Page 1: August 2011 - The Aquaculturists

A monthly review August 2011

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Vietnam to get help from FAO On July 29 the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) Assistant Director General for Fisheries and Aquaculture Arni M. Mathiesen and Deputy Director General of FAO Fisheries Department Rohana Subasinghe. and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Vu Van Tam met to discus the building of a network to prevent and control aquatic disease in Vietnam. Read more ...

Canadian company opens shop in Norway AgriMarine one of Canada's leading aquaculture companies and market leaders in solid wall closed containment technology is to open a shop in Norway. The new company will be known as AgriNor and will be the exclusive sales agents for its solid wall containment technology.

The company is owned by three individual companies AgriMarine who owns 50 percent, along with fellow Canadian company ZED International holdings who owns 25 percent. Finally "Midos"a Norwegian company who own 25 percent shares in the company AgriNor. Read more ...

New executive director for Aquaculture without Frontiers Aquaculture without Frontiers (AwF) has announced their new executive direc-tor as David Conley. Mr Conley joined the board in 2010 and has been an active member for the past 17 months.

“We are extremely pleased with all the work that Dave has done since joining us,” said AwF Founder and Patron, Michael New, OBE. “He has made numer-ous suggestions to help us become more efficient and has impressed me with his energy and dedication to achieving the mission of AwF.” Read more ...

Fish feed plant commissioned by Grand Cereals Grand Cereal's a subsidiary of UAC Foods has commissioned a new auto-mated fish feed plant that will have an annual production capacity of 22,000 tons in Jos City to meet the demands of an increasing population.

“This gesture is a major panacea to bridging the ever-increasing fish protein demand-supply gap and reduce over dependence on imports,” said Larry Ettah, group managing director/CEO of UAC Nigeria Limited plc, when speaking at the commissioning. Read more ...

Virginia sees oyster aquaculture grow According to the Virginia Institute of Marine Science and Virginia Sea Grant the oyster aquaculture industry is set to see a boom. In 2010 over 16 million oys-ters were sold to the value of US$5 million (€3.483 million). A survey carried out suggest that nearly twice the amount of 2010 could be sold in 2011.

“Basically, these practices make it possible for growers to plant more oysters upfront and then have more oysters alive to harvest the next year, when the ani-mals mature,” says Karen Hudson, Shellfish Aquaculture Specialist at VIMS and co-author of the report. Read more ...

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Hi my name is Martin Little. I am the Aquaculturists, with a background in Marine Zoology and eight years working in the field as a consultant fisheries observer in the North Atlantic, I am now part of International Aquafeed magazine, and as well as my column in the pages of the magazine I will be running a accompanying blog that can be found at

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Canadian government to share scientific research With the recent allegations that have accused the government of restricting ac-cess to research on the Pacific Salmon. Keith Ashfield, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans has come out and made it clear that the government share the concerns of the people and is therefore committed to providing access to the research.

“We share the concerns of many Canadians regarding the decline in the numbers of salmon in the Fraser River and that is precisely why Prime Minister Harper called for a judicial inquiry – the Cohen Commission - to look into the potential causes contributing to this decline. Justice Cohen’s work is ongoing and we are committed to allowing him to conduct this inquiry free from outside influence. We look forward to his report and recommendations in June, 2012," said Minister Ashfield. Read more ...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

BAP expands its international marketing team Global Aquaculture Alliance announced a new member to their international marketing team. Molly Metcalf joins BAP as new business marketing manager for North America. She will help manage relationships between seafood suppliers, buyers, retailers and foodservice outlets in the US and Canada.

BAP Vice President of Development Peter Redmond said "The Global Aquac-ulture Alliance is delighted that Molly Metcalf has decided to join our BAP team. Her addition will allow us to give more attention to existing retailers in the BAP network and enable us to focus on getting additional retailers on board, as well," Read more ...

US Food and Drug Administration faces opposition over frankenfish The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is facing serious opposition over the GM salmon created by Aquabounty Technologies, a group of Senators are asking the FDA to cease its consideration of this fish as food, and they are threat-ening to pull funding for the study if the FDA does not comply with requests.

The Senators all from coastal states where fishing is thriving like Alaska, Oregon and Washington has stated that they will not support this creation, they also said that it could kill jobs and interfere with the fishing farming industry. "I just don't see a reason from a fundamental standpoint why we have to start manufacturing 'Frankenfish' when we have incredible fisheries that employ thousands of people," said Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska). Read more ...

USDA has awards available for aquaculture assistance As part of a US$20 million (€14.102 million) program to provide economic as-sistance for aquaculture producers who experience high feed input cost during the year 2009. Maine will be receiving US$87.241 (€61,513). A block grant from the USDA’s Farm Service Agency will be given to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources, the state agency that will be adminis-tering the program. Read more ...

Kiwi salmon wins top award in Australia New Zealand's King salmon won a top Australian seafood award the com-pany was judged as the best supplier-Aquaculture at the Sydney Fish Market’s Seafood Excellence Awards 2011. The company’s Australian general manager Markus Gerlich compiled the entry focusing on a staff motto of “we care”. “It’s very much within our psyche to focus on caring for customers, our wholesalers, about our fish and about the environment,” Gerlich says.

NZ King Salmon CEO Grant Rosewarne says the Sydney win continues a stellar year for the Marlborough-based salmon farmer. “All six of our products submit-ted for the annual International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi) Superior Taste Awards gained either the top three-star or two-star rating in Brussels earlier in the year. Read more ...

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Vietnam is ready to send aquaculture experts to Sri Lanka Vietnam is prepared to send experts in aquaculture to Sri Lanka to teach tech-niques in growing seaweed, lobster and sea cucumber, or would be willing to teach a delegation from Sri Lanka. Minister Vu Van Tam has said that a delega-tion could be put together in a month to assist Sri Lanka.

Minister Tam said if Sri Lanka has a master plan and strategy for aquaculture development with a list of species Vietnam was ready to assist wherever pos-sible. "Vietnam is ready to provide technical assistance all knowledge we have in order to develop the aquaculture sector in Sri Lanka and provide seafood to your people," he said. Read more ...

CEFAS Annual Report 2010-11 The Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), a UK applied marine science centre, has had a positive year. Its annual reports and accounts show that CEFAS has done well in the areas it has been involved in. CEFAS has been working in the areas of fisheries reform, marine planning, aquatic disease research and UK sea's assessment.

