWise believes strongly in the power of intention to manifest our outcome. Tell us what is your single most important project right now? What intention would you like us, along with the listeners and readers, to hold for you? What can we hold for you to bring it about?

Lisa: Here’s the news. I am pretty far along in discussions about doing a show around transformation, self-development, healing, and making people feel good. It’s a television show. It’s not a super public thing where it’s going to be in the media tomorrow. It is a month for those of us who are privy to be in each other’s space like this.

I would like for each one of your readers, listeners and every person on this call to hold the intention, along with the television station, that the universe God will create through me something that is so fruitful and so bountiful and so full of hope and inspiration and healing and possibility that it makes us remember Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela and Oprah Winfrey and your mothers and your grandmothers and each one of you that something is so full that we see the manifestation of all of the people who wanted to play big, play gi-normous, love and heal through peace. Hold that intention.

Bobbie: We’ll hold that intention for you. I feel that the listeners are holding that intention for you. I can see it. That’s beautiful. What single idea would you like to leave our listeners with tonight?

Lisa: We each gather a lot of information and we have become and information community. Information’s easy to get. I’m going to tell you that it’s the love for information and knowledge that drove you to this call. It’s the love for

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

information and knowledge that has you involved with Healthy Wealthy nWise.

My friend, I want you to hear my words when I say that it is only the love that you will have and that you have for yourself that will cause you to take action on what you’ve heard. That the love for information will have you seek it, research it, read it, and re-read it, listen and listen again. But it is only and solely the love for yourself that will have you take action.

I just hope so much that you love you as much as the universe loves you, as much as God loves you, and as much as I love you. Because when you love yourself that much then you only want to give you the best. You only want to give yourself the best.

Starting with your thoughts that the way you feed your mind should be the exact same way you feed your body. You wouldn’t go and eat something rotten. You only want the food that will serve you the best. Feed your mind the same kind of food. I stand with you as your sister in possibility and in prosperity. I stand with you.

Bobbie: Thank you for sharing with all of us. It was really a privilege to be on here with you. I was so pleased to do it. Thank you.

Lisa: Thank you. I really appreciate it, Bobbie. I love and I admire you.

Bobbie: Thank you. Janet, thank you for asking me to co-host this interview tonight. I was really looking forward to it. Thank you so much. It was really fun to be here.

Janet: You’re welcome, Bobbie. I was just looking in the mirror asking myself, “What’s up with you?” Is that our flash-by or what? Thank you, Bobbie. You did such a wonderful job. Girlfriend, Lisa, you rock it! I am in your No Matter What Club.

Lisa: You know I love you. I just have to say, Janet, that you are one of those people that the wind that you bring with you, I feel it beneath my wings every time I’m in your space. So thank you for being a stand, you and Chris, thank you both for being a stand for creating. I tell my son all the time, “Don’t wait until something is given to you. Don’t wait until even after you’ve earned it. Create it.” Thank you for creating this space.

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Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

Janet: You’re so welcome and I just have to share with you that as I was sitting here with Chris and Doe and Aliyah, and I just looked over at them as you were talking and I said, “She’s going to have her own T.V. show.” Now this is before you even said it. “She is for sure going to have her own T.V. show.”

I’ll tell you, Lisa, you know what I love, every time I’ve heard you speak and everyone else, and TLC members and everyone, you know, when they walk away, they go, “She is in the zone.” Honey, you are so in the zone. Thank you for sharing your love and your inspiration with us tonight. I’m a rocket ship. I’m telling you, I’m running into my bathroom and “What’s up with you?”

Lisa: It’s a great thing to do. I’m not a technological person, but started doing these podcastings. Are you familiar with that?

Janet: Oh, yes.

Lisa: Everyone knows about me. I’m the dinosaur. I’ll admit it. I started doing this podcasting that you can download a message from Lisa every day. It’s really cool because I’ll do something in real time for me and then I’ll go to the podcast and I’ll record how awesome it was. I do these new mirror sentences, about different things that I’m going through the journey, too, with you. I’ll say, “Oh, that felt good.” I’ll go to the podcast and I’ll say, “this is the sentences we’re going to do” It’s like everyday coaching but it’s real time. The teacher is going through the journey as well. I run to my mirror, too, girl.

Janet: I know that. I know this is all about your journey first. Thank you, Lisa, again. You just have a way of getting straight to the heart of the matter. We just so appreciate you. Thank you for the great work that you’re doing in the worlds. It’s just the best. More good than you can ever imagine.

Lisa: Thank you so much.

Janet: You’re welcome. For all our listeners, if you’ve not seen Lisa in The Secret movie or if you’re now thinking of someone who could really benefit from it, you can get your copy by going to You can also get a

Page 32: Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols Transcript.pdf · motivational speaker and powerful advocate of personal empowerment. She is

Author and Motivational Speaker Lisa Nichols

© Healthy Wealthy nWise, LLC

copy of the number one New York Times best selling book version by going to

You can get a special report that Lisa was talking about tonight entitled, Four Ways to Use The Secret to Create Money, Success, Friends or Anything Else You Want Right Now. To get your free special report, just go to

Then you’ll be sure to join us all for our next call on Tuesday, May 22nd when we will be interviewing Rebecca Fin, founder of The Science of Getting Rich Network. Rebecca is an expert in the simple yet profoundly powerful steps Wallace Wattles, the author of The Science of Getting Rich, laid out laid out for creating a life of abundance.

The Science of Getting Rich is the book which transformed Rhonda Byrne’s life and got her started on the journey which created The Secret. You won’t want to miss our interview with Rebecca.

Now we know you are going to want to be with us again. We’re on a Secret role because on June 5th, when we interview another one of our great stars of the movie, Joe Vitale, and I saw Joe Vitale. I was actually speaking in Austin and there he was. I tell you, he is just a dynamo. You’ll all want to be on that call. Joe’s the best-selling author of Life’s Missing Instruction Manual and The Attractor Factor.

We know you want to be with us again to interview Joe Vitale and we just all look forward to each and everyone of you joining us on our Healthy Wealthy nWise calls. Mark your calendar for Rebecca Fine on May 22nd and for Joe Vitale on June 5th.

Thank you to each of you for your commitment to the discovering your passiona, giving your unique gifts, and using The Secret to create a world of peace and joy. Now we’ll open up the lines to say goodnight.

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