Page 1: Australian credit licence 238098 - Citibank · Option 3 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties generally

MCG15365_(0517)Please turn over to complete your application

Existing account number

Title Surname

Given names

Date of birth DD / MM / YYYY

Gender M F

Mother’s maiden name


Current Residential Address Permanent Temporary

Unit no. Street no. Street

Suburb/Town State Postcode


Postal Address (if different from above)

Unit no. Street no. Street

Suburb/Town State Postcode


Do you or an immediate family member hold a Public Office Position?

No Yes (Please specify position e.g. Politician/Diplomat)

By signing this form you confirm that you have, or you will, inform any member of your family referred to above of the information about him or her provided by you to Citibank in this application form.


1. APPLICATION TYPE 2. ACCOUNT TYPE (please select the product(s) you wish to apply for)

Existing account number

Title Surname

Given names

Date of birth DD / MM / YYYY

Gender M


Mother’s maiden name


Current Residential Address Permanent Temporary

Unit no. Street no. Street

Suburb/Town State Postcode


Postal Address (if different from above)

Unit no. Street no. Street

Suburb/Town State Postcode


Do you or an immediate family member hold a Public Office Position?

No Yes (Please specify position e.g. Politician/Diplomat)

By signing this form you confirm that you have, or you will, inform any member of your family referred to above of the information about him or her provided by you to Citibank in this application form.


Home ( ) Work ( )

Fax ( ) Mobile



Home ( ) Work ( )

Fax ( ) Mobile



Not Employed Student Retired Self-Employed Employed




Not Employed Student Retired Self-Employed Employed




TFN collection is authorised under taxation law. It is not an offence if you do not quote your TFN or claim an exemption, but if you do not Citibank will deduct Withholding Tax at the top marginal rate.

If claiming exemption please indicate below:

I receive an Age, Service, Veterans or Disability Support Pension

I receive a Supporting Parent, Widows, Wife’s, Carer’s Pension or Rehabilitation Allowance

If you are a Non-Resident of Australia for taxation purposes, provide country details below:

If you are a resident of Australia and would like to quote your TFN please provide below:

— —


TFN collection is authorised under taxation law. It is not an offence if you do not quote your TFN or claim an exemption, but if you do not Citibank will deduct Withholding Tax at the top marginal rate.

If claiming exemption please indicate below:

I receive an Age, Service, Veterans or Disability Support Pension

I receive a Supporting Parent, Widows, Wife’s, Carer’s Pension or Rehabilitation Allowance

If you are a Non-Resident of Australia for taxation purposes, provide country details below:

If you are a resident of Australia and would like to quote your TFN please provide below:

— —


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Citibank Application FormTransaction and Savings Account (Personal) Citigroup Pty Limited

ABN 88 004 325 080AFSL No. 238098

Australian credit licence 238098

Citibank Ultimate Saver Citibank Plus

Cash Investment Account

Online Cash Management Account

Money Market at Call Account

Citibank Term Deposit

Cash Management Account

Citi Online Saver Account



Page 2: Australian credit licence 238098 - Citibank · Option 3 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties generally

11. U.S. TAXATION DECLARATION FOR U.S. PERSONS ONLY (U.S. Person defined below, if you are not a U.S. Person please proceed to section 12)

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Under the penalties of perjury I certify the following:

I am a US Person (Applicant 1) I am a US Person (Applicant 2)

1. The number shown on this form is my correct Taxpayer Identification Number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and

2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and

3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person

Certification Instructions. You must cross out above item 2 if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to

report all interest dividends on your tax return.

Applicant 1 Taxpayer Identification Number/ US Social Security Number Applicant 2 Taxpayer Identification Number/ US Social Security Number

Definitions of a U.S. Person. For federal tax purposes, you are considered a U.S. Person if you are: An individual who is a U.S. Citizen or U.S. resident alien, a partnership, corporation, company, or association created or organised in the United States or under the laws of the United States, an estate (other than foreign estate) or, a domestic trust.


How many Citibank Plus Linked Savings Accounts would you like? 0 1 2 3 (maximum)


Please complete this section if you would like each Account holder and each Additional Signatory to operate the Account (per the Authority to Operate) by written/telephone/facsimile instructions. The written/telephone/facsimile instruction authority provided below will apply to all future accounts opened unless otherwise requested.

Account title

Option 1 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written, telephone and facsimile instructions to transfer funds between all accounts held by the Account holder with Citibank provided they are in the same name and can be operated by the same signatories.

Option 2 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties nominated below (including by bank cheques, bank drafts and telegraphic transfers).

Account number (if applicable) Bank/Branch/BSB (account name if applicable) Nominated third parties (account name if applicable)


Option 3 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties generally (including by bank cheques, bank drafts and telegraphic transfers).

Citibank may require a tape recorded telephone call to be conducted to verify and confirm the request before the transaction can proceed.