As part of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), CEFAS' performance is measured against ministerial targets. The report showed that all but one of these targets was met for the period 2010-11. Read more ...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Impact of climate change & fish farming on Atlantic salmon The Conclusion of new research show that climate change and fish farming has had an impact on the Atlantic salmon in Northern Spain. The Combination of cli-mate change and the introduction of farmed Atlantic salmon into wild populations is shaping regional genetic patterns of Atlantic salmon in Northern Spain.

The research was carried out over 20 years and the data was obtained from salmon DNA, stocking of fish for farming and climate change were analysed from five rivers, every 5 years. This was to determine the relative importance of climate and stocking practices on the population structure and the genetic patterns. The study was financially supported by the EU INTERREG project. Read more …

In cultured warm-water fish? controlling bacterial disease One of the big issues in the field of aquaculture is the controlling of bacterial dis-ease in cultured fish such as tilapia, it remains a costly problem. However it can be managed effectively with an integrated approach towards sustainable meth-ods. These sustainable approaches use the new generation antibiotics developed specifically for aquaculture.

Dr Rogério Salvador, professor, North Paraná State University, Londrina (Brazil), said “The availability of AQUAVAC Strep Sa has profound implications, it could play a key role in enabling the burgeoning tilapia industry to sustain and continue to grow,” Read more ...

Salmon not protected by NOAA - Judge Rules The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Service has failed to protect the imperilled Columbia-Snake River salmon from extinction a Judge ruled. Judge, James Redden ruled that the harm to this species has been largely caused by the operation of the federal dams on the Columbia-Snake river.

"The judge's decision is a victory for wildlife, taxpayers, and the fishing industry," said John Kostyack, Executive Director, Wildlife Conservation and Global Warming, National Wildlife Federation. Read more ...

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Abalone farm and plant gets restrictions lifted In Tasmania the recent outbreak of the Abalone virus ganglioneuritis (AVG) that occurred in December 2010, at a processing facility in Tasmania displayed signs of AVG, and control measures were immediately implemented by the Tas-manian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE).

In mid-January 2011, AVG was confirmed in a second processing plant and an abalone farm. Abalone held in three other processors were found to have AVG virus present in the absence of clinical disease. Read more ...

Researchers discover new species of toxic algae In Spain researchers have identified a new species of algae that is toxic to humans, and the evidence suggest that this new species of toxic algae could be responsible for the cases of ciguatera that has affected Humans in the Canary Islands. This new species of toxic algae that produces ciguatoxins has been discovered by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in the Canary Islands. Read more ...

Feeding habits of crayfish discovered For decades scientists have failed to to find out how the copepod, Metridia feeds. At an Arctic Station in a freezing cold laboratory for the first time researchers us-ing a high speed video camera recorded the crayfish larvae feeding. The record-ing shows how the constantly feeding little crayfish catches its food.

"When we were doing fieldwork in Godthåbsfjorden last year, we discovered that there were a lot of Metridia in the water at night. Here at Arctic Station on Disko Island, we have never noticed Metridia before. Read more ...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Canada invests in aquaculture innovation projects The Canadian government announced significant funding to support sustainabil-ity and innovation with in the aquaculture industry. Mr Kemp the Parliamentary Secretary said "Our government is committed to enhancing the global competi-tiveness, productivity and environmental performance of Canada's aquaculture industry,". The federal funding will support three finfish and five shellfish projects in British Colombia the funding is provided through the Aquaculture Innovation and Market Access Program (AIMAP).

Mr Kemp went onto say "We are pleased to help keep the B.C. economy strong by supporting these promising new commercial innovations. Canada has the po-tential to become a world leader in aquaculture with our extensive coastlines, an international reputation for safe, high-quality fish and seafood products, a skilled workforce and strong management expertise." Read more ...

Sustainable Development Technology Canada increases its contribution AgriMarine world leaders in floating closed containment technology along with the Middle Bay Sustainable Aquaculture Institute ("MBSAI") are pleased to announce that the Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), has increased its contribution to the middle bay solid wall containment for rearing salmon demonstration facility from CAN$2.36 million (€1.712 million) to a maxi-mum of CAN$5.77 million (€4.186 million).

The contribution from the SDTC will be advanced to MBSAI if certain specific milestones have been achieved, While AgriMarine has committed CAN$7.27 million, (€5.274 million) to rear salmon as part of the middle bay project. "Through our support for cutting-edge clean energy technology we are creating high-quality jobs and protecting our environment," said Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver. Read more ...


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Company update: Cell Aquaculture Is pleased to announce that the initial harvests of premium Barramundi near its new site in Thailand has been successful. Having located an outstanding aquac-ulture development site in Thailand and commencing production in October 2010, Cell aquaculture is pleased with the progress that has been made.

With phase one of the operation complete and now in production, Cell Aqua id progressing forward with the expansion of operations and the development of a new specialist purpose built Cell production facility. Construction is well underway and will be completed later in the year. Read more ...

Group sues federal government over factory fish farming permit in Hawaii Food & Water Watch and Hawaiian environmental group KAHEA an advo-cacy group are suing the federal government agencies that has granted Kona Blue Water Farms the first commercial offshore aquaculture permit. The plaintiff has claimed that the federal government lacks the authority to grant the permit.

“Factory fish farms in Hawaii have damaged the marine environment, are heavily reliant on government funding and tax breaks, and have interfered with Native Hawaiian cultural practices. Yet the federal government is hell-bent on allowing them, even when they have no authority to do so,” said Food & Water Watch Executive Director, Wenonah Hauter. Read more ...

Traditional fishermen against modern fish farmers The islanders of the Islay have challenged the might of the corporate fish farming company, namely the Scottish Salmon Company, who wanted to install large salmon farms around the island coast. However the islanders are showing that they are a force to be reckoned with . They put up so much of a good fight that the Scottish Salmon Company have now shelved its plans to install these farms.

