
Authentic Self Mudra Flow Radiant Being Newsletter, January 2014 ~ Jennifer Reis

1. Samputa Mudra Treasure Chest "I hear my inner voice of truth."

Awakens the treasure of your inner being and allows you to communicate your truth with clarity. Samputa mudra relaxes the throat and vocal chords, awakening the throat chakra to support flowing communication, as well as

balancing thyroid gland aiding in metabolism. You become more receptive to your internal wisdom and guidance from within. Feelings of innermost security within self-connection increase.

2. Pall i Mudra Shelter

"Trusting the guidance of my inner being I journey forward with ease."

(Hands rest on lap) This mudra cultivates self-confidence, optimism and vitality in order to trust your inner guidance. You will feel fully embodied and your spine will come into optimal alignment. Palli mudra helps to

‘shelter’ you on your journey by enhancing trust, feelings of support, and feeling centered. The back body opens up to facilitate expansive breathing and this naturally lengthens the spine. Increased feelings of equanimity throughout the body and mind inspire us on our journey.

3. Shunya Mudra Transformation

“With greater openness to new ways of seeing,

space is created for my True Self to emerge and guide me.”

(Hands rest on lap) Shunya means ‘empty’ and this mudra assists you to expand into openness in order to get a larger picture of who you

are raising the eternal question: ‘Who am I?’ Energy arises into the neck and throat – 5th

Chakra – to clear blockages and release conditioned beliefs of the small self. Thyroid gland comes into balance with enhanced circulation to the area. Space is also created between the thoughts, helping us to loosen identification with them as who we are. Intuition is awakened and you tune into the guide of your inner voice.

4. Sakshi Mudra Self-study

“Releasing l imiting beliefs, clarity and Self-knowledge ful ly arise within me.” (Hold hands in front of heart like prayer mudra) The inner witness is called Sakshi. It is the aspect of yourself that allows you to objectively and compassionately observe your body, feelings, thoughts, urges, beliefs and actions, without judging - or even commenting. Sakshi mudra directs breath to the third eye creating clarity that supports the process

of self-study. The breath is lengthened and balanced between nostrils to foster equanimity and balance. Stability in seated meditation posture is enhanced. Together, this aids in the release of limiting beliefs to experience all of who you are.

5. Bhairava Mudra Unity

“As I rest in inner si lence and deep peace, I am connected with

al l of myself and al l that is.” (Left hand is underneath right) Bhairava mudra optimizes the health of every system and organ in the body – especially the nervous, endocrine and

immune systems. Feelings of freedom within oneself and unity and connection with all that is emerge to give an experience of our True Self. Calms the breath and enhances relaxation as it balances all five elements, seven chakras, and energy currents. Inner silence emerges from within. These mudras and the information provided are modified from the book Mudras for Healing

and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage, Integrative Yoga Therapy. Jennifer Reis, Senior Kripalu Faculty, E-RYT 500, Yoga Nidra Master Teacher, Integrative Yoga

Therapist and faculty member, LMT. copyright Jennifer Reis Yoga 2013 [email protected]


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