$ $






Initial Currency Initial Currency

Initial Currency

Initial Currency

Initial Currency

Initial Currency

Initial Currency

Source Source






Citibank Ultimate Saver Account

Citibank Plus Account

Online Cash Management Account

Cash Management Account

Money Market At Call Account

Citibank Term Deposit Account

Cash Investment Account

If you have selected deposit or cheque book options, you will need to complete section 21 to ensure any written instructions can be actioned.

13. CHEQUE & DEPOSIT BOOK OPTIONS (Please indicate which options you would like)

Cash Investment Account Deposit book Yes No Cheque book Yes No

Citibank Ultimate Saver Deposit book Yes No

Online Cash Manager Account Deposit book Yes No

Citibank Plus Account Deposit book Yes No Cheque book Yes No

Cash Management Account Deposit book Yes No Cheque book Yes No


A. Please specify the term of your Citibank Term Deposit:

Term (maximum 60 months) Years Months or Special Maturity

dd /

mm /


B. Please nominate one Notice and Interest payment period:

With 31 day notice to vary, withdraw or close Monthly (MITD)2 Maturity (MMTD) Annually (ANNY)2 Rate1 . %


Without 31 day notice to vary, withdraw or close Maturity (MATY) Quarterly (QITD)2 Rate1 . %

C. Please specify maturity instructions:

Reinvest my/our interest payment; or

Credit my/our interest payment(s) to Citibank at Call Account Number

1 The interest rate quoted above is only available if date of completion is the same as date of account opening. 2 Only available for terms one year and greater.

Page 3: Australian credit licence 238098 - Citibank · Option 3 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties generally

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By applying for this product, you consent as follows:

In this section, ‘we/us’ means Citigroup Pty Limited (“Citi”) and our related companies that assist us to provide our services, and ‘you/your’ means all customers named in this application and other individuals (such as guarantors, directors or shareholders) connected with those customers.

Purposes for which we collect, use and disclose your personal information

1) We collect, use and disclose your personal information:

• to assess this application and future applications;

• to provide and manage your products, accounts and services and to manage your relationship and arrangements with us;

• to comply with applicable laws both in Australia and overseas (for more details about relevant Australian laws please see our Privacy Policy); and

• for other purposes as listed in our Privacy Policy.

If you do not provide us with the information we may not be able to assess your application or provide or manage the products or services that you are (or if you are not the applicant, that the applicant is) seeking.

2) We usually collect your personal information directly from you. However, we may need to collect personal information about you from third parties, for example, where we need information from a third party to assist us to process your application (such as to verify information you have provided or to assess your circumstances) or to locate or communicate with you.

3) Where you have provided information about another individual, you must make them aware of that fact and the contents of this Privacy Consent and Notification, and have obtained their consent to make this disclosure to us.

Disclosures of your personal information

4) We may disclose to, and obtain personal information about you from:

• Our affiliates and sales agents and organisations that carry out functions on our behalf including card schemes, mailing houses,data processors, researchers and collection agents;

• reward providers including Airline partners and their service providers;

• any signatory to the product for which you are applying;

• any broker, financial, legal or other adviser acting in connection with your product or application;

• regulatory and tax authorities in Australia and overseas;

• any insurer relating to your product;

• organisations wishing to acquire an interest in any part of our business; and

• as further set out in our Privacy Policy.

Disclosures to overseas recipients

5) Some of the recipients to whom we disclose your personal information may be based overseas. It is not practicable to list every country in which such recipients are located but it is likely that such countries will include the United States of America, India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. By consenting to us disclosing your personal information to overseas recipients, you agree that Australian Privacy Principle 8.1 shall not apply to the disclosure, meaning that Citi will not be obliged under the Privacy Act to ensure that an overseas recipient does not breach the Australian Privacy Principles and we will not be liable under the Privacy Act if the recipient does not act consistently with the Australian Privacy Principles. By completing this application you consent to such overseas disclosures.

Our Privacy Policy (including how to access and correct information and make a complaint)

6) You can view our Privacy Policy on our website or obtain a copy by calling us. This policy includes information as to how you can access and/or seek correction of the personal information we hold about you. Our Privacy Policy also contains information as to how you can complain about a breach by us of the Privacy Act and how we will deal with such a complaint.

Your marketing communications preferences

7) By completing this application you agree that we, our affiliate companies and their partners may use your personal information to keep you informed about offers relating to this product and other products, services and offers which may be of interest to you. They may do this by phone, mail, email and SMS or other electronic messages. These consents operate indefinitely and shall remain in effect unless and until you notify us that you do not want to receive such communications. If you do not wish to receive these communications please notify us in writing or by calling us.

Note: If you have not told us that you do not wish to receive these communications by phone, you may be contacted even if you have registered your phone number on the national Do Not Call Register. Your telephone calls and conversations with a Citi representative may be recorded and monitored for quality, training and verification purposes.