The Scottish salmon company now plans to forge ahead with its plans to install farms around the coast of Islay, and the islander are not going to give in without a fight. A petition quickly secured 800 signatures from the island. Willy Inglis, the factor of Islay Estates and one of the leading figures in Iasg (Gaelic for fish), the group set up to fight the Islay fish farms, told the Times this week:

“There is overwhelming opposition to fish farms on Islay. This is a fragile local economy which could be damaged hugely by this proposal. “We are against it but it is not nimbyism. This really will affect our economy. I believe it will be irrepara-ble harm to Islay.” Read more ...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dip it, stock it and reap it ...You will have your shrimps in 100 days! Have you heard of shrimps growing in about 100 days to the harvestable size of 30 counts? Yes, it is possible. Or fish fry, growing faster than normal? That too is possible. Using a totally environment friendly, all-natural and fully-biodegradable enzyme mix - yes, no hormones and no antibiotics - has been achieved in farms in Asia. The product called Gutacean and comes from Singapore Biotrade which delivers result with a one-time simple application.

The product comes in a concentrated mix, each vial containing 150mg of the product. In shrimp hatcheries the product is to be mixed with a solution provided along with the product. It is added droplet by droplet to a bin/tank of 200 litres of seawater. Each 150mg is optimised for three million nauplii. Read more in our magazine ...

B-Safe: Zootechnical and economical interest in growing tilapia The use of antibiotic growth promoter factors in feed for terrestrial or aquatic animals is either banned - for example in Europe - or heavily criticised due to the potential increase in bacterial resistance. Cation exchanged clays have been reported to be an effective antibacterial material and its interest as a growth pro-moter factor has been reported in terrestrial species such as poultry.

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To our knowledge, the interest of cation exchange clays has never been studied in fish species. The purpose of this trial was to test the interest of a patented cation exchanged clay (B-Safe) at two different doses on the zootechnical per-formances of growing tilapia fish. Read more in our magazine

Scottish Environment Minister impressed The Scottish Environment Minister Stewart Stevenson was extremely impressed by the aquaculture businesses based in the Outer Hebrides during a visit. Mr Stevenson visited the Scottish Salmon Company to see their newly refurbished facilities.

Minister Stevenson said "My visits in Lewis and Harris to The Scottish Salmon Company, Hebridean Mussels and Marine Harvest have been highly reward-ing and informative, while I also held a productive meeting with the Outer Hebri-des Fisheries Trust. These visits have emphasised the importance of balancing growth of the aquaculture industry with the need to safeguard the wider marine environment. Read more ...

Kali tuna facility confirms natural spawning Umami Sustainable Seafood Inc, Croatia has obtained DNA evidence that confirms the natural spawning of bluefin tuna at its facility Kali tuna. After tests were carried out by the Genomics Laboratory Macrogen Inc. who confirmed them as bluefin tuna from the same broodstock.

Oli Valur Steindorsson, Umami's Chairman and CEO said, "This event marks a major milestone in our company's ultimate goal of building a commercially viable closed life cycle Bluefin Tuna farming operation." Read more ...

Shrimp from the desert Blue Oasis Pure Shrimp, a shrimp grown on land and not just any land but the Mojave Desert. Blue Oasis is setting the bar when it comes to sustainability and their carbon footprint. The companies skill at growing the shrimp at a near 1:1 ratio where traditional shrimp aquaculture is 1:4.

Blue Oasis say their success is in part due to the closed loop system with no effluent discharge sludge removal or flocculation procedure. According to Scott McManus, CEO of Blue Oasis: “One of the things that makes our technology so unique and so special is our ability to place these plants and facilities anyplace in the United States or the world for that matter. We can put it in the desert. We can literally put it in Siberia” Read more ...

The Global smoked salmon market has interest from the Philippines A deal between New Zealand Prime Foods NZ Ltd and Philippines Alliance Tuna International Inc. has formed a new venture a smoked salmon venture. Both companies will do business under the name of Big Glory Bay Salmon and Seafood Co.

The company said: "This will enable the company to be a major force in world markets, utilizing Alliance’s existing extensive marketing network in over 50 coun-tries. It will also provide a new market for our primary salmon supplier, Sanford, and their salmon farming operation on Stewart Island as they will also supply King salmon to the Philippines operation". Read more ...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Two of the team from Perendale Publishers Ltd will be at AquaNor 2011 At the AquaNor event in Trondheim Norway on the August 16-19, Perendale publishers Ltd will be there, represented by Caroline Wearn and Tuti Tan. We will be at the European Aquaculture Society Stand at F-573. We will be distrib-uting the International Aquafeed English edition along with our New Spanish edition. To get a free copy of the magazine please visit the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) at Stand F-573.

For more information about the AquaNor event please visit their website AquaNor

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Is GE salmon safe scientist urges Government A Scientist has ask the government to make a decision on weather the GE salmon known as frankenfish would be allowed for US consumption. He also ar-gues that by not allowing the GE salmon to be used could set back the the effort to increase food production.

Professor William Muir of animal science at Purdue University has stated that based on data obtained from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Aqua-Advantage (AA), that there is little risk to either the environment or human health. Read more ...

Third module of on-line MSc/Diploma St Andrews University The is hosting the third module of the University of St Andrews online Postgraduate MSc/Diploma course in Sustainable Aquaculture. This module examines the sustainability in terms of feed production and nutrition.

The module co-ordinator Simon Wadsworth said: “Aquaculture requires renew-able sources of feed and this is a key factor in the future growth and sustainability of the industry." Read more ...

New Zealand amends aquaculture bill New proposed amendments to the Aquaculture Legislation Amendment bill (No3) is hope it will strengthen the legislation and improve the Maori aquaculture. Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister, Phil Heatley, comments: "We need to ensure that the legislative changes we put in place work to create the framework needed to help the aquaculture industry reach its goal of NZ$1 billion (€584 mil-lion) in annual sales by 2025."

Part of this bill will deliver the mechanism for the commercial aquaculture settle-ment Act 2004 to the Maori. Maori Affairs Minister, Dr Pita Sharples commented that the updated legislation will help smooth the way and allow for trail farming of high value finfish. Read more ...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A demonstration farm for aquaculture to be created in Ontario A demonstration farm will be created by the Northern Ontario Aquaculture As-sociation (NOAA) that is hoped will boost the fish farming industry in the prov-ince. Funds have been granted to the organisation from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp (NOHFC), CAN$303,836 (€214,513) through the infra-structure of the Community Development Program for a number of projects, including the demonstration farm.

The executive director of NOAA Karen Tracey said that the province will benefit and she expressed her gratitude for the funding, She went onto to say “Anticipat-ed goals include additional aquaculture-related jobs, increased economic benefits for the province of Ontario, innovative environment initiatives and sustainable growth of an agri-food sector producing healthy food sources,”. Read more ...

Greenpeace condemns fish hatchery plans Malta government plans for a new fish hatchery have been slammed by Green-peace as they claim its worse for fish stocks. The Government has identified a number of possible sites and funding is in place of €1 million (US$1.42 million) from the European Fisheries Fund. Part of the fund would come from South Korea National Fisheries Research and Development Institute.

Greenpeace are claiming that this type of hatchery will not help wild bluefin popu-lations recover, among the many claims he made Mr Losada says that this kind of hatchery will not be sustainable. Read more ...

Courses in pharmacology and toxicology for aquaculture In India the Union Agriculture Ministry is planning to introduce courses in pharmacology and toxicology to educate those in aquaculture according to Dr KM Shankar of the Mangalore college of fisheries.

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This is in part due to the need to regulate drugs in aquaculture practice, the Union Agriculture Ministry and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) will inaugurate the training program on August 10 in Mangalore. Read more ...

Herpesvirus detected at Koi fishery in the UK The Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has is-sued an early report that two cases of herpesvirus has been detected in Koi. The Fish Health Inspectors (FHI) at Cefas have been investigating the outbreak at a fishery near Horsham , West Sussex. Initial control measures have been put into place to prevent further spread of the disease.

Koi Herpesvirus disease affects all variety of common carp Cyprinus carpio, including mirror, leather, koi and ghost koi. The virus moralities is usually 100 percent and there is no known treatment. Read more ...

Salmon populations in Chile recovering after ISA Outbreak Three years ago the salmon populations were decimated with the spread of Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA) in Chile. Slowly Chile's salmon population is recovering, last year saw an increase of 44 percent in salmon production. In 2011 the salmon industry in Chile yielded 420,000 tons of fish so far.

However some industry insiders have noticed that with the rise in salmon pro-duction that prices have decreased on the international market. With all the new sanitary regulations now in place to prevent another outbreak, it is likely that it will have an effect on profits as these measures are not cheap to implement. Read more ...

AKVA profits improves but takeover could happen The AKVA Group who manufacture fish-farming equipment and recirculation and software has seen an improvement to its financial status. However it looks as if there will be a takeover of the company by Frode Teigen who has built up their shares in the company and are making a mandatory offer to acquire the remain-ing shares.

Te operating cost for for the second quarter of 2011 was up 26 percent on the same period in 2010. The company say it has continued focus on the cost and im-proving project management well they have reduced spending in the Recirculated Aquaculture Systems (RAS) division. Read more ...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shipping containers in Mohave Desert to grow shrimp An aquaculture farm is to use shipping containers in the Mohave Desert to grow 500,000 lbs of shrimp. This is being done so that the company Blue Oasis Pure Shrimp can meet the supply for Las Vegas of shrimp. Blue Oasis is touting itself as a truly sustainable company and an alternative to wild caught shrimp.

Little is said about the energy used and how much water is required to run opera-tions, there are lots of questions about weather this is a sustainable viable option to wild caught shrimp. Read more ...

Store that could help fish food industry in Queensland After the devastation and damage to farmers during the floods and cyclone last year there are plans to build a bulk storage facility in north Queensland. This facility would store act as a support holding storage for feed. And would allow the farmers to get needed supplies after a heavy storm or cyclone.

Kerrod Beattie from the Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) said "One of the things we have been investigating is bulk storage of feed in north Queensland to facilitate almost a co-operative approach, that if we know something is about to arise, is there an opportunity to have some bulk storage of feed there". Read more ...

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Tilapia hatcheries get new guidelines The government of Malawi published new guidelines for tilapia hatchery opera-tors. This is aimed at developing a framework for the development of the hatch-eries and services for the inspection and certification of fish hatcheries and fish seed in the country.

The Department of Fisheries acting director, Steve Donda, said the guidelines will “help to establish fish seed systems and improve the production of high-qual-ity fish seed and reduce the use of inbred seed in Malawi”. “Most of the farmers are using fish stocks which are genetically similar or inferior to wild stock,” said Mr Donda. Read more ...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

By products from citrus and wheat processed into fishfeed In Spain the food and marine research center AZTI-Tecnalia the technological centre specialised in marine and food. They are researching into exploiting the by products from the processing of citrus fruit and wheat in order to create new food products and feed for aquaculture.

This research is being carried out by a consortium of companies and technology centers in Europe and India and is being financed by the seventh European Framework Program. The NAMASTE project is also supporting the exchange of knowledge between the consortium of companies. Read more ...

ASTEC in the UK goes global with latest CGI technologies The Astec Aquaculture Business and Science Centre in Lyne Sands, Northumber-land, has invested in the latest computer-generated imagery (CGI) technology to help market its facilities to a worldwide audience.

The Centre has a unique offering not typically found off the North Sea coast – the ability to provide its tenants with a constant supply of near-tropical temperature seawater. The team behind Astec - the UK’s first aquaculture business incubator centre - has developed CGI animation to explain in simple terms how this process works and to maximise its marketing potential.

The CGI Tour shows how Astec taps into seawater warmed by a neighbouring power station, filters and treats it, before pumping it to the facility’s specialist wet labs. The animation also showcases the Centre’s full range of niche facilities and highlights plans for future expansion.

This unique proposition is expected to attract a wide range of marine science businesses and researchers because it enables a diverse range of aquatic plants and animals to be cultivated all year round, eliminating the logistical difficulty and cost usually involved in transporting and heating seawater for commercial or research purposes

“Ideally, we like to show people round the Centre and let them see first-hand the fantastic facilities we have here, “ says Emma Wilson, sales and marketing man-ager at Astec.

“When that’s not possible, when we’re talking to aquaculture professionals from other parts of the UK or overseas for example, our CGI tour allows us to show-case the Centre and communicate visually a process which would be difficult to explain by conventional means.”

Astec provides an ideal base for a wide range of marine-based commercial ventures and research activities. It offers private, scalable and fully customis-able laboratory, office and outdoor production space, meaning it can cater for the diverse needs of start-up and more established aquaculture businesses as well as contract and project based research.