1. In these conditions: (a) “Authority” means the Written/Telephone/Facsimile Instructions

Authority provided on page 2 of this form together with these conditions (as amended by

the account holder from time to time); and (b) “Account” means the account/s described

on page 2 of this form. 2. The account holder has requested Citibank to accept certain

instructions by writing, telephone and facsimile in relation to the account as requested in

the Authority. The account holder understands that: (a) these methods of communication

involve greater risks (including, without limitation, the risk of fraud) than more commonly

accepted forms of communication; (b) Citibank will accept instructions received in

accordance with the Authority from each account holder and any persons authorised

to operate the account by way of an Authority To Operate. The account holder, fully

aware of the associated risks, requests and authorises Citibank to act upon facsimile and

telephone instructions given in accordance with this Authority. 3. The account holder shall

provide Citibank with: (a) a properly completed original Authority; (b) any other document

Citibank may request evidencing that this Authority has been properly authorised; and (c)

written notice upon termination of this Authority. 4. The account holder may, from time

to time, vary this Authority by delivering to Citibank an original signed variation in such

form as is acceptable to Citibank. Citibank is authorised to rely on each such variation.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing at that time, any such variation shall be effective no

earlier than the third Business Day after receipt by Citibank, and shall not affect Citibank’s

actions or omissions prior to such effective date. 5. The account holder agrees: (a) to

strictly limit information about the contents of this Authority to only those persons who

need to know in order to effectively operate the Account; (b) to use its best efforts to

ensure that such persons at all times treat the contents of this Authority with strict

confidentiality in order to maintain the security of the procedures hereby established;

(c) to immediately notify Citibank of any suspected breach or compromise of the security

of the procedures hereby established. 6. The account holder agrees that as long as

Citibank acts in accordance with this Authority: (a) Citibank shall have no further duty

to verify the content of any facsimile or telephone instructions or the identity of the

sender or confirmer of it; and (b) the account holder will be bound by any debit or credit

instruction, whether or not authorised by it, which is sent in its name and accepted by

Citibank. 7. Citibank shall have absolute discretion, for any reason whatsoever, to act or

not to act upon and/or to request verifications of any facsimile or telephone instructions

received in relation to the Account. Citibank shall attempt to notify the account

holder promptly should Citibank elect to defer acting in accordance with instructions.

8. The account holder will upon demand indemnify Citibank, its officers and employees,

its related bodies corporate and their officers and employees, for and hold them free and

harmless from and against: (a) any and all responsibility for, and any and all costs, claims,

losses or liabilities of any nature (direct or indirect) resulting from any act or omission

taken or not taken (as the case may be) in accordance with this Authority, including,

without limitation, any act or omission (or any delay) in response to instructions to Citibank

to transfer funds or purchase, sell or otherwise dispose of commodities or securities; and

(b) any and all costs and expenses associated with the terms described in 8 (a), including

Citibank’s legal fees and expenses EXCEPT THAT the account holder will have no liability in

respect of any such claims arising from Citibank’s bad faith or wilful misconduct, or where

Citibank has failed to act in accordance with this Authority. This paragraph 8 shall survive

the termination of this Authority or any part of it. 9. If any provisions of this Authority

is declared to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless

remain in full force and effect.


Electronic Statements and Notices - In this section, ‘you/your’ means the persons or persons

applying for the account (1) In this application to open a new account, you have been asked to

agree to Citibank providing you with statements, other notices and other information relating

to your account either: (a) by email; and/or (b) by making the statement, notice or information

available at Citibank’s website, provided: (i) Citibank alerts you by email to the availability of

this information; and (ii) Citibank provides you with the ability to readily retrieve and retain

this information. (2) If you agree to receive statements and other notices and information

relating to your account by email or other electronic form you will not receive a paper copy

of statements, notices or information relating to your account, unless you specifically request

it. If you do not agree to receive statements and other notices and information relating to

your account by email or other electronic form, Citibank reserves the right to reject your

application to open an account. (3) You may cancel your authorisation to receive statements,

notices or other information relating to your account by email at any time, or by contacting

Citiphone Banking. However if you do so, Citibank reserves the right to close your account.

(4) Citibank will send all statements and other notices and information to the most recent

email address that you have supplied to us. You must ensure that you notify Citibank of any

change in your email as soon as possible. You may do this online at or

by contacting Citiphone Banking. (5) You can print and save a copy of any notice or other

document provided to you electronically. You are responsible for ensuring that you maintain

the appropriate software and hardware, including printer, to access, view, retrieve, print and

save a copy of such documents if you wish. To see and keep the information subject to this

agreement, you will need a web browser that meets Citibank’s site security requirements.

Refer to Citibank’s site for details. (6) You may request a paper copy of any statement, notice

or other information relating to your Facility or account provided to you by email or other

electronic form within 6 months from the date of receipt of a statement or of the electronic

communication. Citibank may charge you a reasonable fee for the cost of the paper copy.