The Astec CGI tour can be viewed by visiting the company’s website at or on its you tube channel, more information

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Fish farm problems for Ireland Simon Coveney, Minister of Agriculture, the Marine and food said that"Practically every harbour on the island is designated a special area of con-servation." He wen on to describe the licensing process as incredibly expensive and arduous and very frustrating.

Coveney told the dail "Unfortunately, while we are dealing with this frustration, we are seeing aquaculture industries developing and expanding in other European countries even though, in many ways, we have better natural resources to exploit that potential in a sustainable way." He revealed that many existing aquaculture operators are essentially operating outside of license, and said that situation is unsustainable. Read more ...

USAID helps Sri Lanka eastern farmers to grow sea bass As part of a larger project farmers in Trincomalee in the Eastern part of Sri Lanka are growing seabass in cages. This project involves at least 1300 people, also as part of the project mussels and oysters will be grown, with help from the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

The project according to the US embassy in Colombo said that 50 percent of the fishers are women who will sell their seabass, mussels and oysters to Aqua N' Green a private company. Some farmers can expect to earn about SL Re50,000 (€320.302) in six months. Read more ...

Changes to the Aquaculture Amendment Bill will result in loss of quota The proposed additions to this bill could have damaging effects particularly the introduction of arbitration and is viewed as a breech of quota owners rights, this could lead to possible conflict and expense say the New Zealand Seafood Industry Council. One of the main worries about these amendments is the weakening of the quota owners rights, and it will remove protection that has been in place for 25 years. “We are not saying that quota owners own the coastal space but they do own commercial harvest rights. Read more ...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Canadian fish farmers say sea lice numbers are low Fish farmers from the Bay of Fundy think they are winning against the sea lice, remembering that last year the average number of sea lice to attach its self to the fish in a sea cage was 20. But this year they have seen a dramatic decrease on those numbers, so far this year the average is only about two sea lice per salmon.

Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association executive director Pamela Parker, said "What we're finding this year is that out numbers are very, very low," she said aboard the Island Quest, a boat that normally does whale watch tours. On Wednesday the salmon aquaculture industry chartered the vessel to take report-ers on a tour. Read more …

Aquaculture inspections helped by underwater camera's In Chile the National Fisheries Service (Sernapesca), has imported underwater cameras for use during inspections. Already two such cameras are working in the south of the Country, and this has led to several offenses being witnessed.

The new cameras are remote operated and have sensors attached to them allow-ing for water temperatures readings to be monitored. Their main use is to gather 100 percent of the information that is required during inspections. Sernapesca intends to obtain further kits from the US. Read more ...



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Cooke aquaculture hatchery in Swanger Cove A new hatchery will soon be in operation in Swanger Cove, St Alban's, Cooke aquaculture has built one of the most modern facilities of its kind on the planet. Jim Murry who has worked in hatcheries all over the world said “With its state-of the-art water recirculation system, its sensors to control water flow and the feed system, its artificial lighting program, among other modern technologies, this hatchery will be a fabulous place to work. I can’t wait for our first batch of fry to arrive at this facility.” Read more ...

ASC and Global GAP to provide training The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), is working closely with Glo-balGAP to provide training to auditors for the ASC Pangasius Standard. As a mandatory requirement all auditors must complete the training for ASC accredita-tion process.

Any certified body can apply for this training, and it is internationally recognised and will allow the auditor to audit aquaculture operations on the proper implemen-tation of the ASC Pangasius Standard. Read more ...

Aquaculture zone may pollute a pristine marine area An aquaculture zone of 10,000 hectare has been proposed by the Department of Primary Industries and Resources South Australia, they want to use the area for fish and mussels. The South Australian Recreational Fishing Advi-sory Council has said that this development may pollute one of the states most pristine marine areas.

Gary Flack executive officer of the fishing advisory council, said that for years they have had to deal with pollution from other aquaculture zones that have gone unchecked and continue to be unchecked. Read more ...

Shrimp farming in Latin America a major environmental concern The utilisation of mangrove forest for aquaculture is an alarming trend, home to many marine and salt water species. The impact that aquaculture has on an en-vironment that is already in decline is devastating and one of the most damaging forms of aquaculture is shrimp farming the environmentalist warn.

María Dolores Vera, of Ecuador's Coordinating Body for the Defence of Mangrove Ecosystems (C-CONDEM), a non-governmental organisation, told IPS that shrimp farming was introduced in her country "in the 1970s, and had already destroyed 70 percent of the country's mangrove ecosystems by 2008." Read more ...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sustainable aquaculture, in Ghana fastest growing economy Fish both live caught and those produced via aquaculture can represent some 60 to 70 percent of Ghanaians, animal protein intake. Tilapia making up 80 percent and catfish 20 percent, but its still not an unproductive sector. Thou the fishery is considered important, its growth is still slow.

However where the economy has normally relied normally on gold, cocoa and tourism, Ghana has a great opportunity that could help in relieving debt and pov-erty and unemployment in the country. Read more …

Cooke aquaculture fails to get bigger stake in Clearwater Cooke aquaculture made a bid for Clearwater Seafood and failed as the Clearwater company rejected the offer of Cooke aquaculture. Cooke made the offer of CAN$3.50 (€2.475) per unit, making it worth CAN$159 (€112.445) million.

Clearwater issued a statement which indicate that they were not interested in selling and that at least 50 percent of their investors were in agreement. From Clearwater's stand point Cooke offer was too low. Read more ...

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Fish farmer found guilty of killing brown Pelicans A fish farmer in Palacios Texas, has been found guilty of the killing of 90 Brown Pelicans, pelicans that are federally protected. Seaside aquaculture the farm indi-cated in the lawsuit along with Khanh Vu were indicated in a letter sent to the US Fish and Wildlife in October from a former contract worker at the fish farm.

In February the US Texas Parks and Wildlife department executed a warrant. The agents found the carcasses of about 90 brown pelicans, with great blue herons, great egrets, black-crowned night herons, turkey vultures, osprey, gulls scaup. Read more …

New training that could save Indian aquaculture in the future In recent years the Indian aquaculture has suffered due to over use of antibiotics, this has had a sever effect on aquaculture. But Managlore fisheries college is now training specialists in pharmacology and toxicology.

This is for the future the norm is that veterinary experts usually prescribe medica-tion. Bur realising the need for experts who understood aquaculture and the need for a special type of infection management that only fisheries graduates could understand. Read more ...

The flooding in Bangladesh is causing havoc on the fish farms The continuos flooding in the Satkhira region of Bangladesh has caused exten-sive damage to the fish-farming industry in the area and also shrimp. Floods have washed away most of the shrimp enclosures and the hatcheries along with the canals creeks and ponds.

The cost of the floods is undetermined at present until the flood waters recedes but some 3400 shrimp enclosures. This event had crippled traders in the region, the floods has caused major damage to the infrastructure. Read more ...

Review: Morphological Evolution, Aptations, Homoplasies, Constraints and Evolutionary Trend This publication Morphological Evolution, Aptations, Homoplasies, Constraints and Evolutionary Trend: Catfishes as a Case Study on General Phylogeny and Macroevolution was written and published in 2005 by Dr Rui Diogo who is an evolutionary biologist graduated in the University of Aveiro, Portugal.

One of the key aims of this book is to analyse the higher-level interrelationships of catfish and to look at and discuss the general evolution of this species. The book cover morphology, catfish families, the phylogeny of catfish its evolution and macroevolution.

The book is split into five chapters with subsections

1. Catfishes: Introduction

2. Methodology and Material

3. Phylogenetic Analysis

4. Higher-level Phylogeny and Macroevolution of Catfishes: A Discussion

5. Catfishes, Case Study for General Discussions of Phylogenetic and Macroevo-lutionary


A well written and well presented book, dealing with the complexities of a species that until recently was not fully understood. Dr Diogo has achieved an under-standing that is second to none in his chosen field of study.

The catfish in the modern world is a key species in aquaculture, reared in many parts of the world as an important food source. With that in mind I believe this book is a very important book and would be a key resource for students, ichthy-ologists and biologists working in evolution, taxonomy and phylogeny. A must have book.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Perendale Publishers Ltd at AquaNor 2011 in Trondheim Norway The AquaNor event is well underway in Norway, an established event for for over thirty years where innovations, products, services, research and development projects are showcased. Perendale Publishers Ltd are pleased to announce that Caroline Wearn and Tuti Tan (European Aquaculture Society stand number F-573) are there to meet and greet, please feel free to say hi to them, they will also be distributing our bi monthly publication International Aquafeed, along with our new Spanish language version. They look forward to meeting you all.

Russia sign deal with Scottish salmon producers The Scottish salmon company has broken into the Russian market for the first time. Scottish salmon said that a deal has been signed that will see them sup-plying salmon to Russia. This deal has been reached after many months of hard negotiations. They already supply Japan, US, Middle East and France.

According to the Scottish salmon company the first shipment of salmon goes to Russia this week. Stewart McLelland, chief operating officer of the Scottish Salm-on Company, said: "This is a very exciting deal for us as a company, expanding our export market into this previously untapped region. Read more ...

A study show parasites have a more profound effect on fish mortality A study carried out by researchers at Oregon State University, showed that heavy parasite infection does have a major effect on growth, weight, size, immune function and other issues. What they have learned from these studies is that its not the presence or absence of parasites, that is important but that their numbers can build up over years or decades and ultimately cause major impacts.

"We've known for a long time that salmon and other fish are affected by parasites, so that isn't new," said Mike Kent, an OSU professor of microbiology. "Because parasites have been present for decades, they have often been dismissed as a cause of increasing salmon mortality." Read more ...

What is the answer why are wild salmon in decline? Royal commissions have failed to identify what the problems are where wild salmon stocks are in decline. And at the cost of CAN$25 million (€17.651 mil-lion) on the Cohen commission a new effort to find answers. But if we choose to actually look closer at the problems we could find the answers with out a huge price tag.

In Canada the fish police the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has too of-ten had a curious history of mismanagement and an incestuous relationship with those who make their money from the capture and sale of wild and now farmed fish, from individual entrepreneurs to corporate fish farms. Read more ...

Proposed addition to aquaculture amendment bill Minister for Aquaculture Phil Heatley proposed an addition to the new aquaculture amendment bill, that would see an independent arbitrator to set compensation for commercial fishermen. This move has angered some commercial fisherman but the CO of New Zealand king salmon think that the proposal is brilliant.

One of the key issues is that by giving over the areas to aquaculture this would lose the commercial fishermen their livelihoods, but a simple question would the area benefit more from aquaculture or from commercial fishing. Well New Zealand King Salmon would happily give up its water space if a fishing quota holder could create more wealth for the country using the same area, chief executive Grant Rosewarne says. Read more …

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New oxygenation technology launched by Linde Gases The new system of oxygenation has been launched by Linde Gases a division of The Linde Group known as SOLVOX® OxyStream a unique low pressure oxy-genation system that will help increase fish production volume, optimise fish meat quality and will improve operations environmentally.

SOLVOX® OxyStream is a unique ground breaking patented combination system combining oxygenation and flow system that dissolves the optimal amount of oxygen in the inlet water, but also distributes its evenly with an adjustable flow pattern through the tank. Linde will be launching this new system at AquaNor from the 16-19 August. Read more ...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Press Release: Meriden Philippines Inc launches new web site Meriden Philippines has created a new website, this has come about due to the response from customers feedback about wanting to know more information on products marketed in the Philippines. Corazon P. Occidental, Managing Director of Meriden Phils Inc, says ‘We are delighted to be able to respond to our custom-ers suggestions and provide them with a valuable source of information on the products we carry. We now welcome our customers’ views on the new website so we can carry on improving our service to them.’

You can visit the new website here:

Or visit the Meriden Animal Health website:

Scientist issued new warning over Scottish farmed salmon Published in the Daily Mail online today (August 17, 2011) was the news item about Scottish farmed salmon, it echo the story of 2004 saying that the salmon are heavily contaminated and should not be eaten more than three times a year. This new warning comes from scientist Dr Jeffery Foran a toxicologist who was involved in the research looking at the chemicals that are used in fish feeds on fish farms.

The levels of the pollutants found are within the standards required by the Euro-pean Union and Britain. Scottish salmon farmers have branded the study as mis-leading. Sir John Krebs from the Food Standard Agency said that the benefits of eating oily fish outweighed any risk. Read more ...

A tilapia breeding station in Kenya under development Omega farms was set up by Mark Archer, after the collapse of his property development company in Kenya. Along with an old friend Perrie Hennessy, and Dr Bonnie Dunbar from the University of Nairobi and nick Justus. They saw an opportunity due to the lack of tilapia fingerlings availability in Kenya.