Page 4: Australian credit licence 238098 - Citibank · Option 3 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties generally

Page 4 of 4

Branch ID. Agent ID.

GL Account Number for Source of Funds (if applicable) Serial or Deal No. (if applicable)

Applicant 1 GRBS Customer Occupation Code (obtain from CDD form) Citigold Customer Yes No

GEID (if applicable) Customer Relationship Number 1

Applicant 2 GRBS Customer Occupation Code (obtain from CDD form) Citigold Customer Yes No

GEID (if applicable) Customer Relationship Number 2

dd /

mm /


dd /

mm /


Application Maker (signature and stamp) Date Application Checker (signature and stamp) Date



Please select the relevant channel and account type

Citibank Ultimate Saver

Citibank Plus Cash Investment Account

Cash Management Account

Online Cash Management Account

Money Market At Call Account

Citibank Term Deposit

Citibank Online Saver Account

Branch Application D2DQB7A1 A2DQB7A1 C2DBQ7A1 P2DQB7A1 M23QC1A1 N23QC1A1 F2DQB7A1 B2DQB7A1

City at Work Application D2DQB7A1 A4EQA1A1 F4EQC1A1 B4EQA2A1

NRI Application A4RQA1A1

IPB Application A43QC1A1 F4CQC1A1


In this section, ‘I‘, ‘my/our’ and ‘me/us’ means the person or persons applying for the account. I certify the particulars on this form to be true.

In the case of a Citibank Term Deposit, I/we acknowledge that I/we have been provided with a copy of the 31 day notice period fact sheet (where applicable) and the terms and

conditions for the product and agree to be bound by them.

For other product types, in the event that my/our application is approved, I/we acknowledge that I/we will be sent the terms and conditions for the product(s) for which I/

we have applied at or before the time the approval is communicated and I/we agree to be bound by those terms and conditions. I/We also understand that Citibank may close

my/our account if it’s not funded within 90 days of being opened. Citibank informed me that should I/we wish to view or be provided with the product terms and conditions prior

to this time, that depending upon my/our preference, Citibank would:

(a) Enable me/us to view the terms and conditions in paper or electronically in branch;

(b) Provide to me/us a paper copy of the terms and conditions, either in branch or by post or email them to me/us.

In the event that I/we do not currently have a Citibank Debit Card, if one is to be issued to me/us, I/we acknowledge that I/we will also be provided with the Non-Cash Payment

Facilities Terms & Conditions and I/we agree to be bound by those terms and conditions.

I have also read and agree to the above Privacy Preferences, Conditions for Written/Telephone/Facsimile Instructions Authority and the Electronic Statements and Notices

Terms and Conditions as they appear in sections 17, 18 and 19.

dd /

mm /



/ mm

/ yyyy

Individual Applicant 1 Signature Date Individual Applicant 2 Signature Date

Page 5: Australian credit licence 238098 - Citibank · Option 3 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties generally


Identity Verification Request


Title FamilyName

Name (noinitials)

Dateofbirth D D /M M / Y Y Y Y ContactNumber

Current Residential Address (PO Box is NOT accepted)



Suburb State Postcode


Identification Documents Requirements

1. YouMUSTprovideONEPrimaryandONESecondaryIdentificationdocumentfromthelistsbelow.BothdocumentsMUSTcontainyourFULLnameascompletedabove.

2. AlladdressesMUSTberesidential(notPOBox)andMUSTmatchtheaddressascompletedabove.3. All identification documents MUST be current and originals (photocopies or internet printouts are not acceptable forms of

identification).4. OriginalIdentificationdocumentsMUSTbepresentedwiththisdocumentatanyparticipatingAustraliaPostBank@Postoutlet.To


Primary Identification Documents Secondary Identification Documents



















Australia Post – Instructions1. ScanbarcodeintoEPOSandenterthe16digitApplicationReferenceNumber2. Verifytheapplicant’sidentityagainsttheacceptableidentificationdocumentsandrecorddetailsinIDWizard3. Attheendoftheverificationprocess,returnthisletterandthereceipttotheapplicant

CitigroupPtyLimitedABN88004325080AFSL238098(“Citibank”) *407010502AEnterApplicationReferenceNumbershownbelow

Disclaimer and Privacy NoticeAustraliaPostisactingasanagentforCitibankandcollectsyourinformationtoidentifyyouinaccordancewithrequirementsunderAustralianlaw.YourdetailswillbeforwardedtoCitibankandmayalsobedisclosedtogovernmentagenciessuchasAUSTRAC.SubjecttocertainexceptionsyoumayrequestfromAustraliaPostaccesstoyourpersonalinformationthatitholds.Ifaccessisdenied,thelawsaysAustraliaPostmusttellyouwhy.