The farm is based on and around the Island of Ol Kokwe on Lake Baringo. "The optimum temperature for breeding tilapia is 28-31 degrees Celsius," explained Mr Archer. "And this just so happens to be the temperature of Lake Baringo making it the perfect location to set up a tilapia breeding station." Read more ...

International Aquafeeds Event Wall Planner for 2012 In September 2011, International Aquafeed magazine we will be publishing its first Event Wall Planner for 2012 - featuring all key trade shows and conferences in the aqua feed sector for 2012 The planners actual dimensions: 841 mm x 594 mm).

Over 10,000 copies of the planner will be produced and distributed to our sub-scribers throughout the world, as well as key industry specialists, and attendees of all listed shows/conferences. There are only 26 advertising spaces (90mm x 90 mm) available in total.

Special offer:

We are offering all companies that book their space before Wednesday 31st August, an introductory price of UK£400. The standard price thereafter will be UK£600.

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Due to the limited number of spaces available, it is advisable that you make your space reservation as soon as possible.

Please contact our sales team for more information on our 2012 planner.

Sales Team (UK office)

Caroline Wearn [email protected] Tel:+44 1242 267706

Lee Bastin [email protected] Tel:+44 1242 267706

Sabby Major [email protected] Tel:+44 1242 267706

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chile to increase fines and suspensions in aquaculture The Executive in Chile are planning to send a bill to Congress, the bill amend-ing the "sanitary and land management regulations for aquaculture concessions" will be looking at increasing the penalties for infringements. This amendment will address the problems of the entrepreneurs and producers that infringe health regulations.

The general manager of the Association of Chilean Salmon Industry AG (Sal-monChile) Carlos Odebret welcomes the government plans "To the extent that there are disincentives for not complying with such important measures as these, he said sanctions do not seem wrong," he pointed out. Read more ...

AquaNor Flushing lice system wins Nor-Fishing Foundation Innovation Award was awarded to Flatsetsund Engi-neering AS for their innovative flushing system thats removes lice at the fish move from one cage to another. The pumping system has built in nozzles that flush lice from the salmon.

The system does not stress the fish and it removes the need for any chemicals, It also reduces the occurrence of lice on wild fish populations in the surrounding environment. The Nor-Fishing Foundation Innovation Award presented NOK 100,000 (€12,841) to the group. Read more ...

Mycotoxins in aqua feedstuff Two members of Biomin are looking at minimising the risk of mycotoxins in aquaculture feeds. In recent years due to the cost of fishmeal increasing, Alterna-tives are sought that are cheaper such as plant protein. However this has lead to the risk of aquafeeds being contaminated with one or more mycotoxins.

One of the many effects associated with mycotoxins contamination in feeds is reduced growth and health status of the fish or farmed animal. Even though there have been few studies carried out on the effects of mycotoxins on aquaculture species, it would seem to indicate that these contamination can cause severe pathologies. Read more ...

The question does farmed salmon affect wild salmon, answer Yes At AquaNor for the first time it has been shown that farmed salmon escapes do actually impact on the wild populations. It has now been proven scientifically with studies being carried out all along the Norwegian coastline. 21 salmon rivers were monitored and it was shown that in at least six there was an impact via the farmed salmon.

The researchers believe this is partly due to the fact that both the farmed and wild salmon were competing for the same spawning ground and resources. Out of the 21 rivers 15 showed no genetic variation in the wild salmon populations. Read more ...

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Photo-period technology, increases trout production In Mexico, the National Fisheries Institute (INAPESCA) has developed a tech-nology that allows the reproduction of trout eggs aquaculture through out the year. Photo period is the alteration of light duration. By altering the length of time of an applied artificial light you can cue the breeding instinct to start by making the trout think it is Summer or stop it by making him think its Winter.

This technology has had an effect, not only has it reduced the number of trout eggs imported into Mexico, but it has increased employment and encouraged domestic production of the species. This technology has given them a year round breeding season instead of the normal November to February, Read more ...

The center of Seaweed Technology opens at AquaNor 2011 Seaweed is a very versatile resource, it can be used as food and be used in feeds. It can be used to produce biofuels without using up other natural resourc-es. SINTEF opened the center for Seaweed technology at AquaNorThis new centre will allow researchers to continue research into biofuels and al-ternative feed solutions but opens up a wide range of opportunities from biological treatment to re-establishment of seaweed culture in the fjords, soil improvement. Read more ...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Greek aquaculture starts to show growth The big players in Greek aquaculture, will expand their horizons, recently a major share of these fish farms was brought up by Netherlands-based private equity fund Linnaeus Capital Partners. Also the past few months has seen a growth in the greek aquaculture industry prices are increasing.

This re-invigoration of the Greek fish farms also see an increase in exports which has boosted the bottom line, with net profits up by 90 percent and turnover up by 10 percent. The future looks bright and growth continues but mergers will depend on the next step. Read more ...

New network on recirculating aquaculture systems A new network called the Nordic Network is aimed at coordinating and strength-ening research and development of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) in the Nordic countries. RAS is seen as the future for aquaculture that will allow greater scope for rearing shellfish and finfish but with the minimal environmental impact.

The network will be open to all those involved in aquaculture/fish farming from researchers to feeders to system suppliers and consultants. The network is coordinated by National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) at the Technical University of Denmark. The steering committee of the network has representatives from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. The first year the network is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers

Visit the webpage to join the network:

Vietnam to increase sea fish output by 2020 The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has approved plans to develop breeding sea fish through 2015. The idea will be that fish raised in salt water and shrimp ponds will reach 61,000 tons by 2015 and 98,000 tons by 2020.

The idea will be to breed fish in cages and on an industrial scale as a result the total output by 2015 could be to the value of UK$1.4 billion (€977 million) and increasing to US$1.8 billion (€1.256 billion). Read more ...

Chilean salmon industry beginning to recover The Chilean salmon industry is hoping to recover next year to the levels of employment prior to 2007 when the infectious salmon anemia (ISA) almost destroyed the salmon industry. According to industry figures around 50 percent of the jobs lost then have been recovered.