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Page 6: Australian credit licence 238098 - Citibank · Option 3 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties generally


Identity Verification Request


Title FamilyName

Name (noinitials)

Dateofbirth D D /M M / Y Y Y Y ContactNumber

Current Residential Address (PO Box is NOT accepted)



Suburb State Postcode


Identification Documents Requirements

1. YouMUSTprovideONEPrimaryandONESecondaryIdentificationdocumentfromthelistsbelow.BothdocumentsMUSTcontainyourFULLnameascompletedabove.

2. AlladdressesMUSTberesidential(notPOBox)andMUSTmatchtheaddressascompletedabove.3. All identification documents MUST be current and originals (photocopies or internet printouts are not acceptable forms of

identification).4. OriginalIdentificationdocumentsMUSTbepresentedwiththisdocumentatanyparticipatingAustraliaPostBank@Postoutlet.To


Primary Identification Documents Secondary Identification Documents



















Australia Post – Instructions1. ScanbarcodeintoEPOSandenterthe16digitApplicationReferenceNumber2. Verifytheapplicant’sidentityagainsttheacceptableidentificationdocumentsandrecorddetailsinIDWizard3. Attheendoftheverificationprocess,returnthisletterandthereceipttotheapplicant

CitigroupPtyLimitedABN88004325080AFSL238098(“Citibank”) *407010502AEnterApplicationReferenceNumbershownbelow

Disclaimer and Privacy NoticeAustraliaPostisactingasanagentforCitibankandcollectsyourinformationtoidentifyyouinaccordancewithrequirementsunderAustralianlaw.YourdetailswillbeforwardedtoCitibankandmayalsobedisclosedtogovernmentagenciessuchasAUSTRAC.SubjecttocertainexceptionsyoumayrequestfromAustraliaPostaccesstoyourpersonalinformationthatitholds.Ifaccessisdenied,thelawsaysAustraliaPostmusttellyouwhy.

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Page 7: Australian credit licence 238098 - Citibank · Option 3 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties generally

The informa!on in this form is being collected as part of Ci!bank’s account opening procedures and to assist in complying with

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requirements. Each customer must complete a declara!on.

Sec on 1: Customer Details

Version 1.4 (07/14)

Ci!group Pty Limited ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL No. 238098, Australian credit licence 238098

Page 1 of 1

Full Given Name(s) Surname

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ /

Account Number / Applica!on Reference Number (if applicable)

1. In how many countries do you hold ci zenship / na onality?

List these below

Country 2

Country 3

Country 4

Country 5

2. In how many countries are you a tax resident?

Country 1

Country 2

Country 3

Country 4

Country 5

3. Country of Birth 4. Town / City of Birth

5. Do you have a current United States Green Card ? YES NO

Sec on 2: Declara on and Acknowledgement

I declare the above informa on to be true and complete.

Customer Signature

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ /

When you have completed this declara on, mail to:

Sec on 3: Declara on Return

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Country 1

List these below

Ci group Pty Ltd

Reply Paid 3483

Sydney, NSW 2001

Faxed or scanned copies cannot be accepted

6. Are you a United States ci zen or resident? YES NO

Page 8: Australian credit licence 238098 - Citibank · Option 3 The Account holder authorises Citibank to act on written or facsimile instructions to transfer funds to third parties generally

The informa!on in this form is being collected as part of Ci!bank’s account opening procedures and to assist in complying with

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requirements. Each customer must complete a declara!on.

Sec on 1: Customer Details

Version 1.4 (07/14)

Ci!group Pty Limited ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL No. 238098, Australian credit licence 238098

Page 1 of 1

Full Given Name(s) Surname

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ /

Account Number / Applica!on Reference Number (if applicable)

1. In how many countries do you hold ci zenship / na onality?

List these below

Country 2

Country 3

Country 4

Country 5

2. In how many countries are you a tax resident?

Country 1

Country 2

Country 3

Country 4

Country 5

3. Country of Birth 4. Town / City of Birth

5. Do you have a current United States Green Card ? YES NO

Sec on 2: Declara on and Acknowledgement

I declare the above informa on to be true and complete.

Customer Signature

Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ /

When you have completed this declara on, mail to:

Sec on 3: Declara on Return

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Country 1

List these below

Ci group Pty Ltd

Reply Paid 3483

Sydney, NSW 2001

Faxed or scanned copies cannot be accepted

6. Are you a United States ci zen or resident? YES NO

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1389908 20425 12/15 page 1 of 5

CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Please read these instructions carefully before completing the form.

Citi offices located in countries that have adopted the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) are required to collect and report certain information about an account holder’s tax residence status. Please note that Citi may be legally required to report certain

information provided in this form and other financial information with respect to your financial accounts to the tax authorities of

the country where your account is maintained. In turn, the local tax authorities may exchange the reported information with the

tax authorities in the country or countries in which you are a tax resident. Please complete this form only if the account holder

is an individual (including a sole proprietor or a decedent).

Definitions of an account holder and other terms are included in the Appendix.