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However there is still a shortage of labour, the crisis in 2008 led to the loss of 25,000 jobs, according to the regional secretary of labour the salmon industry has about 20,000 currently employed, and by early 2012 a further 25,000 to 27,000 jobs will be filled. Read more ...

New Zealands Government fund widened to include aquaculture In New Zealand a government fun that supports community led growth and inno-vation in the rural sector has been widened to include aquaculture. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) will now accept applications for project that supports the economics and environmental performance in the marine and land-based aquaculture sector.

The government fund already invests up to NZ$9 million (€5.169 million) in projects led by farmers, growers and foresters, so far the SSF fund has assisted some 800 projects over the years. So it made sense to include the growing aqua-culture industry. Read more ...

Mexico aquaculture catfish production up In Mexico over the last five years sustainable development of fisheries has allowed aquaculture to increase its production by 26 percent. In 2006 catfish production was 2,503 tons, and in 2010 the production was 3,384 tons. Catfish farming began in Mexico in 1972 when the first studies were carried out, then a year later the first cultivation of the species was done. Read more ..

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Marteilia Refringens detected in blue mussels UK Samples of the blue (edible) mussel from the Tamar estuary in Cornwall has shown to be infected with Marteilia Refringens. The Center for Environment, fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (Cefas) has urged that there be no movement to and from the contaminated areas. This is the first recorded incident of Marteilia Refringens in the UK, the disease is listed as a non-exotic to the European Union.

Marteilia Refringens has been detected before in native oysters and mussels from the coastal waters of a number of member states including France, Spain, Portu-gal and Greece. Cefas has ordered that there be no movement of mussels in the infected area. Read more ...

Aquaculture industry in Vancouver B.C concerned over shellfish toxin A shellfish toxin recently surfaced in British Columbia poisoning 60 people and raising concerns in the province's aquaculture industry. The toxin has been traced to mussels that were harvested off Cortes Island, “It was the first-ever document-ed diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP), outbreak in Western Canada,” said Dr. Eleni Galanis, a physician with the BC Centre for Disease Control.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) website, DSP is one of three “biotoxins of concern” in Canadian waters, the other two being responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning and paralytic shellfish poisoning. The CFIA could not be reached for comment on when it started testing for DSP or why. It is not known whether testing was being done before the outbreak. Read more ...

Canada's fish farming industry is the most regulated in the World According to Ruth Salmon the executive director of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) has said in her blog that that Canada's fish farming industry is one of the most heavily regulated in the world. She said that the finfish and shellfish farming sectors were collectively governed by no fewer than 73 distinct rules and regulations.

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She points out that certain activists who are opposed to British Columbia's salmon farming sector were trying to position the Cohen Commission hearings into an inquiry into fish farms. She has pointed out that the Cohen commission is not an investigation into fish farming. Read more ...

University of Hawaii online aquaculture program "ATOLL" an online certificate in aquaculture program is being planned through the University of Hawaii outreach college program. The program will be open to high school students as well as the American Samoa Community College (ASCC) students.

"This program will be open for high school students, as well as American Samoa Community College (ASCC) students and anyone in the community. Because it is through the outreach college, it is open enrollment and it is a one year certificate program," said Ephraim Temple, the Sea Grant program coordinator at the Ameri-can Samoa Community College. Read more ...

New and cheaper catfish feed formulations being tested Due to high priced ingredients in 2008, feed mills started to manufacture new less expansive formulations for catfish. These feed formulations have been tested at the University of Arkansas for the past three years, three 32 percent protein di-ets were tested (an industry standard, an alternative and a corn gluten feed diet). The standard diet resulted in higher carry over yields. Read more ...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kelp farming could soon be more mainstream SINTEF the largest research organisation in Scandinavia is looking to develop kelp farming on a large scale, they estimate that an underwater field as large as one of the counties of Norway could yield as much as two billion litres of kelp based fuel a year. With this in mind SINTEF is currently establishing the Norwe-gian Centre for Seaweed and Kelp Technology, which was opened in Trondheim on August 15. As well as fuel there are many other uses that kelp and other sea-weed's could be cultivated for, like animal feeds, medical products. Read more

Aqua Des disinfectant gets Defra accreditation A disinfectant that is used by health professionals and fish farmers has received a Department for the Environment Food and Rural affairs (Defra) accredita-tion. Aqua Des from Aquatic Hygiene is achieving and providing customers with excellent results. “Such independent verification of efficacy provides fish health professionals, regulators and auditors alike with their required level of assurance, and we are therefore proud to support the recommendations of the Code of Good Practice. The efficient application of Aqua Des promotes the maintenance of good health and welfare,” said Neil Crawford of Aquatic Hygiene. Read more ...

BCSFA supports the release of fish health data In Canada the British Columbia salmon farmers association (BCSFA), has supported the public release of fish health data which is thousands of pages deal-ing with farm by farm. This data comes from the Cohen Commission which is looking into the decline of the Fraser river Sockeye salmon. The decision to make this information public was Judge Bruce Cohen and his decision is supported by the (BCSFA). "There is nothing to connect the health of our farmed fish to the challenges faced by Fraser River Sockeye - we have already heard that in the first day of hearings on aquaculture," said Ms Walling from (BCSFA). Read more

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Wild salmon could well have increased mortality because of Sea lice infections A recent study carried out in BC could show how wild salmon populations are affected by Sea lice infections and increase their mortality. This new study con-tradicts a previous study, Don Ivany, the Atlantic salmon federation’s regional director, said the aquaculture industry does some monitoring of its own fish, but wild salmon that could be swimming past fish farming facilities aren’t necessarily monitored. “We’re not quite sure of any level of monitoring that has occurred. It’s one of those grey areas we really aren’t sure of,” said Mr Ivany. Read more …

Big Island projects initial tests are going well In Honolulu Kampachi farms is carrying out a unique experiment that could see increased volume production from fish farms in the future. The company sold its growing fish operation in anchored pens, and is now concentrating on growing the fish amberjack and Hawaiian yellowtail in unanchored pens, the pens are tethered to a boat that moves between seven and 75 miles off shore. Read more ...

The growth of aquatic animal epidemiology The future of Epidemiology for aquatic animals will grow its will develop as we move forward the need to care and protect aquatic animal in the face of climate change, limited water sources and anthropogenic pressures will increase. With the development of aquaculture and new transboundry diseases aquatic epidemi-ology is a fast growing area of studies. Read more ...

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