Items that are marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be completed.

For joint or multiple account holders, use a separate form for each individual.

Please note that this self-certification form is for CRS purposes only. Its completion is not a substitute for the completion of any IRS Form W-9, Form W-8 or FATCA Self-certification that may otherwise be required for U.S. tax purposes.

If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, please indicate the capacity (custodian, nominee, executor, under power of attorney, etc.) in which you are signing in Part 3. A parent or legal guardian should complete the form on behalf of an account holder who is a minor.

Do not use this form for an entity account holder. Trusts (but not sole proprietors or decedents) are considered entities for this purpose. Instead use the CRS Self-certification Form for Entities.

This Form will remain valid unless there is a change in circumstances that makes this Form incorrect or incomplete. In that case, you must notify Citi within 30 days of any such change and provide us with an updated CRS self-certification.

As a financial institution, Citi does not provide tax advice to its customers. If you have any questions about whether you are a tax resident in any particular country, please contact your tax advisor or visit the OECD AEOI portal for country-by-country information on tax residence at


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CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Part 1 — Identification of Individual Account Holder

A. Name of Account Holder:

Family Name or Surname(s):* _____________________________________________________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

First or Given Name:* ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Middle Name(s) or Initial: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Business Name of a Sole Proprietorship: ___________________________________________________________________________

B. Current Residence Address:

Line 1 (e.g., House/Apt/Suite Name, Number, Street):* ________________________________________________________________

Line 2 (e.g., Town/City/Province/County/State):* _____________________________________________________________________

Country:* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Postal Code/ZIP Code:* __________________________________________________________________________________________

C. Mailing Address:

(please complete if different from the address shown in Section B)

Line 1 (e.g., House/Apt/Suite Name, Number, Street): _________________________________________________________________

Line 2 (e.g., Town/City/Province/County/State): ______________________________________________________________________

Country: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Postal Code/ZIP code: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

D. Date of Birth*

Date of birth* (YYYY-MM-DD): _____________________________________________________________________________________

E. Place of Birth1

Town or City of Birth: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Country of Birth: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Please complete Parts 1-3 in BLOCK CAPITALS)

1Complete section E (Place of birth) if required under the domestic law of the country where the account(s) is/are maintained.

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CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Please complete the following table indicating the Account Holder’s tax residence country or countries (i.e., where you are treated as a resident of the country for purposes of its income tax) and the Account Holder’s TIN (if any) for each country indicated. If the Account Holder is tax resident in more than three countries, please use a separate sheet.

If a TIN is unavailable please provide the appropriate reason A, B or C as indicated below:

Reason A – The country where the Account Holder is subject to income tax as a resident does not issue TINs.

Reason B – The Account Holder is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN or equivalent number. (Please explain why you are unable to obtain a TIN in the below table if you have selected this reason).

Reason C – No TIN is required because the tax residence jurisdiction that issued the TIN does not require a Financial Institution to collect and report the TIN.

Country of tax residence TIN

If no TIN available, enter

Reason A, B or C




Please explain in the following boxes why you are unable to obtain a TIN if you selected Reason B above.




Part 2 — Country of Tax Residence and Related

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or Equivalent

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CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Part 3 — Declarations and Signature*

1. I declare that all statements made in this declaration are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and complete.

2 I acknowledge that the information provided on this Form regarding the Account Holder, as well as financial information (e.g., account balance or value, the amount of income or gross proceeds received) respecting the Financial Account(s) to which the Form is applied may be reported to the tax authorities of the country in which this/these account(s) is/are maintained and exchanged with tax authorities of another country or countries in which the Account Holder may be a tax resident pursuant to a legal agreement between the competent authorities of these countries on the automatic exchange of information on Financial Accounts under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).

3. I certify that I am the Account Holder (or am authorised to sign for the Account Holder) of all the account(s) to which this form relates.

4. If there is a change in circumstances that affects the tax residence status of the Account Holder or causes the information contained herein to become incorrect or incomplete, I understand that I am obligated to inform Citi of the change in circumstances within 30 days of its occurrence and to provide a suitably updated CRS self-certification.

Signature:* _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Print name:* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date:* ______________________________________

Note: If you are not the Account Holder but are signing this form on behalf of the Account Holder, please indicate the capacity in which you are signing the form (e.g., power of attorney, executor or administrator, parent or guardian) and provide any required documentation of your authority.

Capacity: (* if applicable) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

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CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Note: The following selected definitions are provided to assist you with the completion of this form. If you have any questions about these definitions or require further detail, please contact your tax adviser.

“Account Holder” — The person listed or identified as the holder of a Financial Account. A person holding a Financial Account for the benefit of another person as an agent, a custodian, a nominee, a signatory, an investment advisor, an intermediary, or as a legal guardian, is not treated as the Account Holder. For example in the case of a parent/child relationship where the parent is acting as a legal guardian, the child is regarded as the Account Holder. With respect to a jointly held account, each joint holder is treated as an Account Holder. In the case of an estate, the decedent should be identified as the Account Holder.

“Controlling Person” — A natural person who exercise control over an entity. This definition corresponds to the term “beneficial owner” of an entity, as described in Recommendation 10 (and the Interpretative Note) of the Financial Action Task Force Recommendations (as adopted in February 2012). Where an entity Account Holder is treated as a Passive Non-Financial Entity (“NFE”), a Financial Institution must determine whether such Controlling Persons are Reportable Jurisdiction Persons. If you are a Controlling Person of a Passive NFE, you should complete a CRS self-certification for Controlling Persons instead of this Form.

”Entity” — A legal person or a legal arrangement, such as a corporation, organisation, partnership, trust or foundation.

“Financial Account” — An account maintained by a Financial Institution and includes: Depository Accounts; Custodial Accounts; an equity or debt interest in certain Investment Entities; Cash Value Insurance Contracts; and Annuity Contracts.

“Participating Jurisdiction” — A jurisdiction (i) with which an agreement is in place pursuant to which it will provide the information set out in the Common Reporting Standard and required for the automatic exchange of financial account information, and (ii) which is identified in a published list.

“Reportable Jurisdiction” — A jurisdiction (i) with which an agreement is in place pursuant to which there is an obligation to provide financial account information set forth in the Common Reporting Standard, and (ii) which is identified in a published list.

“Reportable Jurisdiction Person” — An individual who is tax resident in a Reportable Jurisdiction under the laws of that jurisdiction.

“TIN” — The Taxpayer Identification Number or a functional equivalent in the absence of a TIN. A TIN is a unique combination of letters or numbers assigned by a jurisdiction to an individual or an Entity and used to identify the individual or Entity for the purposes of administering the tax laws of such jurisdiction.

Some jurisdictions do not issue a TIN. However, these jurisdictions often utilise some other high integrity number with an equivalent level of identification (a “functional equivalent”). Examples of that type of number include, for individuals, a social security/insurance number, citizen/personal identification/service code/number and resident registration number.

Appendix of Defined Terms

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CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Please read these instructions carefully before completing the form.

Citi offices located in countries that have adopted the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) are required to collect and report certain information about an account holder’s tax residence status. Please note that Citi may be legally required to report certain

information provided in this form and other financial information with respect to your financial accounts to the tax authorities of

the country where your account is maintained. In turn, the local tax authorities may exchange the reported information with the

tax authorities in the country or countries in which you are a tax resident. Please complete this form only if the account holder

is an individual (including a sole proprietor or a decedent).

Definitions of an account holder and other terms are included in the Appendix.

Items that are marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be completed.

For joint or multiple account holders, use a separate form for each individual.

Please note that this self-certification form is for CRS purposes only. Its completion is not a substitute for the completion of any IRS Form W-9, Form W-8 or FATCA Self-certification that may otherwise be required for U.S. tax purposes.

If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, please indicate the capacity (custodian, nominee, executor, under power of attorney, etc.) in which you are signing in Part 3. A parent or legal guardian should complete the form on behalf of an account holder who is a minor.

Do not use this form for an entity account holder. Trusts (but not sole proprietors or decedents) are considered entities for this purpose. Instead use the CRS Self-certification Form for Entities.

This Form will remain valid unless there is a change in circumstances that makes this Form incorrect or incomplete. In that case, you must notify Citi within 30 days of any such change and provide us with an updated CRS self-certification.

As a financial institution, Citi does not provide tax advice to its customers. If you have any questions about whether you are a tax resident in any particular country, please contact your tax advisor or visit the OECD AEOI portal for country-by-country information on tax residence at


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CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Part 1 — Identification of Individual Account Holder

A. Name of Account Holder:

Family Name or Surname(s):* _____________________________________________________________________________________

Title: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

First or Given Name:* ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Middle Name(s) or Initial: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Business Name of a Sole Proprietorship: ___________________________________________________________________________

B. Current Residence Address:

Line 1 (e.g., House/Apt/Suite Name, Number, Street):* ________________________________________________________________

Line 2 (e.g., Town/City/Province/County/State):* _____________________________________________________________________

Country:* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Postal Code/ZIP Code:* __________________________________________________________________________________________

C. Mailing Address:

(please complete if different from the address shown in Section B)

Line 1 (e.g., House/Apt/Suite Name, Number, Street): _________________________________________________________________

Line 2 (e.g., Town/City/Province/County/State): ______________________________________________________________________

Country: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Postal Code/ZIP code: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

D. Date of Birth*

Date of birth* (YYYY-MM-DD): _____________________________________________________________________________________

E. Place of Birth1

Town or City of Birth: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Country of Birth: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Please complete Parts 1-3 in BLOCK CAPITALS)

1Complete section E (Place of birth) if required under the domestic law of the country where the account(s) is/are maintained.

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CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Please complete the following table indicating the Account Holder’s tax residence country or countries (i.e., where you are treated as a resident of the country for purposes of its income tax) and the Account Holder’s TIN (if any) for each country indicated. If the Account Holder is tax resident in more than three countries, please use a separate sheet.

If a TIN is unavailable please provide the appropriate reason A, B or C as indicated below:

Reason A – The country where the Account Holder is subject to income tax as a resident does not issue TINs.

Reason B – The Account Holder is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN or equivalent number. (Please explain why you are unable to obtain a TIN in the below table if you have selected this reason).

Reason C – No TIN is required because the tax residence jurisdiction that issued the TIN does not require a Financial Institution to collect and report the TIN.

Country of tax residence TIN

If no TIN available, enter

Reason A, B or C




Please explain in the following boxes why you are unable to obtain a TIN if you selected Reason B above.




Part 2 — Country of Tax Residence and Related

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or Equivalent

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CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Part 3 — Declarations and Signature*

1. I declare that all statements made in this declaration are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and complete.

2 I acknowledge that the information provided on this Form regarding the Account Holder, as well as financial information (e.g., account balance or value, the amount of income or gross proceeds received) respecting the Financial Account(s) to which the Form is applied may be reported to the tax authorities of the country in which this/these account(s) is/are maintained and exchanged with tax authorities of another country or countries in which the Account Holder may be a tax resident pursuant to a legal agreement between the competent authorities of these countries on the automatic exchange of information on Financial Accounts under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS).

3. I certify that I am the Account Holder (or am authorised to sign for the Account Holder) of all the account(s) to which this form relates.

4. If there is a change in circumstances that affects the tax residence status of the Account Holder or causes the information contained herein to become incorrect or incomplete, I understand that I am obligated to inform Citi of the change in circumstances within 30 days of its occurrence and to provide a suitably updated CRS self-certification.

Signature:* _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Print name:* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date:* ______________________________________

Note: If you are not the Account Holder but are signing this form on behalf of the Account Holder, please indicate the capacity in which you are signing the form (e.g., power of attorney, executor or administrator, parent or guardian) and provide any required documentation of your authority.

Capacity: (* if applicable) _____________________________________________________________________________________________

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CRS Self-certification Form for Individuals

Note: The following selected definitions are provided to assist you with the completion of this form. If you have any questions about these definitions or require further detail, please contact your tax adviser.

“Account Holder” — The person listed or identified as the holder of a Financial Account. A person holding a Financial Account for the benefit of another person as an agent, a custodian, a nominee, a signatory, an investment advisor, an intermediary, or as a legal guardian, is not treated as the Account Holder. For example in the case of a parent/child relationship where the parent is acting as a legal guardian, the child is regarded as the Account Holder. With respect to a jointly held account, each joint holder is treated as an Account Holder. In the case of an estate, the decedent should be identified as the Account Holder.

“Controlling Person” — A natural person who exercise control over an entity. This definition corresponds to the term “beneficial owner” of an entity, as described in Recommendation 10 (and the Interpretative Note) of the Financial Action Task Force Recommendations (as adopted in February 2012). Where an entity Account Holder is treated as a Passive Non-Financial Entity (“NFE”), a Financial Institution must determine whether such Controlling Persons are Reportable Jurisdiction Persons. If you are a Controlling Person of a Passive NFE, you should complete a CRS self-certification for Controlling Persons instead of this Form.

”Entity” — A legal person or a legal arrangement, such as a corporation, organisation, partnership, trust or foundation.

“Financial Account” — An account maintained by a Financial Institution and includes: Depository Accounts; Custodial Accounts; an equity or debt interest in certain Investment Entities; Cash Value Insurance Contracts; and Annuity Contracts.

“Participating Jurisdiction” — A jurisdiction (i) with which an agreement is in place pursuant to which it will provide the information set out in the Common Reporting Standard and required for the automatic exchange of financial account information, and (ii) which is identified in a published list.

“Reportable Jurisdiction” — A jurisdiction (i) with which an agreement is in place pursuant to which there is an obligation to provide financial account information set forth in the Common Reporting Standard, and (ii) which is identified in a published list.

“Reportable Jurisdiction Person” — An individual who is tax resident in a Reportable Jurisdiction under the laws of that jurisdiction.

“TIN” — The Taxpayer Identification Number or a functional equivalent in the absence of a TIN. A TIN is a unique combination of letters or numbers assigned by a jurisdiction to an individual or an Entity and used to identify the individual or Entity for the purposes of administering the tax laws of such jurisdiction.

Some jurisdictions do not issue a TIN. However, these jurisdictions often utilise some other high integrity number with an equivalent level of identification (a “functional equivalent”). Examples of that type of number include, for individuals, a social security/insurance number, citizen/personal identification/service code/number and resident registration number.

Appendix of Defined Terms

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